The Bridge September 2016
September in the Forest
This summer has been lovely and frustratingly wet by turns, so that I have enjoyed many sunny days walking in the forest and peering in the ponds as well as, more recently, lending a hand in the fields to bring in the rain-spoilt hay.
It’s a good year for blackberries and the elderberries too are now ripe. They and the bright red rowan berries have already attracted thrushes and blackbirds, making the most of the late summer glut. The wild and dog roses in the hedgerows are beginning to show their red hips, reminding those of us of the war-time and post war generations of delicious rose hip syrup being teaspooned into our young mouths to boost our Vitamin C levels. The hips were gathered throughout the countryside: about 450 tons a year between 1943 and 1945 according to Simon Fletcher in ‘A Wyre Forest Diary’. The seeds are the source of the irritating country itching powder popped down other schoolchildren’s backs, so they must be removed before boiling the pulp with its own weight in sugar and straining the resulting syrup.
Heather and gorse flowers brighten the woodland edges and heaths and provide plenty of early autumn food for bees and other nectar-loving insects. Acorns and beech mast are ripening and the first of the autumn colour is appearing: wild cherry showing red and purple, orange on the deciduous European larch, and yellow on birch and some of the oaks.
It’s changeover time, with swallows and martins preparing to leave on their migration flights to Africa. They do this by massing in large groups and juvenile house martins may help their parents to feed the last, late broods of young still in the cup-shaped nests of mud attached under the eaves of houses. Sand martins are brown and white in contrast to the black and white of the house martins and can sometimes be seen along the riversides in Bewdley – certainly efforts were made to accommodate them when the flood defences were built, so I hope they still breed there. The badgers will be changing over their bedding too, replacing the summer’s grass, bracken or straw with a thick layer of fresh material. Even for a badger there must be nothing like a freshly-made bed.
If you fancy giving your fingers a workout and being rewarded with a new skill and a basket to take home, come along to the introductory course in Basket Making on 3rd and 4th September organised by the Wyre Community Land Trust in Ruskin Land. The tutors, Kirsty Philbrick and Amy Cox, will teach participants how to make a traditional round basket, perhaps with a handle, from locally-grown willow varieties. All materials, tools, drinks and home-made lunch will be provided for a fee of £120. Please look at or ring 01299 488083 to book or enquire for further details.
Linda Iles
Editorial News
The Bridge is the community voice of Bewdley
It is free and delivered by volunteers to more than 4,600 homes every month Visit us at
September already, eh? Good job we had such a wonderful summer. Well, I’m writing this on a slightly chilly cloudy day, but who knows? by the time this comes through your door we may have had a succession of blue skies and warm breezes. But I’m not holding my breath. Anyway, as the days fly by I realise it’s time for another editorial list. This one is called Evocative Pleasant Smells. So that’s not just the clichéd baking bread and fresh coffee that are indeed lovely but not particular to me or you but ones that fire off little explosions in the mind that carry one back to a place or time. Here’s my top eight: 1. Rain on a hot dry pavement. I don’t know why but that’s walking to my infant school with my big brother. 2. A new book. That’s easy. My father was a librarian. 3. Freshly dug soil. Thoughts of a vegetable bed looking just like the seed packet. 4. Wood shavings. I even bought some perfume last year that smelled a bit like shavings because the smell reminds me of my father’s woodwork. 5. Cat fur. You know, when you have a comatose feline on your lap and it’s all warm and cuddly. Our cat was called Enoch, because he walked on his own. 6. Dry washing fresh off the line. Makes me feel virtuous till I remember about ironing it. 7. Wheat fields ready to combine. They smell like hessian sacks. No, really; they do. It takes me back to my childhood friend’s farm where we used to play on the straw bales. 8. Ink. I know it shows my age but we had to learn to write with steel nibs and a little inkwell. The ink had a metallic smell that transports me back to when I had a thumb and forefinger dyed a permanently deep blue colour. There’s my eight most memory-jogging smells. Now it’s your turn. What smells take you straight to a place or time? Do tell - I bet you have some. Share them with our readers by contacting us at the usual address - Margaret
Sharing your news with us
If you want to share your news and photographs or advertise your company.
If you can help deliver please email Deliverers mostly take out less than 50 magazines. Reserve list is also useful. Printed by A&G Printing Co Ltd Cover photograph: Noah Young - Lulworth Cove 3
Specialist Services
+RSOH\¶V Family Camping Cleobury Road, Bewdley 01299 402173 - ³$Q $PD]LQJ &DPSLQJ ([SHULHQFH´ Roaring campfires and the great outdoors combined with the cosiness of our authentic American Tipis or our new Bell Tent Village. So if you fancy a romantic weekend under the stars, an outdoor adventure with the family or somewhere for friends or relatives to stay, Please get in touch!
Artisan Pizzas from a traditional wood burning oven Open from Easter to end of September on Friday/Saturday Evenings, Sundays of Bank Holidays and Midweek during Peak Holiday Weeks Come and enjoy a delicious pizza and a glass of wine or some real ale With fantastic live music* in our very own licensed
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*** Your Local Family Run Company *** PRIVATE HIRE ***
DAY TOURS (SS = £16 MID-WEEK SUPER SAVERS) Sat 10 Sep Sun 18 Sep Tue 20 Sep Sun 25 Sep Sat 1 Oct Sat 8 Oct
10 Oct 21 Oct 24 Oct 12 Nov 27 Nov 12 Dec 16 Jan
Beaumaris via Menai Straits £20 Valley of the Rocks & Lynton £21 Llangollen Market & Ellsmere Lakes (SS) Weymouth £21 Ludlow & Carding Mill Valley £16 Brecon Beacons & The Mumbles £20
Sun 16 Oct Lyme Regis or Seaton £20 Tue 10 Oct Moreton in Marsh & Bourton (SS) Sun 30 Oct Robin Hood & Lincoln Green £20 Wed 2 Nov The Mousetrap Matinee B'ham £30 Mon 21 Nov Thursford Christmas Show £62 Nutcracker, Billy Elliot now on sale
OBAN & THE BRIDGE OVER THE ATLANTIC 5 days £340 LYTHAM & ILLUMINATIONS WEEKEND 3 days £190 SOUTHSEA & THE MARY ROSE 5 days £340 SIDMOUTH 5 days £320 ADVENT IN ELY CATHEDRAL 2 days £110 TURKEY & TINSEL in TORBAY 5 days £199 WINTER WARMER in TORQUAY 5 days £195 Price includes dinner, bed and breakfast & excursions USUALLY PICKING UP WITHIN Tel 01299 402989 To Book / For Brochure / Private Hire WALKING DISTANCE OF YOUR (46 Sandbourne Drive, Bewdley, DY12 1BN) HOME Or visit or Bewdley Tourist Information
Community News
