Code of Practice
July 2022
Code of Practice Contents Preamble ............................................................................................................................. 2 Standards and Principles ..................................................................................................... 3 BigDog Code of Conduct ..................................................................................................... 4 NDIS Code of Conduct ........................................................................................................ 5 Child Safety Code of Conduct.............................................................................................. 6 Charter of Rights for Children in Care .................................................................................. 7 Person-Centred Practice...................................................................................................... 8 Professional Boundaries ...................................................................................................... 9 Advocating for Equal Rights and Social Justice ................................................................. 10 Confidentiality, Privacy and Responsibility for Personal Information ................................. 11 Supporting Personal and Professional Development......................................................... 12 Professional Competence .................................................................................................. 13 Integrity, Responsibility and Accountability ........................................................................ 14 NDIS Practice Standards and Quality Indicators ............................................................... 15 1.
Rights and Responsibilities ................................................................................... 15
Provider Governance and Operational Management............................................ 15
Provision of Supports............................................................................................ 15
Provision of Supports Environment....................................................................... 15
Notes ................................................................................................................................. 15
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Preamble The BigDog Support Services Pty Ltd (BigDog) Code of Practice provides practical examples and guidelines of the ethical practice required of all employees, volunteers and management. BigDog recognises that a strong ethical foundation is critical to support all BigDog employees, volunteers and management (team members) demonstrate best practice in their professional roles. Skills, knowledge, attitudes and values grounded in ethical behaviour combine to influence the manner in which we support people with a disability individually – either directly or indirectly. The Code of Practice applies to the professional practice by all team members who provide, facilitate, manage or develop services to people with a disability. This includes but is not limited to team members who may provide direct support, are allied health practitioners; are administrative and managerial practitioners or who work in academic, research and other capacities. This Code of Practice will provide guidelines and examples of ethical practice to assist us in this process and in our ultimate purpose of ensuring that people with a disability have rights equal with all other members of our community and are enabled to exercise these rights resulting in an enhanced quality of life for all. Employees, volunteers and management have an obligation to familiarise themselves with this Code of Practice, to identify ethical issues and to respond to them appropriately. BigDog acknowledges the traditional owners and custodians of country throughout Australia and acknowledges their continuing connection to land, sea and community. We pay our respects to the people, the cultures and the elders, past, present and emerging.
Steven Paull JP (Qualified) Managing Director
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Standards and Principles Every person has a right to live a life free from the fear of abuse, threats and assaults. This basic human right is embedded in United Nations Rights of the Disabled Person 1975 and the following State and Commonwealth legislation: National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 (Cth) Disability Services Act 1986 (Cth) Disability Services Act 2006 (Qld) Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission Act 1986 (Cth) Anti-Discrimination Act 1991 (Qld) Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (Cth) Powers of Attorney Act 1998 (Qld) Guardianship and Administration Act 2000 (Qld) Child Protection Act 1999 (Qld) Australian Human Rights Commission Act 1986 (Cth) Criminal Code Act 1899 (Qld) Other legislation that is relevant includes, but is not limited to: Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) Information Privacy Act 2009 (Qld) Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (Qld) Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) BigDog actively works to ensure that individuals with a disability are afforded the quality of services and freedom from abuse, neglect and exploitation that they are entitled to and that any form of these will not be tolerated.
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BigDog Code of Conduct All employees and volunteers of BigDog will: Adhere to the principles and standards of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 (Cth), Disability Services Act 2006 (Qld) and the Community Services Act 2007 (Qld) and be bound to the legislative requirements of service delivery. Adhere to all laws of the relevant State and the Commonwealth of Australia in the course of their duties. Undertake to work within a continuous improvement model. Promote BigDog and its program areas positively to the community. Engage in BigDog sponsored training and education to promote skills acquisition and the enhancement of service delivery and acknowledge all training material may not be used external of BigDog without the permission of the author and management. Not use any information gained through their work for personal or financial gain, without the expressed written permission of BigDog Refrain from involving themselves in any activity that will bring BigDog into disrepute and report to BigDog any activity that may damage the organisation’s viability or reputation. Recognise the rights of individuals to express their viewpoint and will not engage in any activities of retribution unless the act of retribution is of a legal manner due to defamation or for property damage. Act in accordance with legislative requirements regarding to duty of care, neglect, and abuse. Maintain safe working environments in accordance with statutory requirements and BigDog policies and procedures and agreed to in the staff induction documentation.
Any act of misconduct or serious work inefficiencies will be dealt with via the legislative requirements of the organisation which may include termination of employment and notification to relevant authorities.
