Annual Report 2018-19
CARRUM SURF LIFE SAVING CLUB INCORPORATED ABN 66 265 342 567 15 Old Post Office Lane Carrum VIC 3197
PO Box 694 Patterson Lakes VIC 3197
ð&#x;“ž (03) 9776 0504
1 | Carrum Surf Life Saving Club Annual Report 2018-19
Contents President’s Report ......................................................................................................................................... 1 Our Board ............................................................................................................................................................ 2 2018-19 Executive.................................................................................................................................... 2 2018-19 Committee ................................................................................................................................ 2 Secretary’s Report ................................................................................................................................... 3 Financial Overview ....................................................................................................................................... 4 Treasurer’s Report................................................................................................................................... 4 Lifesaving Services ...................................................................................................................................... 5 Club Captain’s Report ........................................................................................................................... 5 Patrol Captain’s Report ........................................................................................................................ 8 Patrol Hours 2018-19 ............................................................................................................................. 9 Member Development ............................................................................................................................ 10 Junior Coordinator’s Report ........................................................................................................... 10 Aquatic Sport.................................................................................................................................................. 14 Competition Captain’s Report ....................................................................................................... 14 Carnival Results....................................................................................................................................... 15 Honours and Awards ................................................................................................................................ 16 2018-19 Carrum SLSC Awards Presentation ...................................................................... 16 Member Qualifications ............................................................................................................................ 17 Patrol Awards ........................................................................................................................................... 17 Training & Assessment Awards ................................................................................................... 18 Surf Sports Awards ............................................................................................................................... 18 Junior Activities Awards .................................................................................................................... 19 Supporters........................................................................................................................................................ 21 Government ............................................................................................................................................... 21 State and National Bodies ............................................................................................................... 21 Sponsors....................................................................................................................................................... 21 Financial Report ........................................................................................................................................... 22 Carrum Surf Life Saving Club Annual Report 2018-19
President’s Report The 2018-19 season was certainly a dramatic one. Throughout this report you will see many fantastic achievements by our great club and inspirational members. This summer saw many of us facing hurdles away from the club, the dayto-day life events that takes up everyone’s time at some stage or another. I was no exception, being away for a large period this summer. However, it has been inspiring to see how members stand up and rally around each other, filling the voids and overcoming the challenges. I would like to offer a huge thanks to the club executive: Cath, our Club Captain and Chief Instructor, and also the Kingston Region’s Training and Assessment Officer – a huge volunteer workload for one person, and done so very well. David, my predecessor and club stalwart, the man behind almost all of the club’s non-operational admin. Justin, our faithful treasurer and my governance sounding board. Rik, the person who has ensured the nipper team keep going from strength to strength and also ensures the club looks great with professional marketing designs. A particular thanks to Shane, our vice-president, who stepped up during my prolonged absence and assumed a spot on the executive. A stellar job by all accounts – thank you. To the remainder of our committee, thank you for your endless hours volunteering for the club and being our ambassadors. A particular thanks to Anita for her assistance coordinating uniforms over the past few years, who will be taking a well-earned rest next summer. I look forward to seeing you all on the beach next summer for what promises to be a very big year. Ben Rooks President
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Our Board 2018-19 Executive Ben Rooks
Catherine Paulsen
Club Captain & Chief Instructor
David Hasell
Secretary, Registrar & Immediate Past President
Justin O’Halloran
Rik Price
Junior Coordinator
2018-19 Committee Shane Rowley
Senior Vice President
Charlie Barton
Patrol Captain
Jemma Harrison
