The Masthead August 24

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the masthead



Karim Fatehi MBE, Chief Executive Officer of London Chamber of Commerce and Industry, talks about members’ expectations of the new Government.


Digital Transformation in Small Businesses what is it and how do we become digital.


London South East Colleges launch new initiative to help tackle the growing green skills gap.

Chief Executive Officer at London Biggin Hill Airport, explores how business airports play a crucial role in the future by supporting innovation, skills and development.

Royal Borough of Greenwich
Royal Borough of Greenwich


ince the last issue of the Masthead, we have had elections for the GLA and a surprise General Election. The Government has changed its political colours and congratulations to Peter Fortune who has become MP for Bromley and Biggin Hill. Peter was formerly the GLA member for Bexley and Bromley and Thomas Turrell was elected to this seat in May.

We have had political change and SELCC can announce it has a new website. This change has taken a lot of planning and work, but the investment will help us become a more efficient digital Chamber. This automation will help Team Chamber give more support to our growing membership and plan events. We held a sell-out Golf Day at Royal Blackheath sponsored by Group 1 Automotive. Team Chamber are already working on 2025’s event; the June date will be announced in the next issue.

The Summer BBQ at The Clarendon Hotel was a wonderful, fun event and over 70 members attended. We are also delighted to welcome RSK Group as a Strategic Partner. RSK has grown into a leading integrated environmental, engineering, and technical services business, providing end-to-end services. RSK is a major supporter of CAFC and they ae already working with Mo-Sys Engineering who have changes of their own taking place. More in the next issue of the Masthead

Enjoy the summer..

Chamber photography by Warren King

Have your say on Silvertown Tunnel

The Silvertown tunnel is due to open in 2025 to help reduce congestion and deliver faster, more reliable journeys in east London, including new public transport connections.

In preparation for the tunnel opening, Transport for London wants to hear your views about the proposed charge levels and proposed discounts and exemptions for the Silvertown and Blackwall tunnels.

The deadline for providing feedback is Tuesday, 3 September 2024.

Plans for the Silvertown Tunnel were first developed in 2012. When it opens in 2025, the new tunnel will help reduce congestion and deliver faster, more reliable journeys in east London, making travel times up to 20 minutes quicker. There will also be a significant increase in bus services across the river and a new bus shuttle through the tunnel for cyclists.

Residents and businesses currently face chronic congestion in the area around the Blackwall Tunnel. The Victorian-era tunnel suffers from frequent closures - more than 700 times a year – which results in large tailbacks, poor air quality and millions of hours lost due to drivers being trapped in traffic. The

new tunnel linking Silvertown in east London to the Greenwich Peninsula will reduce journey times and help manage air pollution.

To deliver the benefits of the tunnel and cover the construction costs, charges will apply on both the Silvertown and Blackwall tunnels.

Without these charges, TfL says that traffic would increase in both tunnels, drivers would continue to experience major delays and air pollution would increase.

The requirement to charge for the tunnels was confirmed in the Development Consent Order (DCO) made by the Secretary of State for Transport in 2018

They propose:

• There would be no charge at any time for taxis, blue badge holders, zero-emission capable and wheelchair-accessible private hire vehicles registered with TfL and DVLAregistered minibuses, buses and coaches.

• Charges would apply from 06:00 to 22:00, seven days a week. The standard off-peak rate of £1.50 for cars, motorbikes and small vans would apply for most of the time for all vehicles registered for Auto Pay.

• To manage traffic during the busiest times, peak charges would apply. Peak charges are £1 more than standard off-peak charges for motorbikes and an extra £2.50 for cars and small vans.

• These peak charges would apply for four hours northbound in the morning (from 06:00 to 10:00) and three hours southbound in the evening (from 16:00 to 19:00), Monday to Friday.

TfL has proposed a package of discounts which include a 50 per cent discount for low-income drivers living in east London and a £1 discount on the standard off-peak charge for small businesses and charities in the host boroughs (RB Greenwich, LB Newham and LB Tower Hamlets).

The consultation survey to share your views on the proposals can be found at:

If you prefer, you can also email: or telephone: 020 3054 6037 to leave your name and contact number and quote 'Tunnel Charges consultation' when leaving your message or write to: FREEPOST TFL HAVE YOUR SAY, no postage stamp required.

Visit Greenwich wins Gold for Travel Trade Engagement, The Travel Marketing Awards 2024

Visit Greenwich has won the Gold Standard Award in the Travel Trade Engagement category, at The Travel Marketing Awards 2024.

Visit Greenwich CEO, Barrie Kelly stated, “We are delighted to win this award for the first time. It recognises the great work we have done with our key travel trade partners including The O2, Uber Boat by Thames Clippers, IFS Cloud Cable Car, Old Royal Naval

College, Royal Museums Greenwich and City Cruises UK, to mention a few. We want the international travel trade to view Greenwich as a new and ever-changing destination and a base for visiting the whole of London."

The award-winning entry included key results in 2023-24 of generating a 20% increase in engagement; the creation of five new itineraries and five educational/ familiarisation trips and 5.1 % increase in overnight visitors.

Travel trade activity continues to be a high priority for Visit Greenwich and earlier this month appointed PM Consulting to implement a new travel trade strategy, to generate new business across the Royal Borough of Greenwich. Working with the travel trade is a key driver of the Visit Greenwichgood growth plan which sets out to achieve 35% growth by 2027.

Quarterly Recruitment Outlook: Construction Suffers as Hiring Difficulties Rise

The latest Quarterly Recruitment Outlook (QRO), a survey of more than 4,700 UK firms of all sectors and sizes, by the British Chambers of Commerce (BCC) Insights Unit, reveals hiring problems have increased across all sectors.

Thesecond quarter results for 2024 show that 59% of respondents said they had attempted to recruit in the last three months, slightly down from 62% in Q1. 80% of hospitality businesses attempted to recruit, whereas the figure for the retail sector was just 44%.

Of the firms who tried to hire in Q2, 74% reported recruitment difficulties, compared with 66% in the first three months of the year.

Construction and engineering firms are bearing the brunt of staffing issues, with 82% reporting recruitment problems in Q2, up from 69% in Q1. 79% of firms in the transport and logistics sector said they had faced difficulties (up from 69% in Q1). Meanwhile, in production and manufacturing, 77% of businesses trying to recruit faced problems, up from 70% in the previous quarter.

Almost three quarters of firms (71%) in the hospitality sector said they had faced recruitment problems in Q2 (Q1 64%), while 70% of retailers faced difficulties, up from 61% in Q1.

Although most businesses are still struggling to increase investment in workplace training, Q2 did see a slight increase. 28% of firms reported an increase in staff training investment, up from 26% in Q1, with 11% reporting a drop. 61% reported no change in their investment plans for training over the past three months.

Labour costs continue to be the main external pressure on businesses in Q2, with 67% of firms saying they could be forced to put up prices as a result. Concerns around labour costs are highest in hospitality (77%), followed by construction and engineering (76%), and production and manufacturing (72%).

Responding to the findings, Jane Gratton, Deputy Director Public Policy at the British Chambers of Commerce said: “It’s alarming that recruitment difficulties have increased in recent months across all sectors. The very sharp rise in the construction industry is particularly worrying.

“People shortages and labour costs are ramping up pressure on firms and holding back growth. We need to prioritise help for people to get back into the labour market and remove the barriers to business investment in training.

“Better planning for skills is crucial. The new government must work at pace to outline a long-term national skills strategy, working closely with the devolved administrations. Building on the Local Skills Improvement Plans will help develop strong partnerships between employers, training providers and others to ensure people get the skills and support they need.”

We’re ready to work in partnership with Labour Government - BCC

The British Chambers of Commerce have congratulated Labour on its “decisive general election victory” and pledged to work in partnership with the new Government to boost the economy.

Director General of the BCC, Shevaun Haviland said: “Congratulations to the Labour Party on their victory after a long and hard-fought campaign.

“The public have delivered them a clear and decisive parliamentary majority – hopefully they will use this mandate to provide the stability and certainty businesses crave.

“How we revitalise our economy has been hotly debated, and it is encouraging to see they have many policies which clearly align with our recommendations.

“But after a gruelling election the really hard work starts now. We need to see action from day one on pulling together a coherent industrial strategy for the long-term, which places a strong emphasis on harnessing green innovation.

“Closing the skills gap, growing exports, boosting productivity and harnessing the power of AI won’t happen overnight.

“And businesses will also want to see early movement on pledges around business rates reform and improving our trade relationship with the EU.

“None of this will be easy, and our new Government should not be expected to do it alone. But our entire Chamber Network and the 51,000 businesses it represents will be ready to put their shoulders to the wheel and help.

“If our firms succeed, then our communities prosper, the economy grows, and the wealth needed to support our public services is created.”

Business breakfast kicks off networking event calendar

Over 130 local businesses, entrepreneurs and business support providers came together for a buzzing Royal Greenwich Business Breakfast, kicking off a series of informal networking events which will be held by t he council four times per year for businesses in Royal Greenwich.

The event, held at Woolwich Works, offered a space for businesses to find out about all the support available in the borough to help start and grow their enterprise. It was also a fantastic opportunity to network with fellow Greenwich business owners and entrepreneurs and forge new partnerships.

Following a warm welcome from Pippa Hack, Director of Regeneration, Enterprise and Skills at the Royal Borough of Greenwich, attendees heard enlightening presentations by a series of the council’s business support providers about the programmes on offer.

Among those present was Dr Hetty (Wenxian) Sun, who presented the University of Greenwich’s Support Chain initiative to help local SMEs to identify and access opportunities to bid on contracts, as well as other opportunities arising from developments taking place in Royal Greenwich.

CNT Associates’ Gary Parker also spoke at the event about their Generative Business Programme, which provides tailored support to up to 40 businesses who are providing services to the local community, with a social or environmental purpose.

This first event received much positive feedback from attendees for shining a light on the huge range and quality of support on offer.

To find out about future events, you can sign up for the business newsletter at business-newsletter

New Chief Executive appointed for Bexley

Anew Chief Executive has been appointed to the role for the London Borough of Bexley.

The appointment of Paul Thorogood follows a full recruitment process.

Paul had been interim Chief Executive since autumn 2023, having previously been Director of Finance and Corporate Services in Bexley from 2018.

Paul brings a wealth of knowledge and experience from the world of finance and local government to the role. His career includes the role of Director of Finance at oneSource from 2016 to 2018 when he first started working in Bexley, Assistant Director for Financial Services in Capita’s Local Government Services from 2014 to 2016 and a long career history at the London Borough of Tower Hamlets before this.

Leader of the Council, Cllr Baroness O’Neill of Bexley, OBE, said: "I’m delighted to welcome Paul into the role of Chief Executive on a permanent basis.

"I’d like to thank him for doing such a brilliant job during the interim period. I'm sure his knowledge, energy, enthusiasm and drive will take Bexley forward onto the next part of its journey.”

Paul said: "I’ve had the pleasure of being the Interim Chief Executive for Bexley and am thrilled to be appointed to continue in the role on a permanent basis. I am focused on ensuring the council provides the best services within our available resources for our residents and businesses whilst at the same time working with our partners to ensure we are securing the long-term vision for the borough and future generations.”

The appointment was subject to full council approval on July 17.

Have your say on future of Croydon

The Croydon Local Plan partial review has been published and representations are invited – the next step towards finalising the local plan for Croydon.

Croydon needs to partially review the existing Croydon Local Plan 2018 to rise to the challenges facing the borough and its communities over the next 20 years and beyond. The plan sets out how the housing needs of the borough will be met, while protecting character and creating vibrant places for people to live, work and visit.

Residents, businesses and community groups in Croydon are invited to take part in a six-week statutory consultation, which closes at 5pm on August 12. To take part, visit the council website.

The latest proposed changes to the local plan emphasise character over density in new development, as set out in the Mayor’s Business Plan 2022-26.

All intensification areas have been removed in the latest review, while supporting sustainable development, meeting London Plan housing

targets and respecting and protecting local character and green spaces.

It has also been updated to address Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMOs) by adding a new policy which would ensure that planned accommodation is of a high standard of living and would not negatively impact surrounding neighbourhoods or lead to an overconcentration of HMOs.

A previous version of the local plan was consulted on in early 2022 which resulted in responses from local communities opposed to areas proposed for suburban intensification.

As a result, the local plan review has been revised – taking on board the views of communities in the consultation and, more recently, through workshops with residents’ associations and councillors.

All consultation responses will be summarised and sent alongside the revised local plan to the Secretary of State for independent examination.

Ask an Expert

Estella Newbold-Brown, Head of Family Law at Amphlett Lissimore, explains how going through a divorce can affect your business, and what you can do to protect it.

How will my business be valued in a divorce?

How do I protect my business in a divorce?

Will my business be considered in a divorce?

Essentially, yes. In a divorce, your business is considered as an asset. Its value will be included in the 'matrimonial pot' which may be divided between you and your spouse by the Court.

Must I disclose my business in a divorce?

Any interest that a party has in respect of a company will need to be disclosed as part of the duty of full and frank disclosure. How heavily the business will play as a role in the divorce will depend upon the nature of the business, for how long it has been running, and the involvement the spouse has in that business.

Does it matter what the business structure is?

The legal status of the business can affect the way it is treated in the divorce. There are three basic structures:

1. A limited company – this is a separate legal entity which means that the assets are owned by the company and not by each individual director.

2. Partnership – the assets of the partnership will be owned jointly by two or more people, either equally or in accordance with the partnership agreement.

3. Sole Trader – this is essentially a one-person band where they solely own all the assets.

Once the structure of the business has been determined, it will be necessary to look at the value of the business in terms of tangible (accessible) and intangible (non-accessible) assets. It will be necessary to look at the history of the trading profit and look at the estimated future growth of the company. There are items which are usually held in the assets of the business. For example, in farming or manufacturing business, both businesses can include equipment which can be considerable and expensive. Business income takes a variety of forms, such as salaries, share options, drawings, and expenses, and all this must be analysed and valued.

Ensuring an accurate and fair valuation of the business is essential. The valuation may vary depending on the structure of the company, the profit of the business as well as many other factors.

Specialist accountants are usually instructed to value a business, and we can recommend experienced valuers to you who are experts in this field.

How will the court deal with my business?

If you were established in your business before your marriage, it may not fall into the matrimonial pot. This is the general rule of thumb for assets already owned before marriage. However, this does need to be balanced against fairness and it is likely that the Court may award the other spouse with a share of the increase in value of the business, from during the marriage.

If you are keen to protect your business, then you will be relieved to know that the Court usually shows the willingness to leave business structures in place and to enable them to continue as a going concern. However, whilst it is unlikely that you would need to sell or transfer your business, you may need to offset any interest which your spouse has in your company, by providing another asset instead.

In this situation it is vital to get the best possible legal advice on the range of options for protecting your business.

What can I do to protect my business before I marry?

If you are not yet married, you may wish to enter into a pre-nuptial agreement to protect your assets, as far as you are able.

Must we have a Court order to divide our assets?

If you manage to reach an agreement with your spouse about how your finances are to be divided on a divorce, you must ensure that the agreement is set out in a consent order which will need to be filed with the court for a Judge to approve. Absence of this Court order leaves you vulnerable to future financial claims.

Estella Newbold-Brown at Amphlett Lissimore is an expert divorce lawyer in London and has nearly two decades of representing and advising clients in respect of divorce including the best ways to deal with business assets as part of a financial settlement, in both the UK and overseas.