September 1 Soroptimists Baxter Church Kidderminster 7.30pm - see page 29 1 Rock Pathfinders walk - see page 43 4 Bewdley Footpaths walk 2pm - see page 11 5 Bewdley book week starts - see page 23 5 All Saints’ Church Wribbenhall Knit and Natter 10 till 12 noon 6 Live Wyres - see page 39 8 Coffee Morning for Marie Curie Bewdley Baptist Church10:30 - 2pm - see page 27 8 Knit & Natter Methodist Church, 2 - 4.00pm - see page 5 10 & 11 KHS Country Fair and Horticultural Show Mercure Hotel - see page 33 10 Live Wyres - see page 39 11 Children’s Society Garden party and Lunch etc 12.30 for 1pm - see page 39 12 All Saints’ Church Wribbenhall Book sale 10 till 12noon, plus Knit and Natter. 13 Live Wyres - see page 39 14 Bewdley Evergreen’s 2pm - 3pm - see page 39 14 Bewdley Civic Society meeting St. George’s Hall 7.30pm - see page 25 15 Rock Pathfinders walk - see page 43 17 Wyre Forest Repair Café St. George’s Hall 10am - 2pm - see page 19 17 Live Wyres - see page 39 18 Kemp Hospice Fund Raising Walk - see page 41 18 Messy Church Bewdley Baptist Church 4 - 6pm -see page 37 19 All Saints’ Church Wribbenhall Knit and Natter. 19 BHS meeting Riverside Church, Dog Lane 7.30pm - see page 29 20 Methodist Church Walking Group, 10.30am - see page 5 22 Soroptimists La Brasserie Kidderminster 7pm - see page 29 22 Bewdley Bards booklet launch Bewdley Hotel 8pm - see page 23 22 Live Wyres - see page 39 27 Bewdley Townswomen’s Guild Harvest Supper & Auction 7pm - see page 31 27 Live Wyres - see page 39 28 Bewdley and Wribbenhall Ladies Luncheon Club meeting - see page 31 28 Bewdley Evergreen’s 2pm - 3pm - see page 39 29 Quiz & Chips Wribbenhall Parish Rooms 7.30pm October 1 Jumble Sale All Saints’ Church Wribbenhall 10 - 12noon - see page 31 1 & 2 Discover Bewdley Harvest Fair 1 ‘ Favourite Classics’ Organ Recital Methodist Church 2.30pm - see page 43 2 Bewdley Footpaths walk 2pm - see page 11 3 Bewdley WI Drum & Percussion Workshop St George's Hall - see page 37 15 Wyre Forest Repair Café at St. George’s Hall 10am -2pm - see page 19 15 Sussex Jazz Kings Rock Village Hall 7.30pm - see page 29 16 Messy Church Bewdley Baptist Church 4 - 6pm -see page 37 5
Specialist Services
CHECK OUT: w w w . t r a n q u i l l i t y - t r a v e l . c o . u k 6
Specialist Services
A warm welcome for YOU at Bewdley Methodist Church
You are assured a warm welcome at our services on Sundays at 10.30 and special services as advertised. Once a month, children and grandchildren enjoy their own lively Sunday Club.We’re next to the Jubilee gardens on High Street.
Weekday activities in September Thursday 8th Knit & Natter at church, 2.00-4.00pm Tuesday 13th House fellowship, 7.30pm Tuesday 20th Walking Group, 10.30am
To find out more about any of our activities or to enquire about baptism, marriage or funerals please contact our minister Revd Phil Hoar Tel 826641
Did you know? Distinguished musician Andrew Crabtree is giving an organ recital of ‘Favourite Classics’ here at 2.30pm on Saturday 1 October in aid of our building fund. Tickets are £8 from Mike Dernie on 01299 400284 or Neil Sollom 01746 781087
Invites you...................
We’d love to extend a warm welcome to you and your family to join us at one of our Sunday services in our church 61, High Street.
Family Worship is Every Sunday at 10am - This is our main service where together we praise God through singing; we pray for each other, our community, our world and hear how the messages from Jesus written in the Bible are relevant for our lives today.
We spend the first 15mins worshipping together before the children and young people head out into their various age-appropriate groups.
Our Evening Service is every Sunday (expect August) at 6.30pm - These are generally quieter services and we have a different style each week, helping us to connect with God in different ways. These include cafe services, film nights, contemplative services, hymn and modern praise evenings and healing services. We gather from 6.00pm for tea and coffee and start at 6.30pm.
We believe there really is something for every member of your family so why not come and visit us sometime soon? We really look forward to meeting you! 7
Specialist Services
Severnside School of Dancing
Classes in Ballet, Tap, Modern, Classical Greek, and Acrobatic Dance held at the Wheatsheaf Room, Bewdley Institute Special Junior hour Fridays 4-5 Training for Festivals and exams Contact Joyce Campbell on 01299 400633 Like us in Facebook
• BHS qualified instruction • Excellent Facilities • Well schooled horses and ponies • Friendly, relaxed atmosphere • Small class sizes
Phone Adele on: 07799 761 932 Alton Piece, Dark Lane, Rock, Worcs, DY14 9YN 8
A warm welcome from Bewdley Baptist Church
✦ Who
Church News l
Let The Dads Out - Second Saturday of the month for dads and toddlers ✦ Messy Church - Third Sunday of the month 4-6pm. Family Fun ✦ Eat-Chat-Enjoy Second Tuesday of the month. For those 60 and over ✦ Youth Activities ✦ Men’s Group ✦ House Groups ✦ Discipleship Groups ✦ Bible Study and Prayer Groups
Our main focus of worship is on Sundays at 10am, where there is a relaxed style with lively music, all ages come together and we hear God's word for today through the Bible. Sunday evening at 6.30pm we have a shorter, more reflective service. Weekly Events Our church runs a number of regular events during the week: ✦ Noah’s Ark - for parents and toddlers. ✦ Circle of Friends - an afternoon meeting for ladies. ✦ Art Group - a quiet place to paint and draw.
Like to know more? Contact the minister Simon Harry, at the church office (403267) or visit Bewdley Baptist Church 61 High Street Bewdley
St Leonard’s
St Anne’s Church
Sunday morning worship: 11.15am
Sunday worship at 9.30am Worship lasts for about an hour. Music is usually a mix of contemporary and traditional. Children and young people will often meet in their own groups and join with adults later on.
On the first Sunday each month we have a service of Holy Communion.
On the other Sundays we have Matins – from the Book of Common Prayer. Church is usually open in daylight hours for prayer, peace & quiet.
Wednesdays at 10.15am Morning Worship
Thinking about baptism? Come to 9.30am Sunday service at St Anne’s Bewdley and we’ll talk together over coffee.
Booking a wedding at St Leonard’s Ribbesford, St Anne’s or All Saints’, Wribbenhall – please call Roz Mace on 01299 401605 or to arrange an appointment.
Thinking about a Wedding?
Please call Roz Mace 01299 401605 or to arrange an appointment The Churchwarden, on 01299 403983.
Thinking about baptism – come to our 9.30am Sunday service and we’ll talk together over coffee
You are very welcome. However you come. Whyever you come. We hope you will come again. Our website is:
Our website is:
Carl White Leisure
Garden Garden
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Specialist Services
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637 887
Church News l
Bewdley Methodist Church
St Andrew’s Bewdley
High Street Services at 10.30 every Sunday
The Chapel in the woods
Sunday worship: 11.15am on the second Sunday each month St Andrew's is found in Button Oak, Shropshire, 3 miles north of Bewdley on the B4194 to Kinlet.
For details about any activities or special services please see our advert or contact Rev. Philip Hoar on 826641.