Competition Captain
Stephen Griffiths
Gear Steward
Michael Feaver
First Aid Officer
Kay Hasell
Committee Member
Anita Paganoni
Committee Member
“It has been a great pleasure to work alongside dedicated people that work tirelessly to continuously improve our club”
2 | Carrum Surf Life Saving Club Annual Report 2018-19
Secretary’s Report On behalf of Carrum Surf Life Saving Committee it gives me great pleasure to present the Annual reports for the 2018/19 Season together with Financial statements. It has been a great pleasure to be the Secretary and work alongside dedicated people that work tirelessly to continuously improve our club for the future. The Carrum SLSC committee met every month and come together for an annual planning meeting to review the year and plan for the next season. We continue to run a very tight ship, both from a financial and a lifesaving compliance perspective. An enormous amount of work goes into both. As in no doubt the case for other volunteer organisations most of the work is concentrated in a few hands. Ben Rooks our President for all his hard work with running the club, Catherine Paulsen our Club Captain for her enormous contributions to the club from attending State meetings, training our Bronzes and patrolling. Justin O’Halloran who continues to do a great job as our treasurer, Kay Hasell for all her tireless work in managing the hall hires. I would also like to acknowledge the great work of Rik Price and Jemma Harrison and the age managers. It’s great to see kids on the beach enjoying themselves and learning about surf safety. The family friendly atmosphere that Rik and Jemma and others are creating is just fantastic. I would also like to acknowledge Shane Rowley for his tireless work in organising our two major fundraising events for the year the Comedy night and the Trivia night - thanks Shane. There are also a significant number of unnamed people who do their extra for the club many thanks to you all. With the rapid growth of this club it is important to keep all our members up to date with what has and what is coming up check out Carrum’s Facebook page where all sorts of information is transmitted. You never know when and where you can help? Volunteering is always rewarding, and you will always feel better for giving up a little bit extra, not to mention meeting new people in the meantime. Thank you to all our club members and volunteers that make this community a better place. I am looking forward to exciting times ahead. David Hasell Secretary Carrum Surf Life Saving Club Annual Report 2018-19 | 3
Financial Overview Treasurer’s Report Fellow members I am pleased to say that once again the club has had a profitable result for the year. Whilst key revenue streams such as bar sales and grant income were down, our income from membership fees remains constant. Operating expenses were also constant as well. The coming season will have many challenges, both operational and financial. With the restricted access to the beach due to the Level Crossing removal projects there is the potential for membership to fall. This will mean that the club will continue to rely on your help for fundraising. Over the last 2 years we have had a trivia night, comedy nights and been able to sell sausages at Bunnings. All these have been successful thanks to all members and friends that attended and volunteered. We need to continue to find ways to raise funds. As many of you would have noticed the space available in the storage shed is very limited. The growing population of our community means that the building footprint from the 1960’s is clearly not big enough for the club moving forward. Even though the building is not that old, compared to many of our neighbouring clubs it is relatively smaller. The current committee has spoken about creating a vision about what the building should look like in the future and I would strongly encourage you all to have some input into this process when discussion continue in the future. This is your chance to play an important part in the development of a major part of your community. Our ambitions can only be realised with your support, so when the opportunity arises please volunteer your time, even if it is just once for the season selling sausages. Any new corporate sponsors will also be gladly welcomed. Looking forward to another great year on the beach Justin O’Halloran Treasurer
“Our ambitions can only be realised with your support” 4 | Carrum Surf Life Saving Club Annual Report 2018-19
Lifesaving Services Club Captain’s Report The 2018/2019 Season has been and gone and it was a year of challenges but, as always in true Carrum SLSC style we all pulled together and got through the season together in the end. We kicked the season off with several of our members braving the cold weather to complete their IRB Driver awards, the course ran over several weekends in June and July including a weekend down at Cape Paterson SLSC to put their skills to the test in the surf including their skills on how to recover a boat after a roll over. I have to say a huge thank-you to Cape Paterson SLSC for allowing us to run the course from their club just weeks before it was taken down in readiness for the rebuild. Another highlight was when Ben was selected to attend the 2018 SLSA National Leaders Masterclass at the University of South Australia and has gone on to continue with his Graduate Certificate in Business Administration after the masterclass. I have no doubt that these skills will be put to great use over the coming times at the club. January saw 7 of our members obtain their Spinal Management Award and March saw another 6 members obtain their Bronze Medallions and hit the beach running. Their skills were very quickly put to the test and they all came out on the other side guns blazing. Unfortunately, on the 21st April the hard reality of what we do every weekend hit everyone within Life Saving, when Port Campbell SLSC lost Ross and Andy Powell in the line of duty, these two gentlemen will always be remembered by all. September saw several of our members attending the LSV Club Conference & Annual Forums, our Senior and Junior teams came out of it armed and ready for the season ahead with everything they needed to know. October saw the amazing announcement that the club has been lucky enough to receive $1.5million to extend and upgrade our building. This funding is going to be instrumental in allowing the club to grow even further over the next few years.