Discover Lewisham this summer

We are proud as a borough to have launched our Discover Lewisham summer series, highlighting our borough’s unique and wonderful local business community.

Overthe summer months you will hear more about our game-changing independent businesses, award-winning parks, incredible food and pub scene and thriving entertainment and arts scene.

Lewisham truly has something for everyone. Find out more:

Meet the new operators of Catford Food Market

The Council is thrilled to announce the Food Market Company as the new operators of the much-loved monthly Catford Food Market, which came back into at the end of May. Over the last decade this market has attracted visitors from all over London and beyond and has helped put Catford on the capital’s thriving food scene map. The new operators are a brother-sister duo, and creators of various markets, such as the popular weekly Food & Farmers’ market at Beckenham Place Park. They bring unique and extensive experience to creating ‘destination markets’, full of delicious foods, local artisan products and great atmosphere.

With a commitment to ensure a minimum of 50% of all of our traders are based within the borough, as well as a focus on helping grassroots businesses develop and grow – the Food Market Company is doing excellent work to platform excellent local traders.

When: The market takes place on the last Sunday of each month, between 10am-4pm

Where: Adenmore Road (between Catford and Catford Bridge train stations), Catford SE6 4FD

Lewisham Business Support

Lewisham Business Resilience & Growth (BRAG) offers eligible Lewisham businesses access to a range of free business support activities.

Delivered by Goldsmiths, University of London, BRAG provides you with the expert advice and resources you need to help drive transformative growth for your business:

Lewisham Business Resilience & Growth

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BIPC Lewisham aims to extend the provision of business support in the Borough of Lewisham, by helping aspiring entrepreneurs, start-ups and established businesses to increase their entrepreneurial skills and confidence, as well as providing access to business information and resources.

BIPC Lewisham provides expert-led workshops, one-to-ones, and networking events within the local business community. Lewisham Libraries card holders will be able to access Business and Intellectual Property Centre (BIPC) services locally including GrantFinder and COBRA.


of Lewisham

Business Awards 2024

The Business Awards are a yearly opportunity to acknowledge the outstanding contribution that local businesses make to the borough.

About the Business Awards

The Lewisham Business Awards are a hugely popular local initiative with both businesses and residents alike, and last year the Council received over 7,000 combined nominations and votes for the awards.

Being an award winner can help amplify these businesses, winners and finalists can use the Business Award logo in promotional material and display their award certificate in-store. The Council will promote award winners through our existing channels, such as this website, social media, Lewisham Life and local media.

Award categories include:

• Best high street business

• Best café

• Best restaurant

• Best bar, pub or night time economy business

• Best independent food retailer

• Best independent business

To see all the categories go to https://lewisham. Nomination process

Nominations closed on Monday 29 July and shortlisted businesses will be notified by early September. The shortlisting panel will be made up of local stakeholders and business development specialists. Following this, the public will get the opportunity to vote on the shortlisted businesses.

Key dates

• public vote open: 2 September

• public vote closes: 7 October

• awards ceremony: 19 November Awards ceremony

This in-person celebration will be held on Tuesday 19 November 2024, at Catford’s iconic Broadway Theatre. The awards will include entertainment and networking opportunities. Details on the awards ceremony and how to register for the event will be available later this year.

Interested in sponsoring, there are varying levels of sponsorship with gold, silver, bronze and supplier package options.

Sponsors will be warmly invited to attend and be involved in the ceremony along with various communications engagements during the awards season.

This is a fantastic opportunity to grow a partnership with Lewisham Council, engage and amplify local entrepreneurs, as well as demonstrate your brand’s high profile and prominence across the borough.

Find out more information about how to become a sponsor by contacting

Vicky owner of Good Food store in Catford and Sydenham. Winner of Best Sustainable Business and Best Independent Food Retailer in the 2023 Mayor of Lewisham Business Awards. Good Food is a modern grocery store prioritising local, organic and artisan foods.
Sindi and Elie from Break the Fast London and winners of the Best New Business in the 2023 Mayor of Lewisham Business Awards. Break the Fast London serve delicious breakfast and brunch inspired by the chef’s love of global flavours.
Kasia owner of Yoga House, winner of the Best Independent Business in the 2023 Mayor of Lewisham Business Awards.
Didier owner of Fox and Firkin pub and Firkin Brewery, winners of the Best Bar or Pub in the 2023 Mayor of Lewisham Business Awards

A borough full of talent

Croydon is a young borough, with one of the largest populations of under-18s in London, and a borough full of talent. That’s why one of my priorities is giving our young people the opportunity to upskill and learn, so they can fulfil their potential and thrive.

We work very closely with local schools, colleges and partners to help achieve these shared goals. Recent initiatives include a project to help young people hoping to become successful entrepreneurs, as well as outreach programmes to introduce pupils to the variety of careers available within the public sector when they leave school or higher education.

According to the most recent Start Up Ambition report, more than half (53%) of young adults aged 18 to 30 are considering starting a business this year – with 68 per cent starting out as a side job while studying or holding down a full or part time job.

Croydon Young Entrepreneurs Academy, which launched last month, will provide a range of business support to start-ups, established businesses and sole traders aged 18 to 35. We’ve teamed up with leading business support provider, Enterprise Nation, to deliver an exciting programme of learning during July and August, with follow-up sessions in October.

Young people will find out everything they need to run a business – from how to turn an idea into a profitable business, to basic business skills, securing investment and tips to build resilience against future economic shocks.

It was great to see so many talented entrepreneurs at the launch event of the

Academy earlier this month – people with amazing ideas, who want to turn them into businesses. For each idea that succeeds, our borough benefits; strengthening our local economy, benefitting the local community and bringing new job opportunities for our residents.

The Academy is funded as part of a successful £2.5m bid by Croydon Council through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF), for projects focusing on communities and place and local business support. Using UKSPF funding, we are also offering support for evening and nighttime businesses, to boost the nighttime economy in Croydon. Partnering with Studio Zao, businesses can get help in areas such as digital marketing, content creation, legal and finance, and test new ideas, so they’re equipped with the tools, advice and connections they need to adapt to challenges and grow their enterprise.

Our outreach programmes are very important to us and recently we had the pleasure of welcoming 36l pupils from Harris Invictus Croydon, aged 15 to 17-year-old, who carried

out work experience at our offices at Bernard Weatherill House, here in Croydon.

The young people, all from local schools, took part in interactive work tasks right across the organisation, gaining a real flavour of the diversity of local government. From supporting digital projects, to helping redesign the town centre, to working on sustainability and how we can tackle climate change. They got a broad understanding of all the services we provide and the roles open to them. It was great to meet all of the pupils and to hear about their hopes and ambitions for the future. They even put me through my paces asking me a range of insightful questions during a mini question time. I hope they got a real taste of local government and that we’ll see some of them returning to our offices as employees in the future.

Find out more: croydon-business-bootcamp/

Executive Mayor of Croydon Jason Perry
Executive Mayor Jason Perry speaking to work experience students at Croydon Council
Croydon Young Entrepreneurs Academy launch event

The strategy sets out how the Council and local partners will work together over the next ten years to create a borough where everyone can reach their potential. It will help ensure wealth and opportunity is distributed fairly across the borough.

The new strategy forms part of a wider inclusive economy movement, focused not just on growth itself, but on how people and places can benefit from that growth.

The document is set out across three themes, which are: 1. People

Royal Borough of Greenwich launches new Inclusive Economy Strategy Support for night-time workers in Greenwich

2. Place

3. Prosperity

Two cross-cutting themes – tackling inequality and green growth – have been identified as an important thread which runs throughout this strategy.

Within each theme is a detailed action plan and priorities such as jobs, education and training, tackling climate change, improving town centres, delivering affordable workspace and housing that people can afford, enabling transport and infrastructure and much more.

Download the strategy at

To find out more email

“This strategy redoubles our efforts ensuring that all our residents, local businesses, social enterprises, co-operative and community organisations can contribute and benefit from the opportunities that come from a successful economy.”

Councillor Anthony Okereke, Leader of the Royal Borough of Greenwich

Blossoming partnerships and business support in focus at the Greenwich Business Breakfast

Over 130 local businesses, entrepreneurs and business support providers came together in May for a buzzing Royal Greenwich Business Breakfast.

This kicks off a series of informal networking events which will be held by the Council four times per year for businesses in Royal Greenwich.

Attendees heard enlightening presentations by a series of the Council’s business providers about the programmes on offer, including:

• GLL’s Business Start Up and Resilience for aspiring entrepreneurs

• South East Enterprise e-business courses helping businesses to grow their online presence.

• Supply Chain Support helping SMEs identify and access opportunities that arise from new developments and bid on contracts.

• CNT Associates’ Generative Business Programme supporting businesses with a social or environmental purpose.

• Grow London Local’s one-stop platform for SMEs to find out about all the support available nationally, regionally and locally.

• London Living Wage Council grants supporting businesses to become Living Wage Employers.

The first business breakfast received really positive feedback from attendees for showing the huge range and quality of support on offer. We look forward to the next event!


Want to keep up to date with the latest business news from the Royal Borough of Greenwich? Sign up to receive our monthly newsletter at

Almost a third of Greenwich’s working population work at night, and this number is set to increase as London becomes even more of a 24-hour city. But numerous studies have shown that working at night presents a distinct set of challenges, including health issues, more precarious work and low pay compared to daytime occupations, with many earning below the London Living Wage.

Our new Night Worker Handbook provides a directory of support for all residents and people who work in the borough at night-time. It forms part of the Council’s wider work to create an inclusive night-time economy in the Royal Borough of Greenwich. This includes developing a night-time strategy which supports a thriving night-time economy across the whole borough and balances people’s different needs at night. Support for the working conditions and welfare of night workers was one of the key objectives of the Mayor of London’s Night Time Enterprise Zone (NTEZ) initiative. This designation, secured by the Council, was aimed at boosting the night economy in Woolwich. Throughout 2023, the NTEZ enabled the Council to host Woolwich Lates, a programme of 29 free culture, fitness, food and market events animating the town centre after 6pm. Alongside boosting activity and businesses in the evening, and making the high street more welcoming and inclusive for a range of people after 6pm, a crucial aim of the NTEZ was increasing the number of night workers that benefit from good work standards.

The handbook forms part of this effort, signposting night workers to support available from the Council and local services and specialist advice to support good health and wellbeing.

Download the handbook at

Celebrate Christmas at WOOLWICH WORKS

The exposed brick and vaulted ceilings of the Fireworks Factory are the perfect backdrop for your party plans, where historic character meets modern technical specifications.

With flexible layouts, in-house furniture, full lighting rig and Audio Visual equipment, let Woolwich Works take the stress out of your event, providing fully catered options, open bars, street food, décor, and entertainment add-ons to dry hire packages.

With support from branding and production partners, you can theme as you wish, and an in-house Event and Technical team are also on hand to bring your vision to life in a range of flexible spaces, from seated dinners for 30 to parties of 1500.

Even better, get that warm festive feeling knowing that all the money from your venue hire directly supports Woolwich Works’ charitable mission, working with creatives and the local community.

Get Seasonal in South London with a Special Christmas Comes Early Offer from Woolwich Works

Sumptuous Seated Dinners:

Celebrate winter wonder at Woolwich Works this Christmas, with a seated dinner in the beautifully restored dockside building.

Seating arrangements for up to 550 for cabaret dining in the Fireworks Factory, with a full stage and lighting package ready to go for after-dinner entertainment. For something more intimate, the Stonecutters and Beanfeast studios overlook the river and have an old world charm, seating 100+ for dinner.

The More the Merrier:

Looking to party? The Fireworks Factory dance floor can host up to 1500 guests in full festive swing.

As a music venue Woolwich Works have flexible stage configurations, lighting states and sound system in situ. So you’re covered whether it’s a classy cabaret night, a six-piece swing band, or an old skool Christmas DJ entertaining your guests.

There’s also the opportunity to spill out into the central courtyard, for street food, games, and festive fun.

Suitable for all budgets with rooms ranging from just £500 to £15,000 +VAT.

Book in your dates before the end of September for 20% off December and January venue hire.

Use code WOOLWICHWINTER24 when emailing the Events team at


Latest footfall stats show that Bromley, a traditional market town with superb connectivity to central London (in just 17 minutes!) surrounded by greenery, is punching far above its weight. Our visitor numbers have increased by 6.7% year on year, 10%+ variance in comparison to the average for national market towns. All of this makes Bromley the perfect place to set up business and we look forward to welcoming new arrivals to our town centre.”

Frances Forrest BID Manager Your Bromley BID

Attracting Employees

Bromley is a thriving town well located to attract potential employees too, making it a great place to base a business. Train links make our town easily accessible and the new Superloop is widening the catchment area, creating a direct route from Croydon to Bromley town centre. This means even more people can easily and affordable commute here.

Bromley has an incredible mix of retail, hospitality and leisure businesses, including 95 restaurants, a cinema and a range of hotels, perfect for corporate and staff entertainment. It also has an extensive range of professional services too, from legal services to surveyors, accountants and recruiters all ready to help you and your business.

Please keep in touch with Your Bromley by subscribing to regular e.shots via Follow Your Bromley BID on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram @YourBromley

Supporting Businesses Supporting Staff

We know that the biggest asset of any business is its staff. At Your Bromley we help over 500 town centre businesses with staff retention and recruitment.

Working with The Pavilion, Your Bromley provides free wellness sessions, including employee yoga and pilates during the summer months. We also arrange networking and team bonding events including bowling competitions, quiz nights and even cocktail making and tasting pop-ups!

Staff security is key too; we offer lone worker support and training and are working with the Council to provide better lit areas in the town centre too.

Your Bromley supports staff recruitment too. Bespoke training videos and resources are available to all our member businesses. By collaborating with the local college and Nationals, this helps provide additional recruitment support and employment opportunities particularly for younger adults, which is a challenge for many in the Retail and F&B sectors.

We would love to discuss how we might support your business so if you’re thinking about locating in Bromley get in touch with our friendly team now.

Bromley businesses thrive with host of support available

A range of free business support programmes, kickstarted by £400k of UK Shared Prosperity Funding from Government, gives Bromley entrepreneurs varied opportunities to help launch new ventures or upgrade their businesses to the next level.

Start Up Bromley is one scheme that has been successfully supporting a thriving business community since 2021 through local libraries, with three business lounges across the borough and regular expert-led workshops available.

Over 640 businesses have been supported so far through the scheme, with over 1,000 hours of support provided. This programme continues to develop and is now connected with the British Library’s Business and IP Centre services, partnering with Start Up schemes in other London boroughs.

A celebration of this success came through the third annual Start Up Business Week events this summer, where aspiring Bromley entrepreneurs were treated to over 12 forward thinking business events on topics such as social media, pricing strategies, team building, and business planning.

Alongside Start Up Bromley, a wider Bromley Business Growth programme has also been established, which is delivering a range of specialist support streams with partner organisations to support local enterprise.

The Growth Builder programme is one key aspect, providing free assistance to help small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). It provides support with digital transformation, strategic marketing, mastering social media and much more. A tailored mix of expert-led workshops, mentoring, academic support and online resources helps local businesses to overcome challenges to their growth.

The newly launched Greener Bromley Scheme is an exciting new programme to support businesses with understanding and addressing their environmental impacts. The pilot is taking an initial group of businesses through the steps needed to achieve a fully funded and internationally recognised Environmental Accreditation, certified by Green Mark.