All Saints Wribbenhall
Sunday Worship at 9.30am Worship lasts for about an hour
We are a thriving Elim Pentecostal Church in the heart of Bewdley and you are welcome to join us anytime. We meet in the newly refurbished St George’s Hall, at 10:15am. Full programme for children and young people during our service time. Why not check our website: for details of mid-week activities and events happening. Tel: 01299 405535 Email: Riverside Elim Church, Dog Lane, Bewdley, DY12 2EF
1st Sunday each month 8.00am Holy Communion (said)
Booking a Wedding at All Saints’ Wribbenhall: - please call Roz Mace 01299 401605 or to arrange an appointment.
Thinking about baptism? Come to our 9.30 am Sunday service and we’ll talk together over coffee Monday mornings 10.00am – 12.00noon Church is open for Knit and Natter every Monday except Bank Holidays Book Sale, including jig-saws, CDs, DVDs and cards on 2nd Monday of the month
Holy Family Catholic Church High Street
Sunday Mass 8 am Tuesday & Thursday Morning Prayer 9.45am, Mass 10am Holy Days of Obligation 12 noon Parish Office 01299 822633 Local Contact – Deacon John O’Brien
Refreshments and a warm welcome assured.
Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) Bewdley Quaker Meeting House, Lower Park. Meeting for worship every Sunday 10.30-11.30am. Everyone is welcome.
For further information, phone the Clerk on 01562 741501
Specialist Services
Bewdley Library
Community News
Over the summer the children have been busy with the Summer Reading Challenge, this year themed around Roald Dahl, as 2016 marks the centenary of his birth.
His children's stories have a wonderfully dark side which I loved; you never forget the fate of the selfish children in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (overstretched by a chewing gum machine, dyed purple from faulty blueberry chewing gum, etc). This was tempered by Dahl's wicked sense of humour; commenting on the fate of overstretched Mike Teavee, Mr Wonka says "Every basketball team in the country will be trying to sign him".
Inevitably I progressed on to 'Tales of the Unexpected' on TV when not much older; again the darkly humorous ones penned by Dahl himself were my favourites; I remember Timothy West turning into a bee at the end of Royal Jelly; the look on conman John Gielgud's face in Parson's Pleasure when farmers presented him with the legs of the priceless Chesterfield he had conned them out of, claiming the legs were all he wanted; and the chilling sight of a dead artist's painting on the wall of an art gallery when in previous scenes it had been a tattoo on Derek Jacobi's back in Skin (how did they get that off?).
Dahl's talent was that he wrote for children in an adult style, not shying away from unpleasant subjects, and his 'Tales of the Unexpected' were unsettling fairy tales for grown-ups.
Dahl's children's stories are freely available in the library; our two volumes of his grown up short stories are currently out but should be back with us soon. Take a walk on the dark side‌. Kay Sanderson
Bewdley Footpaths
Meet in the garden on the east side of the river just below Bewdley Bridge at 1.45pm. for a prompt start at 2.00pm. Sunday 4th September walk of 5 miles to Burlish Top via the Rifle Range.
Sunday, 2nd October walk of about 4 miles to Knowles Mill. 13
Specialist Services
RLM Decorating
High Class Interior & Exterior Decoration
Fully City & Guilds qualified with over 35 years professional experience including paper hanging, interior & exterior painting. References available from satisfied customers. Richard Morris 01299 403875 07980795353
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Living Living
Specialist Services Services Specialist
Carpets Vinyl & Vinyl Tiles Laminate Real Engineered & Solid Wood Ceramic Floor & Wall Tiles Beautiful Real Slate & Stone Flooring Entrance Matting Safety Flooring Domestic & Commercial Specialist in Underfloor Heating - . (,*-)$. "# ,' - . (,#,')++ ! **. " . + ). *+,' . - $. . , (( + ! (
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Mike Green Flooring
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Specialist Services
Gas Heating & Plumbing Installation, Servicing & Maintenance Corgi Reg No 211096
Natural Gas, LPG & Oil Call Mark on 01299 401329 or 07760 451584 for a reliable service
JEM GROVES Painter & Decorator
Dulux select decorator
High Quality workmanship Home 01562 637609
Mobile 07980425813
Door Canopies
BEWDLEY TILE WALL & FLOOR TILING 25 YEARS EXPERIENCE Richard Moore 01299 404591 07979241892
Specialist Services
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“The Heating People” Reliable. Professional. Affordable. Established since 2000, RNA Heating Ltd cater to all domestic and business client’s central heating systems, gas services and plumbing requirements throughout Worcestershire. We have the knowledge and expertise needed to ensure that you receive nothing but the best service. We offer the highest quality workmanship and services including: ÝÛÛE]oÛZgad]jÛafklYddYlagfk Ûj]hdY[]e]flk Û k]jna[af_Û¬Ûj]hYajk ÝÛÛ=j]]ÛfgÛgZda_YlagfÛimglYlagfk ÝÛÛ?glÛoYl]jÛ[qdaf\]jk ÝÛÛ>YkÛkY^]lqÛafkh][lagfk ÝÛÛCYf\dgj\ÛkY^]lqÛ[]jlaxÛ[Yl]k ÝÛÛI]f]oYZd]Û]f]j_qÛ\]ka_fÛ¬ÛafklYddYlagf Yf\Ûem[` Ûem[`Ûegj] We are Worcester Accredited Installers and specialise in Worcester Greenstar boilers, and offer extended guarantees of up to 10 years*.
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RNA Heating Ltd 1 Trimpley Lane, Bewdley, Worcestershire DY12 1JJ *Terms & conditions apply.
Specialist Services
Installed DOMESTIC COMMERCIAL Locks, Misted Units, Soffits, fascias, gutters & PROPERTY MAINTENANCE WORK DEAN CHAMBERS 07985301956 01562 827712
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Karol Kleen
Call 01299 404275 or Mobile 07970131820
The Finishing Touch 6 Greenbank Bewdley Worcestershire DY12 2JF Tel no : 0 1 2 9 9 4 0 3 2 9 7
Community News
Repairing the roof
Although there have been some grumbles from people finding the roadworks around St Anne’s Church a nuisance, it may be that people aren't aware of what is going on over their heads. Up on the roof very skilled workmen are, among other things, taking out the old timber gutters and replacing them and re- lining them with lead. This was hard work during that spell of hot weather last month; their working conditions were made even hotter because the lead has to be heated with propane high up there above our heads.
After the lead has been heated, it is hammered into shape, or “dressed�. Like much of the work, it is highly skilled and is done using methods that have not changed for a great many years and have been handed down through the generations. Indeed, some of the tools themselves are pretty old; the plumber (the name for anyone who works with lead) is using a hammer made of boxwood, which he has inherited and is very old.
So as you pass the church, feel assured that the work being done up there should last for a long time - we all hope!
Repairing the parapet gutters Re-building the dormer access roof
Specialist Services
Chimney & Lead Work Slating & Tiling Sheet & Felt Roofs Fascia & Soffit Boards Gutter Repair or Renew Roof & Gutter Cleaning Pressure Washing Stone Walling & Fencing Groundwork & Landscaping Residential, Commercial & Agricultural Historical & Listed Buildings • Discounts for OAP’s Free No Obligation Quotes • References Available
T: 01584 878728 | M: 07977 560763 Email: Registered in England and Wales 9552041
Local handyman available for all types of housing and garden maintenance.