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The 2018/2019 Season on the beach for the patrol team saw that we had over 1,400 hours volunteered on our beach. Our lifesavers performed 11 rescues, 274 preventative actions and 34 first aid cases. Our fantastic team of volunteers performed several heat wave patrols to ensure that those on our beach were kept safe and sound enjoying their summer nights. This season also saw the addition of the beach matting, mobile hoist and wheelchair added to the club, it will be great to see these getting utilised by those who wouldn’t normally get to enjoy our beautiful beach. I know I say it every year but, I cannot thank Charlie Barton (Patrol Captain) and Stephen Griffiths (Gear Steward) and our patrolling members enough. Without all of you, our beach would not be the safe beach that it is. It’s your dedication and commitment to the club that keeps our beach safe so, thank-you again. The Nippers have had yet another very successful year again, it’s great to see all the nippers on the beach each weekend having a great time and then away competing at Nipper Carnivals. It was great to see our club again represented at the Nipper State Championships in Lorne this year, with our competitors doing the club proud. All this would not be possible without the team that is the Nipper Crew behind it, thank-you to Rik, Jemma, Shane who lead the amazing crew of Age Managers, Water Safety, Parent Helpers and Officials. Without everyone’s leadership, help and dedication, the Nippers wouldn’t be able to have the opportunities that they have and the programs on the beach.
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Thank-you to everyone who gives up and dedicates their time to our club, this extends to the Executive Committee, Committee Members, our parent helpers, our members, those that help with the weekly BBQ’s and Kiosk sessions. Without you all our club would not be the club that it is and we would not be able to achieve what we do without you. To the operational crew old and new (you know who you are), thank-you for making the operational side of the club run as smoothly as it does. Thank-you for stepping up when we put the call out for help and thank-you for at times swapping your plans that you have with your loved ones and families to be on the beach. Kay and David, thank-you for all that you do for the club, you do so much in the background that most don’t know about. To Justin you are the silent one, thank-you for everything you do in ensuring that our club is in a great financial position and running smoothly. To Shane who stepped up into the President role whilst Ben was unwell, thank-you for stepping up and to Ben, thank-you for your continued guidance. I’m sure there are many a message that you get from me that has you rolling your eyes but, you always guide me along the way. I look forward to seeing everyone for the 2019/2020 Season, I’m sure it will be bigger and better again and cannot wait to see what it has install for us. Hopefully with a few less challenges. See you on the Beach. Cath Paulsen Club Captain
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Patrol Captain’s Report As always, the Carrum Surf Life Saving patrolling team have had a massive year on and off the beach with members completing various awards such as IRB driver and crew, our younger members completing their Surf Rescue Certificates, and also some non-active members completing first aid The club continues to grow with another group completing their bronze medallion, some for the first time and others coming back after a break from patrolling As the saying goes many hands make light work and this couldn’t be anymore truer as many people have stepped up to the mark which has relieved the pressure on some core people, even giving them the chance to conduct training with LSV and even go on holiday knowing that we all had it covered. I must congratulate Cath and Stephen for receiving gold and silver certificates at the thanking volunteers evening this is a massive effort and shows great commitment. Big thanks to Ben, Cath and Dave for all the training they provide without them we wouldn’t be able to better our skills and grow as Life savers. In closing I would like to thank the club for giving me the opportunity to be last year’s Patrol Captain and thanks to everyone who has helped me conduct this role. Lastly a very big thanks and well done to everyone who has patrolled and made our beach one of the greats. Charlie Barton Patrol Captain
37 patrolling lifesavers, 1400 hours volunteered 11 rescues, 34 first aid cases, 274 preventions
