Our Board
2023-24 Executive
Ben Rooks President
Stephen Griffiths Club Captain
Nicole Rooks Secretary
David Hasell Treasurer & Registrar
Shane Rowley Junior Vice President
2023-24 Committee
Cath Paulsen Senior Vice President
Charles Barton Vice Captain & Patrol Captain
Lucy Prideaux Junior Coordinator (from November 2023) & Committee Member
Emily Woods First Aid Officer
Tegan Griffiths Equipment Steward
Andrew Lapthorne Committee Member (from April 2024)
Kay Hasell Assistant Treasurer & Assistant Secretary (Resigned February 2024)
Joanne Wright Junior Coordinator (Resigned October 2023)
Shane Wright Committee Member (Resigned October 2023)
President’s Report
It certainly has been a year of significant milestones.
The season started with us still operating out of temporary facilities while the building refurbishment works were finalised.
Then, on Friday 3rd November, with just one day’s notice and just four days before our first patrol of the year, we moved into our new home. The refurbishment, designed by volunteers, for volunteers, had been a decade in the making.
The official opening of the building was held in December, and we heard speeches from Sonya Kilkenny MP, representing the Minister for Emergency Services, Mayor Cr Jenna Davey-Burns, Craig Watson of Life Saving Victoria, and myself, all hosted by MC, Cr Cameron Howe.
Thank you to the dignitaries who attended and who spoke passionately about what our club means to the community.
Thank you also to those who made this $4.5m revitalisation of the building possible:
- Those who funded it: the Victorian Government and City of Kingston.
- Those who designed and built it: Cohen Leigh Architects and builder 2Construct, both guided by the Club's volunteer building subcommittees.
- Those who supported us: Life Saving Victoria and the wider Carrum/Patterson Lakes community.
- Those who kept the club operating from temporary facilities: our amazing volunteers.
There are still a number of issues to work through regarding the new building, even now nearly a year later. But we will continue to raise our concerns with Kingston City Council and I have no doubt all will eventually be resolved and will provide the foundation for our volunteers to do the great work they do for decades to come.
The patrol season started a few days early, with our volunteers adding an extra patrol on Melbourne Cup day, in response to the beautiful 30°C weather.
Of the many tasks keeping our surf lifesavers busy was a surge in missing children (and the occasional missing parent). With multiple missing children over any given weekend, it often took a large number of resources to find them. One example is a three-year-old that was claimed to have been missing for “a few minutes” that was found 1.3km away from where they were last seen. Please, everyone, keep watch of your children.
In March our volunteers joined the SES, CFA, Police and SARDA in a multi-agency training activity around Patterson River. The Club was well represented with not only members in our IRBs, but our members also stood in for the LSV RWC and RPAS teams.
There was a lot of change for our junior activities participants – not only a change in day for nipper training from Saturdays to Sundays, but the Junior Coordinator resigned just weeks away from the start of the season! Well done and thank you to Lucy Prideaux and the nipper leadership team for pulling everything together and producing a great season. I have no doubt the nipper group will continue to grow in leaps and bounds.
A few final ‘thank-you’s. To Shane Rowley for his years of service on the Club Executive and for once again coordinating the ever-successful Comedy Night fundraiser. To Stephen Griffiths for the hundreds of hours he tirelessly commits to the Club. And to Nicole Rooks for taking on the role of Secretary with such a passion.
Lastly, to David and Kay Hasell who have both announced that this is their last season on the Club committee after decades of service. Having held positions such as President, Secretary, and Treasurer for long periods of time and with a dedication to areas such as hall hire and facility maintenance, there is no doubt that you have both left a significant impact on this Club.
Next year the Club will recognise 100 years since we were first formed back in 1925.
I hope to see you all on the beach next year to celebrate our Club’s centenary
Ben Rooks President
Secretary’s Report
On behalf of the Carrum Surf Life Saving Club Committee, it gives me great pleasure to present the Annual report for the 2023/24 season.
My first year as Secretary has certainly been challenging, but extremely rewarding. Thank you to every one of the committee for their support in my first year as Secretary, I truly appreciate it.
