The Bridge October 2016
October in the Forest
Cooler temperatures and shorter days trigger more and more seasonal changes this month as wild plants and animals prepare for winter.
The winter ‘thrushes’- fieldfares and redwings - arrive in Britain now, moving down from their northern homes in Scandinavia to an environment which is less harsh and can provide food for their survival. They can be seen eating berries such as rowan and holly in the forest, but fieldfares often seek out apples in orchards and all kinds of berried trees and shrubs such as pyracantha in gardens. Butterflies are partial to rotten fruit too, and we may see commas, peacocks and small tortoiseshells feeding on fallen apples this month.
The fruits of the season include fruiting bodies of various fungi. One that is known to many people is the shaggy ink cap or lawyer’s wig. This favours grassland and can be eaten when newly sprouted and when the gills are still white – not that you’d want to eat it once it ripens into a dripping, inky mess (that is, when it’s deliquescing – a wonderful word which I challenge you to work into your conversation!). Sadly this isn’t the place to search for truffles as the soil is too acidic. I don’t really like them but like the idea of wandering the woods with a pig on a lead, and success would bring some cash for me and a longer life for Nigel or Boris, currently destined to be sausages by the end of 2016.
The fallow bucks now have their new antlers fully-grown and have rubbed them free of the velvet which encased them as they grew. They are also in peak condition and charged with testosterone, ready for the rut which peaks in the middle of the month. The bucks contest the right to mate with the females attracted to the rutting grounds by their deep, groaning calls, and the does stay in harems for about a month. The sounds of groaning and fighting are a rare but evocative sound of Wyre in the autumn, restricted these days to the more remote areas of the forest where disturbance is less likely.
If you visit the Callow Hill end of the forest, look out for the autumn trail around the yellow route. If you’re visiting Wyre or any other forest with children or are open to suggestions for some walk-enhancing activities you may like to have a look at the downloadable autumn activity ideas at . There are two fundraising events in the Wyre Forest this month: the Resolution Run on October 2nd to raise funds for the Stroke Association (see for details); and Halloween Walks on 29th October at 4pm, 5.30pm and 7pm (for children) and 9pm for adults with the registration fees and sponsorship going to KEMP Hospice. Register online at or contact Shelley on or 01562 756077. Linda Iles
Editorial News
The Bridge is the community voice of Bewdley
It is free and delivered by volunteers to more than 4,600 homes every month Visit us at
Welcome to October’s edition of The Bridge, full of events and with a particularly packed What’s On page. This month we are pleased to bring you what we hope will be a new regular feature about Wribbenhall’s last remaining dairy farm. Chris Grainger has lived at Grey Green for most of his life and shares memories and news of what has been happening more recently on page 31. We are often asked about the best way for material to be sent to The Bridge so perhaps a word or two of explanation is timely. The advertising email address is the one to use if you are a local businesss or tradesperson and want to put a paid advertisement into the magazine. Martin looks after the advertising system and will advise about the best formats to use once he receives your enquiry. Our advertisers are very important to us and keep the magazine going. We also know that Bridge readers appreciate being able to call upon a local trader or support a local business. Please keep that support going! If you wish to advertise a community event, then this will be included in our Community News pages which are free of charge. Please send your material to the editorial address below, preferably as a Word or similar document rather than as a pdf. The design editors can then format the document using our publishing software package so we can fit material into the space we have, try and make it look attractive and not leave any gaps. Every month is like solving some kind of changing jigsaw puzzle. Pdfs make this much more difficult. If you don’t have access to email, Peter Kirk, a member of the Bridge team, can offer help with this. Leave a message for him with your contact details and a copy of what needs typing at the coffee bar in St. Anne’s Church, open Tuesday to Saturday from 10 until 2. He may well need a week or so’s notice before the 10th of the month deadline. Logos and picture liven up the pages; please send those as picture files where possible. And of course we love receiving articles, pictures and news of what is happening in the town. Keep sending it in. In a time when print is under threat from the internet, let’s see if we can keep our little magazine going as long as possible! Gill
Sharing your news with us
If you want to share your news and photographs or advertise your company.
If you can help deliver please email Deliverers mostly take out less than 50 magazines. Reserve list is also useful. Printed by A&G Printing Co Ltd Cover photograph: Apples at Pleasant Harbour 3
Specialist Services
Hopleys Family Camping Cleobury Road, Bewdley
M@DIINIO(D(:CKKNIO(PC)CMJN8I(8P(8J!CP()C@C=PDJN8I((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( =HJ(:DIJNIO(78ACJ!NIO(D(=NJ !"##$%$&'(
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We are currently taking bookings for Autumn 2017 and Spring 2018 )"/-*0-(H'(I";(J"(K,'02''(L"24()%$%34*-,"/ 01299 402173 - !!!"#$%&'()*+,%-./"*$"0123 !!!"4+*'5$$1"*$,6#$%&'()4+,-&(*+,%-./
*** Your Local Family Run Company *** PRIVATE HIRE ***
DAY TOURS (SS = £16 MID-WEEK SUPER SAVERS) Sat 1 Oct Sat 8 Oct Sun 16 Oct Tue 10 Oct Sun 30 Oct Wed 2 Nov
21 Oct 24 Oct 12 Nov 27 Nov 12 Dec 16 Jan 20 Feb
Ludlow & Carding Mill Valley £16 Brecon Beacons & The Mumbles £20 Lyme Regis or Seaton £20 Moreton in Marsh & Bourton (SS) Robin Hood & Lincoln Green £20 The Mousetrap Matinee B'ham £30
Mon 21 Nov Wed 7 Dec Sun 11 Dec Sun 1 Jan Sun 29 Jan Thu 9 Mar
Thursford Christmas Show £62 Xmas Music - Symphony Hall £24 The Nutcracker - Hippodrome £48 New Year Tour & Lunch £35 Beethoven's Fifth – Sym Hall £40 Billy Elliot - Hippodrome £58
LYTHAM & ILLUMINATIONS WEEKEND 3 days £190 SOUTHSEA & THE MARY ROSE 5 days £340 SIDMOUTH 5 days £320 ADVENT IN ELY CATHEDRAL 2 days £110 TURKEY & TINSEL in TORBAY 5 days £199 WINTER WARMER in TORQUAY 5 days £195 EARLY SPRING in BOURNEMOUTH 5 days £180 Price includes dinner, bed and breakfast & excursions USUALLY PICKING UP WITHIN Tel 01299 402989 To Book / For Brochure / Private Hire WALKING DISTANCE OF YOUR (46 Sandbourne Drive, Bewdley, DY12 1BN) HOME Or visit or Bewdley Tourist Information
Community News
October 1-31 Duck House Trail Community Arts project in Jubilee Gardens 1 Jumble Sale All Saints’ Church Wribbenhall 10 - 12noon - see page 33 3 All Saints’ Church Wribbenhall Knit and Natter 10 -12 Free refreshments. All welcome 1-2 Discover Bewdley Harvest Fair - see pages 17 & 23 1 Favourite Classics Organ Recital Methodist Church 2.30pm 2 Macmillan coffee morning - see page 25 2 Bewdley Footpaths walk 2pm - see page 21 3 Bewdley WI Drum & Percussion Workshop St George's Hall - see page 41 3 Bewley Floral Art meeting - see page 19 5 The Great Pink Bake Off Coffee Morning at Bewdley Tennis Club - see page 19 6 Cinema in the Hall: Love and Friendship - see inside back cover 6 Rock Pathfinders walk - see page 39 7-16 Bewdley Festival - see pages 29 & 37 10 All Saints’ Church Wribbenhall Book sale 10 till 12noon, plus Knit and Natter. 11 Soroptimists Afternoon tea with Henry Sandon - see page 39 12 Together Project lunch - see page 43 13 Knit & Natter at the Methodist Church, 2 - 4.00pm - see page 5 13 Cinema in the Hall: Sing Street - see inside back cover 13 Kidderminster Beekeepers Association meetinng - see page 39 15 Wyre Forest Repair Café at St. George’s Hall 10am -2pm 15 Sussex Jazz Kings Rock Village Hall 7.30pm - see page 29 17 All Saints’ Church Wribbenhall Knit and Natter 10 -12 Free refreshments. All welcome 17 Bewdley Horticultural Society meeting - see page 19 18 Methodist Church Walking Group, 10.30am - see page 5 18 Bewdley Civic Society meeting - see page 19 19 Wyre Forest Repair Café at St. George’s Hall 10am -2pm 19 Bewdley Evergreens for the young at heart 2 - 3.30pm - see page 43 20 Cinema in the Hall: Our Kind of Traitr - see inside back cover 20 Rock Pathfinders walk - see page 39 22 Tenuto Concert at All Saints’ Church - see page 11 24 Cards for Good Causes shop opens in St. George’s Hall Undercroft - see page 19 25 Bewdley Townswomen’s Guild meeting - see page 41 26 Together group - see page 43 26 Bewdley and Wribbenhall Ladies Luncheon Club meeting - see page 33 27-29 The Big Draw and Apple Day Celebration - see page 25 29 Quiz & Chips Wribbenhall Parish Room - see page 21 November 2 Bewdley Evergreens for the young at heart 2 - 3.30pm - see page 43 4 Music in the Hall: Katy Rose Bennett and support - see inside back cover 5 Traidcraft Fair in St. Anne’s church - see page 27 5 Autumn Fair at Wribbenhall Parish Room 5
Specialist Services
CHECK OUT: w w w . t r a n q u i l l i t y - t r a v e l . c o . u k 6
Specialist Services
A warm welcome for YOU at Bewdley Methodist Church
You are assured a warm welcome at our services on Sundays at 10.30 and special services as advertised. Once a month, children and grandchildren enjoy their own lively Sunday Club.We’re next to the Jubilee gardens on High Street.