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Patrol Hours 2018-19 Patrol
Water Safety
Water Safety
Cath Paulsen
244 ¾
Eve Chalmers
Stephen Griffiths
177 ¼
16 ¾
Elissa O’Connell
David Hyde Tegan Griffiths
78 ½ 69 ½
Kai Treloar Rik Price
15 ½ 16
6¼ -
Mitchell Rosicka
62 ½
11 ½
Ben Rooks
15 ½
Emily Barnard-Cuttriss
Fletcher Mead
10 ¾
Damian MacKinnon
Brodie Cullen
Justin O’Halloran
Tess Thomas
39 ½
12 ¼
Amanda Hardy Lai
Rebecca Talbot
Troy Phelps
Jonathan Treloar
35 ½
Mark Stockton
Charles Barton
37 ½
Jemma Harrison
Michael Feaver
34 ¼
Ruby Aldridge
Shaun Thomas
30 ¼
Daniel Male
Benjamin Hughes Harriet Torrance
30 27 ½
Chris Watt Lucy Reekie
3½ 3¼
Jay Chambers
20 ¼
10 ¾
Grace Jones
Aaron Kerr
25 ½
Maury Chalmers
Shane Rowley
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Member Development Junior Coordinator’s Report Nippers Season 2018/19 | A focus on fun, skills and sportsmanship With the learnings from many previous and successful seasons, we started in Winter with a pre-season ‘Think Tank’ to map-out our combined goals for the season ahead. All members were invited, and we had a good turnout of passionate nipper parents, as well as some of the always supportive core patrol group. The main agenda items were team roles for the upcoming season, which is hugely important to run a successful program. We luckily had plenty of hands go up to fill the required Age Manager roles, as well as being able to fill a new and important role of administration support. We also set some pretty important goals for ourselves, which mainly focussed around coaching. From that. We started our involvement with multiple coaching initiatives. Clubbie Coach – Sand-based Athletics Coach A high-performance sand-based Nipper Skills and athletic training program coached by Hayley Atkins. Our nippers really benefited from the functional movement and skills training learnt at clubbie coach, as did us parents just by watching closely. We want to make that a part of the upcoming season. Kate Brooks – Open Water Swim Coach One thing our nippers lack across the board, are skills and confidence in open water swimming. We found and brought over the wonderful Kate Brooks as our open water swimming coach, who quickly helped advance the swimming skills and confidence out in the deep open water of Port Phillip Bay, in those nippers who were able to attend. I remember back to one wild day, with a howling westerly rain and hail coming across the bay, wind swell hitting the beach at over 5 ft, Jemma and I as human markers getting hammered by waves at Kate stood on the sand with the tough little bunch of nippers we had, sending them out and in again on training drills through the big surf. It was fantastic. 10 | Carrum Surf Life Saving Club Annual Report 2018-19
Surf School We took around 20 of our Nippers down to the Trigger Surf School at Smiths Beach, Phillip island where they went from losing Nipper boards popping high out of waves and washing in to the shore break in the first half an hour, to successfully sitting, rolling waves when going out, to catching waves coming in with perfect body positioning and even a few sneakily popping up and surfing. It was a fantastic learning day In House-Coaching During our beach training, we stepped things up also by getting specific skills coaching help from some of the parents who are (should I say) more seasoned athletes in further open water swimming and endurance training, for which I’d like a big thank you to Troy Phelps and Jon Treloar for sharing their combined knowledge. Pole Swim Pole swim certificates were on offer, championed by Shane Rowley, which motivated and rewarded our brave nippers for taking on the distance and deepness of swimming to our pole and back, which is no mean feat. Nippers that led by example helped some of our less confident nippers build up the courage to achieve this. Our competition team, under the guidance of our Competition coordinator, Jemma Harrison, attended 4 of the Junior Carnivals, as well as 1 ‘friendly’ carnival with our neighbouring clubs (hosted by Bonbeach LSC), then the State Championships in Lorne, which again saw a fantastic contingent of competitors in and some great results, including gold and silver medals. The season also saw the return and continued success of a handful of our U12 girls competing in the traditional ‘dressage’ event of R&R, which saw them qualify and compete in the State Championships in Sandridge. For the second year running, and under the guidance of Grace Jones, we again trained and participated in the March Past event, held at the State Championships. Another fantastic and emotionally moving effort by our Nippers.