Pete Wall Fencing
Local man John Kirk has over 30 years experience of many trades offering a professional service with pride.
Tree Pruning and
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Building maintenance Internal & External Free Quotes available within 24 Hrs Please contact John on any of the following details and he will aim to respond asap.
01299 405477
07956 172825
Mobile : 07748 861130 Home : 01299 878725 Email:
Community News
Wyre Forest Repair Café
After a short summer break the Repair Café will move to St. George;s Hall in Bewdley where they will be held on the third Saturday of each month.
Many people have brought household electrical items, the majority of which have been restored to life by the repairers, several of whom are retired engineers with many years of experience of maintaining and building complex machinery. As word has spread, there has been an increase in the numbers of repairs to clocks, watches, radios, toys and, perhaps due to the wet summer, many umbrellas have been restored to use. At the event in July, repairs ranged from a remote control car to door locks and from an antique baby high-chair to jewellery. The tool sharpening experts have been kept particularly busy as folks bring shears, secateurs and loppers out from their garden sheds to tackle the burgeoning vegetation in their gardens. The sewing machinists have also been kept busy repairing garments which are perhaps too old to be worth getting professionally repaired but which are too well loved to throw away. Local people are urged to retrieve broken household items from the backs of their cupboards and bring them along to the next Repair Café on 17th. September. Also before putting garden tools away for the winter, why not check to see if they need sharpening or repair? Visitors can relax with a hot drink, piece of cake and a chat in The Café in The Hall while waiting for a repairer to examine the items that they brought for repair. A series of workshops are also planned to help people carry out simple repairs of their own and to “up-cycle” furniture and garments.
Anyone interested in volunteering as a repairer or front of house volunteer can contact John Rhymer on or ring 01299 403424 to find out more. Because of the large number of tools being brought for sharpening, we hope to recruit a third tool sharpening specialist to the team. We would also like to hear from anyone with experience of repairing watches. John Rhymer
Specialist Services
Quality Garden Products Delivered to your door.
Ambassador Multi Purpose 40ltr.3 bags £12.00 Levington Multi Purpose 50ltr. 2 bags £10.99 Levington Growbag+Seaweed 2 bags for £9.99 Ambassador Ericaceous 40ltr 2 bags £7.99 Decorative Bark 70ltr. 2 bags for £12.90 Stockists of SHL Professional Composts Galvanised Incinerator+lid Only £29.99 !"##$%&'(#)*#+,#"()-)./01()!))))))))))))))))))))))))))
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!For More Offers Visit our web site: Call: Paul on 01562 741820 Mob: 07704 346506 Email:
Delivery £2.50- Orders £25+ Delivered Free!
Fast & Friendly Service
Community News
I read with awe Tony Redstall’s piece from when he was a young man. It prompts me to suggest you can still have at least modest ‘adventures’ when you are no longer young – backpacking! Courtesy of a spectacularly tolerant daughter who invited me to join her, travelling for some months in South America - and ditto wife who gave her blessing for me to go, and also joined us for a while - I can confirm that, even at much closer to 70 than to 60, you CAN (economically!) for instance:
- travel most of the navigable length of the Amazon, sleeping in a hammock on the open deck of a succession of commercial boats, whose characteristics become increasingly ‘quirky’ the further upstream you go…
- catch the (very delayed) last bus of the day, to reach the Paraguay border at 11.30pm; take it in turns to sleep/keep watch at the closed border post until it re-opens at 3am the next day; get passports stamped and catch the first, 3.30am, bus of the day onwards into Bolivia
- explore the ruins of the biggest mudbrick city in the world - Chan Chan
- hitch an ‘interesting’ ride on a 4x4 to exit an isolated village, after rain has made the dirt road impassable for the regular bus - at Colonia Carlos Pellegrini - visit the largest city in the world accessible only by water or air - Iquitos
- shelter from the rain under a welcome rock overhang, to eat an equally welcome hot meal prepared by the guides, after the trek’s cook deserted!-
- hire a bike for a couple of days to visit the moai, and the quarries where they and their ‘topknots’ were carved – Rapa Nui (see photo)
- routinely sleep on overnight buses, thereby saving the price of a bed (and incidentally saving precious sightseeing time);
- regularly eat well, cheaply, and, best of all, adventurously, at local markets. I could go on…
Yes, I am fortunate. Working, very happily, past ‘normal’ retirement age, supported funding my adventure. 70 now, still in good health, and blessed with a supportive family… but where will you go? Peter Dainty
Specialist Services
Community News
Bewdley Book Week 2016...
starts on September 5th and promises to be the best yet. Tickets are on sale now.
We’re especially pleased that internationally acclaimed novelist Louis DeBernières joins us on the Friday night. He will perform poetry and read from his latest novel. Louis will also play the mandolin alongside The Bookshop Band, gifted musicians with a unique sound. It’s going to be an informal and stimulating evening with a licensed bar. On the Saturday we repeat the popular ‘tea and cake’ afternoon, this time with bestselling romantic novelist Carole Matthews. Carole is best known for her Chocolate Lovers' Club series of books that have sold all over the world. Carole will be joined on stage by Heart FM’s Rachel New.
In response to your requests for more poetry, this year we have a Poetry Day. We hope you’ll come along to see nationally recognised poets, Rob Barratt and Emma Purshouse, in the afternoon (a discounted ticket for both performances is available) and join the free Poetry Open-Mic at the Cock and Magpie in the evening.
The full programme includes: one of the country’s leading translators of Nordic Noir; the founder of The Cottage Herbery in Tenbury Wells; BBC Countryfile’s Farming Hero of 2015; the leader of a band that had nine UK top ten singles; a historian talking about an English king who died 1000 years ago; and an internationally recognised DNA evidence expert witness.
We also have established favourites: Film of the Book Night and the fun Literary Quiz at the The Hop Pole Inn.
Look out for our programme in the centre pages of the Bewdley Festival brochure. Our leaflets are in the Tourist Information Centre where you can buy tickets. You can also buy on-line at See you in September!
Bewdley Bards
The Bewdley Bards are launching their new booklet on Thursday 22nd September at The Barn, Bewdley Hotel (formerly the Black Boy), Wribbenhall at 8 p.m. Words and Music. Free entry.
SG Gardening Maintenance
Garden Garden
Living L
Specialist Services
Kevin Hayes N.C.H.(Pershore)
With over 10 years experience. All gardening aspects of work undertaken, No job too big or too small. For a friendly and reliable service call Stuart.
Planting Plans Pergolas Pruning Water features Patios Walls and fences Phone: 01299 400465 Mob :07866 964427
Garden Maintenance Professional Pruning ! Weed control ! Tree surgery ! Pressure cleaning ! Free Estimates ! Qualified & Insured SG Gardening Maintenance 12 Shrubbery Close, Cookley, DY10 3UH ! !
Tel: 01562 261003 Mob: 07900474049
For Fast & Friendly Service contact: M: 07512 589665 or T: 01299 402622
Dog walking (1/2 hour or 1 hour) Puppy Sitting 'RJ &DW DQG 6PDOO 3HW µ3RS ,Q¶ 6HUYLFH Services offered in Bewdley, Rock and Far Forest areas. Qualified Veterinary Nurse Fully Insured/CRB checked NarpsUK Registered Contact Laura for more information. Tel: 07706 139918 e-mail:
Duck House Trail This year’s Bewdley Festival Community Art Project will be even bigger and better than last year. Over forty local businesses, groups, organisations and individuals have already signed up for the new design of Duck House.
