Carrum Surf Life Saving Club Annual Report 2019-20

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Annual Report 2019-20

CARRUM SURF LIFE SAVING CLUB INCORPORATED ABN 66 265 342 567 15 Old Post Office Lane Carrum VIC 3197

PO Box 694 Patterson Lakes VIC 3197

ð&#x;“ž (03) 9776 0504


1 | Carrum Surf Life Saving Club Annual Report 2018-19

Contents Our Board ............................................................................................................................................................ 1 2019-20 Executive .................................................................................................................................. 1 2019-20 Committee ............................................................................................................................... 1 President’s Report ....................................................................................................................................... 2 Secretary’s Report ...................................................................................................................................... 4 Treasurer’s Report ...................................................................................................................................... 6 Vale Lorraine Arrowsmith ..................................................................................................................... 7 Lifesaving Services..................................................................................................................................... 8 Club Captain’s Report ......................................................................................................................... 8 Patrol Captain’s Report ....................................................................................................................10 Patrol Hours 2019-20 ..........................................................................................................................11 Member Development .......................................................................................................................... 12 Junior Coordinator’s Report ......................................................................................................... 12 Aquatic Sport ................................................................................................................................................16 Competition Captain’s Report ....................................................................................................16 Carnival Results ..................................................................................................................................... 17 Honours and Awards ..............................................................................................................................18 2019-20 Carrum SLSC Awards ..................................................................................................18 Member Qualifications ..........................................................................................................................19 Patrol Awards ..........................................................................................................................................19 Training & Assessment Awards ............................................................................................... 20 Surf Sports Awards ............................................................................................................................ 20 Junior Activities Awards .................................................................................................................. 21 Supporters .......................................................................................................................................................22 Government ..............................................................................................................................................22 State and National Bodies.............................................................................................................22 Sponsors ......................................................................................................................................................22 Financial Report ......................................................................................................................................... 23 Carrum Surf Life Saving Club Annual Report 2019-20

Our Board 2019-20 Executive Ben Rooks

President & Publicity Officer

Catherine Paulsen

Club Captain & Chief Instructor

David Hasell

Secretary, Registrar & Immediate Past President

Justin O’Halloran


Rik Price

Junior Coordinator

2019-20 Committee Shane Rowley

Senior Vice President

Stephen Griffiths

Vice Captain & Gear Steward

Kay Hasell

Assistant Secretary

Charles Barton

Patrol Captain

Jemma Harrison

Competition Captain

Tegan Griffiths

First Aid Officer

David Hyde

IRB Captain

Michael Feaver

Committee Member

Kim Somers

Committee Member

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President’s Report The word unprecedented has been used an unprecedented number of times over the past twelve months, but I can’t think of another word that better sums up what we’ve seen and experienced – certainly no words that are suitable for publication in our Annual Report. The year began with local infrastructure works associated with the Level Crossing Removal Program causing disruption for our members and beach-goers. Tradies filled up foreshore car spaces and Old Post Office Lane was closed – at one stage the only way to cross the rail line to get to the beach was to detour via Chelsea or Seaford. This had a significant impact on our function room hire and likely impacted our membership numbers also. However, I do want to thank the LXRP team, they worked closely with us to minimise the impacts and promote the Club and water safety when they were able. In late November we hosted the award presentation for a local primary school essay writing competition with Victorian Premier, Dan Andrews, as the special guest. If only he knew what the following year would hold. On the same day, the forecast for thunderstorm asthma across Victoria increased to the point that our volunteer surf lifesavers were put on standby to assist Ambulance Victoria (AV) and Emergency Management Victoria (EMV) with urgent first aid cases if the workload required it. The last few months of 2019 saw bushfire activity increase across the eastern states, cumulating on New Year’s Eve with catastrophic fires impacting on communities in east Gippsland, including our colleagues at Mallacoota Surf Life Saving Club. Once again, our Club was on standby to assist EMV – this time as a potential refuge location for Victorians evacuated by the Navy to Hastings. The fires continued for months into 2020 – and the smoke they generated caused air quality here to drop to hazardous levels at times. Our volunteer surf lifesavers were again on standby to assist AV, this time in preparation for a surge of respiratory emergencies. Face masks for arranged for members in response to the poor air quality. Meanwhile our patrol and nipper teams continued to do that they do every year and did it exceptionally well in exceptional circumstances. At one stage in January, our lifesavers closed the beach due to grape-sized hail which was followed a few days later by a large dust storm that resulted in rain falling as mud across Melbourne.

