Thinking Business April 24

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The greener path is paved for Kent

n MegaGrowth 50: Kent’s fastest growing businesses revealed p10

n The Big Interview: Sue Threader, Bridge Clerk (Chief Executive) of the Rochester Bridge Trust p16

n International Trade p36

n Chamber Events p40

n Sector Focus on Corporate Hospitality p44

n New Members p48

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Welcome to the latest edition of Thinking Business.

It has been a pleasure getting out and about at Chamber events and meeting more members. You can’t beat seeing people face-to-face and it is refreshing to see a boost in the hospitality industry post-

Business confidence is improving

Covid with more businesspeople booking networking events and teambuilding activities in Kent.

It was fascinating to learn more about the Rochester Bridge Trust in this special environment-themed edition of the magazine. Chief Executive Sue Threader and her team have made impressive inroads into making our historical bridges Net Zero. They have planted 8,000 trees to offset the carbon emissions of the £13.5 million major refurbishment project, which was completed at the end of 2020.

Boosting energy sustainability and reducing our carbon footprint are high on the agenda for our businesses and RBT is a great example. There are lots of ways we can all work together to hit our net zero targets including upcycling waste, recycling, using greener energy. I am sure you will be inspired to implement many more ideas having read our cover feature on the environment. For example,

Greenman Solar and Utilitas Solutions talk about solar panels and the energy-saving and incomeboosting benefits of having them installed at business premises.

It was fantastic to discover the 50 fastest-growing businesses in Kent at the MegaGrowth 50 awards in March, which pleasingly included some of our members. Based on the average turnover growth of privately-owned businesses in Kent which have a minimum turnover of £1 million, MegaGrowth 50 is now in its 20th year and this year was the first time the Chamber partnered the scheme. Kent remains a business hotspot. Find out inside which local firms took the top three places.

It is great to see business booming in Kent and it will be interesting to see how the economy fares over the coming months.

Have you booked your place at the Construction, Engineering & Manufacturing Skills Conference?

It will be held at Bridgewood Manor Hotel on Wednesday 15th May. The construction, engineering and manufacturing sectors have been highlighted within the Kent & Medway Local Skills Improvement Plan (LSIP) and the conference aims to bring together industry experts and education to work collaboratively on solutions to address skill challenges.

I look forward to seeing you at Chamber events over the coming months and finding out more about your businesses and how we can support you.


Thinking Business 3 Welcome & Contents Our Patrons 4 Business News 5 Legal Update 8-9 Members News 10 MegaGrowth 50 12-13 Members News 14 Skills 15 Patron News 16-17 The Big Interview 18-19 Members News 22-23 Skills 24-31 Cover Feature –Environment 32-34 Members News 36-37 International Trade 38 Ask the Expert 39 Economy 40-41 Chamber Events 42-47 Sector Focus –Corporate hospitality 48-49 New Members 50 Movers & Shakers 50 Last Word Editorial and General Enquiries Kent Invicta Chamber of Commerce, Ashford Business Point, Waterbrook Avenue, Sevington, Ashford, Kent. TN24 0LH Chief Executive: Tudor Price Tel: 01233 503 838 Media No. 2018 Published April 2024 © Benham Publishing Publisher Ian Fletcher Benham Publishing Limited, Aintree Building, Aintree Way, Aintree Business Park, Liverpool L9 5AQ Tel: 0151 236 4141 Fax: 0151 236 0440 Advertising and Features Karen Hall Tel: 0151 236 4141 Editor Sarah Dale Tel: 0151 236 4141 Production Manager Mark Etherington Tel: 0151 236 4141 Disclaimer Thinking Business is published for Kent Invicta Chamber of Commerce and is distributed without charge to Chamber members. All correspondence should be addressed to the Editor at Kent Invicta Chamber of Commerce. Views expressed in Thinking Business are not necessarily those of Kent Invicta Chamber of Commerce. Reprinting in whole or part is forbidden except by permission. © 2024. Please note that submitting an article does not guarantee publication. Whilst every effort is made to ensure the accuracy and reliability of material published in this journal, Benham Publishing and its agents can accept no responsibility for the veracity of claims made by contributions in advertising or editorial content. Benham Publishing cannot be held responsible for any inaccuracies in web or email links supplied to us. Cover images: Pixabay
44 Contents
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Tudor Price Chief Executive, Kent Invicta Chamber of Commerce

Business leaders join over 50,000 residents in calling for Eurostar services to return

Over 53,000 people have signed a petition calling for the return of Eurostar services. They join hundreds of business leaders, representing thousands of employees, who have responded to a survey calling for views on the lack of international rail services stopping in Kent.

Bring Back Euro Trains (BBET) marked the firstyear anniversary of the petition with a webinar on 20 March to update residents on what has been done to date to help facilitate the return of the Eurostar.

Ashford MP Damian Green said it was a key task “to make clear to the British Government just how important the Kent stations are to the wider economic growth in the second most profitable region of the UK economy, namely the South East.”

BBET was buoyed by the optimism from speakers that services will return, if not from Eurostar but competitors.


A survey with business representatives operating in Kent and the wider region received around 530 responses with 99% calling for a return to services. This represents over 30,000 employees.

In October 2023, KCC, supported by Ashford Borough Council and Dartford Borough Council, launched the business survey to understand the impact international rail services not calling in Kent is having on trade. The survey ran for three months, closing in January 2024.


Damian Green instigated a debate in the House of Commons last year on international rail services in Kent. This received support from Minister of State for Rail at the Department for Transport Huw Merriman, and MPs from across Kent, East Sussex and South London to find a resolution as well as a commitment to work alongside his officials on their return.”


Mattias Thraen, Plant General Manager at Coty Manufacturing UK

“As the manufacturing site for cosmetics serving the EMEA region (Europe, the Middle East and Africa), and with head offices located in Amsterdam and Paris, the restoration of the international rail link to Ashford will be a key enabler for our business.”

Duncan Callow, Managing Director, Indicator FL Memo Ltd

“It’s difficult to overstate the impact the loss of Eurostar services has had on our business. We’re a truly European company with headquarters in Brussels and Paris – in fact the very reason we located to Ashford 25 years ago was for its excellent connectivity with those cities. Now, face to face contact with colleagues and senior management is almost non-existent. We have also lost group investment in Ashford.”

Tudor Price, Chief Executive of Kent Invicta Chamber of Commerce

“With the online petition now surpassing 50,000 signatures and continuing to grow, it must now be beyond doubt to both Government and Eurostar, that the demand for services to resume in Kent is significant. Businesses that we represent have been unequivocal about the impact the lack of international services is having on their business, their staff and the wider supply chain.

“The local and national economy needs Government and stakeholders to be unlocking opportunities for foreign investment and the resumption of international services to Kent has a major part to play in realising those opportunities.”

Deirdre Wells OBE, CEO of Visit Kent

“Quite simply, the loss of the international rail connection means fewer international visitors and less spend for visitor economy businesses in Kent. Furthermore, the loss of this rail connection is not helpful to meet our goal of low carbon travel.”

Liz Gibney, Chair of the Kent and Medway Economic Partnership

“Businesses in the county are missing out on opportunities to engage with customers from the continent and European business travel is considerably more complex and time consuming than it should be. It is vital for Kent & Medway’s economy that international rail services are reinstated at Ebbsfleet and Ashford as soon as possible.”


Leader of Ashford Borough Council, Cllr Noel Ovenden

“Rail services at Ashford International Station are not only important for existing businesses and travellers, but they are also important for our future commercial investments.”

Leader of Dartford Borough Council, Jeremy Kite

“It’s vital that international rail services return to Ebbsfleet and Ashford. We need this unique infrastructure to get back up and running in Kent.”

Kent County Council’s Cabinet Member for Economic Development, Derek Murphy

“Without the international trains stopping in the county, Kent has lost its unique selling point of two excellent international stations. Many firms chose to locate near Ashford or Ebbsfleet to take advantage of direct rail services for staff and clients but having to travel to and from St Pancras not only makes business trips more difficult but reduces productivity.”

Link to the webinar recording can be found at:

4 Thinking Business Business News

Biodiversity Net Gains: New Rules for Developers to Promote Ecology

In a move that has attracted international attention in the field of ecological protection, Spring 2024 marks the introduction of ambitious new Biodiversity Net Gain rules for developers in England.

While protecting wildlife habitats and the concept of net gains have been features of the ecological landscape since the Town and Country Planning Act of 1990, the threshold has now been raised to ensure that new developments deliver a Biodiversity Net Gain of at least 10%.

The rules for larger developments came into force on 12th February 2024, with smaller sites facing the same requirements from 2nd April 2024. Nationally significant infrastructure projects will also need to adopt the same approach by November 2025.

This means, for example, that where wetland or trees are lost, the preferred way for a developer to offset this loss and achieve a 10% net gain is to create new biodiverse features on site (within the red line boundary). However, where this is not possible, there are provisions for developers to make the required gains in locations beyond the development site or, as a last resort, to buy statutory biodiversity credits from the government. Nevertheless, the overall aim is clear: to ensure that habitats for wildlife are left in a measurably better state than they were before the development.

The onus is on developers to demonstrate Biodiversity Net Gain through pre-and postdevelopment surveys, with the legislation being regulated by local authorities and government agencies. Developers will need to work with ecologists to assess the size, quality, and type of existing biodiversity and measure its value, before proceeding to deliver suitable habitat creation or enhancement.

While the new rules have been lauded for their environmental ambition, and are being

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much watched by legislators in other countries, it might be expected that some developers would be apprehensive about added costs or additional layers of red tape.

However, the government agency Natural England is keen to point out that some major developers have been working with the RSPB to increase biodiversity and open green spaces on their sites for over eight years. And in a further example, a large developer previously made biodiversity and landscape impact a key feature of a 300-home development in Bolton, where they achieved net gains of between 11% and 41%.

No doubt the concern to balance habitat protection against the benefits of new developments will continue to exercise the minds of legislators in coming years, while developers will remain mindful of potential issues and delays as the new regulations bedin. At the same time, in the legal sector, we will be carefully keeping abreast of these changes so that we can best help our clients navigate the new legislation.

Thinking Business 5 Legal Update
Face the future with confidence... When it comes to financial advice, it’s important to find someone you can trust. For the past 33 years we have been providing unbiased, holistic financial planning advice to clients and businesses across Kent. We are proud of our success, our independence, and our reputation of being a friendly, professional practice. Folkestone Office: 01303 273 273 Maidstone Office: 01622 238 230 Authorised and Regulated by The Financial Conduct Authority

WHY ESG RISKS cannot be ignored

According to scientists, 2023 was the warmest year on record globally and an increasing number of investors are keen to adopt an investment approach that includes non-financial considerations. Indeed, many wish for their portfolio to make a positive contribution to the environment or aim to improve society as a whole.

What is Socially Responsible Investment?

Socially Responsible Investment (SRI) strategies have become increasingly popular since they were first developed in the 1970s. According to the Sustainable Investment Forum, of the USD $66.6 trillion of investment assets managed in the US at the end of 2021, USD $8.4 trillion – or just under 13% - were invested through a sustainable investment strategy. As trends evolve, the range of options open to investors who are keen to take a socially responsible approach has increased, with both active and passive strategies covering Equities and fixed income investments now readily available.

SRI investment can take many forms, depending on how strict an approach an investor wishes to take. It is, however, important to bear in mind that taking too strict a stance will result in a very limited investment universe and reduce the ability to provide sufficient diversification.

A popular approach is to look to include investments that aim to make a positive impact, and tries to include, rather than exclude, companies that meet the necessary ethical criteria. Alternatively, an investor who wants to take a more rigorous approach may look to set high standards for inclusion and disregard many investment opportunities on SRI grounds.

Our approach to SRI investment

Some clients ask us to adopt a common-sense approach to SRI investment, by building portfolios designed to meet suitable screening criteria (which limits exposure to areas such as fossil fuels, gambling, animal testing and weaponry) whilst remaining as inclusive as possible.

Some investors would prefer a sharper focus, and within their investment portfolio are keen to strictly limit any allocation to areas that could be harmful to the environment or society. We can construct bespoke advisory investment portfolios for these clients, using rigorous quantitative screening processes and active engagement with leading fund managers, to meet a client’s ethical preferences.

What about mainstream investments?

Whilst SRI investment is a growing trend, many investors prefer to invest in a traditional investment strategy that does not take ethical considerations into account when making investment decisions. Adopting a mainstream investment approach does not, however, mean that the investment fund managers will ignore the impact of the actions that investee companies take, when it comes to environmental issues, or how they treat their employees. Indeed, Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) factors are a critical risk for any business, and fund managers – whether adopting a socially responsible investment approach or not –will look to take these risks into consideration when building their portfolio.

ESG criteria are wide-ranging and will assess how a company safeguards the Environment, including corporate policies addressing climate change. Social factors look to examine the company’s relationships with their employees, customers and suppliers. Governance issues cover areas such as a company’s leadership, executive pay and shareholder rights.

Avoiding controversies

The reason ESG factors are now a mainstream investment consideration when looking at the prospects for growth is that investors, consumers, and the companies with whom they do business, are looking at the way a business conducts itself. The risk that a business overlooks these key considerations, can lead to the potential for reputational and financial damage. These so-called “ESG controversies” can have a significant impact on the value of a company and lead to underperformance.

A change for good

The increased potential for an ESG controversy to damage the financial prospects of a company is driving a change in culture within businesses across the World, and therefore any investor can take comfort in the fact that good business governance will take ESG considerations into account when formulating their strategy and approach. The same is true for investment managers. Sound investment planning is about assessing risk, and whilst active fund managers will routinely consider potential threats to a business from increased market competition, changes in trends and customer habits and new technology, it is clear that ESG factors cannot be ignored.

Adopting a socially responsible investment approach can aim to make a positive impact through investment choices made, but that does not necessarily mean that the risks associated with environmental, social and governance factors can be ignored by other investors, too.

© Financial Advice and Services Ltd 2024

The content of this article is for information only and does not constitute financial advice. It is for general information only and should not be relied upon when making any financial planning decisions. You should always obtain professional independent advice based on your circumstances. Financial Advice & Services Limited, Independent Financial Advisers, authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.

Thinking Business 7 Advertising Feature

Coffee shop and caterer expands its offering

Whatever the occasion, 363 Coffee Lounge & Event Catering has something delicious to offer – and new to the menu is its private hire availability.

The Chatham based company, which opened its doors in October 2019, is now giving customers the option of Saturday afternoon private hire which it says is “perfect for intimate gatherings of up to 30 guests.” Events can be tailored with optional backdrops and balloons and a choice of afternoon tea or buffet-style food.

It is the latest offering from the five-star food-and-hygiene-rated 363 Coffee Lounge, which boasts homemade goodies and holds an alcohol licence meaning visitors can enjoy afternoon tea with bubbles, cold beers or even just celebratory coffees, along with freshly made food daily.

In addition to its sit-in experience, the company offers bespoke event catering for all occasions, from weddings to corporate functions, tailored to the customer’s budget. Delivery is available for buffet catering, including disposable plates, napkins, tablecloths and cutlery on request. Allergies and special dietary requirements can be catered for.