Weekday activities in October Tuesday 13th House fellowship, 7.30pm
Thursday 13th Knit & Natter at church, 2.00-4.00pm
To find out more about any of our activities or to enquire about baptism, marriage or funerals please contact our minister Revd Phil Hoar Tel 826641
Did you know? Our dedicated Knit & Natter ladies have knitted enough children’s jumpers to fill two big parcels for needy youngsters in Rwanda.Well done!
Invites you...................
We’d love to extend a warm welcome to you and your family to join us at one of our Sunday services in our church 61, High Street.
Family Worship is Every Sunday at 10am - This is our main service where together we praise God through singing; we pray for each other, our community, our world and hear how the messages from Jesus written in the Bible are relevant for our lives today.
We spend the first 15mins worshipping together before the children and young people head out into their various age-appropriate groups.
Our Evening Service is every Sunday (expect August) at 6.30pm - These are generally quieter services and we have a different style each week, helping us to connect with God in different ways. These include cafe services, film nights, contemplative services, hymn and modern praise evenings and healing services. We gather from 6.00pm for tea and coffee and start at 6.30pm.
We believe there really is something for every member of your family so why not come and visit us sometime soon? We really look forward to meeting you! 7
Specialist Services
Severnside School of Dancing
Classes in Ballet, Tap, Modern, Classical Greek, and Acrobatic Dance held at the Wheatsheaf Room, Bewdley Institute Special Junior hour Fridays 4-5 Training for Festivals and exams Contact Joyce Campbell on 01299 400633 Like us in Facebook
• BHS qualified instruction • Excellent Facilities • Well schooled horses and ponies • Friendly, relaxed atmosphere • Small class sizes
Phone Adele on: 07799 761 932 Alton Piece, Dark Lane, Rock, Worcs, DY14 9YN 8
A warm welcome from Bewdley Baptist Church
✦ Who
Church News l
Let The Dads Out - Second Saturday of the month for dads and toddlers ✦ Messy Church - Third Sunday of the month 4-6pm. Family Fun ✦ Eat-Chat-Enjoy Second Tuesday of the month. For those 60 and over ✦ Youth Activities ✦ Men’s Group ✦ House Groups ✦ Discipleship Groups ✦ Bible Study and Prayer Groups
Our main focus of worship is on Sundays at 10am, where there is a relaxed style with lively music, all ages come together and we hear God's word for today through the Bible. Sunday evening at 6.30pm we have a shorter, more reflective service. Weekly Events Our church runs a number of regular events during the week: ✦ Noah’s Ark - for parents and toddlers. ✦ Circle of Friends - an afternoon meeting for ladies. ✦ Art Group - a quiet place to paint and draw.
Like to know more? Contact the minister Simon Harry, at the church office (403267) or visit Bewdley Baptist Church 61 High Street Bewdley
St Leonard’s
St Anne’s Church
Sunday morning worship: 11.15am
Sunday worship at 9.30am Worship lasts for about an hour. Music is usually a mix of contemporary and traditional. Children and young people will often meet in their own groups and join with adults later on.
On the first Sunday each month we have a service of Holy Communion.
On the other Sundays we have Matins – from the Book of Common Prayer. Church is usually open in daylight hours for prayer, peace & quiet.
Wednesdays at 10.15am Morning Worship
Thinking about baptism? Come to 9.30am Sunday service at St Anne’s Bewdley and we’ll talk together over coffee.
Booking a wedding at St Leonard’s Ribbesford, St Anne’s or All Saints’, Wribbenhall – please call Roz Mace on 01299 401605 or to arrange an appointment.
Thinking about a Wedding?
Please call Roz Mace 01299 401605 or to arrange an appointment The Churchwarden, on 01299 403983.
Thinking about baptism – come to our 9.30am Sunday service and we’ll talk together over coffee
You are very welcome. However you come. Whyever you come. We hope you will come again. Our website is:
Our website is:
Specialist Services
Church News l
Bewdley Methodist Church
St Andrew’s Bewdley
High Street Services at 10.30 every Sunday
The Chapel in the woods
Sunday worship: 11.15am on the second Sunday each month St Andrew's is found in Button Oak, Shropshire, 3 miles north of Bewdley on the B4194 to Kinlet.
For details about any activities or special services please see our advert or contact Rev. Philip Hoar on 826641.
All Saints Wribbenhall
Sunday Worship at 9.30am Worship lasts for about an hour
We are a thriving Elim Pentecostal Church in the heart of Bewdley and you are welcome to join us anytime. We meet in the newly refurbished St George’s Hall, at 10:15am. Full programme for children and young people during our service time. Why not check our website: for details of mid-week activities and events happening. Tel: 01299 405535 Email: Riverside Elim Church, Dog Lane, Bewdley, DY12 2EF
1st Sunday each month 8.00am Holy Communion (said)
Booking a Wedding at All Saints’ Wribbenhall: - please call Roz Mace 01299 401605 or to arrange an appointment.
Thinking about baptism? Come to our 9.30 am Sunday service and we’ll talk together over coffee Monday mornings 10.00am – 12.00noon Church is open for Knit and Natter every Monday except Bank Holidays Book Sale, including jig-saws, CDs, DVDs and cards on 2nd Monday of the month
Holy Family Catholic Church High Street
Sunday Mass 8 am Tuesday & Thursday Morning Prayer 9.45am, Mass 10am Holy Days of Obligation 12 noon Parish Office 01299 822633 Local Contact – Deacon John O’Brien
Refreshments and a warm welcome assured.
Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) Bewdley Quaker Meeting House, Lower Park. Meeting for worship every Sunday 10.30-11.30am. Everyone is welcome.