Further exciting opportunities are available with the Supply Bromley programme, through which Newable are providing expert skills and knowledge to SMEs around supply chains and public sector procurement, to help those involved reach local or national buyers and anchor institutions. Free bespoke advice from expert business advisers and opportunities to

meet new potential buyers at exclusive 'Meet the Buyer' events prove invaluable to those involved as they look to take their businesses to the next level.

The Bromley Business Hub continues to link all of this support together with a range of online resources, providing local information. It also includes guidance for employers on best practice, called Good Work Bromley; as well as for operating in the night time economy. The hub also acts as a valuable tool for local businesses to help them to advertise, recruit, learn, and network with other businesses in the borough.

Councillor Yvonne Bear, Executive Councillor for Renewal, Recreation and Housing said: “I want to ensure Bromley is a borough that encourages ambition for enterprise and where businesses get the support they need to start up, develop and thrive. The Bromley Business Growth programme provides businesses with the support to do that.”

Find out more at

Deputy Mayor with Chandra, Start Up Bromley Manager

Bexley's business community shines at Talking Business Event

Bexley Business and Employment (BBE) hosted the Talking Business Showcase Evening at Hall Place earlier this summer. The event celebrated the achievements of local small businesses and entrepreneurs benefiting from the Talking Business programme. It also highlighted the support initiatives available to local businesses as well as providing valuable networking opportunities.

Attendees learned about ongoing support to help their businesses grow, exchanged ideas and formed new partnerships. The event showcased Bexley's small business community and the positive impact of local programmes.

The Talking Business programme, run by BBE, is designed to deliver meaningful and effective outcomes for local businesses and entrepreneurs.

A comprehensive package of business support is available for Bexley-based SMEs to access providing dedicated specialist support to small businesses and start-ups from across industries. Funded business support and training grants are offered subject to availability until March 2025.

The event's success has sparked plans for further supporting and celebrating Bexley's vibrant business community in cooperation with BBE’s partners.

For more information about the support available at Talking Business and how to apply, visit

Erith and Sidcup win prestigious awards for regeneration projects

Two landmark projects in the London Borough of Bexley have been recognised for their exceptional contributions to local regeneration.

The Exchange in Erith received the 2024 RIBA South East Conservation Award for transforming the old Carnegie library into a vibrant community hub. This project, involving the Council, residents and partners, highlights the importance of preserving heritage while enhancing community life.

Find more information at

The Sidcup Storyteller, a multifunctional space with a library, cinema, housing and café has won the Pineapple Award for its outstanding design and success in revitalising the High Street. The awards were hosted by Developer Magazine in Partnership with the Design Council. A collaboration between the London Borough of Bexley, Really Local Group and DRDH architects, it offers diverse film screenings and community events.

Find out more at

New community space in Erith

Erith's upcoming community space at 68 Pier Road is undergoing a vibrant transformation.

The new community hub will have a kitchen, a mixed use space and hireable meeting rooms. It will be accessible for those of all abilities including wheelchair users and will have a Changing Places toilet facility.

Community groups participated in a workshop earlier this year and suggested names for the space and how best they thought it could be used. Information boards updating on the plans for 68 Pier Road are on display in Erith town centre.

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How business airports play a crucial role in the future by supporting innovation and skills development

David Winstanley, Chief

at London Biggin Hill Airport, delves into the airport’s latest achievements and explores how business airports play a crucial role in the industry’s future by supporting innovation, skills development and job creation.

David Winstanley has built an enviable four-decade career within aviation; from his beginnings as an officer in both the Royal Navy and Royal Air Force, his private sector career took off with a fruitful time as Chief Operating Officer at Birmingham Airport before he landed his current role at London Biggin Hill Airport, where he has been Chief Executive Officer since 2019.

Having steered the airport through COVID-19, David has cemented London Biggin Hill as London’s pre-eminent full-service business aviation airport and a leading centre for aviation technology and enterprise. It is regularly the third most used business aviation airport in the UK and since 2020 has ranked well within the top 10 airports in Europe for business jet activity.

“I’m incredibly proud,” says David, “that as the heartbeat of business aviation in London, we are able to make a real difference to the local area and the wider UK. We are one of Bromley’s largest employers. On site, we have around 70 different and diverse companies employing more than 1,700 people. To give an example of how the airport has evolved, that’s an increase of 80% since 2012, when just 980 people were employed on-site.”

This impressive employment information is among the findings of an independent study by eminent property company Lichfields, which details how the airport has had a positive impact on economic change, investment and employment.

According to the report, in 2023, London Biggin Hill Airport contributed £200 million GVA to the UK economy, with £154 million captured in London. Excitingly, if the airport’s plans to diversify and develop come to fruition, the business has the potential to deliver more than £630 million GVA in the future, £493 million within the capital.

“When people think of airports,” David explains, “they tend to think of the big commercial facilities like Heathrow and Gatwick, rather than regional, business and general aviation airports that are just as important but in different ways. What many people might not appreciate is the beneficial impact that these regional airports have generating significant economic activity within their communities. These airports open the doors to global business and inward investment, they operate important medical and repatriation flights, and with numerous roles needing to be played in the upkeep of these aircraft, they offer the opportunity to increase skilled jobs and power responsible economic growth – both locally and internationally.”

Throughout its history, London Biggin Hill Airport has had innovation at its heart. Even before its most famous moment, playing a pivotal role in the Battle of Britain, it was central to the development of air-to-ground and air-to-air speech technology. That spirit continues to this day, with the thriving ecosystem of businesses on site working together to lead the way on how collaboration can increase success and opportunity for everyone, including the local community.

Extending the airport’s operating hours in 2017 created an environment conducive to generating inward investment, building on the success of the recognised Strategic Outer London Development Centre (SOLDC) as a centre of excellence for aviation businesses. As the airport has evolved, it has repositioned itself as a hub for aviation technology and innovation, with more specialist resident businesses now based at the airport than any other in Europe.

“The pivot towards fostering this fantastic centre for aviation and technology has seen the airport increase jobs and economic benefit without a massive uplift in aircraft movements. Having global companies like Bombardier and Formula 1 invest in the site underlines the belief in this model and the potential at London Biggin Hill. Business people can travel from the airport to London in just 6 minutes using our helishuttle, saving them precious time. They can also bring their planes here to have them serviced, cleaned, refitted or stored in a hangar. The diversity of service ensures a wide range of good jobs are available for the local community. And we are incredibly passionate creating these jobs and opportunities.”

The stats support David’s claim. In 2023, London Biggin Hill Airport and related businesses supported 2,692 full-time equivalent (FTE) jobs with 1,760 of these


In 2023, London Biggin Hill Airport and related businesses supported 2,692 full-time equivalent (FTE) jobs with 1,760 of these directly at the airport. And for every 1,000 business air traffic movements, 88 jobs are supported at the airport and £6.74 million GVA is generated.

directly at the airport. And for every 1,000 business air traffic movements, 88 jobs are supported at the airport and £6.74 million GVA is generated.

But where does sustainability sit in this picture of an exciting future?

“I have never been shy about saying we are in a climate emergency. As an airport and as an aviation community, we have a responsibility to reduce our emissions and create a sustainable future, and that is a responsibility I take incredibly seriously. We were the first London airport to provide Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) through our partnership with Air bp. We have introduced electric and biodiesel vehicles to our ground fleet. We set ourselves the target of becoming carbon neutral by 2029 and are well on our way to achieving this through a number of

changes. Perhaps most excitingly, we have plans to build a solar farm on site and we have set aside a 60-acre area of land to support the revolutionary changes in aviation technology that will lead to cleaner, greener, quieter electric and hydrogen-powered aircraft.”

“As we propel forward,” David concludes, “London Biggin Hill Airport stands poised at the threshold of an exciting future. We are laser focused on investing in the airport estate and infrastructure to create more job opportunities and provide an economic boost to the region and the UK; enhancing our position as a leading centre for technology and innovation.”

With David’s vision and the airport’s unquestionable potential, the sky really might be the limit for London Biggin Hill Airport.

Economic Report showcases London Biggin Hill Airport’s bright future

London Biggin Hill Airport is one of Bromley’s largest employers, with over 70 companies employing more than 1,700 people – that’s increased 80% since 2012, when 980 people were employed on-site.

This is one of the findings in a recent independent study showing how the airport has a positive impact on economic change, investment and employment. For example, businesses at the airport spent £28.5 million in Bromley in 2022/23. If future plans are supported, London Biggin Hill Airport has the potential to support up to 5,796 jobs at Bromley level, generating up to £492.6 million GVA locally.

Scan the QR code with your phone to discover more and explore the report on our dedicated webpage:

You can also follow us on social media:

The Wind of Change

The word “change” has been used a lot recently. You may have heard it uttered at least once or twice during the recent election campaign.

However, there wasn’t much mention of “climate change”. Nevertheless, in its first week, the new Government has made several climate-related announcements, including the de facto scrapping of the ban on onshore wind development.

Like the sentiment of the 1990 song by German rock band Scorpions, could this have the power to bring about transformation or alter the status quo, as momentous as the fall of the Berlin Wall? Is this the ‘wind of change’?

In the King’s Speech on 17th July the new Government confirmed that it “recognises the urgency of the global climate challenge and the new job opportunities that can come from leading the development of the technologies of the future.” It laid out plans to set up Great British Energy, a publicly owned clean power company headquartered in Scotland, which will help accelerate investment in renewable energy such as offshore wind. Legislation will be brought forward to help the country achieve energy independence and unlock investment in energy infrastructure. Bills will also be introduced to support sustainable aviation fuel production and to strengthen the powers of the water regulator with the aim of improving water quality.

Other Government announcements include the setting up of a National Wealth Fund and the ‘Mission Control’ unit, aimed at achieving clean power by 2030. All positive steps.

So, what have we been doing at a local level, I hear you ask. Apart from getting very wet in all this rain, we’ve also been doing a lot!

Showing Carbon the Red Card

Hopefully by the time you read this, you’ll be over England’s loss to Spain in the Euro’s final and be able to handle some football analogies.

“Showing Carbon the Red Card: Outcomes and Next Steps” was published by South East London Chamber of Commerce on 7th May and details the discussions, outcomes and next steps arising from the Greener Greenwich Summit 2024 held in March at Charlton Athletic Football Club.

As a reminder, the four most popular projects/ initiatives chosen by delegates at the Summit were:

• All Greenwich businesses to develop a carbon footprint action plan

• Scale up energy efficiency measures in domestic / non-domestic buildings

• All organisations to develop a green travel plan

• Employers to pledge their support to local colleges and universities to deliver the right Green & Digital skills in the borough

During the Summit we also discussed and documented 13 other projects/initiatives.

If you’ve not had chance to read the report –once you’ve finished reading this column – you can find it here: docs/greener_greenwich_2024

SELCC Sustainability Group

In order to drive action around the projects identified at the Greener Greenwich Summit and support wider sustainability activities we set up the SELCC Sustainability Group.

Made up of representatives from the Chamber’s Strategic Partners and chaired by my good self, we held our inaugural meeting on 11th June at Alcatel Submarine Networks (ASN).

As well as an impressive tour of ASN’s Greenwich impressive high-end manufacturing facility and seeing their sustainability initiatives first hand, the group members shared their own activities and good practice.

The plan is for the Group to meet four times a year. Our next meeting will be a workshop focused on energy efficiency and decarbonisation measures. I’ll report back in the next edition.

Green Skills Breakfast

A week earlier on 5th June I was invited to speak at the ‘Tools for Tomorrow: Construction Green Skills Breakfast’ organised by London South East Colleges (LSEC) and the Local London Skills Providers.

The session held at Bromley Central Library with SMEs, sole traders and contractors explored the growing need for green skills, from retrofitting to cutting-edge technologies, and providing valuable insights into this growing sector.

As a follow-up, attendees were offered the opportunity to visit LSEC’s Bromley campus to see its Green Hub, which I would definitely recommend.

Green Business Action London

It is encouraging to hear that several businesses signed up to the Green Business Action London programme at the Greener Greenwich Summit 2024 to support the development of your carbon reduction plans – in line with the first ‘Just1Thing’ project referred to earlier.

If you weren’t in a position to sign up in March but would now like to benefit from the programme, then fear not! A new programme with a new cohort is due to start in September. If this of interest, drop the Chamber a line. We will also look to schedule a webinar to explain more.

What’s Next?

So, what’s the plan for the next few months?

Ideally better weather – clearly lots of wind can be beneficial for cheap renewable energy but not if it will ‘rock you like a hurricane’. [Anyone get the Scorpions link?]

Hopefully you’ll be reading this column and the rest of Masthead on a sunny afternoon sitting in the garden, a local park or on the beach with a nice cold drink!

While you’re doing that, we’ll be holding our second SELCC Sustainability Group meeting, discussing sustainability at the various Breakfasts and Link ‘n Drinks taking place across the boroughs, and firming up a programme of ‘green’ activities from September. Enjoy the Summer, when it arrives!

WOOLWICH SERVICE USERS PROJECT Humanity in Action in the Community

When you think about homelessness what do you imagine?

A middle-aged man with a bottle of whisky sleeping in a doorway?

It’s a common stereotype, and rough sleeping is the most visible form of homelessness, but the reality is that it can be anything from sofa surfing with friends and relatives to living in hostels and bed and breakfasts.

What do you think causes homelessness?

You’ve probably heard stories about people losing their homes because of drug or gambling addiction, and women ending up in refuges because they’re escaping abusive relationships. These things certainly happen, but the leading causes of homelessness are rising housing costs, wage stagnation and unemployment. People living in poverty are at the highest risk of homelessness because they’re already in precarious financial positions that make them more vulnerable to the rising cost of living. Trauma and poor health, particularly poor mental health, also increase the likelihood of homelessness.

Still thinking about that middle-aged man sleeping in a doorway? Here are some other things to think about: Young people aged 16–25 are at a higher risk of homelessness because they’re more likely to be affected by low wages, temporary work contracts and rising housing costs. Men and women are at equal risk of homelessness, but women tend to hide from view because of fear of attack.

The impact of homelessness on our community shouldn’t be underestimated. Children who experience it can suffer negative long-term consequences including trauma and stress that can affect their health, education, behaviour and concentration. It’s difficult for homeless people to find and keep employment. These issues affect people’s ability to make economic and social contributions to society. Homelessness leads to an increase in health problems, adding to the burden on the NHS. Communities with high rates of homelessness have more transient populations and people are less likely to take an active part in their neighbourhood.*

Who are we?

At WSUP our doors are open to anyone in our community who needs us. We are a grassroots charity that provides practical and emotional support to those seeking help. We offer essential services including a warm and safe community space where people in need can access hot meals, showers, haircuts, a laundry service and a clothing bank. We support people who are going through, or are at risk of, poverty, homelessness, addiction and any other life challenges.

We connect people with services that can support them with housing, benefits, mental health issues and addiction. We run courses to help people build their mental health and resilience, and our yoga, meditation and art therapy sessions improve the wellbeing of our service users (guests). We advocate for high-quality affordable housing and better access to physical and mental health services.

Thanks to donations from local businesses and the public we’ve recently been able expand our drop-in service, from two, to three days a week. There are exciting new developments in our health offering for our guests. We’ve partnered with First Vision to provide a monthly clinic for sight tests and glasses. Kings College Hospital will be onsite once a month for hepatitis screening and liver function testing. We’ve got plans to introduce a remote GP service in our centre in partnership with Healthwatch Greenwich and local GPs.