It has been amazing to work alongside so many dedicated volunteers that work tirelessly not only to save lives on Carrum Beach, but who continuously improve Carrum SLSC for future generations to enjoy
A huge thank you to all the committee for a huge season, starting with the possession of the new building in November (as well as signing a new licence with Kingston Council), the Official Opening and Open Day in early December then dealing with and working through the many building defects, building security access issues and the parking issues. Who would have thought moving into a new building would be so challenging!
With our new building, meant new internal fit outs including office, dry store and training store cabinetry, to make these areas fully functional.
To the members of our committee who put their hands up to work tirelessly to bring together the proposed constitution and by-laws documents, such a huge job – thank you!
I can’t forget the individual congratulations:
Congratulations firstly to Shane Rowley, for another successful Comedy night! Congratulations to Cath Paulsen, who was awarded LSV Volunteer Assessor of the Year in August. Lastly, congratulations to Ben on his Life Membership, as well as being a recipient of a National medal
I am so excited for the coming year; the Clubs’ 100-year celebrations, a fully operational building and a successful and thriving Carrum SLSC!
Nicole Rooks Secretary
Financial Overview
Lifesaving Services
C b C ’ R
Want to start with saying WOW how amazing is our new home. The extension is a great addition to what I believe is the best club on the bay. Thank you to all those that have helped over the season with getting things set up, helping patrol our great beach and keep all beachgoers safe.
I have mentioned these people over the last few seasons but again will mention them as without them all my job would be a lot harder than it is. To Ben, Charlie, Nicole and Cath you all truly put in a massive effort to help keep the club running in all aspects not just the operational side.
The weather has already started showing signs of being warm hopefully it continues into the season, and we can have a wonderful summer on the beach. Look forward to those returning this season and also hoping that we can welcome lots of new faces to join our wonderful club.
I want to finish off by saying a massive thank you to all our members for making the club what it is and look forward to seeing the club grow from strength to strength over the coming seasons.
Thank you,
Stephen Griffiths Club Captain
Patrol Hours 2023-24
Patrol hours include regular surf rescue patrols, heatwave patrols and call outs at Carrum beach Water Safety hours include water safety at nipper training, carnivals, and 3rd party events LSV hours include volunteer state-based services, such as regional RWC (jetski) operators, RPAS (drone) pilots & LSV Communications Centre operators.
Honours and Awards
2023-24 Carrum SLSC Awards
Club Champion
Rogan Ayton
J.A. Fell Perpetual Trophy
Nicole Rooks
Junior Champions
Gemma Smith
Imogen Prideaux
C b C ’ Aw
Rogan Ayton
.G. “ ” J Aw
Thomas Paulsen
Oops Award
Charles Barton
Patrol Awards
Stephen Griffiths
Catherine Paulsen
Emily Woods
Rogan Ayton
Ben Rooks
Sean Kirwin
Michael Feaver
Charles Barton
Age Manager ’ Awards
U14 Sabrina Moss
U12 Nicklas Faurby-Dahl
U11 Gemma Smith
U9 Luke Righetti
U8 Sophie Boyce
U7 Bella Smith
U6 Tia Meade
Service Awards
James Prideaux
Brooke Meade
Dominic Rix
Matt Righetti
Lucy Prideaux
