Carrum Surf Life Saving Club Annual Report 2020-21

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Annual Report 2020-21

CARRUM SURF LIFE SAVING CLUB INCORPORATED ABN 66 265 342 567 15 Old Post Office Lane Carrum VIC 3197

PO Box 694 Patterson Lakes VIC 3197

📞 (03) 9776 0504


1 | Carrum Surf Life Saving Club Annual Report 2020-21

Contents Our Board............................................................................................................................................... 1 2020-21 Executive ...................................................................................................................... 1 2020-21 Committee .................................................................................................................. 1 President’s Report...........................................................................................................................2 Secretary’s Report ......................................................................................................................... 4 Treasurer’s Report ......................................................................................................................... 6 Lifesaving Services ....................................................................................................................... 8 Club Captain’s Report ............................................................................................................ 8 Vice Captain’s Report ........................................................................................................... 10 Patrol Hours 2020-21 ............................................................................................................. 11 Member Development............................................................................................................. 12 Junior Activities Report ....................................................................................................... 12 Youth Involvement Program .......................................................................................... 13 Honours and Awards ................................................................................................................. 14 2020-21 Carrum SLSC Awards ...................................................................................... 14 Member Qualifications ............................................................................................................. 15 Patrol Awards ............................................................................................................................. 15 Training & Assessment Awards ................................................................................... 16 Surf Sports Awards ................................................................................................................ 16 Junior Activities Awards ..................................................................................................... 17 Supporters ......................................................................................................................................... 18 Government ................................................................................................................................. 18 State and National Bodies ................................................................................................ 18 Sponsors ......................................................................................................................................... 18 Financial Report ............................................................................................................................. 19

Carrum Surf Life Saving Club Annual Report 2020-21

Our Board 2020-21 Executive Ben Rooks


Catherine Paulsen

Club Captain

David Hasell

Secretary, Registrar & Immediate Past President

Justin O’Halloran


Jemma Harrison

Committee Member

2020-21 Committee Shane Rowley

Senior Vice President

Stephen Griffiths

Vice Captain & Equipment Steward

Michael James

Junior Coordinator

Charles Barton

Patrol Captain

Michael Feaver

Committee Member

Kim Somers

Committee Member

Mitchell Rosicka

Committee Member

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President’s Report When looking back over a year’s achievements, it’s important to consider the context surrounding that year. Sort of like how the degree of difficulty influences the final score in diving competitions, it should be remembered just how complicated and different the 2020-21 season has been locally and around the globe. From the very start of the season, with Covid-19 restrictions requiring the Club’s annual general meeting to be held online for the first time ever, we knew it would be a summer unlike any we had seen previously. The Club had established (and still maintains) a COVIDSafe subcommittee which regularly reviewed how the ever-changing regulations and restrictions impacted our club, members, and activities. Life Saving Victoria established regular Covid briefings, at times as often as weekly, which ensured we were kept up to date on the latest requirements, from QR codes to permitted worker permits, COVIDSafe Plans and everything in between. A huge thanks to our COVIDSafe Coordinator, Charlie Barton, and the subcommittee – David, Jemma and Cath. The end of the 2020 lockdown - combined with the opening of Carrum Promenade and adjacent foreshore, park plus some beautiful weather - saw crowds flocking back to our beach. So much so that we saw a near 120% increase in beach visitations compared to the year prior. The last six months of 2020 sadly saw more drownings in Victoria than the entire year prior. With that in mind, and with the promise of the 2021 lockdown easing just as summer starts to heat up, our volunteer surf lifesavers must be on full alert. Our team of lifesavers did a great job over this past year – ensuring the continuation of patrols and emergency responses at all times, lockdowns or not. Adding to our rescue readiness was the return of LSV’s ‘Kingston’ rescue watercraft service to Carrum SLSC. The Kingston RWC service operates from Black Rock to Mornington seven-days-a-week between Christmas to Australia Day and on weekends for the remainder of the patrol season. It is based out of our clubhouse operated by volunteer lifesavers and paid lifeguards from across the state. I encourage members who are interested in their activities to obtain the RWC operators’ certificate and apply to be part of the state RWC team. Helping enable us to host the LSV RWC’s is two shipping containers in the carpark kindly supplied by Kingston City Council. The council have also assisted us during the summer with the moving of sand to ensure a smooth transition from our ramp and steps all the way to the water’s edge. Over winter, during the demolition of the original lifesaving club foundations at the end of Stephens Street, we were able to secure some bluestone bricks which we plan to incorporate into our new building extension in 2022 – thanks again to council for enabling that to occur.

