“I HAVE A VOICE” — 17 of 65 | #152
“Yo Soy Entusiasmada”
“I Am Enthusiastic
Interview on Pg 5
. . . Y MI VOZ CUENTA . . . & I HAVE A VOICE “Cada dia somos inspirados por las voces de nuestra comunidad. Personas como Veronica Ramos, directora del programa migrante, educadora con una personalidad entusiasmada.”
Bilingual Weekly Noticias|News (209) 598-6525 www.bilingualweekly.com
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Mayra Barrios (bw)
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para Programa for Latino Latino en High School Preparatoria Program
Local Matters! Bilingual Weekly Newspaper: owned, published ,written by and written of the people in your community. Bilingual Weekly Noticias: Periodico: publicado, escrito y narrado sobre personas de su comunidad.
“We are inspired everyday by the voices of our community. People like Veronica Ramos, Migrant Ed program director, educator with an enthusiastic personality.”
Mayra Barrios (BW) Liderazgo Latino Lincoln (LLL), una organización a cargo de administradores y padres de la preparatoria Lincoln recibe el premio Golden Bell 2011. El reconocimiento Golden Bell promueve la excelencia en la educación mediante el reconocimiento de destacados programas llevados a cabo en los distritos escolares de California. “Estamos aquí para honrar a un grupo de padres
Ileana Y Francisco Ortiz reciben la Campana Dorada del 2011.
Bilingual Weekly PO Box 692563 Stockton, CA 95269
Ileana & Francisco Ortiz receive the 2011 Golden Bell
Liderazgo Latino Pg. 6
Arriba con Up with Educación: Education:
un taller para que familias Latinas se registren para becas escolares.
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La Cámara de Comercio Hispana del condado de San Joaquín (SJCHCC) en colaboración con la Universidad del Pacifico y otras organizaciones comunitarias llevaron a cabo la 9º conferencia de Ayuda Financiara Estudiantil y Taller Universitario durante la mañana del Domingo 29 de enero en el Deportivo A.G. Spanos de Universidad del Pacífico en Stockton. “Arriba con la educación” da a estudiantes y sus familias la oportunidad de aprender
Becas Estudiantiles Pg. 6
A workshop for Latino Families to apply for scholarships Mayra Barrios (BW)
The San Joaquin County Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (SJCHCC) in partnership with the University of the Pacific and other community organizations hosted the 9th Annual Student Financial Aid and College Awareness Workshop during the morning of Sunday, January 29th at the A.G. Spanos Hall at University of the Pacific in Stockton. “Up with Education” gives Latino students Student Scholarships Pg. 6
Lincoln Latin Leadership (LLL), a parent/district-run organization at Lincoln High School, received the 2011 Golden Bell Award. The Golden Bell Awards promote excellence in education by recognizing outstanding programs in school districts throughout California. Through the collaboration of teachers, students, parents and administration, LLL invites Latino families to engage in the learning of students to ensure their acaLatino Leadership Pg. 6
Ines Ruiz-Huston, Directora de Alcanze Comunitario de Pacific le da la vienbenida a estudiantes participando en Arriba con la Educación. Ines Ruiz-Huston, Community Outreach Director of Pacific welcomes students to the UP with Education Workshops.
PHOTO: Mayra Barrios
1.30 - 2.05. 2012
Entrevista en pg. 5
El Canal Periférico — The Peripheral Canal – ¿Cuanta Agua? How much water? ¿A Que Costo? At what cost? ¿Quién Paga? Who pays? Por Deanna Lynn Wulff El Rio San Joaquin durante un dia claro en Enero del 2012
Stockton, CA Permit Nº 385
The San Joaq uin River during a clear sky day in January 2012 Photo by Deanna Lynn Wulff
CALIFORNIA — Aproximadamente dos tercios de los residentes en California y en su mayoría en agricultura obtienen su agua del Delta y sus tributarios, y los alrededores de Stockton en un complejo patrón de canales, ríos, y granjas. Pero el Delta se encuentra con problemas multifacéticos, los cuales han dejado una crisis en la pesca, el sauna, y calidad de agua. El canal periférico es una recomenAgua Pg. 2
By Deanna Lynn Wulff CALIFORNIA- Nearly two-thirds of California residents and the majority of agriculture get their water from the Delta and its tributaries, which surround Stockton in an intricate pattern of levees, rivers and farms. But the Delta faces multifaceted environmental problems, which have led to a crisis for fisheries, wildlife and water quality. The peripheral canal has been touted as the solution to the Delta’s problems, but it’s questionable whether it can provide reliable water Water Pg. 3
Medio Ambiente
Bilingual Weekly 2012 www.bilingualweekly.com #152 | 8Noticias 2 | Bilingual Weekly de Abril|al1.3022de2.05, Abril/ April 8 through April 22, 2011
Agua Continua de Portada dación a la solución a los problemas del Delta, pero es cuestionable si este puede proporcionar agua segura y proteger el ecosistema. El Plan de Conservación de la Bahía-Delta (Bay-Delta Consrvation Plan —Plan BDCP) a gastado mas de $150 millones planeando algún tipo de canal periférico o sistema de transporte-túnel, cual transportaría agua alrededor del Delta envés de restaurarlo. El Plan BDCP esta financiado por 23 contratistas ubicados en el sur del Delta y que reciben agua
lones o mas; su costo actual se desconoce. Y el borrador del Plan BDCP tiene partes críticas que faltan, de acuerdo a un Reporte de la Academia Nacional de Ciencias, como son metas claramente definidas y un análisis científico sobre los impactos potenciales que el proyecto tendrá sobre las especies del Delta — y esto es una gran parte del rompecabezas. Técnicamente, se supone que el Plan BDCP debe lograr las metas igual que estado en cuestión de la restauración del ecosistema y
Puente sobre el Rio Sacramento Bridge over the Sacramento River de proyectos estatales y federales. De acuerdo a un reporte de la Oficina de Analistas Legislativos (Legislative Analyst Office — LAO), $240 millones son asignados para el proceso del Plan BDCP durante el año 2013, y en su totalidad, el canal periférico esta presentemente estimado en un costo de $12 mil mil-
certeza del agua. El Delta es el hogar de 750 especies incluyendo plantas y animales; 33 de ellas están apunto de extinción, y probablemente se extinguirán en los siguientes 25 a 50 años, si no mas pronto, dijo el Dr. Peter Moyle, Director Asociado del Centro de Ciencias Sobre Divisiones de las Aguas. “Muchos de estos son salmón
y especies de truchas, y en su mayoría estas especies se encuentran solo en California.” Mientras el descenso del Delta es causado por muchos factores, incluso contaminación, especies invasivas y perdida de la sauna, la causa primaria del descenso de las especies es la diversión de agua y bombeo excesivo en el estuario. Los ríos de San Joaquín y Sacramento son los tributarios primordiales del Delta; el Rio San Joaquín se a secado a causa de las diversiones, y el Rio de Sacramento, que en su momento corrió hacia el mar, muy seguido se usa para mandar agua a bombas federales y estatales. La reducción del flujo de agua fresca a eliminado mucho del hábitat, y como resultado, poblaciones de especies que dependen del flujo se ha desplomado, incluyendo el Salmon Chinook, steelhead y Delta smelt. Para resolver esto, el estado pasó el Acta de Reforma Sacramento-San Joaquín Delta en el 2009, cual requiere que el Directorio del Control de Recursos de Agua Estatales (State Water Resources Control Board — SWRCB) desarrolle un criterio de flujo para proteger el interés de los recursos públicos y una serie de pez nativo. Las recomendaciones de SWRCB sobre los intereses de los recursos publico indican el reducir el uso por un 13.7 a 14.6 millones de piesacre anualmente, cual sig-
nifica aproximadamente 22 por ciento del promedio del subministro del agua anual del estado, o casi la mitad de el subministro de agua del Delta. Esto es el equivalente promedio del flujo anual de seis ríos Anuncio en el lado Oeste del valle central, un remolque para algodon de la Sierra con una anunci dice “recortes a el agua de la agricultura = altos costo Nevada, in- en los alimentos” cluyendo el Sign on the West Side of the Central Valley, A cotton Bail trailer with a T u o l u m n e , sign that reads “Farm Water Cut =Higher Food Cost!” Merced, Stanislaus, Feather, Uba porte varean anualmente vas- por pie-acre. “con una perspectiva del y American. Mientras el ados en los costos de energía, SWRCB tiene que balancear operación, mantenimiento, sur de California, no querlas necesidades económicas y nueva construcción. Se- emos mas agua importada,” con la necesidad del eco- gundo, contratistas solo se dijo Conner Everts, Director sistema, esas recomenda- les cobra por su acción de Ejecutivo de la Alianza de las ciones del flujo implican que los costos anuales, y es difícil divisiones del aguas de Calitodos los usuarios del Delta, estimar el impacto potencial fornia (Southern California incluso contratistas estatales del programa BDCP estrati- Watershed Alliance). “Hey federales, tendrán que ficados en estos costos exis- mos sobre construido, y esreducir el consumo signifi- tentes. Tercero, los costos tamos mejor si nos forzamos cantemente. Como tal, una del proyecto total BDCP no a vivamos dentro de nuestros coalición de distritos de agua son determinados, el tiempo medios.” Los contratistas del Estay energía enviaron una carta a pagar no es definido, y los costos de transportación do en promedio pagan $185 recientemente a SWRCB peticionando que se retrase el compartida y conservación por pie-acre de agua, y los desarrollo de la criterio del no se conocen, y ninguna al- contratistas del Valle de San flujo del Delta asta que BDCP ternativa preferida se a pre- Joaquín pagan aproximadasentado. mente $52 por pie-acre bajo avance mas. Pero, el Detrito de Agua el contrato presente, cual exAsta ahora, BDCP no a tomado recomendaciones Metropolitana (Metropoli- pira en el 2035. El BDCP también esta ensobre el flujo para el interés tan Water District — MWD) del Sur de California, cual lazado con el Plan Delta, cual de los recursos públicos en cuenta, no tiene planes para proporciona agua potable a se supone debe establecer un análisis sobre los benefi- aproximadamente 19 mil- un subministro de agua mas cios de costo, y el los costos lones de persona, a echo su seguro mientras protege el ecosistema del Delta, tampor pie-acre de agua por el propio estimado. De acuerdo a MWD, agua bién. ¿la diferencia? El plan canal periférico no se conoce. Representantes de BDCP no del sistema de transporte del Delta tiene 88 años con contestaron el teléfono o pe- le costara al distrito $810 políticas de regulación legales ticiones de información por por pie-acre, en promedio. aplicable. Establece fechas MWD paga, en promedio, limite para la competencia correo electrónico. De acuerdo a Dave Paul- $296 por pie-acre por agua de BDCP y objetivos del flujo son, Gerente del Proyecto del Delta, lo que implica del Delta. Para ser incluide Agua Estatal (State Wa- que el proyecto aumentara dos en el plan, BDCP tiene ter Project —SWP) Rama de la tarifa sin necesariamente que tener ciertos requisitos, la Costa, hay varios factores aumentar el subministro. En incluso requisitos de flujo y que determinan los costos comparación, los programas ser aprobado por el Deparde transporte sean difíciles. de conservación de MWD le tamento de Pesca y Ganado Primero, los costos de trans- permiten más agua por $118 (Dept. of Fish & Game).
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Diagramacion Gratis Con la compra de 10 ó mas calendarios personalizados del 2012.
Medio Ambiente
www.bilingualweekly.com | 1.30-2.05, 2012 #151
Anuncio sobre el Presupuesto limitado en la Reserva Estatal de Tule Elk dice, “a causa de los cortos fondos y recortes de personal la reserva estara serrada de lunes a viernes asta que se informe diferente.”
