#181 8.19.2012 Michelle Morales

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“I HAVE A VOICE” series — 48 of 65 | #181

“I am Proud to be involved in the LGBT community”

8.19.2012 - 8.27.2012

Semanal Bilingüe


“Mi Siento Orgullosa de estar involucrada en la comunidad LGBT”

. . . Y MI VOZ CUENTA . . . & I HAVE A VOICE “We are inspired everyday by the voices of our community. People like Michelle Morales who is helping establish the first LGBT Fair in known history for Stockton, Mentoring Youth, and raising 3 children. — Equipo bw — Team bw

“Cada día somos inspirados por las voces de nuestra comunidad. Personas como Michelle Morales quien está ayudando a establecer la primera feria LGBT en la historia de Stockton, Mentor Jovenes y madre de 3 hijos..”

Noticias | News

Acción Diferida para Deferred Action for los Llegados en la Childhood Arrivals Infancia USCIS

(209) 598-6525 www.bilingualweekly.com ISSN 2165-3046

P.O. Box 692563 Stockton, CA 95269

info@bilingualweekly.com www.bilingualweekly.com Local Matters! Bilingual Weekly Newspaper: owned, published ,written by and written of the people in your community. Bilingual Weekly Noticias: Periodico: publicado, escrito y narrado sobre personas de su comunidad.

(bw) WASHINGTON , D.C.- USCIS Publica Formularios de Consideración de Acción Diferida para los Llegados en la Infancia Individuos podrán comenzar a solicitar a partir del Jueves, 15 de agosto del 2012 WASHINGTON— El Servicio de Ciudadanía e Inmigración de Estados Unidos (USCIS, por sus siglas en inglés) publicó el 14 de Agosto, una notificación en el Registro Federal anunciando nuevos formularios e instrucciones para permitir a los individuos solicitar a USCIS consideración para la Acción Diferida para los Llegados en la Infancia. USCIS comenzará a aceptar formularios completados el 15 de agosto de 2012. El 15 de junio, la Secretaria del Departamento de Seguridad Nacional, Janet Napolitano, anunció que ciertas personas que vinieron a los Estados Unidos siendo niños y cumplen con otros criterios pueden solicitar, en una base caso por caso, recibir la acción diferida. “La publicación de nuevos formularios e instrucciones para permitir a los individuos

USCIS pg. 4

(bw) WASHINGTON, D.C. — On Tuesday, August 14 the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) submitted a Federal Register notice announcing new forms and instructions to allow individuals to request consideration of deferred action for childhood arrivals from USCIS. USCIS will begin accepting completed forms tomorrow, August 15, 2012. On June 15, Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano announced that certain people who came to the United States as children and meet other key guidelines may request, on a case-by-case basis, consideration of deferred action. “The release of the new form and instructions to allow individuals to request consideration of deferred action for childhood arrivals from USCIS marks an important step in our implementation of this new process,” said USCIS Director Alejandro Mayorkas. “While requests should not be submitted until August 15th, it is important that individuals wishing to be considered for deferred action understand the requirements necessary USCIS Pg. 4

Bilingual Weekly PO Box 692563 Stockton, CA 95269 Dennise Rocha

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Centro Kennedy Kennedy Center: Acusaciones de Accusaitions of Racismo Racism



Stockton, CA Permit Nº 385

STOCK TON, CA- Acusaciones de malos tratos y de racismo, ensombrecen al Centro Comunitario Kennedy. Las acusaciones de favoritismo, la injusta distribución de alimentos y trato irrespetuoso hacia los latinos son especialmente dirigidas a la directora del Centro Comunitario, Beverly Foster. “Con continuidad ella [Foster] le grita a la gente, acosa a la gente y los humilla”, dijo Rosalinda Galaviz, en la junta del Consejo de Supervisores del Condado de San Joaquín el pasado 7 de agosto. “Beverly Foster y su personal hacen del centro un lugar inseguro para la gente que tiene que ir

Centro Kennedy Pg. 2

STOCKTON, CA- Kennedy Community Center overshadowed by accusations of mistreatment and racism. The allegations of favor itism, unfair food distribution and disrespectful treatment towards Latinos are par ticularly centered towards community center’s director, Beverly Foster. “There is a pattern of her [Foster] yelling at people, harassing people and humiliating them,” said community member, Rosalinda Galaviz, at the San Joaquin County Board of Supervisors meeting on August 7th. “Beverly Foster and her staff make the center an unsafe place for the people that have to go there to receive their donated food,” added Galaviz.

Kennedy Center Pg. 2

Posed Photo of Melissa Morales at San Joaquin Pride Center . Photo by Sarah Lippincott

Fundaciones Latinas se reúne con Agencias Latinas

Latino Foundation meets with Latino Agencies

(bw) STOCKTON, CA Representantes de organizaciones locales se reunieron en el Concilio en el centro de Stockton, el Miércoles, 08 de agosto para discutir los desafíos de los latinos en la comunidad y la posible creación de una agenda estatal Latina. La primera fase de la Agenda Latina de California, un proyecto de la organización de San Francisco, Latino Community Foundation (por sus siglas en Ingles LCF), inició en Stockton y pronto viajará por todo el estado. De acuerdo a un informe del Proyecto de Desarrollo Humano en el 2011, los latinos en California representan más del 38% de la población. 32% de ellos no se gradúan de la secundaria y sólo el 14% tiene un título universitario. Más del 51% de todos los niños de las escuelas en el estado son latinos y un tercio vive en la pobreza. Además los latinos constituyen el 21% de los votantes registrados pero sólo el 34% vota. Y las estadísticas continúan... Muchas organizaciones locales, tales como Fathers and Families de San Joaquín, El Concilio, Charter House for Families, California Human Development y Visionary Home Builders, trabajan a diariamente para cambiar las estadísticas y abogar por las necesidades de la comunidad latina, mas sin embargo muchas veces trabajan de manera aislada. “Estamos aquí para ver si hay una oportunidad de trabajar en equipo, para así conectar todos estos esfuerzos aislados en todo el estado de California”, explicó Masha Chernyak, Directora de Programas y Políticas de Latino Community Foundation “, los problemas son tan grandes y monumentales, que una sola organización no puede hacerlo por sí misma. “ “Ya sea que estés trabajando en la vivienda o el desarrollo de la juventud, se trata de construir comunidades más fuertes.” La agenda Latina de California planea identificar los problemas claves y traer soluciones colectivas, coordinar alianzas regionales, crear una sola voz y así aumentar los

(bw) STOCKTON, CA – Representatives from local organization met at a Concilio in downtown Stockton, on Wednesday, August 8th to discuss Latino challenges in the community and the possible creation of a Latino statewide agenda. The first phase of the California Latino Agenda, a project of the San Francisco based organization, the Latino Community Foundation (LCF), kicked off in Stockton and will soon travel throughout the state. According to the a 2011 report of the American Human Development Project, Latinos in California make up more than 38% of the population. 32% of Latinos do not graduate from high school and only 14% have a Bachelors degree. More than 51% of all school children in the state are Latino and onethird are living in poverty. Latinos constitute about 21% of all registered voters - but only 34% are likely to vote. And the statistics continue… Many local organizations such as Fathers and Families of San Joaquin, El Concilio, Charter House for Families, California Human Development and Visionary Home Builders, work daily to change the statistics and advocate for the needs of the Latino community, but they oftentimes work in isolation. “We are here to see if there is an opportunity for us to work as a team, to connect all these isolated efforts throughout the state of California,” explained Masha Chernyak, Director of Programs and Policy of the Latino Community Foundation, “the issues are so big and so monumental that a single organization cannot make it on its own.” “Whether you are working on housing or youth development; is all about building stronger communities.” The California Latino Agenda plans to bring key issues and collective solutions to the forefront, coordinate regional partnerships, create a unified voice and so increase funding for community-based Latino organizations.