“It’s a good wellbeing place for people who are lonely. People can come here and make new friends. If I had to sum up WSUP in a few words they would be: happiness, optimism, encouragement, wellness, inspiration.”

Brenda, WSUP guest

‘When my relationship broke up I had to move out and I had nowhere to go. I ended up on the streets for over a year. I’m in temporary accommodation now. I heard about WSUP through a homeless agency. I’ve been coming for about a year. When doors closed WSUP was a door that opened. I’m comfortable here.”

Glen, WSUP guest

“My own experience of drug addiction and recovery means I can relate to people going though a similar experience with addiction. I’m able to give them a glimmer of hope that change and recovery are truly possible.”

Jas Sahota, WSUP Head of Operations and Community Relations Manager

“I’ve always been passionate about helping people and making a difference. My traumatic experiences and severe anxiety raised my awareness of mental health. Being part of the team at WSUP has reduced my anxiety and helped me gain confidence in myself and my abilities. I feel very proud to be part of the ‘family’.”

Lucy Callaghan, WSUP Business Relations Manager and Deputy Head of Operations

Get involved

The Big Sleep Out

Thursday 24 October, 6pm to Friday 25 October, 10am

Woolwich Works, The Fireworks Factory 11 No. 1 Street, SE18 6HD

Tickets £25

There are lots of ways you can help support our work and have a positive impact in your local community:


We always need help so whatever your skills, if you can spare a few hours a week to join our team of volunteers we’d love to have you. Whether it’s welcoming guests, preparing food, managing the clothing bank or assisting with activities and events, there’s a role to suit you.

“Any one of us could find ourselves in a difficult situation and needing help. We have met so many different people. We have learnt so much about life. The best thing is volunteers and guests can learn from each other.”

Gary and Caroline, WSUP volunteers


Challenge yourself, have fun and raise vital funds! If you or your company are organising an event or taking part in a sporting challenge, please consider raising money to help us support people in crisis.

Make a donation

You can make a one-off donation or become one of our supporting partners by making a suggested donation of £100 to £400 a month though our JustGiving page:

Your donation will allow us to continue to:

• provide a warm, safe space for everyone in our community who needs it

• serve hot meals to those who can’t otherwise afford them

• offer showers, clothing, haircuts and a laundry service

In addition we will be able to:

• extend our operating hours

• expand our accommodation support service

• help more people with addiction recovery and mental health issues

• provide skills training and pathways to employment for our guests

• offer additional wellbeing activities

• provide outreach services to rough sleepers

*Source: Frameworks Institute

Spend the night sleeping on the floor at Woolwich Works and raise money to support our essential services for the community.

Come on your own, bring friends and family, or use the event as a teambuilding opportunity with your colleagues.

Woolwich Works is a short walk from Woolwich station on the Elizabeth line, and Woolwich Arsenal station on the DLR and National Rail.

Why take part

Because of the lack of affordable housing and the cost-of-living crisis homelessness is rising. Many of our guests are sleeping rough on the streets or living in unsuitable, temporary accommodation.

We’re not trying to emulate what it’s like for people sleeping on the streets. We want to bring the community together in solidary for those experiencing homelessness and talk about what we can do collectively to end homelessness.

We want you to challenge yourself by doing something unusual, and encourage your friends, family and colleagues to sponsor you to show that they care and want to make a difference. We’re asking people to aim to raise £200 in sponsorship.

We also want you to have fun and get to know your local community. On the night there will be music and activities. You’ll have the opportunity to take part in an empowering, unforgettable firewalk barefoot over hot coals!

What the money goes towards

£200 pays for us to open our drop-in centre for a day and provide hot food and other much-needed services to homeless people, those living in poverty, and people struggling with illness and addiction. We are a non-judgmental environment and our doors are open to everyone in Woolwich and the surrounding area who needs us. We rely solely on donations to fund our services.

Find out more on the events page at

As a thank you for your monthly donation we’ll add your company’s name and logo to our website, offer you discounted hire of our accessible, local, meeting space and invite you to a yearly event with our staff and volunteers. You will be able to display our logo to show you’re supporting a local charity.

Please bring hope to your local community and make a difference for those struggling. Call or email now on 020 8316 6558 or Head over to our website to find out more.

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FUTURE GREENWICH: Transforming skills provision in the borough

An ambitious project to develop a new stateof-the-art college campus in Greenwich is making exciting progress, thanks to the collaborative efforts of developer Kier, housing association L&Q and London South East Colleges

With support from the Royal Borough of Greenwich, the GLA and the DfE, the partners are working to transform skills provision in Greenwich by creating an innovative and inspiring environment for teaching and learning. This is directly addressing the training needs of employers and learners.

The £47m development of the college campus is being led by Kier Construction, with contracts having been signed last week. The existing site is being transformed into a sustainable, cutting-edge building, with new facilities including wellbeing spaces, a Mac Studio and a training kitchen.

In addition, 294 high-quality new homes are being built on the site by L&Q, with 50% designated as affordable housing. This is a pioneering example of a hugely effective local partnership, working together to meet the diverse needs of the community – addressing educational and skills needs, alongside much needed housing.

Dr Sam Parrett CBE, Group Principal and CEO of London South East Colleges says: “In 2016, we made a commitment to deliver a new college in Greenwich and I am delighted to have reached this important milestone today.

“This has been quite a journey, which has only been possible with the support and commitment of a wide range of stakeholders – including the Royal Borough of Greenwich, the GLA and the DfE.

“Together with our partners Kier and L&Q - this is a unique example of a highly effective local partnership, working together to meet the diverse needs of the community. It will provide future generations with the skills and opportunities they need to secure great careers, meeting the evolving needs of employers across the region.

“As an Anchor Institution within our community, we are committed to generating social value and

Innovative SectorBased Work Academy Programme Launched

transforming lives through the power of learningand this project is a great reflection of this.

“We very much look forward to this project progressing and the value it will bring to the community now and for many years to come.”

David Rowsell, managing director at Kier Construction London, says: “We are delighted that London South East Colleges has appointed us to help regenerate its Greenwich campus.

“This will be a new state-of-the-art facility, with a range of sustainability features included, which we are well-placed to deliver thanks to our Kier end-to-end capabilities, including in-house design, decarbonisation and MEP engineering expertise, and our extensive technical experience.

“We know how important this college is to the people of Greenwich and the local community, and we look forward to providing them with a brandnew campus building which will support learning for local students.”

With contracts now signed securing the final stages of the project, construction is progressing and the new campus is expected to open its doors to students in late 2025.

For more information, visit:

To help tackle the growing green skills gap, London South East Colleges has launched a new initiative to help more people access careers in this exciting sector.

Recognising green skills as a central theme in the Local Skills Improvement Plans, the college has partnered with the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP), Quantum (an Independent Training Provider), and Daikin (a green products manufacturer) to pilot the Green Skills Sector-Based Work Academy Programme (SWAP).

This five-week programme, which aims to align education and training with the evolving needs of industry, is being hosted at the college’s state-of-the-art Green Skills Lab at the Bromley Campus. 20 learners over the age of 18 have been recruited by the DWP, with funding from the Local London Mayor’s Skills Academy Green Hub initiative.

Learners will receive comprehensive training in employability and green skills. The programme includes opportunities to earn a Level 1 Health

and Safety qualification and a Level 2 City & Guilds accreditation in sustainable energy and renewable technologies. Additionally, participants will have the chance to obtain a Construction Skills Certification Scheme (CSCS) card, facilitating their entry into the construction industry.

Every participant to complete the programme will get a guaranteed job interview with Daikin and Quantum for all participants, reflecting the commitment to support learners in securing employment.

The project has been developed by London South East Colleges, led by Nina Sian, Director of Employer Engagement and Innovation and Liz Lake, Group Director of Strategic Projects and Partnerships. Nina says: “Our goal is to equip learners with the skills and knowledge needed for successful careers in the green sector. The SWAP programme not only helps to address the skills gap but also opens up exciting career

opportunities for our learners. We are delighted to be working with industry leaders like Daikin and Quantum to make this a reality.”

Looking ahead, the college plans to expand the SWAP programme with a Green Construction Skills Bootcamp, pending a funding application made to the Greater London Authority (GLA). This proposed bootcamp would further utilise the Green Skills Lab to provide more extensive training, enhancing career prospects for people across the Borough in the green industries.

Maria Gonella, Managing Partner, Quantum Group, adds: “We are so pleased to be working with London South East Colleges, a forwardthinking college group, on this initiative that is a positive step to ensuring people of all backgrounds and ages have an opportunity to transition into a renewable job market. Education is key to much-needed change, and this five-week programme will provide a foundation for the necessary green skills.”

At Lewisham College, we are committed to partnering with businesses to shape the workforce of tomorrow. As one of London’s leading educational institutions, we collaborate closely with companies of all sizes, facilitating development, recruitment of new talent and upskilling of existing staff. Contact us to:

» Join our Employer Advisory Boards

» Give industry talks

» Recruit a diverse group of young people and adults to join your workforce.

» Offer taster, work experience and placements around your business needs.

» Access Government funded training to develop your existing workforce.


Tailor-made training solutions await with bespoke courses and coaching available to employers in the area. With many courses part or fully funded, businesses in the area could access a range of courses to upskill their staff or support people into work, including initiatives such as Sector-based Work Academies, Multiply numeracy programmes, and employability training in subjects such as IT, customer service, business administration and more. Jamie Stevenson, Principal at Lewisham College, explains how they are working with employers to match them with the talent of tomorrow and grow their workforce.

Irecall attending an employer event early in my career and talking about skills, training, and development. When I asked an employer if they engaged with their local college, they replied they did not, as they don’t produce individuals ready for their workplace and industry. Disappointed with the answer, I responded that colleges can only get it right by working in partnership with employers and stakeholders.

This conversation took place in 2005 and has subsequently been a key focus for me throughout my career within FE. Colleges are in the business of delivering good education and teaching, focusing on pedagogy to enable individuals to develop their knowledge, skills, and behaviours. By working collaboratively with employers from the beginning, we can ensure the curriculum is fit for purpose and industry-relevant and will enable individuals to be job-ready. We can also ensure that our techniques meet industry standards, deliver broader transferable skills, and prepare individuals for jobs yet to be created.

Since joining Lewisham College, we have made it our purpose to engage

Lewisham College

Lewisham Way, London, SE4 1UT

employers actively, asking two simple questions: what keeps you up, and what are your pinch points? This proactive approach has enabled us to have an active dialogue on what skills and behaviours businesses require to ensure their businesses grow and develop. We want to ensure we are the one-stop shop for employers for all training, up-skilling and recruitment solutions.

employers and the chamber to get our message to employers that we need you to support all of us! To date, we have hosted two business breakfasts, which have seen over 100 new employers engage with the college.

We want to ensure we are the one-stop shop for employers for all training, up-skilling and recruitment solutions.

We have then set up Employer Advisory Boards (EAB), which focus on sector skills and unpick the curriculum, the sequencing of the delivery and how we enrich the delivery to be really focused on industry needs and expectations. We have set up eight industryfocused EABs, including Health, IT & Digital, Construction, Creative and Sports. Businesses are working hand in hand to look at the curriculum, co-write assignments, and agree on assessments and where there are specialist delivery, employers deliver master classes and business visits.

At times, it has felt like we are asking employers for a favour when, in reality, we are here to support them as a publicly funded resource, which in hand ensures our students progress to positive destinations.

We have proactively worked with our stakeholders, the local authority, 020 3757 3000

All courses are subject to availability, eligibility and additional support requirements.

I have always believed by working together, we achieve more and going back to the beginning of my thought process, if we engage employers from the start, our curriculum is relevant, leads to a positive experience and enables individuals to progress to a positive destination to ensure we have the workforce for today, tomorrow and the jobs that don’t yet exist.

Digital Transformation in Small Businesses

There is a lot of talk about ‘Digital’ in every area of business today but what is it and how do we become digital?

Digital transformation as it is globally called, is the integration of digital technologies into all areas of a business, fundamentally changing how businesses operate and deliver value to customers.

While often associated with large companies, digital transformation is equally crucial for small businesses. The process can provide SMEs with numerous benefits, including increased efficiency, improved customer engagement, and enhanced competitiveness.

Key Drivers

Several factors drive digital transformation in small businesses. First, the increasing accessibility and affordability of digital technologies have made it easier for small businesses to adopt these tools. Cloud computing, for example, allows small businesses to access powerful computing resources without the need for substantial upfront investments in hardware and this is something we have been doing for some time.

Second, the changing expectations of consumers necessitate digital transformation. We, who are also the customers expect seamless, personalised, and efficient service, which often requires businesses to employ digital tools. Social media, e-commerce platforms, point of sale (POS) systems and customer relationship management (CRM) systems enable small businesses to meet these expectations.

Third, the competitive landscape pushes small businesses toward digital transformation. In an increasingly digital world, those who fail to adapt risk falling behind their competitors. Digital tools can help small businesses level the playing field with larger competitors by improving their operational efficiency and customer engagement.

There is another key driver to digital transformation and that is our willingness to shake off our old analogue methods and embrace digital in our businesses.

Implementation Strategies

Successfully implementing digital transformation in small businesses requires a strategic approach. The first step is to assess the current state of the business and identify areas where digital tools can make the most significant impact. This might include automating repetitive tasks, improving customer communication, or enhancing data analysis capabilities.

Once the key areas for improvement are identified, the next step is to select the appropriate digital tools. For example, small businesses might invest in a CRM system to manage customer interactions more effectively or use project management software to streamline workflows and retailers might use a POS system to automate the sales and order process to become more efficient.

Training and support are critical during the implementation phase. Small businesses must ensure that their employees are comfortable using new technologies and understand how these tools can enhance their work. This might involve formal training sessions, ongoing support, and fostering a culture that embraces change and continuous improvement.

This training and support is available free through organisations like South East Enterprise. We recommend SMEs start small and scale gradually. This approach allows them to manage the transition effectively, make adjustments as needed, and avoid the disruption that can come with attempting to overhaul operations all at once. During this process an adviser from SEE is on hand to provide guidance and advice.


The benefits of digital transformation for small businesses are many. One of the most significant advantages is increased efficiency. Automation of routine tasks frees up employees to focus on more strategic activities, thereby improving productivity. For example, accounting software can automate invoicing and expense tracking, reducing the time spent on these administrative tasks. We often say that selling is the single most important job in business and with digital transformation more time can be spent on this essential task to develop and grow.

Digital transformation can also increase customer engagement. By using social media and email marketing for example, small businesses can build stronger relationships with their customers. These tools enable personalized communication, timely responses, and a better understanding of customer needs and preferences.

Additionally, digital transformation can lead to better decision-making. Data analytics tools provide insights into various aspects of

the business, from sales trends to customer behaviour. This data-driven approach enables small businesses to make more informed decisions, identify new opportunities and perhaps address issues before they become significant problems.


Despite its benefits, digital transformation in small businesses is not without challenges. One of the primary hurdles is the cost. While digital tools are more accessible than ever, there can still be some costs associated with purchasing software, training employees and maintaining new systems even with the support of a SEE adviser.

Resistance to change is another common challenge as mentioned earlier, there must be a willingness to embrace digital in the business. Employees who are accustomed to traditional ways of working may be reluctant to adopt new technologies. Overcoming this resistance requires effective change management strategies, including clear communication about the benefits of digital transformation and involving employees in the process, another area where SEE advisers can provide support.