Photo by Colin Hill, showing a consignment of Duck Houses being collected from outside St George’s Hall and taken away for decoration.
A Chance Encounter
Those of you who walk from Welch Gate to Bark Hill will know that it climbs 100ft in a very short distance. The footpath is somewhat unimaginatively called The Steps and there are 56 of them; if you aren’t a born athlete they are a bit of a climb.
Imagine my surprise when I was passed there by young woman actually running up them. Even more surprising was that she reached the top, ran down and repeated the exercise. A little girl sat halfway up regarding the woman with a dispassionate gaze. “Only three more, Mummy”, she said. I had to ask.
“When I had this young lady I acquired some hard-to-shift mummy fat” she explained. “I started running to shift it and now I want to up the stakes, so Georgia and I run from Hales Park and she sits on the steps while I do twelve sets of runs up and down here. Then we both run back home”.
I had to check. “Twelve?”. I needed to have a little sit-down while they finished the training.
So you heard it here first. Laura Loughton, with her three-year-old trainer, is surely Bewdley’s next Olympic hopeful.
Margaret Ashmore
September’s Photographer : Herman Leach
Taken at my uncle’s allotment in Hanover, Germany. I am a keen photographer and have my camera with me most of the time. Having moved to Bewdley fairly recently I am getting lots of local photos, but here are some from my “Before Bewdley” days.
Night-time in the woods at Hazelwood Castle,Tadcaster
The A64 at Hazelwood Castle,Tadcaster.
Farrier showing his trade at the Tockwith show, North Yorkshire.
1st Wribbenhall ‘Land’ Girl Guides
At the start of the school holidays eight Guides got on their bikes and sped down Dry Mill Lane as far as Cooper’s Mill, a small cottage hostel located beside Dowles Brook in the Wyre Forest.
An organised Butterfly Walk was the activity for our first full day. We followed the old railway line, passing through Knowles Mill and into a meadow to take a closer look at butterflies, then to St. George’s farm in Ruskinland to picnic.
On Monday our friend Sean came to take the group to Hawksbatch on the other side of the Button Oak Road to do some ‘mountain biking’ and hone their cycling skills.
On Tuesday we took a packed lunch to Uncllys Farm and lent a hand with the haymaking. A great deal of fun and hard work was had raking up the hay into rows, walking behind the tractor and bailer and finally loading the finished bales onto the trailer.
The remainder of the week was taken up with more fun in the brook, further training in map reading skills and cycling to Bewdley via Dowles Brook. We ate fish and chips, visited the museum and after spending pocket money at Teddy Gray’s got caught in a downpour.
On the final morning the girls followed a trail looking for paper butterflies. In the early afternoon of Friday they returned home, cycling with more confidence than they had six days earlier, although who can blame them for walking the last bit up Dry Mill Lane?
This was truly a very enjoyable week. Thankfully no first aid skills were needed and the girls and leaders all discovered the good things that exist within a few miles of our homes. Brenda Goode
Community News
Bewdley Museum and Tourist Information Centre
Over the month of July, many people visited the ‘ONE GRAIN’ Brass Foundry project, either to look at the research information and artefacts or participate themselves. The ‘ONE GRAIN’ brass apothecary weight, which was made in the Foundry, was only the starting point of the research which branched out in many directions. Originally, it was planned that the research room would be closed for a few months whilst the findings and artefacts could be gathered together to form a permanent exhibition in the Brass Foundry. However, due to continuing interest in the project throughout August, the decision has been taken to leave the research room open so that even more information can be gathered. Please contact, if you can help in anyway. As September arrives, and the new academic year begins, there will be an influx of little ‘Evacuees’ to Bewdley. After a brief interlude, it seems that World War 2 is firmly back in the Primary Curriculum and schools are lining up to visit the Museum and its Air Raid Shelter before catching the ‘Evacuation train’ to the safety of the Highley Countryside!
In the Sawyard, the temporary exhibitions for this month include ‘Geology at different scales’ by textile artist Georgia Jacobs, and the ‘Civic Society’s School Exhibition’, in which aspects of history will be brought to life by pupils from The Bewdley School and Sixth Form Centre. In the Wyre Forest Gallery, ‘Tower to Town’ continues. This popular exhibition features objects and stories from Bewdley Townspeople who bought a poppy for the Tower of London WW1 centenary installation. More information about ‘What’s on’ at the Museum can be found on our website : or phone 0845 603 5699.
The TIC Shop now offers a wider selection of Maps, Books, local produce and Gifts. Please come along and browse, staff are here to help and advise. Remember that discounted tickets are available for West Midlands Safari Park and Severn Valley Railway. For enquiries and information, please refer to the website or phone 0845 607 7819.
Sue Duffield Bewdley Museum
Bewdley Civic Society
Titanic, The Midlands’ Connections by
Andrew Lound
Wednesday 14th September St. George’s Hall 7.30pm Non members welcome
Specialist Services
We are looking for a permanent part time coordinator to work in our busy office in Bewdley from 0900 to 1400 Monday to Friday. The rate of pay is £8.20 per hour. Covering North West Worcestershire, Community Transport Wyre Forest is a charity that provides a door to door transport service using volunteer drivers’ own cars and our four specialist vehicles. We run journeys to the doctors, dentists and hospitals: shops; a wide range of social gatherings or just to meet up with friends and relatives. The main duties include taking bookings by phone, e mail or online and scheduling volunteers and vehicles to provide the required transport. This is a customer service role. We are looking for someone used to working in a busy office with a friendly telephone manner, good IT skills, and a sympathetic understanding of the needs of people from a wide range of backgrounds. For more information look at our website For an initial discussion, contact Beverley Coldrick, Chief Officer at Community Transport Wyre Forest on 01299 405832. Applicants should send their CV together with a covering letter explaining their reasons for applying to Beverley Coldrick, Community Transport Wyre Forest, St Anne’s Church, Load Street, Bewdley DY12 2AE. No later than 21st September 2016.
Dr Vivien Newrick Homeopath
!From absolutely terrified to euphoric in 90 mins"#
medically qualified and registered homeopathic practitioner
Tel : 01299 401617 Mob : 07884 098582 !Delivers the feel good factor"# Adult singing group# $release the singer inside you!# Starts September 15th, Thursday%s, 1.30 - 3.00pm# Wyre Room, St. George%s Hall, Bewdley, DY12 2EQ#
4 Load Street Bewdley Professional unisex hairdressing, beauty and nails for all ages 01299 403188
1st session free!# Beginners welcome# Contact - 07801225883#
Community News
Guide Dog Puppy Walking
Such a lot has happened since our last update in July. Our beautiful Jeanette returned to Guide Dogs in May to begin her formal guide dog training. As I am sure you can imagine, it was very hard to say goodbye to her, as she had grown into such a lovely dog, full of character with a joyful enthusiasm towards everyone and everything she encountered. We miss her but I am very happy to report that she is doing exceptionally well according to her trainer, who has high hopes for her.