Fundaciones Latinas Coordinan os Pg. 2

Latino Foundation Coordinates Pg. 2



Community 2

Bilingual Weekly Noticias | 08.19.2012- 08.27.2012 www.bilingualweekly.com #181

El congresista Congressman Dennis Dennis Cardoza Cardoza Resigns from renuncia al Congreso Congress WA SHINGTON, DC-El congresista Dennis Cardoza (D-Merced) presento una carta formal de renuncia al Congreso al gobernador Jerry Brown y al presidente John Boehner, efectiva el miércoles 15 de agosto a la medianoche. El 14 de agosto de 2012, el Congresista Cardoza hizo la siguiente declaración: “Ha sido un gran honor haber sido confiado de representar a mis amigos y vecinos del Valle Central de California. Después de más de 20 años de servir en comisiones, juntas, consejos municipales, en la Asamblea del Estado de California, y, en los últimos diez años, en la Cámara de Representantes del Los Estados Unidos, veo hacia atrás con gran orgullo de lo que hemos logrado juntos. Recuerdo cuando cumplí mis promesas electorales, primero como concejal de la joven ciudad en Atwater: al arreglar la luz Peggy Heller luz de la tercera calle (que previamente había estado fuera durante más de dos años) y la defensa del Centro Comunitario Atwater. Más desafíos continuaron, y mediante el compromiso firme, hicimos a UC Merced una realidad, la ampliación del puerto de Stockton, y la luchó de agua para nuestros agricultores, por lo que el Valle seguiría siendo la región agrícola más productiva del mundo. Hemos avanzado en el aire y es más limpio y mejor cuidado de la salud, la expansión de las protecciones para los niños abandonados y maltratados, y nuevas carreteras y mejores puentes para la gente del Valle Central. Mientras trabajaba en asuntos críticos que enfrenta nuestra nación, mis esfuerzos fueron informados siempre por los que trabajan arduamente y el sentido común de la gente del Valle Central. Nunca me olvidé de donde vengo, y me siento orgulloso de haber desempeñado un papel en estos logros. Nunca dejaré de creer y luchar por nuestra comunidad y en los valores que creemos .” Cardoza había anunciado previamente que no se presentaría para la reelección de 2012. El 16 de agosto de 2012, la firma Manatt, Phelps & Phillips, LLP, anunció que Cardoza se unió a la firma como director general en los asuntos del gobierno federal de la empresa y de la práctica de política pública. “Cardoza utilizará su amplia experiencia en el gobierno federal y estatal para asesorar y elaborar estrategias con los clientes de la agricultura, la energía, los asuntos exteriores y otros asuntos legislativos y regulatorios. Cardoza tendrá su sede en Washington, D.C, pero asesorará a los clientes que enfrentan problemas en California y Washington “, dijo el comunicado emitido por Manatt.

(bw) WASHINGTON, D.C. –Congressman Dennis Cardoza (D-Merced) submitted a formal letter of resignation from Congress to Governor Jerry Brown and Speaker John Boehner, effective midnight August on Wednesday 15th. On August 14, 2012, Congressman Cardoza released the following statement: “It has been a tremendous honor to have been entrusted to represent my friends and neighbors from California’s Central Valley. After over 20 years of serving on commissions, boards, city councils, in the California State Assembly, and, for the last ten years, the U.S. House of Representatives, I look back with great pride on what we have accomplished together. I remember fulfilling my first electoral promises as a young city councilman in Atwater: fixing Peggy Heller’s broken street light on Third Street (which previously had been out for over two years) and championing the Atwater Community Center. Bigger challenges followed, and through steadfast commitment, we made UC Merced a reality, expanded the port of Stockton, and fought for more water for our farmers, so the Valley would remain the most productive agriculture region in the world. We made progress on cleaner air, better health care, expanded protections for abandoned and abused children, and new roads and bridges for the people of the Central Valley. As I worked on critical issues facing our nation, my efforts were always informed by the hard-working values and raging common sense of the folks from the Central Valley. I never forgot where I came from, and I am proud to have played a role in these accomplishments. I will never stop believing in and fighting for our community and the values we believe in. Cardoza had previously announced he would not run for a 2012 reelection. On August 16, 2012, Manatt, Phelps & Phillips, LLP, announced that Cardoza joined the firm as a Managing Director in the firm’s federal government affairs and public policy practice. “Cardoza will utilize his extensive federal and state government experience to advise and strategize with clients on agriculture, energy, foreign affairs and other legislative and regulatory matters. Cardoza will be based in Washington, D.C. but will advise clients facing issues in California and Washington,” said the statement released by Manatt. Dennise Rocha Information provided by the office of Congressman Dennise Cardoza

Fundaciones Latinas Latino Coordinan Foundation Coordinates Continuación de la portada Continued from Cover

“We can no longer accept statewide statistics that continuously rank our community as the lowest performing in education, income, and civic participation,” says LCF. “This [American Human Development Project] report is not the only one that shares the reality of the Latino community in the Central Valley, we have communities where we [Latinos] are majority but we are the minority in terms of leadership,” said Rey León, Vice Chair of Region four of the California Chicano Latino Caucus. “In our community here in Stockton, we are looking at three major things: education, housing and jobs,” said Jose Nuño from Visionary Home Builders. For Raquel Donoso, Executive Director, Latino Community Foundation, many of the challenges faced by Latinos in the Central Valley, are the same challenges that other Latinos throughout the state face. “We are growing as a community, we can really make an impact if we work together,” said Maria Rosado, Regional coordinator for the California Human development organization. Sammy Nuñez, Executive Director of Fathers and Families of San Joaquin in order to materialize long strong partnerships, “we need to connect the grassroots groups with the treetops, there has to be equity within the actual grassroots and the well established organizations.” Dennise Rocha

