4.2.9 Factors affecting overall dissatisfaction with commuting:
Participants were asked 3 major issues(out of 10 issues related to commuting and transportation) responsible for their overall dissatisfaction with the commute process as per the order of factor 1 being the major issue followed by factor 2 and then factor 3.
10 Issues related to commuting and transportation acting as variables are as follows:
Traffic Jam
Noise pollution
Air Pollution
Uncomfortable public transport
Unpleasant views while commuting
Feel Unsafe
Lack of public transport
Bad Roads and infrastructure conditions
Distance between workplace and home
As per figure 35-A, 35-B & 35-C, “Traffic Jam is one of the most responsible issue for commuter dissatisfaction, followed by Air Pollution and Bad Roads and infrastructure conditions.” After these three major factors, Uncomfortable public transport plays a vital role in commuter dissatisfaction.
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