October 2009
Community News
Where are they now?
This is proving very popular - now we feature another local - but who is she?
The answer to our last mystery young person was Guy Timmis and congratulations to Jean Turner who was the first to email the correct answer. Now what about this one?
Email us if you've guessed who she is to
Hashing by Mike Ward
A popular new sport is blending into the local landscape and anyone can join the fun.
Those who like a country walk or a gentle jog that follows a flour trail with the odd false lead thrown in will find the Wyre Forest Hash House Harriers right up their street.
Membership of this merry band is free, and all ages are welcome to try something different. Hashing is a bit like Hares and Hounds, with the designated hare setting the trail and the hashers taking on the role of hounds to follow it.
The hashers can set their own pace, and some might choose to walk. The hare will deliberately set false trails and the idea is that the faster runners will act as the advance party to test all the routes and find the authentic trails for the slower hashers to follow. The trails are usually from four to five miles long and indicated by flour or sawdust.
The joy of Wyre Forest hashing is that no two hashes are the same and there is only one rule to remember: there are no rules! Just follow the spots of flour or sawdust, and listen for the call of ‘On-One, On-Two’ from the counting runners in front. All details and a list of dates and venues can be found on the website at: Remember, anyone can join the hashers and nobody minds if you make a hash of it!
Cover photograph Gary Mayner
The Bridge is the community voice of Bewdley. It is delivered free monthly to more than 4,600 homes Golden Moments
While September is usually thought of as our most golden of months, I’m not sure that October, with its Autumn colours and low-slanting sun, doesn’t actually fit the colour better. I’m hoping to prove the point by persuading Gary, our photographer to get snapping over the next few weeks. And don’t forget that if you have any pictures you’d like to share we are always glad to see them.
Another sort of gold comes when something happens that lifts the spirits for a little while. It can be something quite brief – it made me smile when I had to leave my computer a minute ago because a very fetching green caterpillar was crawling up my jeans – or rather longer.
I was out walking miles from anywhere the other day when I fell into a conversation over a farm gate that ended with a cup of tea in their garden. I shared the break with this most interesting couple, their donkey, several sheep and a sparrow-hawk. I went on my way with a gift of some home-grown vegetables and a spring in my step. The rest of the day was wonderfully brightened by that encounter; a truly golden moment.
Shall we have a page of golden moments in a future Bridge? It’s up to you: send some in and I’ll put a page together so that we can all enjoy hearing about that little lift we get from a Golden Moment. Margaret Ashmore
Sharing your news with us
If you want to share your news and photographs or advertise your company.
Delivery (Tel 01299 820457)
Typed and clearly hand written material can also be left in The Bridge box in the porch of St Anne’s Church.
If you can help deliver please email Deliverers mostly take out less than 50 magazines. Reserve list is also useful. Printed by A&G Printing Co Ltd 01299 822174 Editor : Margaret Ashmore
Advertising : Steve Gillespie
Design and Artwork : David Glenn & Martin Flegg
Photo Editor : Gary Mayner
The Old Town Hall
Wyre Hill, Bewdley DY12 2UE Tel 01299 409 465 Website Come and stay at our historical late medieval Grade 2 listed Family Run Bed & Breakfast 4 star rated by Visit Britain Accommodation for All – with easy access ground floor room Babies & Children Welcome high chair/cot/nappy changing mat available All Rooms en suite complete with Wi-Fi, T.V. Hospitality tray & hair dryer Iron facilities available upon request Spacious guest lounge with T.V. and board games & Internet access Take time to relax in our tranquil orchard garden Sadly no pets
Specialist Services
Horse Riding Lessons
Call Adele 07799 761932
Sat 3 Oct Sat 10 Oct Sat 24 Oct Tue 27 Oct Sat 31 Oct
Three Peaks & Haworth Tavistock & Dartmoor Lynmouth via Porlock Hill Moreton in Marsh Market Saffron Walden & Thaxted
Sat 7 Nov Sherwood Forest & Lincoln Tue 10 Nov Autumn Gold – Lake Vyrnwy Sat 21 Nov Blenheim Palace-Crafts for Xmas Sun 20 Dec Festive Favourites at Symphony Hall with Alan Titchmarsh, CBSO & massed choirs
8 Jan 8 Mar 14 Mar 30 Mar 12 Apr 13 June 18 Sep
3 days 5 days 2 days 5 days 5 days 9 days 8 days
£155 £250 £85 £520 £240 £950 £670
PICKING UP WITHIN WALKING Tel 01299 402989 To Book /For Brochure (46 Sandbourne Drive, Bewdley, DY12 1BN) DISTANCE OF YOUR HOME Or visit or Bewdley Tourist Information
What’s On - October
3rd-4th Autumn Festival Wyre Forest Visitor Centre, Tel: 01299 266944 4th French Market TBC, Severnside 4th Walk with Bewdley Footpaths and Bridleways - 14:00 outside the Guild Hall. Membership is £1 per year. Trial walk is free. 5th Bewdley Floral Art Club at St George's Hall Bewdley. Tel : 01299 402961. 5th Bewdley Readers Library Group Tel 01299 822068 5th Bewdley Town Council Meeting 19:30 in the Guildhall, Load Street. 7th Bewdley Horticultural Society. Wribbenhall Community Centre, Tel 01562 751992 or 01299 402670. 7th Storytime for pre-school children 14:00 Bewdley Library 8th-10th Diesel Gala. Severn Valley Railway. 10th Who Lets The Dads Out. Bewdley Baptist Church. 10th Bewdley Festival Museum Open Day. 11th Classic Car and Bike Day. Severn Valley Railway, 15th Storytime for pre-school children - 14:00 Bewdley Library, 17th Harvest Supper Rock Village Hall. Service at church @ 6:30pm 19th Bewdley Townswomen’s Guild Reading Circle Tel 01299 822068 19th Royal British Legion Black Boy Hotel, Kidderminster Road. 22nd Storytime for pre-school children - 14:00 Bewdley Library, Load Street. 24th Jazz Train. Severn Valley Railway 27th Broomsticks! Wyre Forest Discovery Centre, 5-11 years: Tel: 01299 266929 29th Citizens Advice Bureau - 10:00 Bewdley Medical Centre, Dog Lane. 30th Pumpkin Day and Market. Tel Ann 404226 Maggin 403340 Barbara 404488 see also individual articles within The Bridge.
Community News
Get Together – Discover More
All of our Family Learning Events will be advertised within the Octoberfest Leaflet to encourage families to come along and ‘discover their talents and new skills’.
During October, is your family interested in: Family History
Digital Photography Brass Rubbing
Craft Workshops
If so, telephone 01299 404740 for more information
Bewdley Festival is proud to be the focus of the Midlands Launch for Family Learning for the Campaign for Learning. The anticipated date for this is Thursday 15th October at 3.30pm when it is expected that after a formal ceremony at the Museum, VIPs will engage in family learning activities with local community members and their children and grandchildren.
The Bridge
Is the first choice for: Local community news Local companies to advertise their services. For over 40 years, The Bridge has been the community magazine for our town.
SEVERNSIDE SCHOOL OF DANCING ballet :: tap :: modern Greek :: Acrobatic dance
Age range : 3yrs - teenagers Classes held at St George Hall, Bewdley New pupils welcome First lesson is free
then payment is weekly for first half-term and after that by the half-term
Enquiries to Principal Mrs Joyce Campbell (BTDA) Bewdley 400633
Regd teacher with the Council for Dance Education and Training Rachel Greenwood, strings adjudicator for the British Federation of Festivals, has a few spaces for consultation lessons or tuition in violin and viola. Several of her students have gained success at a National Level. All ages welcome.