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Late in the evening on the last day of January several people got into difficulty swimming near the mouth of Patterson River. While two people were taken to hospital, we’re lucky that no one was seriously injured, thanks in part to the efforts of past Club members who witnessed the event and assisted. Remember that it’s never safe to swim near Patterson River. The next few months saw our lifesavers continue to rescue people and dodge some wild weather while our nippers continued their training and carnivals. And then the novel coronavirus pandemic arrived in Australia. In what was a rapidly changing situation, with new rules and regulations being introduced almost daily, beaches were closed by councils and events such as the Victorian State Lifesaving Championships were cancelled. I want to take this opportunity to thank the club committee and club executive for their tireless extra effort during this time to make decisions on the go about things we thought we’d never have to consider. Since then COVID-19 has seen us cancel our annual comedy night and trivia night, the winter solstice swim and club presentation night. The function room has been closed since March and member activities have been reduced to emergency responses only. I thank all members for your understanding, patience and support during this time. At the same time, COVID-19 has seen our volunteer surf lifesavers again helping EMV. Several of our members are on standby to drive ambulances and assist at hospital emergency departments, should the pandemic cause a surge in emergency demand. We had several members assist the Department of Health and Human Services with the urgent preparation of COVID-19 test kits and we were also tasked to assist with provision of food and supplies to residents at the locked-down public housing towers in Flemington and North Melbourne. As we step cautiously into the 2020-21 season, we know that surf lifesaving is going to look different this year – but we’re well prepared to provide services and activities that are safe for our members and the community. I can’t wait to see you all back on the beach soon. Ben Rooks President

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Secretary’s Report On behalf of Carrum Surf Life Saving Club committee it gives me great pleasure in presenting the Annual Report for the 2019/2020 season together with the financial statements and balance sheet for year ending 30 June 2020. This year like most other years has been nonstop for our committees which include the management committee and then the building Subcommittee. I would like to thank our committee for their effort and contributions this year which have definitely gone above and beyond, and for those of you enjoying the off season please spare a thought for those on the committee who continue to meet and plan for the upcoming season and to deliver to our No 1 priority in saving lives. Special thanks to our Club Captain, Catherine Paulsen, who puts in so many hours at the club either fixing gear, doing patrols, or checking on our patrols and/or staff each weekend and checking on proficiencies as well as training squads. I want to say thank you to Members for their contribution and support throughout the 2019/20 Patrol Season. The commitment through selfless devotion is what makes a strong community, Congratulations for another successful year. The Patrol Captains did a grand job managing the risks and responding appropriately. On a personal note I would like to thank my wife Kay Hasell who has retired from the role of Functions and Hall Hire manager for the club. Kay has a long history of involvement with the club for over 30 years and has held various positions within the club from secretary, treasurer, and committee member, as well as being a life member of the club. During that time, she spent untold hours providing a range of behind the scenes work at club events, the work she undertook and support she provided in no small way contributed to the overall success the club enjoys today. The use of our function room for private functions continues to grow and represents a significant source of funds to keep the club going. This year we have seen a significant downturn due the Covid-19 Virus. To those involved in promoting and organising this aspect of our operations are to be congratulated. The Kiosk was run again this year but has struggled with lack of Volunteers to assist in running it. The Club has many sponsors and supporters and I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of them for their continued support of our club. The Club would like to thank the Kingston Council and staff for their ongoing support. The full list of sponsors and donors is listed separately in the report.