Water Continues from Cover and protect the ecosystem. The Bay-Delta Conservation Plan (BDCP) has spent more than $150 million planning for some form of peripheral canal or tunnel-conveyance system, which would route water around the Delta rather than restoring it. The BDCP is funded by 23 Southof-Delta contractors who receive water from state and federal projects. According to a Legislative Analyst Office report, $240 million is allocated for the BDCP planning process through the year 2013, and all total, the peripheral canal is currently estimated to cost $12 billion or higher; its actual costs are unknown. Sign on the West Side of the Central Valley And the BDCP draft plan has critical missing components, according to a National Academy of Sciences Report, including clearly defined goals and a scientific analysis of the proposed project’s potential impacts on Delta species—and that’s a big piece of the puzzle. Technically, the BDCP is supposed to meet the state’s co-equal goals of ecosystem restoration and water reliability. The Delta is home to 750 species of plants and animals; 33 of which are endangered, and likely to go extinct within the next 25 to 50 years, if not sooner, said Dr. Peter Moyle, Associate Director of the UC Davis Center for Watershed Sciences. “Many of these are salmon and trout species, and most of the species are found only in California.” While the Delta’s decline is due to many factors, including pollution, invasive species and loss of wetlands, the primary reasons for species decline are water diversions and excessive pumping in the estuary. The San Joaquin River The San Joaquin and Sacramento Rivers are the Delta’s primary tributaries; the San Joaquin River has often run dry due to diversions, and the Sacramento River, which once flowed out to sea, is often used to convey water to federal and state pumps, which send the water uphill and south to farms and cities in Southern California. The reduction in freshwater flow has eliminated much of the habitat, and as a result, populations of flow-dependent species have collapsed, including Chinook salmon, steelhead and Delta smelt. To address this, the state
Budget Shortfall Sign at Tule Elk State Natural Reserve Reads, “Due to budget shorfalls and staff reductions the Reserve will be closed Monday to Friday until Further Notice.”
passed the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Reform Act in 2009, which required the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) to develop flow criteria to protect public trust resources and a suite of native fish. The SWRCB public trust recommendations indicate the need to reduce use by 13.7 to 14.6 million acre-feet annually, which is about 22 percent of the state’s annual average water supply, or almost half of the Delta water supply. That’s roughly equivalent to the annual flow of six Sierra Nevada Rivers, including the Tuolumne, Merced, Stanislaus, Feather, Yuba and American. While the SWRCB must balance economic needs with ecosystem needs, those flow recommendations imply that all Delta water users, including state and federal water contractors, will have to significantly reduce use. As such, a coalition of water and power districts recently sent a letter to the SWRCB requesting a delay in further establishing the Delta flow criteria until the BDCP is further along. Thus far, the BDCP has not taken the public trust flow recommendations into account, it has no plans for a cost-benefit analysis, and the cost per acre-foot of peripheral canal water is unknown. BDCP representatives did not respond to phone calls or email requests for information. The California Aqueduct sends water south and uphill towards cities and farms. It was renamed the Edmund G. Brown California Aqueduct in December 1982. According to Dave Paulson, Chief of the State Water
Project’s (SWP) Cost Branch, there are several factors that make determining costs of conveyance difficult. First, conveyance costs vary annually based on the costs of power, operation, maintenance and new construction. Second, contractors are billed only for their share of the annual costs, and it’s difficult to project the impact of a potential BDCP program layered on these existing costs. Third, the total projected BDCP costs are undetermined, the repayment period is not defined, the share of transportation and conservation costs are unknown, and no preferred alternative has been presented. However, the Metropolitan Water District (MWD) of Southern California, which supplies drinking water to nearly 19 million people, has made estimates of its own. According to MWD, water from the proposed conveyance system will cost the district $810 per-acre foot, on average. MWD pays, on average, $296 per acre-foot for Delta water, which implies that the project will increase costs without necessarily yielding a more reliable supply. By comparison, MWD conservation programs yield additional water for $118 per acre-foot. “From a Southern California perspective, we don’t want more imported water,” said Conner Everts, Executive Director of Southern California Watershed Alliance. “We’re over-built, and we’re better off when we are forced to live within our means.” State contractors on average pay $185 per acre-foot of water, and San Joaquin Valley contractors pay about $52 an acre-foot under the current contract, which ex-
“You Have a Choice” “Usted tiene opciones”
James Saffier, MD Internal Medicine Gerontology Hospice & Palliative Care
pires in 2035. The Capitol Building The BDCP is also linked to the Delta Plan, which is supposed to establish a more reliable water supply while protecting the Delta ecosystem, as well. The difference? The 88-year Delta plan will contain legally enforceable regulatory policies. It sets deadlines for the completion of the BDCP and Delta flow objectives. To be included in the plan, the BDCP must meet certain requirements, including flow requirements and approval from the Department of Fish and Game. The Delta Plan is in the fifth draft of seven, and thus far, more than 200 environmental organizations have criticized it for failing to take the doctrine of public trust into account. “It’s nebulous. It’s vague. It doesn’t include a cost-benefit analysis, and it doesn’t deal with flow issues and public trust recommendations,” said Barbara BarriganParrilla, Campaign Director for Restore the Delta. “They set t h e m selves up as a super regulatory agency, the way it’s written, but it’s a plan without a plan. There are 12 recom-
mended actions, 61 potential actions.” The public can comment on the Delta Plan’s 2200-page environmental impact report until February 2, 2012. The sixth draft will be published in March. In regards to the BDCP, Assemblywoman Alyson Huber (D-El Dorado Hills) and Senator Lois Wolk (D-Davis) are attempting to bring fiscal accountability to the BDCP process. This January, Huber re-introduced Assembly Bill 550, to prohibit the construction of a peripheral canal without a full fiscal analysis and a vote of the state legislature. The bill failed on a 5-7 vote, with seven votes needed for passage. “We have made great progress from last year, and I am still committed to pressing for a full fiscal analysis and a vote of the legislature before any Delta water conveyance program can move forward,” Huber said. Wolk also recently issued a statement on the Delta. “I accept the Governor’s invitation to engage constructively to find a solution to restore the Delta and improve water supply reliability for the state. However, I don’t think it will require what the Governor described as an enormous project, a giant canal, and taking 100,000 acres of Delta farmland out of production,” she said. “But it will require supporting everyone’s effort to reduce reliance on the Delta as their primary source of water and relying more on sustainable regional water supplies.”
Budget Shortfall Sign at Tule Elk State Natural Reserve Gov. Jerry Brown, in his 2012 state of the state address, expressed his support for the BDCP, but more recently indicated that he would support delaying the $11 billion water bond currently on the November ballot, saying an overhaul of the state’s water system can begin without voters approving borrowing this year. Brown advocated the peripheral canal in his last term as governor, but it was defeated in a referendum in 1982. Notably, his father, former Gov. Edmund G. Pat Brown, helped develop the State Water Project, when he served from 1959 to 1967. Despite Brown’s enthusiasm, the state’s budget woes present a formidable roadblock. The general bonds that fund large infrastructure projects are financed by state taxpayers who pay the interest and principal out of the General Fund. According to the state’s fiscal outlook, the General Fund cost for debt service on infrastructure bonds is currently $6 billion for 2010-11 and $7.2 billion for 2011-12, and will continue to rise until 2015. Funds from bonds provided 78 percent of the financing for the construction of the State Water Project. Wonder what happened to water conservation? See the next article in this series: Water Conservation, Recycling and California’s El Acueducto de California manda agua al sur y hacia ciudades y campos. Fue nombrado Edmund G. Brown Acueducto de California en Diciembre 1982 y dice “Manténgase fuera del acueducto se puede ahogar” The California Aqueduct sends water south and uphill towards cities and farms. It was renamed the Edmund G. Brown California Aqueduct in December 1982. Reads “Stay out of Aqueduct you may Drown”
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Bilingual Weekly Noticias | 1.30- 2.05, 2012 www.bilingualweekly.com #152
Eventos de la Semana Eventos de la Semana 2.4.12 Give Kids a Smile Free Dental Clinic 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. at University of the Pacific’s dental clinic in the Chan Family Health Sciences Learning Center, 757 Brookside Road (209) 951-1311 orsjds.org 2.4. 12 8:30-3:00 PM Consulate of Mexico Steps to College Financial Aid workshop (916) 329-3590 1.11-2.5 Dearly Beloved Stockton Civic Theatre T-F 9AM-2PM (209) 473-2424 2.7.12, 8:30-4:30 What Every Church Member Should Know About Poverty $25 registration is January 27, 2012 First 5 of San Joaquin 2.8.12h Helping Children Cope with Stress 6:30 - 8: 30pm, The Podesto Teen Impact Center 725 N. El Dorado St, Stockton Los Dandy’s 2.14.12 Chitias Lounge and Bar 5PM-9PM 2.14.12 American Legion Karl Ross Post 16 10:00 AM- 1:00 PM 209-969-0944 Best Westrn Plus Heritage Inn 2.15.12 Happy Hour Jazz on the Mile 5-7 PM Central, Whirlows, The Ave and Valley Brew Cost varies. 2.20.12 Lincoln-Reagan Dinner: The Republican Party of San Joaquin will hold its Reagan Dinner with guest speakers ~ Congressman Jeff Denham and Dave Diamond at the River Mill, 1672 West Bowman Road in French Camp beginning at 5:30 (Cost $75. per person) Susan @ (209) 480-3947 1.21.12 Mardi Gras at Midtown Creperie Cost maybe associated. 2.25.12 Conferencia De Alex Dey 10:30 AM- 5PM $25 Delta College 2.25.12 5:30-7:30 Running for Office, Everything you need to know University of the Pacific Eberhardt School of Business Local Republican Leadership Panel Participants (209) 9462956.
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RTD: Ofrece RTD: Offers Seguridad a jovenes Kids Safety El Martes 24 de Enero RTD
informo sobre una campaña “Lugar Seguro” — un programa nacional para alcance de adolecentes que proporciona ayuda inmediata para todos los jóvenes en crisis por medio de una red de ubicaciones seguras como son las escuelas, estaciones de bomberos, mercados y centros de transito publico. “se sabe que los jóvenes les piden ayuda a los camiones de RTD,” dijo Norma Uitavuki, Superintendente de Operación de RTD. “Seguridad en moción es un concepto donde RTD puede proporcionar recursos a los jóvenes en crisis por medio de mas de 100 lugares en moción a lo largo de la región,” agrego Tuitavuki. Los vehículos de RTD trabajan 17 horas todos los días por semana y 12 horas en los fines de semana, en rutas a lo largo de la región del Condado de San Joaquín. Los camiones de RTD demonstrar una nueva calcomanía amarillo-con-negro titulada “Safe Place” (Lugar Seguro) para alertar a los jóvenes (edades 12 a 21 años de edad) que ellos pueden abordar cualquier camión RTD y pedirle a el chofer ayuda; el chofer los transportara a una instalación de los servicios de familia y juventud. “Hay jóvenes en prostitución, jóvenes que viven bajo puentes, jóvenes que se suicidan, jóvenes lo necesitan a usted y a mi; y, tenemos jóvenes que podemos prevenir su dirección a esos lugares,” dijo Linda J. Mascarenas, Directora Executiva de Familias y Joven de SJ. De acuerdo a Laurie Brown, RTD Directora de Operaciones, de Transporte RTD y estima que 65,000 pasajeros cada semana, pero un tercio de ellos están entre las edades de 12 a 21 años de edad. “La meta de Lugares Seguros se parecen a las metas de RTD en cuanto a la seguridad de los jóvenes,” dijo Brown, “este programa nos permite reforzar nuestra promesa de dar a la comunidad.” El programa es exitoso en otras comunidades como es Fresno, Sacramento y Santa Clara. RTD planea conectar con escuelas en los distritos escolares para informar a los jóvenes sobre el programa.
On Tuesday, January 24 RTD released a new “Safe Place” campaign — a national youth outreach program which provides immediate help for all young people in crisis through a network of Safe Place locations like schools, fire stations, grocery stores and public transit centers. “RTD busses are familiar places where youth are likely to ask for help,” said Norman Tuitavuki, RTD Operations Superintendent. “Safety in motion is a concept where RTD can provide a resource for youth in crisis through more than 100 moving safe places in the region,” said Tuitavuki. RTD vehicles operate 17 hours each weekday and 12 hours over the weekend days, in routes throughout San Joaquin County’s region. The RTD fleet will display a distinctive yellow-and-black, “Safe Place” sticker on its buses to alert young adults (ages 12 to 21 years old) that they can board any RTD bus and ask a coach operator for help; the operator will then transport them to the facilities of Family & Youth Services. “We do have kids in prostitution, kids that live under bridges, kids that commit suicide, kids that need you and us; and, we do have kids that we can prevent from going that direction,” says Linda J. Mascarenas, Executive Director of Family & Youth of SJ. According to Laurie Brown, RTD Director of Operations, RTD transports and estimate of 65,000 passengers every week, about one third of them are between the ages of 12 and 21 years old. “The goals of Safe Place mirror very closely RTD goals with regards for safety for youth,” said Brown, “this program allows us to strength our commitment to give back to the community.” The program has been successful in other cities like Fresno, Sacramento and Santa Clara.RDT plans to outreach to the local school districts to inform the students in the area about the program.