Tel : 01299 402513
Private Tuition in Italian
tailored exactly to your requirements
Phone Peter 07974 824333
Contact : John Griffiths 01562 753808
Specialist Services
The Specialist Off Licence Draught Real Ales, Ciders and Fruit Wines A wide selection of Special Bottled Beers Other Specialities Party Service Drinks on Sale or Return
“If we don’t stock the drink you “thirst” for, we will endeavour to obtain it for you”
70 Load Street, Bewdley Tel : 01299 402254
Home Tuition
Experienced Physics and Maths Teacher (KS3,KS4,AS/A2) to Students 9 – Adult
R.Fitter M.Sc
01299 409460
Algarve Apartment
Luxury 2-bed apartment on small development. Sleeps 4 - 6. Fully-equipped kitchen lounge & balcony Large pool, tennis courts etc. 10min walk to beach.
Tel : 01299405375
St. Leonard’s Ribbesford
Sunday worship: 11.15am
• On the first Sunday each month we have a service of Holy Communion.
• On the other Sundays we have Matins – from the Book of Common Prayer. • Church is usually open in daylight hours for prayer, peace & quiet.
• Evensong on Sunday evenings at 6.30pm Sunday 1st November – All Souls memorial service 4pm
Keith James is the minister of the Church. Contact him on 01299 402275 (office) or Diane Taylor, the Churchwarden, on 01299 403983.
You are very welcome. However you come. Why ever you come. We hope you will come again.
Services October
St Anne’s Bewdley October 2009
Sunday worship at 9.30am Worship lasts for about an hour. Music is usually a mix of contemporary and traditional. Children and young people will often meet in their own groups and join with adults later on. Wednesdays at 10.15am – Morning worship Booking a wedding at Ribbesford or St Anne’s – drop in at St Anne’s on a Tuesday evening, 7-8pm Thinking about baptism – come to a Sunday service and we’ll talk together over coffee Our website is:
A warm welcome from Bewdley Baptist Church.
Our main focus of worship is on Sundays at 10am, where there is a relaxed style with lively music, all ages come together and we hear God's word for today through the Bible. There are also special groups for children and young people. Sunday evening at 6.30pm we have a shorter, more reflective service.
Weekly Events Our church runs a number of regular events during the week: Noah’s Ark - for parents and toddlers. Womens’ Own - an afternoon meeting for ladies. Art Group - a quiet place to paint and draw.
Let The Dads Out - second Saturday of the month for dads and toddlers Youth Activities We also run a monthly Senior Citizens' Lunch and Men’s Group. Like to know more? Contact the ministers, John Rhodes or Simon Harry, at the church office (403267) or visit our new look website. (Now includes video tours)
forget the gym Home
Specialist Services
get really active
You move to a new area and you have a new job to settle in to, a new home to find and perhaps schools to sort out for the kids. Once the initial hard work is over, you then start to think about how to meet people and build a social circle. Or perhaps you have been in the area for a long time but would like to expand your horizons? If you’re interested in coming along to a couple of evenings so see if you like it, give one of us a ring. If you like, we can even arrange for a couple of us to meet you in a pub for an informal chat. We are a relaxed bunch and welcome all sorts - just as long as you enjoy social occasions and would like to be able to put something back in to the community a couple of times a year. We look forward to hearing from you.
01299 400878
get really active
St Andrew’s Button Oak The Chapel in the Woods
Sunday worship
11.15am on the second and fourth Sundays each month St Andrew's is found in Button Oak, Shropshire, 3 miles north of Bewdley on the B4194 to Kinlet. Keith James is the minister of the Church. Contact him on 01299 402275 (office)
High Street
Services at 10.30 every Sunday
Further details of forthcoming services and regular activities can be obtained from Rev. Crawford Logan on 01562 742722.
RIVERSIDE CHURCH building life
building hope
Dog Lane Bewdley
A Church for all the family
Every Sunday @ 9:15am & 11:15am
6.30pm Evensong
Come and join us
9.30am Family Eucharist with Holy Baptism
Me th od ist Ch ur ch
All Saints Wribbenhall
8.00am Holy Communion BCP
Services October
9.30am Family Eucharist
9.30am Family Eucharist
9.30am Family Eucharist
November 1st All Saints’ Day
8.00am Holy Communion BCP
9.30am Family Eucharist
4.30pm Evensong
Holy Family Catholic Church
High Street. Sunday Mass at 8am Tuesday and Thursday at 10 am (preceded by morning prayer) Holidays of Obligation 12 noon.
Children & Youth meet in St George Hall at 11:15 only
Talented Live Band & Relevant Powerful Messages from the bible. church office: 01299 405535
Religious Society of Friends (Quakers)
Bewdley Quaker Meeting House, Lower Park. Meeting for worship every Sunday 10.30-11.30am. Everyone is welcome. (For further information, phone the Clerk on 01562 755844)
The deadline for the November issue of The Bridge is the 10th October.
Riverside Church presents
A Gospel Evening with Bobby Ball 7:30pm
21st & 22nd November 2009 The Glades Leisure Centre
Bromsgrove St. Kidderminster Tickets only ÂŁ8
This will be a night of fun and laughter in the company of one of Britain’s best loved comedians.
For tickets & information: Church office 01299 405535 Email Riverside Elim Church Bewdley
Kevin Hayes N.C.H.(Pershore)
Planting Plans Pruning Patios
Pergolas Water features Walls and fences
Phone: 01299 400465 Mob :07866 964427
Specialist Services
Home and Garden Services
Maintenance Disposal of Green Waste FREE Collection of Scrap Metal + White Goods General DIY No Odd Job too small Get it Tidy - call WILLIAM 07762 469089 or 07546 079952
Mature Ladies Keep Fit Class New term started on 14th September
2.30 p.m @ Broadwaters' Church Centre Enquiries to Margaret Powell on 01562 754510
All aspects of tree surgery
Hedges and conifers trimmed and shaped All waste woodchipped and removed Stumpgrinding NPTC certificates and public liability insurance available to view
We are happy to provide free, no obligation quotations (01584) 881 526 or 07719 289 545
All aspects of landscape construction undertaken. Scaled design / working plans provided. 25 years experience, work of the highest quality.