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In early December, a few weeks later than usual, our nipper program resumed under strict COVIDSafe conditions. It was a strange sight to see all of the adults wearing masks and sanitiser being sprayed onto nipper boards between sessions. These requirments, along with a number of other changes, enabled us to run a nippers program this year, when some other clubs did not. Seeing the kids on the last day running back to their families, proudly showing off their ribbons and certificates makes it all worthwhile. Thanks to Mick, Jemma and their helpers that made that all happen. Behind the scenes, even the Club’s administration was impacted by the craziness of Covid, with committee meetings and other activities being held online. Despite this, we were still able to make good progress with major projects such as our strategic plan, which will be signed off by the incoming committee in a couple of months. Thank you to all of the Club committee, listed at the start of this Annual Report – especially to our executive team – Cath, David, Justin and Jemma. Melbourne returned to lockdown briefly in February, which required us to cancel a nippers training session and delay the start of a Surf Rescue Certificate course. Thankfully the lockdown eased in time for our Comedy Night in March, which had been postponed twice previously due to Covid restrictions. Despite the reduced capacity due to Covid density limits, the event was a great success, thanks chiefly to the determination and perseverance of our organiser, Shane Rowley – thank you. In May, the Kingston City Council resolved to contribute $800,000 towards our building extension project which means, when combined with $1.5m already provided by the state government, that the works are fully funded. Construction is due to begin in March 2022 and will provide us with double the downstairs storage space and double the changeroom area. New upstairs facilities and stairs will enable us to segregate the function room from operational lifesaving activities – enabling us to accept hall hires over the weekend in summer without impacting our emergency response capacity. It’s been a long journey, and I’m sure there are still plenty of hurdles waiting to surprise us between now and cutting the ribbon, but it will be worth it. Huge thanks to our building extension sub-committee: David, Rik, Jon, Stephen, Shane and Scott. Looking to the year ahead, we know it will present many challenges like the one just gone. We know it will have a disrupted start, with some Covid restrictions still in place and a likely delay to the start of activities such as nippers. There will be limitations on our function room and how we run events. We know that, just like open water, conditions will change, often at short notice, and we’ll have to adapt quickly – which we’ve proven we’re more than capable of this year. We also know the end of the year will be disrupted with the commencement of building extension works. Let’s make sure we make the most of those golden few months of summer in between. Ben Rooks President Carrum Surf Life Saving Club Annual Report 2020-21 | 3

Secretary’s Report On behalf of the Management Committee of Carrum Surf Life Saving Club, I have pleasure in presenting, the Annual Report and Financial Statements for the 2020/2021 season. It has been a great pleasure to be a member of the Management Committee in the role of Secretary and Registrar this season. There have been many significant achievements this season as you will read throughout this Annual Report. The amount of work taken on by the President and members of the committee to ensure that the Club continues to function successfully is very much appreciated. Volunteers also greatly assist with their contribution to the running of the club and their effort, sometimes unrewarded, is crucial to the Club’s success, thank you for your commitment. The Club continues to run smoothly its strength is improving each year; Covid-19 has had a large effect on the club with reduced members numbers with loss of income from function room hire. I would like to acknowledge the hard work that the operations group captained by Cath Paulsen for providing beach patrols for Carrum Surf Life Saving Club. There are always many people to be thanked but this year I would like to particularly acknowledge the trainers and assessors for their outstanding contributions to the successful development of our active members. All members can also be proud of their involvement, and it is greatly appreciated by the community. The club remains active in the community with great relations with our regular community users – Drumming, Yoga, etc. These activities are available for members as much as they are for non-members, so please take the opportunity to access the services these partners provide. Beyond the regular users of our great club, school and community groups continue to make use of the facilities on an ad hoc for all sorts of purposes, continuing the tradition of Carrum SLSC being a hub for our community, beyond Surf Life Saving. Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to thank all our sponsors for supporting our Club. Without sponsors and volunteers, we would not be able to function, so thank you all once again for another great season.