For more information or to view menus, visit

Right to flexible working from day one in a new job

The right to request flexible working is set to widen again from 6 April 2024, when employees will be able to request flexible working from their first day in a new job.

Flexible working was first introduced in 2003 for working parents and carers. Over time the right has been extended to all employees after 26 weeks’ continuous service.

A new survey from Acas (the government-funded body with a remit to provide employment expertise) has found that 30% of employers have seen an increase in staff working from home in the last 12 months alone. It is estimated that flexible working contributes £37 billion annually to the UK economy.

Eleanor Rogers, a Solicitor in Furley Page’s employment law team, said: “Post-pandemic, flexible working is far more common and takes many forms including hybrid and agile working. Flexibility includes

when and where employees work and how roles are performed, such as by job-sharing.

“The Acas Code of Practice states that the default position should no longer be to reject requests and employers must follow the statutory process or risk discrimination claims, financial penalties and damage to recruitment and retention. For example, Working Families’ research shows that 55% of working parents in the UK would consider leaving their job for another role that offered better flexibility.

“From 6 April 2024, the right to request will become a ‘day-one’ right, meaning employees no longer have to wait until they have six months’ service with an employer before being eligible to make a request.”

The new Employment Relations (Flexible Working) Act 2023 will introduce other changes that are also expected to take effect from 6 April 2024, including new

Here is a summary of the changes, at a glance:

requirements for employers to consult with the employee before rejecting their flexible working request, reduced waiting times for decisions to be made, and an end to the need for the employee to explain what effect the change would have on the employer and how that effect might be mitigated. The Acas Code of Practice on handling flexible working requests and accompanying guidance have been revised in line with the new legislation.

Employers are required to “consult” with the employee before a request can be decided, to explore all available options and reasons for rejection

Employees can bring a claim at an Employment Tribunal for failure to follow the process. If a refusal can be shown to be a discriminatory act, there is the risk of uncapped compensation, and if the request relates to an employee’s disability, a refusal could be a failure to make a reasonable adjustment under the Equality Act 2010.

Furley Page’s Employment Team can provide you with a suitable policy to ensure your processes are up to date and help you minimise the risks, says the company.

For information visit

8 Thinking Business Members News
Requirement Current position Change Service requirement 26 weeks/6 months’ service as an employee. Right to request only From day one of employment. Right to request only Frequency of requests One request per year allowed Two requests per year allowed (unless the first application is still being considered) Time to respond to requests Three months Two months. Can extend but only if agreed by the parties Content of requests Employees must explain the
of their flexible working request on their employer and how to mitigate this No requirement Rejecting a requestconsult No requirement to consult
potential impact

Family-run furnishings retailer still going strong 50 years on

An independent retailer is continuing to develop and grow after more than 50 years in the business.

Lukehurst has been supplying homes with quality furnishings for more than 50 years since being established in 1970 in Rainham by grandfather Gerald Lukehurst. Two years later, his son Martin joined the business and the pair developed and expanded the company over the coming years, with two moves in Rainham, the final one being to premises in the High Street where they still have

a store today, and the opening of a store in Sittingbourne.

Martin took over running the company fully when Gerald retired in 1987 and carried on developing it, with a move to larger premises in Sittingbourne. Then in 2014, daughter Kathryn Lukehurst joined the business. A year later the company moved premises again in Sittingbourne, purchasing Bargebrick House on Eurolink Way.

Lukehurst has recently developed the Sittingbourne store, adding

Nothing beats Communication

Kent-based telecoms operation NBC – Nothing Beats

Communication – is determined to provide the best possible customer experience, and with an average five-second pick up time on its helpline, staff are working their hardest to be on hand exactly when their customers need them.

The company, established in 2018, provides cloud VoIP, ultrafast connectivity, contact centres, cyber security, EPOS and merchant payments, liaising with their customers to find the most suitable solutions to their business telecom needs, with the aim of helping SMEs to expand their reach and influence.

a large mezzanine which gave an extra 8,000 sq ft retail space, allowing the team to display a wider range of products. It also carried out major improvement works on the exterior.

As a family-run, independent retailer, Lukehurst says it prides itself on offering excellent customer service and good quality products at value for money prices. It offers a wide range of products, including many top brands, in styles to suit different tastes and interiors, from contemporary to traditional.

The Rainham and Sittingbourne stores both display a wide range of furniture, beds and accessories, and the Sittingbourne store also offers curtains, carpets and flooring. In Rainham, as well as the main store, the company also has the Old Chapel, which specialises in carpets, flooring, curtains, blinds, soft furnishings and wallpaper, with a workshop upstairs where we make bespoke curtains, blinds and accompanying soft furnishings.


Firms join forces to expand services across South East

NBC says it is proud of its 4.9-star Trustpilot rating, which it says demonstrates the organisation’s dedication to customer satisfaction, whether it’s helping them to connect with more clients, enabling communication between multiple sites or promoting products and services across the UK and beyond.

The company says it aims to support businesses at every stage, from set-up to “smooth ongoing operation”, using cuttingedge hardware, and promises that there will never be hidden charges down the line, ensuring the seamless running of the business’s telecoms.

For more information, visit

Creaseys Group, a trusted advisor for more than 150 years, based in Tunbridge Wells, has joined Evelyn Partners, a leading integrated wealth management and professional services group in its mission to place the power of good advice into more hands.

Increasing Evelyn Partners’ footprint in the South East of England, the Creaseys team joined their Maidstone-based Evelyn Partners colleagues at the end of 2023 in offering a range of assurance, advisory and tax services to both businesses and individuals across Kent.

“In a move that will see more services offered locally, by providing all the financial services you need under one roof, we are uniquely

positioned to ensure that your business and personal wealth works together,” said Terry Shepherd, who leads the office.

“Having gone through the process (of selling a business), my biggest piece of advice is build a really strong team around you. You need patience, patience and more patience - this is a long process, but we are delighted with the outcome.

The Integration is going well, said Terry. “Evelyn Partners was a natural fit for us; they fundamentally share our cultural values when it comes to building deep and long-lasting relationships with clients and there is a natural synergy in terms of expertise and the types of clients we advise.” Visit

Thinking Business 9 Members News
Martin & Kathryn Lukehurst

MegaGrowth 50: Kent’s fastest growing businesses revealed

Kent’s 50 fastest-growing businesses were revealed at the MegaGrowth 50 awards in March.

MegaGrowth 50 provides a performance table based on the average turnover growth of privately-owned businesses in Kent which have a minimum turnover of £1million, as stipulated in their full accounts registered at Companies House across the last four years. High performing companies that did not file full accounts, but met the criteria, also applied to be considered for inclusion.

Those making it into the top 50 this year were announced at a special presentation breakfast held at the Tudor Park Country Club, near Maidstone.

Top of the table was Rochester-based Primech Building Services Ltd who had grown by a staggering 739% over the relevant period. Founded by Declan Ausher in 2015, Primech delivers end-to-end mechanical and engineering solutions

to the building management and construction sectors.

On receiving his top spot award, Declan, Managing Director of Primech said: “The organic growth we have achieved since Primech launched has come from bringing the best people together. Building a team with the right ethos and commitment to doing the best job possible for our clients.

“We have attracted clients quickly, quite simply, because we do a good job not just an OK one. We constantly ask for feedback from our clients and we make improvements off the back of this all the time.

“We have just opened a satellite branch in Luton and hope to open another one very soon. We are delighted to be recognised by the MegaGrowth 50 and can’t wait to share the news with our team.”

Second place went to construction and refurbishment business Drakemoor Ltd who had grown by 320%, and third, with 242% growth, was building services company Kingsheath Construction Ltd.

Details of all those appearing in the MegaGrowth 50 can be found at

MegaGrowth 50 - now in its 20th year - is produced by leading law firm Brachers and accountants and business advisers Kreston Reeves under licence from the KM Media Group. For the first time this year Kent Invicta Chamber of Commerce partnered the scheme.

Nigel Fright, Managing Partner at Kreston Reeves, said: “Businesses across the UK are continuing to face extraordinary challenges –the aftershocks of Brexit and the pandemic continue to be felt, alongside the inflationary pressures making it much harder for businesses to deliver.” He continued: “Against this backdrop, it’s inspiring to meet the businesses who have made it into the MegaGrowth 50. These are businesses that have prevailed against the odds and, together, have contributed to impressive growth within the region.”

James Bullock, Head of Corporate and Commercial at Brachers, added: “Once again, MegaGrowth 50 has provided a fantastic opportunity to shine a light on some incredible businesses from every corner of the county. From speaking to the leaders of these remarkable companies, it’s clear that there’s no single blueprint for success, but what each firm possesses is the ability to combine a great business model, with innovation, commercial foresight, and high adaptability. For that, I truly commend them all.”

Tudor Price, Chief Executive, Kent Invicta Chamber of Commerce, added: “It has been a delight to meet some of the successful businesses at the breakfast presentation, which pleasingly included several of our members. The MegaGrowth 50 businesses are a great success story for our county, demonstrating that Kent remains a prime hotspot for doing business in the UK.”

10 Thinking Business
MegaGrowth 50 2024

What businesses need to know about CCTV and GDPR

Big Brother is watching – but what happens to what’s recorded? Who can view it? How is it stored and used? Is it legal to record?

CCTV is covered under UK GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), meaning it must be treated the same as any other personal information collected by your business – handled securely and within legal parameters.

GDPR and data privacy expert

Judith Andrews from Business Tamer explains the compliance steps businesses must take if they use CCTV:

1. CCTV must only be used for a specified, necessary purpose and a legitimate aim, such as monitoring for taking up issues later.

2. Users must take into account and regularly review the effect on individuals’ privacy.

3. Use must be transparent, giving a published contact point for information and complaints.

4. There must be clear responsibility and accountability for all activities including what happens to recorded images.

5. Clear rules, policies and procedures must be in place, and communicated to all who need to comply with them.

6. Only images and information strictly required for the stated purpose should be stored, and must be deleted once their purpose is served. An internal policy should exist to ensure this happens, and checks undertaken to enforce compliance.

7. Access should be restricted to those who require it for a legitimate reason and only disclosed if necessary for law enforcement.

8. Operators should maintain high standards of systems used.

9. Appropriate security measures are necessary to safeguard against unauthorised access and use.

10. Systems should be reviewed and audited regularly to ensure compliance with legal requirements, policies and standards.

Six, 60 or 600 ways to help others as charity marks milestone

A charity with a huge impact on wellbeing is hoping for support to raise vital funds as part of its 60th anniversary celebrations.

Social action charity Imago provides support and opportunities to people, families and communities across Kent and the South East, empowering people of all ages to improve their life chances, increase independence and build brighter futures. From the support of young carers and activity groups for over 55s, to respite activities for disabled children and one-to-one support for adults in GP surgeries, Imago helps people to access the right support, and improve their health and wellbeing.

In 2023, the charity helped tens of thousands of people, with more than 10,000 children and 13,000 adults across the county accessing its services over the year.

Now, in its landmark year, Imago is aiming to raise funds to support its vital services.

The charity is asking you to gather your work colleagues, families or friends – or even go it alone – and get ready to take on the “Imago Super 60 challenge.”

It’s easy to take part: simply pick a Super 60 challenge then raise donations and sponsorship from your supporters.

The challenge is open to interpretation, says the charity. Supporters are welcome to choose any of the following ideas, or come up with their own, so long as it is on the theme of “6, 60 or 600.”

You could:

• Take on 60 press ups a day for 60 days

• Team cycle 600km on a static bike

• Complete 60 laps of your local park

• Bake and sell 60 cakes

• Raise as much as you can in 60 days

Supporters can donate online or find out more about the difference their money could make at

Five ways to review your marketing this spring

If you don’t have a marketing plan or strategy but, instead, fit marketing in when you can, it’s worth spending some time reviewing a few areas that could improve how you look to your customers and clients, says Sarah Hawes of Izzy PR.

Here are some points for consideration, says Sarah, who works with clients to create marketing plans and regular content across online and offline platforms.

Customer Journey

What happens when a client gets in touch? If they fill in a form on your website, what message do they get back – on screen and via email? Do they know what happens next and when? If they’ve bought something, does the sales confirmation email tell them all they need to know? If it’s an event, have you told them all the information they need?


Is your website up to date? Does it tell people what they want to know? Does it answer any questions they might have? Check images are relevant and

that links work. Are your contact details correct and does your submission form work?

Social media

If you use social media, is your content regular, relevant and on-brand? Social media is such a fantastic shop window – use it to your advantage!


This is a great resource for you to tell people your news, updates, educate, share information, build your reputation and credibility and remind people that you are there.

Mailers often create inquiries and sales – don’t miss out!


Get out and promote your business! Look for networking that is relevant to your business, so that your potential clients are in the room. Don’t be a selfish networker, flogging you wares and dishing out business cards – instead, build relationships and find out how you can mutually help each other.

12 Thinking Business Members News
Members News

Top tips for building your dream home

Creating your dream home by renovating your property, converting a barn, or building from scratch requires the right expertise to turn that dream into a reality.

Trevor Weeks, Managing Director of Vernacular Homes, shares how an expert architectural design and building firm can help you achieve your forever home:

Avoid impulse buying

It’s easy to be dazzled by potential, but rushing into a purchase without understanding local planning restrictions could land you with a plot or building you’re unable to develop into the home you want it to be, or worse still, at all. An experienced expert who understands local restrictions can advise whether your ideas are feasible before you buy.

Realistic costing

A professional firm that has planned, built and designed numerous projects will have a thorough understanding of potential costs, often unforeseen by novice developers.

They’ll factor them into your plans with no costly surprises.

Improving your ideas

A recent client wanted a basement guest suite but during our chats, we discovered that they rarely host guests. We instead suggested using the budget to lower the property and alter the roof space to create an extra bedroom, which also reduced costs and increased the living space and resale value, while retaining a “wow” factor. An expert can offer creative cost-saving solutions that better match the home that meets your needs.

Sympathetic design

Your dream home should look the part, incorporating quality, durable materials that suit your vision as well as the surroundings and property – but will also have to satisfy the local planning department. A design and building company with good relationships with local authorities and quality suppliers will know how to achieve your brief.

Growing need for care within the comfort of own home

In an ageing population, the need for elderly care services is increasing.

Currently, approximately 18.4 per cent of the UK population is aged 65 and above, accounting for around 12.5 million people. This percentage is projected to reach 24 per cent by the year 2045.

The rise in the ageing population poses substantial challenges for healthcare systems. Older adults often have more complex medical needs and chronic conditions that necessitate consistent care and supervision. Consequently, there is a pressing need to address their specific care requirements to ensure a dignified and comfortable ageing process.

Odelia Care Services Ltd is one company aiming to ensure sufficient care and support for our elderly population.

Odelia Care Services is a specialized care recruitment agency offering home care services, covering both full-time and temporary placements nationwide. Its wide network links clients with skilled personal caregivers.

The growing number of older people has far-reaching implications for healthcare systems, families, and communities, says the company. Families find themselves navigating the complexities of balancing work, personal lives and the responsibilities associated with caring for elderly relatives. This has led to an increased demand for professional caregiving services.

Most elderly individuals express a preference for remaining within their homes and communities, but achieving this often requires the assistance of personal caregivers, physical therapists, nutrition planning, home modifications to improve accessibility and prevent falls, among other considerations.