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NDIS Code of Conduct The NDIS Code of Conduct applies to all NDIS providers, registered and unregistered, and all persons employed or otherwise engaged by an NDIS provider. In providing supports or services to people with disability, a person covered by the Code must: • • • • • • •
act with respect for individual rights to freedom of expression, self-determination and decision-making in accordance with applicable laws and conventions respect the privacy of people with disability provide supports and services in a safe and competent manner, with care and skill act with integrity, honesty and transparency promptly take steps to raise and act on concerns about matters that may impact the quality and safety of supports and services provided to people with disability take all reasonable steps to prevent and respond to all forms of violence against, and exploitation, neglect and abuse of, people with disability take all reasonable steps to prevent and respond to sexual misconduct
Anyone can raise a complaint with the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission about providers or workers who breach the NDIS Code of Conduct
Find out more To find out more about the Code of Conduct or to report a breach: • • •
go to email call 1800 035 544
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Child Safety Code of Conduct Applies when working with children and young people under the age of 18 years. I will: Behave respectfully, courteously, and ethically towards children and their families. Listen and respond to the views and concerns of children, particularly if they communicate (verbally or non-verbally) that they do not feel safe or well. Promote the human rights, safety and wellbeing of all children in BigDog. Demonstrate appropriate personal and professional boundaries. Consider and respect the diverse backgrounds and needs of children. Create an environment that promotes and enables children’s participation and is welcoming, culturally safe and inclusive for all children and their families. Involve children in making decisions about activities, policies and processes that concern them wherever possible. Contribute, where appropriate, to BigDog policies, discussions, learning and reviews about child safety and wellbeing. Identify and mitigate risks to children’s safety and wellbeing as required by BigDog risk assessment and management policy. Respond to any concerns or complaints of child harm or abuse promptly Report all suspected or disclosed child harm or abuse Comply with BigDog protocols on communicating with children. I will NOT: Engage in any unlawful activity with or in relation to a child. Engage in any activity that is likely to harm a child physically, sexually or emotionally. Unlawfully discriminate against any child or their family members. Be alone with a child unnecessarily. Arrange personal contact, including online contact, with children I am working with for a purpose unrelated to BigDog activities. Disclose personal or sensitive information about a child, including images of a child, unless the child and their parent or legal guardian consent or unless I am required to do so by BigDog policy and procedure on reporting. Use inappropriate language in the presence of children or show or provide children with access to inappropriate images or material. Work with children while under the influence of alcohol or prohibited drugs. Ignore or disregard any suspected or disclosed child harm or abuse. Breaches of this Code of Conduct will be dealt with via the legislative requirements of BigDog which may include termination of employment and notification to relevant authorities.
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Charter of Rights for Children in Care The charter of rights under the Child Protection Act 1999, section 74 and Schedule 1 describes the core rights that apply to every child and young person who is subject to the custody or guardianship of the Department of Children, Youth Justice and Multicultural Affairs. The Act establishes the following rights for children and young people in care: 1. 2. 3. 4.
to be provided with a safe and stable living environment to be placed in care that best meets the child's needs and is most culturally appropriate to maintain relationships with the child's family and community to be consulted about, and to take part in making, decisions affecting the child's life (having regard to the child's age or ability to understand), particularly decisions about where the child is living, contact with the child's family and the child's health and schooling 5. to be given information about decisions and plans concerning the child's future and personal history, having regard to the child's age or ability to understand 6. to privacy, including, for example, in relation to the child's personal information 7. to the child is under the long-term guardianship of the Chief Executive, to regular review of the child's care arrangements 8. to have access to dental, medical and therapeutic services, necessary to meet the child's needs 9. to have access to education appropriate to the child's age and development 10. to have access to job training opportunities and help in finding appropriate employment 11. to receive appropriate help with the transition from being a child in care to independence, including, for example, help about housing, access to income support and training and education.
Find out more To find out more about the Charter of Rights for Children: • •
go to call 13 QGOV (13 74 68)
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Person-Centred Practice Valued status is easier to maintain when community, organisational and individual supports are in place to enable more participants to have a good quality of life, greater ability to manage their own lives, stronger social relationships, a greater sense of purpose, skills for living and working, improved chances in education, better employment rates, and a suitable and stable place to live.