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The Team So many parents stepped up in the 18/19 season in every role from helping our age managers on the beach training days, herding cats, providing water safety and officiating at the junior carnivals, risking life and ham-string competing in some of our parent races on our celebration training days and to towing the trailer to competition venues. Jemma Harrison worked very hard in coordinating our Junior Carnival teams, taking care of registrations, arranging parent helpers and ensuring everything went to plan. She also coordinated additional training sessions for the comp team as well as manage all of the attendance records, manage SurfGuard data and is always there proving support to me as well as helping the nipper team. On behalf of the nipper team, I would like to recognise and thank the committee for their support, which was overwhelmingly helpful in the transition stage and beyond. This unfettered support helped our team continue to deliver a great program without any disruption. One thing that is glaringly obvious, is the selfless community spirit in everything that happens at the club, with administrative and patrol personnel contributing endlessly, over-and-above their existing volunteer duties, roles and commitments. As always, an extra special mention to David and Kay also, they do so much to support the program and without them, I can’t imagine where we would be. Thanks, one and all. The nipper age manager team shifted slightly throughout the season, but mostly included: • • • • • • • • •
Under 6 – Justin (Juddy) O’Halloran Under 7 – James Fowler Under 8 – Lainie Noonan-Rapp / Rik Price Under 9 – Fonz Lai Under 10 – Ron Jones Under 11 – 14 (Non-Comp Team) Rebecca Talbot Under 11 – 14 (Comp Team) Jemma Harrison Nipper Admin – Michelle Stirling Junior Coordinator – Rik Price
A huge thank you to you all, especially those who were relatively new to the role, but still delivered an amazing program.
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As always, a team of water safety personnel is paramount in running a safe program for our nippers, and our volunteers turned out in force, thanks to the ongoing help from Shane Rowley as our Water Safety Coordinator The water safety team has included: • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Shane Rowley (Water Safety Coordinator) Troy Phelps Justin O’Halloran Jon Treloar Jay Chambers Catherine Paulsen Stephen Griffiths Ben Rooks Maurie Chalmers Mitch Rosica Lucy Reekie Maddie Mead Issy and Eve Chalmers Kai Treloar and many others
We cannot forget the many helpers cutting fruit, turning sausages on the BBQ, coordinating uniforms, washing caps and parents just helping support each age group on the beach. The combined effort creates a great sense of community. The Future For the 19/20 season and beyond, we want to keep the focus on fun, but refine and work on the skills with specialist coaches with special attention given to open water swimming, boards and surf skills Bring on next season!!! Kind regards, Rik Price Junior Coordinator
176 Nipper participants Average of 100 kids training every Saturday Carrum Surf Life Saving Club Annual Report 2018-19 | 13
