Sugestões de leitura
Baptista, T.M. & Neto, D.D. (eds.) (2019). Dicionário de psicologia. Sílabo. (Psicologia & Psicoterapia; 1)
REF DP Sugestão de leitura disponível aqui
Weissberg, L. (ed.) (2022). Psychoanalysis, fatherhood, and the modern family. Palgrave Macmillan. PSICAN WSS*PSY
Ornstein, A., & Rass, E. (ed.) (2021). Toward a theory of child-centered psychodynamic family treatment: the Anna Ornstein reader. Routledge. PSICOTER ORN*TOW
Pollitt, G. (2020). Psychodynamic treatment of children with severe emotional disturbances. Rowman & Littlefield. PSICOTER PLL*PSY
Yukl, G.A. & Gardner III, W.L. (2020). Leadership in organizations (9th ed). Pearson. PSI/ORG YKL*LEA
Sugestões de leitura
Brown, S.D. & Lent, R.W. (eds.) (2021). Career development and counseling: putting theory and research to work (3rd ed.). Wiley.
Plomin, R. (2019). Blueprint: How DNA makes us who we are. Penguin Books. PSI/FIS PLM*BLU
Blake, P. (2021). Child and adolescent psychotherapy: making the conscious unconscious. Routledge.
Gohn, M.G. (2008). Novas teorias dos movimentos sociais. Loyola. PSI/EXP MNZ*HIP
Colonna, C. (2002). Intégrez la dynamique du coaching dans votre vie… ou comment devenir votre meilleur allié. InterEditions. (Développement personnel) PSI/RH CLN*INT
Ferreira, V.M. (2004). Fascínio da cidade: memória e projecto da urbanidade. Centro de Estudos Territoriais (ISCTE) - Ler Devagar. PROC/SOC FRR*FAS
Madelin, B. (dir.) (2002). Une autre façon de faire la ville: les «community development corporations» de Boston. Profession Banlieue. PROC/SOC MDL*AUT
Maire, O. (org.) (2005). Jeunes des quartiers populaires: construction de l’identité, image et autonomie. Cycle de qualification, 11, 18 et 25 mars 2005. Profession Banlieue. PROC/SOC MAI*JEU