Odelia Care Services says its network of self-employed caregivers enables its clients to experience optimum personal caregiving in the comfort of their homes.

• We believe that partnerships most powerful way to

Sustainability Communication:

We champion Kent to local economies

Insights from Oak Creative

• We value people and have network of clients and

• We deliver creative know-how brand building expertise

Communicating your brand’s commitment to people and the planet is fast becoming a strategic necessity. This is driven by an ever-increasing demand from B2B and B2C customers who like to know that their purchase decision is eco-friendly. Branding agency Oak Creative gives their insights on how businesses can remind their audience about their eco-credentials.

First Impressions

Embracing sustainable print and packaging solutions presents a wealth of opportunities. From packageless innovations to edible alternatives and paper-pulp exteriors; reimagining print and packaging not only reduces environmental impact but also communicates a brand’s dedication to sustainability from the outset.

Your Brand DNA

Every business decision shapes your brand’s sustainability narrative. Yet, navigating this terrain need not be overwhelming. Incremental changes, such as monitoring water usage, reusing materials, and optimising supply chain processes, pave the way for meaningful progress while reinforcing your brand’s eco-credentials.

Cut the Noise

In a sea of sustainability messaging, business buzzword authenticity reigns supreme. Tailor your communications to resonate with your audience, eschewing flashy statements for genuine engagement. Embed sustainability reminders at every touchpoint of the customer journey, leveraging subtle nudges to reinforce your brand’s commitment.

Embrace the Journey

Marketing & Advertising Illustration & Animation

The reality is that most businesses are embarking on the sustainability journey, each at their own pace. Whether through formal sustainability goals or incremental steps, we’re all stakeholders in this shared endeavour. As you build a sustainable brand, remember the importance of collaboration, continuous improvement and staying attuned to evolving consumer expectations.

In conclusion, effective sustainability communication comes down to embodying your brand’s values and forging meaningful connections with your audience. With thoughtful strategies and a commitment to progress, your brand’s sustainability efforts will be central to a customer’s decision making.

Sponsored Members News
Thinking Business 13

Construction, Engineering & Manufacturing Skills Conference 2024


Wednesday 15th May 2024

9:30am - 3:30pm

Bridgewood Manor Hotel, Chatham, ME5 9AX

We’re thrilled to announce the Construction, Engineering & Manufacturing Skills Conference 2024, led by the Kent & Medway Local Skills Improvement Plan (LSIP) and funded by UK Government.

The LSIP program acts as a blueprint for addressing regional skills gaps and shortages. By placing employers at the forefront of local skills and education discussions, it ensures their needs are central to finding solutions.

Construction, Manufacturing & Engineering are key priority sectors highlighted within the Kent & Medway LSIP and the Skills Conference will bring together sector experts from industry and education to work collaboratively on solutions to address the skills challenges in these priority sectors.

The day will create a platform for sharing insights, building connections, and advancing skills across construction, engineering, and manufacturing.

Expect to hear from regional experts on the current skills landscape and economic outlook, engage in thought-provoking roundtable discussions, and learn from local employers who have successfully partnered with education providers to future-proof their workforce and bridge the skills gap.

The conference provides a unique opportunity to network with like-minded individuals and connect with local education and training providers. Discover how collaboration can unlock long-term benefits, drive economic prosperity, and fuel future growth.

The Construction, Engineering & Manufacturing Skills Conference 2024 is a rallying cry for action. It serves as a platform to address, discuss, and identify solutions for both the immediate and long-term skills needs of the region. Be a part of the conversation.


14 Thinking Business Skills
can book your place here - Agenda Item Time
Registration and networking Join us from 9.30am for refreshments From 9.30
Welcome – address from Tudor Price, CEO, Kent Invicta Chamber of Commerce 10.00
Skills: a regional perspective
Lauren Edwards,
Medway Council
Derek Murphy,
Lucy Druesne,
Improvement Plan
Celine McGeown, CITB • Kerri-Anne Mruk, Make UK 10.10 Coffee Break 11.15 4. Round table discussions 11.30 Lunch and Networking 12.30 5. The Education Landscape in Kent and Medway • Green Skills in Construction • Advanced Manufacturing • Apprenticeships 13.30 6. Successful employer engagement: panel Q & A • Gary Allen, Wire Belt • James Simpson, Knauf UK • Kent Further Education • Supported Internships 14.00 7. Summary and reflections of the day; call to action 14.50 8. Event Close and networking 15.0015.30 Proposed Agenda, may be subject to change Image: Pixabay
Local Skills

Kent’s latest innovations in education and skills on the road

Patrons of the Chamber, MidKent College was one of three colleges in Kent bringing information to towns in the county throughout February and March about three new government-funded projects available to support skills training that will benefit Kent residents and businesses.

The Kent and Medway Skills bus, facilitated by project partner Runway Training, toured around Kent so that people who find it difficult to attend open days at colleges could find out more about the skills needed for the new jobs where it was convenient for them.

In November last year, East Kent Colleges Group, MidKent College and North Kent College were jointly awarded £5 million of government funding through the Local Skills Improvement Fund (LSIF). The funding was awarded to support development of innovative training in sustainable construction, the digitalisation of healthcare, and the transition of experienced professionals into teaching to pass on their knowledge and experience to the next generation. The Skills bus promoted education and courses to each area to reach as many people as possible. It was also available to young people and parents keen to discuss study options after GCSEs.

Graham Razey, Chief Executive Officer at East Kent Colleges Group – leading on the digitalisation of healthcare project, said: “Across our Group we’ve always had a firm commitment to playing a leading role in developing the social and economic prosperity of the diverse communities we serve. This skills bus will give us direct access straight into these communities, ensuring that we’re able to inspire action to develop the skills needed by employers in our locality. We’re working collaboratively with more employers than ever before, ensuring that those who engage with the skills bus get the best possible opportunities to achieve their ambitions in the career pathway of their choice.”

MidKent College are leading the partnership’s focus on Sustainable Construction. Chris Hare, Deputy Chief Executive said: “Kent Invicta Chamber of Commerce completed an incredibly detailed piece of work to identify areas of business growth here in Kent and Medway, and the skills that we’ll need to realise those ambitions. Together, the Kent Colleges have demonstrated that we’re in a brilliant position to help meet those needs and help local people develop the skills

and knowledge that will help forward-thinking businesses across the South-East to thrive. The Skills Bus provided a great opportunity to engage with the business community and prospective students at their locality. The conversations reinforced and strengthened the interest in Green Occupations and associated skills development, which provides confidence that our investment is aligned with local need.’

Mark Andrews, Deputy Executive PrincipalCurriculum & Strategy at North Kent College, who are leading the college effort to help the transition from industry to teaching, said: “The Kent and Medway local skills improvement plan is all about raising the profile of careers in the sectors most in need of skilled talent, ensuring that training is delivering these skills, and connecting employers with students and educators.

The skills bus communicates how we are modernising the curriculum in partnership with employers. Colleges have benefited from generous investment in the priority sectors in Healthcare, Advanced Engineering and Manufacturing and in Low Carbon Construction. We have been showcasing the cutting-edge technology used in our new curriculum, and the fabulous career opportunities made possible by business and education collaborations.”

Oliver Trailor, Managing Director of Runway Training, said: “We were delighted to partner with the Kent college groups to provide the bus service and tour Kent and Medway. We welcomed visitors on to the bus to meet with our college partners and find out more about the LSIF funded projects, wider skills provision, and lifelong learning opportunities”.

Thinking Business 15
Patron News

The Trust which is bridging the gap of Net Zero

Sue Threader, Bridge Clerk (Chief Executive) of the Rochester Bridge Trust, talks to Sarah Dale about the charity’s work and its field-leading progress towards becoming Net Zero.

The Rochester Bridge Trust is more than 600 years old.

Its incredible history is revealed in its archives of historical documents which can be viewed by the public in the Reading Room at the Trust’s base in St Andrew’s House on The Precinct.

There has been a bridge crossing the River Medway at Rochester since Roman times, and since medieval times, the Wardens and Assistants of Rochester Bridge have maintained the river crossing. The Trust owns and maintains the two A2 bridges –the Old Bridge and the New Bridge –and the Service Bridge at Rochester.

Not only is the Trust rich in history and heritage but it is also forward-thinking and innovative.

The bridges underwent £13.5 million major refurbishment works over an 18-month project which was completed in December 2020. The works included repairs to the three bridges including extensive hidden structural repairs, maintenance and strengthening, as well as enhancements to the appearance and lighting of the bridges and the Esplanades in its ownership.

Making the project carbon neutral was not something that was considered until its completion but, once it was on the agenda, the Trust has worked hard to offset the

carbon footprint of the refurbishment works as well as introducing a range of carbon neutral measures across the board.

They calculated that they needed to plant 5,500 trees to offset the carbon emissions of the project but decided to take it even further by planting 8,000 trees in a new woodland plantation, near Detling in Kent, called Wardens’ Wood. A number of street trees were also planted in Rochester. Together, these will make the bridge refurbishment carbon neutral over the lifetime of the trees as well as offsetting the carbon produced day-to-day.

“We are creating an ancient woodland of the future,” said Sue Threader, Bridge Clerk (Chief Executive) of The Rochester Bridge Trust.

“The trees have been planted on 13 acres of land, which wasn’t suitable for food production. We will maintain this woodland for perpetuity, just as we will for the bridges.”

Ensuring the Trust’s future is Net Zero is extremely important to Sue and the Trust and they have taken several steps to move closer to their target. They have an electric boat, battery-powered plants, and have

16 Thinking Business The Big Interview
Scholars group with Sue

insulated, draught-proofed and installed secondary glazing in their buildings.

They have reduced their carbon by 85 per cent and are working on the remaining 15 per cent.

“We work on the principle of lots of little things add up,” said Sue, who joined the Trust 18 years ago in January 2006.

“We can’t do anything about gas central heating as we’re in rented buildings but we will do everything we can including using electronic notebooks instead of paper ones and only buy Woodland Trust paper when we do need paper.

“We donated a lot of stone to Chatham Historic Dockyard and we gave some leftover paving to Rochester Cathedral.

“As far as we know, we’re the only Net Zero bridge refurbishment in the country.

People visit us from all over the world to see how we have done it. For such a small, micro-organisation to have that wider influence on the profession is very positive for us.

“We have even won awards [at The International Bridges Awards in 2023] for our work to become Net Zero.

“If we can do it as a tiny organisation, imagine the impact a big organisation can have.”

Sue has overseen and introduced many changes within the Trust in the past 18 years from introducing educational talks and activities to local schools to providing scholarships to study engineering and agriculture. There are 15 members of staff across the Trust, with four – including Sue who is a Civil Engineer – on the Bridges team. It is set to rise to 19 this year.

As far as we know, we’re the only Net Zero bridge refurbishment in the country. People visit us from all over the world to see how we have done it. For such a small, micro-organisation to have that wider influence on the profession is very positive for us. ❜❜

The Trust receives no Government or Local Authority funding and does not fundraise like other charities. It is the only independent medieval bridge trust left in the UK. Their income comes from dividends from the original endowment in the 15th century which are invested on the stock market and rent from 179 tenants from their portfolio of homes, factories, warehouses and shops on their 6,800 acres of land.

This also means that they had to pay VAT on all the bridge repairs, costing the Trust 20 per cent more because they cannot claim the VAT back because they do not charge the public tolls.

“We provide everything free of charge from using the bridges to the educational activities we provide,” added Sue.

“It is important to us to support the community and we deliver a lot of family and community events. We take bridgebuilding models into schools, publish free resources and arrange exhibitions. Our archive, which dates back to 1399, is one of the most complete archives in the world. We have a grants programme and provide scholarships. Education is one of our key focuses and we are currently advertising for those studying civil engineering degrees to join us for work placements.”

The Trust also works within the community to display exhibitions and family activities, such as the world record-breaking model brick bridge which it brought to the nave of Rochester Cathedral. The Trust has also awarded the Medway Aircraft Preservation Society Ltd (MAPSL) £40,000 to restore a rare Scion Floatplane that was built by Rochester aviation pioneers, the Short Brothers, and first flown in 1937. Once completed by the summer of 2025, it will be displayed in Rochester Cathedral.

“We will hold lots of educational activities around this; it will be great to get children interested in aeronautical engineering,” added Sue.

Find out more at

Thinking Business 17 The Big Interview

Crystal Display Systems Limited (CDS) expands its reach with new office in the US

Crystal Display Systems Limited (CDS), which provides innovative display solutions, is thrilled to announce its expansion into North America.

This strategic move is aimed at better serving its valued customers, while furthering its commitment to growth and excellence in the region. By establishing a local presence in the United States, they are taking their dedication to customer satisfaction to the next level.

“Our decision to expand into the USA underscores our commitment to meeting the needs of our customers in North America,” said Chris Bartram, CEO at CDS.

“Having a local office in New York State allows us to provide even more responsive support and personalised service to our clients, ensuring their success and satisfaction.”

The new office will enhance their ability to address the unique requirements of the North American market, and improve communication channels. Additionally, having technical engineering resources on the ground will facilitate faster problem-solving and customisation of solutions to meet specific client needs.

“By investing in North America, we aim to strengthen our partnerships, drive innovation, and foster long-term relationships with our customers,” added Chris.

“We are excited about the opportunities this expansion brings and look forward to contributing to the continued success of businesses in the region.”

The management team will be announced soon.

Electrical firm looking to a greener future

In an ever-changing world, Total Electrical Solutions believes securing your energy future has never been more important. The opportunities provided by renewable energy sources include reduced energy costs, a reduced carbon footprint and green credentials for your company.

With more than a decade of experience in the Solar PV market, they can look back at more than 1,000 projects with great pride. With an experienced team they look to continue to push the boundaries in modern engineering standards coupled with their customer first focus.

From initial contact through to practical completion they always ensure a full turnkey professional service. They pride themselves on getting to know their

customers’ needs, ensuring a bespoke renewable energy model is delivered for every size and shape of business.

Total Electrical Solutions continues to work with existing and new clients who are always looking to improve their energy management strategies, cut carbon footprints, and, of course, lower their energy costs. They are MCS Certified Installers of Solar PV systems ensuring installations are regulated to the highest standards.

Looking back at their accomplishments over the past 14 years, they are reminded that every solar panel installed is a step towards a cleaner, greener world.

To explore your options and find a custom-built solution that suits your business, visit

18 Thinking Business Members News
Members News

National living wage expansion among ‘significant’ new employment laws

A host of new employment legislation comes into force this spring, with changes to the National Living Wage, flexible working and holiday pay all contributing to the most significant changes for years, according to an employment law specialist.

Patrick Glencross, a Senior Associate in Furley Page’s Employment team, said:

“This year is a busy one for incoming employment legislation and the changes will make this one of the most significant years we have seen for a long time.”

From 6 April, employees will have increased flexibility in taking paternity leave following the birth or adoption of a child. An eligible father or partner will be able to take one- or two-weeks’ statutory paternity leave, and the rules around how the time can be taken have been relaxed, while a reduced notice of 28 days will be required, down from 15 weeks.