Aquatic Sport Competition Captain’s Report During the 2018/19 season Carrum nippers attended five state carnivals at Altona, Mount Martha, Bancoora, Mordialloc and State Championships in Lorne. Over the 5 state carnivals we had a total of 37 nippers attend. At the Junior State Championships, we had representation in 4 age groups. Under 9, Under 10, Under 11 and Under 12. Carrum Surf Lifesaving Club participated in the March Past event. We placed 12th out of 14 teams. This season Carrum received a total of 16 Overall competition points from the Junior State Championships. Placing us 19th out of 34 clubs. This excellent improvement in our overall points was due to the outstanding places gained. Goals and recommendations for next year: •
To offer subsidised carnival fees in return for parent volunteering
• Have a specific traditional events coach/manager to increase our proficiency in R&R, March Past and introduce Belt and Reel. Jemma Harrison Competition Captain
23 Nippers at LSV Junior State Championships 1 gold, 1 silver & 6 finals
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Carnival Results Junior Carnival #1 – Altona LSC – 25th November Nipper Attendance: 11 Officials: Melissa Harraway, Afonso Lai Water Safety: Maury Chalmers, Fletcher Mead Junior Carnival #2 – Mount Martha LSC – 15th December Nipper Attendance: 26 Water Safety: Shaun Thomas, Stephen Griffiths, Maury Chalmers U12 Boys Beach Sprint – 5th Jasper Rowley Junior Carnival #3 & U14 – Cosy Corner – 4th January Carnival Cancelled Junior/Youth Carnival #4 – Bancoora SLSC – 19th January Nipper Attendance: 16 Officials: Melissa Harraway, Afonso Lai Water Safety: Shane Rowley, Chris Watt Junior Carnival #5 – Mordialloc LSC – 3rd February Nipper Attendance: 30 Officials: Danielle Rowley, Ron Jones Water Safety: Jemma Harrison, Chris Watt Junior State Championships – Lorne SLSC – 23rd & 24th Feb Nipper Attendance: 23 Officials: Danielle Rowley, Rik Price, Melissa Harraway, Afonso Lai Water Safety: Jemma Harrison, Chris Watt, Jay Chambers U10 Boys Beach Sprint – 1st Callum Geere U10 Boys Beach Relay – 2nd Brodie Price, Callum Geere, Kyen Lydster & Tyson Rowley U10 Boys Beach Sprint – 4th Kyen Lydster U12/U13 Mixed Two Person R&R – 5th Abbi Jones & Ali Snodgrass U12 Girls Beach Flags – 13th Heidi Chalmers U12 Boys Beach Flags – 13th Hunter Harrison
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Honours and Awards 2018-19 Carrum SLSC Awards Presentation Club Champion Stephen Griffiths J.A. Fell Award Stirling Family Junior Champions Owen Harraway Elenoar Lai Rick Oke Award Mitchell Rosicka Club Captain’s Award Tegan Griffiths E.G. “Bossie” Jones Award Harriet Torrance Blade Barrett Award Felesha Higginson Oops Award Shaun Thomas Service Awards Svetlana Fowler Renee Watt Sam Snodgrass Rick Lydster Danielle Rowley
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Patrol Awards Catherine Paulsen Stephen Griffiths David Hyde Tegan Griffiths Mitchell Rosicka Emily Barnard-Cuttriss Damian MacKinnon Justin O’Halloran
Age Managers’ Awards U6 Asher Buzza Gemma Smith U7 Jimmy Mealor Tia Allan U8 Kai Thompson Summer Anderson U9 Xavier Nelson U10 Tyson Rowley Alice Mills U11 Lachlan Chambers Ella Wall U12 Darcy Lydster Erin Price U13 Ricky Wepener Jacie O’Connell U14 Isobel Warrillow Kirra Imbriano
Member Qualifications Patrol Awards Silver Medallion: Aquatic Rescue Cath Paulsen Charles Barton Stephen Griffiths Silver Medallion: IRB Driver David Hyde Gary Patterson Ben Rooks Michael Feaver Cath Paulsen Charles Barton Shaun Thomas Stephen Griffiths Terry Mealor Pain Management Certificate Deb Lowe RWC Operator Certificate Gary Patterson Advanced Resuscitation Techniques Certificate Deb Lowe Ben Rooks Cath Paulsen David Hyde Justin O'Halloran Michael Feaver Charles Barton Emily Barnard-Cuttriss Gary Patterson Damian MacKinnon IRB Crew Certificate Cath Paulsen David Hyde Gary Patterson Michael Feaver Ben Rooks Charles Barton Damian MacKinnon Stephen Griffiths Jay Chambers