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Club Membership has had small decrease this year from 339 last year to 301. Congratulations to Rik Price and the Jemma Harrison and age managers for providing the opportunity for so many juniors to participate and enjoy surf lifesaving activities, also thank you to the parents and supporters. You never know when and where you can help? Volunteering is always rewarding, and you will always feel better for giving up a little bit extra, not to mention meeting new people in the meantime. Thank you to all our club members and volunteers that make this community a better place, I am looking forward to exciting times ahead in the next season. Congratulations and thank you to Ben Rooks for collating and checking this Annual Report before printing. David Hasell Secretary & Registrar

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Treasurer’s Report First and foremost, I would like to pass on my thoughts to all my fellow members. The Covid-19 pandemic certainly has had a significant impact on our way of life. I hope that all of you have stayed well and strong as we continue to get through the challenges together. Needless to say, that the club has not been immune to the impact, as have many businesses globally. This year was a loss-making year. Our revenue for the financial year was down 36% on last year’s revenue. The club’s marquee fund raising event, the comedy night had to be postponed, and hall hires were not able to be taken for the traditionally busy period, impacting bar sales as well. As the community tightened their belts our donations were also down on last year. The good news is that our operating expenses did not significantly increase. The club still has a strong balance sheet and continues to have no debt. All of this is on the back of a global pandemic and a major project (level crossing removal) impacting our access to our club and beach. The coming season will have many challenges, both operational and financial. With the health requirements that will need to be adhered to the beach may look very different this year. Everything from accessing the clubhouse, to the way nippers and patrols will be run are going to be impacted. A bonus is that the physical access to the beach should be much better now that the new Promenade has opened. As we move towards the start of the new season, I would like to encourage all members to help with fundraising, attend events, and make suggestions as to how we can look at raising revenue. Many businesses will be looking at ways to raise their profile in a post Covid-19 economic recovery and any sponsorship ideas would be more than welcome. The club will still continue with our ambition to increase storage space for our current and future membership growth. Looking forward to getting back to the beach Justin O’Halloran Treasurer

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Vale Lorraine Arrowsmith Carrum Surf Life Saving Club offers its sincere and heartfelt condolences to the family and friends of Lorraine Arrowsmith, who sadly passed away on Friday 21 August 2020. Lorraine was a passionate member of Carrum SLSC and provided growth and inspiration to many generations of lifesavers in her roles as Chief Instructor and Junior Instructor. At Carrum SLSC she also held the roles of Club Captain 1979-1980 and President in 1982. Lorraine was awarded Club Champion in 1981. Her service to lifesaving extended to a state level, where she was an examiner, delegate to the RLSSAV State Council, representative to the South Eastern Beaches Association and a member of the state competition board. As a competitive beach sprinter, she represented Carrum at the RLSSAV State Championships from 1978 to 1986 – during which time she was on the podium every year she represented us in the O25 through to O40 age categories. Lorraine’s dedication to our club is illustrated by her life membership at Carrum SLSC. Her service to the State saw her awarded the Commonwealth Certificate of Thanks in 1978 and Commonwealth Recognition Badge in 1984. A much admired and respected member of the lifesaving community, she will be sadly missed.

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Lifesaving Services Club Captain’s Report Well to say that this season was like no other is an understatement. It’s ended up being one of the most interesting and unique seasons ever with the season coming to an abrupt end at 8:00am on a Saturday morning due to COVID-19 but, there is one thing for sure. Our season may have ended abruptly but, our members dedication passion and commitment certainly didn’t. With the Carrum LXRA Project well and truly happening by the time the season started it saw the beach having a lower attendance but, none the less it didn’t mean that our dedicated life savers had nothing to do. Our beach saw just under approximately 20,000 people to the beach during patrol hours, we provided 211 preventative actions, 18 minor first aids, 1 major first aid and 2 rescues. Our amazing members provided 1,171 patrol hours looking after the public on our beach. There was another first this season and one that all members should be proud of and that is our lowest number of patrol defaults in the last 5 years. This would not have been possible if it weren’t for leadership of our very own Patrol Captain, Charlie Barton! Charlie has been instrumental in making sure that our beach was patrolled with the appropriate members and qualifications, the patrol captain job is certainly not an easy role and for that Charlie, I thank you for the work that you do! I also want to say that if, it weren’t for the hard work and dedication of our patrolling members both young and old our club would not be where it is. I cannot say this enough but, thank-you to each and everyone of you who give up your weekends and sometimes week nights too, to make sure that our beach is patrolled and manned. We cannot survive as a Patrolling Club without your commitments. This year saw another 3 new SRC members gain their SRC awards unfortunately we never got to welcome them onto the beach as COVID-19 saw to that but, we cannot wait to welcome you all onto the beach for this season! It was great to once again see the numbers that we had week after week on the beach for Nippers. Carrum SLSC was represented again this year by our team of Nippers at the Life Saving Victoria Junior State Championships held at Warnambool at the start of March. As always we could not be more proud of our team and they way in which they compete. Our Nippers program would not be what it is today without the hard work and dedication of the crew behind it. I cannot that the Nippers Team led by Rik, Jemma and Shane and all of their fantastic team of Age Managers, Water Safety, Parent Helpers, Officials and Volunteers who put so many hours of work in to make sure that each Nipper session, competition date and the week to week running of Nippers run as smoothly as it does.