The Government has introduced important changes to the law governing holidays and holiday pay to simplify the rules for workers classified as “irregular hours workers” and “part-year workers”. Changes include how holiday entitlement is calculated, which will now accrue at the minimum rate of 12.07% of the hours in the previous pay period. Employers of part-year workers and irregular-hours workers will now be able to opt to pay them rolled-up holiday pay (spreading the holiday pay over the year’s wages).

From 1 April, the National Living Wage will be extended to workers aged 21 and 22. Employers should prepare for annual increases in rates, including rises in the National Living Wage (ranging from £5.28 to £6.40 per hour for apprentices and from £10.42 to £11.44 per hour for workers aged 21 and over), statutory sick pay, family-related statutory pay, and redundancy pay.

From 6 April, pregnant women, mothers who have returned from maternity or adoption leave in the past 18 months, and women who have had a miscarriage in the past two weeks, will be offered priority for suitable alternative roles should they be made redundant.

Meanwhile employees will be able to ask to work flexibly from the first day of employment, rather than needing 26 weeks’ service. An updated Acas statutory code on requests for flexible working is also due to come into force in April.

Also from 6 April, employees providing long-term care to a dependant can ask for one week’s unpaid leave every 12 months to care for that dependant. This is also a right from the first day of employment and the leave can be taken flexibly for any period between half a day and one week.

From October, employers will be under a duty to take reasonable steps to prevent the sexual harassment of their staff during their employment. This duty will sit alongside existing protections from sexual harassment under the Equality Act 2010.

Patrick continued: “Further legislation is pending, with the Employment (Allocation of Tips) Act 2023 (which will require employers to share tips without deductions), the Workers (Predictable Terms and Conditions) Act 2023 (which will give greater rights to vulnerable workers), and the draft Statutory Code of Practice on ‘fire and rehire’ dismissals all likely to come into force later this year.

“These changes represent a broadly welcomed extension of employees’ rights, but employers need to ensure they are fully prepared for these changes when they come into effect from April. Contracts, policies and procedures will all need to be adjusted to take account of the new rules and ensure employers do not fall foul of their responsibilities, so taking the time to prepare is essential.”

For more information, visit

Why customer data is valuable to the hospitality industry

Every time a guest books a room at your hotel, it’s the start of a potentially valuable relationship – which you can use to grow your business

But it’s knowing how to that’s the trick.

Angela Hall, from Insight House, specialists in customer insights, walks us through how to harness those relationships for increased sales.

Who are your guests?

Is the person who booked the room, staying, or are they booking on someone else’s behalf?

Gain data on all guests, then you are speaking to the right people.

What’s their profile?

Your customer data can tell you so much – if they are a first time guest, repeat customer, corporate or leisure or local F&B visitor.

Understanding who they are and the purpose of their visit is just the beginning of the process.

We then use sophisticated analysis and data modelling to plot out their potential value and the journey needed to take them on to maximise that potential.

Targeted marketing communications can then be created once you know who’s who, their experiences and interactions. What happens after they’ve checked out?

This is key – if you know their customer profile and can segment them (single person, family, sporty, spa lover, frequent visitor, first time guest etc) then you can tailor the communications to feel personal and be more targeted – proven to be a better result than a general approach where everyone is sent the same messages, emails, letters or follow-up phone calls.

Data can be collected at many points – is this happening and what are you doing with it to grow your sales and brand?

Thinking Business 19 Is your marketing working? Book today: | 07748 631100 £195 +VAT Book now: • Discovery meeting • Appraisal report • Improvement plan Find out in our audit - we will look at: • Website content • Social media posts • LinkedIn profiles • Target audience • Key messages • Branding • Customer journey • Printed materials Members News






At NFU Mutual Ashford, Tenterden & Whitfield agency we support a range of businesses working within various sectors, from micro to SME, to large corporate enterprises.

At NFU Mutual Ashford, Tenterden & Whitfield agency we support a range of businesses working within various sectors, from micro to SME, to large corporate enterprises.

At NFU Mutual Ashford, Tenterden & Whitfield agency we support a range of businesses working within various sectors, from micro to SME, to large corporate enterprises.

At NFU Mutual Ashford, Tenterden & Whitfield agency we support a range of businesses working within various sectors, from micro to SME, to large corporate enterprises.

At NFU Mutual Ashford, Tenterden & Whitfield agency we support a range of businesses working within various sectors, from micro to SME, to large corporate enterprises.

From leading winemaker Chapel Down to Parisianstyle bakery, Artisserie Patisserie, Tenterden and the surrounding area is home to some exciting, thriving businesses.

From leading winemaker Chapel Down to Parisianstyle bakery, Artisserie Patisserie, Tenterden and the surrounding area is home to some exciting, thriving businesses.

From leading winemaker Chapel Down to Parisianstyle bakery, Artisserie Patisserie, Tenterden and the surrounding area is home to some exciting, thriving businesses.

From leading winemaker Chapel Down to Parisianstyle bakery, Artisserie Patisserie, Tenterden and the surrounding area is home to some exciting, thriving businesses.

From leading winemaker Chapel Down to Parisianstyle bakery, Artisserie Patisserie, Tenterden and the surrounding area is home to some exciting, thriving businesses.

As Darren Smith, Agent at our agency, explains, our team works extensively with businesses, regardless of their size, to help protect them, their employees, and their business assets. “We want to be recognised across the South East as the commercial insurer of choice” he says. ‘’We support a range of businesses, from caterers and manufacturers to property owners, retailers, tradesmen and viticulture.’’

As Darren Smith, Agent at our agency, explains, our team works extensively with businesses, regardless of their size, to help protect them, their employees, and their business assets. “We want to be recognised across the South East as the commercial insurer of choice” he says. ‘’We support a range of businesses, from caterers and manufacturers to property owners, retailers, tradesmen and viticulture.’’

At NFU Mutual Ashford, Tenterden & Whitfield we are proud to support many of these businesses from our three offices.

At NFU Mutual Ashford, Tenterden & Whitfield we are proud to support many of these businesses from our three offices.

At NFU Mutual Ashford, Tenterden & Whitfield we are proud to support many of these businesses from our three offices.

At NFU Mutual Ashford, Tenterden & Whitfield we are proud to support many of these businesses from our three offices.

At NFU Mutual Ashford, Tenterden & Whitfield we are proud to support many of these businesses from our three offices.

As Darren Smith, Agent at our agency, explains, our team works extensively with businesses, regardless of their size, to help protect them, their employees, and their business assets. “We want to be recognised across the South East as the commercial insurer of choice” he says. ‘’We support a range of businesses, from caterers and manufacturers to property owners, retailers, tradesmen and viticulture.’’

As Darren Smith, Agent at our agency, explains, our team works extensively with businesses, regardless of their size, to help protect them, their employees, and their business assets. “We want to be recognised across the South East as the commercial insurer of choice” he says. ‘’We support a range of businesses, from caterers and manufacturers to property owners, retailers, tradesmen and viticulture.’’

As Darren Smith, Agent at our agency, explains, our team works extensively with businesses, regardless of their size, to help protect them, their employees, and their business assets. “We want to be recognised across the South East as the commercial insurer of choice” he says. ‘’We support a range of businesses, from caterers and manufacturers to property owners, retailers, tradesmen and viticulture.’’

Chapel Down and Artisserie Patisserie are among clients within just five miles of our Tenterden office.

Chapel Down and Artisserie Patisserie are among clients within just five miles of our Tenterden office. “For us, NFU Mutual Ashford, Tenterden & Whitfield are a very important insurance partner that supports our business,” says Andrew Carter, CEO at Chapel Down, the hugely successful wine producer.

Chapel Down and Artisserie Patisserie are among clients within just five miles of our Tenterden office. “For us, NFU Mutual Ashford, Tenterden & Whitfield are a very important insurance partner that supports our business,” says Andrew Carter, CEO at Chapel Down, the hugely successful wine producer.

Chapel Down and Artisserie Patisserie are among clients within just five miles of our Tenterden office. “For us, NFU Mutual Ashford, Tenterden & Whitfield are a very important insurance partner that supports our business,” says Andrew Carter, CEO at Chapel Down, the hugely successful wine producer.

Chapel Down and Artisserie Patisserie are among clients within just five miles of our Tenterden office. “For us, NFU Mutual Ashford, Tenterden & Whitfield are a very important insurance partner that supports our business,” says Andrew Carter, CEO at Chapel Down, the hugely successful wine producer.

“For us, NFU Mutual Ashford, Tenterden & Whitfield are a very important insurance partner that supports our business,” says Andrew Carter, CEO at Chapel Down, the hugely successful wine producer.

Chris Underwood, Chef & Founder of the Artisserie Patisserie, which opened on Tenterden high street in 2022, says: “We know we need high quality cover, which is why we choose to insure with NFU Mutual Ashford, Tenterden & Whitfield. Given that the team regularly checks in, we know that should something unexpected take place that affects our business, we’re going to be fully supported.”

Chris Underwood, Chef & Founder of the Artisserie Patisserie, which opened on Tenterden high street in 2022, says: “We know we need high quality cover, which is why we choose to insure with NFU Mutual Ashford, Tenterden & Whitfield. Given that the team regularly checks in, we know that should something unexpected take place that affects our business, we’re going to be fully supported.”

Chris launched the patisserie business with Graham Garret, a chef who also owns the West House in Biddenden, which we support with a caterer’s policy.

Chris Underwood, Chef & Founder of the Artisserie Patisserie, which opened on Tenterden high street in 2022, says: “We know we need high quality cover, which is why we choose to insure with NFU Mutual Ashford, Tenterden & Whitfield. Given that the team regularly checks in, we know that should something unexpected take place that affects our business, we’re going to be fully supported.”

Chris Underwood, Chef & Founder of the Artisserie Patisserie, which opened on Tenterden high street in 2022, says: “We know we need high quality cover, which is why we choose to insure with NFU Mutual Ashford, Tenterden & Whitfield. Given that the team regularly checks in, we know that should something unexpected take place that affects our business, we’re going to be fully supported.”

Chris Underwood, Chef & Founder of the Artisserie Patisserie, which opened on Tenterden high street in 2022, says: “We know we need high quality cover, which is why we choose to insure with NFU Mutual Ashford, Tenterden & Whitfield. Given that the team regularly checks in, we know that should something unexpected take place that affects our business, we’re going to be fully supported.”

Chris launched the patisserie business with Graham Garret, a chef who also owns the West House in Biddenden, which we support with a caterer’s policy.

Chris launched the patisserie business with Graham Garret, a chef who also owns the West House in Biddenden, which we support with a caterer’s policy.

Chris launched the patisserie business with Graham Garret, a chef who also owns the West House in Biddenden, which we support with a caterer’s policy.

Chris launched the patisserie business with Graham Garret, a chef who also owns the West House in Biddenden, which we support with a caterer’s policy.

Advertisement Feature
D P Jackson & D M Smith is an appointed representative of The National Farmers Union Mutual Insurance Society Limited (No.111982). Registered in England. Registered Office: Tiddington Road, Stratford upon Avon , Warwickshire CV37 7BJ. A member of the Association of British Insurers. And an introducer to NFU Mutual Select Investments Limited, a member of the NFU Mutual group of companies.
D P Jackson & D M Smith is an appointed representative of The National Farmers Union Mutual Insurance Society Limited (No.111982). Registered in England. Registered Office: Tiddington Road, Stratford upon Avon , Warwickshire CV37 7BJ. A member of the Association of British Insurers. And an introducer to NFU Mutual Select Investments Limited, a member of the NFU Mutual group of companies.
D P Jackson & D M Smith is an appointed representative of The National Farmers Union Mutual Insurance Society Limited (No.111982). Registered
Advertisement Feature

He says: “We’ve been insured with NFU Mutual Ashford, Tenterden & Whitfield for nearly ten years… Keeping our business, our customers and livelihood safe is our priority.”

He says: “We’ve been insured with NFU Mutual Ashford, Tenterden & Whitfield for nearly ten years… Keeping our business, our customers and livelihood safe is our priority.”

He says: “We’ve been insured with NFU Mutual Ashford, Tenterden & Whitfield for nearly ten years… Keeping our business, our customers and livelihood safe is our priority.”

We get to know our clients and to understand the specific risks they face. One example is Korker Sausages, a family-run wholesaler that has operated in the village of Rolvenden since 1959. India Hoad, Head of Sales & Marketing at the firm, says of our team: “Their knowledge to guide us through the appropriate cover to keep our businesses running is outstanding”.

He says: “We’ve been insured with NFU Mutual Ashford, Tenterden & Whitfield for nearly ten years… Keeping our business, our customers and livelihood safe is our priority.”

He says: “We’ve been insured with NFU Mutual Ashford, Tenterden & Whitfield for nearly ten years… Keeping our business, our customers and livelihood safe is our priority.”

We get to know our clients and to understand the specific risks they face. One example is Korker Sausages, a family-run wholesaler that has operated in the village of Rolvenden since 1959. India Hoad, Head of Sales & Marketing at the firm, says of our team: “Their knowledge to guide us through the appropriate cover to keep our businesses running is outstanding”.

For us, it’s all about developing strong, long-term relationships and really getting to know a business. That includes Grovewell Garden Centres, whose director Edward Boult says of us: “They understand our business and can deal with our enquiries quickly and efficiently.”

We get to know our clients and to understand the specific risks they face. One example is Korker Sausages, a family-run wholesaler that has operated in the village of Rolvenden since 1959. India Hoad, Head of Sales & Marketing at the firm, says of our team: “Their knowledge to guide us through the appropriate cover to keep our businesses running is outstanding”.

We get to know our clients and to understand the specific risks they face. One example is Korker Sausages, a family-run wholesaler that has operated in the village of Rolvenden since 1959. India Hoad, Head of Sales & Marketing at the firm, says of our team: “Their knowledge to guide us through the appropriate cover to keep our businesses running is outstanding”.

We get to know our clients and to understand the specific risks they face. One example is Korker Sausages, a family-run wholesaler that has operated in the village of Rolvenden since 1959. India Hoad, Head of Sales & Marketing at the firm, says of our team: “Their knowledge to guide us through the appropriate cover to keep our businesses running is outstanding”.

For us, it’s all about developing strong, long-term relationships and really getting to know a business. That includes Grovewell Garden Centres, whose director Edward Boult says of us: “They understand our business and can deal with our enquiries quickly and efficiently.”

For us, it’s all about developing strong, long-term relationships and really getting to know a business. That includes Grovewell Garden Centres, whose director Edward Boult says of us: “They understand our business and can deal with our enquiries quickly and efficiently.”

For us, it’s all about developing strong, long-term relationships and really getting to know a business. That includes Grovewell Garden Centres, whose director Edward Boult says of us: “They understand our business and can deal with our enquiries quickly and efficiently.”

For us, it’s all about developing strong, long-term relationships and really getting to know a business. That includes Grovewell Garden Centres, whose director Edward Boult says of us: “They understand our business and can deal with our enquiries quickly and efficiently.”

We can also offer additional products and services to commercial businesses and business owners, such as insurance for commercial vehicles, Directors’ and Officers’ Liability and cyber insurance; as well as risk management services and financial planning services including business protection for you and your employees.

We can also offer additional products and services to commercial businesses and business owners, such as insurance for commercial vehicles, Directors’ and Officers’ Liability and cyber insurance; as well as risk management services and financial planning services including business protection for you and your employees.