01299 403909 / 07968 411919
Garden Projects Designed and Built Landscaping and Fencing Specialists Full Gardens or Individual Features Tel :01562 638200 Mobile : 07977 334418
Specialist Services
Situated in Pewterers Alley, Bewdley. In sight of the r iver an d sight an d soun d of the Severn Valley Railway. Yo u can be sure of a war m welcom e, co mfy ro o m an d go o d breakfast. AA rate d. Just call Barbara Payne 01299 401956
- Base Laying - Garden maintenance
For all your gardening needs
call Richard on 01299 409148 Simon Powell Garden Services Garden Design-Survey-Plan-Build
Patio, Path & Turf Laying Garden Maintenance, Hedge Trimming Fencing, Garden Tidyups
01299 402399 07733108465
Specialist Services
Does your garden reflect your lifestyle needs? Does your garden reflect your home and surroundings? Does your garden need a fresh approach? Judy Knight is a Pershore-trained, professional garden designer who has created and built many gardens, from initial consultation through to full project management, with her own team of skilled landscapers
transform your outdoor living space
T: 07971 59 58 50 E:
Rubbish Removal and Recycling Garage, Garden, Household and Commercial
Plastic, Cardboard, Glass, Wood, Metal recycled also Compost Heaps removed
Tree prunning and hedge trimming Fully Insured
Value for money
01299 405477 07956 172825
Waste Carriers License BUS/722860
From the Pulpit
A few months ago I was present at an ordination service, which caused me to reflect on my own beginnings in the weird and wonderful life of being a Vicar. One lesson I had to learn is that God makes do with less than perfect reality. I remember being fresh out of Vicar college, full of enthusiasm and buoyed up by an exhilarating service. What did I do on my first day as a Curate (an apprentice Vicar) ? I went to a meeting of the church council where the three items on the agenda were…Mice – dust - and net curtains Welcome to the mighty church of God – not! There were other not-so-great discoveries too, which included… • The house we were shown when we made an initial visit never materialized – instead we had the one the previous Curate deemed unsuitable and unsafe. • Endless meetings. At times I felt I was living through a baptism of stodge – not fire. We talked about what we might do if only we had the time but we didn’t because all our evenings were...taken up
Bewdley Town Council is once again seeking nominations for its Civic Award Scheme. The Scheme is to reward people who have given outstanding service to the community. If you know of such a person, then this is your chance to put their name forward. Just write, with full details of why you feel your nominee deserves an award, to: The Town Clerk Bewdley Town Council The Guildhall,Load Street, BewdleyDY12 2AH Closing date for applications: 6th November 2009
Community News
with ...meetings. The Vicar who was training me moved on, leaving me to run a parish the size of Bewdley & Wribbenhall with just 20 months experience under my belt. There was a large gap between what was ideal and reality. But I also began to learn that God graciously makes do with the reality of our world - with surprising results. If we are wise – so do we. The Bible tells us that Christ made do with a borrowed crib, made do with the first 12 men he found as he went around, made do with a borrowed donkey, made do with a borrowed grave. In the midst of this ‘making do’, God worked wonderfully. And God continues to make do with people like us – indeed people like me. Looking back I realize that I learnt and received such a lot during those first less-than-perfect years. As I learned to ‘make do’ I began to see that our lives and often our churches are less than ideal, and yet they are the reality with which God works - and God is revealed. Keith James
B e wd le y & D is tr ic t H or t ic u ltu r a l S o c ie ty
Wednesday, 7th October Mini Autumn show, Prize giving, Harvest Supper and quiz. Wribbenhall Community Centre, Shaw Hedge Road, Wribbenhall, Bewdley We are always on the lookout for new faces so if you would like to give us a try, just turn up or ring Diane on 01299 402670 for more details Wednesday, 4th November Wildlife of the Cloud Forest and Galapagos Islands – Photographic slide show by Mike Wilkes
We specialise in the small odd jobs nobody else wants to do.
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Specialist Services
Professional Domestic Services Cleaning Laundry and Ironing Shopping Gardening Dog Walking Fully Insured Call Mandy….
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Specialist Services
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painting & wallcoverings
painting & wallcoverings
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Finishing Touch The
6 Greenbank Bewdley Worcestershire DY12 2JF Tel no : 0 1 2 9 9 4 0 3 2 9 7
Hudson Roofing Contractors
ROGER CARTER QUALITY CARPET FITTER For a friendly experienced service call 01299 405319 or 07890426479 All your carpet requirements catered for with free estimates
Specialist Services
Tiling Slating Lead work Specialist All flat Roofing Repairs Guttering For a free no obligation quote please ring:
Tel : 01299 400244 Mobile : 07805 668589 All Work Fully Guaranteed OAP Discounts
Bewdley Roofing
DCG Property Maintenance Residential & Industrial Home Improvements Kitchen & Bathroom Fitting Guttering, Fascia & Soffits Fitting Decking For Quotations Tel : 01299 400246 or 07591 653083
Slating Tiling, Guttering Chimneys re-pointed Flat roofs
Contact : 07830 352187
Bewdley Museum
Calling all Children!
Community News
mystical grotto and make some traditional Xmas decorations.
Enjoy activities at Bewdley Museum this autumn and winter.
Monday 26th to Friday 30th October. Craft Activities Lino printing, brass rubbing, Halloween themed crafts.
Saturday 24th October 11.00-3.30 The Big Draw. Come and pick up a paint brush and help to make a magic carpet appear. All materials supplied & all ages welcome.
For more details call 01299 403573
The museum will be open every Friday, Saturday & Sunday from 1st November – 20th December between 12noon and 4.00pm.
Saturday 5th December 12.00 – 4.00 Xmas Lights Celebration Visit Santa in his
Pound Green and Button Oak Community Hall November 14 at 8pm
Anything For A Tenor With Lestyn Edwards
A truly talented young man with an awesome sense of humour and a fantastic voice. £6 per head. To book your ticket (we only have 80 tickets) call 01299 404172 Gail/John
Bewdley Townswomen's Guild
Special Museum News
There was no guild meeting in August, but a skittles evening was very much enjoyed by members and their guests at the Talbot in Hartlebury. The winners with the highest scores were Heather Tennant for the ladies and Geoff Bowater for the men. A booby prize was awarded for the lowest score (name withheld !). The next meeting will be on Tuesday 27th October at 7.30pm at Wribbenhall Community Centre when Dr Mike Redman will speak about Saga Travel. Visitors and new members are always welcome For more information phone 01299 401 235
We hope this special opening will encourage more people to come and enjoy Bewdley during the winter months. Please help us to spread the news by telling your family & friends!
MENTOR LINK 100 CLUB Are you part of it?
Mentor Link are running a 100 club scheme, as a fun way to support our Charity and giving you the opportunity to win a cash prize each month.
To become a member of the 100 Club we ask you to commit to paying just £1per week, payable four weekly by standing order. This entitles you to enter our prize draw to win a first prize of £50 As a member you will receive a membership card with your number and be automatically entered into the Prize Draw every four weeks.
For more details and/or to obtain a standing order form please contact Del on 01299 400616 or email
Registered charity number 1106171
Specialist Services
t delete C ad from ue.
Gas Heating & Plumbing Installation, Servicing & Maintenance Corgi Reg No 211096
Natural Gas, LPG & Oil Call Mark on 01299 401329 or 07760 451584 for a reliable service
Employment opportunities
Live-in carers needed to work with a man with disabilities On a week-on, week-off basis. Tel: 01299 253225, for details.
Bridge Advert May 09:Layout 1
• New SKY contacts & upgrades • Digital aerials
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• Multi-room distribution • Freeview & free Sat • Telephone points
• CCTV camera systems
• FREE digital advice / quotes
From NEIL KEARNS Free Quotations 01299 402726 or 07989 058513
Community News
Following the enormous success of the event over the school holiday period when 290 young people visited the Cafe they are now back to the Term Time Agenda.
The Cafe will be open every School day at 7.30 a.m. until 8.30a.m when the young people can drop in for a cup of tea and slice of toast to meet the friends.
The Cafe then re-opens at 3.p.m. until 5p.m. each day. However, there are plans to extend the times. This will depend largely on the Charity being able to afford to pay an extra member of staff to assist the manager Sara Watton. The Trustees will be advertising this post shortly. Hopefully, the Cafe will also begin to be open each Saturday from 12.noon – 4 p.m. Sara also is planning many activities to take place in and out of the Cafe. Details as to these will be posted in the Cafe. The Annual General Meeting will take place at 7pm, 29th October 2009 at the Guildhall, Load Street – all are welcome.