For further information, phone the Clerk on 01562 741501
Specialist Services
Community News
St Anne’s Church roof repairs completed
All of us at St Anne's Church would like to say a big thank you to Bewdley residents and businesses for your understanding whilst Load Street was partially closed. The urgent roof works have now been completed to prevent water ingress into the church and to secure loose high level stonework. We have been funded by a grant of £100,000 from the Government's Listed Places of Worship Roof Repair Fund and approximately £30,000 from the Government's Listed Places of Worship VAT Reclaim Scheme. Generous donations from charitable trusts have totalled over £42,000. Bewdley Town Council has contributed £1,000 leaving the Parochial Church Council to fund the balance.
Scaffolding was necessary whilst the work was underway to protect pedestrians and vehicles below. We worked closely with the Highway Authority and Bewdley Town Council to ensure that inconvenience for local residents and businesses was minimised. We are particularly grateful to those residents and businesses in Severnside South and Lax Lane who have experienced greater traffic volumes.
An exhibition of the work undertaken is in the church from 10am to 2pm Tuesday to Saturday from Tuesday 18th October until Wednesday 2nd November.
Please do call in and have a look and a coffee.
Tenuto returns to All Saints Church Wribbenhall
Saturday 22nd October 7.30pm Tickets £10 Tenuto is an international singing group of three singers with different vocal styles. Each member brings to the show his own personality and wide breadth of musical knowledge. Between them they have worked for the BBC and Sky Television, in the West End and for cruise companies. Tenuto offers a feast of classical favourites, fused with the greatest pop songs of our time, delivered with style, charm, panache and fun combining to make a powerhouse of vocal harmony. Admission by ticket only available from: The Park Royal Collection 62 Load St Bewdley 01299 405636 or Gail Lawrence 01299 401685
Thank you!
The CRY (Cardiac Risk in the Young) quiz night held at the Horn and Trumpet raised an amazing £848.00 towards free heart screening for 14 - 35 year olds in Bewdley. The September screening day quickly filled but we hope to fund another potential life saving screening day next year. Many thanks to all who supported us on the night. For more information please visit the CRY website. 13
Specialist Services
RLM Decorating
High Class Interior & Exterior Decoration
Fully City & Guilds qualified with over 35 years professional experience including paper hanging, interior & exterior painting. References available from satisfied customers. Richard Morris 01299 403875 07980795353
All work approved
â&#x20AC;¢ â&#x20AC;¢ â&#x20AC;¢ â&#x20AC;¢ â&#x20AC;¢ â&#x20AC;¢ â&#x20AC;¢ â&#x20AC;¢ â&#x20AC;¢
Living Living
Specialist Services Services Specialist
Carpets Vinyl & Vinyl Tiles Laminate Real Engineered & Solid Wood Ceramic Floor & Wall Tiles Beautiful Real Slate & Stone Flooring Entrance Matting Safety Flooring Domestic & Commercial Specialist in Underfloor Heating - . (,*-)$. "# ,' - . (,#,')++ ! **. " . + ). *+,' . - $. . , (( + ! (
*$. . -)."#. -))-' . '*$. +# - +. ,-*, *+!
Mike Green Flooring
&%%.& & %.& % 15
Specialist Services
Gas Heating & Plumbing Installation, Servicing & Maintenance Corgi Reg No 211096
Natural Gas, LPG & Oil Call Mark on 01299 401329 or 07760 451584 for a reliable service
JEM GROVES Painter & Decorator
Dulux select decorator
High Quality workmanship Home 01562 637609
Mobile 07980425813
Door Canopies
BEWDLEY TILE WALL & FLOOR TILING 25 YEARS EXPERIENCE Richard Moore 01299 404591 07979241892
Specialist Services
~ Û ~
“The Heating People” Reliable. Professional. Affordable. Established since 2000, RNA Heating Ltd cater to all domestic and business client’s central heating systems, gas services and plumbing requirements throughout Worcestershire. We have the knowledge and expertise needed to ensure that you receive nothing but the best service. We offer the highest quality workmanship and services including: ÝÛÛE]oÛZgad]jÛafklYddYlagfk Ûj]hdY[]e]flk Û k]jna[af_Û¬Ûj]hYajk ÝÛÛ=j]]ÛfgÛgZda_YlagfÛimglYlagfk ÝÛÛ?glÛoYl]jÛ[qdaf\]jk ÝÛÛ>YkÛkY^]lqÛafkh][lagfk ÝÛÛCYf\dgj\ÛkY^]lqÛ[]jlaxÛ[Yl]k ÝÛÛI]f]oYZd]Û]f]j_qÛ\]ka_fÛ¬ÛafklYddYlagf Yf\Ûem[` Ûem[`Ûegj] We are Worcester Accredited Installers and specialise in Worcester Greenstar boilers, and offer extended guarantees of up to 10 years*.
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RNA Heating Ltd 1 Trimpley Lane, Bewdley, Worcestershire DY12 1JJ *Terms & conditions apply.
Specialist Services
Installed DOMESTIC COMMERCIAL Locks, Misted Units, Soffits, fascias, gutters & PROPERTY MAINTENANCE WORK DEAN CHAMBERS 07985301956 01562 827712
07450 189290 or 01299 272802
painting & wallcoverings
Insured. FENSA Qualified, Traders Register
All treatments - All districts - Lowest prices Latest equipment - Fully insured
Karol Kleen
Call 01299 404275 or Mobile 07970131820
The Finishing Touch 6 Greenbank Bewdley Worcestershire DY12 2JF Tel no : 0 1 2 9 9 4 0 3 2 9 7
Community News
Bewdley Museum and Tourist Information Centre
Bewdley’s annual Harvest Fair takes place on Saturday 1st and Sunday 2nd October. The Museum will be open from 10am until 4pm, and will host a variety of activities. Saturday’s Music in the Gardens features original folk music by Bethan and the Morgans interspersed with performances by PTR Williams, who is influenced by Neil Young, Pulp, Crowded House and Beautiful South. Sunday brings performances by David Jenkins who is influenced by folk and alternative/ classic pop. There are craft stalls and an apple hunt on both days plus the Bewdley Bakeoff and an Apple Pie Competition on Sunday. Check the Museum’s Facebook page for details or ask at TIC. The Shambles Cafe will serve their usual array of delicious food and drink.
October also sees the return of a popular attraction, with the opening of the display of Decorative Duck Houses. These creative and colourful structures will be in the Jubilee Gardens from Saturday 1st October to Monday 31st October. Voting papers can be collected from the Museum and TIC.
Another annual event which returns this year is the Halloween and Family Fright Night. This takes place on Saturday 29th October from 5.30pm to 9pm with a small charge for admission. Advance booking is advised due to limited numbers. There will be delicious food and drink, Halloween Games, a spooky trail, a children’s and adults’ fancy dress competition plus entertainment.
In the Sawyard, throughout October, the Civic Society’s School Exhibition features aspects of history which have been brought to life by enthusiastic pupils from The Bewdley School and Sixth Form Centre. In the Wyre Forest Gallery, the work of artist David Tedham RBSA is displayed as part of the Bewdley Festival. More information about ‘What’s on’ at the Museum can be found on our website: or phone 0845 603 5699.
The TIC Shop now offers an even wider selection of maps, books, local produce and gifts. Please come along and browse, Staff are here to help and give advice about a whole range of local tourist attractions. Remember that discounted tickets are available for West Midlands Safari Park and Severn Valley Railway. For enquiries and information, please refer to the website or phone 0845 607 7819.
Sue Duffield Bewdley Museum
Specialist Services
Chimney & Lead Work Slating & Tiling Sheet & Felt Roofs Fascia & Soffit Boards Gutter Repair or Renew Roof & Gutter Cleaning Pressure Washing Stone Walling & Fencing Groundwork & Landscaping
20/08/2016 09:09 Page 1
Residential, Commercial & Agricultural Historical & Listed Buildings • Discounts for OAP’s Free No Obligation Quotes • References Available
T: 01584 878728 | M: 07977 560763 Email: Registered in England and Wales 9552041
Local handyman available for all types of housing and garden maintenance.