A final word from another of our local clients, Webbs Ironmongery: “NFU Mutual Ashford, Tenterden & Whitfield have an outstanding reputation within the community. The team are reliable and make it their priority to ensure our business is properly protected,” says director Nigel Webb.

We can also offer additional products and services to commercial businesses and business owners, such as insurance for commercial vehicles, Directors’ and Officers’ Liability and cyber insurance; as well as risk management services and financial planning services including business protection for you and your employees.

We can also offer additional products and services to commercial businesses and business owners, such as insurance for commercial vehicles, Directors’ and Officers’ Liability and cyber insurance; as well as risk management services and financial planning services including business protection for you and your employees.

We can also offer additional products and services to commercial businesses and business owners, such as insurance for commercial vehicles, Directors’ and Officers’ Liability and cyber insurance; as well as risk management services and financial planning services including business protection for you and your employees.

A final word from another of our local clients, Webbs Ironmongery: “NFU Mutual Ashford, Tenterden & Whitfield have an outstanding reputation within the community. The team are reliable and make it their priority to ensure our business is properly protected,” says director Nigel Webb.

Ironmongery: “NFU Mutual Ashford, Tenterden & Whitfield have an outstanding reputation within the community. The team are reliable and make it their priority to ensure our business is properly protected,” says director Nigel Webb.

A final word from another of our local clients, Webbs

A final word from another of our local clients, Webbs Ironmongery: “NFU Mutual Ashford, Tenterden & Whitfield have an outstanding reputation within the community. The team are reliable and make it their priority to ensure our business is properly protected,” says director Nigel Webb.

Your business, our safe hands

Your business, our safe hands

Call us on 01233 500 822 or email

A final word from another of our local clients, Webbs Ironmongery: “NFU Mutual Ashford, Tenterden & Whitfield have an outstanding reputation within the community. The team are reliable and make it their priority to ensure our business is properly protected,” says director Nigel Webb. Your

Your business, our safe hands

Your business, our safe hands

Call us on 01233 500 822 or email

Call us on 01233 500 822 or email

Call us on 01233 500 822 or email

Call us on 01233 500 822 or email

Scan the QR code to watch our ‘Supporting the Community’ video

Scan the QR code to watch our ‘Supporting the Community’ video

Scan the QR code to watch our ‘Supporting the Community’ video

Scan the QR code to watch our ‘Supporting the Community’ video

Scan the QR code to watch our ‘Supporting the Community’ video

business, our safe hands

College Group collaborates with leading bicycle manufacturer

Brompton, the UK’s largest bike company is set to work alongside East Kent Colleges Group and other partners after securing funding from Innovate UK to optimise bicycle production at Brompton’s Greenford site through the development and demonstration of industrial-grade robotic and automation solutions.

The project, called BROM-BOT, involves creating a ‘Robot Sandpit/ Playground’ at the Brompton factory in Greenford and leveraging East Kent Colleges Group’s stateof-the-art robotic learning factory at its EKC Ashford College to test integration across several operations in areas such as ‘body shop,’ ‘paint,’ and ‘assembly.’ The College launched this facility last year, after fitting it out with the latest in robotics and engineering equipment.

The goal of the project is to identify operations and upskill its current workforce with the potential to significantly enhance productivity, quality, scale, safety, and sustainability.

Innovate UK provides funding to support investment in developing business-led innovation covering both products and processes. This is part of UKRI’s Made Smarter Innovation (MSI) Challenge, delivered by Innovate UK. The challenge has awarded grants to 11 latestage robotics and automation projects with a focus on developing

solutions to improve productivity, sustainability, and resilience within factory production areas.

There are also several key partners who are contributing to the project, each of whom were identified as a key leader in their field. They are:

• ABB - A world leading technology solutions supplier who have recently supported Brompton in delivering new robot welding cells.

• GEMA - A paint specialist, who Brompton have a long standing relationship with.

• East Kent Colleges GroupA group of six community based colleges and one training unit serving the communities of East Kent.

• HSSMI - A sustainable manufacturing consultancy, who have worked with Brompton on their manufacturing strategy, building requirements and aspects of modelling processes.

This project will run until January 2025, and work has already begun

to identify key areas within which to innovate.

Graham Razey, Chief Executive of East Kent College’s Group, said: “It is absolutely fantastic news that we’ve been selected as the education partner for this exciting project. It will offer up a range of fantastic opportunities for our students and staff in engineering and computing to engage in innovating through research and development. We will also work to align our curriculum to the project’s developments, ensuring that what our students learn meets the future needs of employers, enabling organisations to fully realise the business benefits that moving to Industry 4.0 can bring.”

Phill Elston, Operations Director at Brompton Bicycle said: “Brompton and Innovate UK has always held a strong and positive relationship. This new funding will enable the team to drive forward an array of exciting technology projects, ultimately meaning that Brompton can continue to be a leader of innovation in the urban mobility industry,”

22 Thinking Business

Collaborate With Us

Collaborate With Us

Collaborate With Us

We believe in partnerships and collaboration in order to bridge the gap between education and business.

We believe in partnerships and collaboration in order to bridge the gap between education and business.

We believe in partnerships and collaboration in order to bridge the gap between education and business.

We believe in partnerships and collaboration in order to bridge the gap between education and business.

We believe we can help you to achieve your aims and goals as a community organisation, private business or public sector organisation.

We believe we can help you to achieve your aims and goals as a community organisation, private business or public sector organisation.

We believe we can help you to achieve your aims and goals as a community organisation, private business or public sector organisation.

We believe we can help you to achieve your aims and goals as a community organisation, private business or public sector organisation.

With industry-standard facilities, provision across a broad and deep range of technical and vocational skills, and a wide range of commercial offerings – including lettings, and our four star hotel, The Yarrow – we can offer you what you need to ensure your organisation flourishes.

With industry-standard facilities, provision across a broad and deep range of technical and vocational skills, and a wide range of commercial offerings – including lettings, and our four star hotel, The Yarrow – we can offer you what you need to ensure your organisation flourishes.

With industry-standard facilities, provision across a broad and deep range of technical and vocational skills, and a wide range of commercial offerings – including lettings, and our four star hotel, The Yarrow – we can offer you what you need to ensure your organisation flourishes.

With industry-standard facilities, provision across a broad and deep range of technical and vocational skills, and a wide range of commercial offerings – including lettings, and our four star hotel, The Yarrow – we can offer you what you need to ensure your organisation flourishes.

East Kent Colleges Group is positioned to deliver the solutions the business community in East Kent needs, to meet the challenges of the future. From unlocking the potential of our thousands of skilled students, to working alongside business to directly develop a curriculum that’s right for their growth aspirations, our aim is to make our resources available to you for the benefit of the communities we serve.

East Kent Colleges Group is positioned to deliver the solutions the business community in East Kent needs, to meet the challenges of the future. From unlocking the potential of our thousands of skilled students, to working alongside business to directly develop a curriculum that’s right for their growth aspirations, our aim is to make our resources available to you for the benefit of the communities we serve.

East Kent Colleges Group is positioned to deliver the solutions the business community in East Kent needs, to meet the challenges of the future. From unlocking the potential of our thousands of skilled students, to working alongside business to directly develop a curriculum that’s right for their growth aspirations, our aim is to make our resources available to you for the benefit of the communities we serve.

East Kent Colleges Group is positioned to deliver the solutions the business community in East Kent needs, to meet the challenges of the future. From unlocking the potential of our thousands of skilled students, to working alongside business to directly develop a curriculum that’s right for their growth aspirations, our aim is to make our resources available to you for the benefit of the communities we serve.

As an experienced and successful further and higher education college group, we will work in partnership with you in order to offer the support you need to grow your organisation and unlock its fullest potential.

As an experienced and successful further and higher education college group, we will work in partnership with you in order to offer the support you need to grow your organisation and unlock its fullest potential.

As an experienced and successful further and higher education college group, we will work in partnership with you in order to offer the support you need to grow your organisation and unlock its fullest potential.

As an experienced and successful further and higher education college group, we will work in partnership with you in order to offer the support you need to grow your organisation and unlock its fullest potential.

Contact us today to find out what we can offer your organisation by emailing

Contact us today to find out what we can offer your organisation by emailing

Contact us today to find out what we can offer your organisation by emailing

Contact us today to find out what we can offer your organisation by emailing

At UTILITAS SOLUTIONS, we specialise in utilities procurement, guiding organisations across the south-east effectively while navigating the path to net zero carbon emissions.

As we progress on our own journey to net zero carbon by 2030, we’re dedicated to helping clients accelerate their path to a sustainable future.

Let’s work together to make a positive impact on our environment and future generations!

Our services include:

3 Managed procurement of electricity, gas, and other core business costs

3 Invoice validation, energy site surveys, compliance, and audits of energy-efficiency and generation projects

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Contact us today: 01233 662999


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We’ve helped members and businesses across a range of industries, including arts venues, care homes, schools, farms, and manufacturing sites to name but a few!

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24 Thinking Business
OFFER FREE Site Survey & NO obligation quote GREENMAN SOLAR are specialists in the design and installation of renewable energy systems across Kent and the Southeast
Cover Feature | Environment

Reducing businesses’ carbon footprint one solar panel at a time

Keith Andrews, Director of Greenman Solar, and Steve Garnett, Director of Utilitas Solutions, talk to Sarah Dale about the steps businesses can take to enhance their energy sustainability and reduce their carbon footprint.

Reducing the carbon footprint and saving money in the wake of rising energy costs are high on the agenda for many businesses.

Greenman Solar is a professional solar panel installer for Kent and East Sussex based in Ashford, Kent. Founded in 2011, it has a team of 10 mechanical and electrical engineers.

Utilitas Solutions, which provides procurement solutions for energy, waste and washroom, communications, and water, is a shareholder of Greenman Solar and was founded in 2004 by Steve Garnett. Teaming up with Greenman Solar was an “obvious next move” for Utilitas Solutions and Steve sits across both businesses now.

Keith Andrews, Director of Greenman Solar, said: “As a Kent based business, we are keen to help other local businesses save money and help the environment.

“With energy prices at their current levels, there is no better time for a company to invest in renewable energy.

“Greenman Solar has extensive experience in designing, installing and commissioning solar arrays for businesses of all sizes helping them save on electricity bills and on their journey to Net Zero carbon.”

How solar energy works

Whether on the roof or a ground mounted system, the solar PV technology converts sunlight directly into electricity.

As the sun shines on the panels, there is a chemical reaction that creates a direct current (DC). The installed inverter converts this into

an alternating current (AC), as used by the appliances or machinery in a company’s premises.

As well as being used in the premises, any excess energy can be stored in a battery for later use or returned to the grid, generating revenue.

Why install solar panels?

Installing solar panels can:

• Reduce electricity imported from the grid, allowing businesses and households to save on electricity bills.

• Increase income from any excess energy generated through Smart Export Guarantee, if you have a smart meter.

• Support people on their Net Zero journey by providing a renewable energy source.

• Improve energy security and independence.

“People want to be less grid-reliant, save money and reduce their carbon emissions at the same time,” said Steve, who is on the committee of the Ashford Economic Development Group (AEDG).

Greenman Solar has a range of clients including Kent County Cricket Club, which has been a client of Utilitas Solutions for 12 years. Greenman Solar installed 200 solar PV panels on the roof of the Sports Centre at The Spitfire Ground in Canterbury. The installation will reduce their carbon footprint by nearly 18 tonnes of CO2 per year.

They have also provided solar panels for a range of industries including manufacturing sites, farms, care homes and wedding venues, and provide maintenance and advice to clients.

Utilitas Solutions has always had a focus on saving – both money and resources – so when it came to setting their own carbon benchmark before helping clients set theirs, they were surprised that there was much to do, with Scope 1 emissions of 1.4 tonnes and Scope 2 emissions of 0.7 tonnes. They have set themselves an ambitious target of being carbon Net Zero by 2030 – 20 years earlier than the Government target. The first step was a solar PV array on the Head Office they share with Greenman Solar.

Greenman Solar is working with commercial landlords to help with new Government legislation that is increasingly tightening the EPC requirements for commercial properties. Regulations were tightened in April 2023 requiring EPC ratings to be at least an E. This presented a problem for many landlords with a further tightening of the rating to at least C by 2027, increasing to a B by 2030.

“Solar PV can be a great self-funding way to improve a building’s EPC rating along with other energy saving initiatives,” added Steve.

Utilitas joined the Chamber 20 years ago.

“We are very proactive in maximising what the Chamber has to offer and Kent Invicta Chamber of Commerce is a client of ours too,” said Steve.

Keith added: “From Greenman’s point of view, the Chamber provides access to commercial clients. We’re keen to support local businesses because we’re a local business.”

Thinking Business 25
Cover Feature | Environment

Thousands Invested and Saved, the Greener Path is Paved

We’ve now had sign off from central Government for the final claims and formal project closure for each of the Low Carbon Across the South and East (LoCASE) iterations. As such, this Spring marks the end of a hugely successful 8 years of programme delivery. The regular (almost daily) question I’m now asked is ‘what are you doing now that LoCASE is all over?’

Firstly, it isn’t all over. The EU funding that enabled it may have dried up, but the living legacy remains. Through a sizeable cohort of around 3,000 businesses we’ve worked with over this time, we’ve helped create something of a ripple effect of positive action that we need each firm supported (and their networks) to help amplify. In Kent and Medway alone, we’ve enabled hundreds of SMEs to make tangible improvements to their business, millions in investment which will deliver real-world savings and co-benefits year on year.

Cover CoverFeatureFeature | Environment
26 Thinking Business Image: Pixabay

Our final reports show the wider regional impacts and co-benefits of not just helping create demand for but supporting supply of green goods and services, investing in and with our business community. The real counter-question that each of these firms need to ask internally is ‘what project can we do next, and who can we involve that could also benefit?’

Secondly, LoCASE wasn’t the only string to our bow. From its relative stability, it allowed the team to also run a wider portfolio of activities and projects, the headline results of which are outlined on the Low Carbon Kent website. This touched on every element of sustainable business from offshore wind to agronomy, from wood waste re-use to electric van trials, from sustainable packaging to decarbonisation plans. Whilst some of the technologies and applications supported were new and innovative, what the last 8 years certainly has shown is that more and more, these pay for themselves… quite honestly, many of the forays into ‘sustainability’ projects were so well-backed by good business sense

that ROIs would have been good enough even without funding to make them viable.

This is not an exercise in selfcongratulation though. If you are one of the firms we helped, great. Glad to have done so and well done for having the courage in your convictions, but please don’t stop there. If you’re one of the majority that we didn’t meet, then please do take inspiration from the array of case studies to see the sorts of projects that others in your sector have been up to. If it isn’t your first foray, it might help give ideas for the next project to work on.

Though delivered on a more local level, there are small pockets of funding available through borough/district economic development teams and with industry partners so do look around and speak to Kent Invicta Chamber of Commerce and the Growth Hub before committing to spend.

With tightening standards such as the Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme

(ESOS) and Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) regulations putting more pressure on supply chain SMEs to demonstrate carbon saving aspects and impacts, there’s never been a better time to take stock of where you are and what opportunities exist to look at opportunities to improve. Whether that be energy and resource use, staff behaviour, or how best to incorporate improved eco-innovative design to products, packaging or logistics, you’ll need to display awareness and plans to remediate.