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Presidente President Obama Obama Pide Addresses Immigration: Reforma de State of the Union 2012 Inmigración: WASHINGTON DC — On when I took office. The op-
Estado de la Unión
WASHINGTON DC —El 25 de Enero del 2012 el Presidente de los Estados Unidos, Barak Obama, presento su discurso del Estado de la Unión al Congreso en Washington. Su discurso del Estado de la Unión cubrió temas del pasado, presente y futuro como es el caso de Empresas en Texas, Educación, Empleos, Exportación, Labor, inmigración, inversiones, energía, infraestructura, vivienda, sectores financieros, la deuda, 3ra edad, Washington, relaciones al exterior, el militar, y otros temas. Obama presento peticiones, entre ellas el pidió una enmienda para crear caminos a la ciudadanía. “Yo creo, tan fuerte como siempre, que debemos tratar la inmigración ilegal. Es por eso que mi administración a puesto mas botas [refuerzo] en las fronteras que nunca. Es por eso que hay menos ilegales cruzando si comparamos cuando yo entre a esta oficina. La oposición a la acción se les acabó las escusas. ¡Debemos trabajar en una reforma comprensiva de inmigración ahora!” dijo Presidente Obama. “Pero si la política del año de elección mantiene al Congreso de actuar en un plan compresivo, por lo menos
Nuevo proceso para la Ciudadanía EEUU SACRAMENTO, CA — EL 24 de Enero del 2012 delineo la ultima ceremonia de Ciudadanía en los EEUU donde un grupo de aproximadamente 1,717 personas tomar su promesa a los Estados Unidos Americanos. Los Servicios de Inmigración y Ciudadanía de EEUU (U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services —USCIS) y los Tribunales del Distrito EEUU de el Distrito del Este de California (U.S. District Court for the Easter District of California) a ceremonias presentadas en el auditorio memorial en Sacramento desde el 24 de Abril del 2008. Antes de esta fecha, las ceremonias se presentaban en el Teatro Crest. Desde esta ceremonia en adelante, las ceremonias se efectuaran diariamente para las personas que son entrevistadas el mismo día. Durante todas las ceremonias en el futuro, los nuevos ciudadanos serán jurados por un oficial de USCIS en vez de un Juez Federal. “Es una medida que será de agrado para aquellos que viajan largas distancias para ser entrevistados por personal de las instalaciones de USCIS en la sucursal de Sacramento. Ahora, estas personas solo tendrán que dar una vuelta a sacramento y entorno a su hogar. Algunos se reporta que viajan desde distancias como Lake Tahoe y Yreka. Las instalaciones de la sucursal de Sacramento proporcionan servicios
January, 25 2012 the president the of the United States of America, Barak Obama, gave his State of the Union Address to Congress in Washington. His State of the Union Address covered past, present and future issues such as Taxes, Business, Education, Jobs, Trade, Labor, Education, Immigration, Investment, Energy, Infrastructure, Homeownership, Financial Sectors, the Deficit, Seniors, Washington, International Relations, the Military. Obama made many requests, among them he asked for bill with a pathway to citizenship. “I believe as strongly as ever that we should take on illegal immigration. That’s why my administration has put more boots on the border than ever before. That’s why there are fewer illegal crossings than
ponents of action are out of excuses. We should be working on comprehensive immigration reform right now. “ “But if election-year politics keeps Congress from acting on a comprehensive plan, let’s at least agree to stop expelling responsible young people who want to staff our labs, start new businesses, and defend this country. Send me a law that gives them the chance to earn their citizenship. I will sign it right away.” Obama was referring to the DREAM Act, without mentioning it while David Rivera R-Miami proposed a new bill, HR-3823, in the last week of January to limit the DREAM Act to Military-Only, excluding college students. Log in to www.bilingualweekly.com to read the full State of the Union Address.
hay que estar en acuerdo de detener el expulsar a los jóvenes responsables que quieren formar parte de nuestros laboratorios, empezar nuevas empresas, y defender a nuestro país. Mándenme una ley que les de la oportunidad de tener ciudadanía. Yo la firmo inmediato,” afirmo el Presidente. Obama se refirió al Acta DREAM, sin mencionarla
mientras David Rivera (RMiami) propuso una nueva enmienda, HR-3823, en la última semana de Enero para limitar el Acta DREAM para solo el personal militar, excluyendo estudiantes. Visite www.bilingualweekly. com para leer el Estado de la Unión del Presídete completo en ingles. Si desea una copia en Español llame a nuestra oficina al (209) 598-6525.
New Process for United States Citizenship SACRAMENTO, CA — January 24, 2012 marked the last US naturalization ceremony held as a group, with nearly 1,717 who came to swear their oath to the United States of America. The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) and the US District Court for the Eastern District of California have held ceremonies in the Memorial auditorium in Sacramento since April 24, 2008. Prior to that, ceremonies were held at the Crest Theater. From this point onward, ceremonies will be done on a daily basis for people interviewed on the same day. At all future ceremonies, new citizens will be sworn in by a USCIS officer instead of by a federal judge. “It’s a move that’s sure to please those who travel long distances to be interviewed by officers at the USCIS Sacramento Field Office. Now, they’ll just make one trip to
Sacramento and back home. Some are reported to travel from locations as far away as Lake Tahoe and Yreka. The Sacramento Field Office serves northeastern California, 23 counties from Stanislaus to Siskiyou,” Said Sharon Rummery, of USCIS. According to USCIS, this change will mean money in the pockets of the hourly workers USCIS serves, who will only lose one day of work to be both interviewed and sworn in. The Court avoids the expense of the monthly rental of the Memorial Auditorium by ceding authority for the ceremonies to USCIS. The federal judiciary will realize a cost-savings of approximately $74,000 as a result of this change. The Eastern District of California manages the heaviest caseload in the country at 1,133 weighted filings per authorized judgeship as of December 31, 2010.
para 23 condados en California incluso de Stanislaus a Siskiyou,” dijo Shaorn Rummery de USCIS. De acuerdo a USCIS, este cambio significa ahorros de dinero para los trabajadores que son servidos en USCIS, ellos solo perderán un día de trabajo para ser entrevistados y para que presenten su juramento. Los tribunales evitan el arriendo de Auditorio Memorial al cederle la autoridad para que USCIS proporcione las ceremonias. La magistratura federal efectuara $74,000 en ahorros como resultado de este cambio. El Distrito del Este de California mantiene el más grande numero de casos en el país con 1,133 expedientes compensados por judicatura autorizada durante el 31 de diciembre de 2010.
Exp. 2.1.12
Entrevista / Interview
Opinión / Opinion
www.bilingualweekly.com | 1.30-2.05, 2012 #151
Veronica Ramos Directora Interina del Programa Migrante Region 23
Veronica Ramos Interim Director of Migrant Education Region 23
Veronica Ramos is the new Director III of the Region 23 Migrant Education Program, a program that provides supplementary programs and services to children of migrant farm workers within San Joaquin and Contra Costa Counties.
Verónica Ramos es la nueva Directora III de la Región 23 del Programa de Educación Migrante, un programa que provee servicios y programas complementarios para los hijos de trabajadores agrícolas migrantes en San Joaquín y los condados de Contra Costa.
(BW) You have been in the education field for a number of years, when did you decide that you wanted a career in the field of education? (VR) I have been in education for 16 years. I come from a long line of educators and I think I always knew I wanted to be a teacher, even when I was a little girl I would play “school” with my little sister. Working with underprivileged students while in college showed me a path to serve students who needed the extra push and encouragement that I could give them. (BW)How has it been for you, working for the Migrant Education Program? (VR)MEP has been the MOST rewarding job I have ever had. I’d say this experience of working with MEP is one that most people dream about and I’ve been able to make it my reality. (BW)What challenges have you have along your career? (VR)My biggest challenge was the budget cuts we had last year in Migrant Education. The decision to not bump another manager was very difficult and led me to ultimately being laid off and having to rebuild many aspects of my life. It was the most challenging, humbling and strangely enough the most rewarding experience. I was forced to take time off and learn a lot about myself and learn what I valued most and that was my friends and family who stood by me in a very difficult time. (BW)How do you feel as you take on a new challenge as the Director of Migrant Education Program? When would you start your new position? (VR)I started this new position Jan 9, 2012. Although this is a new challenge for me, I am comforted by coming back to familiar surroundings and know that we have great people in Migrant Education and here at SJCOE. I have great support and although this is clearly the most challenging position in my career to date, I work with a great team and I know we will do our best to serve our students (BW)As an experienced educator, what are your views on Latinos (a) and education? Do we have a problem with getting Latino students to college? (VR)I think that our problem of getting Latinos to college is still an issue today but thanks to programs like ours, we are breaking through; students and families are understanding the power and impor-
(BW) Has estado en el campo de la educación para un número de años, ¿cuándo decidiste que querías una carrera en el campo de educación? (VR) He estado en la educación durante 16 años. Vengo de una larga línea de educadores y creo que siempre supe que quería ser maestra, cuando era una niña me gustaba jugar a la “escuela” con mi hermana pequeña. En la universidad trabaje con estudiantes de bajos recursos y eso me mostró el camino para servir a los estudiantes que necesitan un impulso adicional que yo les podía dar. (BW) ¿Cómo ha sido para ti el trabajar en el Programa de Educación Migrante (por sus siglas en Ingles MEP)? (VR) MEP ha sido el trabajo más gratificante que he tenido. Yo diría que la experiencia de trabajar con el MEP es con la que la mayoría de la gente sueña, y he sido capaz de hacer que mi realidad. (BW) ¿Qué desafíos has vencido a lo largo de tu carrera? (VR) Mi mayor reto fue los recortes de presupuesto que tuvimos el año pasado en Educación Migrante. La decisión de no promover a otro gerente fue muy difícil y me llevó por última instancia a ser despedida y a tener que reconstruir muchos aspectos de mi vida. Fue la más difícil, humillante y curiosamente, la experiencia más gratificante. Me vi obligado a tomar tiempo libre y aprender mucho sobre mí misma y aprender lo que más valoraba que era mi familia y amigos que estaban junto a mí en un momento muy difícil. (BW) ¿Cómo te sientes mientras al enfrentarte a un nuevo reto como Directora del Programa de Educación Migrante? ¿Cuándo se inicia tu nuevo cargo? tance of a higher education for our students. I wish that more areas had strong programs that really reach out and make a difference for our Latino youth. I love that our staff serve as great examples of what can happen with a little effort and perseverance. My motto has always been: Si Se Puede and I’m sticking to that! (BW)Lastly, how do you see yourself in the upcoming years? Perhaps going back to the classrooms as a teacher? (VR) If you would have asked
(VR) Empecé esta nueva posición 09 de enero 2012. Aunque este es un nuevo reto para mí, me siento bien de volver a su entorno familiar y saber que tenemos grandes personas en Educación Migrante y en SJCOE. Tengo un gran apoyo, y aunque se trata claramente de la posición más difícil de mi carrera hasta la fecha, trabajo con un gran equipo y sé que vamos a hacer nuestro mejor esfuerzo para servir a nuestros estudiantes. (BW) Como un educadora con experiencia, ¿cuáles es tu punto de vista sobre los latinos (a) y la educación? ¿Tenemos un problema con lograr que los estudiantes latinos lleguen a la universidad? (VR) Creo que nuestra dificultad de hacer que los latinos lleguen a la universidad sigue siendo un problema hoy, pero gracias a programas como el nuestro, estamos atravesando y llegando, los estudiantes y las familias están entendiendo el del poder y la importancia de una educación superior para nuestros estudiantes. Me gustaría que más áreas contaran con programas fuertes que realmente llegan y hacen una diferencia para nuestra juventud latina. Me encanta que nuestro personal sirve como ejemplo de lo que puede suceder con un poco de esfuerzo y perseverancia. Mi lema siempre ha sido: Si Se Puede y me quedo con eso! (BW) Por último, ¿cómo te ves dentro de los próximos años? Tal vez volver a las aulas como profesora? (VR) Si me hubieras preguntado hace un año, hubiese recitado una lista de cosas que me gustaría hacer pero ya no. Estar sin empleo por 6 meses y el batallar por encontrar un trabajo, me ha dado un nuevo sentido de lo que soy y de mi propósito en este mundo. Sé que estoy dedicado a servir a los estudiantes, pero no estoy segura de cual es el plan para mí. Sé que tan pronto como tratas de planear algo y piensa que todo está resuelto, Dios / Fe o lo que quieras llamarlo, entra y crear un nuevo plan para ti.
me that a year ago I would rattle off a list of things I’d like to do but not anymore. Being laid off for 6 months and struggling to find a job has given me a new sense of who I am and my purpose in this world. I know that I am dedicated to serving students but I am not sure what the plan for me is. I know that as soon as you try and plan something and think you have it all figured out God/fate, whatever you want to call it, comes in and create a new plan for you.
Bilingual Weekly
Bilingual Weekly (bw) is a news organization covering general news important to San Joaquin County and Stanislaus County, in both English and Spanish.
President & Publisher Gene Acevedo bw welcomes letters to the editor, contributor opinion columns, but reserves the right to edit or withold inclusion subject to available space. Director of Operations Unless noted within, or produced by a contracted writer, all material Sarah Lippincott published in this periodical is original and the property of Bilingual Administrative Assistant Weekly and cannot be reproduced in any fashion without Bilingual Gemma Herrera Weekly’s written authorization. Ph. 1(209) 910-3184 Journalist Fx. 1(866) 908-0883 Mayra Barrios ERRORS IN EDITORIAL: Although bw tries diligently to bring you the English Copy Editor best and most reliable information, on occasion, an editorial may have Office Joy Siu 94 Castle Street, Ste A an error due to a typographical error, technological error, or information received from quoted source provided misinformation. Bilingual Weekly Sales Stockton, CA 95204 is not liable for such inacuracy’s in any way. However, if you catch a Juan Andrade mistake that we do not, contact Bilingual Weekly to have a correction Mailing Address Armando Buenrostro published. P.O. Box 692563 Frank Figuroa Stockton, CA 95204 Illustration ERRORS IN ADVERTISEMENT: On occasion, a product or service Ra may not be available at the time or at the price as it appears in an info@ advertisement. In such event, or in the event a product is listed at an Distribution bilingualweekly.com incorrect price or with incorrect information due to typographical error, Leonardo Guerrero, technology, error in the date or length of publication, or error in pricing or Photographer www. product information received from our advertisers or suppliers, Bilingual bilingualweekly.com Angela Wright Weekly is not responsible for such errors or discrepancies.