-! gifts & home candles – clocks – throws cards – gifts – interiors pottery – toys – furniture jewellery - lighting and much more!
Local man John Kirk has over 30 years experience of many trades offering a professional service with pride. Skills Available Painting Fencing Blockpaving/Slabbing Grounds / Garden maintenance
visit our stores at … 56 Load Street Bewdley DY12 2AP
Building maintenance Internal & External Free Quotes available within 24 Hrs Please contact John on any of the following details and he will aim to respond asap.
7 High Street Stourport on Severn DY11 8DH
or mooch 24/7 at …
Mobile : 07748 861130 Home : 01299 878725 Email:
Community News
Cards for Good Causes opens its shop in the Undercroft of St. Georgeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Hall Bewdley Monday October 24th until Saturday December 17th Monday to Saturday 10am to 4.30pm. Please note our change of venue.
The Bewdley shop sells cards for over thirty charities, some local, such as Kemp Hospice and, Worcestershire Wild Life, as well as many national charities. Also on sale are stocking fillers, gift tags and wrapping paper., More than thirty people from Bewdley and the surrounding areas give their time to run the shop.Please do come and see us, if only to browse. If you are interested in volunteering for a two hour slot from time to time then please give me a call on 01299 400704. Sheila Limbrick
Bewdley Civic Socety
Bewdley Horticultural Society
Tuesday 18th October 7.30pm St. Georgeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Hall RUSKINLAND A WOODLAND UTOPIA By Neil Sinden Non members welcome
Monday 17th October 7.30pm Riverside Church MINI AUTUMN SHOW and THE A-Z of VEGETABLE GROWING By Bob Oliver Non members welcome
Bewdley Floral Art
The Great Pink Bake Off
Coffee Morning
Meetings are at Wharton Park Golf Club at 7.30pm
in aid of Breast Cancer Now.
Bewdley Tennis Club
Monday 3rd October Demonstrator is Kerry Artess with her title 'Oranges and Lemons'.
Wednesday 5th October 10 am - 12 noon
Monday 7th November Kay Higgins demonstrating 'Around the World in 80 Minutes'.
Coffee, tea, homemade cakes, pink tombola, raffle, craft stall.
All welcome to this fun morning
Visitors always welcome.
We are now taking bookings for our Christmas Open Monday 5th December Kidderminster Town Hall
Specialist Services
06/07/2016 09:27
Affordable plumbing solutions Local, friendly and reliable. Gas and LPGÂ New boilers, boiler servicing, landlord safety checks, central heating, hot water cylinders, general plumbing. Fully insured Call Rob Shelter 07990523790 Email
The deadline for the November issue of The Bridge is 10th October 20
Community News
Bewdley Old Grammar School Foundation Grants
The next meeting of the Foundation trustees will be held at the beginning of November and students under 25 years old residing in Bewdley or the immediate surrounding area are invited to make application for financial assistance to further their studies. Details and application forms may be obtained from: the Clerk of the Foundation at The Bewdley School and Sixth Form Centre or by email at
Bewdley Footpaths
Meet in the garden on the east side of the river just below Bewdley Bridge at 1.45pm for a prompt start at 2.00pm.
Sunday 2nd October: a walk of about 4 miles to Knowles Mill.
Sunday 6th November: a walk of about 4 miles in the Wharton Park area.
New Parent and Toddler Group
River Tots
Back again for the 6th Year! Saturday 29th October 7.30pm
All welcome – come, stay and play Riverside Elim Church, Dog Lane, Bewdley. Every Monday and Friday 9.15 - 11.30am
at Wribbenhall Parish Rooms Kidderminster Road, Bewdley DY12 1DQ Tickets: £8.00 per person includes Fish & Chip Supper (Chicken or Vegetarian Option) Cash Bar Teams of Four Tickets from: Bewdley Blooms, Load Street, Bewdley or Neil & Linda Cocksedge 01299 402682
Relax and chat, tea and coffee Games, water play, toys
Donation of £1 per family per session Contact: Denise 07926 506843 Jacky 07845 212356 JUST TURN UP ALL WELCOME
Chestnuts Roasting
Readers may remember Heather and Alan Fairs’ tea-time entertainment, The Folks Who Live on the Hill, back in January, which raised the huge sum of nearly £3,500 for Save the Children. They’re doing it (or something very much like it but with a pre- Christmas flavour) again to raise funds for the Friends of Hartlebury Castle A Vintage Afternoon Tea with Music at Hartlebury Castle on Sunday 4th December at 3pm. Tickets are £12.50, available from the Hartlebury Castle Box Office or by telephone on 01299 250416 (11 am until 4.30 pm). 21
Specialist Services
Community News
New role at Bewdley Museum
The Friends of Bewdley Museum has identified a need for a part time coordinator to help recruit, support and train volunteers across the Bewdley Museum site. We rely on a team of dedicated volunteers to provide the “living history” elements of the visitor experience that make our site so special. With a grant from the WFDC localism fund we are seeking a motivated person to work on average 4 hours per week for the FoBM in close contact with museum staff. This will be on a flexible basis by negotiation. The successful candidate will be self employed on an hourly rate. The Friends of Bewdley Museum sees this new role as a vital way of supporting the work of Bewdley Museum, meeting the H&S requirements of volunteers on site, building the volunteer body and enabling the Friends to value and retain volunteers in a very positive way. The volunteer co ordinator would take on volunteer liason, working with lead volunteers to ensure rotas are filled, providing regular updates to volunteers and arranging regular volunteer social and information sessions. The current funding is for a period of one year. If you are great with people, can write clearly, have excellent organisational skills and are competent on a computer, please apply by letter saying why you would like this position. Applications to by the 16th October. The FoBM is a registered charity which has supported Bewdley Museum since 1969
All Age Service
If you fancy making a BIG BRASS RUBBING come along to Bewdley Museum over the weekend of the Harvest Fair 1st & 2nd October Look for the Friends of Bewdley Museum stall
St. Anne’s Church, Bewdley Sunday 9th October 9.30am Bring the Family We’d love you to join us for fun, food and fellowship
Bach’s Magnificat
Saturday 12th November 7.30pm St. Anne’s Church Load St Bewdley Bewdley Choral Society is bringing the genius of J.S. Bach to St. Anne’s. The highlight of the concert is his Magnificat in D, widely thought of as one of Bach’s finest choral works. The concert also includes a performance of the well known Jesu Joy of Man’s Desiring. Bewdley Baroque Soloists accompany the choir and add two wonderful concertos to the evening’s programme. £10, to include a glass of wine, payable at the door. 25
SG Gardening Maintenance
Garden Garden
Specialist Services
Kevin Hayes N.C.H.(Pershore)
With over 10 years experience. All gardening aspects of work undertaken, No job too big or too small. For a friendly and reliable service call Stuart.