Security concerns also play a role. As small businesses digitise more of their operations, they become more vulnerable to cyber threats, so implementing robust cybersecurity measures is essential to protect sensitive data and maintain customer trust.


Digital transformation is a vital strategy for SMEs seeking to remain competitive and meet the changing demands of their market. By adopting a more strategic approach, SMEs can navigate the challenges and realise the benefits of digital transformation, from increased efficiency and increased customer engagement to long-term growth.

Understanding IT Risks: A Call to Action for Small and Medium-Sized Business Leaders

In today’s digital age, the importance of robust IT security cannot be overstated, especially for small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) like yours. With the increasing frequency and sophistication of cyberattacks, it's imperative that you, as a leader, take an active role in understanding and mitigating IT risks within your business. This proactive approach not only safeguards your sensitive data but also preserves the trust and confidence of your customers.

Your Role in IT Security

While your IT team or outsourced provider handles the technical aspects of cybersecurity, you must also be well-versed in IT risks and security measures. This knowledge empowers you to ask pertinent questions, challenge assumptions, and make informed decisions about your company’s security posture. In many cases, the effectiveness of your business’s cybersecurity strategy hinges on your support and understanding.

The Consequences of Poor Security Posture

The repercussions of inadequate IT security can be severe and far-reaching. Consider the following scenarios:

1. Malware Infections: Malware can disrupt your business operations, steal sensitive information, and cause financial losses. For example, a ransomware attack can encrypt your critical data, rendering it inaccessible until a ransom is paid. This not only halts productivity but can also incur significant costs.

2. Account Hacks: Compromised accounts can lead to unauthorised access to confidential data, financial fraud, and other malicious activities. Hackers often use stolen credentials to infiltrate your systems, posing as legitimate users to bypass security measures.

3. Reputational Damage: When your customers learn about security breaches, their trust in your business can wane. Negative publicity surrounding a data breach can lead to a loss of customers and a tarnished reputation, which can take years to rebuild.

Real-World Examples

Consider some high-profile data breaches in the UK. In 2018, British Airways suffered a significant data breach, exposing the personal and financial details of around 380,000 customers. Similarly, Dixons Carphone experienced a breach in the same year, compromising nearly 10 million records. More recently, the healthcare diagnostics company Synnovis was targeted, highlighting vulnerabilities in the healthcare sector and exposing sensitive patient data.

However, it’s not just large corporations that are at risk. Smaller businesses are also targeted every single minute of every single day. Here’s why:

1. Perceived Lack of Resources: Cybercriminals often assume that smaller businesses lack the financial and technical resources to implement robust security measures. This perception makes SMBs attractive targets.

2. Easier Attack Points: Smaller businesses may not have the same level of sophisticated security infrastructure as larger enterprises. This can include outdated software, weaker firewalls, and less stringent access controls, providing easier entry points for attackers.

3. Less Awareness and Training: Employees in smaller businesses may not receive the same level of cybersecurity training as those in larger companies. This lack of awareness makes them more susceptible to phishing scams, social engineering attacks, and other malicious activities.

4. Less Robust Processes: Smaller businesses may not have formalised or robust cybersecurity policies and procedures. This can lead to inconsistent security practices, such as infrequent software updates and inadequate password management.

Practical Steps to Improve Your Security Posture

To avoid becoming a cautionary tale, you must prioritise IT security. Here are key steps you can take to strengthen your security posture:

1. Conduct Regular Security Assessments: Regularly assess your IT systems to identify vulnerabilities. Engage with a trusted IT partner like Cloudology to perform comprehensive security audits and recommend solutions tailored to your needs.

2. Educate and Train Your Employees: Implement ongoing training programmes to educate your staff about cybersecurity best practices. Topics should include recognising phishing attempts, using strong passwords, and safeguarding sensitive information.

3. Implement Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA): Add an extra layer of security by requiring users to provide two or more verification factors to access their accounts. This significantly reduces the risk of unauthorised access.

4. Develop an Incident Response Plan: Prepare for potential security breaches by having a well-documented incident response plan. This plan should outline steps to contain the breach, mitigate damage, and recover data.

5. Invest in Security Monitoring: Continuous monitoring of your IT systems allows for the early detection of suspicious activities. Use advanced monitoring tools to identify and respond to threats in real-time.

6. Regularly Update Software and Systems: Ensure that all your software, operating systems, and applications are up-to-date with the latest security patches. This simple step can protect against many known vulnerabilities.

Cloudology: Your Partner in IT Security

At Cloudology, we specialise in helping businesses like yours understand their IT risks, assess their security posture, and implement effective security measures. Our services include comprehensive security assessments, employee training programmes, and ongoing monitoring and maintenance of IT environments. We ensure that your business remains secure while keeping your staff productive.

The responsibility of IT security extends beyond your IT support. You must actively engage in understanding and addressing IT risks to protect your business from cyber threats. By taking a proactive stance, conducting regular assessments, and investing in robust security measures, you can safeguard your data, maintain customer trust, and ensure long-term success.

Technology in 2024 and beyond


When you hear about innovative technology, does the term ‘audio visual’ spring to mind? It should, because AV is the best part! It’s the exciting shiny displays, the sound quality or the ability to control all your electronics with the touch of a button.

Drawing on the experiences we’ve had providing solutions to clients including Gaucho, M Restaurant, Pollini at Ladbroke Hall and other high end venues, it’s apt to say that AV brings a space to life.

Think about it – you could eat at the finest Michelin star restaurants, but without quality audio the ambience wouldn’t feel right. A curated playlist heard through perfectly balanced speakers can subtly bring the flavours to life. This is just one way fine dining and audio technology work together to create an enhanced experience for the customer.

At MADE AV we have a responsibility as impartial audio visual experts to advise clients on how AV technology can transform their business. We’re all about creating experiences that resonate with their emotions and make them feel a certain way.

We installed the audio at luxury London hotel

The Savoy, and our aim was to ensure the guest experience began the moment they walked through the doors. Technology plays a huge part in creating a brand experience, for example, by providing perfectly balanced audio for atmosphere, digital maps and signage for ease, and automated check-in with touch screens for efficiency. Competition in the hospitality sector is high, with each venue wanting to be better than the next, and AV is integral to a technology solution that reflects a brand’s image.


Corporate work practices since 2020 have seen huge changes in the way teams function. The move to video conferencing has given businesses the flexibility to collaborate effectively, quickly and, most importantly, easily. This has not only kept the economy moving, but also enabled smaller businesses to have a bigger reach and accelerated growth.

Not only are companies implementing new video conferencing solutions, but we’ve seen a real commitment to improving systems too, with software being updated regularly and hardware being replaced, often annually.

One of the reasons we’ve seen for this activity is the desire to create the right first impression and show technical competency when pitching to potential new customers. It’s a recognition that audio visual is a crucial sales tool.

MADE AV has service contracts in place to remove any complexity. For example, we handle updates and security maintenance for clients such as Orange Cyberdefense and Aeon Investments. They see value in this as it keeps their systems healthy and easy to use for all staff.


It’s also clear to see the impact of new technology on our daily lives at home. This may be the new robot vacuum floor cleaner or the voice control systems that we are all so familiar with now. The key for us is to simplify technology for our clients and bring all the small bits of tech together so they interact seamlessly.

Affordability is a big factor when deciding on home technology. Electric blinds, smart heating, multi-room audio and the king of all home luxuries, home cinemas, are becoming more popular, and with a host of products and new technology available, these solutions are also becoming more affordable.

We’ve developed many home snug areas, which can be used as everyday spaces and transform easily into immersive home cinemas. We’ve seen homeowners opting for cinema grade equipment, even if they don’t have a dedicated room.

Considering all the information above, it’s easy to see how our lives are changing due to technology. Are some of us spending more time looking at screens than before?

Yes, of course, but that can also have a positive effect. Maybe that screen time is used for working from home or a hotel on the other side of the world, saving time on travel and giving freedom? Maybe that screen time is being used to monitor our home security system while we are on holiday, or to speak to a relative too far away to visit regularly?

The evolvement of technology, including audio visual solutions, has undoubtedly changed our world and will continue to do so. Our mission at MADE AV is to guide clients to ensure they get seamless solutions that transform their businesses and are future-proof for the years ahead.

“As the owner of a technology-led business, I experience first-hand how innovative technology can transform businesses and benefit people too. I’m a firm believer that if technology doesn’t simplify your daily tasks and just creates more complexity, then it’s not fit for purpose.”

AV & SPORTS A game changer

The integration of audio visual solutions in the sports hospitality sector has been a game changer. Businesses now have the ability to create immersive atmospheres for customers watching big ticket events on large high quality screens, keeping audiences entertained at venues long after the live action has ended.

MADE AV partners with Kent Cricket and Canterbury Rugby, and has installed systems at Matches in Ashford, Kent, Wing Kingz in Canterbury and the soon to open Square One Padel Club, also in Ashford.

Let’s make London even greater together

Karim Fatehi MBE, the new Chief Executive Officer of London Chamber of Commerce and Industry, talks to Sarah Dale about members’ expectations of the new Government and why he is so passionate about being an adopted Londoner.

Karim Fatehi’s passion for London shines through when you speak to him.

He lives and breathes the city he made his home having moved from Iran to the UK in 1976 to study when he was 15.

“I have been very privileged to have lived here in the UK where I received the best education,” explains Karim, who is the new CEO of London Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI).

“Education is something I always cherish. As long as you have the education, you’re halfway there. I always had ambition and have had the opportunity to run two successful businesses. And my children are very successful too – my daughter is a trainee doctor and my son works for Google. I want to see this success for everyone.

“As an immigrant, I do cherish the UK as the biggest opportunity for people globally.”

In 1995, he founded United Corporation, an engineering procurement management company in the oil and gas sector.

The company has twice won the Queen’s Award for International Trade in 2007 and 2011. He is now a judge of the King’s Award for Enterprise in the International Trade category.

He was awarded an MBE for services to international trade in 2012.

“It’s not a decision I have taken lightly,” says Karim, of taking the Interim CEO role at LCCI in October 2023. The role was made permanent in March 2024.

“But my instinct was to accept the job.

“I’m well engaged with decision-makers and stakeholders and our own members, having been on the Board since 2022 and a member of LCCI for seven years.

“The real voice is our members. It could be a one-man operation or patron members with hundreds of employees, we represent them all.”

Since Karim took the helm, membership has increased to 8,500 businesses and the number of patron members has increased too.

“As an entrepreneur myself, I’m very privileged to be in this position,” says Karim, who has two grandchildren aged four and 18 months.

“It has a lot of responsibility, a full seven-days-a-week with the changes in the new Government.

“My priority is London competitiveness, it’s something that really matters to me. London directly impacts the UK economy. London’s success hinges on the ability to operate smoothly. The new Government can ensure that London remains attractive for inward investment and tourism. We need inward investment.”

The challenges ahead

To ensure London remains globally competitive, Karim says that there are several issues which will have to be addressed including infrastructure, skills and entrepreneurship, business visas, business crime, equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI), business rates, tax-free shopping, arts and culture, and affordable housing.

The LCCI released its report, Securing London’s Prosperity: Manifesto for Business Resilience and Growth, prior to the general election highlighting the above issues and what members want to see the Government put in place to ensure economic growth in the UK.

Karim says he welcomes the new Government, adding: “We cherish this opportunity to make this great city of London even greater.

“We have a lot to ask and we’re not expecting miracles. I talk to members every day and we need to be more flexible, agile and address the businesses’ asks.

“We need a highly skilled workforce, that is crucial to our longevity, to our economy; we need to put the infrastructure in the right place to build our businesses; we need an agile training programme for SMEs which will include short-term visas; we need to reduce business crime.

❛❛It is encouraging to see that 44 per cent of the new Cabinet are women; it sends out a positive message.❜❜

“We are working very closely with the Metropolitan Police on reducing businessrelated crime. The police are doing a great job but are short on resources.

“Funding is essential for transport in London and connectivity to the North. The Government should not delay on this.

“I’m very hopeful about the new Chancellor’s plans to build more affordable housing. We need a sustainable businessfriendly system for affordable housing, and we need more affordable housing near London so people can afford to work here.

“I used to travel overseas, and I know that our universities are the top universities in the world. We need to address the visa issue. It will promote a skills boost and help us be globally competitive, particularly London.

“London is a city of arts and culture and people around the world have a dream of visiting our capital and we must make it attractive. We need funding for arts and culture; it’s part of our constitution.”

Women in business

The LCCI has “always been positive” and committed to EDI. The LCCI has a Women in Business group which aims to grow the representation of women in underrepresented sectors and promote inclusivity as a marketplace and financial advantage.

“It is encouraging to see that 44 per cent of the new Cabinet are women; it sends out a positive message,” he says.

“We need to have an equitable environment. My Chair and Deputy Chair Julia Onslow-Cole and Claire Broadbelt are both lawyers. They have a vision, they’re proactive and completely supportive. I’m very privileged to work with them both.”

Looking to the future, Karim’s vision for LCCI is to look at the weaknesses and the positives of the organisation to ensure they can do everything they can for members and have “a proper dial-up with Government as the voice of London”.

“Without that, we can’t echo the voice of our members,” he adds.

“I had the privilege of talking to Sir Keir Starmer before the election and he said to me if they don’t have that feedback from us, they can’t make big decisions on business. We are the voice of 8,500 businesses across London and we want to ensure we’re heard.”

South East London Chamber of Commerce is proud to be an affiliated member of London Chamber of Commerce and Industry. LCCI is an accredited member of The British Chambers of Commerce.

❛❛The real voice is our members. It could be a one-man operation or patron members with hundreds of employees, we represent them all.❜❜

With just over a month until the new season kicks off, here at Charlton Athletic FC we have some fantastic advertising opportunities available for businesses looking to elevate their brand. Our men's first team’s first three competitive games will be televised live on Sky Sports Plus, offering prime visibility for your company.

Seize the chance to feature on our playing kit properties, in-play perimeter LED advertising, static advertising boards at both our stadium and our Sparrows Lane training ground at Eltham,

EFL’s ground-breaking new TV deal with Sky Sports Plus Announcement from our Strategic Partner, Alcatel Submarine Networks

The Nokia Group has announced its intention to sell a 80% shareholding in Nokia Submarine Networks Holding (NSNH) to the French State, represented by the Agence des Participations de l'Etat (APE).

This proposed sale will contribute to the rationalization of the Nokia Group's business portfolio, by allowing its Network Infrastructure Business Group, to which ASN belongs, to fully focus on the growth of its core activities.

The Nokia Group has consistently supported our development, enabling us to double our annual sales between 2019 and 2023 to over one billion euros.

multiple digital assets, big screen and other stadium signage positions, social media coverage, and other matchday inventory.

Our first three games are:

• Saturday, August 10th: Wigan Athletic (a) - KO 5.30pm BST - Sky Sports+

• Tuesday, August 14th: Birmingham City (h) - KO 7.45pm BST - Sky Sports+

• Saturday, August 17th: Leyton Orient (h)KO 12.30pm BST - Sky Sports+

For more information visit:

This growth has been coupled with a strengthening of our competitiveness in terms of technological solutions and production capacities - both industrial and marine - consolidating our position as world leader in our business sectors.