fundos para las organizaciones comunitarias latinas. “Ya no podemos aceptar las estadísticas estatales que continuamente alinean a nuestra comunidad con el más bajo desempeño en la educación, el ingreso y la participación cívica”, dice el LCF. “Este informe [Proyecto de Desarrollo Humano] no es el único que comparte la realidad de la comunidad latina en el Valle Central, tenemos comunidades en las que nosotros [latinos] somos mayoría, pero somos minoría en términos de liderazgo”, dijo Rey León, Vicepresidente de la Cuarta Región del California Chicano Latino Caucus. “En nuestra comunidad aquí en Stockton, estamos viendo tres cosas importantes: la educación, la vivienda y el empleo”, dijo José Nuño de Visionary Home Builders. Para Raquel Donoso, Directora Ejecutiva de LCF, muchos de los desafíos que enfrentan los latinos en el Valle Central, son los mismos desafíos que otros latinos enfrentan en todo el estado. “Estamos creciendo como comunidad, realmente podemos tener un gran impacto si trabajamos juntos”, dijo María Rosado, Coordinadora Regional de la organización California Human Development. Para Sammy Núñez, Director Ejecutivo de Padres y Familias de San Joaquín la manera en crear alianzas duraderas y fuertes, “tenemos que conectar los grupos comunitarios con las copas de los árboles, tiene que haber equidad dentro de las organizaciones, entre las organizaciones comunitarias y la organizaciones bien establecidas.” Dennise Rocha Dennise Rocha

Dennise Rocha


Dennise Rocha

Centro Kennedy Kennedy Center Continuación de la portada

Continued from Cover

allí para recibir sus donaciones de alimentos”, añadió Galaviz. “Por favor, señor Villapudua necesitamos actuar ahora”. Situado en el sur de Stockton, el C ent ro C om mu nit a r io Kennedy ofrece varios programas comunitarios, uno de ellos Donate Food (Done Alimentos)- un programa que repar te alimentos para las familias del área.

“Please Mr. Villapudua we need action now.” Located in south Stockton, Kennedy Community Center r uns severa l communit y programs, one of them the Donated Food- a food giveaway program for families. “This is not the first time or the second time we heard this,” said San Joaquin County Supervisor, Carlos Villapudua, “I will like to have this done fast because I have been getting phone calls from my constituents in my district and I want to be able to respond back.” “We need to remove these people [Foster and Assistant Director, Linda Thomas-Phillips] and

bring people that can treat us with respect and dignity, something Beverly and her assistant cannot do,” said Rosa Maria Perez at the meeting. The debate continue at the last the San Joaquin County Board of Supervisors meeting on August 14th , as supporters of the director showed up to deny the allegations made. “Beverly has been ver y fair with everybody…we try to give everyone the same thing so that there won’t be no controversy, the allegations made are not true,” said Linda Rhodes, a 13 year volunteer at the center. On August 18 The Stockton Record reported that Beverly

Foster had been “temporarily relocated” to another post and that for the time being, José Abarca, was reassigned as the director of the Center.

According to Foster supporters, the critics and allegations were made to replace Foster with a Latino director. “We want somebody that is

a people person that can get along and include all people,” said community member, Graci Madrid.

asistente no saben hacer”, dijo Rosa María Pérez en la junta. El debate continuo el 14 de agosto durante la junta del Consejo de Supervisores del Condado de San Joaquín, donde los partidarios de la directora

aparecieron para desmentir los alegatos formulados. “Beverly ha sido muy justa con todo el mundo... tratamos de dar a todos las mismas cosas para que no exista ninguna controversia, las alegaciones no

son ciertas”, dijo Linda Rhodes, quien ha sido voluntaria en el centro por 13 años. El 18 de agosto el periódico Stock ton Record infor mó que Beverly Foster había sido “temporalmente reubicada”

a otro puesto y que por el momento, José Abarca, f ue reasignado como director del centro. Según los partidarios de Foster, las críticas y denuncias fueron hechas para reemplazar a Foster

con un director latino. “Q ue r e mo s a a lg u ie n u n a persona que puede llevarse bien con toda la gente y que incluya a todas las personas”, dijo Graci Madrid.

“Esta no es la primera vez ni la segunda vez que nos enteramos de esto”, dijo el super v isor del Condado de San Joaquín, Carlos Villapudua: “Me gustaría resolver esto rápido porque he estado recibiendo llamadas telefónicas de los electores de mi distrito y quiero responderles. “ “Tenemos que sacar a esa gente [Foster y la subdirectora Linda Thomas-Phillips] y llevar gente que nos trate con respeto y dignidad, algo Beverly y su

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www.bilingualweekly.com |08.19.2012- 8.27.2012 #181

Seguirdad de la para Pool Safety to prevent Evitar Ahogamientos no unintional Drowning Intencional with Children (bw) Every day, two children under the age of 14 die from unintentional drowning according to the Center or Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Drowning is responsible for more deaths among children ages 1-4 than any other cause except congenital anomalies (birth defects) and most drowning occurs in home swimming pools. Among those ages 1-14, fatal drowning remains the second-leading cause of unintentional injury-related death behind motor vehicle crashes. More than 50% of drowning victims treated in emergency departments that survive require hospitalization or transfer for further care (compared with a hospitalization rate of about 6% for all unintentional injuries). The main factors that affect drowning risk are lack of swimming ability, lack of barriers to prevent unsupervised water access, lack of close supervision while swimming, location, and failure to wear life jackets, alcohol use, and seizure disorders. Many adults and children report that they can’t swim. Research has shown that participation in formal swimming lessons can reduce the risk of drowning among children aged 1 to 4 years. Barriers, such as pool fencing, prevent young children from gaining access to the pool area without caregivers’ awareness. A four-sided isolation fence (separating the pool area from the house and yard) reduces a child’s risk of drowning 83% compared to three-sided property-line fencing. Drowning can happen quickly and quietly anywhere there is water (such as bathtubs, swimming pools, buckets), and even in the presence of lifeguards. Therefore, adults should not be involved in any other distracting activity (such as reading, playing cards, talking on the phone, or mowing the lawn) while supervising children, even if lifeguards are present. For persons with seizure disorders, drowning is the most common cause of unintentional injury death, with the bathtub as the site of highest drowning risk. CPR performed by bystanders has been shown to save lives and improve outcomes in drowning victims. The more quickly CPR is started, the better the chance of improved outcomes. Life jackets can reduce risk. Potentially, half of all boating deaths might be prevented with the use of life jackets. Tips to help you stay safe in the water Designate a responsible adult to watch young children while in the bath and all children swimming or playing in or around water. Supervisors of preschool children should provide “touch supervision”, be close enough to reach the child at all times and older children should be able to have eye to eye contact. Insist on the Buddy System. Always swim with a buddy. Select swimming sites that have lifeguards when possible. Seizure Disorder Safety. If you or a family member has a seizure disorder, provide oneon-one supervision around water, including swimming pools. Consider taking showers rather than using a bath tub for bathing. Wear life jackets when boating. Formal swimming lessons can protect young children from drowning. However, even when children have had formal swimming lessons, constant, careful supervision when children are in the water, and barriers, such as pool fencing to prevent unsupervised access, are still important. (YMCA in Stockton and Tracy and Boys & Girls Clubs provide classes among others) Learn Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR). In the time it takes for paramedics to arrive, your CPR skills could save someone’s life. (American Red Cross provides classes) Air-Filled or Foam Toys are not safety devices. Don’t use air-filled or foam toys, such as “water wings”, “noodles”, or inner-tubes, instead of life jackets. These toys are not life jackets and are not designed to keep swimmers safe. Avoid Alcohol. Avoid drinking alcohol before or during swimming, boating, or water skiing. Do not drink alcohol while supervising children. Don’t let swimmers hyperventilate before swimming underwater or try to hold their breath for long periods of time. This can cause them to pass out (sometimes called “shallow water blackout”) and drown. Know how to prevent recreational water illnesses. For more information about illnesses from recreational water, see the More Information section below. Know the local weather conditions and forecast before swimming or boating. Strong winds and thunderstorms with lightning strikes are dangerous. If you have a swimming pool at home: •Install Four-Sided Fencing. Install a four-sided pool fence that completely separates the pool area from the house and yard. The fence should be at least 5 feet high. Use self-closing and self-latching gates that open outward with latches that are out of reach of children and maintain them regularly. Also, consider additional barriers such as automatic door locks and alarms to prevent access or alert you if someone enters the pool area. Clear the Pool and Deck of Toys. Remove floats, balls and other toys from the pool and surrounding area immediately after use so children are not tempted to enter the pool area unsupervised. Properly cover or empty inflatable pools when not in use . Mount rescue equipment by the pool such as lifesaving ring, hook and CPR sign. Keep a phone near the pool and post 911 emergency telephone number on the phone as well as the physical address of the pool. Information provided by the CDC and San Joaquin Health Services. (translated by Juan Andrede)