Bewdley Library
Dear Editor, I felt it necessary to write after reading the Town Council News in the last issue of The Bridge magazine regarding the new shop in the High Street. I personally feel the shop looks lovely and tastefully painted. It makes a change to see something that looks so nice rather than the £1 shop which stood in its place before. I am not sure why people complain when you have a Tattoo shop further up the street that is so not in keeping with the beautiful Georgian town of Bewdley. Why don't the town council look at some of the shops and pubs which are unkempt and bordering on the side of tacky, than those which obviously have given much thought to the exterior. Bewdley resident
Mother’s Union
The Mothers’ Union is holding its annual Candlelit Advent Service on Thursday 3rd December at 7.30pm. This year it will be held in St Anne’s Church. Tea, coffee and mince pies will be served after the service. Everyone is welcome.
Seen any good books lately?
Many of us enjoy the dramatised classics that appear on our screens, such as Little Dorritt, Wuthering Heights, and Sense and Sensibility. Suggest a classic as reading matter, however, and some people get fidgety (memories of school, perhaps?). The beauty of dramatic adaptations is that you bypass the archaic language and ‘see’ the story unfold. Once in your head, the story on the page can be less daunting to read. Stick with them; some of the classics have storylines that wouldn’t be out of place in a modern soap (and you don’t have to listen to half an hour of shrieking). At the library we have replenished our stock of classics and at time of writing (early September) have a ‘Catch up with a Classic’ display. Let’s see how long we can keep it going. Come and have a look – you won’t like them all, but you might end up finding one you love.
Specialist Services
01299 825900
I had chicken and pork pate with port jelly on melba toast, which Mystery was well presented on Diner white china at The Mug House on Severnside North in Bewdley. My party guests had goats cheese spring roll, with mango and coriander salsa with beetroot sorbet...........this was starting to look good.
The service was jolly and a calming buzz was around this well dressed and gently lit room. A good choice on the menu gave you the confident feeling that an enjoyable evening was to follow.
We choose the local wine to compliment our locally produced food; a good idea to keep local - in the end it helps everyone. The starters for my party were enjoyed. One abstained from a starter, as she did not want to detract from the main course; a
Bewdley Horticultural Society October: an Indian summer ?
Well, if you thought it’s time to put the tools away in the shed for the winter then think again! October is a busy month. Our weather may be that of mainly rain and wind with cloudy days but there is also the prospect of fog and frost.Yet despite the weather digging is one of those necessary activities to get the most benefit from frost breaking up the soil for early planting next season. As you can guess the lawns still need attention, scarifying, aerating and an autumnal top dressing. October is an ideal time for remodelling borders and areas with herbaceous plants; split old perennials and use the vigorous outside shoots for replanting. It’s time to get the annual plants
Community News
chef's surprise dish of a sorbet was a lovely touch, but a pity that because one of our guests refrained from having a starter was 'missed out' with this pre main course appetiser. My main course, the breast of chicken dish with gooseberry compot, boulangere potato served with green bean and bacon wrap with port jus, was very tasty. The char grilled 16oz rib eye steak, which one of
my guests had with broccoli florets with creme fraiche and almonds, was a whopper, and as he finished his dish exclaimed 'Wow! That was something!'
For dessert, I choose the very tempting cheese board with a good assortment; the creme brulee with walnut sable biscuit looked very tasty and a spoonful was exchanged to me for a creme cracker and cheese - how lovely to share. All in all, a satisfying meal in the calm of a busy and popular restaurant on the river front.
out as they go past their best and plant out biennials and perennials that you’ve raised from seed. Bulbs for spring need to go in to have a good chance of looking their best next year. The greenhouse should be lined with polythene now for additional insulation as softer plants are brought inside to overwinter. There is a good case for fumigation if this year’s tomatoes have suffered from blight. Beware of slugs getting inside and keep a little ventilation going to remove fumes from oil heaters. It’s still worth trying a winter planting of spring cabbage, and winter and spring lettuce. Invest in a big lawn rake or a garden vacuum to keep those falling leaves off the lawns and rockeries and then convert them into compost. Keep up the effort as the dark hours will soon overtake the light.
Stuart Williams
Specialist Services
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Call Mike 07882 538 709 or 01299 409 359
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We Do Blinds
We Clean & Repair vertical blinds We Supply & Fit all types of blinds We Supply & Fit awnings & canopies Phone Richard Hague for a free quotation
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DPT Carpentry Specialists
A Professional, Reliable Service You Can Trust Doors, architrave, skirting, kitchens, flooring, maintenance and general building work
David Taylor
m: 07971 390923 e: 31 Sandbourne Drive Free Bewdley, Worcestershire Quotations DY12 1BN
From the Registers
Baptisms: 14 June at St Leonards - Alfie Jay Carter 21 June at St Anne's - Joseph Shakespeare 5th July at All Saint’s - Samuel Joseph Timney 6th September at All Saint’s - Fiona Joi Maddams Marriages: 1st August - Sarah Collis and David Dunn at St Leonards Church 1st August - Rebecca Jones and Richard Jelfs at St Leonards Church 2nd August - Elizabeth Crich and James Clark at St. Anne's Church 7th August - Katie Harvatt and Richard Parry at St Leonards Church
Community News
8th August - Jennifer Pickering and Gareth Williams at St Leonards Church 8th August - Maxine Jones and Damien O'Neill at St Leonards Church 15th August - Sheryl Beasley and Gareth Oakes at St Leonards Church 22nd August Harry Boswell and Victoria Toms at All Saint’s 29 August - Annette Harris and Richard Moore at St Leonards's Church Funerals: Agnes McCne Powell aged 62: Service at All Saints Church. Winifred Hatton aged 92 years - service at Stourbridge Crem. Rosalind Maud Agnes Brown (Lin) aged 88 years - service at Stourbridge Crem.
OctoberFest 2009
The flyers for the activities of the Festival Fringe – OctoberFest - are available from Tourist Information at the Museum and venues around the town.
There is great music at the pubs around the town including Beer & Hymns at the Woodcolliers; two Blues events at the Packhorse; Sea Songs and Shanties at the Mug and a concert by Carrie Hayden and school bands at the Bewdley School.
The Big Draw is coming to Bishops Wood and the Museum as well as art exhibitions at the Library, Museum, Quay Gallery & Riverside Church.
Family Learning arrives in Bewdley with workshops on Digital Photography; Family History; Craft Workshops; Brass Rubbing and Creative Writing. Wyre Forest Discovery centre is offering several Fungus Foray walks; Uncllys Farm have several Fruits of the Forest Farm Walks and the Melting Pot is offering Decorating Ceramics workshops.
The Foresters have a series of special dinner events; St Georges Hall hosts Dance Funtasia and a Civic Society talk and there is a talent Show at the Kingsford pub, Wolverley. Look out for the street entertainment outside the Guildhall on Saturday 10th. Take part, have fun and enjoy the events in our lovely town!
Chris Griffin,
Festival Office, Old Snuff Mill, Park Lane, Bewdley DY12 2EL T: 01299 404 808 E:
Bewdley Electrical Services Extra lights and sockets or complete re-wire Domestic electrical installation and testing Electrical Inspection and Certification BS7671 - 2008 All Part P work carries a Building Regulations Certificate of Compliance For quality work and no-obligation quotation
John Fletcher: 01299 403 759 or 07882 538 709
ELECSA registered installer
Specialist Services
LOCKSMITH & SECURITY SPECIALIST For all your security solutions 24/7 call out emergency locksmith Parking posts & bollards fitted Locks fitted to insurance standards BS3621 Intruder alarms Doors & frames fitted Gate automation UPVC & aluminium specialist CCTV Safes & fire proof cabinets Door entry systems *10 years experience* *No obligation quotes* *OAP Discounts* *No call out charge* *All work guaranteed* For a friendly & reliable service please call Adrian on 01562 827286 or 07905 533821
Hire of Crockery Tableware and Catering Equipment Tel : 01562 863222 Mobile : 07515 578985
Unit 2a Ricketts Close, Firs Industrial Estate, Kidderminster. DY11 7QN.