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Online registration improved a little this season, with new members encouraged to create an Online Account when submitting fees. Members Area accounts are full of information from upcoming patrols, expiry dates for their Bronze and First Aid awards, patrol hours for the season, including competition. News and events are covered, also exchange programmes, well worth a read. A document library and your membership history are also there. I encourage all members, Associates, and other categories to create an account, not only for the information provided but also for the convenience when submitting fees. Online Registration for existing SLSA members. Next season will provide many opportunities for those wanting to help, as our club will need you all in full force for the many fundraising adventures. Thanks all for your support this season and I look forward to seeing you on the beach soon. David Hasell Secretary & Registrar Carrum Surf Life Saving Club Annual Report 2020-21 | 5

Treasurer’s Report Well, it has been another challenging season not only for the club but for the whole community. Lockdown restrictions and social distancing rules has once again impacted the club’s ability to hire out our facilities, which in the past has been a significant source of income. Hopefully as next season progresses, we can welcome back our members to enjoy social functions as well as our regular hall hire clients. Our revenue for the financial year was down 9% on last year’s revenue. That is the second consecutive years of lower revenue. Once again, the club’s inability to hold fund raising events and hall hires impacted bar sales as well. We were able to hold our Comedy fund raising event which once again proved to be a great success. Once again, the club has been successful in acquiring grants and credit must go to our Secretary David Hasell for his work in sourcing opportunities and completing request. The committee was able to control well expenditure and only necessary expenses were incurred. Overall expenses for the year were down on last year. The strong balance sheet position is a reflection on the committees of the past few years, and it has allowed to continue to have no debt. The coming season will have many challenges, but it will also provide some exciting opportunities. The club will hopefully be a long way toward the planned redevelopment of the building and a new rage of club merchandise will be launched. Stay tuned for more news on these exciting developments. This will all add to the buzz around the neighbourhood as I expect the Carrum beach promenade to be the place to be in summer. Hopefully all members can pitch in to help the club continue to move from strength to strength once we get through this difficult period. Looking forward to getting back to the beach Justin O’Halloran Treasurer

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Just before noon on the last Sunday of January, a team of Carrum members undertaking first aid and advanced resuscitation training were about to take a lunchbreak when screams were heard from the beach. They, along with our volunteer surf lifesavers who were in the process of setting up patrol, responded quickly to find a male, motionless and numb after landing on his head when attempting a backflip. Putting training immediately into action, our members proficiently secured the injured man and worked with Ambulance Victoria to delicately extricate him from the beach. Needless to say, all of the candidates passed the spinal management component of the training assessment. Below are some messages received from witnesses. 31 Jan 2021, 12:27

Short while ago my husband and were walking along the beach and watched a dad try to do a backflip off the dunes. It was the scariest thing seeing him land in his head and neck and while my husband stopped the wife from moving him, I ran yelling at the guys in the lifesaving club. The team were so fast to respond and knowing onlookers are never helpful we walked away. We continued to turn around and watch and my heart was so sad for those three little kids watching their dad and we were in awe of the response from the lifesavers. From watching them put up a tent to getting the buggy down the precision, speed and teamwork was amazing. I’ve always respected and admired the lifesavers and as my husband said as we walked away, if anything was ever to happen, you’d want it to be in front of that team of people. Thank you for what you do.

1 Feb 2021, 15:48

Dear Team, hope you’re well. I witnessed the horrific incident yesterday morning at Carrum beach and took some time to see if the lovely lady looking after the 3 children needed help. I witnessed a lot of what happened and was very concerned for the family involved. Thank you for doing such an amazing job, supporting our local community. Carrum Surf Life Saving Club Annual Report 2020-21 | 7

Lifesaving Services

Club Captain’s Report Well the 2020/2021 season picked up where the 2019/2020 season left off with us patrolling under COVID-19 Restrictions. The 2020/2021 season meant there were many changes that we as an operational club had to undergo prior to the season kicking off. However, as always our wonderful team of patrolling members adjusted with the times and adapted as required. We couldn’t have kicked off the season without the hard work of Charlie Barton as the COVID Co-Ordinator of the club along with his COVID Committee. Charlie had a huge amount of work that went into the pre-season to make sure everything was in place and ready to be kicked off for when the season started. With the Carrum LXRA Project finishing and people not able to go away on holiday it meant that our beach attendance doubled to what we had the year before. Our beach saw just over approximately 42,000 beach attendances, we had 291 preventative actions, 34 minor first aids, 2 major first aids and for the first time in a number of years 0 rescues. This resulted in our members taking on over 1268 hours of voluntary patrols on the beach. This would not have been possible if it weren’t for the leadership of Charlie Barton and Stephen Griffiths in acting as Patrol Captains for the year. There is a huge amount of work involved in making sure we have the appropriate people on the beach and co-ordinating the appropriate members to do so. I can’t thank you both enough for the hard work that you have done. I know I say this every year but, I really do mean it when I say, If it weren’t for all of our amazingly dedicated patrolling members, our club would not be the club that it is. It is because of your hard work and dedication that we have been able to produce the statistics that we have this year. To have 0 rescues for a season is a goal that all life saving clubs strive to reach, and this year we achieved it.