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I would also like to say a very big thank-you to everyone who gives up their time to the club, this includes the Executive Committee, Committee Members, our parent helpers our wonderful members, those that help with weekly BBQ’s and Kiosk sessions, and fundraisers. Without the help of everyone we as a club would not be able to achieve what we do. To everyone on the Operational Crew, thank-you for making the Operations side of the club run as smoothly as it does. Thank-you to the executive team Ben, Justin, David, Rik & Shane thank-you for the hours and hours of time that you put into the club, you guys put so much time into this club behind the scenes it’s mind blowing. I look forward to seeing you all on the beach again for the 2020/20201 season, I’m sure it will be another unique season but, it will only make us bigger and better again. See you on the beach. Cath Paulsen Club Captain

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Patrol Captain’s Report It goes without saying the 2019 season has been one unlike any which has preceded it. For the first time in the club’s history, patrolling activities were terminated early and the club was placed in complete lockdown Although we are not yet through the current health crisis, I am reminded of just how proud I am to be a member of our Emergency Services Organisation and specifically, a member of Carrum Surf Life Saving Club. 2019 will remain in our collective memory. Not just for the Surf Life Saving season cut short but also the Victoria being placed into a State of Emergency due to the bushfires that ravaged areas the State and resulted in so much destruction and sadly, loss of life. Much has been said and written on the devastation and loss of life but all our Club members should be very proud to be a part of the Surf Club movement that responded with such generosity to the plight of our fellow Australians. In particular, our firefighters and emergency services personnel. The operational side of the club continues to grow with another group starting their life saving journey and completing their Bronze Medallion or Surf Rescue Certificate and giving the club a very healthy 32 operational members. This year we had members who were unable to complete their Bronze medallion but instead completed their First aid qualification so they could do their best to support the club and our patrolling members. I would like to extend my gratitude to all actively patrolling members who volunteered their time to keep our beach safe. You are all contributing to making Carrum Beach one of the most popular beaches in the state. A special mention to Stephen who patrolled 129 hours and Cath who patrolled 171 hours while facilitating all club training which gives us the ability to maintain such a high level of training for new members (SRC and BM), and ongoing attainment of higher awards (eg First Aid and ART) and qualifications for Carrum members is only possible because of the commitment and time generously volunteered by Cath. In closing it has once again been a privilege to be a part of the club and it has been a joy working with the other members and serving this great club. Thanks for the banter, fun and memories and I look forward to another awesome season. Charlie Barton Patrol Captain

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Patrol Hours 2019-20 Patrol

Water Safety


163 ½

13 ½



Charles Barton

79 ½

Damian MacKinnon

Cath Paulsen


Water LSV Safety

Rebecca Talbot

21 ½




Ben Hughes

20 ½



Troy Phelps


13 ½


66 ¼


15 ½





46 ½




51 ¾



Fletcher Mead

11 ½





Kai Treloar



Shaun Thomas

45 ½



Harriet Torrance

11 ½



Jay Chambers

42 ½



Mark Stockton

10 ½



Aaron Kerr

41 ¾


Ruby Aldridge

10 ½



Michael Feaver

37 ½



Belinda Renison




Tess Thomas

33 ½



Eve Chalmers







Rik Price




Elissa O’Connell

27 ½


Brendan Matheson




Shane Rowley

20 ½

12 ½


Emily Barnard-Cuttriss



Jemma Harrison

22 ½



Madeleine Mead



Jon Treloar

20 ½



Terry Mealor



Tegan Griffiths

22 ½



Maury Chalmers



Justin O’Halloran

22 ½



Stephen Griffiths

Ben Rooks Mitchell Rosicka David Hyde

Deb Lowe

Amanda Hardy Lai Daniel Male

Patrol hours include regular surf rescue patrols, heatwave patrols and call outs at Carrum beach Water Safety hours include water safety at nipper training, carnivals and 3rd party events LSV hours include state-initiated call outs (such as public health responses) and LSV Comms

