The Fox – Callista Crisinino The Fox Completely free, Yet, utterly alone. No real family, No real home. But no responsibilities, No expectations, No pressures. Living in the moment, But is it happy alone? Does the fox know loneliness, Or is it happy? Living freely alone.
mistakes – Nick Lao ‘20 go on with life and make mistakes some flaws are not things to regret. an open mind is what it takes to learn from them and not to fret. by being right you’re learning less so being wrong should never ache. the second time could be the best for lessons, go and make mistakes
Advertisement Brought to You by Grammarly - Anonymous Why can’t people spell? It’s really not that hard Knowing the difference between there, their, and they’re Will really take you far. I get it, some words are challenging Some are genuinely hard. But come on, really? Have some grammar regard. “Its” is not “it’s”, “your” is not “you’re” “Lose” is not “loose” – need I go on more? “Affect” is a verb. Whereas “effect” is a noun. And although not really spelling, The use of “I could care less” really make me frown. I sound like a know-it-all I’m aware, I can tell. But it’s free to utilize technology Grammarly’s spell check does it well.