After she had gone, I was asked by Guide Dogs if I would consider taking on an older puppy who needed a new home to finish her puppy walking so we now have Peggy with us. She is a golden Labrador, ten months old now and a such a gentle, sweet natured dog who has seamlessly fitted in with us, as if she has always been here. Peggy apparently comes from a line that guide dogs are keen to continue, probably because they are consistently successful, with the result that Peggy has been put forward as a possible brood - a guide dog mum. She will have to undergo a very exhaustive regime of tests as they need to select only dogs free from any defect to breed from, plus assessments on her temperament, although I do not foresee any problems there as she has such a calm and loving outlook on life. Whilst these tests are being carried out, she will continue being puppy-walked by us initially to train as a guide dog. So, Peggy (or Peggy-Sue as she has affectionately become known by us, with a nod to the late, great Buddy Holly), and I will be out and about in Bewdley along with Gabi and Isla and Fran and Delphi and we look forward to seeing you all.
Roni Bowden
Coffee Morning for Marie Curie 8 September 2016 10:30 - 2pm
Bewdley Baptist Church
Come and join us to raise funds for Marie Curie whilst enjoying tea or coffee and delicious cakes and biscuits. Marie Curie provide care and support for people living with any terminal illness, and their families.
They’ve been carrying out this vital work for over 65 years – last year alone they cared for over 40,000 people across the UK. 33
Community Corner Pre-School
Specialist Services
St.Anne’s Cof E Primary School, Wyre Hill, Bewdley DY12 2UQ Tel: 01299 401871
• Community Corner; at the heart of the community on the site of St Anne’s Primary School, enjoying an excellent partnership with our host school • Quality pre-school care & education: our staff team are highly qualified Practitioners, who are passionate about childcare, it’s in their hearts • ‘TOTS’; our specially created 2 yr. olds room, a gentle start for your child
Funded places offered for 2, 3 & 4 year olds Monday to Friday, 9a.m. - 3p.m. during term time Call Chris for more information or visit us at Community Corner Pre-school; touching hearts right from the start
Edward Cound - Registered Osteopath !! !! !! !!
Back pain, Sciatica & Trapped Nerves Headaches, Migraines and Arthritic pains Neck & Shoulder pain and Postural problems Sports Injuries. Also Hip, Knee and Ankle problems
ST GEORGE’S HALL Wednesday evenings & Thursday mornings
SATISFACTION GUARANTEE !"#$%&#'()#*%+#,'-,.)/#01+2#+2)#$%&(# +()'+3)*+#1+#0%*4+#5%,+#$%&#'*$+21*677# 88#
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Community News
Our club outing to Uncllys Farm, Ruskinland, Wyre Forest in July was a great experience. After a most enjoyable early evening meal at the Hop Pole in Bewdley, we enjoyed a very interesting guided walk through the forest on a lovely summer’s evening, which was complemented by an equally informative talk on woodland life and the essential woodland management. Although we had no official meetings in the holiday month of August, we nevertheless supported the Button Oak Fete with a Splat the Rat stand.
Now back to work with our first Business meeting on Thursday 1st Sept. – as usual in the Baxter Church Room, Kidderminster – prompt starting time 7.30 pm. Our first autumn Supper Meeting at La Brasserie, Kidderminster, is Thursday 22nd September 6.30 pm for 7 pm start, when our next speaker in our ‘Why am I …’ series of talks is Kay Butler on “Why am I Head of Birchen Coppice School?” Visitors are welcome to our regular Club meetings are on first and third Thursday each month.
For more details contact : Tel: 01299 266101 Email on
Website link on : Facebook: Soroptimists Kidderminster Bewdley Horticultural Society
Fuchsias, Perennial Favourites Monday September 19th at 7.30pm The Riverside Church, Dog Lane Non members welcome
The Sussex Jazz Kings are returning to Rock Village Hall on Saturday 15th October.
They are an excellent traditional jazz band and have always played to a full house when they have visited Rock in previous years. All proceeds go to Save the Children Fund. Tickets cost £10.00 and includes a Ploughman's Supper. There will be a licensed bar and raffle. Doors open at 7.30 pm. Do come and enjoy jazz in Rock.
Tickets from Len And Maureen Pitman 01299 832294 or 07967 843930 35
Specialist Services
!"#$%&'$(&)*)+,$'"!"#$(&) Home Visiting Practitioner
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Mobile: 07989 964854 x x x x x x
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06/07/2016 09:27 Page 1
Affordable plumbing solutions Local, friendly and reliable. Gas and LPG New boilers, boiler servicing, landlord safety checks, central heating, hot water cylinders, general plumbing. Fully insured Call Rob Shelter 07990523790 Email
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The deadline for the October issue of The Bridge is 10th September
Thinking about your child’s ed e ucation? Moffats, your loca all prep school, welcomes children from the ages of 3-13. A happy family y school in an exceptional setting. Extras include ridin ng in our 100-acre grounds. Funded Kindergarten places: ages 3 & 4.
36 • 01299 841230 Kinlet Hall • Shropshire • DY12 3AY
Bewdley Townswomen’s Guild
Community News
A warm welcome is extended to everyone to join us for our annual Harvest Supper & Auction : 7 pm on September 27th at Wribbenhall Community Centre, Shaw Hedge Road
Everyone is encouraged to bring a donation of products such as fruits, vegetables, pickles, preserves, tarts, cakes etc
These are displayed around the room making it colourful and festive.
The evening starts with a scrummy fish or chicken and chip supper, followed by a cuppa. The Auction of all the products then takes place and the monies raised go towards Guild funds. Do join us on this fun evening.
Contact: Chair: Maureen Golborne 01299 488526 or Lois Hopkins 01299 409465
Bewdley and Wribbenhall Ladies Luncheon Club
In July we had a “Nostalgic Trip Down the High Street”, with accompanying TV adverts over the years, by Nigel Metcalf.
On 28th September speaker Nick Channing will take us “From Downton Abbey to Watership Down”.
We welcome ladies to our meetings at the Mercure, and for further information please ring 01299 877908.
All Saints Church Wribbenhall
Old Fashioned Jumble Sale
on Saturday 1st october 10am till 12noon
Clothes, Toys, Books, Bric-a-brac, DVDs, CDs, Jig-saws etc. Refreshments available Admission 30p 37
Specialist Services
͒Your hair is our best advertʎ͓ 01299 270702
Bewdley Cricket Club is located on High Street, sandwiched between the idyllic River Severn and Red Hill at its Lower Park Headquarters. Set amid some of Worcestershire's finest rural scenery, the ground is considered one of the prettiest in the county. The ground is the perfect backdrop to any celebration, be it a birthday, christening, or wedding, and the wonderful out door space is complimented by a large furnished patio area. The clubhouse, having been entirely refurbished in 2012, boasts a fully licensed bar with a range of draught beer and has the capacity for parties up to 100 people. With a fully equipped kitchen, the club is able to host self catered events and has seating capacity for up to 50 people. With Wi-Fi capability and big screen projection, the club lends itself as a perfect venue for small scale conferences, meetings and team building events for businesses.
Tel: 07870 752274 Web: Email: Twitter: @BewdleyCC
Contact us now to discuss your requirements….