Call RICHARD MOORE Telephone : 07979 241892
Community News
African Mass
Sunday 11th October 10.30am
St Anne’s Church Bewdley with music from the Missa Luba
featuring Drumlove
soloist: Russell Painter
The Wolverhampton Chamber Choir directed by Geoff Weaver Free entry Part of the Bewdley Festival 2009 Further details contact Revd Keith James 01299 402275
Video on going to a Baptist Church
If you would like to know what a typical Baptist Church service is like, then you can find out on the web at and follow the link to Video Tours. The five minute video shows a typical Sunday morning service, the modern and traditional music that is sung and the wide age range of people who come to the church. The video also includes a short section on communion which is held once a month in the morning. Simon Harry, pastor of the church said, “We have had a number of people who have visited us as a result of looking at our website. This video shows how to find us - as we are tucked away on the High Street and also captures our informal style of worship.”
Welcome to Bewdley
A warm welcome to the new Methodist minister, Rev. Crawford Logan who took his first service in the town on the 6th September.
Reader’s Photographs
Alan Moore
Raymond Flavell
David Glenn
David Glenn Dave Andrews
Dave Andrews
Chris Kowalik
Out and About with Gary
Pumpkin Festival
Community News
Bewdley Bowling Club
- who are we?
Bewdley Bowling club has been running for over 100 years. It was formed by a band of local gentlemen on Friday 30th May 1902 and our first President was none other than Stanley Baldwin who went on to become Prime Minister. Our first green was situated at the back of the George Hotel in the centre of Bewdley. In the late 50’s the committee purchased, with aid from the Sports Council, the land we now occupy, and took up residence in a small wooden pavilion on Severnside North; the present club was built and opened in April 1981. In its early days the club was, like many others, an all male club and ladies were only allowed into the club to socialise. This all changed when the ladies were allowed to become members in their own right in the late 1960s. The Club now has approx 300 members, with nearly a third of these playing on this heavily used green during a season from April to October. Few other sports provide a facility where you can actively participate for such a long span of years. Our youngest junior bowler is eight years old and our oldest is in his 80’s. Our Club Captain is still playing in the A team and has played in the league for over 50 years! Ladies, gentleman and juniors all play together in this truly family sport. We have several fathers and sons, grandparents and children, brothers and sisters, husbands and wives and not to be forgotten some very good friends all bowl here. We have a full calendar of club competitions on most Sunday afternoons throughout the bowling season in which all members can take part The club is affiliated to the Kidderminster and District Bowling League, fielding teams in all of the different leagues catering for all bowlers of different levels of skills. When the outdoor bowling is finished, within the club itself, mixed leagues are played throughout the winter playing short mat bowls, these are bowled on Sundays, Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays evenings at varying times. If you are interested in joining our club come along and meet us. Chris Green (Secretary)
Specialist Services
Ray Evans
Painter & Decorator Interior & Exterior Decorating References available Reliable High Quality Service No Job too Small
Tel: 01299 269187 Mob: 07971 937620
Painter & Decorator Dulux select decorator
High Quality workmanship Home 01562 637609 Mobile 07980425813
Specialist Services
Christmas shopping Day in London
With Bewdley Twinning Association Coach leaves Dog Lane car park at 08.00 on November 28th Leaves London late afternoon Return tickets ÂŁ17.00 Please ring Sue Hayden 01299 403201
Community News
Bewdley Methodist Church
The monthly evening house fellowship has re-started with our first meeting at the home of Sue and Mike Dernie. A programme has been drawn up for the coming year. The fellowship meets on the second Tuesday of each month. If anyone would like to come along please contact either Mike or Sue on 01299 400284. The Knit and Natter group is going from strength to strength. We are again supporting Preemies and Operation Christmas Child. We are always pleased to receive donations of wool, so if anyone has any unwanted wool please contact Pat on 01299 403941, who will be only too pleased to collect any donations
Grow with Wyre
This is a busy month for Grow with Wyre, with courses starting in the forest and it is time to apply for orchard restoration. Grow with Wyre is funding the restoration of 15 orchards plus three exemplar community and education orchards across the Wyre Forest area. Seven orchards have already been supported by the project. They are looking for people who would like to plant or re-instate an orchard to get in. If you live in the project area, please contact or call 01299 269048 for an application form.
Orchard Wildlife
Traditional orchards combine fruit trees, grassland and hedgerow. They provide homes for many plants and animals because they provide this variety of habitats. This is important because many bumblebee species, which help pollinate the fruit trees, need tussocky grassland for nesting in summer and hedgerows to hibernate under in winter. Many beetles which eat live wood as larvae, feed on the flowers of tall herbs such as hogweed and wild angelica and hawthorn as adults. Dead and dying trees with ‘veteran features’ such as hollow trunks and rot holes provide the most important habitat, for nesting birds and rare insects like the Noble Chafer. But it is important to maintain a full age range of orchard trees and the other associated habitats within the orchard for all the wildlife that depends on them. Traditional orchards are important habitats for amphibians, mammals and birds. A variety of bats forage over traditional orchards, Dormice and many wild birds forage and live in the hedges surrounding them. Even amphibians like frogs and Great Crested Newts may be found in orchards that have ponds, because the rough grassland provides foraging for insects, with fallen logs for shelter in winter. Foxes and Badgers they will eat fallen fruit and have been seen reaching up to pick fruit from low branches! Wildlife needs trees of different ages within the orchard. Sadly many orchards have just trees of the same age group, or might be too small to support much wildlife. Grow with Wyre is helping not just by restoring orchards but also by giving away fruit trees for gardens, hedgerows and orchards. If you would like free trees or more information please contact or call 01299 269048.
Specialist Services
We stock steaks, beef burgers, lamb and mint burgers and specialist sausages. A large selection of salad dressings, along with speciality oils and vinegars. Come and pay us a visit!
m w Roo e N ty @ au pen e B O
71 load street, bewdley tel : 01299 401901
25 Years Experience
For Quality Hair Design at Competitive Prices
31 Queensway • Wribbenhall • Bewdley • DY12 1ET
TEL: 01299 400533
Introducing Amy - Specialising in Men’s Hairdressing and Colouring Services - 10% off these services Tue - Wed - Thu Monday - Closed
Wednesday - 1:30-9:00pm Friday - 9:00-5:30pm
Tuesday - 9:00-5:00pm
Thursday - 9:00 - 5:30pm Saturday - 8:00-3:00pm
Spa Therapy Room @ New Image Tel: 07910 281973
Introductory Offer
Receive £5.00 off any treatment over £15.00
Qualified Professional Mobile Hairdresser
Professional reliable service in the comfort of your own home. Discounts for senior citizens. Please call Bev on 07805129249
Mark Foster BsC (Hons 1st Class – Podiatry) MChs Retention No: CH14729 Home visiting Chiropody Service – Discounts for couples/groups Surgical Treatment for Ingrowing Toenails Available Biomechnanical Examination and Treatment including : Plaster Casting Bespoke Orthotic Manufacture Joint mobilisation/manipulation also available H: 01299 266186 M: 07941 138957
Specialist Services
01299 40 00 00 Bewdley
24 hour service Airport Transfers
Local and Long Distance work undertaken
Specialist Services
Wyre Forest McTimoney Chiropractic and Integrated Health Clinic (est. 1997) McTimoney Chiropractic. Physiotherapy. Acupuncture.Psychology. Remedial/Sports Massage. Pilates. Zero Balancing. Homeopathy. Kinesiology.EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique).
