Domestic Abuse
Making #YouAreNotAlone work in the workplace Suzanne Todd and Jemma Thomas, from WithersWorldwide, review the definition of domestic abuse and how society including employers must raise its awareness of the problem.
iving through a global pandemic inevitably invites questions about the society in which we live: who do we protect, who do we prioritise, who do we respect and who gets forgotten or overlooked? Those experiencing domestic abuse need support. Refuge (which provides specialist domestic abuse services) reported that calls and contacts to their Helpline experienced a weekly average increase of 66% and visits to their website had a 950% rise compared to pre-pandemic times. As a family team at Withers, we have seen a sharp rise in the number of cases with police intervention; in part due to the increased number of incidents but also due to the increased focus on the importance of intervention in cases of abuse. The government were clear that they wanted to offer protection and support: launching their #YouAreNotAlone campaign and encouraging people to put pictures of a handprint embossed with a heart to show solidarity. An important part of the message was that we need to take collective responsibility – to look out for those who might be unable to seek help. One of the ways in which employers can help, is to be aware of what others might be going through and offer support.
What is domestic abuse? The government definition of domestic abuse has widened over time; it includes emotional, psychological and financial abuse as well as physical and sexual abuse. Importantly in 2012 it was extended to include a 'pattern of behaviour' to acknowledge that it is not just one-off incidents that are relevant. It was also extended to include 16-18 year olds due to pressure from the police, local authorities and voluntary organisations to protect young adults. Since 2015 controlling or coercive behaviour has become a criminal offence; this includes humiliation and intimidation used to harm, punish, or frighten, and behaviour designed to make a person dependent by isolating them, and by regulating their everyday behaviour. These broad definitions show an understanding of the multitude of ways in which abuse can take place. The new Domestic Abuse Bill would create for the first time, a cross-government statutory definition of domestic abuse, to ensure that domestic abuse is 'properly understood'. This consistent approach should improve society's understanding of what abuse is and what protection is available. Continued on next page LegalWomen | 19