Facebook: BewdleyCC
Community News
Kidderminster Horticultural Society 2016 Country Fair and Horticultural Show
Our 62nd Show takes place on 10th and 11th September 2016 and is held in the grounds of the Mercure Hotel on the Habberley Road between Bewdley and Kidderminster. DY12 1LA. Open from 10AM to 5.30 PM each day.
It costs ÂŁ2.50 per person (children free) free car parking
Our Country Fair and Horticultural Show is a very popular event with the local community. It is a traditional floral, fruit, vegetable, wine and craft show with prizes awarded by a panel of judges.
The show will formally be opened at 12 noon on Saturday by BBC Hereford & Worcester and Midlands Today presenter Michael Collie.
There will also be a CRAFT FAIR of about 20 different stalls. We will have displays of cars and a display of old agricultural tools. Other stalls include - Garden Furniture, Pottery, Garden ornaments, Walking stick carving, Medieval display, Bouncy Castle, Childrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Victorian round-a-bout, and many other Country side type stalls.
There will also be a Plant Sale, Raffle, Gardeners Question Time, Floral Art And Cookery Demonstrations, Military Vehicles. Wyre Forest Dog Rescue. Blacksmith Demonstration, Chain Saw Carving, Pole Lathe Turning, Odd Chair Man, Hurdle Weaver. Owl Display. Taikwando. Fire Eating & Juggling. Basket making, Dog Agility, Garden sheds & water features, Dancing displays and lots more. There will be something for all the family to enjoy.
Live music on Saturday & Sunday
Reasonably priced Lunches, Sandwiches, Bbq & Other Refreshments Including Home Made Cakes will be on sale all day. A weed is a plant that has mastered every survival skill except how to grow in rows! 39
Specialist Services
High Quality Fruit & Vegetables (inc seasonal produce, locally grown)
Fish, Eggs, Local Honey & Marmalade. Flowers for all Occasions (Special Orders Catered For)
Online ordering now available at Register with us for regular FREE deliveries to your door
HEALTHY START vouchers accepted
Dog Lane • Bewdley • Worcs • DY12 2EF
t :
01299 400346 40
Specialist Services
TEL: 01299 402254 With over 35 years experience in manufacturing educational and office furniture, Witley Jones brings you an innovative and exciting new dimension for home office and fitted bedroom furniture – Witley Direct. Drawing on our highly skilled in-house manufacturing and design teams, Witley Direct offers you the chance to liven up your home – from a new bright and vibrant bedside cabinet, to a luxurious fitted home office. Contact now, for an informal discussion or to proceed with a home visit from one of our design team. website – email – telephone – 01299 828888 mobile – 07785 613366 Offering stylish storage solutions to neglected and awkward spaces Over 35 years experience Locally manufactured Buy direct from the manufacturer
B. Ince
Specialist Services
Funeral Director
Telephone: 01299 403105
Private Chapel of Rest
Bank House Severnside South Bewdley, Worcestershire
The deadline for the October issue of The Bridge is 10th September
23#4)15%43&4#3%/)+6%"763*%"18%4")1*9%)1:0';9%"'+6')+)*9%% *7)"+)7"%"18%63"8"763*%"')*)15%<'&-%+63%137=> Treatment available outside normal working hours based at Cleobury Chiropractic in Cleobury Mortimer High Street !"##$%07506 287191, 07932 000028 &'%()*)+$ ,-")#$ .&##&/%0*%&1$ 42
Well Done!
Community News
Just wanted to say how wonderful our town is looking. The hanging baskets look wonderful with yellow flowers looking so bright and cheerful.
Also a huge “well done” to the wonderful window displays and the efforts put in last month which were appreciated I'm sure by residents as well as visitors.
Brenda Barnicle
Bewdley WI
St George's Hall
3rd October 2016
"Rhythmicity" A Drum & Percussion Workshop
Speakers - Tim and Pamela Scarborough - Music Therapists Visitors Welcome - Entrance Fee £3
After two visits we would like you to consider joining the WI 61 High Street, Bewdley 01299 403267
Messy Church returns on 18th September!
Life can be really messy, and Messy Church is all about having fun in that messiness! It’s a chance to come together, to enjoy craft activities, stories, singing and food! It’s not just another children’s club though, this is for the whole family, young and old alike! Messy Church is a safe, comfortable and enjoyable place for all ages to come and explore the Christian faith through a variety of creative fun ways. So come along 4-6pm on: 18th September and 16th October This is church, but not like you’ve known. It’s creative. It’s messy. It’s FUN! 43
Specialist Services
“A lifetime’s attention to the most complex of legal investigations as a retired Detective Superintendent means you can definitely trust Mark to write your will”
Wills, Lasting Powers of Attorney, Care Home Fee Avoidance Probate & Discounted Funeral Plans (Wills from £75 per person) Instructions taken in the comfort of your own home T: 01299 251442 M: 07966 053887 Trading Standards Approved
Garden party & lunch
Community News
Sunday 11th September 2016 12:30 for 1:00 pm
By kind invitation of Nita Crutch
12 Stourport Road, Bewdley, DY12 1BD Marquee
Tickets: £10 (bring your own wine) children £5
Garden games, Auction with professional auctioneer
Tickets available from St. Anne’s church or Robert Limbrick on 01299 400704
Bewdley Evergreen for the young at heart
at Bewdley Baptist Church Wednesdays 2.00 - 3.30
14th September: Handbells 28th September: Harvest festival 19th October: Painting plates All welcome. For more information telephone Ellen Micklewright 01299 409355
Live Wyres is a social club for single people. We meet in pubs around the area and hold dances and other events in a range of venues from hotels to village halls. The following are a few of our events for September: Tue. 6th – Pub Night at The Queen’s Head, Wolverley. DY11 5XB – Committee Meeting Sat. 10th – Live Wyres Trip to Liverpool. Tue. 13th - Pub Night at The Old House at Home, B’ham Rd, Blakedown. DY10 3JE Sat. 17th – Live Wyres Dance with DJ Phil Sheppard at Wribbenhall Parish Rooms Thur. 22nd – Whist Drive in the Top Room at the Queen’s Head, Wolverley. DY115XB Fri. 23rd – Skittles Night at the Fountain, Clent, DY9 9PU Tue. 27th – Pub Night at the Island Pool, W’ton Road, Cookley. DY10 3RX We always welcome new members. Anyone interested can find out further information at our website or contact Sandra on 01299 400979. 39
x x x x
Specialist Services
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dĞů͗ ϬϭϮϵϵ ϰϬϮϳϰϭ! "ŵĂŝů͗ ŝŶĨŽΛǁƌŝŐŚƚ"ƐŽůŝĐŝƚŽƌƐ͘ĐŽ͘ƵŬ ! ǁǁǁ͘ǁƌŝŐŚƚ"ƐŽůŝĐŝƚŽƌƐ͘ĐŽ͘ƵŬ!
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Community News
Fund raising walk for KEMP Sunday 18th September
KEMP Hospice in Kidderminster has joined forces with Compton Hospice in Wolverhampton to offer a 20 mile and an 8 mile fund raising walk on Sunday 18th September. A similar event organised in 2010 by the Midcounties Co-op saw 240 walkers raise over £25,000 for both hospices.
The 20 mile walk starts at The Lock Inn Public House,Wolverley, and the 8 mile walk begins at the Round Oak Pub in Wombourne, both finishing for refreshments at Compton Hospice. Transport is provided back to the start.