I will value all participants and support a person-centred approach in which the needs and desires of the participant form the basis of the support and services provided to them. I will: Promote that every participant has the inherent right of worth, dignity and respect Promote the right of freedom from judgement in all aspects of their lifestyle Respect the rights and dignity of worth of every participant Acknowledge the individuality of each participant in considering their needs and goals, responding to a diversity of individual needs, methods of communication, learning and lifestyles Acknowledge the autonomy of each person and their need to make their own decisions Seek to empower the participant so that they are in a position to exercise control Engage and involve people with a disability in meaningful ways in all issues concerning them, involve them from the start in identifying what matters, and work with them to find the best ways of providing support either directly or indirectly Seek to design and provide support only to the extent that it is needed, to enable the person’s participation Value, facilitate and promote the person’s right to dignity of risk with appropriate support and within legislative requirements and statutory guidelines That individuals have the right to express their feelings, ideas and beliefs and will be listened to and respected Support trans-disciplinary team approaches where I may work directly or indirectly with the person and significant others throughout the community both internal and external to my organisation or my field of endeavour to achieve person centred outcomes Report immediately any breeches of this principle to my immediate coordinator
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Professional Boundaries BigDog recognises the fundamental rights of individuals to develop and maintain relationships. Relationships take many forms, and the appropriateness of these relationships will often determine successful outcomes for participants and harmonious working environments for others. BigDog team members will undertake roles that will forge relationships at a variety of levels. It must always be considered that in the above relationships that participants and their families are the most likely to be vulnerable in any exchange. Therefore, the responsibility is for BigDog to ensure that our team members retain the participant and their family as the focal point.
I will acknowledge the recognition of the relationship type being either: Paid relationship in regard to paid workers Friendships between any individuals that are based upon an equality of input I will: Maintain a standard of Do No Harm Be conscious of my obligatory or contractual responsibilities Maintain relationships with the people I support directly or indirectly and all other team members that is respectful, based on trust, acknowledges cultural differences and maintains professional boundaries Recognise that my roles and relationships, at times will be complex and dilemmas will be encountered. That it will be necessary for all to be empowered to come forth and discuss these dilemmas Ensure that openness and honesty are the foundation to constructive relationships. It is therefore important that this is expressed as a fundamental part of the infrastructure and internal relationships of BigDog Ensure that any gift or item for sale offered by any participant is approved through BigDog Ensure that all electronic or social media contact is approved in writing by BigDog Ensure that all approved social media respects the privacy principles Ensure that all phone or text contact with any participant, family or carer is directed through BigDog and that I will not contact a participant directly without permission Seek permission to attend participant birthdays or other events outside of direct support times Report immediately any breeches of this principle to my immediate coordinator
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Advocating for Equal Rights and Social Justice BigDog participants belong to a devalued minority group, and that means that most of society will be unaccustomed to viewing them as valuable. BigDog can provide help to enhance a person’s ability to function in all areas of their life, closer to the level of people from valued groups by: Encouraging the performance of valued roles, Teaching the competencies, the roles require and Paying attention to a person’s image. BigDog services are provided in ways that observe and promote a positive image of people with disabilities or with lived experience of mental illness. Wherever possible BigDog will engage directly with people with a disability in the advocacy process and foster and encourage the development of people with a disability to assume advocacy and leadership roles. BigDog will: Advocate for people with a disability in all areas of human rights and social justice. Help the people we support directly or indirectly to understand and express their rights and responsibilities Work to remove barriers to service access and to ensure that all people with a disability have equal access to service programs Advocate for change in structures, systems or procedures which prevent the people we support directly or indirectly from exercising their rights Ensure that only quality services are designed, engaged and/or provided to assist the people I support directly or indirectly, monitor their quality and contribute to their continuous improvement according to my professional role Encourage and seek appropriate advocates for the person as necessary, avoid conflict of interest and assure independence of advocacy Be aware of all forms of discrimination and seek to work in partnership with people with a disability and other stakeholders to overcome these Promote understanding in services and in the community of the social barriers to participation which are encountered by people with a disability Involve people with a disability in disability awareness raising using the insights gained from their experiences wherever possible relevant to my professional role Ensure that the working environment is free from bullying and harassment
I will support the rights of people with a disability as documented in the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, 2006. I will report immediately any breeches of this principle to my immediate coordinator
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Confidentiality, Privacy and Responsibility for Personal Information BigDog has effective information management systems that maintain appropriate controls of privacy and confidentiality for stakeholders
I will safeguard and respect the confidentiality and privacy of people with a disability by adhering to current applicable privacy legislation. I will: Protect personal information about the people I may support directly or indirectly Ensure privacy and safety in participant’s physical environment Ensure that the release and sharing of personal information occurs only with the full involvement and permission of the person and with their clear understanding of the nature of the information to be released Ensure that disclosure of information is relevant to the purpose for which it is required and the extent of release of information is no more than necessary to accomplish this purpose Acknowledge that confidentiality agreements with people may need to be broken in the event of overriding considerations such as legal imperatives or imminent harm to others Document professional work appropriately to ensure accountability and meet legal or organisational requirements Recognise people’s rights to access documented information about themselves and ensure that information is documented in a manner that is sensitive and comprehensive Use appropriate data and information recording methods and maintain these throughout to ensure that services are continued Information gained through any exchange of BigDog is to be held in the strictest confidence, as not to compromise an individual. At times information may be drawn upon by legal processes. At all other times requested information will only be given with the written consent of the individual Ensure that all social media respects the privacy principles Report immediately any breeches of this principle to my immediate coordinator
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Supporting Personal and Professional Development BigDog undertakes to provide the highest quality of care and support possible, dependent on our participant’s abilities and support needs, by way of an ongoing commitment to education, enhancement of opportunity and improvement of lifestyles within resource capabilities.