IRB Crew Certificate cont‌ Shaun Thomas Terry Mealor Lucy Reekie Spinal Management Certificate Michael Feaver Deb Lowe Ben Rooks Cath Paulsen Charles Barton Amanda Hardy Lai Damian MacKinnon David Hyde Lucy Reekie Stephen Griffiths Tegan Griffiths First Aid Certificate Ben Rooks Cath Paulsen Michael Feaver Shaun Thomas Tess Thomas Shane Rowley Stephen Griffiths Deb Lowe Ash Lowe Damian MacKinnon David Hasell Mitchell Rosicka Tegan Griffiths Eve Chalmers Scott Rosicka Bronze Medallion Benjamin Hughes David Hyde Gary Patterson Ben Rooks Sarah Hughes Cath Paulsen Michael Feaver Tess Thomas
Bronze Medallion cont‌ Damian MacKinnon Emily Barnard-Cuttriss Jonathan Treloar Justin O'Halloran Shane Rowley Deb Lowe Rebecca Talbot Charles Barton Jay Chambers Jemma Harrison Mark Stockton Maury Chalmers Rik Price Shaun Thomas Terry Mealor Amanda Hardy Lai Brendan Matheson Lainie Noonan Stephen Griffiths Troy Phelps Brodie Cullen Chris Watt Lucy Reekie Madeleine Mead Aaron Kerr Elissa O'Connell Harriet Torrance Kai Treloar Mitchell Rosicka Ruby Aldridge Surf Rescue Certificate (CPR Endorsed) Rory Thompson Kai Treloar Lucy Reekie Eve Chalmers Fletcher Mead Isabel Chalmers Mitchell Rosicka Tyler Cullen Grace Jones
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Training & Assessment Awards Facilitator: Assessor Deb Lowe Facilitator: Trainer Deb Lowe Facilitator: Silver Medallion (Aquatic Rescue) Deb Lowe Facilitator: Silver Medallion (Beach Management) Deb Lowe Ben Rooks Cath Paulsen Facilitator: Advanced Resuscitation Techniques Deb Lowe Cath Paulsen Ben Rooks Facilitator: First Aid Deb Lowe
Assessor: Inflatable Rescue Boat Cath Paulsen Assessor: Advanced Resuscitation Techniques Deb Lowe Ben Rooks Cath Paulsen Assessor: Spinal Management Deb Lowe Ben Rooks Cath Paulsen Assessor: First Aid Deb Lowe Cath Paulsen Assessor: Bronze Medallion Deb Lowe Ben Rooks Cath Paulsen
Facilitator: Resuscitation Ben Rooks Cath Paulsen
Training Officer: Inflatable Rescue Boat Ben Rooks David Hyde Training Officer: Advanced Resuscitation Techniques Deb Lowe Ben Rooks Cath Paulsen Training Officer: Spinal Management Deb Lowe Cath Paulsen Training Officer: First Aid Deb Lowe Ben Rooks Cath Paulsen Training Officer: Bronze Medallion Gary Patterson Ben Rooks Deb Lowe Cath Paulsen
Surf Sports Awards Technical Official Finish Judge/ Technical Official Time Keeper/ Recorder Starter/Check-Starter Afonso Lai Afonso Lai Technical Official Marshall/Check-Marshall Afonso Lai
Age Managers Course Presenters Award Jemma Harrison Rebecca Talbot Rik Price
Photo: Life Saving Victoria
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Junior Activities Awards Competition Skills U14 Charlotte Fitzsimmons Grace Jones Competition Skills U13 Fletcher Mead Fee Higginson Mason Stirling Competition Skills U12 Abbi Jones Alexandra Snodgrass Briana Harraway Darcy Lydster Heidi Chalmers Hunter Harrison Hunter Mead Jaspar Rowley Erin Price Sienna Wood Ashley Fitzsimmons Competition Skills U11 Abbi Jones Alexandra Snodgrass Ashley Fitzsimmons Briana Harraway Darcy Lydster Erin Price Hannah Lai Heidi Chalmers Hunter Harrison Jaspar Rowley Sienna Wood Hunter Mead Harry Burton Lachlan Chambers Zoe Watt