Historically, we’ve supported firms through our Steps To Environmental Management (STEM) scheme. I’m pleased to report that we’re now an accredited IEMA Training Centre and will be running a selection of CPD qualifying courses for Kent and Medway businesses on how to benchmark and plan your decarbonisation ‘journey’ so please do register your interest via our website for when we roll this out in the Summer.

Thinking Business 27 Cover Feature | Environment
Members of our heroic delivery team at our LoCASE closure event last year

Upcycle Your Waste (where 50 ‘waste exchange’ business cases were established across Kent) continued to raise the profile across the SELEP of the value and co-benefits to our communities and economy of moving away from a linear to a more circular system. The inspiration and support in realising opportunities to establish new business activity from ‘surplus’ materials has been fascinating and can apply to any industry.

Much of my role as Circular Economy Manager at KCC will revolve around

making the most of resources in and around the county, realising the many opportunities for re-use and re-manufacturing within the county and helping implement policy to increase financial and carbon savings associated with business cases up and down our supply chains.

That means a more practical and adaptive approach to commissioning and procurement, a wider awareness of social value and adoption of better long-term solutions with our partners. This will include reaching out to our

‘green economy’ businesses in co-designing projects and pilots across our communities, supporting local suppliers of green goods and services within the county.

The value and growth potential of Net Zero in our region we’ve helped shepherd through our clean growth work remains a key focus, backed by reports such as this from the Energy and Climate intelligence unit, we’ve made this a key theme across each ambition of our refreshed Kent and Medway Economic Framework.

If you’ve been enthused by any or all of the above, feel free to get in touch with us at and search for Low Carbon Kent on LinkedIn.

There’s all sorts of other activity the wider team are supporting on behaviour change, nature recovery, community energy, retrofit and adaptation work but feel free to use us as a conduit!

28 Thinking Business Cover CoverFeatureFeature | Environment
Image: Pixabay
WE BUY ALL TYPES OF METAL WITH NO AMOUNT TOO BIG OR SMALL SELL YOUR UNWANTED SCRAP METAL FOR THE BEST PRICES • Copper • Lead • Stainless & Aluminium • Brass • Cable • Elec tric Motors • Catalytic Converters • Precious Metals • Ferrous Metals GET IN TOUCH TODAY 01634 297423 6 Shamel Business Centre, Commissioner’s Road, WE BUY ALL TYPES OF METAL WITH NO AMOUNT TOO BIG OR SMALL SELL YOUR UNWANTED SCRAP METAL FOR THE BEST PRICES • Copper • Lead • Stainless & Aluminium • Brass • Cable • Elec tric Motors • Catalytic Converters • Precious Metals • Ferrous Metals GET IN TOUCH TODAY 01634 297423 6 Shamel Business Centre, Commissioner’s Road, WE BUY ALL TYPES OF METAL WITH NO AMOUNT TOO BIG OR SMALL SELL YOUR UNWANTED SCRAP METAL FOR THE BEST PRICES • Copper • Lead • Stainless & Aluminium • Brass • Cable • Elec tric Motors • Catalytic Converters • Precious Metals • Ferrous Metals GET IN TOUCH TODAY 01634 297423 6 Shamel Business Centre, Commissioner’s Road, Rochester ME2 4HQ WE BUY ALL TYPES OF METAL WITH NO AMOUNT TOO BIG OR SMALL SELL YOUR UNWANTED SCRAP METAL FOR THE BEST PRICES • Copper • Lead • Stainless & Aluminium • Brass • Cable • Elec tric Motors • Catalytic Converters • Precious Metals • Ferrous Metals GET IN TOUCH TODAY 01634 297423 6 Shamel Business Centre, Commissioner’s Road, Rochester ME2 4HQ WE BUY ALL TYPES OF METAL WITH NO AMOUNT TOO BIG OR SMALL SELL YOUR UNWANTED SCRAP METAL FOR THE BEST PRICES • Copper • Lead • Stainless & Aluminium • Brass • Cable • Elec tric Motors • Catalytic Converters • Precious Metals • Ferrous Metals GET IN TOUCH TODAY 01634 297423 6 Shamel Business Centre, Commissioner’s Road, Rochester ME2 4HQ

Have you heard of natural swimming pools and living pools?

These are exquisite swimming pools with a difference, not only are they stunningly beautiful all year round but they are environmentally friendly as they don’t require any harmful chemicals to be used. The whole system is based on natural solutions that keep your water so pure you can drink it.

Thanks to our patented Biotop filtration system we can guarantee clear water that won’t be harmful to your family or the wider world. Swimming in water as nature intended really is attainable by all today, thanks to this system.

Your property will be transformed from a multi award-winning pool installation, design and maintenance company based in the South East, Elements of Nature.

Lymnologist and director, Phil Meads, shares “I firmly believe that the days of swimming in a harmful chemical soup are long gone. The world is waking up to being more environmentally conscious and to be living more sustainably. At the core of the business is a firm belief that we can all do better than we currently are! To this end, we are, constantly on the lookout for innovative products that will A) make us more competitive and B) make us more sustainable - whether this is using recycled car bumpers and dashboards for our shuttering or reduced cement concrete mixes - or our latest object of desire which is a plant-based alternative to reinforced steel. Whilst they are perceptively different today, we believe in investing in products, innovation and solutions to be at the forefront of the environmental challenge.”

Thinking Business 31 Environment

How to build an occupational health strategy that makes a difference

Behind every successful business lies a team of healthy, engaged employees. But creating a workplace culture that fosters wellbeing requires more than just good intentions—it demands a strategic approach to occupational health (OH). An effective OH strategy can not only safeguard the welfare of employees but it can also drive productivity, reduce costs, and enhance overall business performance. But how will businesses ensure that their occupational health strategy delivers tangible results?

Assess: Begin by assessing the current health landscape within your workplace. What’s already working, what could be improved, and what do your front-line managers and employees think? Remember to look at the benefits you offer, and any existing occupational health support.

Set Clear Objectives: What’s the point? There are lots of great reasons for developing an OH strategy, such as reducing sickness absence, improving employee wellbeing, or enhancing productivity. Setting specific goals will provide focus and direction.

Employee Engagement: Engage employees in the process. Seek their input, involve them in decisionmaking, and empower them to take ownership of their health at work. Surveys and focus groups can be a good place to start, or simply have a good conversation!

Be Proactive: Prevention is better than cure, so they say. Look for proactive ways to promote health at work to stay one step ahead. This could include implementing health promotion programmes, ergonomic assessments, and providing preemployment health screening.

Monitor, Evaluate, Improve: Measure the tangible impact of your OH strategy. Look for reductions in absenteeism, improvements in productivity, and cost savings as indicators of success. Collect feedback from employees and adjust as needed to ensure ongoing improvement.

By following these steps and committing to building an occupational health strategy that truly makes a difference, businesses can create a safer, healthier, and more productive work environment for their employees.

Contact us for support:

Events company looks to the future as it celebrates 25 years

A Kent-based event organiser is celebrating a quarter of a century in the industry.

Revolution Events commemorated its 25 years in the business last month (March).

Amid a digital age, the company steadfastly champions the power of live, face-to-face interactions, highlighting the industry’s resilience in the face of recent challenges. These in-person gatherings “create irreplaceable energy and connections, standing as a testament to the enduring significance of in-person events”, say bosses.

Acknowledging the clients who’ve been integral for over two decades, Revolution emphasises that these connections go beyond client relationships, evolving into extensions of their teams.

As a company with local roots, Revolution prefers to partner with Kent suppliers, an ethos which also supports the company’s sustainability efforts, helping to offset its carbon footprint.

Celebrating the quarter-century milestone, Directors Claire, Deborah and Lydia lead the charge into an era in which the company will be “embracing a future of inclusivity and innovation.”

To see Revolution’s 2024 event schedule or to get in touch, visit

Secure card payments to give your customers confidence

Trust is paramount when a business is thinking about merchant services –customers need the confidence to know that their payments are being taken securely.

Every business needs the ability to accept payment, and the most popular way today is to pay by card. This trend has resulted in an industry previously led by major banks to be disrupted by many other organisations wanting a piece of this competitive landscape.

But when businesses, and their customers alike talk payments there is once crucial element that is paramount and that is trust –and this often comes with a name people are familiar with.

Worldpay is a name people recognise, and for good reason. Its roots date back to 1989 when it traded as Streamline. Various acquisitions and mergers have occurred

since and through it all, the business has grown significantly. It serves clients of all sizes, from the local market trader to multinational global organisations.

Despite its large footprint, Worldpay adopts a local operating model resulting in an offering that is trusted by many businesses on the high street and across the many business parks in your local area. Businesses are supported by local account managers who not only support clients with their existing payment facilities but do so to build meaningful relationships to support with change, expansion, and future growth.

Businesses have a wealth of options when choosing which payments provider to work with, but with Worldpay, a combination of size, scale, reliability, and reputation conjure up an exciting proposition that Worldpay promises can help businesses thrive.

32 Thinking Business
Members News

The Additional service you may just need to propel your business to success

As the Covid-19 lock down dramatically changed the map of the working world, many businesses found themselves having to make changes to how they operated. This was the case for Additional, which sought to adapt its services to meet the changing staffing needs of businesses using a “reflective, sympathetic human approach to this change – giving the best possible outcome for both business and employee.”

Additional prides itself on being a “onestop shop” service, building on a decade of independent commercial recruitment and training services pre-lock down to offer sustainable staffing solutions through recruitment and training. Additional believes one should not come without the other.

The business specialises in supporting businesses with public engagement and outreach strategies, whether through event planning, seminars, workshops or other forms of information dissemination, including the use

of social media to promote a client’s products and services or using the platform to recruit the right staff for the business then using training solutions to retain that workforce, cementing business growth. Services also extend to providing virtual PA support.

What sets Additional apart, says the company, is its commitment to avoiding the conventional commercial recruitment and business consultancy approach. Instead, it focuses on delivering solutions that foster business growth rather than merely replacing employees. It takes a consultative approach to understanding a business’s needs. By closely collaborating with clients, it devises tailored plans that harness the power of social media for effective people engagement.

They say: “Our goal is to cultivate a workforce that not only sustains but also propels your business towards sustained growth and success.”

Young people supported to become ‘career ready’ thanks to Hub

Now, more than ever, the careers education provision in secondary schools needs to ensure young people are “career ready”.

Recent events such as Brexit and the pandemic, as well as trends in relation to ageing workforces and rapid technological change have left significant gaps in key industry sectors, so young people need to know what opportunities exist for them as they make major decisions about their future.

The Kent & Medway Careers Hub is uniquely positioned to support secondary schools and colleges to enhance careers education and bring the worlds of education and business closer together.

Set up in 2015, and funded by the Department for Education, The Careers & Enterprise Company was created as the national body for careers and to help every young person find their best next step. In Kent, what began as a network of business volunteers and enterprise coordinators grew and became the Kent & Medway Careers Hub in 2021.

Working in partnership with The Education People and Medway Council, the Hub now supports 161 educational institutions around the county to strengthen employer engagements and create a 21st century careers system.

The Hub’s mission is to meet five key priorities:

1. Raise the quality of careers provision in schools, special schools and colleges

2. Drive more high-quality experiences with employers for students and teachers

3. Promote apprenticeships, technical and vocational routes

4. Focus on interventions for economically disadvantaged young people

5. Connect careers provision to the needs of local economies as specified in the Local Skills Improvement Plan

To find out more about the Hub, see

Thinking Business 33 Members News

Historic Donnington Manor Hotel welcomes Chamber members

General Manager Gul and his team are delighted to have joined the Chamber and are looking forward to hopefully seeing many Chamber members at the forthcoming Connections Networking event in May, which we are proud to be hosting for the very first time.

Locals to West Kent will recognise Donnington Manor Hotel as an integral part of Sevenoaks history, dating back to the 15th century and continuing to welcome and delight guests ever since. Not simply just a place to stay but an attraction, offering a fusion of old-fashioned hospitality and modern-day comforts – things have moved on since the days of the “Emma Hotel” when the building and its land were owned by the infamous Kray Brothers!

Recognisable by its Tudor-style cladding, in fact many of the beams and feature windows in today’s structure were transported from a nearby dismantled barn and added to the original structure around 1936. However today it is more likely to be the twin marble elephants standing proudly at the entrance to the driveway that will catch your eye! Shipped over from India by the current owner, they allegedly bring good luck to whoever passes them.

In 2023 Donnington Manor was thrilled to open the doors to new Escape Rooms, which are fast becoming one of the area’s most popular attractions for families, corporate team building and birthday parties, so we continue to evolve and adapt to meet the ever-changing needs of our visitors old and new.

Skills for Life – training schemes for your business

With challenges such as cost-of-living pressures sitting high on the agenda for businesses in 2024, the Skills for Life campaign’s ‘Skills Horizon 2024 Barometer’, has found 64% of SMEs in England are deploying lower-cost recruitment tactics to continue investing in talent.

Businesses considering hiring employees can access a range of government training and employment schemes. Understanding the flexible options available will be important for employers, and the Skills for Life campaign aims to help SMEs understand the schemes available to them, including:

• Apprenticeships - Available for individuals over the age of 16 and combines on the job training with study. You can offer this opportunity to new or current staff members, allowing you to develop your workforce and business.

• T Levels: industry placements - Hosting a T Level industry placement gives you early access to the brightest young people and the opportunity to develop your workforce of the future.

• Skills Bootcamps – Flexible training courses for those aged 19 and over to fast-track specialist skill development, for existing or new talent for your business.

• Multiply - Free maths courses for your employees who are aged 19 and over. Multiply can help reduce numeracy related mistakes at work, and boost productivity.

• Higher Technical Qualifications (HTQs)

- Level 4 or 5 qualifications with no work placement but flexible for employees to study while working.

Over the past year, nearly three-quarters of SMEs reported seeing other businesses benefit from available technical education schemes, including the opportunity to shape young talent, upskill existing team members, and address skills gaps in the business.

To find training and employment schemes for your business, as well as support on how to implement these, visit:

34 Thinking Business Members News

More than half of UK exporters impacted by Red Sea disruption

36 Thinking Business International Trade
New research has revealed that more than half (55 per cent) of UK exporters say they have been impacted by disruption to shipping in the Red Sea – with 53 per cent of manufacturers and business-to-consumer service firms saying they have also been affected.

The report by the British Chambers of Commerce’s Insights Unit has uncovered the scale of the impact on UK businesses, with the main impacts cited as being increased costs and delays.

Almost two fifths (37 per cent) of more than 1,000 firms surveyed overall for the research said they had been impacted – with exporters, manufacturers and B2C businesses (which include retailers and wholesalers) far more likely to report an impact.

The issues cited by firms included increased costs, with some reporting rises of 300 per cent for container hire, and logistical delays, adding up to three to four weeks to delivery times. Firms also said this was creating knock-on effects such as cashflow difficulties and component shortages on production lines.

William Bain, Head of Trade Policy at the BCC, said: “This research gives us immediate insight into the impact of Red Sea disruption on UK businesses.