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Bewdley Book Week 2016
Enthralling! This is the word that best sums up the sixth Bewdley Book Week that ran between 5th to 11th September 2016. From the first event – Marlaine Delargy’s fascinating insight into translating Swedish Scandi-Noir fiction – to the Friday afternoon, when Dr Wilson Wall had his audience spellbound by his talk on the search for human chromosomes, the weekday programme enthralled and inspired. Kim Hurst’s infectious enthusiasm for herbs and their hidden properties; a poetry day full of wit, wordplay, pun and humour featuring nationally acclaimed poets Dave Barrett and Emma Purshouse supported by the Bewdley Bards; the inspiring 80-year working life of farming hero, Joan Bomford; pop legend Dave Bartram’s riveting account of his ‘life in the fast lane to breakdown on the hard shoulder’; Fen Flack’s illuminating story about bringing her fictional life of Edmund II into print; all these contributed to make the sixth annual Book Week memorable in so many ways. And we shouldn’t gloss over the contributions from event facilitators: BBC’s Kate Justice, the music world’s Neville Farmer and heart FM’s Rachel New. For many, though, the highlight has to be the Friday evening when acclaimed novelist Louis de Bernières joined The Bookshop Band on stage to read from his latest novel and poetry collections and take us on a magical musical journey inspired by books. The Saturday afternoon ‘cakey tea’ event, in which ‘choc-lit’ romantic novelist Carole Matthews talked about the background to her writing, also gave fans the opportunity for a close-up chat with the writer. This formula is unique to Book Week and is fast gaining a reputation on the country’s litfest scene. Book Week also supports local schools through a writing competition and by providing a visiting writer who this year was the widely-published poet Michael Thomas. The week’s events were attended by over 500 people and brought visitors to the town from as far afield as Surrey. Bewdley is earning a reputation among authors for being a lovely town to visit (which we knew) and having lovely, welcoming audiences (which is pleasing to hear!). Have a look at the Bewdley Book Week website to view a gallery of images that give a hint of the atmosphere in the events. If you were there you might spot yourself in a picture. Whether your presence is recorded or not, thanks for coming. Without your support (and that of Bewdley Festival) it wouldn’t be possible to have this event breaking new ground every year. Robert Ronsson Photo: Colin Hill
Octoberâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Photographer: Stuart Williams
Autumn dawn over the Brecon Beacons
Button Oak Fete 2016 This was the second year that the Ro-
tary Club of Bewdley
has organised the Button Oak Fete and, with fine weather on August 13th, it was once again a success and fun for all. Despite gate numbers being down from last year, £3300 was raised which will benefit the local community. The raffle contributed £2250. Thank you to all who supported the event in any way. A special thank you to those who worked hard for the fete over several months and to the army of helpers over the weekend.
Photos: Colin Hill
Community News
The Big Draw and Apple Day Celebration
Thursday 27th to Saturday 29th October 11am - 4pm St George’s Farm, Ruskinland, Bewdley Three days to discover the delights of drawing and celebrate Apple Day in the Wyre Forest Organised by the Wyre Community Land Trust Disabled parking only at St George’s Farm. No dogs please. Bring a picnic. Tea, juice and cake for sale. Make charcoal and draw with it. No experience necessary! On Saturday make juice and identify apples. Paint, draw and print with apples. Booking essential: 01299488083
Bewdley and Sjotorp – a connection
Bewdley and where? Sjortorp is an insignificant town on the shores of Lake Vanern and would have remained so but for the construction of the Gota Canal. The connection – Thomas Telford who designed the town bridge in Bewdley. In 1810 Baltzar von Platen, the driving force behind the project, invited Telford to Sweden to survey the route and provide engineering expertise which he duly did. Although only supervising the early works he was responsible for taking about 200 more British engineers to Sweden. The canal opened in 1832 and at the time was Sweden's largest ever civil engineering project. Recently it was my pleasure to travel the length of the Gota Canal (and the Trollhattan Canal) from Stockholm to Goteborg in Europe's oldest registered passenger ship, the M.V. Juno. At 31m.long and 7m.wide a bit small you might say for 60 passengers and crew but delightful nevertheless. Paul Noons M.V.Juno leaving the top lock - Sjotorp
Macmillan Coffee Morning Sunday 2nd October 12 - 3pm
Kinlet Village Hall DY12 3BS Meet friends, drink tea, eat cake and Christmas shop whilst supporting a wonderful cause Raffle Prizes so far include: Afternoon Tea for two at Kateshill House, Overnight stay in the Shepherd’s Hut at Hopley’s Family Camping, Pomodoro meal voucher, Brintons Arms meal voucher, Cock & Magpie meal voucher,Woodcolliers Farm Shop voucher, Handmade Silver jewellery set, Brunel Beauty voucher Vodka gift set. 31
Specialist Services
Do you need transport........weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re here to help!
Community Transport Wyre Forest provides door to door transport for local people who donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have access to their own car or who find it difficult to use public transport. Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll take you from your home to local destinations as well as further afield throughout the country. So donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t stay at home......have a journey with us! We even have vehicles suitable for wheelchairs. Our booking line is
01299 405820
and is open 9am to 2pm Monday to Friday.
To find out how to become a member (or to volunteer as one of our driving team) contact us on 01299 405832 or e-mail or see our website
Dog walking (1/2 hour or 1 hour) Puppy Sitting 'RJ &DW DQG 6PDOO 3HW Âľ3RS ,QÂś 6HUYLFH Services offered in Bewdley, Rock and Far Forest areas. Qualified Veterinary Nurse Fully Insured/CRB checked NarpsUK Registered Contact Laura for more information. Tel: 07706 139918 e-mail:
Community News
Traidcraft News
This autumn Traidcraft is asking us to “Show You Care” again. We are like no other organisation – we sell the “best of” fair trade products and run many life-changing development projects in the world’s poorest countries. Last year our work benefitted 558,000 people, lifting them out of poverty and helping them build sustainable livelihoods for themselves and their families. The effects of the huge earthquake of April 2015 are still being felt in Nepal: damaged and ruined homes still litter towns and villages. Traidcraft provided extra funding for GPI, Get Paper Industries, a long term partner, and continued to place orders to support them through the challenging time. This meant GPI could give financial support to families and a real sense of hope, in simply knowing that someone cared about them.
A way to “Show You Care” is to come to the Traidcraft Christmas Fair on 5th November, where there’ll be the usual array of fairly traded goodies for Christmas and all year round. There’s also the ongoing stall in St Anne’s narthex, open 10am-2pm Tuesday to Saturday.
I’ve been totally inspired by Susheel Singh’s story. He’s an artisan, working for Noah’s Ark in Moradabad in India, making the metal reindeers which feature on the front of the latest Traidcraft catalogue. He receives a good wage and is paid on time, something many artisans fail to achieve. Just after Susheel began working for Noah’s Ark his wife, Dharam, expecting their second child, fell seriously ill. Susheel rushed her to hospital but they were turned away because he could not afford the medical fees. “At that time I thought there was no way I was going to save the life of my child.” That’s where Samuel, the founder of Noah’s Ark, stepped in and helped with the medical fees. “My definition of a fair trade company is that if we can provide work for the grassroots artisans and give them better wages for better living conditions - cover their expenses, like medical insurance, health or education - that is the definition of fair trade for me. We always try to give that kind of facility to our grassroots artisans.” Susheel firmly believes he would have lost both his wife and baby without this help. Elaine Barbour
Traidcraft Fair
Christmas Cards and Goodies, Toys, Gifts, Household goods, Groceries Saturday 5th November 10am-4pm St Anne’s Church, Bewdley Lunches & Refreshments available Contact: Elaine Barbour 01299 400617 33
Community Corner Pre-School
Specialist Services
St.Anne’s Cof E Primary School, Wyre Hill, Bewdley DY12 2UQ Tel: 01299 401871
• Community Corner; at the heart of the community on the site of St Anne’s Primary School, enjoying an excellent partnership with our host school • Quality pre-school care & education: our staff team are highly qualified Practitioners, who are passionate about childcare, it’s in their hearts • ‘TOTS’; our specially created 2 yr. olds room, a gentle start for your child
Funded places offered for 2, 3 & 4 year olds Monday to Friday, 9a.m. - 3p.m. during term time Call Chris for more information or visit us at Community Corner Pre-school; touching hearts right from the start
Edward Cound - Registered Osteopath !! !! !! !!
Back pain, Sciatica & Trapped Nerves Headaches, Migraines and Arthritic pains Neck & Shoulder pain and Postural problems Sports Injuries. Also Hip, Knee and Ankle problems
ST GEORGE’S HALL Wednesday evenings & Thursday mornings
SATISFACTION GUARANTEE !"#$%&#'()#*%+#,'-,.)/#01+2#+2)#$%&(# +()'+3)*+#1+#0%*4+#5%,+#$%&#'*$+21*677# 88#
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Behind the Baton
Community News
There’s just time this month to give you one last reminder about October’s 29th Bewdley Festival which will be providing us with plenty of excellent musical entertainment. Tickets for many events are still available and all the information is on the Festival website As always, there is plenty of music on offer.