This new shareholder, represented by the APE, sees ASN as a strategic asset that contributes to the French and European Union's sovereignty in what is considered a crucial area. By choosing the French state as its new reference shareholder, the Nokia Group will give our company the backing of a long-term partner capable of supporting its growth ambitions over the coming years.

Under the supervision of the French Ministry of the Economy and Finance, the APE acts as the State's shareholder,

investing directly in the capital of companies deemed strategic, with the aim of stabilizing their capital position and supporting their growth and transformation.

This new shareholding structure strengthens the unity of the company in all its components and know-how, and will preserve our ability to meet all the needs of our markets. It also will give us the ability to strengthen our footprint by contributing to the dynamism of the local economy.

I am convinced that this new stage in ASN's history will enable us to develop our local and regional anchorage for the benefit of all our stakeholders.

Alain Biston, Président, Alcatel Submarine Networks

Summer of exciting events launches across Royal Borough of Greenwich

Another incredible programme of free Royal Greenwich Festival events has kicked off, with a host of events planned over the coming months.

From carnivals and history trails to workshops, performances and a feast fit for a king, Royal Greenwich Festivals will bring free, inclusive events to all corners of the borough this summer.

A spokesperson for the Royal Borough of Greenwich said: “Royal Greenwich Festivals brings our communities together to enjoy free, exciting and accessible events across our borough.

“From immersive theatre co-created with some of our refugee communities, to celebrating the borough’s military history at Woolwich Works, this year’s diverse range of local organisations will showcase the unique culture and heritage of the people and places of our borough.

“Our local arts and culture organisations make a valuable contribution to our creative economy, providing employment and opportunities to Royal Greenwich residents, and we’re proud to be able to support them through our funding programme.

“Whichever corner of the borough you call home, you’ll find free, world class Royal Greenwich Festivals events on your doorstep this summer. Bring the whole family along!”

With six festival providers and events across the summer, there's something for everyone.

The events include the Greenwich + Docklands International Festival, taking place in August and September, which promises outdoor theatre and performing arts to impress.

Also coming up in August are a series of events from Our Heritage UK across Thamesmead to celebrate and showcase the rich tapestry of African cultures. This will include storytelling workshops, live music performances and fashion shows, hosted at venues including Birchmere Community Hub and The Moorings Social Club.

And Woolwich Carnival is an annual celebration of community and culture in September, where residents come to celebrate the borough's diversity. Expect music, dance and workshops throughout the day in General Gordon Square and a finale parade around the town centre in Woolwich.

For a full calendar of events, see

Initiative takes school students to the stage

Students from every state secondary school in Lewisham will be offered free tickets to see Hamlet this autumn in a new scheme announced by Broadway Theatre and internationally acclaimed theatre company The Lord Chamberlain's Men.

As one of Shakespeare’s best-known plays, Hamlet is a text that thousands of young people study as part of their GCSE English Literature. Local schools have been invited to bring students aged 11 to 18 to watch one of three live performances taking place at Broadway on Tuesday 17, Wednesday 18 and Thursday 19 September.

This new production is presented by The Lord Chamberlain’s Men in association with Broadway Theatre. Performed as Shakespeare first saw it, with an all-male cast and authentic Elizabethan costumes, music and dance, it provides a unique insight and is a fantastic opportunity for students to experience this great play.

The free ticket initiative applies to all state secondary schools in the borough and outreach is being supported by Lewisham Education Arts Network (LEAN).

Peter Stickney, Lewisham resident and Artistic Director and Producer of The Lord Chamberlain’s Men, said: “I am thrilled to be able to bring our production to students in Lewisham. Everybody deserves access to art and cultural experiences, especially our next generation. These experiences allow people to dream, to challenge themselves and the world around them, to aspire, to be inspired and to be entertained. That’s our aim with these free performances for schools. I hope that this production will instil a lifelong love of Shakespeare among young people in the borough and a belief that art and culture is for them.

“I am also particularly proud that, at a time when ticket prices for some productions are increasingly expensive, seats for our public performance of Hamlet start at £11.50. It is important that there are accessible options available so that people can still attend high quality theatre. I am very excited to be working in association with the Broadway Theatre on these special performances and proud to provide something for my local community.”

The fourth and final performance of Hamlet by The Lord Chamberlain’s Men takes place at the Broadway on Thursday, September 19 at 7pm and is open to the general public. Tickets start at £11.50 and bookings are via the theatre’s website.

Caribbean Afternoon Tea at DoubleTree by

Hilton London Greenwich

Savoury Bites

Indulge in a delightful meticulously crafted nibbles to entice your taste buds. Baked Jerk Chicken Wings, Jamaican Beef Patty, Peppered Prawns or Mini Plantain Kebabs are hard to resist

Sweet Treats

Satisfy your sweet tooth with our delectable trio of Caribbean inspired miniature desserts or just fall in love with Doreen’s Jamaican home baked Rum Cake, locally baked for more than 30 years with secret family recipe.

Price per person: £39 incl. VAT

This product is available for groups of 10 persons as minimum. For availability, full menu and booking contact us at 0208 469 4448 or

Portrait photography London and the South East

Profile photos, headshots and portraits. Photoshoots at SE London studio or at a location of your choice.

Contact Warren: 07779 337765 / Design by

DoubleTree by Hilton London Greenwich | Catherine Grove | SE10 8FR

Making the right connections

Each month the Chamber hosts a variety of events which offer members a superb opportunity to meet and chat to fellow business people. Here, we review a few of our past events.

What is Content Marketing and where do

I start?


We were joined by Joseph Bradfield, Marketing Communications Advisor at Sussex Innovation, who took our attendees through the essentials of content marketing, emphasising its purpose and strategic implementation, and how businesses of all sizes can benefit from it.

To view the webinar, please visit: business-support/

Greenwich Office Drinks at Drury Tea & Coffee Company

Our members and invited guests joined us this spring, where we returned to the Drury Tea & Coffee Company’s site on the Royal Arsenal Riverside in Woolwich for a great night of networking, drinks, snacks and activities. We want to give a massive thank you to them for hosting and sponsoring this spectacular event, and a special thank you to their Managing Director, Marco Olmi, who shared fascinating stories about the company’s rich history, followed by an engaging tour of their impressive facilities.

Credit: Warren King Photography


Charity Quiz Night 2024

With the combination of entry money and raffle tickets at our SELCC Charity Quiz Night held at The Clarendon Hotel in May, we managed to raise £889 for London’s Air Ambulance Charity. This will go further in providing support to those in need of medical attention across London.

A massive thank you to all our fabulous quiz teams that attended the Charity Quiz to support this amazing cause and to enjoy a wonderful bangers & mash supper. It was a fun night and congratulations to Visit Greenwich table for the overall win. There were several raffle prizes up for grabs on the night, graciously donated by our members. From Vista Lounge Passes worth £120 from Charlton Athletic FC; A Magnum of Davy’s Anniversary Claret and a Sunday roast voucher worth £50 from Davy’s Wine Merchants: A Hamper of Coffee from Drury Tea & Coffee Company, and many more!

Greenwich Evening Drinks

In May, we held our Greenwich Evening Drinks in partnership with two of our longstanding members, Thackray Willams LLP and Grant Saw Solicitors LLP at the DoubleTree by Hilton London Greenwich. The event mainly focused on the crucial changes to Employment Law, including Employee redundancy protections.

We want to give a special thanks to Julian Munroe from Thackray Williams, and Noella Gooden and Michael Pope from Grant Saw for their insightful presentations and contributions to the event.

Credit: Warren King Photography

Lewisham Business Breakfast at Lewisham College

The recently elected, Mayor Brenda Dacres of Lewisham, was due to give an overview of her plans for the borough at this event at Lewisham College. However, as the General Election was called for July 4th, she had to postpone her update until September 19th.

Instead, Lewisham College hosted a Business Breakfast, where our members and guests received a presentation from the Principal Jamie Stevenson, who highlighted the high levels of unemployment and economic inactivity among young people.

Jamie also outlined how businesses could get involved with the College to shape the future workforce. He encouraged participation in their new Employer Advisory Boards to influence curriculum design & delivery, offer work experience, and industry placement opportunities for their students.

Lewisham College operates a London Hospitality Hub as part of the Mayor’s London Academies Programme to support Londoners get free skills and training in hospitality. The students cooked and served an excellent free breakfast to our guests.

Credit: Warren King Photography

Lewisham Link ‘n Drink at Everest Inn

Thank you to everyone for joining us at the Everest Inn in June for the Lewisham Link ‘n Drink. Everest Inn is a fabulous Nepali restaurant in the heart of Blackheath Village and a big thank you to them for hosting and serving delicious canapés.

We met with both members and non-members from across South East London and It was great to watch as business connections were formed in an informal setting.

SELCC Golf Day 2024

We once again returned to the Royal Blackheath Golf Club for our annual Golf Day in late June.

Our Strategic Partner, Group 1 Automotive, sponsored this sell out event and brought two of their latest models of Jaguar/Land Rovers for our guests to view – a Range Rover Sport and a Defender Commercial. Group 1 Automotive also provided some exciting prizes for our winners.

Jonathan Smith from the University of Greenwich won Closest to Pin, and he can have fun driving a Range Rover over a weekend. Duncan McLeish from Visit Greenwich won the Furthest Drive, and he too can enjoy a weekend with a Jaguar F-Type.

Visit Greenwich were the winning Best Team earning them a joint half-day off-road experience at the Luton Hoo Estate.

Credit: Warren King Photography

SELCC Summer BBQ 2024

We were delighted to be back to The Clarendon Hotel in Blackheath for our annual summer BBQ in July on a perfect summer’s day.

As always, we were served lovely Turkish inspired food at the BBQ in their beautiful walled garden. The sun shone and over 70 members enjoyed this great social event, whilst listening to Tony UrbanSmash play his steel pans. Based in Woolwich, Tony is an accomplished soloist and imported his instrument from Trinidad, so we enjoyed a real touch of the Caribbean.

Team Clarendon looked after us with great care and everyone who attended said they had a great time in a nice, relaxed atmosphere.

Thank you to all our members who attended, your support and enthusiasm made this a memorable event. It's your participation that makes these events successful and highlights the advantages of in-person social interactions.

Credit: Warren King Photography

How Good Photography helps your business stand out from the crowd

Webinar - Tuesday, 30th July 2024, 10.00 – 11.00

It’s easier than ever to take your own photos, which is great for family and leisure pictures.

But do they really cut it when used for business?

In this webinar, Warren King will take you through the reasons to invest in professional photography. From headshots to marketing pictures to product shots and demonstrate that good quality images get the attention of your audience.

Lewisham Link ‘n Drink at Everest Inn

41 Montpelier Vale, Blackheath SE3 0TJ

Wednesday, 14th August 2024, 18.00 – 20.00

Wednesday, 11th September 2024, 18.00 – 20.00

Wednesday, 9th October 2024, 18.00 – 20.00

The best way to do business is with a personal connection!

Join us and fellow like-minded businesses for an evening of networking, and meet new business

contacts, suppliers, and maybe even new clients, over a relaxed drink and snacks.We will be holding our next Link ‘n Drink in Lewisham at Everest Inn in Blackheath, where both members and non-members are welcome!

GreenwichB2B Link ‘n Drink at Greenwich Tavern

1 King William Walk, London SE10 9JH Tuesday, 6th August 2024, 18.30 onward Tuesday, 3rd September 2024, 18.30 onward

GreenwichB2B Link ‘n Drink in association with the South East London Chamber of Commerce is an informal and free networking event for businesses from Greenwich and bordering boroughs but also businesses from afar.

We meet on every first Tuesday of the month at the Greenwich Tavern.

You can expect informal networking with representatives of small and medium sized businesses, short introductions of attendees and often a short presentation by a regular.

Bromley Link ‘n Drink at Bromley Court Hotel

Bromley Hill, London BR1 4JD

Wednesday, 23rd October 2024, 18.00 – 20.00

Join us and fellow businesses for an evening of networking, and meet new business contacts, suppliers, and maybe even new clients, over a relaxed drink.

We will be holding our next Link ‘n Drink at the Bromley Court Hotel, where both members and non-member are welcome!

You can expect informal networking with representatives of small and medium sized businesses, and short introductions of attendees.

Caribbean Afternoon Tea

at DoubleTree by Hilton London Greenwich

Catherine Grove, Greenwich, London SE10 8FR

Tuesday, 17th September 2024, 14.00 – 16.00

£35 inc VAT

Join us for an enchanting afternoon of Caribbean elegance at the DoubleTree by Hilton London Greenwich. Immerse yourself in the vibrant flavours and rhythms of the Caribbean this Afternoon Tea event.

Indulge in a delightful array of meticulously crafted savoury nibbles, including Baked Jerk Chicken Wings, Jamaican Beef Patties, Peppered Prawns, and Mini Plantain Kebabs, each bursting with authentic Caribbean flavours.

Satisfy your sweet tooth with a delectable trio of Caribbean-inspired miniature desserts or fall in love with Doreen’s Jamaican homemade Rum Cake, locally baked for over 30 years with a secret family recipe.

All tea and coffee served with your Afternoon Tea is supplied by SELCC Member, The Drury Tea & Coffee Company, a family-run business based on the Royal Arsenal Riverside in Woolwich.

This event is limited to 24 places. Book now to secure your seat.

Bexley Office Drinks

Group 1 Land Rover Sidcup, 143-145 Main Rd, London DA14 6PB

Thursday, 26th September 2024

18.00 – 20.00

Join us for an evening of informal networking at Group 1 Land Rover Sidcup proudly sponsored by our Strategic Partner, Group 1 Automotive!

You’ll be hearing from SELCC Board Member and Director of Crystal Associates, Mark Jenkinson, who will be discussing sustainability. This informal event is a great opportunity to talk shop in a relaxed environment with business people just like you.

Lewisham Business Breakfast with Mayor Brenda Dacres

Lewisham College, London SE4 1UT

Thursday, 19th September 2024, 08.00 – 09.30

Start your day off right by joining us at Lewisham College for our upcoming business breakfast.

Guests will hear from our speaker, Brenda Dacres, the newly elected Mayor of Lewisham. Mayor Brenda was also the Deputy Mayor of Lewisham and has served as a councillor representing wards in New Cross and Deptford. Brenda will share her vision for the borough of Lewisham and discuss initiatives to support businesses in the area.

SELCC Charity Quiz Night 2024

8-16 Montpelier Row, Blackheath, London SE3 0RW Thursday, 14th November 2024, 18.30 – 22.00

Get your thinking caps on and join us for a charity quiz night!

We would like to invite both members and non-members to The Clarendon Hotel on Thursday, 14th November for an evening filled with questions, fun, and delicious bangers & mash (vegetarian option available).

Feel free to arrive early for pre-event drinks at the cash bar. All are welcome to join in, so bring

SELCC Christmas Lunch

Davy’s Wine Vaults, 161 Greenwich High Road, London SE10 8JE Thursday, 12th December 2024, 12.30 – 14.30

We are happy to announce that we will be hosting our SELCC Christmas Lunch this year at Davy’s Wine Vaults in Greenwich.

This is a great opportunity to celebrate with our valued members and business

partners at the beginning of the Christmas season. This festive occasion will be a great opportunity for us to connect on a more personal level with businesses we have built relationships with throughout the year and look forward to the year ahead.

your staff, colleagues, family or friends. You can form your own team or be added to a table on the night. It’s also a great opportunity to network with like-minded businesses.

There will be a raffle with prizes donated from our members. All proceeds from the event, including the raffle will support a charity that will be announced soon.