“There has been spare capacity in the shipping freight industry to respond to

the difficulties, which has bought us some time. And recent ONS data also indicates the impact has yet to filter through to the UK economy, with inflation holding steady in January.

“But our research suggests that the longer the current situation persists, the more likely it is that the cost pressures will start to build.

“Certain sectors of the economy are obviously more exposed to this than others. But with the recent introduction of the Government’s new customs checks and procedures for imports also adding to costs and delays, it is a difficult time for firms.

“We are calling for the establishment of an Exports Council to hone the UK’s trade strategy and a review of the effectiveness of Government funding for export support.

“Overseas trade is vital to growing our economy. We must do everything we can to see businesses through these tough times, and then set a laser-sharp focus on expanding exports for the future.”

The BCC’s Business Outlook Survey was carried out in January 2024 and 1,087 businesses took part.

Certain sectors of the economy are obviously more exposed to this than others. But with the recent introduction of the Government’s new customs checks and procedures for imports also adding to costs and delays, it is a difficult time for firms. ❜❜
Thinking Business 37 International Trade
❛❛ Image: Pixabay

Xeed ESG is the commercial consultancy of the Environmental Business Network, a free-to-join movement for businesses that appreciate we face a very different environmental and economic future.

It was founded and is run by KICC Member Roger McKerlie and its purpose is to help our clients benefit commercially from the transition to being low carbon and nature positive businesses.

Roger is a marketing entrepreneur who approaches the sustainability sector from a business standpoint first, whilst fully appreciating the environmental crisis we face.

What is ESG?

“ESG is a framework that helps stakeholders understand how an organisation is managing risks and opportunities related to environmental, social, and governance criteria. ESG takes the holistic view that sustainability extends beyond just environmental issues.”

[Corporate Finance Institute]

First used back in 2004 in a report by the United Nations it is only in the last decade that it has become a widely used term and only relevant to most businesses since the end of Covid. As corporate organisations and financial institutions have embraced it (not always willingly I would add) it has begun to cascade rapidly down through supply chains, forcing the C Suites of mid-sized businesses and SMEs to take it seriously.

What are its key elements?

There is a growing focus on the social impact of business, which includes everything from modern slavery to mental health and diversity to community investment, but environmental sustainability is the biggest issue by far.

It’s too big a subject to deal with here but in practical terms you could look at it in this way: greenhouse gas emissions are the problem and the only effective way to remove those emissions is through nature.

So, the boards of large businesses are having to address decarbonisation and nature restoration at the same time. This has added a huge layer of complexity to running a large business.

Will it affect your business?

No doubt, it is just a question of when.

We are seeing increasing numbers of enquiries from first tier supply chain businesses that have corporate customers and this domino effect will only become more pronounced as we head towards 2030, the point where we are supposed to be well on the way to Net Zero.

Ask the Expert Because our world is changing

If this is new to you, I suggest you read up on the concept of Scope 3. This is all about GHG emissions in a large company’s supply chain. We are working with a number of clients who have asked us how they decarbonise their business because their corporate customers are requesting/demanding it.

Can it create commercial opportunities?

Absolutely, yes.

Change is coming down your track, so the opportunity is to embrace it now and gain competitive advantage for the next two to three years. Investing into nature restoration projects (not carbon offsetting – be careful about claiming you are doing that!) and exploring legitimate ways to take the carbon out of your business, can be powerful tools to help you differentiate your business from your competitors.

Where should you start?

Firstly, if you haven’t begun this journey yet, don’t panic.

However, the old adage, if you can’t measure it, you can’t change it is very true in this space. It will be helpful to calculate your CO2e (carbon and equivalent GHG) starting with a baseline year, so that you are clear in how much carbon your business is responsible for.

From here you can plan to reduce it year on year and this will open up additional avenues for a sustainability strategy that adds real value to your business. There are lots of free tools out there if you don’t want to use a consultant

KICC member offer

Getting started on your transitional journey can be daunting and time consuming, but it will pay dividends, even if you are a small business not directly in the supply chain of a large one.

If you want to have a free, no commitment, conversation with Roger, he can set up a 30-minute online call with you via email on

38 Thinking Business
Ask the Expert 07703 344139

Budget boosts jobs but economic challenge remains

Although business confidence is improving, the coming months will remain challenging for many companies, says the British Chambers of Commerce following the Budget announcement by Chancellor Jeremy Hunt.

Shevaun Haviland, Director General of the BCC, shares her reaction to different parts of the Budget statement.

“Following the Autumn Statement this Budget was always set to deliver less for business although changes to National Insurance will provide some momentum,” she said.

“However, beyond this there were no major announcements to help shift the dial on conditions for business.

“The clock is now ticking to the General Election – and this Budget could be the last fiscal event before voters go to the polls.

“Business confidence is improving but the coming months will remain challenging for many companies. It is vital that the economy remains front and centre of the campaign to come.”

On jobs, Shevaun said: “The prospect of an additional 200,000 entering into the workforce, due to cuts in National Insurance, would make a significant dent in the job vacancies holding back our economy. It will also provide a welcome boost to economic growth.

“Combined with the increased child benefit threshold, this should help business find the staff they so desperately need.”

On the VAT threshold change, she added: “Increasing the VAT threshold to £90,000 from April will help SMEs in our Chamber network to grow and invest but a more fundamental review is required. We will continue to engage with Government to push for this.”

Responding to news of new funding to train planners, Shevaun said: “We are pleased the Chancellor has joined forces with the BCC and our founding partner Aviva, by committing £3 million of matched funding to our business-led programme to unlock the planning system. This is a clear signal from Government about working in partnership with business to solve problems.

“We now have a real opportunity to make the system quicker and more efficient for everyone. It is all about investing in talent and building communities.”

On the new Growth Guarantee Scheme, she said: “It’s also good news that the Chancellor has listened to our calls for the Recovery Loan Scheme to be extended. Under its new name, the Growth Guarantee Scheme will continue to be a financial lifeline for thousands of businesses to get back on track after recent economic shocks and plan for future growth.”

On tax free shopping she added: “There will be huge disappointment that a new internationally competitive tax-free shopping scheme was not mentioned by the Chancellor. We will review the OBR’s evidence and continue to make the case for this.”

We now have a real opportunity to make the system quicker and more efficient for everyone. It is all about investing in talent and building communities. ❜❜
Thinking Business 39 Economy

Every month we bring you a mix of information sessions, networking events, workshops and training sessions with some of the top local business professionals from an array of different industries. Each event is designed to offer invaluable up-to-date information tailored to our attendee’s wants and needs, as well as networking opportunities to help you grow your business.

Every month we bring you a mix of information sessions, networking events, workshops and training sessions with some of the top local business professionals from an array of different industries. Each event is designed to offer invaluable up-to-date information tailored to our attendee’s wants and needs, as well as networking opportunities to help you grow your business.

Every month we bring you a mix of information sessions, networking events, workshops and training sessions with some of the top local business professionals from an array of different industries. Each event is designed to offer invaluable up-to-date information tailored to our attendee’s wants and needs, as well as networking opportunities to help you grow your business.

With a mix of events held online and face to face across Kent, you’re sure to find the right one for you.

With a mix of events held online and face to face across Kent, you’re sure to find the right one for you.

With a mix of events held online and face to face across Kent, you’re sure to find the right one for you.

40 Thinking Business

Chamber Connections

10:30am - 12:00pm

Members: Free to Attend

Non-Members: £10.00 + VAT

Hempstead House Hotel, Sittingbourne, Thursday 4th April 2024

Dover Marina Hotel and Spa, Dover, Thursday 2nd May 2024

Donnington Manor Hotel, Sevenoaks, Thursday 9th May 2024

Join others for our very popular Chamber Connections Networking event and receive a warm welcome from your Chamber representative on arrival, who will be on hand to help you meet new members of the business community.

Any business, any size, we know and understand the pressures and ambitions your business has. Imagine what you could achieve being part of a local business community.

Kent Construction Focus Group

7:30am - 9:30am

KCFG Members: £22.50 + VAT

Non-Members: £32.50 + VAT

The Village Hotel, Maidstone, Tuesday 7th May and 4th June 2024

Hosted by members of the KCFG committee, Cheryl Causebrook and Ella Brocklebank, we bring you KCFG

The Kent Construction Focus Group (KCFG) is a one-stop-shop for local businesses to discuss the future of Kent development, giving companies access to local knowledge, expertise and contracts.

During the morning you will enjoy a full English breakfast which will be followed by a presentation from our guest speakers.

Virtual Business Networking

10:30am - 12:00pm, Online via Zoom

Free to Attend

Tuesday 16th April 2024 | Tuesday 30th April 2024

Tuesday 21st May 2024 | Tuesday 28th May 2024

Each event will be an eclectic mix of conversation topics as we interview our guest business and encourage questions from the attendees, making sure we bring you the networking event you want to be involved in.

Conversations with our guest speaker will be followed by 3 breakout room sessions where attendees can delve deeper into this discussion, or discuss their own topic in more depth.

Chamber Connections Networking

Thursday 4th April 2024 | 10:30am - 12:00pm

Hempstead House Hotel, Sittingbourne, ME9 9PP

Business Talks – West Kent Shooting School

Tuesday 9th April 2024 | 10:30am - 12:00pm

West Kent Shooting School, Brenchley, TN12 7DG

Virtual Business Networking

Tuesday 16th April 2024 | 10:30am - 12:00pm

Online via Zoom

Business Bites – Kent Property Market Update

Wednesday 17th April 2024 | 1:00pm - 1:30pm

Online via Zoom

Business Talks

Wine Tasting and Tour at Gusbourne

Thursday 18th April 2024 | 2:00pm - 3:30pm

Gusbourne Estate, Appledore, TN26 2BE

Business Bites – Running a Fully Remote Team (Sponsors: Not Another Marketing Agency)

Thursday 25th April 2024 | 1:00pm - 1:30pm

Online via Zoom

Virtual Business Networking

Tuesday 30th April 2024 | 10:30am - 12:00pm

Online via Zoom

Chamber Connections Networking

Thursday 2nd May 2024 | 10:30am - 12:00pm

Dover Marina Hotel and Spa, Dover, CT17 9BP

Kent Construction Focus Group (KCFG)

Tuesday 7th May 2024 | 7:30am - 9:30am

The Village Hotel, Maidstone, ME14 3AQ

Chamber Connections Networking

Thursday 9th May 2024 | 10:30am - 12:30pm

Donnington Manor Hotel, Sevenoaks, TN13 2TD

Business Bites – Safeguarding Businesses In Kent From Cyber Threats

Tuesday 14th May 2024 | 1:00pm - 1:30pm

Online via Zoom

Construction, Engineering & Manufacturing Skills Conference

Wednesday 15th May 2024 | 9:30am - 3:30pm

Bridgewood Manor Hotel, Chatham, ME5 9AX

Virtual Business Networking

Tuesday 21st May 2024 | 10:30am - 12:00pm

Online via Zoom

Business Talks - Helicopter Tour and Defibrillator Training

Thursday 23rd May 2024 | 10:30am - 12:00pm

Rochester Airport, Maidstone Rd, Chatham, ME5 9SD

Virtual Business Networking

Tuesday 28th May 2024 | 10:30am - 12:00pm

Online via Zoom

Business Bites

Thursday 30th May 2024 | 1:00pm - 1:30pm

Online via Zoom

Kent Construction Focus Group (KCFG)

Tuesday 4th June 2024 | 7:30am - 9:30am

The Village Hotel, Maidstone, ME14 3AQ

Thinking Business 41

Inspiring spaces...


As one of themost stylish and inspiring conference venues in Kent, we cater for small meetings and large groups. With a selection of conferencesuites, meetingrooms andfunction rooms, not to mention our spacious marquee ideal for teamsummer get-togethers, it is no wonder Eastwell Manor is a popularchoicefor business and social events.

stay for
for event organiser Free *T&C’s apply

Nothing beats good hospitality and conducting business face-to-face

The hospitality sector in Kent is seeing a welcome rise in faceto-face business events. From business networking events in the county’s variety of sector-leading hotels to quirky team-building activities, there is a venue to suit every kind of business event.

Talking to professionals at networking events and there is always a positive buzz in the room with several different conversations taking place and members enjoying refreshments as they exchange business ideas and leads.

Listen carefully and there is always an undercurrent murmuring of ‘You can’t beat actually being in a room with other businesspeople’. Putting faces to names, exchanging pleasantries and finding things in common, cracking a business problem with the help of supportive interventions – they all help build stronger, more meaningful connections in a way that LinkedIn interactions or virtual networking events simply don’t do as well.

Kent Invicta Chamber of Commerce holds a variety of face-to-face events from award ceremonies to networking gatherings, including Chamber Connections, Business Talks, the Kent Construction Expo and the Kent Leaders dinners, to name but a few.

The Chamber has also recognised the importance of providing virtual events such as training webinars and online networking as the way the business world works has moved on too since Covid with the efficiency and time-saving benefits of online meetings proving a draw for many.

“Amongst our face-to-face networking events, ideas are shared, and collaborations are formed. Business challenges are overcome, and strong leads are developed.”

The return of face-to-face networking and teambuilding events to boost morale and strengthen teams has had a positive effect for the hospitality sector as businesses and networking organisations have returned to – and increased – their use of a variety of venues including hotels, event centres, conference facilities and team-building facilities to cater for both small groups and large ones. This, in turn, is providing a welcome boost to the local Kent economy.

Ashford International Hotel

Ashford International Hotel, which is part of The QHotels Collection, welcomes the return to face-to-face events.

The hotel was built in 1990 and has 179 bedrooms, two restaurants and bars and 18 meeting rooms that can cater for up to 400 people. It also has a state-of-the-art health club and spa and 400 car parking spaces.

The hotel hosts a variety of training and networking events, celebrations, corporate and charity dinners and also has a lounge area for more informal meetings.

General Manager Claire Johnson said: “There are several benefits of holding face-to-face events such as meeting people in person, hands-on training, networking and being able to meet in person and speak, rather than via email or Teams.

“Overall, hospitality is returning to pre-Covid levels but in many different ways. Virtual meetings are now the norm and some people are still nervous of going to large events. Expectations are higher from guests in a budget-driven time with escalating costs for businesses.”

For more information, visit

44 Thinking Business Sector Focus
Image: Pixabay

Canterbury Christ Church University

Canterbury Christ Church University conference and event venues offer a perfect blend of historic charm and contemporary design to meet all your business needs. With a range of impressive boardrooms and unique buildings, we cater to a variety of conference sizes and styles, making us the ideal choice for your next meeting or event.

St Martin’s Priory, one of our standout buildings, features four traditional boardrooms that can accommodate between 8 and 26 delegates. These charming and historic spaces are perfect for intimate business meetings, providing a unique and inspiring atmosphere for productive discussions.

For larger gatherings, Augustine House, built in the city centre, is the ideal venue. With seating for up to 330 delegates, it is equipped to manage diverse events such as award ceremonies, conferences, and

exhibitions. Augustine House has won several architectural awards for its contemporary design and commitment to sustainability, with two impressive outdoor terraces, one with views across to the Cathedral.