(bw) Every day, two children under the age of 14 die from unintentional drowning according to the Center or Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Drowning is responsible for more deaths among children ages 1-4 than any other cause except congenital anomalies (birth defects) and most drowning occurs in home swimming pools. Among those ages 1-14, fatal drowning remains the second-leading cause of unintentional injury-related death behind motor vehicle crashes. More than 50% of drowning victims treated in emergency departments that survive require hospitalization or transfer for further care (compared with a hospitalization rate of about 6% for all unintentional injuries). The main factors that affect drowning risk are lack of swimming ability, lack of barriers to prevent unsupervised water access, lack of close supervision while swimming, location, and failure to wear life jackets, alcohol use, and seizure disorders. Many adults and children report that they can’t swim. Research has shown that participation in formal swimming lessons can reduce the risk of drowning among children aged 1 to 4 years. Barriers, such as pool fencing, prevent young children from gaining access to the pool area without caregivers’ awareness. A four-sided isolation fence (separating the pool area from the house and yard) reduces a child’s risk of drowning 83% compared to three-sided property-line fencing. Drowning can happen quickly and quietly anywhere there is water (such as bathtubs, swimming pools, buckets), and even in the presence of lifeguards. Therefore, adults should not be involved in any other distracting activity (such as reading, playing cards, talking on the phone, or mowing the lawn) while supervising children, even if lifeguards are present. For persons with seizure disorders, drowning is the most common cause of unintentional injury death, with the bathtub as the site of highest drowning risk. CPR performed by bystanders has been shown to save lives and improve outcomes in drowning victims. The more quickly CPR is started, the better the chance of improved outcomes. Life jackets can reduce risk. Potentially, half of all boating deaths might be prevented with the use of life jackets. Tips to help you stay safe in the water Designate a responsible adult to watch young children while in the bath and all children swimming or playing in or around water. Supervisors of preschool children should provide “touch supervision”, be close enough to reach the child at all times and older children should be able to have eye to eye contact. Insist on the Buddy System. Always swim with a buddy. Select swimming sites that have lifeguards when possible. Seizure Disorder Safety. If you or a family member has a seizure disorder, provide oneon-one supervision around water, including swimming pools. Consider taking showers rather than using a bath tub for bathing. Wear life jackets when boating. Formal swimming lessons can protect young children from drowning. However, even when children have had formal swimming lessons, constant, careful supervision when children are in the water, and barriers, such as pool fencing to prevent unsupervised access, are still important. (YMCA in Stockton and Tracy and Boys & Girls Clubs provide classes among others) Learn Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR). In the time it takes for paramedics to arrive, your CPR skills could save someone’s life. (American Red Cross provides classes) Air-Filled or Foam Toys are not safety devices. Don’t use air-filled or foam toys, such as “water wings”, “noodles”, or inner-tubes, instead of life jackets. These toys are not life jackets and are not designed to keep swimmers safe. Avoid Alcohol. Avoid drinking alcohol before or during swimming, boating, or water skiing. Do not drink alcohol while supervising children. Don’t let swimmers hyperventilate before swimming underwater or try to hold their breath for long periods of time. This can cause them to pass out (sometimes called “shallow water blackout”) and drown. Know how to prevent recreational water illnesses. For more information about illnesses from recreational water, see the More Information section below. Know the local weather conditions and forecast before swimming or boating. Strong winds and thunderstorms with lightning strikes are dangerous. If you have a swimming pool at home: •Install Four-Sided Fencing. Install a four-sided pool fence that completely separates the pool area from the house and yard. The fence should be at least 5 feet high. Use self-closing and self-latching gates that open outward with latches that are out of reach of children and maintain them regularly. Also, consider additional barriers such as automatic door locks and alarms to prevent access or alert you if someone enters the pool area. Clear the Pool and Deck of Toys. Remove floats, balls and other toys from the pool and surrounding area immediately after use so children are not tempted to enter the pool area unsupervised. Properly cover or empty inflatable pools when not in use . Mount rescue equipment by the pool such as lifesaving ring, hook and CPR sign. Keep a phone near the pool and post 911 emergency telephone number on the phone as well as the physical address of the pool. Information provided by the CDC and San Joaquin Health Services.


I Have a Voice:

Memoirs of our Community Silent Heros Coming this September Este Septiembre

Mi Voz Cuenta: Memorias de Nuestra Comunidad

65 Ediciones,


Grandes Personas

65 Issues, 65 Amazing People Coming this September at the Mexican Heritage Center and Gallery

8/14 5:30 PM





Bilingual Weekly Noticias | 08.19.2012- 08.27.2012 www.bilingualweekly.com #181

USCIS USCIS Continuación de la portada

solicitar consideración de Acción Diferida para los Llegados en la Infancia por parte de USCIS marca el paso final en nuestra implementación de este nuevo proceso”, dijo el Director de USCIS Alejandro Mayorkas. “Aunque las solicitudes no deben comenzar a presentarse hasta el 15 de agosto, es importante que los individuos que desean ser considerados para la acción diferida entienden los requisitos necesar ios para demostrar que son eleg ible s pa ra ser considerados”. Los individuos solicitando consideración para la Acción Diferida para los Llegados en la Infancia, deben presentar el for mular io I- 821D, Consideración para la Acción Diferida para los Llegados en la Infancia, el formulario I-765, Solicitud de Autorización de Empleo (con el pago de tarifas correspondientes) y una Hoja Explicativa I-765WS. USCIS desarrolló recientemente una serie de recursos para informar al público acerca de cómo el proceso funcionará. El sitio Web www.uscis.gov/accióndiferida incluye una hoja informativa, un folleto “Cómo puedo…”, preguntas más frecuentes y varios otros recursos. USCIS exhorta a los individuos que tengan preguntas sobre este proceso a visitar nuestro sitio Web o llamar al número del

Continued from Cover

to demonstrate eligibility to be considered.” Indiv iduals requesting c on s ide r at ion of de fe r r e d action for childhood arrivals must submit For m I-821D, C on siderat ion of Defer re d Action for Childhood Arrivals; Form I-765, Application for Employ ment Aut hor ization (with accompanying fees); and an I-765WS, Worksheet. USCIS recently developed a series of resources to inform the public on how the process will work. The website, www.uscis.gov/ childhoodarrivals, includes a f lier, a How do I brochure, frequently asked questions, and a number of other resources. USCIS encourages individuals w ith questions to v isit this website or c a l l t he US CIS National Customer Service line at 1-800-375-5283.