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This year saw another group of SRC candidates join our ranks and it is so nice and refreshing to see young blood coming through the ranks and enjoying the days on the beach with us. We also saw 10 of our candidates update and renew their first aid and advanced resuscitation techniques certificate. Thankfully, through the hard work of the Nipper crew our Nippers program was able to go ahead, it was great to see the Nippers on the beach every Saturday morning. Thanks to Jemma and Mick and their wonderful team of Age Managers, Water Safety and Parent Helpers in making sure that the program ran as well as it did. I would also like to say a very big thank-you to everyone who gives up their time to the club, this includes the Executive Committee, Committee Members, our parent helpers and all our wonderful members. Without everyone’s help we would not be able to achieve what we do as a club. I need to say a very special thank-you to Stephen, who has been my right hand man this year. Stephen was always there when I needed help and always willing to give me a hand whenever I needed him. I wish him all the very best for the next season and seasons to come. For the last time as I sign off my report as Club Captain and Chief Instructor. I look forward to seeing you all back on the beach again for the 2021/2022 season, I’m sure there will be challenges to come but, as always it will only mean that we will be bigger and better again than the season before. See you on the beach. Cath Paulsen Club Captain

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Vice Captain’s Report This past season has been a difficult one for not just patrols but all aspects of everyone's life due to COVID-19. I think having the club and the members as somewhere, where we have all been able to still catch up and enjoy doing what we do at the club has been good for all involved. I know I am glad to be part of such a great club with such a great group of people that have such a passion for what the club offers across all aspects whether it be on the operational side, nippers or any other part that keeps the club running. For this season I helped Cath with the Club Captain role and also started helping with the training of our newest members which I enjoyed seeing them grow and hope to continue to see them grow in the coming seasons to hopefully one day take over from the senior members on the committee. I also helped with Patrol Captain duty's part way through season as Charlie had other commitments to attend to. Charlie started the season doing an awesome job as he has been doing for a fair few seasons now. It was good to see people step up when it was needed to fill roles on the beach and help cover others and just helping keep the massive number of beach goers we have on our great beach safe this season. I am looking forward to next season and hoping we can continue to grow the club and our member numbers. Again a massive thank you to all for the efforts that everyone offers around the club to keep it running smoothly and the great atmosphere that this club has, this is what I love about this club and its members. Stephen Griffiths Vice Captain