Whether you prefer a traditional or contemporary setting, our university facilities at either our Canterbury or Medway campus have you covered. The Medway campus, offers some of the best facilities in the area. All our venues have high-spec AV included within the room hire and top-class catering can be provided in all areas.

Our dedicated CCCU Conference and Events team are here to help, offering a variety of flexible seating styles and customizable room setups to suit your event needs. Choose us for your next business meeting or event and experience excellence in event hosting.

For more information visit;

Eastwell Manor

Eastwell Manor was originally built in the mid-16th Century and has operated as a hotel and venue since the early 1980s.

General Manager James McComas said: “During that time the world of meetings and events have been a strong sector in its business mix, with weddings, private dinners, executive meetings and training retreats being a regular and essential stream.

“The world of hospitality, and indeed business, is powered by personal interactions. Face-to-face events are a crucial element of this – not just providing income to the host property but providing income to secondary and tertiary placed businesses in the supply chain; direct boost to the local economy via accommodation and activity on-spend; and for a destination such as Kent, opening people’s eyes to the attraction of a county often overlooked for personal getaways and ancillary activities.

“I am delighted that our face-to-face business has rebounded well following the pandemic, and while the volume of individual bookings may not be quite so high, the spend and focus on value rather than price are both greatly improved.”

West Kent Shooting School

Since 1974, West Kent Shooting School has been blending the highest standard of professionalism with an informal personal touch that makes each corporate guest “feel like a valued friend”.

“When it comes to our corporate events, we believe what’s great for bonding is great for business,” said Gillian Lynch, from West Kent Shooting School.

“We aim to be as flexible as possible and to attend to every detail, so as to relieve the stress of hosting from our clients’ shoulders. This enables our clients to relax as much as their guests.”

Knowing how important time management is in the current business climate, they can tailor packages to accommodate this, either as a sales meeting, a conference, or simply clay shooting. They offer morning, afternoon, or a full day session with or without catering. For more information, visit

Thinking Business 45 Sector Focus
46 Thinking Business Contact the team for more information at or on freephone 0800 456 1116 Hold your next meeting, training or away day with us at Canterbury Christ Church University A variety of styles and capacities to suit events of all sizes, in convenient city centre locations.

Book your event at this versatile and spacious meeting venue in Kent

From delegate wellbeing, inspired meetings to exclusive use and team building, Chilston Park takes a completely bespoke approach to every single event. Work with our specialists to design and plan a memorable experience that not only meets, but exceeds, your brief.

Chilston Park is a charming and welcoming countryside venue in Kent. There is plenty of flexible space, inside and outside, suitable for a wide range of meetings and events. Situated just moments from the M20 and close to Ashford and Maidstone, it is ideally placed for delegates travelling from London, or into the UK via the Channel Tunnel.

We reduce our impact on the environment through waste management as well as sourcing our food locally to reduce food miles and promote an ethical supply chain.

Our commitment is to create an experience where our team members feel valued, uncontrained, engaged and stimulated.

Welcome to our new members

363 Coffee Lounge


01634 201122

Coffee Lounge and Event Catering

Additional Services

Tonbridge 07849 086439

Providing Business Support Services through Social Media efforts, Recruitment Outreach and Training Courses, Online and in Person

Apprico Ltd

Gravesend 0333 090 3070

IT and Managed Print Service Provider


Maidstone 07825 840536

Auditel is a Leading Cost, Procurement and Carbon Solutions Company

Bearman HR Consultancy Ltd

Chatham 07956 466247


Bellaway Wallace Partnership

Maidstone 01622 630675

Providing a proactive and professional Engineering Consultancy service, from conceptual planning through to design and eventual handover

Boom Battle Bar Canterbury

Canterbury 01227 772233

In addition to playing augmented reality axe throwing and darts, crazier golf, beer pong and shuffleboard, Boom Battle Bar has set up screens to celebrate your favourite teams playing!

Boutique Weddings Kent

Ramsgate 07864 999212

Boutique Weddings has access to unique and quirky locations not normally available for getting married

Brilliant Businesses Ltd

Tunbridge Wells 01892 487904

Creating exceptionally high-quality video interviews in Sussex, London and the South East on behalf of all types and sizes of company

Cakeshop Media

Dover 07984 770271

Digital Marketing Agency


Gravesend 01474 831400

Cyclopark, fitness classes, cafe

Donnington Manor Hotel

Sevenoaks 01732 462681

A deluxe 4 star Hotel

Elements of Nature

Ashford 01233 624269

Natural swimming pool designer, installer and maintenance company

Eleven Past Ltd

Sandwich 01304 447077

Growth Agency

Flipjack Consultancy

Lincoln 07780 880191

Digital Transformation Consultancy.

Flying Iguana Coaching


07949 996828

We work with individuals and teams to generate insight and reflections in their thinking

Horus Drones

Folkestone 07392 562643

Cutting-edge drone technology

Host and Stay Canterbury 07710 813469

Host and Stay Holiday Lettings was born from a love and passion for property, and a desire to lead the change in an age-old industry. We’re here to help more holiday homeowners unlock the potential in their homes. With new methods for new times. With better guest experiences through technology and lightning-fast response rates. All resulting in more revenue for our holiday homeowners, and with less hassle due to our completely hands-free end to end managed services.

Kerry Logistics (UK) Ltd

Dartford 01322 296050

Providing end-to-end supply chain solutions for companies of all sizes. Our core business encompasses international freight forwarding, integrated logistics capabilities, and supply chain solutions

Knockout Print Services Ltd

Matfield 01892 823540


48 Thinking Business New Members

Enhance Protect Connect

Lead Without Limits

Headcorn 07803 593772

Coaching and Empowering Leaders, Teams and Organisations to become the best forms of themselves, enabling leadership without limitation in terms of skills, mindset or behaviour

Mivvy Creative Ltd

West Malling 01732 321790

Creators of Visual Identities, Logo Designs and Marketing Materials

National Business Communications

Kings Hill 0330 311 1133

UK Business Telecommunications Providers

Pearson TQ

London 07799 115172

Partners with Educators and Employers to provide Innovative Learning Experiences that help Learners and Businesses reach their goals

Pirtek Ashford

Ashford 01233 502090

Hydraulics Experts at each Nationwide Pirtek Centre, while our mobile service units can be on site to replace a hose in just one hour

Print Matters Kent Ltd

Canterbury 01227 765031

Offering a range of Printing Services for Businesses, Organisations and Students in Canterbury and the surrounding areas

Productivity Finance Ltd

Fleet 07741 478221

Passionate about finding the business finance you need

Reynolds Group

Sittingbourne 01732 446050

Fitness Spa

Romney Marsh Community Hub

New Romney 01797 363888

An Independent Charity dedicated to supporting and improving the Health and Wellbeing for people 50+ in our Local Community

Salt Training Ltd

Herne Bay 01227 204444

Construction Training Provider

Sandbox Hypnotherapy and Sleep Coach

Whitstable 07548 799367

Hypnotherapy and Sleep Coach who uses proven techniques to help you feel and perform your best

SFDS Group

Capel Le Ferne 01303 479586

Fire Door Installation, Inspection and Maintenance

Sypro Financial Consultancy

West Kingsdown 07979 335446

Financial Consultancy

Tamu Homes Supported Accommodation Ltd

Sutton 07305 056066

Supported Living Accommodation offering Support for Individuals with Diverse Needs

The Data Project

Chatham 01634 890182

Specialising in Designing, Supporting and Auditing all aspects of Data Management for Businesses

TPE Groundwork and Construction

Maidstone 07850 035629

Groundwork and Home Improvements for Domestic and Commercial Clients


Canterbury 01227 913482

Video Production Agency


South East 07534 418544

Helping you access the support you need to develop innovative products, processes and services, through multiple tax reliefs, grants, funding/finance and software provision and support

WAVES Wills and Legacies

Ashford 01233 344570

Wills, Trusts and Legal Power of Attorney. Your legacy is protected, safe and ensures your family is looked after

The Black Horse

Thurnham 01622 737185

Pub, Restaurant and Hotel

Worldpay (UK) Ltd

Aylesford 03457 616263

Card Machines and Payment

Thinking Business 49 New Members

Ensure Environmental Consulting Ltd

I am an environmental scientist and geologist with 40 years’ experience solving environmental problems in the UK and internationally. Having worked for large international consultancies both regionally and in London, I realised that I was spending my time at a desk managing spreadsheets rather than doing what I still got a buzz from, which was helping clients solve environmental issues. I set up Ensure in 2016 and operate it as a ‘virtual consultancy’ with a close team of UK and International associates. We now focus on international ESG guidance and due diligence.

What was your first job and what was the pay packet?

First job was at 14 on a local farm in Dorset where they had a camp site. I and two other lads drove a tractor and tank around collecting waste from the latrines as there were no flushing loos at the site (this was the 1970’s). I could earn up to £40 a week but the hours were long.

What do you always carry with you to work?

I carry a small camera, as at most sites I visit I gather information for discussion or inclusion in reports. It works better than the phone as I can stick the memory card straight into my laptop and show the client what I have seen.

What is the biggest challenge facing your business?

In the environmental sector, the biggest challenge is still getting mid-size companies to take Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) seriously, not helped by what is deemed best practice as every NGO produces different guidance and criteria for measuring and reporting ESG impact.

If you were Prime Minister, what one thing would you change to help business?

We need to do more to support small businesses and the self-employed. But also take advantage of the benefits that the green economy can bring, including developments for more recycling of EV batteries and waste electronics, rather than always mining more.

What can you see from your office window?

In Ensure we all work from home as clients and projects can be anywhere from Gravesend to Greenland. I currently look out at spring daffodils and a garden that needs some attention.

If you could do another job, what would it be?

Growing up in Dorset, my passion was sailing, so being Ben Ainslee would be good as those boats they race are awesome.

As a businessperson, what are your three main qualities?

I try most to listen to what a client says are the issues they are facing. I am good at making connections across sectors and business to bring mutual benefit while helping the environment.

What was your biggest mistake in business?

Staying in a senior management role in a big consultancy, when I knew it was not what I wanted to do.

What advice would you give to aspiring entrepreneurs?

Plan and discuss the way forward with people you trust, then take the leap. It will be hard and challenging but have faith in your ability and drive forward.

Who do you most admire in business?

It is hard to pick one and rather than use a Branson cliché, I would point to Brian Wood MC as someone who has built a brand and business in the face of adversity.

Laura Bevan of Oak Creative appointed to council member at KCAS

Laura Bevan, Studio Director at Oak Creative, has joined the Council Committee at the Kent County Agricultural Society (KCAS). The charity has been supporting the Kent farming community since 1923.

Laura says ‘I am thrilled to have joined the KCAS council. Personally, and professionally, it is my passion to champion Kent’s rural businesses. I am honoured to have officially become part of the prestigious KCAS charity and look forward to contributing.’

In her Studio Director role at Kent’s leading branding agency, Oak Creative, Laura is well versed at helping businesses build their brands. Her expertise combined with her relaxed and pragmatic nature; means she is well placed to join the KCAS council. As a business, Oak

Creative has always placed Kent’s heritage at the heart of what we do. We are proud to work with a diverse roster of prestigious businesses across all sectors in Kent and beyond, including many farming and agricultural businesses, vineyards, producers and more.

Julian Barnes, Chairman of KCAS says ‘Laura is a great fit for the KCAS council committee, and we are delighted to have her on board. Oak Creative is a longstanding business in Kent, and we have a great relationship with Laura and the team there.’

One of Kent’s rising stars in business, Laura became a Director of Oak Creative in 2020. Having started her career as a graphic designer, she now leads a team of 14 and is an active member of Kent’s thriving business community. With a special interest in food

and drink businesses, including producers and growers, Laura is also a mentor for the Growing Kent and Medway Food Accelerator programme.

New HSQE Manager at Avondale

Groundworks company Avondale Environmental Services has appointed a new HSQE Manager.

Lucy Knight started with the Chatham-based company in February and brings with her a strong CV of previous positions. She has worked in Health, Safety

and Environment across Kent since 2017, in industries such as healthcare, industrial manufacturing, food manufacturing, and recycling and waste. Her priority is to create open channels of communication to put health and safety first for all employees.

Avondale’s work involves using large machinery, working on highways and on railways to clear vegetation using specialist cutting plants.

Their work takes them across the UK, cutting vegetation back from railway lines to keep services running, footpaths cleared on a yearly schedule and managed on highways to give drivers clear visibility and reduce hazards.

They also work across the country undertaking highways and railways tunnel washing.

The company is in a planned growth phase – and Lucy’s remit will be ensuring with fast growth, comes health and safety on all sites, jobs and tasks.

She said: “As well as bringing in my knowledge and experiences to the role, I’m really looking forward to creating an open and engaging channel of communication with staff and operatives.

“My previous work has told me that it takes all of us together to foster a proactive and positive health and safety culture.”

NFU Mutual Ashford, Tenterden & Whitfield appoints new Financial Adviser

NFU Mutual has appointed Lewis Greenwood as the Financial Adviser in its Ashford, Tenterden & Whitfield Agency, where he will enhance the agency’s services and offer advice on financial planning including protection, investments, pensions and inheritance tax planning.

Lewis joins NFU Mutual after working as an independent financial adviser for clients across London, having previously held a variety of roles providing holistic financial advice for both corporate and personal clients.

Leaving his financial planning career in London, Lewis has returned to where he grew up in Kent and will be delighted to visit and service clients across Kent and East Sussex.

“This agency has a fantastic relationship with all its valued customers and I look forward to building on these existing relationships by making our financial advice proposition fully accessible to all,” he said.

“It’s my job to help our customers navigate and fully understand all their options by providing an unrivalled personal customer service proposition that is bespoke to each individual and specific to both their current circumstances and future ambitions.”

NFU Mutual Ashford, Tenterden & Whitfield Senior Agent, Doug Jackson said: “This is an exciting time for Lewis to join us at NFU Mutual Ashford, Tenterden & Whitfield. We’ve always been proud to

provide a local and easily accessible service for our customers, offering trust and developing long-lasting relationships.

“As our Financial Adviser, Lewis will help us expand our offering to customers and continue to help them and their families in a meaningful, lasting way. I’m greatly looking forward to Lewis getting embedded within the team and engaging with our clients.”

50 Thinking Business
50 Thinking Business Movers and Shakers Last Word
Copy Deadline: News items for the June - July issue to be submitted by 6 May 2024
Henry on right of photo on Environmental Due Diligence in Greenland

Rochester Bridge Trust

Founded in 1399, the Rochester Bridge Trust is a medieval charity operating to modern standards. The Trust owns and maintains three bridges at Rochester, receiving no public funding: all of its activities are paid for thanks to an investment estate and financial donations that were given more than 600 years ago.

Since 2022 all bridge maintenance has been carried out at Net Zero Carbon, with in-house activities added to the achievement a year later. The Trust continues to monitor and reduce its

Providing passage over, under or across the River Medway at Rochester at no cost to the public.

carbon footprint, making continual improvements and sharing its best practice with others.

In addition, the Trust supports engineering and agricultural education with the provision of free learning materials, grants and scholarships; maintains an archive stretching back more than six centuries; provides a range of grants; and owns and maintains two heritage buildings on Rochester Esplanade, which are open regularly for the public to view its collection of art and furniture.

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