0.1% Wealthy Budget
Gov. Brown
Yo no se cuantos de ustedes I don’t know how many of you leyeron el articulo sobre un read the article about a wonhombre maravilloso nombrado derful man by the name of Alex Alex Hildebrand. Lo nombran Hildebrand. He’s called the el campeón del Delta. El Sr. HIlchampion of the Delta. Mr. Hildebrand se falleció a la edad de debrand passed away at the age 98 años. El fue pionero agriculof 98 years. He was a pioneer tor en el Delta, y uso su influenfarmer in the Delta, and used cia en la política del agua de Calhis influence on the California ifornia con su sabiduría sobre el water policy with his arguably Delta. Su presione en contra del unsurpassed knowledge of the canal periférico ayudo a parar Delta to effect positive change. la construcción del canal hace His recent lobby against the poco. Su argumento implacable peripheral canal helped stop Thomas A. Benigno contra la construcción del canal the canal from being built. His Former elected se reconoció como una lucha Republican Central relentless argument against the por la vida del Delta. building of the canal was seen as Committee Member Sus razones en cuanto a la a fight for the life of the Delta. Tracy, CA Asociación del Control de AliHis reasoning while on the mentos del Valle Central era Central Valley Flood Control oponerse al bono para el agua de $11.1 mil Association was to oppose the $11.1 billion millones que el creía que era un desperdicio state water bond that he believed would be a de dinero de los contribuyentes. Fue citado waste of taxpayers’ money. He stated on sevdiciendo que el futuro de nuestros granjeros eral occasions that the future of our farmers esta en juego. was at stake. Como podemos entender, el dijo que quería As we can understand, he said he wants poder heredar sus tierras a sus nietos, y sus to be able to pass his land to his grandchilfamilias. Esa es una buena escusa para argu- dren and their families. That is a fair excuse mentar contra el canal, pero a como podem- to want to lobby against the canal, but as we os ver, es mas que pelear el anal porque es can see, it’s more than fighting the canal beuna mala idea. El exsenador Estatal Michael cause it’s a bad idea. Former state senator Machado, un demócrata, dijo una de las ra- Michael Machado, a democrat, said the reazones por las cuales no hemos visto el canal son we haven’t seen the peripheral canal go periférico avanzar es porque los diques se es- forward is that the levees are being upgraded. tán mejorando. El nunca dijo que seria mas He didn’t say at a higher cost than if the pecostos si el canal periférico fuera construido ripheral canal was built using the dirt to beef con la tierra de las mejoras de los diques. Casi up the levees. We can almost guarantee that podemos garantizar que cuando los diques when the levees upgrade is finished, it will se terminen, costaran mas que el cana peri- cost more than the peripheral canal itself: férico. Simplemente otra agenda de interés another special interest lobby to see that anespecial que influencio. other agenda takes place. El canal periférico desde mi punto de vista, My point of view regarding the peripheral es lo que necesitamos para mejores empleos canal is that we need the jobs like we did two a como los tuvimos hace dos años. Es real- years ago. It’s really unfair that those same mente injusto que aquellas personas que sus people who are cut off from jobs the conempleos fueron recortados de los trabajos struction of the canal would provide will be del canal serán los mismos que comprara those same people who buy goods and prodproductos de aquellos campesinos. No solo ucts from those farmers. Not only are those aquellos consumidores les quitaron sus em- consumers being cheated out of work, they pleos, también son estafados de sus casas y are also being cheated when they lose their asta de la familia. La necesidad de traer em- homes and even families. The need to bring pleos a el valle hace falta desde hace tiempo jobs to the valley is long overdue for those para aquellos que lo necesitan. Necesitamos in need. We respect Mr. Hildebrand and his respetar al Sr. Hildebrand y sus ideales pero ideas, but we are in a different time and place ahora estamos en una temporada diferente y today. en un diferente lugar.
Aclarando Setting History la Historia Straight Estoy cansado de como los republicanos usan el nombre de Abraham Lincoln, y el fin de la esclavitud para promover su agenda. No es tan blanco y negro como quieren que se vea. Es tan solo una falsa de mercadeo para hacerlos pensar que ellos que quieren mandar a “todos los Mexicanos a Mexico,” son los buenos. Abraham Lincoln, el primero de los republicanos que enfrento la guerra civil basada en el poder entre los estados y contra el gobierno federal. El sur atento separarse de la Unión e inicio la Guerra Civil. El sur dependía fuertemente de esclavos (y hoy, el sur es fuertemente Republicano), no como el norte que era fuerte mente industrial. Lincoln savia que después de liberar a los esclavos; el sur seria empujado a la pobreza y esto era una medida de prevención contra los fondos de otra rebelión. Asta hoy, algunos estados en el sur continuar navegando sin fondos si uno los compara con el norte. Adicionalmente, el Partido Republicano durante esa era tubo las creencias del partido demócrata del presente, como es el caso de Gobierno Federal. En su mayoría, los republicanos te dirán que ellos no están en acuerdo con gobiernos fuertes. Lincoln, creía en financiar con fondos federales, como fue los ferrocarriles. Lincoln seria lo que hoy es un Demócrata. Cualquier libro de historia confirma esto. Ultimadamente, es el partido demócrata moderno que ha firmado leyes como los derechos civiles. Esta fue firmada por el Presidente demócrata, Lyndon Baines Johnson.
I am tired of republicans using Abraham Lincoln’s name, and the end of Slavery to push their agenda. It is not as black and white as they may have it seem. It’s just a marketing ploy to get you to think that they who want to send “all the Mexicans back to Mexico,” are the nice guys. Abraham Lincoln, the first of the republicans went into the civil war based on a state’s rights power struggle between the states and that of the federal government. The south attempted a split from the Union and thus began the Civil War. The south was heavily dependent on Slavery (and today, the south is largely Republican), unlike the north which was heavily industrial. Lincoln knew that after the war freeing the slaves; the sound south would be pushed into poverty and prevent the funding required for another rebellion. To this day, some states in the south still struggle financially as compared with Union States. Additionally, the Republican Party from that era held beliefs similar to the Democratic party of our present time, such as a large Federal Government. Most, Republicans will tell you they do not agree with large government. Lincoln, believed in federal funding of projects, like the Railroads. Lincoln was what would be a present day Democrat. Any history book will confirm this. Lastly, it is the modern day democrat party that signed into law civil rights. It was signed by a democratic president, Lyndon Baines Johnson. Gaylor Garcia
The California School Board Association (CSBA) presented the 32nd Annual Golden Bell to Lincoln Latin Leadership in Stockton, CA
Liderago Latino
PHOTO: Mayra Barrios (bw)
La Associación de Directorios de Escuela de California presento la 32º Campana Dorada (Golden Bell Award) a el Liderazgo Latino de la Preparatoria Lincoln de Stockton, CA.
Myrah Vivanco, Estudiante del 10º grado de la Preparatoria Liberty Ranch de Galt Ca. “Yo les agradesco a los estudiantes de UOP Latina Alumni (Alunas Latinas de Pacific)... por invitarme a los talleres de Ayuda Financiera! Yo aprendi mucho sobre como ahorrar mi dinero para el colegio y otras buenas recomendaciones!” dijo Vivanco quien se gano una impresora HP en los talleres de ayuda financiera. Myrah Vivanco, 10th grader from Liberty Ranch High School in Galt,ca. “I am thankful to the UOP Latina Alumni...for inviting me to the Financial Aid workshop! I learned a lot about saving my money for college and other great tips!” noted Vivanco who won an HP printer at a financial aid workshop.
Continua de la portada
Latino Leadership Continues from Cover
demic success. “We are here to honor a group of parents that have dedicated their soul and heart into building a strong learning community for all students,” said Van Ha ToCowell, President of the Board of Trustees, on January 26 at the Lincoln Farmhouse, as she presented the award to the group. LLL offers English and computer classes for parents as well as family trips to universities. Last summer, LLL also partnered with the University of the Pacific in a “Summer Bridge Program,” a six week program designed to enhance the research and writing skills of the students. Debbie de Ganna, Director at Lincoln High School, articulated the essence and achievements of LLL, writing a proposal that earned the organization the award in the category of Parental/Community Involvement. “Although its mission is to advance the educational performance of Latino students in every project that they took on, they included the whole
district,” said To-Cowell. “The Golden Bell is the most prestigious award given in California schools,” said Superintendent, Tom Uslan, “there is [sic] around 1000 school districts in California, we are privileged to have this award.” “This is just the beginning of the many things we have to accomplish,” said Francisco Ortiz, Co-President of LLL. “We are immigrants, we did everything in our countries, and now we are here because we want the best for our families, and education is the most important thing.” Parents Richard Vargas, Teresa Garcia, Sandra Contreras, Erika Valdez, David Rodríguez and Elisa Andrade, among others, were also recognized. “Every parent that I have ever met is always united in one thing: they want the best for their kids, and for all kids across cultural boundaries,” said teacher and LLL Advisor Manny Moreno. “This is just a human endeavor, and when we all have the same goal amazing things can happen.”
hemos dejado todo en nuestros países, y ahora estamos aquí porque queremos lo mejor para nuestras familias, la educación es lo más importante.” Richard Vargas, Teresa García, Sandra Contreras, Erika Valdez, David Rodríguez y Elisa Andrade, entre otros, los padres también fueron reconocidos.
“Todos los padres que he conocido siempre están unidos en una cosa, todos quieren lo mejor para sus hijos, y para todos los niños a través de fronteras culturales”, dijo el profesor y asesor de LLL Manny Moreno. “Esto es sólo un esfuerzo humano y cuando se todos tenemos el mismo objetivo pueden suceder cosas increíbles.”
PHOTO: Susan Talamantes-Eggman
que han dedicado su alma y corazón en la construcción de una fuerte comunidad de aprendizaje para todos los estudiantes”, dijo Van Hato Cowell Presidenta de la Junta Directiva, la noche del 26 de enero en las instalaciones de la Lincoln Farmhouse mientras entregaba el premio. A través de la colaboración de profesores, estudiantes, padres y administración, LLL invita a las familias Latinas a involucrarse en el aprendizaje de los estudiantes para así asegurar su éxito académico. LLL ofrece clases de inglés y computación para padres, así como viajes familiares a las universidades. El verano pasado se asoció con la Universidad del Pacífico en un “Programa Puente de Verano” , programa de seis semanas diseñado para mejorar la investigación y escritura de los estudiantes. Es así que la Directora de la Preparatoria Lincoln Debbie de Ganna, puso en letras la esencia y los logros de la organización y escribió una propuesta que daría al grupo el premio en la categoría de Padres y Participación en la comunidad. “Aunque su misión es avanzar en el rendimiento educativo de los estudiantes latinos, en todos los proyectos siempre incluyen a todo el distrito”, dijo Hato – Cowell. “Golden Bell es el galardón más prestigioso en las escuelas de California”, dijo el superintendente Tom Uslan, “hay alrededor de 1.000 distritos escolares en California, es un privilegio el contar con este premio. “ “Esto es sólo el comienzo de las muchas cosas que tenemos que lograr”, dijo Francisco Ortiz, Co Presidente de LLL. “Somos inmigrantes, lo
PHOTO: Esperanza Vielma, C.A.F.E.