Do you have, or know anyone who has any of the following? Back, neck shoulder or any joint/muscle pain Trapped Nerves Headaches and Migraine Neuralgia Whiplash Back ache and SPD in Pregnancy Sciatica Frozen Shoulder Repetitive Strain Injury Sports Injuries Carpal Tunnel Tennis/Golfers Elbow Bulging/Prolapsed (‘slipped’) discs Children’s ‘Growing pains’ Babies with Colic, unexplained crying, poor sleep pattern, symptoms of ADHD or developmental delay particularly following a traumatic birth
Free Chiropractic Spinal Checks available
Evening appointments available. Emergencies only, outside clinic hours. Chiropractic 1st appointment approx 90 mins, all follow-up appointments approx 30 mins.
PLEASE CALL 01562 60823 FOR INFORMATION AND APPOINTMENTS BURGAGE LODGE, 184 Franche Road, Kidderminster DY11 5AD Incorporating
Valley Light
Reiki Practitioners Wribbenhall IAMME Karate Club Mondays 4.45-5.45 5-7 year olds
a realistic approach to teaching martial arts to the younger student—
FUN, FUN AND MORE FUN!! Mondays 5.45-7.45
for 7 years to Adult.
Vibrant martial arts, tailored to suit the individual.
Your local Karate Club Wribbenhall Parish Rooms 4th Dan black belt Instructor established at the Parish Rooms for 7 years Tuesday 5.30-6.30
Wednesday 10.00-11.00 Ki-Taiso
For those who prefer more sedate exercise.
Gentle stretching set to music and breathing
exercises. The aim of this class is to improve one’s well being; exercising mind, body and soul. Age is no barrier! Tuesday 6.30-7.30 Stamina Session
Dynamic, focussed training to build stamina, perfect techniques and learn self-defence
All Saints' and Wribbenhall Together
Our community project, based in All Saints’ Church Wribbenhall every Monday (except Bank Holidays), continues to provide key information & advice from specialists in many fields whilst offering a warm welcome and light refreshments to all. Have you children with toys, games etc which no longer keep them amused? Or are they young and needing a place to keep them entertained for a while in the holidays? Have you lost your job, or are facing redundancy and are thinking of starting your own business, working from home? Are you elderly and confused about filling in your tax form? You may even have had a health or mobility crisis leaving you wondering how to receive support, make your home easier to live in; that crisis may be as a result of a head injury or Alzheimer’s. Do you care for a loved one? Does this make you feel alone, unsupported, never able to take a break? Do you need to speak to a Councillor, or are you interested in the history of this area
All Saints' Wribbenhall Bingo
The excitement continues on the first and third Mondays of the month in Wribbenhall Community Centre on Shaw Hedge Road. The night starts at 7.00pm and ends at 9.00pm. It's a great night out, fun for all AND you can go away with lovely prizes. We look forward to seeing you there on: Monday 5th & 19th October and Monday 2nd & 16th November
Community News
or wanting to explore your own family history? If you can answer “Yes” to any one of these questions then you could have missed the opportunity to have your questions answered, your worries sorted. Because these are all the subjects that have been covered, not since the start of the year – just during August & September. Two months and 10 different, 10 important, 10 valuable subjects providing information & support for all, and to that you can add the free tea, coffee & yummy chocolate biscuits; all supported by the renowned welcome of the Monday Girls. A number have come along and it was great to meet you, but there are many others who have missed their opportunity. So do look out for our colourful posters around Wribbenhall & Bewdley advertising our next week’s “specialists” or read our report each week on the Community Page of “The Shuttle” and make the decision to come & join us. We are very confident you will not go away disappointed. Questions/comments? Then ring Pete 01562 635603 or 07890 738 089
Wribbenhall Ladies' Luncheon Club
In August Paul Cook talked to the group on the subject "Do They Really Bury Their Heads?", which was about farming ostriches. This was an informative and humorous talk by a good speaker, who involved his audience. In September Bob Lawrence spoke on "Home on the Range". Ladies are invited to attend the meeting on 28th October, when the subject will be "RNLI - The Family", by Kath Underwood. Meetings take place at the Ramada Hotel, and to obtain further information or book a place please ring 400363.
Specialist Services
Rooms available at Abbeyfield House
At Abbeyfield House we offer a friendly style of living with single en-suite rooms, a cooked mid-day lunch and lighter evening meal.
Abbeyfield House is ideal for older people who can no longer quite cope with living alone at home, but who are still active and value their independence. For more information and to visit Abbeyfield, phone David Pagett on 01562 68640
The Abbeyfield Kidderminster Society Ltd Abbeyfield House 17 Birmingham Road Kidderminster DY10 2BX
St. Anne’s C of E Primary School, Wyre Hill, Bewdley DY12 2UQ Telephone: 07964096764 Open Monday to Friday, 9.00a.m. to 3.00p.m., during school term time. Children accepted from 2½ years to 5 years. Funded places offered for 3 & 4 year olds. Exceptionally highly qualified & experienced staff. Judged Ofsted “Outstanding” June 2008 & January 2009 For further enquiries or to arrange a visit to see our fantastic indoor & outdoor facilities please call the above number.
Community News
The new Traidcraft catalogues are now available from St Anne’s Church Centre. As usual the catalogue is packed with goodies from more than 100 producer groups in over 30 developing countries. With 120 pages there’s bound to be something in the catalogue you can’t do without. All the usual staple food products are there with some lovely new treats too – milk chocolate buttons and jelly teddies for the children and chocolate coated toffee popcorn or fruit jellies for the grown ups. All food stuffs are sold in single packets in St Anne’s. Why not put together a regular order? Craft sales are so important for our producers and there’s a stunning range of clothing, jewellery and accessories for the ladies and some organic cotton rich socks for the men. Recycled glassware, storage and other goodies for the home are all
Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal Prize Bingo at Shawhedge Road Community Centre. 17th October. Eyes down at 7.30pm. Bring your own drink.
Carol's Prize Bingo at Shawhedge Road Community Centre. 31st October. Eyes down at 7.30pm. In aid of Age Concern. Bring your own drink
there with some wonderfully eye-catching children’s gifts and puzzles. For that special greetings card don’t forget the beautifully crafted handmade paper cards, many lovingly embroidered as well. There are plenty of gift ideas too, and though I hate to mention it so soon there’s all you need for Christmas, with cards from a new supplier, calendars, foodie treats and even a nativity set made from recycled paper. On the subject of Christmas, the annual Traidcraft Christmas Fair will be in St Anne’s Church Centre on Saturday, 7th November from 10am-4pm. Write it in your diary now! There’s nothing like seeing all the beautiful products for real. Our producer partners have great skills and our purchases of their work really are life changing. So in this 30th Birthday year for Traidcraft please do your bit to make the world a fairer place by buying what you can. Thank you Elaine Barbour
Questions of Fair Trade
Wander into Supermart with lists in head and hand Hoping to remember, at every separate stand, Which Government's acceptable, which product's out of tune And that the great 'Fair Trade' mark will be on everything quite soon. Should you buy cheaper tea bags, their pickers paid a paltry price? Should you buy Traidcraft basmati, or Yankee Quick Cook rice? So many jars of coffee are strictly off the limit; Then buy Café Direct - there's real good flavour in it! Should you buy British sugar, or Mauritian - for fair wages? In the face of unemployment, hard to know just how one gauges. If you buy Israeli oranges, will that help them to arm And brutalise the occupants of a Palestinian farm? Though we know it right to care what's fair, the pennies melt away; You may wish that your scruples hadn't seen the light of day,,,, Jane Moreton
Specialist Services
Alzheimer’s Society
Leading the fight against dementia
Have you been diagnosed with dementia or caring for someone with dementia?