Classical Sunday returns on the 9th and this year it’s very much a tale of two themes. In the afternoon, we have a performance of “Wonderland”, a musical suite for violin and piano based on the story of Alice in Wonderland. It’s performed by two brilliant British musicians, Ashley Wass and Matthew Trusler and consists of thirteen new pieces composed by eminent composers such as Carl Davis and Mark Anthony-Turnage. It’s a multi-dimensional production with narration based on the famous story and images from the books projected behind the performers. The second theme of the day brings an evening piano recital based on Shakespeare, with Beethoven’s “Tempest” Sonata and the music from Prokofiev’s Romeo and Juliet amongst the programme.
The evening of Wednesday 12th should have something in it for music enthusiasts with the brilliant broadcaster Andy Kershaw who has been a huge supporter and advocate of world music for decades.
I’m particularly looking forward to Thursday 13th as the singer Judy Tzuke brings her “Songs and Stories” tour to Bewdley. This show has been getting rave reviews and will be a popular evening with those Festival fans who love those intimate evenings with great singer/songwriters. The clips I have seen suggest that Judy engages beautifully with the audience and the intimate setting of the Mercure will be an ideal venue to enjoy this show. If you’ve never heard a Judy Tzuke song before, don’t rule this one out; her songs are beautiful and the style of the show is one I know Festival audiences really appreciate.
Fans of the 80s should be looking forward to the 80s themed “Party Night” on Saturday 15th with great 80s classics from “Our Friends Electric” promised. Finally, on Sunday 16th, we have the World Premiere of the Festival’s new song “Tic Toc” which will be performed during the Festival Service by children from local schools and the “Festival Voices” adult singers.
All in all, another great week of music, so if you haven’t bought your tickets yet, check out the website and I hope to see many of you at one or more of the Festival Events this year. Alastair Elliott
The Sussex Jazz Kings return to Rock Village Hall on Saturday 15th October.
An excellent traditional jazz band who always play to a full house when they visit Rock All proceeds go to Save the Children Tickets are £10.00 and include a Ploughman's Supper. Licensed bar and raffle. Doors open at 7.30 pm. Do come and enjoy jazz in Rock Tickets from Len and Maureen Pitman 01299 832294 or 07967 843930 35
Specialist Services
!From absolutely terrified to euphoric in 90 mins"#
LINE DANCING New Beginners Classes starting on
Wednesday 12th October 6.00 until 7.30pm First lesson free, afterwards £3.50
!Delivers the feel good factor"# Adult singing group# $release the singer inside you!#
Main Line Dancing Classes
Starts September 15th, Thursday%s, 1.30 - 3.00pm# Wyre Room, St. George%s Hall, Bewdley, DY12 2EQ#
Every Wednesday 7.30 until 9.30pm £4.
1st session free!# Beginners welcome#
CONTACT BILL ON 01299 401450 OR 07846428972
Contact - 07801225883#
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Mobile: 07989 964854 x x x x x x
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Extras include riding in our 100-acre grounds.
Funded Kindergarten places: ages 3 & 4.
36 • 01299 841230 Kinlet Hall • Shropshire • DY12 3AY
Community News
News from Grey Green Farm part one
Grey Green has been a farm for over 150 years as far as we know and is the only remaining dairy farm in Wribbenhall. We have seen records of it as Gray's Green Farm in the 1850s but don't know the origin of the name, nor know of any older references. Maybe readers do.
My parents bought the farm in 1953, and I came here as a 3 year old. At that time Shire horses were used alongside a tractor. I can remember riding on the back of a Shire horse called Captain as he pulled the cart for the potato pickers working on the land where the Meadow Rise estate now stands. Do any readers remember those fields or were those pickers?
It was a mixed farm then with about 20 cows, pigs and hens. The hens were my mother's enterprise, and I'm sure there will be readers who remember coming to buy their eggs from her in a building next to the farmhouse. As a family we got to know our regular customers and enjoyed catching up with those who came back to visit us if they had moved away from Bewdley. One lady asked if she could have the farm sign from our old front gate to send out to her friend in America to remind her of the times when they would play here as children when they were sent to buy eggs.
The herd has now grown to 120 milking cows, 50 young stock, and one Hereford bull called Prince. All the cattle have names; our pedigree prefix is Wribbenhall and the family names continue through the generations. If a cow is called Susan, then so was her mother, grandmother and so on. The cattle graze the fields closest to the farm and come across the lane twice a day to be milked. Our neighbours time their journeys to avoid these crossings as cows rarely hurry. The milk from our herd is sold to OMSCO which is an organic co-operative. It is collected by tanker every other day and bought by companies such as Yeo Valley. Some goes to supermarkets as milk, some is made into cheese and some is even exported as baby food to China.
Every year the National Milk Recording Society recognises achievements in good farming practice with an awards dinner held in Worcestershire. Currently the judging is taking place, which means that we have VIPs visiting the farm, looking at the cows and their production. We did well last year, so are keeping our fingers crossed.
The summer months have been glorious on the farm, and those of you who walk the footpaths on the land know that the views are spectacular, and all can appear peaceful. I enjoy my own daily walk to check the young cattle and make sure gates haven't been 'changed'. Leaving gates as they are found is really important to us as is asking folk to remain on the footpaths. Cattle are creatures of routine; they are also inquisitive and best treated with caution and respect. Chris Grainger
Specialist Services
Bewdley Cricket Club is located on High Street, sandwiched between the idyllic River Severn and Red Hill at its Lower Park Headquarters. Set amid some of Worcestershire's finest rural scenery, the ground is considered one of the prettiest in the county. The ground is the perfect backdrop to any celebration, be it a birthday, christening, or wedding, and the wonderful out door space is complimented by a large furnished patio area. The clubhouse, having been entirely refurbished in 2012, boasts a fully licensed bar with a range of draught beer and has the capacity for parties up to 100 people. With a fully equipped kitchen, the club is able to host self catered events and has seating capacity for up to 50 people. With Wi-Fi capability and big screen projection, the club
Tel: 07870 752274
lends itself as a perfect venue for small scale conferences, meetings and team building events for businesses.
Web: Email: Twitter: @BewdleyCC
Contact us now to discuss your requirementsâ&#x20AC;Ś.
Facebook: BewdleyCC
Community News
News from Grey Green Farm part two So what has been happening over the Summer? Silaging! With the popularity of the programme 'Countryfile' most people know that this is what we feed the cattle in winter and is a way of storing grass. We use contractors now to cut, chop and collect the grass and they can do in a couple of days what in the days of haymaking could sometimes take a couple of weeks if the weather was wet. Again, some readers may remember coming here to stack bales for us. We had a slow start to the growing season, but the weather has been kind to us; we have had three good 'cuts' and the grass is still growing. (That means a happy farmer!)
Two men work with me on the farm full time: Alan, who is Bewdley born and bred, has been here for 36 years, and is the lynchpin of the place. He knows the cattle, the machinery and the routines, and is one of the family. And we have a newcomer, Matt, who came last summer, and fitted in straightaway. He is a southerner who married a Bewdley lass 15 years ago. Matt is a committed and experienced herdsman who is passionate about animal health and welfare. So we are a team of three who together keep this 365day-a-year enterprise going. We all do all of the jobs: milking twice a day, feeding the stock, foot trimming (with four feet a piece that's an ongoing task), keeping fences repaired and generally making sure everything is fed, thriving and content.