Bilingual Weekly Noticias | 1.30- 2.05, 2012 www.bilingualweekly.com #152
Estudiantes escuchasn sobre oporunidades para finaciar sus estudios en el Colegio durante Arriba con Educación en la Universidad del Pacifico. Students listen about financial opportunities for attending college during the Up With Education event at Pacific
Becas Escolares Scholarships Continua de la portada
sobre los recursos disponibles para su futuro. “Este es el día para dar inicio a tu sueño para obtener una educación superior”, dijo Mark Martínez, Gerente Ejecutivo de la SJCHCC, mientras animó a los estudiantes a presentar sus peticiones para la universidad. “Hoy los estudiantes y los padres recibirán asistencia personal, sobre cómo llenar la solicitud de ayuda financiera federal estudiantil (FAFSA) y Cal Grants , así como técnicas al escribir un ensayo para las becas”, dijo Patty Virgin Directora de Sucursal de Work Net del Condado de San Joaquín y Coordinadora del evento y miembro de Worknet, uno de los patrocinadores de la conferencia. FAFSA ofrece a los estudiantes una vereda hacia programas de ayuda financiera del Estado y Federal que incluye pell grants, préstamos estudiantiles y empleos para estudios. “El dinero es uno de los mayores retos para asistir a la universidad, es importante para nosotros asegurarnos de que los padres entiendan el proceso,” dijo la Virgin. La conferencia atrajo a familias a lo largo del Condado de San Joaquín y areas vecinas como fue el caso de Verónica Cabran de Modesto, madre de los estudiantes del 8 º y 9 º grado, Sebastián y Antonio Aguillon. “Quiero tener toda la información antes para estar preparada, así ya se a donde ir a donde llamar, y poder ayudar mejor a mis dos hijos”
Continues from Cover
and their families the opportunity to learn about the resources available. “This is the day to start your dream to pursue a higher education,” said Mark Martinez, Chief Executive Officer of SJCHCC. He encouraged students to apply to college. “Today students and parents will get one-on-one assistance on how to fill out the application for Federal Student Aid, Cal Grant as well as techniques on how to write essays for scholarships,” said Patty Virgin, Branch Director of San Joaquin County WorkNet and Chair of the event. FAFSA offers students a gateway for Federal and State aid programs including pell grants, student loans and work study. “Money is one of the biggest challenges to attend college, it is important for us to make sure that parents understand that there are other options,” said Virgin. The conference attracted families from San Joaquin County and neighboring communities as in the case of Veronica Cabran from Modesto, mother of 8th and 9th graders, Sebastian and Antony Aguillon. “I want to have all the information early to be prepared; that way I will I know where to go where to call, and I can help my two sons.”
I will help you with your problems. If you have questions, I have answers conscerning Love, Work, Marriage, and Business.
Contenido de Primera no de segunda mano
Los Periodicos invierten mucho mas en periodismo que cualquier otro medio. La mayoria de informacion que usted lee de los “agregadores” y otros medios originan con periodicos. Ninguna cantidad de esfuerzos en los blogs, noticieros sin fin de lucro o recursos de noticieros por television pueden comparar en lo profundidad y lo avierto del contenido que los periódico producen.” John F. Storm Presidente y Director Executivo Asociación dePeriodicos de America
Nos comprometemos a traer contenido a l dia org ina l. Pa ra aseg ura r que la comunidad est a informada y los empresarios que se publican obtengan contenido de primera — no contenido de segunda mano.” Gene Acevedo, MBA Presidente Bilingual Weekly News, LLC
Primer Content, not second hand
Newspapers make a larger investment in journalism than any other medium. Most of the information you read from “aggregators” and other media originated with newspapers. No amount of effort from local bloggers, nonprofit news entities or TV news sources could match the depth and breadth of newspaperproduced content.” John F. Storm President and CEO Newspaper Association of America
We are committed to bringing recent local orignal content. To be certain the community is informed and advertisers get primer content — not second hand content.” Gene Acevedo, MBA President and Publisher Bilingual Weekly News, LLC
Awareness HOSPICE
January 2012
3888 Pacific Avenue, Stockton, CA 95204-1953 • 24-hour main-line: (209) 957-3888 • www.hospicesj.org 3888 Pacific Avenue Stockton, CA 95204-1953
Remember Your Loved Ones Tree of Lights 2011
Permit N 557 Stock ton, CA
Our Mission The Mission of Hospice of San Joaquin, a not-for-profit organization, is to provide comprehensive and compassionate medical care, counseling and support to terminally ill patients and their families, regardless of ability to pay, and to educate and collaborate with health care providers and the public in promoting quality end-of-life care.
A nonprofit agency serving the community since 1980 Hospice of San Joaquin is governed by a community Board of Directors and is recognized as a 501(c)(3) organization. Hospice of San Joaquin is licensed by the State of California as a Hospice Agency and is certified by the Centers for MediCare and MediCal Services to provide the Hospice Medicare / Medi-Cal Benefit. The Joint Commission has accredited Hospice of San Joaquin.
Diane Park Secretary Community Member
Members: (Top) Mark Lisa, Chief Executive Officer, Doctors Hospital of Manteca welcomes local community members to the 2011 Tree of Lights Ceremony (Left) the family of the late Cheryl Kirsch turned the switch for the Manteca Tree of Lights. Present were Husband Robert Kirsch; daughter Bonnie Kirsch; and grandchildren Alexyss, Hannah, and Nicholas
Joi n i ng t he Ma nteca and Galt com mu nities were Stockton, Lockeford/ Clements, Lodi, Tracy, and Rio Vista. “Tree of Lights has become a tradition in San Joaquin; we appreciate the support of our partners who take time out of their schedules
For more information or referrals, call (209) 957-3888 Joint Comission Accredited
to ensure that the Tree’s are set-up and work properly during the whole season,” Barbara Pombo, Development Director thanking everyone who made the 2011 Tree of Lights a success. “On behalf of Hospice of San Joaquin’s Board,
p r of e s s i o n a l s t a f f a n d volu nteers, we dedicate the January newsletter to everyone who participated in Tree of Lights and we encourage everyone to carry the light of their loved ones through the upcoming year,” added Guasco.
Carrie Lane earns Thanatology Certificate from the National Association of Death Education and Counseling
Carrie Lane, M. Div., C.T. Manager of the Bereavement Department
services beyond the agency’s case load by supporting all families who have experienced a loss of a loved one. “On average more than 65 percent of the community members we assist are persons outside our
hospice services,” explained Carrie Lane. Carrie Lane is an ordained Presbyterian pastor, and has worked at Hospice of San Joaquin since 2005. She earned a Masters in Divinity f rom the San Francisco T heolog ical Sem i na r y and she is certified by the Professional Program in the Study of Loss and Grief from the University of California Berkeley Extension. “I truly believe I have the best job at Hospice of San
Joaquin because I get to offer hope and healing to those who are hurting,” added Lane. “I consider it a privilege, as well as a responsibility, to walk the journey of grief, even if just for one conversation, with someone who has lost a loved one.” For more information about Hospice of San Joaquin’s bereavement services, you may reach Carrie Lane at (209) 9573888.
Scott Beattie, Esq. Partner/Lawyer Calone Law Group Rev. David Bennett United Methodist Church Evia Briggs Moore, Ed.D. Retired College Admin. Gary Giannini Principal Schwartz Giannini Jack Gilliland, MD Retired Margo Kozina Teacher St. Mary’s High School Steve Larson Grants Officer Port of Stockton Lou Meyer Retired EMS Executive Chris Olin Community Volunteer Kelly Stump, RN, MSN Palliative Care Serv. Coord. Lodi Memorial Leandro Vicuña, J.D.
VP, Sr. Trust & Investment Officer
Community Bank of SJ
Stephen Guasco Executive Director Hospice of San Joaquin
Professional Staff: Robert T. Browne, MD Medical Director Emeritus James Saffier, MD On-Site Medical Director Mobin Ghavami, MD Staff Physician Steve Parsons, CPA Dir. of Finance/Operations Rebecca Burnett, RN, BSN, CHPN Dir. of Clinical Services
Barbara Pombo, MBA Dir. of Development
Barbara Richards o l u n t e e r s , s t a f f , for the newly organized V fundraising committee Hospice of San Joaquin in members, and members of the the early 1980’s and she
Stockton, CA Permit Nº 385
remained a constant friend of the agency. In conversation with Barbara during fall of 2008, she said, “I attend all the events. I remember the names of the people who were first involved (and those who came later).” Barbara remembered that “Karen [Hanson] Quinn recruited me. . . we started in a storeroom at the Medical Society Office with a folding table and phone.” Barbara Richards, originally from Massachuset ts, ca me to Stockton in 1964 following her beginnings as a Social Worker in Washington State which followed in northern Nevada. In Nevada she met
Jaqueline Bagatta, RN Deputy Director SJ General Hospital
Jo E. Paganini, MSW Dir. of Social Services
Hospice of San Joaquin will always remeber
Board of Directors at Hospice of San Joaquin as well as the many families who have received hospice care over more than 30 years were touched by Barbara Richards. Her ‘touch’ influenced the for mation of the agency during the late 1970’s and early 1980’s and continued into her latter years with uninterrupted support. Barbara Richards passed away peacefully, with longtime friends gathered at her bedside, in our Hospice House one day after she celebrated her 88th birthday. Barbara Richards was a thoughtful and courageous soul. Barbara served on the very first Board of Directors
Edward G. Schroeder Board President President & CEO O’Connor Woods
Chris McCaffrey Treasurer Vice-President Morgan Stanley
arrie Lane, Manager of the Bereavement Department at Hospice of San Joaquin has been certified in Thanatology from the National Association for Death Education and Counseling. Her certification highlights her specialized education and training on death, dying and bereavement. “We are proud of Carrie L a n e’s a c h i e v e m e n t . She is ensuring that our bereavement department reaches a higher standard to support our community’s families as it relates to grief and bereavement,” said Stephen Guasco, Executive Director. Hospice of San Joaquin extends its bereavement
Gayle Riley, R.N. Vice President Nurse, Healthcare Administrator
ood Bye Grandma… We will always love you,” the soft voice of seven year old Hannah echoed as a quiet audience listened to her brief remarks at the Manteca Tree of Lights. Hanna assisted her family in lighting the Tree located in the corner of East North Street and Cottage Avenue at Doctors Hospital of Manteca: a Tenet California Hospital. The emotional farewell and unconditional love of Hannah for her grandmother was felt across San Joaquin County, and neighboring communities, as more than 3,200 families dedicated 7,600 lights at the seven Tree of Lights locations. “We are grateful that the community joins Hospice of San Joaquin during the Holidays,” noted Stephen Guasco, Executive Director. “… and most importantly we are proud of being able to support families as they close one chapter of their lives and bridge them to a new beginning.” 2011 marked the 23rd annual Tree of Lights, and this year the City of Galt joined the lighting ceremonies with their community tree at City Hall. “We are excited to partner with Hospice of San Joaquin with a Tree of Lights in our community,” highlighted Barbara Payne, Mayor of Galt
Board of Directors
Gene Acevedo, MBA Dir. of Comm. Outreach Pam Byrne, Ph.D, RN Transitions Prog. Mngr. Audrey Wuerl, RN, BSN, CHPN , Education Coord. Carolyn Gomes Events Coordinator Cheryl Berglund, RN Hospice House Mngr Becky Freeman Volunteer Manager
Barbara Richards 12/12/1923 – 12/13/2011
and worked with Marianne Ca rlson with whom she became good friends. Upon the closure of the off ice they worked for in Reno, both women landed jobs in Stock ton – Mar ian ne with San Joaquin County’s Mental Health and Barbara as Director of Social Services
Carrie M. Lane, M.Div., CT Bereavement Manager
at Sa n Joaqui n General Hospital. Both of them shared a love of animals; anyone conversing with Barbara soon learned of the number of dogs that both of them rescued and sheltered for
Continues on Pg 4
Patty A. Rieber Human Resource Mngr Leo Ronquillo Information Systems Mngr Jim R. Russow, M.Div/ D Min., Chaplain Ulmer Photo (Tim Ulmer) Volunteer Photographer
Message from the Director As has become a cherished tradition i n o u r community, this past Holiday s e a s on ou r Trees of Lights were once aga i n set a-glow. The lights on our trees hold special meaning - each representing a loved one honored or memorialized by those who held them dear. Throughout this Newsletter we have listed the more than 7,000 names of those family and friends for whom a light was placed on one of our Trees. The holidays are once again over and our Trees of Lights no longer glow. It is now time for us to carry the light in our hearts as we dedicate the New Year to our loved ones. At the Manteca Tree of Lights Lighting Ceremony, seven year old Hanna assisted her family in lighting the Tree. She spoke in front of a large crowd thanking Hospice of San Joaquin for the care given to her grandmother. Additionally, the Tree of Lights Ceremony gave Hanna the opportunity to tell her grandmother how much Grandma is loved. Reverend Jim Russow, Hospice of San Joaquin’s Chaplain, summarized the special meaning of our Trees of Lights in his invocation at the Stockton lighting ceremony. Great God of us all, by your mysterious power you called light into being. Daily with the appearance of the sun over the horizon you bless us with the gift of light. Light serves to brighten our world and guides us in the daily activities of life. God of Light, by the brilliant star and the colorful lights on this tree, dispel our sadness and break through our grief. May the star atop this tree and the lights which adorn it remind us of the never ending presence of loved ones we remember. May this star and these lights bring us joy and comfort as we celebrate the life of each loved one in whose memory the lights shine and the star gleams. May this tree, this star and these lights shine as a beacon of hope in a darkened world and to the people who pass during this holy season, may each light and this star bring joy as we remember each of our loved ones: Mother, Father, Child or Friend. Great God of us all, Creator of Light, may our tears of sadness become symbols of joyful remembrance of those we love, of those whose memory shines from this tree, this star and these lights. Amen. My prayer is that the light in each of your hearts continues to shine ever brightly - keeping alive the precious memories of those who mean so much to us: Mother, Father, Child or Friend. Hanna, Grandma’s light will always shine in your heart and, as Reverend Russow said in his prayer, tears of sadness will become symbols of joyful remembrance. I know that Grandma loves you too – very much.