Member Qualifications
Patrol Awards
Silver Medallion:
Aquatic Rescue
Charles Barton
Cath Paulsen
Stephen Griffiths
Silver Medallion: IRB Driver
Matthew Righetti
Michael Feaver
Cath Paulsen
Stephen Griffiths
Charles Barton
Sean Kirwan
Ben Rooks
David Hyde
Shaun Thomas
Emily Woods
Gary Patterson
IRB Crew Certificate
Cath Paulsen
Michael Feaver
Matthew Righetti
Stephen Griffiths
Charles Barton
Aaron Kerr
Sean Kirwan
Ben Rooks
David Hyde
Jay Chambers
Shaun Thomas
Emily Woods
Gary Patterson
Silver Medallion:
Beach Management
Matthew Righetti
Sean Kirwan
Tess McEvoy
Michael Feaver
David Hyde
Ben Rooks
Charles Barton
Cath Paulsen
Kate Southern
Stephen Griffiths
Gary Patterson
Silver Medallion:
Patrol Captain
Cath Paulsen
Stephen Griffiths
Emily Woods
Rescue Water Craft
Operator Certificate
Stephen Griffiths
Charles Barton
Gary Patterson
Advanced Resuscitation Techniques Certificate
Cath Paulsen
Sean Kirwan
Stephen Griffiths
Charles Barton
Matthew Righetti
Emily Woods
Michael Feaver
Thomas Paulsen
Mitchell Rosicka
Rogan Ayton
Elissa O'Connell
David Baxter
Gary Patterson
First Aid Certificate
Shaun Thomas
Michael Feaver
Ben Rooks
Charles Barton
Stephen Griffiths
Mitchell Rosicka
Tegan Griffiths
Elissa O'Connell
Cath Paulsen
Kate Southern
Sean Kirwan
Matthew Righetti
Emily Woods
Shane Rowley
Jacie O'Connell
Thomas Paulsen
Rogan Ayton
David Baxter
Gary Patterson
SSV Operator
Matthew Righetti
Sean Kirwan
Cath Paulsen
Stephen Griffiths
Ben Rooks
Michael Feaver
Charles Barton
Jay Chambers
Tegan Griffiths
Aaron Kerr
David Hasell
Bronze Medallion
Andrew Lapthorne
Cath Paulsen
Michael Feaver
Tess McEvoy
Matthew Righetti
Kate Southern
Shane Rowley
Rebecca Talbot
Charles Barton
Rik Price
Brendan Matheson
Stephen Griffiths
Mitchell Rosicka
Elissa O'Connell
Aaron Kerr
Jacie O'Connell
Sean Kirwan
Ben Rooks
David Hyde
Jay Chambers
Shaun Thomas
Emily Woods
Gary Patterson
Surf Rescue Certificate (CPR Endorsed)
Owen Harraway
Hailey Stirling
Noah Emir
Brodie Price
Training & Assessment Awards
Facilitator: Silver Medallion
(Patrol Captain)
Cath Paulsen
Facilitator: Advanced Resuscitation Techniques
Cath Paulsen
Sean Kirwan
Facilitator: First Aid
Cath Paulsen
Sean Kirwan
Facilitator: Bronze Medallion
Cath Paulsen
Sean Kirwan
Facilitator: Surf Rescue Cert
Cath Paulsen
Sean Kirwan
Facilitator: Resuscitation
Cath Paulsen
Sean Kirwan
Facilitator: SSV
Sean Kirwan
Matthew Righetti
Ben Rooks
Assessor: Inflatable Rescue Boat
Matthew Righetti
Cath Paulsen
Assessor: Bronze Medallion
Matthew Righetti
Ben Rooks
Assessor: Surf Rescue
Matthew Righetti
Ben Rooks
Training Officer:
Inflatable Rescue Boat
Matthew Righetti
Ben Rooks
Cath Paulsen
Training Officer:
Bronze Medallion
Ben Rooks
Stephen Griffiths
Training Officer: Surf Rescue
Ben Rooks
Stephen Griffiths
Surf Sports & Member Development Awards
Technical Officials
Rebecca Talbot
Danielle Rowley
Rik Price
Age Managers
James Prideaux
Naomi Newton
Joanne Weller
Tegan Griffiths
Lucy Prideaux
Candace Law
Dominic Rix
Brooke Meade
Junior Activities Awards
Surf Smart Two U13
Matilda Mann
Surf Smart One U12
Nicklas Faurby-Dahl
Wyatt Deason
Surf Safe Two U11
Liliana Griffiths
Gemma Smith
Imogen Prideaux
Evelyn Bouma
Annabelle Mann
Surf Aware Two U9
William James
Luke Righetti
Surf Aware One U8
Caelen Griffiths
Sophie Boyce
Surf Play Two U7
Tyler Smith
Bella Smith
Theodore Robbins-Rix
Charlotte Sandilands
Age Manager Mentors
Rebecca Talbot
James Prideaux
Surf Play One U6
Benjamin Bouma
Daisy Prideaux
Matilda Rootsey
Kai Blom
Tia Meade
Alex Melnik