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Member Development Junior Coordinator’s Report Nippers Season 2019/20 As per every previous year… the focus was on fun, skills and sportsmanship Another very successful year of Carrum Surf Lifesaving Club’s Nipper Program, which included the usual mix of Beach Training, Junior Competition and extracurricular coaching and training initiatives. The weather was particularly challenging this season, with 9 out of every 10 sessions providing us with very low temperatures, high winds, plenty of rain and an often-purging river-mouth. Another challenge throughout the season, was the Level Crossing Removal Authority’s SkyRail project, which was in full flight and flanked the club with a bustling construction site with workers’ utes taking up every parking opportunity for miles. Alas, our resilient Nippers and Nipper team of volunteers turned up and made the very most of every training day. We enjoyed a Christmas Party with Santa dropping in to hand out treats and well-wishes for the festive season. With the global Coronavirus pandemic looming on our doorstep in the final stages of the season, were very fortunate to sneak in and host our End of Season Party which to celebrate the year that was. A very fun afternoon with lots of smiling faces. The Team Many parents stepped up in the 19/20 season in every role from helping our age managers on the beach training days, herding cats, providing water safety and officiating at the junior carnivals, risking life and ham-string competing in some of our parent races on our celebration training days and to towing the trailer to competition venues. Jemma Harrison worked very hard in coordinating our Junior Carnival teams, taking care of registrations, arranging parent helpers and ensuring everything went to plan. She also coordinated additional training sessions for the comp team as well as managing all of the attendance records, manage SurfGuard data and is always there proving support to me as well as helping the Nipper team.

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The Nipper Age Manager team shifted slightly throughout the season, but mostly included: Under 6 Under 7 Under 8 Under 9 Under 10 Under 11 Under 12 – 14 Under 12 – 14 Nipper Admin Junior Coordinator Uniforms

Rik Price / Rebecca Talbot Adam Cusack Fonz Lai Lainie Rapp Rebecca Talbot Ron Jones / Mellissa Harraway (Non-Comp Team) Belinda Renison (Comp-Team) Jemma Harrison Michelle Stirling Rik Price / Jemma Harrison Kim Sommers

A huge thank you to you all, especially those who were relatively new to the role, but still delivered an amazing program. As always, a team of water safety personnel is paramount in running a safe program for our nippers, and our volunteers turned out in force, thanks to the ongoing help from Shane Rowley as our Water Safety Coordinator The water safety team has included: Shane Rowley (Water Safety Coordinator) Troy Phelps Jon Treloar Jay Chambers Catherine Paulsen Stephen Griffiths Ben Rooks Maurie Chalmers Mitch Rosica Lucy Reekie Maddie Mead Issy and Eve Chalmers Kai Treloar And many others

We cannot forget the many helpers cutting fruit, turning sausages on the BBQ, coordinating uniforms, washing caps and parents just helping support each age group on the beach. The combined effort creates a great sense of community.