Alzheimer’s Society can support you with advice, information and practical support. To find out more about our services contact: Wyre Forest Branch
83 New Road, Kidderminster DY10 1AE
01562 823800
For support and information call the National Dementia Helpline 0845 300 0336
Registered charity no. 296654
Tel : 0783 729 5698
Pre-school and Play group
Wribbenhall Community Hall, Shaw Hedge Road Wribbenhall, Bewdley
Mon 8.45 - 2.45 Tues 8.45 - 1.15 Thurs 11.15 - 1.45 and Fri 8.45 - 2.45
Relaxed and happy pre-school environment Own secure outdoor garden. 6 staff fully qualified in Early Years Care and Education with First Aid Training + Our own free car park with spaces for 16 cars OFSTED OUTSTANDING 2009. Children are accepted from the age of 2 - 5 years (no need to be potty trained). 3 and 4 year olds receive educational funding 15hrs per week (free) Holiday club also available for 2 – 10 years Staff are also trained in Special Educational needs, Risk assessment and Health and Safety.
Pre-school Cost £2.30 per hour minimum session length 2hrs
Childcare Vacanciess Registered Childminder School pick up available Home cooked meals Large garden Reasonable prices Immediate start
Call Sharon on 07826 842828 Email
Specialist Services
Park Lane Childcare Your child’s home from home
Ofsted Registered Childminder 12 years experience
Call Stephanie Borrow
Tel: 01299 404126 Mob: 07708 282545
BEWDLEY RING CRAFT CLUB Wednesday evenings 8:00pm to 9:30pm Training for the show ring. At Wribbenhall Parish Rooms (next to the church) For more information call: Nicky 01299 878962 Jackie 01562 748264 All breeds welcome
* valid until 30 Nov 2009
Cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotion Phone 01299
B. Ince
Specialist Services
Funeral Director
Professionalism in Print
• Bespoke Business Stationery • Flyers • Leaflets • Posters • Newsletters • Catalogues • Postcards • Greeting Cards etc.
From a business card to an extensive catalogue, our in-house design facility has it covered and our high quality, short run digital print service is available on a variety of papers & boards AND IF YOU NEED IT IN A HURRY WE OFTEN GIVE A 24 HOUR TURN AROUND
For a quick quote call : PRINTWORX Bewdley t : 01299 406046 • m : 07710 523853 e :
N EW I MAGE! NEW ATTITUDE! but still Bewdley’s 1-Stop-Shop for all your print needs!
• Black & White Copying up to A0 • Banners • • Colour Copying up to A3 • Laminating • • Garment Printing • Signage • • Web Site Design & Hosting •
River House, 10 Severnside South, Bewdley T: 01299 405000 E:
Audio Typing Services – Experienced Secretary
Amy Heath Tel: 07725 751644 e mail: • Qualified and highly professional with 12 years experience • All typing requirements undertaken • No job too small
Telephone: 01299 403105
Private Chapel of Rest
Bank House Severnside South Bewdley, Worcestershire
Community News
Dear Readers, I sit here on a glorious cloudless evening in our Indian summer pondering the future, for we are in times of change. A gentle breeze blows the mustiness of times past from this old police station as I write this article at the eleventh hour to meet your editor’s deadline. Some aspects of change are imposed upon us, and others we impose upon ourselves as a means of adapting to new circumstances and meeting new challenges. At Bewdley one aspect of local policing that we are all agreed must change for the future (in fact for 2010) is PACT. Last night we had a refreshingly vibrant PACT meeting at a new venue, the Baptist Church in High St. Frustrations were aired, new issues raised, and lines drawn under old issues that we could progress no further. However not all meetings have been so successful. Audiences of 80 or 90 at meetings 5 or so years ago when PACT was a new concept have steadily dwindled, sometimes to single figures.
Riverside Church
Riverside Church are back home in Dog Lane Starting 6th September 2009 We wanted to come back into the heart of Bewdley, because that is where our heart is. Our thanks for the past year go to Bewdley School for their hospitality and making their facilities available to us. Because of our growth as a church we need to go to two morning services. 1st service 9:30am – 10:45am (communion will be bi-weekly)
So we are amending the way we operate PACT. We are moving away from quarterly meetings in 2010 and towards more frequent surgeries to make ourselves available as often as possible. We will be using the Youth Café in Load St as a drop in for anyone passing. Look out for the purple PACT notices in the window, and don’t be put off if your own youth is a fast fading memory. It is very comfortable, refreshments are available, and hopefully we’ll be able to put a spring back into your step! If you are a member of a group or club or society or even an informal gathering of friends and would like us to come and talk to you, we will. We are also exploring new ways of publicising what issues have been raised, and what has been done to do to address them. The PACT panel is at your service!
The last PACT meeting of 2009 will be at 6.30 p.m. on Wednesday 18th November, again at The Baptist Church (subject to confirmation). We look forward to meeting you.
Police Sergeant Chris Aimes Bewdley & Rural local Policing Team.
Refreshments available 10:45-11:15am 2nd service 11:15am – 12:45am PLEASE NOTE: Children & Youth facilities will meet in St. Georges Hall are only available at 2nd service
Riverside Church are a group of people from all walks of life who are being transformed by Jesus Christ. Every week, we join together to worship God and experience a relevant and powerful message, which teaches truths from the Bible. We are passionate about sharing the love of Christ by caring for each other and positively impacting our community. We’d love you to come and join us.
For more details: 01299 405535 church office Riverside An Elim Pentecostal Church
Marion Evans
Family Law
Specialist Services
Manual & Computerised Reasonable Rates
Tel No 01299 401905 Mobile 07799737083
A friendly, personal service to get you a website you can be proud of!