We pride ourselves on being a local company for local businesses and want to help business owners to be fully compliant at affordable prices.


• Mental Health First Aid Courses (Various)

• IOSH Managing Safely – recommended for all Managers / Supervisors (3 Days)

• IOSH Safety, Health and Environment for Construction Workers (Needed for the Green CSCS Card – (1 Day)

• Emergency First Aid in the Workplace (1 Day)

• First Aid at Work (3 Days)

• First Aid Annual Refresher (4 Hours)

• Basic life support and AED Use (4 Hours)

• Manual Handling Training (4 Hours)

• COSHH Awareness (4 Hours)

• Fire Marshal / Warden (4 Hours)

We also design tailored courses for individual company requirements. A lot of our training can also be delivered online to suit the needs of the learner and company.

We’re making a difference in dementia care

AtSmyth Lodge, Care UK’s care home in Sidcup we’re passionate about supporting older people who are living with dementia to enjoy every day to the full.

We believe in living well with dementia

When a person with dementia feels valued, safe and supported they are calm and happy. We will build a strong bond with your loved one, giving them choices and supporting them to do what they enjoy. Our dementia-friendly daily activities – from music and art sessions, to reminiscence and exercise classes – are designed to boost happiness and a sense of well-being.

Our next event

Did you know that more than 920,000 people in the UK live with Dementia, yet 77% of people feel there are still misconceptions surrounding the condition*?

Join us on Thursday 1st August 2024 from, 2pm4pm, to hear dementia specialist Barbara Stephens, Co-Founder and CEO of Dementia Pathfinders, share insights into how your journey with dementia might unfold following a diagnosis and offer advice on how to live positively with dementia, while making emotional and practical adjustments along the way. Discover dementia care excellence

Care UK is the most awarded large care provider; we have more ‘Outstanding’-rated homes than any other provider. If you’d like to find out more about dementia care at Smyth Lodge, or find out more about our latest events, our friendly team is here to help. Simply call 020 3993 7982 or email rebecca.

*According to a survey of 2,000 UK adults, conducted by OnePoll between 25th September and 2nd October 2023.

Croydon Council selects partners to support transformation plan

Croydon Council has appointed three partner organisations as part of its plans to transform ways of working, to become a costeffective and efficient council that always puts residents first.

The Future Croydon transformation plan, approved by Cabinet in March 2024, sets out Croydon’s objective to transform and modernise council services over the next five years, to provide excellent customer care and value for money.

The council has appointed three partners with expertise in key areas to help achieve these aims. They will examine how Croydon’s services operate in their specialist areas – talking to staff, residents and partner organisations – to make recommendations about new ways of working.

Boston Consulting Group, a global firm with an expertise in digital innovation in the public and private sectors, will be supporting the

council over the next few months to develop a new operating model. Newton, a transformation delivery partner to local authority people services, is already working with Adult Social Care and Health.

IMPOWER, experts in public sector change, will be supporting Children, Young People and Education.

In the past three years, Croydon has delivered £137 million savings, with a further £30 million planned for 2024-25. Despite this, some of the council’s costs, such as children’s and adults social care, remain among the highest in London. This is not financially sustainable for the future – and this is why the council needs radical change.

As previously set out in the Future Croydon transformation plan, Croydon needs to save just under £100 million in four years and will only do this by becoming the most cost-effective and efficient council in London. Future Croydon builds on the extensive

improvement work already under way at the council, which has been recognised by the government as good progress. The plan supports the delivery of the Croydon Mayor’s Business Plan 2022-26.

Katherine Kerswell, Chief Executive, Croydon Council, said: “We’re embarking on one of the biggest transformation programmes in local government and for that we need external help.

“To become financially sustainable, Croydon needs to make significant changes in the way it operates. We will do this in a way that puts the needs of residents first – making better use of technology to deliver services, so that we become more efficient, and can offer excellent customer care.

“These three partners will provide additional expertise, helping us to realise our ambitions to become financially sustainable and be able to offer our residents the best possible value for money.”

Support for Armed Forces with flag raising

The armed forces community has been recognised in Bromley through the annual flag raising ceremony in support of Armed Forces Day.

Proceedings were led by the Mayor of Bromley and saw guests come together at the Civic Centre to pay tribute to the service of those in the armed forces, including through a two-minute silence.

A council spokesperson said: “It is right that we continue to show our appreciation for the armed forces community in Bromley, as we have for many

Lewisham Community Awards return for seventh year – could you be a winner?

Lewisham's Community Awards are back for 2024 and residents are invited to make their nominations for all those individuals, businesses and groups who make their area a better place.

The Community Awards, now in their seventh year, are an opportunity to celebrate the unsung local champions who are making a difference across the borough.

The Community Awards scheme was launched in 2017 to champion all those who are going above and beyond for their communities. This could be through helping a neighbour in need, coaching a sports team, running a community choir, giving up their free time to volunteer, performing incredible acts of selflessness, donating food, and more.

The awards want to celebrate and reward the amazing people, groups, and businesses whose contributions improve the borough – changing lives, building community spirit, and helping others stay safe and well. Their work and commitment are what make Lewisham such a special place.

Who do you think should receive an award? There are four categories open for entries:

• Individual

• Young Person (age 21 and under)

• Business

• Faith or Community Group

With more than 250 nominations last year, it’s clear that many individuals and organisations are dedicated to improving the lives of others. Each recipient had an inspiring story to tell.

Among them was Base 13, a personal training studio which was one of last year’s business category award recipients, nominated for its community fundraising efforts.

years and as others are doing across the country. As we thank those who continue to serve our nation, this occasion also gives opportunity to reflect and to remember the service and sacrifice of all who served before them.”

The ceremony in Bromley also took place on Reserves Day, which recognises the roles of reservists in the armed forces. This was part of the services and events that were being held nationwide throughout the week for Armed Forces Day.

Last year, as part of Bromley’s Armed Forces Day activities, the council renewed its commitment

to support the armed forces in Bromley through the signing of the Armed Forces Covenant. This commitment has since received the Bronze award accreditation through the Employer Recognition Scheme from the Ministry of Defence.

Bromley has the largest percentage of military veterans of all the London boroughs, with 2.5 per cent of residents having served in the Armed forces. The borough also has dedicated Army Cadet, Air Training and Sea Cadet Corps providing life skills, training and friendship for younger members of the community across the borough.

Also awarded was Bank of Things, recipient of the Community or Religious Group category. It received the award for supporting young residents living with financial hardship in Lewisham.

You can learn more about Base 13, Bank of Things and other award recipients on the Lewisham Council YouTube channel.

Nominations for the Community Awards close on Sunday, September 8. All nominees will receive an award, and recipients will be announced at an in-person ceremony on Wednesday, October 9. Nominations can be made at:

From reducing youth crime to feeding hungry kids,

Millwall is using the ‘power of the badge’ for good

Luke Wilson, Chief Commercial Officer of Millwall Football Club, and Sean Daly, CEO of Millwall Community Trust, talk to Sarah Dale about using the power of football to engage young people away from a life of crime and how the business community’s support means they can reach even more people.

The power of football to unite communities is a local success story in Bermondsey, the home of Millwall Football Club.

Founded in 1885, the Club’s devoted fans follow every game with passion and pride. The Club’s charity arm, Millwall Community Trust, was established 33 years ago and has been a force for good in Lewisham, Southwark and Kent.

The “power of the Club badge” means that the award-winning charitable trust can reach communities other authorities such as social workers and the police can struggle to engage with.

Luke Wilson, Chief Commercial Officer of Millwall FC, says: “Sean and his team work in some of the most challenging estates in the country. When his coaches walk into those estates the conversation is different.

“As a Club, we have always had a fantastic relationship with our fans locally. Football is so important; it gives people an outlet, a release.”

Sean said " We have seen a significant increase in the number of people who use the food banks we operate. The Club’s fans deliver food donations on match days. Increasingly we are seeing nurses and other key workers using this service and the greater the sponsorship we can secure the more vulnerable people and families we can help.”

The Trust carries out a variety of programmes to support people living in Lewisham and Southwark and have more recently widened their area to include Kent too. All the programmes have been created following discussions with the local community and local authorities to ascertain what the primary needs are.

The Trust works with the police and young people to offer support and a “safe haven” where they can play football and disengage from crime.

Lewisham is the third most dangerous borough in London. The overall crime rate in Lewisham in 2023 was 136 crimes per 1,000 people. This compares poorly to London's overall crime rate, coming in 30% higher than the London rate of 105 per 1,000 daytime population. For England, Wales, and Northern Ireland as a whole, Lewisham is among the top 10 most dangerous cities, and the 402nd most dangerous location out of all towns, cities, and villages.

Southwark is the fourth worst borough for knife crime in London. Between November 2020 and December 2023, the borough saw 2,015 knife-related offences.

The KICKS weekly football practices run in crime hotspots at times when police have identified as crime spikes in a conscious effort to reduce crime in the boroughs. Last year, 1,602 young people engaged with the sessions.

Sean Daly, CEO of Millwall Community Trust, says that aside from himself and one other person, the 20 full-time staff members and around 30 volunteers are from the local boroughs they serve.

“It’s important to be from the local area so our volunteers can engage with people,” he adds.

The Trust works with Lewisham Council, Southwark Council and Sevenoaks District Council in Kent.

The Trust’s programmes include a walking football/sports programme for seniors; two LGBTQ+ football teams; children’s SEND (special educational needs and disabilities) sessions in schools; Pan Disability football and multi-sports sessions for children aged eight to 12 and 13 to 16; and a football league for people suffering with mental health issues run by Slam with the Trust providing the kits and coaches. The Trust has also recently introduced a new programme for veterans to ensure they receive the support they need to adjust from military life to civilian life.

Last year, the Trust provided 8,000 free sports holiday camps and hot meals during the school holidays to children and young people – with many extra meals provided to the children’s families to take home with them.

“We also work in two local prisons –Belmarsh and Swaleside on the Isle of Sheppey – with inmates due to leave within the next two years,” says Sean.

“Most of the prisoners are from our local area and we try to rehabilitate them into the local community and provide work experience such as shadowing some of our coaches.

“In 2023, we delivered 280 hours of support and engaged with 75 inmates.

“We take them to football sessions on a night to speak to the young people to talk about their experiences and going to prison. We want to break that cycle of crime.”

They also work with DWP to get unemployed people into work and 1,000 people turned up at the last jobs fair, leading to 80 people securing a job.

“The key thing is working with the local authorities to identify issues and then provide a programme to combat that issue,” adds Sean.

They have introduced the Divert programme with funding from Bounce Back for a custody officer to be based at Lewisham Police Station and one soon to be added to Southwark Police Station too.

“Any young person aged 16-24 that comes in that’s been arrested for carrying a knife, affray or drugs offences won’t go to prison,” explains Sean.

“They will be released until their court date. They’re told they may still go to prison at court. The Millwall Divert Officer will work with them in that time (between arrest and court date) to get them onto an apprenticeship, into employment or into education, something positive. If that young person then goes to court working and paying taxes or in full-time college, then they are looked on more favourably.

“We have stopped 40 young people from receiving a custodial sentence in the last 4 years. It costs £35,000 a year to fund a prisoner so that money has been saved too.”

The Trust wants to expand its reach and its work in the community but can only do so with the support of the Club and sponsorship from individuals and businesses.

We want to expand our reach and bring on bigger brands internationally, but it’s also really important to us to retain that local link,” says Luke.

“Our fans and local businesses now have a fantastic opportunity to work on CSR projects with us while these Commercial partnerships will bring more revenue to support what we do.

“We have got fantastic opportunities for local businesses to get involved with our new business and community network. As part of this - not only will they get tickets to host clients, staff or customers; there’s brand awareness via social media posts and in-stadia promotion; alongside readymade community programmes to get involved in where as a business you can give back to and support the local community.

The Club has also launched Business Networking events as part of the packages for local businesses and organisations to connect and network with each other. There will be four events every season with different themes and guest speakers.

“We have a range of packages available on our website now soon starting from as little as £500 with a proportion of income from every package dedicated to supporting the Community Trust’s work ”

Luke says joining South East London Chamber of Commerce was down to realising they did so much great work in the community but not many people knew about it.

“We do so much in our community, but we don’t really shout about it and we want to show people that we’re here and what we do,” he says.

“Supporting Millwall means supporting the community,” adds Luke. “Whether their interest is football-related or because as a business they want to show how they care about their local community, they can now join the business and community network knowing that they’re making a difference to local people’s lives. In that way - the Club can help turbo-charge what the Trust is doing.”

The Trust’s awards include Best Community Contribution 2023 by the Mayor of Lewisham, the London Youth Quality Awards, the IESE Certificate of Excellence 2023 and Best Charity 2023/24 at the Southwark Business Awards.

The One Bromley Wellbeing Hub officially opens to Bromley residents

The One Bromley Wellbeing Hub has reopened after a comprehensive refurbishment, transforming it into a one-stop shop for health and lifestyle support and information for Bromley residents.

Originally opened in October 2022 as a Flu and COVID-19 vaccination site, the Hub’s reopening marks a significant step forward in the One Bromley Local Care Partnership's efforts to reduce health inequalities in the borough.

Dr Angela Bhan, Bromley Place Board Director, said: “I am delighted that we are now able to reopen the Wellbeing Hub and offer such a vital range of services to help improve the health of our residents, especially those who are more likely to develop long-term health conditions. The Wellbeing Hub is the first of its kind in the borough and has served us extremely well in the past as a vaccination centre. Now we have the opportunity, through collaboration with health and care partners in Bromley, to offer our residents accessible support and advice to help keep them well and healthy.”

Conveniently located in the Glades shopping centre (upper mall opposite M&S), the Wellbeing Hub is open from Tuesday to Saturday, 10.30am to 6.30pm. It was officially launched on Friday 19 July by Sir Bob Neill, former MP for Bromley and Bromley Mayor, Councillor David Jefferys.

The One Bromley Wellbeing Hub, provided by the One Bromley Local Care Partnership in collaboration with Mytime Active, offers a range of services targeting the five leading causes of poor health, known as the Vital 5. Also on offer are essential services such as support for carers, befriending services, smoking cessation, and cost-of-living advice and support. These services are designed to address both health and socioeconomic challenges, which are often linked. For instance, stopping smoking not only improves physical health but also reduces financial strain. Similarly, cost-of-living advice can alleviate stress and improve mental wellbeing.

Debra Weekes, Mytime Active’s Partnerships Manager, explains: “The Vital 5 – healthy blood pressure, stopping smoking, healthy weight, safe drinking and healthy mind – are the 5 key areas for long term good health and wellbeing. Support is available at the Wellbeing Hub to identify any issues in these areas and advise on how you can improve them. Mytime Active is offering free lifestyle assessments to support residents with any of the Vital 5, signposting and referring them where appropriate to get the care they need and reduce the risks to their health. Our lifestyle advisors are all GP Referral Exercise Specialists, meaning they can provide expert advice on movement and activity for people with longterm health conditions, as well as people who are inactive or those with limited mobility. They have excellent knowledge of Bromley and what support is available across the borough.”

Bromley resident Patricia Fielder recently used the services at the One Bromley Wellbeing Hub. She says: “I wanted to check my blood pressure because I was worried why it was so high. After, to Chris, one of the advisors, he reassured me that the reading was perfectly normal, I'd been worrying the whole time for no reason! He was really friendly and explained what my blood pressure numbers should. He was very knowledgeable and giving me plenty of practical advice on how best to improve my physical and mental health.”

