Food Webs Nivel: 4º ESO Tarea (final): tras realizar las actividades propuestas los alumnos han de ser capaces de explicar la red trófica resultante, justificando los datos. Previamente habrán de realizar una lectura comprensiva y construir a partir de la misma la red trófica que posteriormente presentarán. Instrumentos de evaluación: ficha de trabajo, rúbricas de presentación de la red Destrezas: leer, escribir, hablar Asignaturas implicadas: Biología, L2 TICs: fuente de recursos para la asignatura Lecturas: desarrollo de estrategias de comprensión a partir de texto académico Competencias: C. Lingüística, C. Interacción con el medio, C. Aprender a aprender, autonomía e iniciativa personal
Extra Task to review contents: Food Web Webquest
Food Webs 1. Go to the following Website. 2. Scroll down to “Create a Food Web”. Click on it. 3. Use ten of the organisms on the page to build a food web around the sun. Be sure to have the arrows showing the flow of energy 4. Once you complete finish your web, print. 5. On the same page as you just printed your food web, answer the following questions using the website. What are the three types of consumers? What do decomposers eat? For questions 3-5, click on the nitrogen cycle What organisms use up nitrates? What happens in nitrification? Where do decomposers get nitrogen from? Explain why the change in one population affects other populations not directly connected to that organisms. Ex: Lion population increases, how does that affect grasses? Selected and approved by NSTA’s network of teacher-webwatchers