Once a day we sit down together in the kitchen at 'cup of tea time' to talk about... anything but cows. Chris Grainger Bewdley and Wribbenhall Ladies' Luncheon Club
All Saints Church Wribbenhall
In August our designated speaker was unable to attend, so after our meal we had a lively quiz to test our knowledge about the old pounds, shillings and pence.
Old Fashioned Jumble Sale Saturday 1st October 10am -12noon
Clothes, Toys, Books, Bric-a-brac, DVDs, CDs, Jig-saws etc.
On 26th October Jane Carter speaks on Wax Painting. A warm welcome is given to all ladies. For enquiries please ring 01299 877908.
Refreshments available Admission 30p
Room for hire at Riverside Church, Dog Lane, Bewdley Seating for 80+ people. Long tables and round tables available. Modern fitted kitchen. Please contact 01299 405535 or 39
Specialist Services
High Quality Fruit & Vegetables (inc seasonal produce, locally grown)
Fish, Eggs, Local Honey & Marmalade. Flowers for all Occasions (Special Orders Catered For)
Online ordering now available at Register with us for regular FREE deliveries to your door
HEALTHY START vouchers accepted
Dog Lane • Bewdley • Worcs • DY12 2EF
t :
01299 400346 40
Specialist Services
B. Ince
Specialist Services
Funeral Director
Telephone: 01299 403105
Private Chapel of Rest
Bank House Severnside South Bewdley, Worcestershire
Dr Vivien Newrick Homeopath
medically qualified and registered homeopathic practitioner
Tel : 01299 401617 Mob : 07884 098582
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Community News
7th - 16th October 2016 - Something for everyone
This year, this highly successful regional arts event brings music from Neil Innes’ iconic band The Rutles, singer/songwriter Judie Tzuke, a cabaret performance from actress Anne Reid and, for classical fans, a fascinating Alice in Wonderland themed Family Concert plus a piano recital celebrating Shakespeare.
From TV and radio royal historian Kate Williams, Antiques Roadshow glass expert Andy McConnell, world music lover and foreign correspondent Andy Kershaw, ex-Radio 4 presenter Charlotte Green, ‘Lilian Bellamy’ from The Archers, George Egg’s hit Edinburgh Fringe show Anarchist Cook, a display and talk on authentic WWI fashions, Graham Short’s story of engraving the Lord’s Prayer on the head of a pin, Radio 4 naturalist Brett Westwood and a visit on film to the Uffizi Gallery in Florence.
Miles Jupp brings us his unique style of comedy, and other guaranteed sell-outs will be Max Keen’s lecture on Hereward the Wake and Lesley Smith as Margaret Thatcher. Saturday’s Party Night will have a great 80s theme and Festival will close with a new and expanded musical Church Service celebrating Time.
Throughout October, local artist David Tedham will exhibit his vibrant abstract paintings and there will be a decorated Duck House Trail even bigger and better than last year.
Tickets on public sale: in person from Bewdley Tourist Information Centre - call 0845 6077819 to check availability or by phone from Worcester Live Box Office 01905 611427
Festival Director’s retirement marked with second Civic Award
At a dinner held in St George’s Hall to mark her retirement from the post of Festival Director, Bewdley Town Council presented Jenny Paddock with a second Civic Award. This was the culmination of an evening arranged by Bewdley Festival’s original director, Jock Gallagher, to mark Jenny’s retirement after 18 years in the post. The dinner was attended by over ninety dignitaries, sponsors, festival members and friends. After the dinner, guests were entertained by tributes in music and words from Mayfli with pianist Danny Bold on behalf of Bewdley Youth Festival, The Bewdley Bards on behalf of Bewdley Book Week, Alan and Heather Fairs and Max Keen on behalf of Bewdley Festival. Jenny had previously received a Civic Award from the Town Council in January 2006. 43
Specialist Services
“A lifetime’s attention to the most complex of legal investigations as a retired Detective Superintendent means you can definitely trust Mark to write your will”
Wills, Lasting Powers of Attorney, Care Home Fee Avoidance Probate & Discounted Funeral Plans (Wills from £75 per person) Instructions taken in the comfort of your own home T: 01299 251442 M: 07966 053887 Trading Standards Approved
Community News
Afternoon Tea with Henry Sandon
On Tuesday 11th October we invite you to take afternoon tea with Henry Sandon of Antiques Roadshow fame in Baxter Hall, The Bull Ring, Kidderminster DY10 2AA, from 2.30 pm for £7.00 per person.You are welcome to bring along a single ceramic or porcelain item for Henry to value for a charge of £3.00. All proceeds in aid of the Worcestershire Young Carers.
For more details contact Elke at 01299 266101 or Denise at 01562 752459. For further information regarding the club and its activities, please do contact us: Elke Jury 01299 266101 or email: Facebook: Soroptimists Kidderminster website:
Rock Pathfinders
Kidderminster Beekeepers Association
Free guided walks, off the roads and into the countryside. All welcome. 6th October Queenswood Country Park & Arboretum Dunmore Hill, Leominster to Hereford Rd HR6 0PY SO reference 507514 20th October Colliers Arms, Tenbury Rd, Clows Top DY14 9HA SO ref 725722 Full programme at Or ring Alan 01299 400304 or Jan 01299 832571
Talk by Paul Wilkinson of the Canals and Rivers Trust Thursday 13th October 7.30pm, Trinity Methodist Church, Churchfields, Kidderminster DY10 2JL. Anyone interested in bees/beekeeping will be very welcome.
For more information please email Kim at or phone 01299 861514 website
Live Wyres is a social club for single people. We meet in pubs around the area and hold dances and other events in a range of venues from hotels to village halls. The following are a few of our events for October: Tue. 4th - Pub Night at The Queen’s Head, Wolverley. DY11 5XB – Committee Meeting Sat. 11th - Pub Night at The Old House at Home, B’ham Rd, Blakedown. DY10 3JE Sat. 15th - Live Wyres Autumn Ball with live group “Starving Rascals” at Stone Manor. Tue. 25th - Pub Night at the Island Pool, W’ton Road, Cookley. DY10 3RX Thurs 27th - Whist Drive in the Top Room at the Queen’s Head, Wolverley. DY115XB Sat. 29th - Live Wyres Halloween Dance with DJ Guy Rowles at Blakedown Parish Rooms. We always welcome new members. Anyone interested can find out further information at our website or contact Sandra on 01299 400979. 39
x x x x
Specialist Services
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Community News
Festive fun on the SVR
The Severn Valley Railway has now launched its 2016 Christmas Services. Thousands of visitors flock to the SVR each December to enjoy its hugely popular range of festive season services and the Railway is now encouraging people to book their tickets early to avoid disappointment. The much-loved Santa Steam Specials will be running every weekend from December 3rd to the 24th and are always a sell-out. Keeping a busy schedule this year, Father Christmas will also be welcoming families on board his Santa Herald services, from December 20th to the 23rd, when he will visit everyone on the train, handing out presents and posing for festive ‘selfies’ during the journey to Highley. Schools and nursery groups looking for an exciting trip out can enjoy the Christmas Cracker Express services, on selected dates from November 30th to December 15th. For fans of a good seasonal sing-along, the SVR’s Christmas Carol Trains, on December 3rd, 10th and 17th are ideal. Visitors can board the diesel train for a jolly journey from Kidderminster to The Engine House Visitor Centre at Highley for a rousing evening of carol singing, led by a local choir. Visitors can also warm their vocal chords with a warming glass of mulled wine and a mince pie. Tickets for the Railway’s festive services are now available to book at or by calling 01562 757900.
Bewdley WI
Bewdley Townswomen's Guild
St George's Hall Load St, Bewdley
Our Autumn programme continues on October 25th 7.00pm
3rd October 2016 Rhythmicity A Drum & Percussion Workshop Tim and Pamela Scarborough Music Therapists
Jason Houlders
shares his experiences on The Trans Siberian Express. Do join us at Wribbenhall Community Centre Shaw Hedge Road.