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On behalf of the Nipper team, I would like to recognise and thank the committee for their ongoing support. One thing that is glaringly obvious, is the selfless community spirit in everything that happens at the club, with administrative and patrol personnel contributing endlessly, over-and-above their existing volunteer duties, roles and commitments. As always, an extra special mention to David and Kay also, they do so much to support the program and without them, I can’t imagine where we would be. Thanks, one and all. Junior Competition Season Our competition team, under the guidance of our Competition coordinator, Jemma Harrison, attended many Junior Carnivals, as well as 1 ‘friendly’ carnival with our neighbouring clubs (hosted by Bonbeach LSC), then the State Championships in Warrnambool, which again saw a fantastic contingent of competitors in and some great results, including gold and silver medals. The season also saw the continued success of a handful of our U13 girls competing in the traditional ‘dressage’ event of R&R, which saw them qualify and compete in the State Championships in Sandridge. For the second year running, and under the guidance of Grace Jones, we again trained and participated in the March Past event, held at the State Championships. Another fantastic and emotionally moving effort by our Nippers. Surf School Again this year, we took around 20 of our Nippers down to the Trigger Surf School at Smiths Beach, Phillip island where they went from losing Nipper boards which were popping high out of waves and washing in to the shore break in the first half an hour, to successfully sitting and rolling waves when going out, to catching waves coming in with perfect body positioning and even a few sneakily popping up and surfing. It was a fantastic learning day In House-Coaching During our beach training, we stepped things up also by getting specific skills coaching help from some of the parents who are (should I say) more seasoned athletes in further open water swimming and endurance training, for which I’d like a big thank you to Troy Phelps and Jon Treloar for sharing their combined knowledge. Pole Swim Pole swim certificates were again on offer, championed by Shane Rowley, which motivated and rewarded our brave nippers for taking on the distance and deepness of swimming to our pole and back, which is no mean feat. Nippers that led by example helped some of our less confident nippers build up the courage to achieve this.

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Marine Mammal Foundation Again this year, Matt Montemurro from the Marine Mammal Foundation, came to the club and ran their educational Bin not Bay program, which was well received by all Nipper age groups. A very timely visit to be indoors, with a maximum of about 12 degrees and flooding sideways rain on that day (from memory đ&#x;˜Š). The Future Our 20/21 season will have to include all of the Covid-normal expectations, as will be detailed and guided by LSV. Our Nipper team will continue to do everything in its power to deliver a fun and safe Nipper program for the season. Sadly, after three years in the Junior Coordinator role (along with the help of Jemma) and after many more years volunteering as an Age Manager and serving on the General and Executive Club Committees; I’m going to have to step back from all roles this coming season to focus on recovering from a few health issues. I will however do whatever I can to support the team and be involved wherever possible. I’ll take this opportunity to thank a great bunch of community-focussed and passionate people that I’ve volunteered alongside of and developed great friendships with, as well as the many nippers and their families I’ve had the privilege to train and work with. It’s been a positive and Thanks one and all đ&#x;˜Š The team will want to keep the focus on fun, but refine and work on the skills with specialist coaches with special attention given to open water swimming, boards and surf skills Bring on next season!!! Kind regards, Rik Price Junior Coordinator

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Aquatic Sport Competition Captain’s Report During the 2019/20 season Carrum nippers attended three state carnivals at Mordialloc, Jan Juc, and Point Leo as well as the State Championships in Warrnambool. Compared to the 18/19 season our competitor numbers were a lot lower. Unfortunately, the carnival dates did not fit in well with many of us so it was hard to commit to dates early in the season. After this we were having to cap numbers due to the increased officials and water safety ratios, which we just did not have enough parent volunteers to fill the roles. This season Carrum received a total of 2.3 Overall competition points from the Junior State Championships. Placing us 26th out of 30 clubs. Goals and recommendations for next year: In light of the current COVID situation these are recommendations for the 2020/21 Season: - encourage parents to do the online officials course - to encourage a younger wave of competitors to work towards carnivals in the 21/22 season. Jemma Harrison Competition Captain

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Carnival Results Junior Carnival #4 – Mordialloc LSC – 18th January Nipper Attendance: 17 Officials: Afonso Lai, Rebecca Talbot, Danielle Rowley (training) Water Safety: Shane Rowley Junior Carnival #5 – Jan Juc SLSC – 15th February Nipper Attendance: 1 Junior Carnival #6 – Point Leo SLSC – 23rd February Nipper Attendance: 8 Officials: Rik Price Water Safety: Jemma Harrison Victorian Junior Lifesaving Championships – Warrnambool SLSC – 7th to 9th March Nipper Attendance: 14 Officials: Danielle Rowley, Rik Price, Afonso Lai, Rebecca Talbot Water Safety: Jemma Harrison, Shane Rowley U13 Girls Beach Sprint – 5th Heidi Chalmers U13 Boys Beach Relay – 6th Jaspar Rowley (in composite team with CHL & MTM) U13 Girls Beach Relay – 8th Heidi Chalmers, Abbi Jones, Alexandria Snodgrass & Erin Price