Hospice Awareness is a bi-monthly newsletter published by Hospice of San Joaquin located at: 3888 Pacific Ave., Stockton, CA 95204 (209) 957-3888 • www.hospicesj.org Gene Acevedo, Director of Community Outreach: Editor Barbara Pombo, Director of Development: Co-Editor HSJ Professional Staff: Article Contributions Bilingual Weekly, LLC, Design & Layout Tim & Sue Ulmer, Ulmer Photography all photos Vera Photo: Banner “Snow Garden” Comments, questions, sponsorship opportunities or if you wish to be removed from our mailing list, please contact our office at (209) 957-3888. Visit our website for more information about Hospice of San Joaquin, www.hospicesj.org
Hospice of San Joaquin 2011 Tree of Lights Donors’ Recognition Honoree/Memorial Name
Donor Name
“Bee Gee” “Oreo” Mary Abaray Michael Abdallah Michael Abdallah Loretta Abel Editha Abellera John Aberle Carmen M. & Dave Abood Carmen Abood Dave Abood George “Abe” Abrahamson George “Abe” Abrahamson Joy M. Abrahamson (Mother) Reuben E. Abrahamson Juan Acoba Loretta Magno Acosta Nes Acosta Inky Acquistapace Butchie Acremant Ernie (Butch) Acremant Ernest Acremant Lorraine Acremant Ida Adam Wilbert Adam Rose V. Adams Rose V. Adams Teresa Adams Tony Adams Jim Adamson Joaquin Aflague Maria Aflague Bob Agard Frank Aguilar Manuel Lozano Aguilar Mary Aguilar Ralph J. Aguilar Liz Aguire Liz Aguire Antonia Aguon Dilly Ah Tye Ed Ah Tye Alpha L. Aiello William Aiello Ferdinand Alberti Tina Albertsen Rodney Albright Joe Alegre Vera Alegre Rafael Aleman M.J. Alex Judy Alexander Liz Alexander Leslie Alexander Dirk Alexson Shane Alexson Zelda A. Alford Zelda A. Alford All Our Patients Ed Allan Betty Jane Allen Clara E. Allen Eloise Allen Margaret Allen Margaret A. Allen Mimi Allen Steve Allen Virginia L. Allen Robert E. Allen, Jr. Angelina Julie Aloi Nelian C. Alquisola
Dorothy B. Burchard Dorothy B. Burchard Sandy Becker Kenneth & Michelle Ruffin May Abdallah Richard Abel Delores Soderfelt Tess Aberle Dianne Lesh Dianne Lesh Dianne Lesh Chuck and Sandy Hohn Ray and Gay Cuenca Jill M. Chagnon Jill M. Chagnon Marion M. Wold Agustin Acosta & Family Michael & Margaret Stevens Jeanne Hash Janice Lindsey Janice Lindsey Janice Lindsey Janice Lindsey Bernice Weisz Bernice Weisz Marles Finos Steve & Charlene Rostomily David and Sheryl Small Danelle and Jeff Ferrari Artesian Natural Foods Leilani Conley Leilani Conley Lorna Dooley Rose Marie Shanley Ruth Aguilar Rose Marie Shanley Martin & Kimberly Juarez Gloria Hilliard Inez Kiriu Leilani Conley Conrad & Shu-Ping Mar Conrad & Shu-Ping Mar Karen Caglia Karen Caglia Peggy James Pam Rieger Thomas & Neva Kennelly Helen and Frank Alegre Helen and Frank Alegre Adele Rodriguez Leilani Conley Betty Angeli Syd & Mary Lois Thompson Alisha Bryden Dilys & Clinton Alexson Dilys & Clinton Alexson Bonnie Jones Jo Anne Garcia-Jones Javad Jamshidi, M.D. Bill and Brenda Norris Lee & Beverly Meidinger Darba Schlepp John E. Allen James Allen Laurie Szwed Denise Sexton Suzanne Malta Lori Armstrong John E. Allen A D Marquez Randy & Alice Duhaylongsod Diane and Art Allen Maria Garcia Marina Alvarez Marina Alvarez Aria Alvarezz Diana Flynn Dick & Rachel Parkison Elsie Humphreys Ina Moreno Modesto Family Mrs. Lisa Vidaure Sandy Maslen Lee & Beverly Meidinger Maria Garcia Shirley Alvas Freda Aman Sandy Ratcliff Jennifer J. Silva Marilyn E. Amaral Melanie Eggett Helen Haro Helen Haro Sharon Gunishaw Abraham & Rosita Amen Chris and Dennis Olin Diane Klein Jim & Marilyn Menasco Cally Anagnos Linda & Jerome Fernandez Bob & Linda Kiffin Judith Craig Cindy Cepeda Carol Ashcraft Geoff & Lori Ann Galtere Bill and Nadine Coleman Ms. Lori Lynn Anderson Norma Dawes Mary Thompson Judith Craig Joyce Aschenbrener Judith Craig Claire Anderson Lucita Anderson-Smith Scott and Carol Dietrich Shirley Montgomery Joyce Aschenbrener Bill and Terry Wakeland Bill and Terry Wakeland Bill and Terry Wakeland Betty Angeli Karen Angerstein Nick and Lillian Aninag Diane Rosenstine Anthony Pezzi Janet DelCarlo Adriana Antoniolli Lorretta J. Ybarra Harry and Kay Williams Mr. & Mrs. Oscar Anzaldo Peggy Barde Cheryle Apple Grandma Dolores Rod & Brenna McCleary
Jim Altheide Micheal Alvarado Carlos J. Alvarez Lois Ann Alvarez Margarita Alvarez Margarita Alvarez Maggie Alvarez Margarita Alvarez Margarita Alvarez Margarita Alvarez Margarita Alvarez Margarita Alvarez Christina “Tina” Alvarez John Alvarez III Leroy Alvas - Husband Elmer Aman Elmer Aman Frances Amantea Manuel Amaral Addie M. Amarant Frank Amarillas Pauline Amarillas Fran Ambrose Patricia A. Amen Julianne Amundson Julianne Amundson Julianne Amundson Leo Anagnos Frances Andazola Pam Andersen Al Anderson Andrea Anderson Bonnie Anderson Charles L. Anderson Dayle Anderson Dewey Anderson Dewey Anderson Dorothy A. Anderson Harriett Anderson Jim Anderson Joyce Anderson Leonard Anderson Marlon V. Anderson Robert “Bob” Anderson Vera Anderson Anderson Family Erick J. Andresen John Andresen Richard Andresen Egidio S. Angeli Henry Angerstein Gregorio Aninag Elizabeth Antle Edith Antonini Martha Antonini Elio Antoniolli Josephine Antuna Grace Anway Maria Anzaldo Buddy Apple George Apple Stephanie Aquino Susie Aragon
Honoree/Memorial Name
Robert Araquistain Laverne Arbanasin Lavern Arbanison Louis Arbios Suzanne Grant Arbor Richard (Rick) Archibeque Esther Archuleta Mary Archuleta Ester Flora Arcos Joey Arias Laurie Arko Kathryn Arlin Mike Arlin Clarence Armanino John & Lynne Armanino Lorraine Armanino Tomas Armenta Irene Armitage Robert (Bob) Armstrong Joseph Armus Eugene Arnaiz Eugene Arnaiz Ismael Arnaiz Billie Arndt Diana Kuchta Arnold Margaret Arrol Margaret Arrol Manuel Artozgui Charles Artozqui Charlie Artozqui Marina R. Arucan My Mom: Adelaide Arwine Adelaide Arwine Robert Arwine Fern Asborno Fern Asborno Mario Tamale Asborno Jayne Asbury Jewell Asche Bill Aschenbrener Bill Aschenbrener Aschenbrener Family William Aschenbrenner Cheri AschenbrennerMiddlekauff Mac Ashcraft Clifford Asher Hon. Don I. Asher Chester Ashford Ruby Terry Ashford Dick Asman Leona O. Athearn Phyllis Atilano Nicky Atkins Roy Thomas Atkinson Charlie & Carrie Attaldo Jodi Atwood Art Aulwurm Esther B. Auman Robert Auman William Auman Harold Austin John D. Austin John D. Austin Maria Luz Avalos Serafin Avalos John R. Avey Theresa Avila Teresa Avitia Jeanne Ayers Jeanne Ayers Leila Ayers Leila B. Ayers Ronnie Ayers Ron Ayers Ronnie D. Ayers Sandy Ayers Sonny Ayers Wilson Ayers, Jr. Sonny Ayers Bill Ayers II Wilson Ayers, Sr. Wilson Ayers, Sr. Cora Ayres Norma Azevedo Norma Azevedo Antonio & Clara Azeveo Carol Baba Carol Baba Wilma Babas Minnie Baca Ronald Baca Fedele & Delia Baccelli Carol Ann Bacchetti Cristoforo Bacchetti Frances V. Bacchetti Gerda Bacchetti Maria Bacchetti Nicholas Bacci Pam Bachi Alma Bachman Glenda Bacon Julie Bacon
Gordon & Mary Alice Bader
J.Jesus & Martina Baez Iona Baffoni Gerry Bagby Charley Bagnasco Charley Bagnasco Phillip Bagood Angie Bahrenfuss
Barbara Baier Marcia Baier Robert A. Bainbridge Samuel Bakalian, Sr. Ann Baker Bob & Alice Baker Darlene Yvonne Baker My husband, Donald O. Baker, Jr. Frank Cole Baker John D. Baker John W. Baker
Did You Know?