USCIS is aware of immigration scams surrounding the deferred action for childhood arrivals process. Often, unauthorized practitioners of immigration law may try to take advantage of individuals by charging a fee to submit forms to USCIS, or to provide other services. The USCIS website www.uscis.gov/ avoidscams includes tips on filing forms, reporting scams and finding accredited legal services. USCIS is committed to ensuring that this new process works within the agency’s mission to ensure the integrity of the immigration system. For more information on USCIS and its programs, please visit www.uscis.gov or follow us on Twitter (@uscis), YouTube (/ uscis) and the USCIS blog The Beacon. By Dennise Rocha

Centro Nacional de Servicio al Cliente de USCIS al 1-800-3755283. En USCIS estamos concientes de las estafas de inmigración relacionadas al proceso de Acción Diferida para los Llegados en la Infancia. A menudo, practicantes inescrupulosos podrían tratar de aprovecharse de los individuos prometiéndoles un servicio más rápido si les paga una cantidad. Nuestra página www.uscis.gov/ eviteestafas ofrece consejos ac er c a de c ómo pr e s ent a r los for mular ios, denunciar

estafas y encontrar ayuda legal acreditada. USCIS está comprometido con asegurar que este nuevo proceso trabaje en concordancia con la misión de la agencia de salvaguardar la integridad del sistema de inmigración. Para más información acerca de USCIS y sus programas, por favor v isite w w w.uscis.gov/ espanol, o síganos en Twitter (@uscis_es), YouTube (/uscis) y el blog en inglés de USCIS The Beacon0. Por Dennise Rocha

FFSJ: FFSJ: Reunión de The Elders Ancianos Gathering


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Nuestros precios son muy razonables y competitivos. El servicio es de primera!

STOCKTON, CA- Con cantos y oraciones, Padres y Familias de San Joaquín, llevo a cabo “El Encuentro con Ancianos”, el jueves 16 de agosto en su oficina en el centro de la ciudad. Alrededor de veinte miembros de la comunidad se reunieron en el evento, que tiene como objetivo ayudar a las familias con el proceso de curación del dolor de la muerte de un ser querido. “Cuando uno viene aquí se siente amado, se siente respetado debido a que están en un lugar seguro”, dijo uno de los ancianos en el círculo, “aquí no hay prejuicios.” De acuerdo con FFSJ, la sabiduría que los ancianos tienen es beneficioso para los jóvenes, mujeres, hombres y ancianos, así otros. El encuentro es una oportunidad para compartir tus sentimientos y traer energía positiva. Queremos ser un sistema de apoyo, explicó Gabriel Alfaro, miembro de

(bw) STOCKTON, CAWith songs and prayers, Fathers and Families of San Joaquin (FFSJ) hosted “The Elders’ Gathering” on Thursday, August 16 at their office in downtown. Around twenty community members gathered at the event, which aims to assist families with the healing process of grief of a loved one’s death. “When you come here you feel loved, you feel respected because you are in a safe place,” said one of the elders at the circle, “there are no judgments.” According to FFSJ, the wisdom which elders have is

beneficial to the youth, women, men and other elders as well. The gathering is an opportunity to share your feelings and bring positive energy. We want to be a support system, explained Gabriel Alfaro, Outreach educator Fathers and Families of San Joaquin. Thursday event was especially dedicated to a 17 year old and his family who recently lost, a cousin, due to a gang related incident. Although the feeling of loss and pain are deep this group hopes to help the community heal emotionally. By Dennise Rocha

Padres y Familias de San Joaquín. El evento del Jueves fue dedicado especialmente a un joven de 17 años y su familia que acaba de perder, un primo, debido a un incidente

relacionado con pandillas. Aunque el sentimiento de pérdida y el dolor son profundos de este grupo espera ayudar a la comunidad de sanar emocionalmente. Por Dennise Rocha

2 lunches O cenas por

$10.00 Incluyendo un refresco


Exp. January 18,2011 Restrictions may apply.

Exp. August 30, 2012

RTD Horario RTD schedule for Paral El Dia Labor Day Del Trabajo STOCKTON, CA – On Labor Day, Monday, September 3, the San Joaquin Regional Transit District (RTD) will not operate its regular fixed route bus services (Stockton Metro, Metro Express, Intercity, Hopper, and San Joaquin Commuter) and Dial-A-Ride services. RTD’s administrative offices and the Downtown Transit Center (DTC) Customer Service Center will be closed. RTD will resume regular service and reopen its administrative offices and the DTC Customer Service Center on Tuesday, September 4. For route and schedule in-

(Special to bw) STOCKTON, CA – On Labor Day, Monday, September 3, the San Joaquin Regional Transit District (RTD) will not operate its regular fixed route bus services (Stockton Metro, Metro Express, Intercity, Hopper, and San Joaquin Commuter) and Dial-A-Ride services. RTD’s administrative offices and the Downtown Transit Center (DTC) Customer Service Center will be closed.

RTD will resume regular service and reopen its administrative offices and the DTC Customer Service Center on Tuesday, September 4. For route and schedule information: RTD Customer Information Line, (209) 943-1111 or 1-800-HOW-TORIDE (1-800-469-8674) or visit RTD online at www.sanjoaquinRTD.com and follow San Joaquin RTD on Facebook and Twitter.

formation: RTD Customer Information Line, (209) 943-1111 or 1-800-HOW-TO-

RIDE (1-800-469-8674) or visit RTD online at www.sanjoaquinRTD.com

Julio 2012 Las Tasas July 2012 de Desempleo Unemployment (bw) CA - En general, las tasas de desem- Rates

pleo regionales y estatales tuvieron pocos cambios o ligeramente más altas en Julio. Cuarenta y cuatro estados registraron aumentos de las tasas de desempleo, dos estados y el Distrito de Columbia registraron disminuciones de tarifas, y cuatro estados no tenía cambio, los EE.UU. Oficina de Estadísticas Laborales informó hoy. Cuarenta y cuatro estados y el Distrito de Columbia registraron una reducción en desempleo desde un año antes, cuatro estados tuvieron aumentos, y dos no tuvieron ningún cambio. La tasa de desempleo nacional, en el 8.3 por ciento, era esencialmente igual desde Junio, pero 0.8 puntos porcentuales menos que en Julio de 2011. En Julio de 2012, el empleo no agrícola de nómina aumentó en 31 estados y el Distrito de Columbia y disminuyó en 19 estados. El más grande aumento durante un mes del empleo se produjo en California (+25200)