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Honours and Awards 2019-20 Carrum SLSC Awards Club Champion Rik Price

J.A. Fell Award Kim Somers

Patrol Awards Cath Paulsen Stephen Griffiths Charles Barton Damian MacKinnon Ben Rooks Mitchell Rosicka

Junior Champions Brodie Price Heidi Chalmers

Rick Oke Award Fletcher Mead

Club Captain’s Award Charles Barton

Blade Barrett Award Tiffany MacNally Service Awards Kay Hasell Jon Treloar Scott Rosicka

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Age Managers’ Awards U6 Hunter Osmond Caitlin McNamara U7 Will Larter Gemma Smith U8 Billy Burton Eva & Isabelle Lindeman U9 Aiden Mather Sienna Noble U10 Keanan Coss Lilah Banks U11 Thomas Chalmers Charlie Mather U12 Harry Burton Ella Wall U13 Hunter Harrison Alexandra Snodgrass U14 Mason Stirling Felesha Higginson

Member Qualifications Patrol Awards Silver Medallion: Aquatic Rescue Ben Rooks Charles Barton Cath Paulsen Stephen Griffiths Silver Medallion: IRB Driver David Hyde Ben Rooks Michael Feaver Cath Paulsen Charles Barton Shaun Thomas Stephen Griffiths Terry Mealor Gary Patterson Silver Medallion: Beach Management David Hyde Michael Feaver Tess Thomas Daniel Male Deb Lowe Ben Rooks Charles Barton Cath Paulsen Damian MacKinnon Emily Barnard-Cuttriss Gary Patterson Pain Management Certificate Deb Lowe Advanced Resuscitation Techniques Certificate Deb Lowe David Hyde Ben Rooks Michael Feaver Daniel Male Justin O'Halloran Cath Paulsen Charles Barton Damian MacKinnon Emily Barnard-Cuttriss Gary Patterson

IRB Crew Certificate David Hyde Michael Feaver Cath Paulsen Daniel Male Ben Rooks Charles Barton Stephen Griffiths Jay Chambers Shaun Thomas Terry Mealor Damian MacKinnon Gary Patterson Spinal Management Certificate Michael Feaver Deb Lowe Charles Barton Cath Paulsen David Hyde Damian MacKinnon Amanda Hardy Lai Tegan Griffiths Stephen Griffiths First Aid Certificate Ben Rooks Michael Feaver Tess Thomas Cath Paulsen Daniel Male Shaun Thomas Stephen Griffiths Deb Lowe Damian MacKinnon Mitchell Rosicka Tegan Griffiths Ash Lowe Emily Barnard-Cuttriss Eve Chalmers Scott Rosicka Bronze Medallion David Hyde Ben Rooks Cath Paulsen Michael Feaver Tess Thomas

Bronze Medallion cont… Daniel Male Damian MacKinnon Jon Treloar Shane Rowley Justin O’Halloran Belinda Renison Rebecca Talbot Charles Barton Jemma Harrison Jay Chambers Shaun Thomas Terry Mealor Amanda Hardy Lai Brendan Matheson Troy Phelps Stephen Griffiths Brodie Cullen Steven Wakefield Kai Treloar Mitchell Rosicka Elissa O’Connell Aaron Kerr Harriet Torrance Grace Jones Ben Hughes Sarah Hughes Emily Barnard-Cuttriss Deb Lowe Maury Chalmers Rik Price Mark Stockton Lainie Noonan Madeleine Mead Ruby Aldridge Gary Patterson Surf Rescue Certificate (CPR Endorsed) Mason Stirling Hunter Harrison Kai Treloar Eve Chalmers Mitchell Rosicka Fletcher Mead Tyler Cullen Grace Jones