14th November 2016 Christmas Table Decor and Wreaths Speaker/Demonstrator - Janet Ince
You can be certain of a warm welcome from a friendly group of women. To find out more please contact Maureen Golborne 01299 488526 or Lois Hopkins 01299 409465
Visitors welcome Entrance Fee £3
After two visits we would like you to consider joining the W1 41
S Specialist Services
Community News
Age UK Wyre Forest are seeking volunteers for their popular befriending service
Many older people in Wyre Forest live alone and often have no close friends or relatives and can quickly become lonely and isolated. The Good Neighbour Scheme is a befriending service, which aims to help overcome this social isolation through regular visits from a dedicated volunteer team. Volunteers can offer support to people in their own homes through regular visits for an informal and friendly chat, or assistance with small tasks such as reading mail. Due to the high demand for this service, Age UK Wyre Forest continue to seek volunteer visitors in Kidderminster, Stourport, Bewdley and the surrounding areas.Volunteers can give just one hour a week if they wish and travel expenses can be reimbursed. If you would like further information about the service or if you would like to volunteer please call Age UK Wyre Forest on 01562 827788
Bewdley Evergreen for the young at heart
at Bewdley Baptist Church Wednesdays 2.00 - 3.30
19th October: Painting plates 2nd November: Cake decorating 16th November: Mr. Barber 30th November: Flower arranging All welcome
For more information telephone Ellen Micklewright 01299 409355
Together Project
12th October: Lunch club. Places now available. Every second Thursday in the month 12.30 - 3.0pm in Wribbenhall Parish Room next to All Saints’ Church. All food freshly cooked, using local produce where possible. Diets catered for. Main course, pudding and a hot drink, all for £4. To book please phone Glen 01562 510252.
26th October: Together group An afternoon meeting people. No need to book. Every fourth Thursday of the month 2.0 - 4.0pm in Wribbenhall Parish Room next to All Saints’ Church.There is a speaker or other entertainment then a hot drink, homemade cakes, and a time talking and catching up with all the news. We are always looking for suggestions about what you would like to do, and have just organised our first trip to a local nursery.
Both these groups also have a book exchange table and raffle
Volunteers needed: We urgently need some volunteers to help us run these groups. No experience needed, just an interest in people and desire to help.
For more details, please phone Liz 01299 403053 or Anne 01299 402204 43
Specialist Services
Wildlife and landowners
Community News
A new group in the area - the Wyre Forest Facilitation Group - is looking for new members. The group is part of the new Countryside Stewardship scheme and is open to all landowners who are interested in improving their land to achieve environmental and wildlife benefits. The Facilitation Group brings together local landowners and conservation organisations in the Wyre Forest area wishing to achieve benefits at a landscape level through partnership working and to provide benefits that go beyond what could be achieved in isolation by individuals. Membership of the Facilitation Group is free and open to all landowner, irrespective of whether they are applying for Countryside Stewardship or not.
The group is co-ordinated by Dr Jenny Joy, Senior Regional Officer of Butterfly Conservation in the West Midlands. Butterfly Conservation has been involved in the Wyre Forest since the late 1980s, working with notably the Forestry Commission and Natural England to conserve some of the important butterflies and moths that occur there. This work has been hugely successful with the Wyre Forest now considered one of the best areas in the country for the nationally declining Pearl-bordered Fritillary butterfly. The establishment of the Facilitation Group now provides the opportunity to work on a wider scale to achieve wider benefits for the environment and involve more local landowners.
During 2016, the Group has organised a series of events and workshops on a wide range of environmental and wildlife focussed issues including an Historic Environment Day in March, a Woodland Management Day in April and a Wild Pollinators Day in June. Outside speakers have led these events but there has been a strong emphasis on practical aspects and providing information that will assist those attending in managing their own land or in making Countryside Stewardship applications. Informal site visits,hosted by group members, have been great opportunities to view and learn about past environmental improvements and to share information. A new initiative is the establishment of a Squirrel Management group in response to increasing concerns over damage by squirrels to trees.
Future events scheduled for the autumn include assessing squirrel damage in woodland and orchard creation and maintenance. A December meeting is also planned when Rosemary Winnall, one of the editors of the visually stunning new â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Nature of Wyreâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; book, will be explaining why the Wyre is so special for wildlife and how good management on the part of local landowners can provide extra benefit.
Membership has grown from an initial ten members to nearly thirty and we are looking for further new members to join the group. We are particularly keen to hear from local landowners who are interested in securing environmental benefits to the land they manage and would welcome extra advice and support. For membership details contact: Jenny Joy on 01952 249325 or Mike Williams on 07802 274552. 45
Specialist Services
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Fully insured & DBS checked Professional references available on request Over 20 years in veterinary practice & with the RSPCA
The deadline for the November issue of The Bridge is 10th October 52
“MADE in the MUSEUM” Bewdley We are a group of artisans with small businesses who work under the label “MADE in the MUSEUM” Bewdley. Come to see our unique handcrafted and bespoke gifts, find out about our workshops, talks, courses etc. available, on and off site, offered by the resident craftspeople. Our studios and workshops are located within Bewdley Museum, Load St, Bewdley DY12 2AE where locals and visitors alike can browse. For more information pop into the Museum if you are local or telephone: 07977096257… 07714 639085…07892 310681
Community News
Bewdley Town Council News October 2016
Weekend Night Bus At its meeting, the Council decided to pursue the idea of a night time bus service in the town on Friday and Saturday nights. This follows feedback from those frequenting the local pubs, restaurants and bars about problems with hiring taxis, and from the police who are called to deal with issues around taxi availability and getting people out of the town late at night. Whilst the taxi rank will help contain those needing taxis to one area, a bus service would help to alleviate a lot of these problems. The Town Council does not have the legal ability to provide or fund this directly, but the Council will start negotiations with Worcestershire County Council on how this can be achieved.
Together Group and Reaching Out Together Lunch Club These two Town Council supported groups run activities for those who may be lonely or isolated in Bewdley and Wribbenhall and would like some company, good food and entertainment. The Lunch Club operates on the 2nd Thursday of the month, with the Together Group running activities and entertainment on the 4th Thursday of the month. If you would like to go along, call Councillor Anne Mace on 01299 402204. Both sessions are held at Wribbenhall Parish Room.
Town Council Website The Town Council website is growing! We hope to be able to include details of local businesses, where to stay and eat along with as many local events, shows and talks as possible. If you have an event, business, club or association you would like listed on the website, please e-mail can take a look at the website at
Community Engagement and Events Officer The Council recently welcomed Kyle Daisley into the above role. Kyle works 10 hours a week to support the Council’s events programme and monthly markets, and to ensure the Council is doing all it can to engage with all sections of our community. If you have any ideas or suggestions on how this can be improved, e-mail Kyle at Future Town Council Meetings Town Council meetings are held at The Guildhall at 7.30pm on the first Monday of each month unless stated otherwise. The next meetings are: 3rd October and 7th November 2016. Agendas of Town Council and Planning Committee Meetings are posted on the Notice Boards outside the Mayor’s Parlour, in the Guildhall Foyer and by the Library Entrance. All Agendas and Minutes are available on the Town Council’s website 53
Specialist Services
TEL: 01299 402254 With over 35 years experience in manufacturing educational and office furniture, Witley Jones brings you an innovative and exciting new dimension for home office and fitted bedroom furniture – Witley Direct. Drawing on our highly skilled in-house manufacturing and design teams, Witley Direct offers you the chance to liven up your home – from a new bright and vibrant bedside cabinet, to a luxurious fitted home office. Contact now, for an informal discussion or to proceed with a home visit from one of our design team. website – email – telephone – 01299 828888 mobile – 07785 613366 Offering stylish storage solutions to neglected and awkward spaces Over 35 years experience Locally manufactured Buy direct from the manufacturer
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