Donor Name
Honoree/Memorial Name
Donor Name
Donna Araquistain Donna Stormes Mark and Shelly Rayray Dolores Arbios Dennis Sorensen Neva Lester Flora Giannini Flora Giannini Alberta Aguirre Jeff and Lynda Jackson John and Betty Arko Stan and Sandra Tener Stan and Sandra Tener Tony and Carol Torlai Brett and Lora Lagorio Tony and Carol Torlai Peter Armenta Patricia Morgan Lori Armstrong Elizabeth Ginn Donald & LaVerne Stevens John & Dolores Herzick John & Dolores Herzick Rich and Joanne Waters Linda Hendricks James Arrol Keith Arrol Georgeann Artozgui Georgeann Artozgui Yolanda & Ivan Hamlow Dave and Pam Dias Barbara Brocchini Jerry M. Elliott Jerry M. Elliott Phyllis Clayton Virginia Larsen Virginia Larsen Elizabeth Aguire Kimberlee Roider Joyce Aschenbrener Lena Vasconcellos Joyce Aschenbrener Jerry and Cyndi Sharp Jerry and Cyndi Sharp
John D. Baker John W. Baker Justin Baker Donnie Baker-Terra Virginia (Ginny) Balbi Rose Balcao Diane Baldo Nancy Baldocchi Frank Baldwin Rita Baldwin Albert H. Balkwill Albert H. Balkwill John R. Balkwill Family Bertha Ballejos Frank and Isabele Baloga Frank Balogh Jr. Frank J. Balogh Paul Bame Walter Bamesberger Francisco Banda Treva Banda Tom Bandelin Thomas Edwin Bandelin Cindy & Faustine Banducci
Ronald L. Baker Ronald L. Baker Karin Van Diemen Melvin Terra Toni Rule Joseph and Helen Balcao Pete and Jackie Fanucchi Nanette Martin Roberta Unger Linda Taberna Charles & Bonnie Forbes Sara Balkwill Sara Balkwill Eva Alimbini Sharon Mendonca Sharon Mendonca Susan Balogh Roberta Unger Wendell Youngsma Jimmie & Joyce Powers Jimmie & Joyce Powers Lee & Beverly Meidinger Margaret Ireland B.J. Stewart B.J. Stewart Jennifer Hernandez Will Banks Will Banks Will Banks Graydon &Jackie Bannert Fran Duren James Barakatt Auntie Donald & Corrie Barbara Anita Keller Trish and Jerry Barber Madeline Torres Madeline Torres Karen Weiland Karen Weiland Byron Barclay Lance and Patty Rieber Peggy Barde Debra Re Jeanette Michaels Jeanette Michaels Felix and Paulie Torlai Cal and Betty Rodway Cal and Betty Rodway Charles Barnes, Jr. Karen Miller Darlene and Jim Barnett Darlene and Jim Barnett William & Dorothy Barnhart Marjorie Barosso Lee & Beverly Meidinger Joanne Barrett Joanne Barrett Ruthie A. Francis Elizabeth Miller Robert & Bonnie Moore Carol Ashcraft Holly Renfro Holly Renfro Ruth Lewis Richard Bastear Judy Batterton Patty Slauson
Carol Ashcraft Biff Baffoni George Abdallah Ms. Nancy Watts Ms. Nancy Watts Katherine Quinones Rolf Athearn Barbara Henry Richard A. Massa Margaret Ireland Joanne Barrett Susan R. Livesey Kathy Lynch Larry & Susan Johannaber Larry & Susan Johannaber Larry & Susan Johannaber Lynne Austin Cathy Drake Leslie Blair Augustin Avalos Augustin Avalos Connie Avey Linda & Jerome Fernandez Patrick Pagnucci Sandra Altamirano Wanda Henderson David Ayers and Lisa Wallace Wanda Henderson David Ayers and Lisa Wallace Kendra Cardiasmenos and P.J. Cardiasmenos Wanda Henderson Susie and Gary Ayers Sandra Altamirano David Ayers and Lisa Wallace Wanda Henderson Wanda Henderson David Ayers and Lisa Wallace Wanda Henderson Mary Teachout James and Angela Fisk Jennifer & Gary Giannini Herman and Catherine Spalinger Janet Schuh Marta Whiteside George Babas Christine, Manuel and Patricia Baca Christine, Manuel and Patricia Baca James and Angela Fisk Rosemarie & Nat Bacchetti Rosemarie & Nat Bacchetti Rebecca Kuga Rebecca Kuga Rosemarie & Nat Bacchetti Mattie,Hunter,Hanah, Harry,Hayden & Andrew Stuart & Robin Combie Donna Oswald Linda Tremble Janice Cummings
Richard & Martha Bader
Sal and Irene Cortes Biff Baffoni Lee & Michelle Bethea Mary McCleary Rod & Brenna McCleary Darlene Garcia 5 H20+, Rich and Joanne Waters Anne Braden Carol Louise Silva Sarah Armstrong and Roger Barnes Esther Bakalian Karin Van Diemen Colleen Ziemer Lodi Funeral Home Marri Baker Catherine Lytle Anita Baker Anita Baker
Eleanor & Theresa Banducci
Elleana Banks John Patrick Banks Joseph S. Banks Mary L. Banks Victoria Bannert Dennis Banowetz Frances M. Barakatt Alex Barba Donna Barbara Cheryl L. Barbee Judy Barber Buzzy Barbieri Frances Barbieri Dorothy Barbour Fred Barbour Dorothy Barclay Casey S. Barcus Milton Barde Donnie J. Barenchi (Re) Annie Barkett Anthony Barkett Ira Barkman Agatha Barkovsky John Barkovsky Helen Barnes Matthew Barnes Beth Barnett Bud Barnett Rose and Roy Barnhart
Husband: Armando Barosso
Donald Barreth Anna and Joseph Barrett John Barrett William “Alex” Barrett Julia M. Barroca David & Elizabeth Bartell Gladys Bartosh Charles Basey Eileen Basey Debbie Basinger Gayle Bastear Cindy Batterton “RedHatter” Rhonda Baumgartner John & Erminia Bava Joseph Bava Joe Bava Julian O. Bava George Baxter Cleve Beach Joan Beach Joan Beach William H. Beach William Beach, Sr. William H. Beach Arnold and Eunice Beal Carl Beam Ruth Beardshear Jim Beardsley James Beardsley Joan C. Beattie
Joan Beattie Joan Beattie Joan Beattie Joan Beattie Joan Beattie Joan Beattie Joan Beattie Evelyn Collins Beatty Lydia Bechthold Barbara A. Beck Bert Beck Diana Beck Juanita Beck Kim Costa Beck LeRoy D. Beck Jacqueline V. Becker Jim Becker Ms. Nancy Becker Kenneth H. Beckman Kenneth H. Beckman S. Clayton Beckman Kenneth Beckwith Bruce Bedig Lucille Bednarz Walter Bednarz James Beeber Ernest Beeler Robert J. Beer Robert J. Beer James Begg Karen L. Behlen Donald E. Beighey Hazel L. Beighey Hazel L. Beighey Paul Belkonen Gail “Grandma Gail” Bell Gail Bell Henrietta Bell &Alma Bell James Bellamy Mr. & Mrs. Paul Bellamy
Dan and Mary Bava David and Laura Johnson Susan Hinds Lilllian Bava The Gordon T & Melissa A. Egan Family Foundation Jeff and Suzy Beach Bill and Rhonda Beach Kathy Kollars Bill and Rhonda Beach Kathy Kollars Peggy Barde Larry and Georgia Mills Sharon Miller Kelli Page
H. Dean & Beatrice McNeilly
Jeffrey & Patricia Holden Alec & Ashton Beattie, Charles Beattie, Cindy Douglas, Scott & Kathy Beattie Chris and Dennis Olin Chuck and Arlene Allen David, Stephanie and Miya Cheng Dr. & Mrs. Paul A. Waters Mills Family Rev. Braxton & Marge Combs Rich and Joanne Waters Modine B. Blalock Dolores Formento Darlene & Dewey Hines Licia Beck Gayle and Elyssa Gayle and Elyssa Mike and Gloria Costa Rose Marie Beck Linda Babbino Anne Braden Ms. Hazel H. Lewis Kyle & Donna Beckman Mary Ellen Beckman Virginia S. Beckman Beverly Hightower Susan Caulfield Peter and Lynne Lynch Peter and Lynne Lynch Barry and Irene Gill Joan Kessler Brothers Erik & Alex Beer William and Patricia Schaffer Robert J. Gray Richard Behlen Traci Perriera Traci Perriera Traci Perriera Geraldine Zieker Danelle and Jeff Ferrari Trinity Lutheran Ladies Guild
Lyndle Bell Vaughnita Twitty Vaughnita Twitty
The hospice team goes to the patient and family at home—whether that’s a private home, a nursing home or assisted living facility, or a hospice residence.
Hospice of San Joaquin 2011 Tree of Lights Donors’ Recognition
Chaplin Tim Stevenson, City of Galt Police Department, gives the invocation at Tree of Lights Galt Honoree/Memorial Name
Raymond L. Beltran Florence Bemis Calvin A. Bender Edwin Bender Erna E. Bender Henrietta K. Bender Mary Bender Mary Ann Bender Mia Benedetti Nick Benedetti Nina Benedetti Sara Benedetti Gladys Benedict Gladys Benedict Edward F. Benko Arlene Bennett Ben Bennett Bill Bennett Darlene E. Bennett Eleanore Bennett Jerry L. Bennett LaVerne Bennett Lloyd Bennett Lonnie Bennett Johnnie Bennight, Jr. & Sr. Rebecca BensmanHersom Jerry Benson Roberta Benson Roberta Benson George Bentz Dorothy D. Benzini Josef Berchtold Marie Berchtold Otto Berchtold Laurie Cunial Berg Susan O. Berg Daniel Bergeleen Jean Bergen Edna P. Berglund Gary J. Berglund Fae Bergstrom Randy Berkman Barry Berman David Bermudez Barbara E. Bernard Barbara E. Bernard Esther L. Bernard Esther L. Bernard Esther L. Bernard Joseph J. Bernard Fred & Eleanor Bernardo Yvonne Bernier Dorathea Beroldo Floyd Beroldo Floyd & Dorathea Beroldo Charles Berolzheimer Nelly Berry Nelly Berry Sherrian Bersi Pat Bersie Susan Bertocchini Susie Bertocchini D.J. Bertolotti Liliana Bertolucci David Bess Ann Bethards Nicole Marie Bethea Sarah N. Bethea Joseph C. Betts Joseph L. Betts Don Betz Ronald Betz Violet Bevilaqua Ross & Marilyn Bewley Olga Bey Zenaida S. Bey Mary E. Bhend Robert J. Bhend Emma Biancalana Robert and Edward Bianchi and Friends Ezzio Bianchi Caterina Biasetti Giovanni Biasetti Russ Bibler Shirley J. Bibler Mr. Charles Bidondo Charles Bidondo Lawrence Bidondo Bob Biederman Bob Biederman Thomas & Cecelia Bielejeski and Donald & Rose Shook “Uncle” Bill Buddy & Lucille Billingsley Bro. James Billo Ole Bingen Florence Bingham Phil and Thelma Bingham Pauline Bisaccio John N. Bisbikis
Donor Name
Maria G. Beltran Laurel Bemis Sylvia Bender Irvin and Loneita Bender Sylvia Bender Amy Roberts Irvin and Loneita Bender Shirley Nies Les and Phyllis Ferguson Les and Phyllis Ferguson Les and Phyllis Ferguson Les and Phyllis Ferguson Betty Damouny Mark Low Marie Diaz-Benko Reverend and Mrs. David Bennett Helen Bennett Felix and Paulie Torlai Felix and Paulie Torlai Terry and Patricia Bart Judy Bennett Emilia Estrada Richard K Le Grande Delores Soderfelt Cindy Smith David and Rosemary Bensman Bonnie J. Benson Linda Litavniks Randall & Karen Harrison Bruce & Deborah Bentz Sara Kleinert Nancy Berchtold Nancy Berchtold Nancy Berchtold Dino and Sharon Cunial Christine & Larry Kennard Christine & Larry Kennard Kimberlee Roider Charlotte Berglund Charlotte Berglund Sharon Swensen Hal and Geri Berkman Antoinette Berman Lucy Munoz Linda McCay Patricia Emmons Carol W. Anderson Linda McCay Patricia Emmons Linda McCay Harlan & Cheryl Sutton Jacques Bernier Chet and Renee O’Brien Chet and Renee O’Brien Shirley Hamilton, Florene and Dick Mesa Grace Fedor Hanna Kessler Joan Kessler Mary Coker Karla Fox Mr. Victor Bertocchini Paula M. Frago Karen and Gerald West Tony & Adrienne Bertolucci Barbara E. Bess Larry & Andrea Violett Lee and Michelle Bethea Lee and Michelle Bethea Elizabeth Betts Elizabeth Betts Janice and Larry Cooper Janice and Larry Cooper Carmel Breakfield Joan and Henry Shea Aurea Bey Aurea Bey John F. Marble John F. Marble Barbara Bidondo Gary and Virginia Poggi Alex & Mariela Bianchi Clara & Luciano Biasetti Clara & Luciano Biasetti Janet Wilson Janet Wilson Barbara Bidondo Dolores Bidondo Barbara Bidondo Louise Keser-Biederman Pamela Coburn Thomas & Carol Bielejeski Tom Long & Linda Castanon-Long Bev and Bob McColl Prof & Mrs. Ted Takaya Nick and Penny Meyers Carol Olivero Jim and Carole Kiefer Margo and Mirko Kozina Marjorie Bisbikis
Honoree/Memorial Name