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Patrol Hours 2020-21 Patrol

Water Safety


Water Safety

190 ½


Ben Hughes

25 ½


Stephen Griffiths


Rebecca Talbot

25 ½


Charles Barton



Luke Miccoli



Ben Rooks



Jemma Harrison



Michael Feaver



Tegan Griffiths

21 ½


Deb Lowe

47 ½


Jacie O’Connell

20 ¾


Harriet Torrance

45 ½


Hunter Harrison


Fee Higginson

45 ½


Mason Stirling




Kai Treloar

16 ½


Elissa O’Connell

41 ¾

Aaron Kerr

16 ¼


Jon Treloar

32 ½


Brendan Matheson

11 ¾


Justin O’Halloran

32 ½


Finn O’Connell



Mitchell Rosicka

28 ½


Daniel Male


Jay Chambers

28 ¾


Ash Lowe



Shaun Thomas

28 ½


Fletcher Mead



Amanda Hardy Lai

26 ½


Heidi Chalmers



Shane Rowley

22 ½


Cath Paulsen

David Hyde

Alexandra Snodgrass

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Member Development Junior Activities Report Nippers Season 2020/21 As with every aspect of the club this season, the Nippers program proved challenging in the COVID climate. The situation forced us into a later than normal start date on the 5th December, meaning we only had three sessions before our Christmas break and we conclude the season with a fun carnival style day which everyone seemed to enjoy. We also needed to reduce our running time from 90min to 60min to meet the guidelines and to make sure we were packed away by the time patrols were to start. Attendance After so long being stuck at home in lockdown, it was so lovely seeing all the children enjoying the outdoors and the nippers program. We had a total of 68 children enrolled in the nippers program with an average of 40 attending each session over 6 weeks. This was reduced from 8 weeks due to one week lockdown and one week of poor water quality. Junior Coordinator and Volunteers Prior to the season beginning we sadly said goodbye to our Junior Co-ordinator of 5yrs Rik Price, opening up a very hard to fill position. Fortunately, we were lucky enough to have Michael James step up to fill those shoes and we saw him tackle the steep learning curve throughout the 20/21 season. We rallied the troops early in the season knowing that we had so much more of a workload with the additional and laborious COVID guidelines that we needed to follow every weekend. Many thanks to the following volunteers: Age Managers Lainie Rapp-Noonan Mel Harraway Michael Kinsella Naomi Jane Rebecca Talbot Jemma Harrison

Admin Helpers Kim Somers

Michelle Stirling

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Water Safety Shane Rowley

Elissa O’Connell Stephen Griffiths Hunter Harrison Luke Miccoli Matthew Miccoli Mason Stirling

Youth On a more positive note, and possibly the highlight of the season was the participation of our youth members. It was refreshing to see at least three SRC’s out in the water each session assisting with water safety, as well as a small team of age manager assistants helping mentor the younger nippers. Kim Somers took the initiative to get the Youth involvement Program up and running, to help encourage our youth members to stay involved in the club. Jemma Harrison Nippers Team

Youth Involvement Program For the 2020-2021 season Carrum Surf Life Saving was able to offer a trial season of the Youth Involvement Program (YIP) supported by Life Saving Victoria. The program is designed to assist in the retention of members aged between 14 and 18 years old, as they move from Nippers to full patrol members. The aim of YIPs is to help youth to continue to grow in lifesaving and participate in all areas within our club and lifesaving in general while achieving goals and obtaining rewards for your effort. By the end of the season we had 12 young people involved in the program, assisting the club from: water safety, assisting Age group Managers, Patrols and representing the club at a state level. Every activity counts in some way towards their YIPs points and they are accumulated over each consecutive season. There is very little structure to the program except a minimum entry point of patrol hours and achieving the points required for each level. There are three levels of achievement; Bronze, Silver, Gold. Well done to our first group of YIP’s, we look forward to continuing through the 20212022 Season. YIP Members

Erin Felesha

Junior Members

Hunter M Hunter H

Ali Heidi

Jaycie Briana

Mason Luke

Matt Finn

Kim Somers YIP Coordinator

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Honours and Awards 2020-21 Carrum SLSC Awards Club Champion Charles Barton

J.A. Fell Award Jemma Harrison

Rick Oke Award Luke Miccoli

Club Captain’s Award Operations Patrol Team

E.G. “Bossie” Jones Award Fee Higginson

Blade Barrett Award Reece Mather

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Patrol Awards Cath Paulsen Stephen Griffiths Charles Barton Ben Rooks Michael Feaver

Age Managers’ Awards U6 William James U7 Milla Anderson U8 Will Larter U9 Isobel Brunjes U10 Heath Lauretta U11 Keanan Coss U12 Marley Harrison U13 Rogan Ayton U14 Heidi Chalmers

Service Awards Shane Rowley Kim Somers Michelle Stirling

Member Qualifications Patrol Awards Silver Medallion: Aquatic Rescue Charles Barton Stephen Griffiths Cath Paulsen Ben Rooks Silver Medallion: IRB Driver David Hyde Ben Rooks Michael Feaver Cath Paulsen Charles Barton Stephen Griffiths Shaun Thomas Ben Hughes Gary Patterson Silver Medallion: Beach Management Gary Patterson Michael Feaver David Hyde Daniel Male Tess Thomas Deb Lowe Charles Barton Cath Paulsen Ben Rooks Stephen Griffiths Pain Management Certificate Deb Lowe Rescue Water Craft Operator Certificate Stephen Griffiths Gary Patterson Advanced Resuscitation Techniques Certificate Deb Lowe Daniel Male Michael Feaver David Hyde