Competition Skills U10 Lachlan Chambers Zoe Watt Callum Geere Daniel Kinsella Eleanor Lai Hailey Stirling Hamish Beitzel Kyen Lydster Marley Harrison Maxwell Thompson Noah Emir Owen Harraway Saxon Mead Stephanie Phelps Tyson Rowley Brodie Price Competition Skills U9 Brodie Price Daniel Kinsella Eleanor Lai Kyen Lydster Marley Harrison Owen Harraway Tyson Rowley Tahlia Webb Emily Fitzsimmons Preliminary Evaluation U14 Mitchell Rosicka Charlotte Fitzsimmons Grace Jones Preliminary Evaluation U13 Fletcher Mead Isobel Warrillow Kirra Imbriano Stephanie Rosicka Tyler Cullen Fee Higginson Jacie O'Connell Mason Stirling Ricky Wepener Tahlia Francis
Preliminary Evaluation U12 Clover Goldsmith Jacie O'Connell Joel Imbriano Joshua Cathie Abbi Jones Alexandra Snodgrass Amy Martakis Ashley Fitzsimmons Briana Harraway Darcy Lydster Erin Price Heidi Chalmers Hunter Harrison Hunter Mead Jaspar Rowley Sienna Wood Preliminary Evaluation U11 Abbi Jones Alexandra Snodgrass Amy Martakis Briana Harraway Darcy Lydster Erin Price Flynn Rosicka Hannah Lai Heidi Chalmers Hunter Harrison Hunter Mead Jaspar Rowley Sienna Wood Tamsyn Martakis Ashley Fitzsimmons Ella Wall Harry Burton Lachlan Chambers Reece Mather Zoe Watt
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Preliminary Evaluation U10 Finn O'Connell Glen Imbriano Hamish Beitzel Harry Burton Jorja O'Halloran Lachlan Chambers Markos Martakis Reece Mather Rogan Ayton Zoe Watt Alice Mills Brodie Price Callum Geere Charlie Mather Cooper Turner Daniel Kinsella Eleanor Lai Gabe Ingram Hailey Stirling Leroy Conway Marley Harrison Maxwell Thompson Noah Emir Owen Harraway Saxon Mead Stephanie Phelps Thomas Chalmers Tyson Rowley Kyen Lydster Preliminary Evaluation U9 Alice Mills Brodie Price Charlie Mather Cooper Turner Daniel Kinsella Eleanor Lai Gabe Ingram Georgia Rosicka Harper Goldsmith James Cathie Jessica Cathie Kyen Lydster Marley Harrison
Prelim Eval U9 cont‌ Niels Perry Owen Harraway Saxon Mead Stephanie Phelps Tahlia Webb Thomas Chalmers Tyson Rowley Emily Fitzsimmons Joshua Turner Keanan Coss Liam Cusack Logan Newth Xavier Nelson Preliminary Evaluation U8 Emily Fitzsimmons Eva Murray Liam Cusack Niels Perry Tahlia Webb Aiden Mather Charlotte Shannon Chloe Emir Gianni Ingram Henry Harrison Fitas Hermione James Jacinta Fowler Kai Thompson Liam McNamara Matilda Beitzel Oscar Thompson Patrick Noonan Ryan O'Halloran Summer Anderson Tiffany MacNally Preliminary Evaluation U7 Restricted Aiden Mather Charlotte Shannon Gianni Ingram Henry Harrison Fitas Jacinta Fowler Matilda Beitzel Ryan O'Halloran
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Prelim Eval U7 cont‌ Summer Anderson Archie Harding Billy Burton Bryce Kraehenbuehl Connor Geere Eva Lindeman Finn Newth Harrison Wall Isabella Ginesi Isabelle Lindeman Ivy Patterson Jude Conway London Petersen Oliver Wilson Owen Natt Paige Johnson Ryder Coss Scarlett Patterson Sebastion Murray Tia Allan Xander Jansse Preliminary Evaluation U6 Restricted Ivy Patterson Oliver Wilson Sebastion Murray Jimmy Mealor Billy Burton Archie Watt Asher Buzza Ava Cusack Ayla Watson Chelsea Wilson Conner Wepener Hugo Harrison Fitas James Paterson Josh Paterson Lucy Harding Mikayla Francis Mikkel Ingram Olivia Ginesi Ryder Siegersma Zachary Turner
Supporters Government
State and National Bodies
Carrum Op Shop
Carrum Downs
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Financial Report
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