Physical and emotional health can be impacted by factors such as social interaction, financial situation and employment status. David Walker, Bromley Third Sector Enterprise CEO, says: “We are proud to be a partner at the Wellbeing Hub and support Bromley residents. Our advisers from Bromley Well are available for wellbeing support and cost of living issues, providing initial advice and referral to other services including Befriending, support for unpaid Carers, Disabilities, Long Term Health Conditions and Employability Support.”

Services are free and available as walk-in or booked appointments. This will particularly help those who find it difficult to schedule and keep regular healthcare appointments due to unpredictable work patterns or caring responsibilities.

For more information on the services available, time and booking details visit

Private GP service in Orpington

At LycaHealth Orpington, there is a choice of Private GPs who work closely with a wider team of Nurses, Radiographers, Physiotherapists and Consultants to provide a comprehensive service to the people of South East London.

When booking a Private GP appointment you will have a choice of appointment length, ranging from 20-minute to 60-minute consultations, with a male or female GP of your choice. You are able to discuss general health concerns including, but not limited to: migraines, allergies, skin complaints, women and men’s health, abdominal issues, blood pressure and more.

It is recommended to only discuss one health issue per appointment as this allows you the maximum amount of time to fully explore it and for your GP to establish the best course of action for you.

The service is open six days a week, Monday to Saturday to give you convenient appointment

times to fit around your working day. Same-day appointments are available if you urgently need an appointment. You have the option of a face-to-face or a virtual appointment, whatever suits you best.

The Private GPs at LycaHealth Orpington work closely with a network of expert Consultants, being able to refer into a specialist where necessary. The Consultants work across a variety of specialty areas including: Orthopaedics, Vascular, Pain Management, Breast, Dermatology, Cardiology, Gynaecology, Menopause & HRT, Podiatry, Sports Medicine, ENT (Ear, Nose & Throat), Urology and more. Visit to view the full list of specialties.

As well as having access to expert Consultants, LycaHealth Orpington offers onsite imaging and diagnostic services including MRI, CT, Ultrasound, Mammography and X-Ray. The GPs are able to efficiently refer you for further diagnostics within the same facility, giving you a seamless experience through your healthcare journey. For more information or to book an appointment call 01689 490 111 or email

Safeguarding staff in heat and sun, as temperatures set to soar through to late September!

Considering the wet summer that we’ve had so far, you would be forgiven if protecting staff from the heat and the sun isn’t exactly at the forefront of your mind!

However, with temperatures expected to reach an average of 22C during August and continue to be as high as 19C in September in the UK – and possibly much hotter in the South - it’s important to consider how you can support employees to remain well during the Great British summertime.

Ensuring the health, safety, and wellbeing of employees is, quite rightly a legal obligation (check the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974). But apart from that, it is also a fundamental aspect of fostering a productive and positive work environment that avoids sickness and promotes positive wellbeing. The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 imposes an obligation on employers to conduct comprehensive risk assessments to identify potential hazards related to heat exposure and take appropriate steps to address these risks.

Employers must consider factors such as the nature of the work, the environment, and individual employee needs, when planning their summer safety strategies.

Provision of Suitable Clothing

One of the most effective ways to protect employees from the summer heat is to provide appropriate clothing and uniform. Breathable, light-coloured, and loose-fitting clothing will help keep workers cool. For outdoor workers, hats and long-sleeved shirts are essential to shield the skin from harmful UV rays.

Companies like Network Rail and Thames Water have set commendable examples, by ensuring their outdoor workers are equipped with sun cream, hats, and lightweight, protective clothing. Providing clothing such as this is a tax-deductible expense and can also be a good way of promoting your brand, for example, by having caps that include your company logo.

Hydration and Rest Breaks

Adequate hydration is crucial for preventing heat-related illness. Employers must ensure that employees have access to sufficient drinking water, especially those working outdoors or in hot environments.

Providing water bottles and hydration stations is a practical approach that companies like Kier Group and National Trust have successfully implemented. In addition, scheduling regular rest breaks in cool, shaded areas allows employees to recover from the heat and maintain their productivity throughout the day.

Sun Protection Measures

Employers should supply sun protection measures such as sunscreen, hats, and sunglasses for employees working outdoors. Educating staff on the importance of applying sun cream and wearing protective gear can significantly reduce the risk of sunburn and long-term skin damage.

Thames Water and Network Rail, for instance, emphasise the importance of sun protection by providing these essentials to their field workers.

Monitoring and Education

Employers must also monitor weather conditions and adjust work schedules if necessary to avoid the hottest parts of the day. Flexibility in work hours can help reduce heat exposure and enhance employee comfort and safety.

Regular training sessions and informational materials can empower employees to take proactive measures to protect themselves.

More information

By following the examples set by companies like Network Rail, Thames Water, and Kier Group, employers can ensure that their staff remain safe, healthy, and motivated throughout the summer months.

Welcome to our new members

Bexley Kutchenhaus Limited

221 Broadway, Bexleyheath

London DA6 7EJ

Contact: Tracy Wells

Tel: 020 3654 9802


Cloudology Services Limited

21 Albert House, Erebus Drive

London SE28 0GN

Contact: David Dowle

Tel: 020 3355 1400


Creative Companion Collaborations CIC

5 Brayford Square

London E1 0SG

Contact: Yvonne Bethune

Tel: 07581 570311


DTT Removals Ltd

23 Weatherill House Business Centre, Whitestone Way, London CR0 4WF

Contact: Adrian Thompson

Tel: 07704 017314


Gordon and Thompson Ltd

51 Tweedy Road, Bromley

London BR1 3NJ

Contact: Fadeke Oralusi

Tel: 020 7183 3009



4 Selsdon Crescent

South Croydon

Surrey CR2 8NA

Contact: Lee Moloney

Tel: 07762 282035


NewFlex Limited

6th Floor, 140 Aldersgate Street

London EC1A 4HY

Contact: Navin Silwal

Tel: 07977 065886


Origin Systems Limited

4 Banning Street, Greenwich

London SE10 9PH

Contact: Rick Hill

Tel: 020 3358 3355


Porsche Centre South London

Edgington Way, Orpington, Sidcup

London DA14 5BN

Contact: Hannah Keeley

Tel: 02082696348


Pulse Social Sports Group CIC

Level 4, House of Sport, 190 Great Dover Street

London SE1 4YB

Contact: Marlon Commock

Tel: 07375 594559


RBC Brewin Dolphin

14 Church Road


London DA7 4DA

Contact: James Poland

Tel: 020 3201 3424


Safetech Innovations Global Services Ltd

Plexal, The Press Centre

Here East, 14 East Bay Lane

London E20 3BS,

Contact: Liana Stancu

Tel: 07423 177115


Sasson & Co.Chartered Accountants

Fuel Tank, Studio B105, 8-12 Creekside Deptford London SE8 3DX

Contact: Yogesh Pathmanathan Tel: 07860 920888


Sprynt 9-11 Gunnery Terrace, Royal Arsenal London SE18 6SW

Contact: Tel: 07815 290828


The Greenwich Foundation for the Old Royal Naval College Foundation House

London SE10 9LW

Contact: Matthew Mees

Tel: 020 8269 4750


TG Baynes Solicitors

Broadway House, 208 Broadway, Bexleyheath

London DA6 7BG

Contact: Kulvinder Shokar

Tel: 020 8301 7777


Costco Wholesale is a membership warehouse club, dedicated to bringing our members quality goods and services at the lowest possible prices. We provide a wide selection of merchandise, plus the convenience of speciality departments and exclusive member services, all designed to make your shopping experience a pleasurable one. We are confident in the quality and value of our products, and we stand behind them with our guarantee of satisfaction.


Become an Executive Member and earn an annual 2% Reward on most of your Costco purchases*. The annual membership fee for Executive Trade Membership is £56 ex VAT (£67.20 inc VAT) and as an Executive Individual Membership is £62 ex VAT (£74.40 inc VAT). The annual membership fee for Standard Trade Membership is £22 ex VAT (£26.40 inc VAT) and Standard Individual Membership is £28 ex VAT (£33.60 inc VAT), all memberships include a complimentary card for your spouse or domestic partner.

To join and start saving please provide one piece of business evidence for Trade membership, or for Individual membership your employee ID card or current pay slip to prove your employment, PLUS one piece of photographic identification for both memberships.

For more information and to preview our warehouses visit or scan the QR code.

And finally

Bethan Tomlinson FRSA, is the new Director of Tramshed in Woolwich, having joined the organisation as Executive Director in 2020. Bethan trained as a performer at Royal Central School of Speech and Drama, in the same class as Martin Freeman.

She co-founded mask and puppet theatre company Strangeface (2001), Tunbridge Wells Puppetry Festival (2014) and was Event Director at Historic Royal Palaces (2004-8). She was a Senior Manager at Arts Council England’s flagship participatory programme: Creative People and Places Project: Ideas Test (Swale and Medway). She is Chair of Funding For All Charity, supporting VCSEs to increase their fundraising success.

Q What was your first job and what was the pay packet?

A I was Shop Assistant at Alison’s Books in Bolton at 14. I was head-hunted as most likely to reinvest my wages back into their business! I was paid about £2.50 per hour.... a lifetime ago!

Q What would you do with your last pound?

A Put it on the lottery. Not sure that is the best answer but we have had Lottery support so we could argue some kind of increased chance of return on investment line.

Q What is the biggest challenge facing your business?

A Securing long term funding for the massive demand for community arts programmes. People want to create, and this takes capital and support from the private and public sectors.

Q If you were Prime Minister, what would be your first decision?

A Put myself on the chopping block and have a weekly People’s PMQs. We need to install more trust in politicians and one great way to do that would be to make myself fully accountable to the people; week in, week out.

Q If you could do another job what would it be?

A I’m passionate about people recognising the power they have. Everyone undervalues themselves at times both in terms of their capability and their impact on others around them – so guess I’d be a coach.

Q What book are you currently reading?

A Undoctored by Adam Kay, his sequel to This is Going to Hurt. It is funny, sharp and captures common experiences of vocation and ideals versus reality and paying the bills.





We offer FREE support to help you realise your business ambitions, through our Talking Business programme including:

One-to-one expert advice and mentoring to help your business grow.

Specialist training courses tailored to your business’ needs.

Cash grant towards training and upskilling your staff.

Recruitment service to help you fill vacancies.

E-Business support to help boost your online and social media presence.

Support to get your business ideas off the ground through our dedicated Start-Up service.



A motivated, skilled, and qualified workforce is the backbone of any thriving business. Investing in staff development has numerous benefits that directly impact your company’s growth and success.

A motivated, skilled, and qualified workforce is the backbone of any thriving business. Investing in staff development has numerous benefits that directly impact your company’s growth and success.


Apprenticeships are the key to unlocking a pool of talented candidates eager to make a difference in your business.


Apprenticeships are the key to unlocking a pool of talented candidates eager to make a difference in your business.


Unlock the Potential of Your Workforce!

Unlock the Potential of Your Workforce!

Invest in Apprenticeships and Upskilling for a Stronger Workforce!

Invest in Apprenticeships and Upskilling for a Stronger Workforce!

Unlock the Potential of Your Workforce!

Invest in Apprenticeships and Upskilling for a Stronger Workforce!

Embrace the power of growth and potential with our tailored apprenticeship and upskilling programmes.

Embrace the power of growth and potential with our tailored apprenticeship and upskilling programmes.

At London South East Colleges, we believe that investing in your workforce is the key to success in today’s competitive world.

At London South East Colleges, we believe that investing in your workforce is the key to success in today’s competitive world.

Embrace the power of growth and potential with our tailored apprenticeship and upskilling programmes.

We work with local, regional and national employers to identify their training needs.

At London South East Colleges, we believe that investing in your workforce is the key to success in today’s competitive world.

We work with local, regional and national employers to identify their training needs.

Are you ready to unlock the potential of your workforce?

We work with local, regional and national employers to identify their training needs.

Contact us today at or on 020 3954 4965 to discuss how we can help you find the right people for your business.

Are you ready to unlock the potential of your workforce?

Are you ready to unlock the potential of your workforce? Contact us today at or on 020 3954 4965 to discuss how we can help you find the right people for your business.

Invest in Your Future. Empower Your Workforce.

Invest in Your Future. Empower Your Workforce.

Contact us today at or on 020 3954 4965 to discuss how we can help you find the

We believe in the power of industry collaboration to shape the future workforce. By partnering with us to design course content, you can unlock numerous benefits for your business.


We believe in the power of industry collaboration to shape the future workforce. By partnering with us to design course content, you can unlock numerous benefits for your business.

Turn static files into dynamic content formats.

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Articles inside

And finally

pages 50-51

Safeguarding staff in heat and sun, as temperatures set to soar through to late September!

pages 47-48

Private GP service in Orpington

page 47

The One Bromley Wellbeing Hub officially opens to Bromley residents

pages 45-46

From reducing youth crime to feeding hungry kids,

pages 42-43

Lewisham Community Awards return for seventh year – could you be a winner?

pages 41-42

Croydon Council selects partners to support transformation plan

page 41

We’re making a difference in dementia care

page 41

SELCC Christmas Lunch

pages 39-40

Caribbean Afternoon Tea

page 39

How Good Photography helps your business stand out from the crowd

page 38

SELCC Summer BBQ 2024

pages 37-38

SELCC Golf Day 2024

page 37

Lewisham Business Breakfast at Lewisham College

page 36

Charity Quiz Night 2024

pages 35-36

Caribbean Afternoon Tea at DoubleTree by

page 34

Initiative takes school students to the stage

page 33

Summer of exciting events launches across Royal Borough of Greenwich

page 33

EFL’s ground-breaking new TV deal with Sky Sports Plus Announcement from our Strategic Partner, Alcatel Submarine Networks

pages 32-33

Let’s make London even greater together

pages 30-32

Technology in 2024 and beyond

pages 29-30

Understanding IT Risks: A Call to Action for Small and Medium-Sized Business Leaders

page 28

Digital Transformation in Small Businesses

pages 26-27


pages 25-26

Innovative SectorBased Work Academy Programme Launched

pages 23-25

FUTURE GREENWICH: Transforming skills provision in the borough

page 23

The Big Sleep Out

pages 21-22

WOOLWICH SERVICE USERS PROJECT Humanity in Action in the Community

pages 20-21

The Wind of Change

page 19


pages 17-18

New community space in Erith

pages 14-17

Erith and Sidcup win prestigious awards for regeneration projects

page 14

Bexley's business community shines at Talking Business Event

page 14

Bromley businesses thrive with host of support available

page 13


page 12

Celebrate Christmas at WOOLWICH WORKS

page 11

Royal Borough of Greenwich launches new Inclusive Economy Strategy Support for night-time workers in Greenwich

pages 10-11

A borough full of talent

pages 9-10

Discover Lewisham this summer

pages 8-9

Ask an Expert

page 7

Have your say on future of Croydon

pages 6-7

New Chief Executive appointed for Bexley

page 6

Business breakfast kicks off networking event calendar

page 6

We’re ready to work in partnership with Labour Government - BCC

page 5

Quarterly Recruitment Outlook: Construction Suffers as Hiring Difficulties Rise

page 5

Visit Greenwich wins Gold for Travel Trade Engagement, The Travel Marketing Awards 2024

page 4

Have your say on Silvertown Tunnel

page 4
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