I will value and promote the physical, intellectual, emotional, spiritual, and professional development of all people with a disability and all others who provide support and professional services directly or indirectly to them. I will act within the scope of my role to: Help the people I support directly or indirectly to understand their options and the outcomes of their choices for their health and development Promote the health and safety of the person by engaging them in the assessment of risk and strategies for prevention of illness, accidents or injury as is relevant to my role as a Disability Professional Be proactive in the identification and reporting of individual situations of abuse or neglect Ensure that participants have opportunities to participate as fully as possible and make choices about the services that they receive Ensure that services are provided in the least restrictive way possible and in the least intrusive way while maintaining the safety, wellbeing and dignity of participants Report immediately any breeches of this principle to my immediate coordinator
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Professional Competence BigDog recognises that continuous improvement is the means by which increased quality is delivered to our participants. It is how, as an organisation we are judged by our peers. It is also the means in which the quality of team members output is measured. It is the responsibility of all parties to work collaboratively to implement the steps that will bring about productive change. This in turn will be the basis for the recognition of team member competency that leads to promotion or financial enhancement within the organisation BigDog provides people working in BigDog with induction, training, and development opportunities relevant to their roles.
I recognise that ongoing training and professional development are necessary to ensure my currency of knowledge and skills to ensure high standards of professional practice within the profession. I will actively seek opportunities to further my professional development. I will: Recognise that practical experience, knowledge acquisition and understanding of the profession must be accompanied by ongoing professional development and qualifications Undertake to develop and maintain a range of competencies needed to work effectively in the profession – either as a direct support practitioner or other Undertake duties or tasks which are within my role or profession and for which I have the permission, training and skills to do so safely and effectively Take full advantage of professional development opportunities Initiate professional development appropriate to my current role or career objectives Seek opportunities for support and mentoring from more experienced Disability Professionals Actively seek advice and guidance on issues from others as needed, especially from people with a disability Keep abreast of legislative changes that relate to my professional role Contribute to the training and support of less experienced team members within the boundaries of my own experience, competence and professional role.
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Integrity, Responsibility and Accountability BigDog will act with integrity and a sense of responsibility at all times
I will accept responsibility and accountability for my actions, recognising that I am accountable to the people I support directly or indirectly; to all others within the person’s family, social and support network, to the person/s to whom I report in my usual role and to all relevant legislation. I will uphold professional standards of conduct. I will be honest, fair and respectful of others in all aspects of my work or professional endeavour, engaging in relationships of mutual trust and transparency. At the same time, I will: Be aware of my own beliefs, values and needs and how they influence me in working with the people I support either in a direct or indirect capacity Attempt to eliminate the effect of biases or personal issues in my work and where necessary seek assistance to do so Be sensitive to differences in power between myself and others and not exploit or mislead those with whom I have a professional relationship Practice responsible work habits and acknowledge the importance of modelling valued behaviours Refrain from engaging in behaviour that is harassing or demeaning to the people with whom I work Refrain from developing relationships with the people I support, their families or their peers that may be detrimental to the provision of services or professional judgment Report any breaches of the law in respect to abuse, neglect and exploitation of people with a disability Identify where there is a potential conflict of interest based on personal, financial, social, organisational or political factors which may create a risk of harm, exploitation or interference with professional judgment Exercise duty of care to prevent harm being suffered to the people I support either directly or indirectly Report to my immediate coordinator any concerns about the actions of others when these may adversely impact on the people I support direct or indirectly In these ways I will act in accord with the highest professional standards in all aspects of my role as a team member
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NDIS Practice Standards and Quality Indicators 1. Rights and Responsibilities Set out the rights of participants and the responsibilities of providers that deliver supports and services to them.
2. Provider Governance and Operational Management Set out the governance and operational management responsibilities for NDIS Providers.
3. Provision of Supports Set out the responsibilities for NDIS Providers when providing supports to participants.
4. Provision of Supports Environment Set out the environment in which supports are provided to participants.
Written by Steven Paull BigDog © 2016 © 2022 Not to be reproduced without the expressed permission of BigDog Support Services Pty Ltd
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