(bw) CA - Regional and state unemployment rates were generally little changed or slightly higher in July. Forty four states recorded unemployment rate increases, two states and the District of Columbia posted rate decreases, and four states had no change, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Forty-four states and the District of Columbia registered unemployment rate decreases from a year earlier, four states experienced increases, and two had no change. The national jobless rate, at 8.3 percent, was essentially unchanged from June but 0.8 percentage point lower than in July 2011. In July 2012, nonfarm payroll employment increased in 31 states and the District of Columbia and decreased in 19 states. The largest over-the-month increase in employment occurred in California (+25,200)



Opinión | Opinion

Entervista | Interview


www.bilingualweekly.com |08.19.2012- 8.27.2012 #181 Shunning Latino, black and Asian journalist moderators for presidential debates

Shunning Latino, black and Asian journalist moderators for presidential debates

underscores nation’s systemic attitudes towards race

underscores nation’s systemic attitudes towards race

Rehuyendo al latinoamericano, mediadores periodistas Afro-Americanos y asiáticos para debates presidenciales subrayan actitudes sistémicas de la nación hacia la raza. Marisa Treviño | August 18, 2012 LatinaLista — Con toda las conversaciones y cobertura en los medios de comunicación principales sobre el voto latino, es irónicamente loco que los Latinos, o otros votantes minorías, tienen que pelear por mantenerse su relevancia en la campaña presidencial. De la Izquierda a la derecha: Jim Lehrer de la televisora PBs, Bob Schieffer de la Televisora CBS, Candy Crowley de la televisora CNN y Martha RAddatz del Noticiero ABC — elijieron mediadores para los debates de la presidencia y del vicepresidente. El ejemplo mas actual fue el de los debates presidenciales. Ni un mediador latino o afro-americano o asiático o musulman fue incluido en la alineación de los debates de la presidencia y del vicepresidente. El liderazgo de Univision le pregunto a la Comision de Debates Presidenciales (Commission on Presidential Debates —CPD) que tuvieran un debate mas el cual fuera mediado por sus reporteros nacionales, Jorge Ramos y Maria Elena Salinas, o algún otro reportero de televisoras en Español. Se les negó. El viernes, Ralph B Everett, el jefe executivo del Centro de Estudios de Politica y Economia (Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies) apoyo el debato so temas de latinos. En una carta a CPD el escribió: “A sido una practica de la industria de televisión desde hace tiempo el prevenir que personas de minorías estén frente las cámaras,” y el estaba esperanzado que CPD reconsiderara su decisión. Benjamin Todd Jealoous, Director Executivo y presidente de NAACP tambien reprendio a el CDP: “la falta de diversidad en los mediadores de los debates de este año representa la falta de diversidad de los medios de noticieros. Oh ya sea una reportero de máxima audiencia de noticias, mediadores de debate, o comentaristas en el domingo influyente por la mañana de programas de entrevistas sobre políticos, las minorías – y norteamericanos africanos específicamente – son llamativamente infrarrepresentados.” Ahun, sobre toda esta critica, Janet H. Brown, directora executiva de la Comision de Debates Presidenciales, presento la siguiente declaración a el periodista Ricahr Prince del Instituto Maynard de Periodismo el Viernes: “La Comisión de Debates Presidenciales esta agradecido por el interés de varias organizaciones sobre el proceso de moderadores; este interés subraya la importancia del papel de los mediadores en los debates que enfocan tiempo y atención en los candidatos, no en otros participantes.” “Los cuatro periodistas elegidos a moderar los debates del 2012 ven sus tareas como representantes de todo Americano al escoger sus temas y preguntas… La comisión a revisado formatos y mediadores extensamente por los últimos 18 meses, y a escogido mediadores que tienen talentos particulares para los formatos del 2012, todos los cuales serán implementados por cada uno de los mediadores. Esta revisión incluyó a más de 60 periodistas de varios fondos y experimenta. “La elección de un mediador hace difícil el representar a todos los grupos que han expresado interés en tener uno de sus representantes. Pero estamos seguros que estos debates proporcionarán información valiosa sobre los temas, dedicarán tiempo a los candidatos y sus vistas, y fomentarán discusión so-

Shunning Latino, black and Asian journalist moderators for presidential debates underscores nation’s systemic attitudes towards race Marisa Treviño | August 18, 2012 LatinaLista — With all the talk and coverage there has been in the mainstream media about the Latino vote, it’s a crazy irony that Latinos, and other voters of color, are having to fight to remain a relevant part of this presidential campaign. From left to right: Jim Lehrer of PBS, Bob Schieffer of CBS, Candy Crowley of CNN and Martha Raddatz of ABC News — chosen moderators for the presidential and vice-presidential debates. The latest example has to do with the presidential debates. Not one Latino or black or Asian or Muslim moderator is included in the line-up of forthcoming presidential and vice-presidential debates. Univision management asked the Commission on Presidential Debates (CPD) to have one more debate that could either be moderated by their own national news anchors, Jorge Ramos and Maria Elena Salinas, or some other Spanish-language television anchor. They were denied. Friday, in support of a debate addressing Latino issues was made by Ralph B. Everett, the chief executive of the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies. In a letter to the CPD he wrote in part: “It has long been the practice of the television industry to avoid placing people of color in front of the camera” and he hoped that the CPD would reconsider their decision. .Benjamin Todd Jealous, CEO and president of the NAACP, also rebuked the CDP: “The lack of diversity among this year’s debate moderators is representative of the overall lack of diversity in news media. Whether it’s as primetime news anchors, debate moderators, or commentators on the influential Sunday morning political talk shows, people of color – and African Americans specifically – are strikingly underrepresented.” .Yet, through all this criticism, Janet H. Brown, executive director of the Commission on Presidential Debates, forwarded the following statement to journalist Richard Prince of the Maynard

Institute’s Journal-isms on Friday: “The Commission on Presidential Debates is grateful for the interest shown by various organizations in its moderator selection process; this interest underscores the importance of the moderators’ role in debates that focus time and attention on the candidates, not on other participants. “The four journalists chosen to moderate the 2012 debates see their assignment as representing all Americans in choosing topics and questions… The Commission has reviewed formats and moderators extensively over the last 18 months, and has chosen moderators who have skills particularly suited to the 2012 formats, all of which will be implemented by a single moderator. This review included more than 60 journalists of various backgrounds and experience. “The choice of a single moderator makes it difficult to accommodate all the groups that have expressed interest in having one of their representatives chosen. But we are confident that these debates will provide valuable information on the issues, devote time to the candidates and their views, and foster a serious discussion of the matters facing voters this fall.” .Brown’s statement that “the choice of a single moderator makes it difficult to accommodate all the groups that have expressed interest…” implies that the CDP can’t possibly choose just one ethnic group because then that opens the floodgates for every ethnic and special-interest group to want to be represented. So, going all-white is the best alternative? Even though it’s people of color who are the majority of whom bad policy decisions impact the most? On another note, for any skilled journalist comfortable with moderating any event, debate or otherwise, it’s a stretch to say that these chosen moderators “have skills particularly suited to the 2012 format.” Candy Crowley, of CNN, who is the first female moderator of a presidential debate, is overseeing a Town Hall-style format where she basically plays referee to the questions of the invited guests who, according to the CDP, will be undecided voters as identified by GALLUP. The skillset it takes to oversee such a debate style

bre los asuntos graves para los votantes esto otoño.”

