How to be productive when working from home W
ith local lockdowns looming and COVID-19 not disappearing any time soon, working from home will become the new normal for many firms. So what is the best way to be productive when working from home? COVID-19 may be with us for quite some time and given that many firms have put the infrastructure in place for working from home it looks likely that this may become the new working practice for many. Here are some top tips which have assisted me during the lockdown period, and even once COVID-19 is hopefully a distant memory, will assist with flexible working policies at many law firms. Routine Routine is key when working from home. Whatever your routine is you should try and stick to it. It doesn’t mean you have to get yourself up at the crack of dawn as if you are going to the office but means having the same working pattern each day working from home. I have found by getting up and watching the news with a cup of tea instead of the usual morning commute means that I am still updated on current affairs and prepared for the working day ahead. Although a pyjama day might be tempting, by putting on your work attire you avoid the embarrassment of an unscheduled video call, and it also ensures your working day is as normal as it would be in the office. Exercise Finding time to exercise is crucial. During lockdown, like many others, I started Couch to 5K as a challenge and to keep my body and mind active. Going for a run at lunchtimes makes my afternoons very productive and ensures that I had left my desk and had a break from screen time! Even if some days you only go for a walk around the block during the lunch hour or before work, this ensures you are keeping active in place of rushing around the office or stretching your legs to get a drink, which would be your typical exercise during the working day. Keeping active is very important for your well-being when working in the legal profession. Organisation Since working from home – for many trainees, junior lawyers, and paralegals – it has been a challenging time where adapting to being away from the office has been a top priority, especially when supervisors and colleagues are not on the desk next door to answer a quick question! I have found that this has meant organisation is crucial in order to assess your supervisor’s capacity and knowing when to book time in the diary for a catch up call on cases that you are assisting on. Of course, being organised is always a key part of any aspiring lawyers’ job, but whilst working from home you cannot pop your head up from your desk to see if a colleague looks busy. 34 | CENTRAL LONDON LAWYER
Keeping in Touch Video calls have surged in recent months with many of us now feeling the ‘Zoom fatigue’. However, organising a team call once a week keeps you engaged with both your work and the team. Even if the call is not strictly work related, it is important to keep in contact with colleagues and friends, which is especially good for well-being and your mental health. Clear Desk Policy At the end of the working day, if you are able to, clear all your work equipment into a box and put this away. This will help you switch off from work and be able relax for the evening and weekends. With many law firms trickling their staff back into the office, working from home will inevitably become more popular and will assist many employees in the future. It is important to remember that however you work from home, by trying to stick to a routine and keeping active, you will succeed in being productive. ■
Sarah Bradd
Junior Lawyers Division Committee Paralegal, Charles Russell Speechlys LLP