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Training & Assessment Awards Facilitator: Trainer Deb Lowe Facilitator: Silver Medallion (Aquatic Rescue) Deb Lowe Facilitator: Silver Medallion (Beach Management) Deb Lowe Ben Rooks Cath Paulsen Facilitator: Advanced Resuscitation Techniques Cath Paulsen Deb Lowe Ben Rooks Facilitator: First Aid Cath Paulsen Deb Lowe Facilitator: Bronze Medallion Cath Paulsen Facilitator: Surf Rescue Cert Cath Paulsen Facilitator: Resuscitation Cath Paulsen Deb Lowe Ben Rooks

Assessor: Inflatable Rescue Boat Cath Paulsen Assessor: Advanced Resuscitation Techniques Cath Paulsen Deb Lowe Assessor: Spinal Management Deb Lowe Ben Rooks Cath Paulsen Assessor: First Aid Deb Lowe Cath Paulsen Assessor: Bronze Medallion Ben Rooks Cath Paulsen Deb Lowe Assessor: Surf Rescue Deb Lowe Assessor: Resuscitation Cath Paulsen

Training Officer: Inflatable Rescue Boat Michael Feaver David Hyde Ben Rooks Cath Paulsen Training Officer: Advanced Resuscitation Techniques Deb Lowe Cath Paulsen Ben Rooks Training Officer: Spinal Management Deb Lowe Cath Paulsen Training Officer: First Aid Deb Lowe Cath Paulsen Ben Rooks Training Officer: Bronze Medallion Ben Rooks Deb Lowe Cath Paulsen Gary Patterson Training Officer: Surf Rescue Deb Lowe Training Officer: Resuscitation Cath Paulsen

Surf Sports Awards Technical Officials Rebecca Talbot Afonso Lai Belinda Renison Danielle Rowley Rik Price

Age Managers Course Presenters Rebecca Talbot Rik Price Jemma Harrison

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Junior Activities Awards Competition Skills U14 Mason Stirling Felesha Higginson Jacie O’Connell

Preliminary Evaluation U14 Mason Stirling Felesha Higginson Jacie O’Connell

Competition Skills U13 Alexandra Snodgrass Ashley Fitzsimmons Erin Price Heidi Chalmers Briana Harraway Abbi Jones Hunter Harrison Jaspar Rowley

Preliminary Evaluation U13 Alexandra Snodgrass Hannah Lai Ashley Fitsimmons Erin Price Hunter Harrison Heidi Chalmers Briana Harraway Abbi Jones Zoe Burke Jaspar Rowley

Competition Skills U11 Eleanor Lai Hamish Beitzel Brodie Price Tyson Rowley Owen Harraway Noah Emir Saxon Mead Callum Geere Marley Harrison Thomas Chalmers Competition Skills U10 Emily Fitzsimmons Competition Skills U9 Chloe Emir Matilda Beitzel

Preliminary Evaluation U12 Reece Mather Ella Wall Harry Burton Laini Turner Bodhi Smart Preliminary Evaluation U11 Calkum Geere Georgia Rosicka Eleanor Lai Marley Harrison Daniel Kinsella Thomas Chalmers Hailey Stirling Stephanie Phelps Brodie Price Owen Harraway Charlie Mather Cooper Turner Polly Newton Rosa Childs Hamish Beitzel Tyson Rowley Noah Emir Saxon Mead

Preliminary Evaluation U9 Summer Anderson Hermione James Aiden Mather Zac Wakefield Tiffany MacNally Lola Newton Jake Kinsella Allira Bean Sienna Noble Leo Burke Lottie Childs Chloe Emir Matilda Beitzel Preliminary Evaluation U8 Hunter Hasell Ivy Patterson Scarlett Patterson Harrison Wall Connor Geere Isabelle Lindeman Eva Lindeman Ryder Coss Jimmy Mealor Lenny Attard Luke James Preliminary Evaluation U7 Restricted Penrose Newton Ava Cusack Ethan O’Sullivan Will Larter Preliminary Evaluation U6 Restricted Harvey Patterson Alistair Mai Shepherd Newton Hunter Osmond Annika Woodward Zoe Madden Caitlin McNamara

Preliminary Evaluation U10 Charlee Hasell Keanan Coss Liam Cusack Nate Turner Jessica James Emily Fitzsimmons Carrum Surf Life Saving Club Annual Report 2019-20 | 21

Supporters Government

State and National Bodies


Carrum Op Shop

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Financial Report

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