Entonces hay otra declaración Brown de CDP que molesta: “…Este interés subraya la importancia del papel de los mediadores en los debates que enfocan tiempo y atención en los candidatos, no en otros participantes”.

La declaración de Brown, “el escoger un solo mediador lo hace difícil para representar a todos los que tienen interés de representación…” implica que no es posible que CDP pueda escoger un solo grupo étnico porque esto abriría las puertas para que cada grupo étnico y grupo de interés especial quieran su propio representante. Así que, ¿será la mejor alternativa el que todos sean blancos? ¿Aun que son minorías las que forman la mayoría de quien impactan las decisiones de política mas? En otra nota, para cualquier periodista hábil que se siente cómodo para moderar cualquier acontecimiento, debate o de otro modo, es un tramo de decir que estos mediadores escogidos “tiene habilidades especialmente convenido al 2012 formato”. Candy Crowley, de CNN, quien es la primera moderadora femenil en un debate presidencial, es responsable de un formato de estilo presidencia-municipal donde básicamente ella desempeña el papel de árbitro a las preguntas de los huéspedes invitados que, según el CDP, será votantes sin decidir como identificar por GALLUP. Las habilidades necesarias para supervisar tal debate estilo debe ser algo que llama para la certificación especial — digo sarcásticamente.

Michelle Morales at the San Joaquin County Pride Center

Es la consecuencia de que una persona de minoría desviara la atención de los candidatos? ¿Existe el temor de que un periodista de minoria actuaría tan poco profesional que él / ella se centraría únicamente en los temas relacionados con la comunidad de su herencia étnica y pasar por alto otras cuestiones en el guión?

I Have a Voice: Michelle Morales I Have a Voice: Michelle Morales Continuación de la portada

Michelle Morales está decidido a apoyar a la comunidad de Lesbianas, Gays, Bisexuales, Transgéneros (LGBT) al desafiar la intolerancia y promover la aceptación. Mo r a l e s c o m e n z ó c o m o voluntaria en el Centro Pride de San Joaquín, sólo un mes después, se conv ir tió en la C o or d i n ador a de e vento s , específicamente del reciente Festival del Orgullo que tendrá lugar el Sábado, 25 de agosto 2012 en Parque, Oak Grove en Stockton. Morales, describe el centro como “mecanismo de apoyo”, un apoyo que ella desea haber tenido durante su adolescencia. “Al crecer, yo era bastante tímida... Yo era la mayor de seis hijos, tenía una imagen que seguir, a igual que tomar las decisiones correctas para mis hermanos y hermanas “. A través de los años, Morales aprendió a invertir la negatividad q ue h a bí a e x p e r i me nt a d o durante tantos años, aceptando así quien ella es. “Mi t ío me cr io y él era homosexual... me ensenó a amar a la gente y a no juzgar, creo que es una buena cualidad que siempre llevo a mi alrededor.” Para Morales la homosexualidad es un tema rodeado por la ignorancia. “Ellos [la sociedad] creen que es psicológico, que algo debe de haber sucedido en el camino y es por eso que eres de esta manera, no es necesariamente

Michelle Morales is determined to suppor t the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender (LGBT) community to challenge intolerance and promote acceptance. Morales started as a volunteer at the San Joaquin Pride Center, only a couple months after she became the event director of the newly developed Pride Festival to ta ke place on Sat urday, August 25th, 2012 at Oak Grove Regional Park in Stockton. This will be the first Stockton Pride Festival in known history. Morales, describes the center as “suppor t mechanism,” a support environment that she wishes she would have had while growing up. “Growing up I was fairly shy... I was the oldest of six kids; I had an image to portray, to make the right decisions for my brothers and sisters.” Through the years Morales learned to reverse the negativity she had experienced for so many years and so embrace who she is. “My uncle raised and he was

homosexual…he taught me to love people and not to judge them I think that is a good quality that I always carried around.” For Morales homosexuality is a n issue su r rou nded by ignorance. “ They[societ y] t hink is psychological, that something must of happen to you along the line and that is why you are this way , is not necessarily like that ,” explains Morales, “you can’t control who you fall in love with or who you have feelings for.” “S o c ie t y a s a whole h a s bec ome more ac c ept i ng of homosexuality than when I was a teenager, but there is always going to be the one person that says something negative.” In the near future Morales wants to further her education to better serve the youth in the community and embrace who they are. “I want to work with teens that are in the process of coming out; that have some questions about what their feelings are and what their preferences are.”

así “, explica Morales, “no se puede controlar de quién te enamoras con o hacia quien tienes sentimientos” “La sociedad en conjunto se ha vuelto más tolerante de la homosexualidad de cuando yo era un adolescente, pero no siempre va haber esa persona que dice algo negativo”. En el futuro Morales quiere

continuar su educación para servir mejor a los jóvenes en la comunidad y enseñarles a amar lo que son. “Quiero trabajar o con los adolescentes que están en el proceso de salir del clóset, que tienen algunas preguntas sobre sus sentimientos y sobre cuáles son sus preferencias.”

must be something that calls for special certification — I say sarcastically. Then there’s that other statement by CDP’s Brown that is troubling: “…this interest underscores the importance of the moderators’ role in debates that focus time and attention on the candidates, not on other participants.” Is the implication that a person of color would take attention away from the candidates? Is there a fear that a journalist of color would act so unprofessionally that he/she would focus only on issues pertinent to the community of their ethnic heritage and ignore other questions in the script? Or even worse: Journalists of color aren’t qualified to moderate a debate of such national importance? Irregardless of the reason,

the idea that white journalists can represent the views and issues of all Americans is preposterous. Not to mention, that they would be capable of knowing what issues are of importance among ethnic communities. The moderators that have been chosen are high-profile and well-established at their networks. And while that signifies they are highly qualified, they also live in their own bubbles, personally unaware of the issues of ethnic Americans unless it’s an issue featured in any of the numerous polls being published these days. The decision by the CPD illustrates the naivete that still exists in this country that ethnic Americans’ concerns are the same as white Americans. They’re not. One has only to turn off Main Street USA into communities

to see overcrowded schools, unpaved residential streets, food deserts, etc. to see that things are far from equal and that the concerns of these Americans in no way equal those of their neighbors in more affluent areas. Yet, while it’s true that a white journalist can be “briefed” on issues of importance to ethnic Americans and handed a list of questions to include that would represent these underserved communities, there’s no getting away from the most blatant message that the CPD is delivering to the nation: There is not one journalist of color in the nation that can handle such a responsibility. To me, that’s the biggest insult and one that not only needs to be corrected but finally put to rest

estadounidenses a menos que sea un tema destacado en alguna de las numerosas encuestas que se publican en estos días.

estadounidenses étnicos “son los mismos que los estadounidenses blancos. No lo son. Uno sólo tiene que apagar Main Street EE.UU. a las comunidades para ver las escuelas superpobladas y calles residenciales sin pavimentar, desiertos alimentarios, etc para ver que las

cosas están lejos de ser igual y que las preocupaciones de estos americanos de ninguna manera igual a los de sus vecinos más zonas ricas.