Registration is just £15.00 per person and can be done at or on 01562 756077. Registration forms are also available from Bewdley’s KEMP retail shop or the Hospice reception. If you are unable to participate in the walk itself but still would like to support, there are a number of volunteering roles available on the day. For more information please contact : Shelley Stanley, Event Fundraiser on
With your support we can raise valuable funds to help people in the Wyre Forest who are living with the difficulties of a life limiting illness, as well as adults and children coping with bereavement and loss of a loved one. Last year we supported 850 people and with your help this year, we will support 1,000 people in our community when it matters the most, so thank you.
Rooms for Hire at the
Quaker Meeting House Lower Park, Bewdley
Range of rooms Fully equipped kitchen
Disability friendly Attractive secluded garden Reasonable rates
For more information about hiring this historic building which in parts dates from the 1690’s please contact Tony Sargent on: 01299 405943 or 41
S Specialist Services
Community News
Bewdley Methodist Church Music in the Chapel
‘Favourite Classics’ organ recital
Distinguished musician Andrew Crabtree will give an afternoon recital of ‘favourite classics’ on the newly restored organ at Bewdley Methodist Church on Saturday 1st October (2.30pm).
The recital is the first in a series of ‘Music in the Chapel’ events at the church, building on the success of its ‘sponsor-a-pipe’ appeal that raised £9,000 to restore its historic pipe organ and included a sell-out concert by Kidderminster Male Choir and an organ recital by rising star Bartosz Thiede, organ scholar at Exeter College, Oxford. Proceeds from Andrew Crabtree’s recital on 1st October will go towards the cost of recent building repairs at the church. The recital starts at 2.30pm.
Tickets cost £8.00 and are available from Mike Dernie on 01299 400284 or Neil Sollom on 01746 781087.
Overheard on the way down Park Lane to Bewdley the other day... Girl : Daddy can I have a pony tail?
Dad : Ok... Once apon a time there was a pony...
Well it tickled my funny bone! Martin Flegg
Rock Pathfinders
Free guided walks, off the roads and into the countryside. All welcome. 1st September Village Hall Car Park, Hope Lane, Clifton on Teme WR6 6DN SO reference 712615 15th September from Kinver Community Centre Sterrymere Gardens Kinver DY7 6ER SO ref 846838 Full programme at Or ring Alan 01299 400304 or Jan 01299 832571 43
Severnside Solutions web sites Âą email Âą hosting Social media
Are you looking for a new web site? Is your current website looking a bit tired? Is your web site responsive and work well on a mobile phone? We have been designing, developing and supporting modern web sites for local businesses and organisations for the past 9 years. For a free consultation contact: Or call Peter Barnett on:
07429 170714
The deadline for the October issue of The Bridge is 10th September
Bayton Fuel Co Clows Top
Coal and Smokeless Fuel Merchants For all your coal needs Pre packed fuel available Please ring for details 01299 832 308 01299 400 479
Specialist Services
Community News
Health and Safety
Just to get it straight from the start; I’m not one of those people who makes glib remarks about “health and safety gone mad”. Back in my childhood we swung on swings made of skin-pinching chains and splintering wood and duly fell off on to stones and gravel. We fell off unguarded ladders and throttled ourselves on dangling ropes; fed on out of date food and electrocuted ourselves on lethal apparatus. There were lots of horrible accidents that these days simply wouldn’t happen because the Health and Safety Executive ensures they can’t.
I was reminded of this when out for a walk the other day round Trimpley reservoir. It’s delightful even on a rainy day but this day was sunny and the wildlife was variously swimming, lazing on the shore and doubtless eating each other. Then I saw this sign. It’s a good read, and well worth ten minutes of anyone’s time. You won’t be able to tell by the photo but the awful dangers lurking in those tranquil waters are spelled out in no less than eleven sections. There is a list of how Severn Trent has our best interests at heart as long as we behave; the dangers of cold water and currents in the deep water, and the likelihood of ice in cold weather (who knew?). Then both swimming and cycling are off limits and dogs need a lead and someone to clean up after them. Paths - slippery. Weather - changeable. Jumping in - utterly stupid and dangerous. So the last section, with an emergency number, comes as a relief.
And you know what: that’s all very, very good advice and an encouragement to all of us to behave sensibly. The only quibble I have is that it’s an awful lot to read in one go. I still recommend to you all that you put on sensible footwear (those slippery paths!), go up there for a stroll and enjoy a good read. The scenery, too, really is very beautiful.
Margaret Ashmore
Knock Knock
Who’s there?
Acci who?
What are you doing here? 45
Waiting to happen
Specialist Services
Wyre Community Land Trust are developing a small estate wood yard and workshop in a lovely location in the Wyre Forest and we are looking to recruit a second new team of volunteers to further build this enterprise.
We already have an enthusiastic team who have been making great progress over the last six months and are now looking to set up a second group who will meet from 10 till 3pm on wednesdays
If you have recently retired or have time available and enjoy practical work both inside and outside where you can develop new skills, we would like to talk to you.
This is a rare opportunity to get in at the start of this exciting venture and help us create a new enterprise where we will utilise oak from the forest to create a range of products from beams to bird boxes and gates to simple garden furniture.
Joining the team will involve one day per week of your time and will provide an opportunity to work in a supervised environment, learning new skills or utilising those you already have as well as making new friends and enjoying good company. If you are interested please telephone Kate Quinton on 01299 488083 or Julian Roberts on 07774 52
Community News
Christmas 2016
Bewdley Town Council - News
The season to be jolly will soon be upon us once again! This year the Town Council have been working with Wyre Forest District Council and local community groups on our Victorian Christmas in Bewdley event which will be held on the 26th November 2016 and include the ever popular lights switch on. The event will be Victorian themed, so members of the community are encouraged to come to the event in their best Victorian outfits to give the day a real Christmassy feel! The day will start at around 12pm, with entertainment on the “main stage”, a market in Load Street car park and plenty to eat and drink. The lights switch on will be at 5.30pm. If anyone would like a stall at the market, please contact our market operator, CJ Events ( or the Town Council via our website ( Town Councillor Surgery
At their August meeting, Councillors discussed how to make themselves more accessible to the public. All Councillor contact details are on our website, but sometimes a face to face conversation is more appropriate and more productive. Councillors therefore decided that they will have a presence at each Local Produce Market so people can speak to them directly about issues affecting the community. The surgery will start on Sunday 4th September. A room for private discussions will be made available. Discover Bewdley Harvest Fair
The Town Council have taken on the co-ordination of this event which will be held on the 1st and 2nd October 2016. This annual fair is organised by Bewdley Development Trust, Wyre Forest District Council and Bewdley Town Council and will be the usual celebration of local produce and traditional arts and craft. And of course the Soup Trail will be back! So, put the dates in your diary and join us for another fabulous event in Bewdley. Future Town Council Meetings Town Council meetings are held at The Guildhall at 7.30pm on the first Monday of each month unless stated otherwise. The next meetings are: 5th September 2016 and 3rd October 2016. Agendas of Town Council and Planning Committee Meetings are posted on the Notice Boards outside the Mayor’s Parlour, in the Guildhall Foyer and by the Library Entrance. All Agendas and Minutes are available on the Town Council’s website 53
Specialist Services
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