Adv. Resus. Techniques cont… Cath Paulsen Ben Rooks Justin O'Halloran Charles Barton Stephen Griffiths Tegan Griffiths Madeleine Mead Elissa O’Connell Mitchell Rosicka Gary Patterson IRB Crew Certificate David Hyde Cath Paulsen Michael Feaver Daniel Male Ben Rooks Charles Barton Stephen Griffiths Jay Chambers Shaun Thomas Ben Hughes Gary Patterson First Aid Certificate Michael Feaver Daniel Male Tess Thomas Cath Paulsen Ben Rooks Shaun Thomas Charles Barton Stephen Griffiths Deb Lowe Tegan Griffiths David Hasell Mitchell Rosicka Eve Chalmers Scott Rosicka Jemma Harrison Madeleine Mead Elissa O’Connell Gary Patterson

Bronze Medallion Ben Hughes David Hyde Ben Rooks Cath Paulsen Michael Feaver Tess Thomas Daniel Male Jon Treloar Justin O’Halloran Shane Rowley Rebecca Talbot Charles Barton Jay Chambers Jemma Harrison Shaun Thomas Stephen Griffiths Amanda Hardy Lai Brendan Matheson Madeleine Mead Harriet Torrance Kai Treloar Aaron Kerr Elissa O’Connell Mitchell Rosicka Gary Patterson Surf Rescue Certificate (CPR Endorsed) Fletcher Mead Hunter Harrison Mason Stirling Luke Miccoli Jacie O’Connell Heidi Chalmers Bianca Harraway Fee Higginson Hunter Mead Matthew Miccoli Finn O’Connell Alexandra Snodgrass

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Training & Assessment Awards Facilitator: Silver Medallion (Aquatic Rescue) Deb Lowe

Assessor: Inflatable Rescue Boat Cath Paulsen

Facilitator: Silver Medallion (Beach Management) Ben Rooks Cath Paulsen Deb Lowe

Assessor: Advanced Resuscitation Techniques Cath Paulsen

Facilitator: Advanced Resuscitation Techniques Cath Paulsen Deb Lowe Facilitator: First Aid Cath Paulsen Deb Lowe Facilitator: Bronze Medallion Cath Paulsen Deb Lowe

Assessor: First Aid Cath Paulsen Assessor: Bronze Medallion Ben Rooks Cath Paulsen Assessor: Surf Rescue Deb Lowe Ben Rooks Assessor: Resuscitation Cath Paulsen

Training Officer: Inflatable Rescue Boat Michael Feaver David Hyde Ben Rooks Cath Paulsen Training Officer: Advanced Resuscitation Techniques Deb Lowe Cath Paulsen Training Officer: Spinal Management Cath Paulsen Deb Lowe Training Officer: First Aid Cath Paulsen Deb Lowe Training Officer: Bronze Medallion Ben Rooks Deb Lowe Cath Paulsen

Facilitator: Surf Rescue Cert Cath Paulsen Deb Lowe Facilitator: Resuscitation Deb Lowe Cath Paulsen

Training Officer: Surf Rescue Deb Lowe Ben Rooks Stephen Griffiths Training Officer: Resuscitation Cath Paulsen

Surf Sports Awards Technical Officials Rebecca Talbot Afonso Lai Danielle Rowley Rik Price

Age Managers Course Presenters Jemma Harrison Rik Price Rebecca Talbot

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Junior Activities Awards Preliminary Evaluation U14 Hunter Harrison Heidi Chalmers Alexandra Snodgrass Erin Price Briana Harraway Ashley Fitzsimmons Hunter Mead Preliminary Evaluation U13 Reece Mather Rogan Ayton Preliminary Evaluation U12 Daniel Kinsella Marley Harrison Owen Harraway Thomas Chalmers Saxon Mead Brodie Price Noah Emir Hailey Stirling Alice Mills Cooper Turner Tyson Rowley

Preliminary Evaluation U11 Keanan Cross Emily Fitzsimmons Preliminary Evaluation U10 Jake Kinsella Hermione James Aiden Mather Chloe Emir Allira Bean Summer Anderson Sienna Noble Nathaniel Turner Heath Lauretta Preliminary Evaluation U9 Ryder Coss Violet Human Oliver Wilson Archie Harding

Preliminary Evaluation U8 Liliana Griffiths Will Larter Imogen Prideaux Lucy Harding Ethan O’Sullivan Finn Morris Preliminary Evaluation U7 Restricted Poppy Wilson Emir Jackson Logan Cross Milla Anderson Charlotte Bruenjes Preliminary Evaluation U6 Restricted Zac Morris Noah Simento Isla Bean William James

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Supporters Government

State and National Bodies


Carrum Op Shop

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Fountain Gate

Financial Report

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