La decisión de la CPD ilustra la ingenuidad que aún existe en este país que las preocupaciones de los

Los moderadores que han sido elegidos son de alto nivel y bien establecidos en sus redes. Y mientras que eso significa que están altamente calificados, también viven en sus propias burbujas, sin darse cuenta personalmente de los asuntos étnicos de

Sin embargo, si bien es cierto que un periodista blanco puede ser “informados” sobre temas de

Opinion’s and letters to the editor are the responsibility of the author and may not reflect the opinion of the Bilingual Weekly and/or Staff. Including Ad Kitchen.

O aún peor: Los periodistas de minoria no están calificados para moderar un debate de importancia nacional? Independientemente de la razón, la idea de que los periodistas blancos pueden representar los puntos de vista y los problemas de todos los estadounidenses es absurdo. Sin mencionar, que serían capaces de saber qué temas son de importancia entre las comunidades étnicas.

Continued from Cover

Bilingual Weekly Bilingual Weekly (bw) is a news organization covering general news important to San Joaquin County and Stanislaus County, in both English and Spanish.

Ph. 1(209) 598-6525 Fx. 1(866) 908-0883 Office 94 W. Castle Street, Ste A Stockton, CA 95204 Mailing Address P.O. Box 692563 Stockton, CA 95204

bw welcomes letters to the editor, contributor opinion columns, but reserves the right to edit or withold inclusion subject to available space. Unless noted within, or produced by a contracted writer, all material published in this periodical is original and the property of Bilingual Weekly and cannot be reproduced in any fashion without Bilingual Weekly’s written authorization. ERRORS IN EDITORIAL: Although bw tries diligently to bring you the best and most reliable information, on occasion, an editorial may have an error due to a typographical error, technological error, or information received from quoted source provided misinformation. Bilingual Weekly is not liable for such inacuracy’s in any way. However, if you catch a mistake that we do not, contact Bilingual Weekly to have a correction published.

ERRORS IN ADVERTISEMENT: On occasion, a product or service may not be available at the time or at the price as it appears in an advertisement. In such event, or in the event a product is listed at an info@ incorrect price or with incorrect information due to typographical error, bilingualweekly.com technology, error in the date or length of publication, or error in pricing or product information received from our advertisers or suppliers, www.bilingualweekly.com Bilingual Weekly is not responsible for such errors or discrepancies. bilingualweekly.com Opinion’s are the responsibility of the writer and do not necessisarily reflect the opinion of the newspaper.

President & Publisher Gene Acevedo Cheif of Operations Sarah Lippincott Journalist Dennise Rocha Op-Ed Marisa Traviño Photographer Dennise Rocha Whitney Ramirez Translation Juan Andrede Circulation Leonardo Guerrero Gemma Herrera




Bilingual Weekly Noticias | 08.19.2012- 08.27.2012 www.bilingualweekly.com #181


Calendario | Calendar



6:00-9:00 PM Take Me Into The Beautiful: A Night of Worship Rescue Mission Quail Lakes Baptist Church 1904 Quail Lakes Dr.

5-7 PM Free Heart of the Mystic Ava Avione San Joaquin County Law Library 20 N. Sutter St. (209) 468-3920


STOCKTON, CA - The Fifth Annual Taste of San Joaquin took place this Saturday, August 18th with over 40 BBQ teams and 15 restaurants that competed at the Way Out West BBQ Championship in Downtown Stockton’s Weber Point. The proceeds of the Way Out West BBQ Competition—a “Food-Network-Style” barbecue cook off will benefit locally owned restaurants, local charities, and the improvement of Downtown Stockton. Campeonato Mundial de barbacoa en el Centro de Stockton.


Over Troubled Waters Documentory screening Empire Theatre Stockton, CA 7:00pm $10 (209) 475-9550

Lunch Cruise with Opportunity Cruises 12:30 PM - 3:00 PM Stockton Marina 445 West Weber Ave. Stockton, CA 95203 (916) 600-3815

8/24 “THUGGDORK COMEDY LIVE” FRIDAY AUGUST 24TH Stockton Empire Theatre in Stockton, California Reggie Thuggdork Galindo invited you.

STOCKTON, CA - El quinto sabor Anual de San Joaquín tuvo lugar este sábado, 18 de agosto con más de 40 equipos de barbacoa y 15 restaurantes que compitieron en el Way Out West Point BBQ Championship en el centro de Stockton. Los recursos de la Compencia Way Out West BBQ -una competencia al estilo “Food-Network” beneficiará a los restaurantes de propiedad local, organizaciones benéficas locales y un mejoramiento en general del centro de Stockton.

8/25 2012 Stockton Pride Festival Oak Grove Regional Park 4520 W Eight Mile Rd Stockton, California,



Edison High School Class Reunion Class 1982 (209) 565-1262

La Arrolladora Banda el Limón 4:oo PM – 11:00 PM



Charterhouse for Families Thursday, September 13, 2012.5:00pm.. 5713 N. Pershing Ave, Suite A-2, Stockton, CA 95207 RSVP by Monday, September 10th: candy@ charterhousecenter.org or (209) 476-1106

5:30 PM I Have a Voice; Memoirs of our Community Mexican Heritage Center & Gallery 111 S. Sutter Street Stockton, CA 95202

Los estudiantes de la Academia de Carrera de la Salud caminan rumbo a su primer día de clase el martes 14 de agosto, después de una reunión de bienvenida con padres y líderes comunitarios. Students at Health Career Academy made their way out to their first day of class on Tuesday August 14, after a welcoming assembly with parents and community leaders.

ecesitya primimos





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Brochures, Business Cards, Business Farms, Flyers, Folders, Tags, Posters, Postcards, Envelopes, Door Hangers, Letterhead, Stickers, Vinyl Hangers, Signs, T-shirts, Caps, Sweatshirts, Jackets, Invoices, Manueels, Embroridery, Vinyl, Cutting, Offset Printing, T-Shirts, Jackets, Bags, Paper, Plastic and More!

LLAME | CALL (209) 462-1643


2294 E. Waterloo Rd. Stockton, CA 95205



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