Get in touch to see how little it can cost 07811 509232
67 High Street, Bewdley
Worcestershire DY12 2DJ
Tel: 01299 402741 Fax: 01299 401800 DX: 29901 Bewdley email:
Portable Toilet and Shower Hire. From a single toilet for a local builder, Luxury Toilet Trailers for Weddings and Corporate Events, up to hundreds of toilets for the largest public events. Emptying facility for Septic Tanks and Cess Pits also available. Call us on 01299 254420 ANDYLOOS LTD. UNIT 22 HARTLEBURY TRADING ESTATE, HARTLEBURY DY10 4JB
Specialist Services
Specialist Services
October in the Forest
I have just spent a very happy few days with the education team indulging in an outburst of creativity! We were making new wall hangings and other displays for the Community Discovery Centre being built behind the Visitor Centre at Callow Hill. We hope that the new building will be in use early in 2010 and we want it to be an inspirational introduction to the wonders of the forest and the natural world in general. I really enjoy natural wool dyeing, and autumn is a great time of year for the fruits and berries which can yield some rich colours. Sloes, damsons, elderberries and blackberries all yielded slightly different shades of pink/purple and did so best in cold water. Another surprise was the lovely tan shade derived from soaked cherry bark; a by-product from Grow With Wyre’s orchard pruning course! Most green leaves give yellow dyes, while walnut leaves dye cloth khaki. The fleshy green “hulls” which surround the growing walnuts are renowned for their ability to stain cloth and skin deep brown and I try to make a special trip to Jubilee Gardens at this time to gather a bagful. I also keep my eyes open for leaves with attractive shapes or colours so that I can press them for craft projects (as seen at the Discovery Centre classrooms). I loved learning a new technique called transfer printing from one of my colleagues. We used leaves as a “resist” – the opposite of a stencil – and got some delightful results. It made us appreciate the exquisite shapes of some of the leaves like the humble buttercup, nettle or willowherb. There will be opportunities to develop creativity (in children at least) at some of our events this month. The first special event of the month is the Autumn Festival on
Community News
3rd and 4th October where there will be horse logging, charcoal making, greenwood crafts, juice pressing and fruit identification. (Please bring three examples of the fruit for identification and considerably more for juice production!) There will also be local produce for sale, children’s crafts, chainsaw carving and the all-important seed gathering which will help to create a bank of young trees ready for planting back into local hedgerows and woods as part of the Grow With Wyre Landscape Partnership Scheme. All the activities are free and should be lots of fun. This is the best time of year to look for mushrooms and toadstools, when networks of fungal threads in soil and rotten wood send up fruiting bodies to release their spores into the environment. Fungus Forays are always very popular, and this year there are 4 two-hour sessions which cost £6 per person: Sunday 4th October: 10.30am – 12.30pm at Earnwood car park, 2pm – 4pm at Hawkbatch car park; Sunday 24th October: 10.30am – 12.30pm at Hawkbatch car park, 2pm – 4pm at Earnwood car park. The cost is £6 each and you will need a basket, small knife and a notebook. Lunch may be purchased from the Visitor Centre. Booking is required – please call 01299 266929. The half-term holiday has two events for children aged 5 to 11. “Broomsticks” on 27th October from 10.30am to 12noon will show you how to make a traditional birch besom to take home, and then on 30th October at the same time there will be a chance to collect seasonal forest treasure to for Creative Autumn Crafts. Each event costs £3.50 per child and must be booked on 01299 266929. Linda Iles
Wyre Forest Discovery Centre, Forestry Commission
Specialist Services
Community News
Housing Development at former Bewdley Wribbenhall First School
The Planning Committee had considered this application by the Wyre Forest Community Housing Group for 46 affordable residential units at a Special Meeting held in late May.
It had recommended that the application be refused for a number of reasons including the extra volume of traffic, density of the dwellings, risk of flooding, overloading of existing sewers and the risks of radiation from the overhead power lines.
The application had then been revised. However, at its September meeting, the Committee were unable to identify what revisions had been made and therefore felt that their previous objections and grounds for refusal should be repeated.
The application was due to be decided by the District Council at its meeting on 8th September. Air Quality in Welch Gate
The Council were disappointed to note that there had been little progress made by the County Council in producing detailed designs for the better management of traffic at Welch Gate and asked that further representations be made to the County Council for this longstanding matter to be given greater priority and urgency. Civic Awards 2009
Councillors agreed to invite members of the public to make nominations for anyone who had given outstanding service in a voluntary capacity to the community in Bewdley.
The date for the presentation of the Awards was fixed for Friday 15th January 2010 and the deadline for putting forward nominations would be Friday 6th November 2009 Riddings Brook Wribbenhall – Flood Alleviation Measures
The Council agreed to support a bid by the local offices of the Environment Agency for works to be carried out to alleviate flooding on Riddings Brook in the form of upstream storage and to make a contribution of up to £1,000 for such purpose. Future Town Council meetings are: 5 October, 2 November, 30 November 2009 and 4 January, 1 February, 1 March 2010 Minutes of Town Council and Planning Committee Meetings are on the Notice Boards outside the Mayor’s Parlour, in the Guildhall and Load Street Car Park, in the Library and the Town Clerk’s Office and on the Town Council’s page of on the My Parish page of TOWN COUNCIL NEWS IS PRODUCED AND PUBLISHED BY BEWDLEY TOWN COUNCIL
Specialist Services
Specialist Services
Commercial and personal mortgages Pension arrangements and reviews Inheritance tax and capital gains tax planning Company sales and purchases assistance Maximising profits and minimising taxes Springhill House 94-98 Kidderminster Rd Bewdley Worcestershire DY12 1DQ
t: 01299 403503 f: 01299 403487 w:
81 Teme Street Tenbury Wells Worcestershire WR15 8AE t: 01584 811686 f: 01584 811635
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Community News
Promoting Walking to School Campaign
Taking to the water Paul Roper, head of Bewdley Primary School showed parents that you do not need cars to get to school by kayaking to work.
Paul commemorated the opening of the school’s new premises on Stourport Road by the River Severn, by paddling from Arley to Bewdley when the school reopened on Monday 6 September.
While he stops short of advocating that his pupils follow him on to the water, he said the journey demonstrated that there are other ways to get to school.
“By leaving the car at home families can enjoy fresh air, exercise, and meet other children. Walking to school also has the benefit of children arriving at school refreshed and wide awake, ready to learn,” he said.
Mr Roper arrived at school after the four mile journey around 8am on the school’s first day and was met by a camera crew from Midlands Today.
Learning Road Safety
Children from the school also had the opportunity to check the speed of motorists on Stourport Road.
“Teaching road safety forms part of our Promoting Walking to School campaign” explained Sarah Bradley, year 3 and 4 teacher. “All the classes have taken part with the younger ones watching videos and the older ones using the speed camera and looking at different ways of getting to school including cycling. Later this month we are holding a competition for the children to come up with different ways they could come to school. This is all part of our campaign to persuade parents to ease congestion and promote exercise by walking their children to school rather than jumping into the car. ” The children are pictured with John Taylor, the Area Road Safety Officer.
You can help support our troops in Afghanistan
A mother and daughter from Bewdley have set up FRONTLINEAID, which sends parcels of gifts to troops both in Afghanistan and those recovering in Selly Oak, Birmingham. “My daughter Rachel Green and I started this when her husband Phil came back from Afghanistan in 2007’ said Lin Morris. “Phil told us how bad things were out there, like lack of fresh drinking water, home comforts like decent tea bags and coffee, shortage of water to wash and toiletries. We thought this was awful so we put our heads together and came up with the idea of Frontline Aid.” They first advertised in the local paper to ask for donations of gifts to send and had a good response and sent their first parcels. They then decided this was not enough so held a collection outside Sainsburys in November. “We had lots of lovely letters back from soldiers on the frontline thanking us, and saying how much morale had been lifted” added Lin. “A number of soldiers also come back injured and we did not want to forget them, so we decided to take parcels of goodies and a donation to Selly Oak military ward in Birmingham. These were gratefully received. We have done this now on a number of occasions. Please, please think about our boys and girls out there in Afghanistan. We must carry on letting them know we care” Frontlineaid needs all the support it can get to carry on this work, so if you tell everyone you know about them, hey will be eternally grateful.You can email them on if you wish to donate goods, or help with collecting buckets outside Sainsburys later this year. Cheques must be made payable to Frontline Aid, as they have a tax free account with Lloyds TSB.
Autumn Rowing
The Regatta season of ‘sprint’ races is now over for 2009. These were anything from 450m up 1000m races in lanes where two (or more) boats compete directly with each other.
Now we move into the ‘Head’ race season. These head-ofthe-river races are much longer;- 3000m, 4000m, 5000m and instead of being in direct competition with an opposing crew the duration of the race is timed from start to finish and boats set off at regular intervals. Consequently it is possible to reach the finish without knowing how well you have done…although being overtaken is generally a bad sign! Winter training involves stamina, and huge distances are rowed in the gym on the indoor machines. But it is also a good time to start rowing, and if the thought of all this hard work doesn’t put you off, then come along and see us at the rowing club!
Melanie Gunn