Theresa Biscaia Theresa Biscaia Theresa Biscaia Theresa Biscaia Ruby Louise Bish Ruby Louise Bish Howard Bissell Olivia Stagi Bitz Ann Bivins Berneice Black Lula Blackbern Roy A. Blackwell Wanza Blackwell Dianna Blain Your brother John Gray and sister Dianna Blain Your mother, Dianna Johnson Blain Reggie Blair Sandy Blair Barbara Blakemore William H. Blalock August P. Blanchard Wilma “Izzy” Blanchard Anna Blasewitz Edna and Albert Blevins Dr. Robert Bley Walter Blicharz Felecie R. Blinn Jeanne Lynn Blinn Jeanne Blinn Gordon Blixt Celestine Bloch Charles O. Bloch Bruce Bloom Gary Bloom Ron Bloom Dr. Andrew Blossom Marilyn C. Blum Grace and De Blunt Stephen L. Blunt John Bo Hazel Boccoli John Boccoli Richard Boccoli Daniel N. Bockstahler Mary O. Bodenhamer John and Rita Boggiano Louis and Evelyn Boggiano Tilyo Boggiano Bill Bohannon Bill Bohannon Billy Bohannon William C. (Bill) Bohannon William C. Bohannon Dr. Arthur William Bohmfalk Jr. Bill Bohmfalk Joan Bohmfalk Arthur William Bohmfalk III Daisy Bohnak Nadine Bohnak Carl and Ruth Boitano Carl Boitano Elsie and Ettore Boitano Georgia Bokides Georgia Bokides Barbara Bolan Verna Boller Jim Bolles Gian Bolognini Federico S. Bolosan Verna Bolosan Loretta Bona Helen and Walter Bond Martha Bonetti Martha Bonetti Martha Bonetti Melvin D. Bongi Nieddo Bonifaccio Rosa Bonilla Peggy Bonkowski Al Bonner William F. Booher Beverly O. Booth Florence Boquist James Boquist Ida Borba John Bordenave Sr John Borders Albert Borelli Susan Borelli Dan Borelli Meg Borelli Maria F. Borges Ray Borgett Duane H. Borovec Quinto Boschetti
Donor Name
Alexis Vosti Antonio Biscaia Lydia and Paul Vosti Mario and Diane Biscaia Dr. Doug Bish Eugene M. Bish Erma A. Bissell Roy A. Bitz John and Lindsay Janis Jay and Barbara Roek Georgia Conner Dave and Pam Dias Dave and Pam Dias Elsie Humphreys Tom Long & Linda Castanon-Long Tom Long & Linda Castanon-Long Cathy Drake Cal and Betty Rodway Don and Carol Kirkendall Modine B. Blalock Joanne Wolford Steve Blanchard Elaine Gumaer Al and Bonnie Blevins Janet Lewis Elda Blicharz Peter and Nicole Rosado Pat and Dave Ellis Peter and Nicole Rosado Sherrie Silva Chuck and Carol Bloch Chuck and Carol Bloch Helen and Frank Alegre Helen and Frank Alegre Helen and Frank Alegre Margie Palermo Wally Blum Betty A. Smith Betty A. Smith Patricia Richards Ray and Betty Boccoli Ray and Betty Boccoli Ray and Betty Boccoli Dana Bockstahler Toni and George Jaquith Lena Vasconcellos Lena Vasconcellos
Honoree/Memorial Name
Donor Name
Velma Bostic Bertha Bostwick Ann Bosworth Everett Bosworth Bob Botiller Charles Bott Dolly Boucher Charles Boudreaux Jason Boulware Elizabeth Bova Randy Bowden Michael Bowers Jean Bowlby Marian Bowman Paul D. Boyd Robbie Boyett Edward Boyle, Jr. Frank Boyle Marie Boyle Rosemary and Ed Boyle William Boyle Lynette Boynton Lino Bozzano Lolly Bozzano Lolly Bozzano Jack Bozzini Beverly Brabec Beverly Brabec
Elaine Fisse Bonnie & Ronald Musser Patty and Eddie Lucchesi Bonnie Neuer Richard Cardozo Marilyn Bott Frances Voyer Debbie Boudreaux Constance Boulware Susan Crosby Doug and Randi Preston Bonnie J. Weisz Wendy Hubbard Pearl M. Martin Mrs. Patricia Boyd Larry Rodgers Donna K. Nail Frank Boyle, Jr. Frank Boyle, Jr. Donna K. Nail Sue Carey Joanne Vaughan-Cobb Leanne Scannavino Leanne Scannavino Richard and Carla Hiatt Kellen & Jackie Murphy Anne Hines Mike, Debby & Ashley Kavarian Mrs. Debby Kavarian Sarah Klein Diana Brackett Ruth Brackett Ruth Brackett Tammy and Gary Evans Darlene Clark Alice Tolliver David & Marilyn Mertz David & Marilyn Mertz Sam & Nancy Galano Dorothy Brandstad Jon and Christine Brandstad Thomas and Neva Kennelly Helen R Brant Thomas M. Vidulich Donna Faith Peter and Nicole Rosado Donna Faith Peter and Nicole Rosado Lori Hicks Carol Louise Silva Betty S. Brazil
Donald F. Brabec Donald F. Brabec Gordon E. Brackett Sr. Gordon E. Brackett Sr. Gordon E. Brackett, Jr. Sharon Bradbury Anne Braden Elizabeth Bradley Katherine H. Bradley William E. Bradley Baby Ricky Brand Dan Brandstad Dan Brandstad Mary Brannelly Kenneth Brant Joseph Branum Doris E. Brassesco Doris E. Brassesco Guido R. Brassesco Guido R. Brassesco Louise A. Brazeau Betty S. Brazil Mary C. and Manuel A. Brazil Mary C. and Manuel A. Brazil Carmel Breakfield Jean Breakfield Reggie Breakfield Mammaw and Pappaw Breedlove Ellen Bregante Sgt. Dale G. M. Brehm, U.S. Army George & Amelia Brehm Thelma Brehm Boris Breiger Boris Breiger
Carol Louise Silva Denise Saffels Leonard Breakfield Carmel Breakfield Sharon Gunishaw Art Bregante Ron and Carol Miller Ron and Carol Miller Audrey L. Bohannon Florence Breiger Temme Breiger Karpf
Honoree/Memorial Name
Roberta Brooke Callie C. Brooks George Brooks George W. Brooks Jack A. Brooks Jack A. Brooks Jack A. Brooks Jack A. Brooks Jesse A. Brooks Richard Brooks Sam Brooks Mr. Sherid Brooks Vanadeane C. Brooks Brooks Family Cloyce L. Brooksher Gary Brophy Bette Brose Lloyd Brosnikoff Oliver Brotby My Brother Ira Brott Marjorie Broughton Agnes T. Brown Ashland Brown Bill Brown Ed and Chuckie Brown Harry Brown, Sr. Jeannie Brown James E. Brown Jim C. Brown Jim C. Brown Joe W. Brown Kenneth D. Brown Ken Brown Lucy A. Brown Marianne Brown Michael Brown Rolla Brown S.W. Brown Tom Brown Twyla & Bill Brown Walter E. Brown Elmer Brown Robert Browne, M.D. Alma M. Brownfield Alma M. Brownfield Bobby Brownfield Dennis Brownfield William L. Brownfield William L. Brownfield Valerie Browning James Brum Ms. Betty Jane Brumm George Brumm Henry Bruner Louie and Rose Brunetti Charles Bruns III Butch Bruschera Henry Bruton Janet Bryan Andrew Bryant Virginia Bryant Winifred Bryant George Bryer
Donor Name
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Comstock Pat and Tom Wilson Andrene and Dominick Mazzanti Pat and Tom Wilson Floyd & Lace Nordwick Grace Bull Jim and Marcia Jordan Vanadeane C. Brooks Rosemarie Kennedy Pat and Tom Wilson Pat and Tom Wilson Karen Cambra Grace Bull Phyllis Brooks Jane Brooksher Jacqueline Brophy Joan Shephard Gloria Brosnikoff Betsy Brotby Ron and Jo Ann Stock Craig and Judi Sanders Strings Italian Cafe Jeri T. Ross Emilia Estrada, Karen Kelley & Bob Lord Ruth M. Brown Edna Wrbicky Adeja Hice Rusty Tafoya Jackie Brown Randy & Lisa Goodwin Rod & Brenna McCleary Rusty Tafoya Florene and Dick Mesa Lanny Simpson Rainbow Rebekah Lodge #97 Carol Louise Silva Jackie Brown Yvonne Brown Jeri T. Ross Denice U. Flynn Edna Wrbicky Norma M. Brown Ms. Leon Snyder Lois Sbragia Jo Ann Harrington Rebecca Brownfield Joyce Jaime Joyce Jaime Jo Ann Harrington Rebecca Brownfield Emilia Estrada Rinehart and Marilyn Heinitz Ms. Hazel H. Lewis Ellie Brumm Gerald and Beverly Ascencio Reno & Reanna Giuntoli Barbara Bruns Felix and Paulie Torlai Ms. Katherine Mayse Eldon and Barbara Yates Dolores Vanni Mary Celentano Jean and John Bryant Art and Sharon Money
Lillian Boggiano Christina Giannini Jannie, Julia & Jovie Ford Christina Giannini Ms. Noris Bohannon Peter & Marsha Romero Mrs. Margaret J. Kolbenschlag The Artozqui Family Mrs. Margaret J. Kolbenschlag Mrs. Margaret J. Kolbenschlag Annette & Mario Silveira Stephen & Patricia Bohnak Susan Keehr William L. Marre Al and Bonnie Blevins Nick Bokides The Gordon T & Melissa A. Egan Family Foundation Bonnie J. Cearley Rainbow Rebekah Lodge #97 Jim Leach Janet N. Bolognini Jeanette HinajosaBolosan Jeanette HinajosaBolosan Barton Bona Sherry Camalleri Patricia and Ed Schroeder Sandy and Tom Melden Susie and Carlton Karen Bongi Luciana Flocchini Rose Mildred Orimo Dianne La Rue Janet Bonner Shirley Booher Margie Selser John and Sue Errecart John and Sue Errecart Genevieve Conine Rod & Brenna McCleary Meredith McMakin Jill Choate Barbara E. Bess Emilia Estrada Irene Borelli Dan and Marie Vieira Bob and Donna Borgett Terri and Dave Cabral Joyce Boschetti
Abbigale Jardine, Sixth Grade Student at Lockeford Elementary School and artist of the 2011 Tree of Lights Program cover for the Lockeford/Clements Tree Steven Breitenbucher Diana Brennan Karoline Rose Brenneise Emil Brenner Jeanette Brenner Jeanette Brenner Odas D. Breshears Charlotte Brewer Colson Brewer Geneva D. Brewer J & A Brewer Mr. and Mrs. J. Brewer Avis W. Brewster The Brewster Family Diana L. Bridwell Eleanor Briesacher Edith Brietenbach Jim Briggs Roy Lee Brink Lee Brink Richard (Rick) Brink Albert Briones Pansy (Kitty) Briones Jake and Violet Brister Aldo Brocchini Dick Brodehl Douglas Brodie Scott Brodie John E. Broin John E. Broin Grete Bromme My Wife Grete Bromme’ Grete Bromme Roberta Brooke Roberta Brooke
Clements Volunteer Firefighters Assoc. Artesian Natural Foods Chet and Sharon Brenneise Gary & Lynette Pierson Gary & Lynette Pierson Joy Gittere Annette & Mario Silveira Dale B. Engelhart Floyd and Katherine Norling, Jr. Floyd and Katherine Norling, Jr. Mr. Larry Brewer Glen & Betty McDonald Nancy Whitaker Marta Whiteside Jared Stoltz Delta Lions Club Mary Ann Ware Ruth and George Briggs Mary Teachout Michael Brink Mary Teachout Lillian Briones Lillian Briones Cathy Drake Barbara Brocchini Dorothy Brodehl Gail Brodie Gail Brodie Dorothy Broin Wanda Pardini Carolyn Sakai Eugene Bromme Kathleen Equinoa Laura Brooke Mike & Randa Comstock
Mae Bryer Harriet Bubica Albert Buchanan James G. Buchanan James Buchanan Ann Bucher Amy Buck Carolyn Buck Craig Buck Herbie Buck Leroy Buck Frank Budesa, Sr. Barbara Buenett Paul Buessing Clarion Buethe Elaine Buettner James Buettner Joseph Bulawit Richard F. Bullard Maryann Bullen
My Sister, Ke’eta Bullough
Frank Bumps Kaarin Bumps Lloyd Bumpus Sandra Bunda Dick Bunnell Don M. Burcham Cliff Burchett Paul R. Burdick Jean Burger Bill Burgess Billy Burgess Paula M. Burgess Bill Burke Bill Burke William F. Burke Marcy Burkhardt Jewel Burleson Frances Ann Burlington
Art and Sharon Money Irene James Celeste Buchanan Celeste Buchanan Miggie Wheat Nancy O’Brien Amanda Frey Cameron and Kelli Buck Gloria J. Macey Amanda Frey Velma Scarborough Frank and Kim Budesa Colleen Wiley Cliff and Ann Johnston Judith and Rex Buethe Steve Buettner Steve Buettner Myda Bulawit Mary Bullard Bill and Brenda Norris Sharon Pombo Susan Bumps Susan Bumps Mr. Patrick Auer Milton and Ann Ziemann Dolores Bunnell Greg & Shelley Burcham Debra Re Terry and David Parker Felix and Paulie Torlai Nick and Penny Meyers Pam Rieger Lyle Burgess Greg and Pat Delucchi Patricia Gabbard Ruth Burke Mr. Reinhold Burkhardt Julie Gelbke Ralph & Marjory Burlington
Hospice of San Joaquin 2011 Tree of Lights Donors’ Recognition Honoree/Memorial Name
Leonard Burnett David Burnham Ed Burns Edward Burns Eileen Burnside Irl Burnside Phyllis Burnside Phyllis Burnside Robert Neal Burnside Robert Burnside Robert Burnside William R. Burnside William R. Burnside Jen Buron Vella Burzloff Curt Busby Barbara Buscaglia Gayle C. Bush David Bussey Lee Bussey Jess Bustamante Sadie Bustos Jack R. Butler Kenneth Butler Ruth Buttell Barbara M. Butts Betty Buyck Robert Byington Pam Byrne Pam Byrne, Norma Chatman and Marilou Almadingo Adaline Cabral Bob Cabral Emil Cabral Terri Cabral Toni Cabral George Y. Cachero Mary Anne Cademartori Tom Cady Anna Caetano Frank Caetano Mark Ryan C, Caguioa/ US Army Darren Cahoon Catherine Cain Ilene Cain Jack Cain Kenneth Caine Richard Caitano Violet “Vi” Calasso Laura Calcaterra Edward J. Caldera Richard Caldera Joan Caldwell Alma Call Jackie Callahan Kevin Callahan Deana Callari Eleanor Callaway Joseph Callegari Eleanor Calloway Frank Calvelli David Camalleri Helen G. Camara Helen G. Camara Helen G. Camara Helen G. Camara John J. Cambra John Cambra Thelma & Donald Cameron Anthony Caminata Mary Caminata Bill Caminata Arlene Caminata Adelene B. A. Campbell Chuck Campbell Elizabeth M. Campbell Katie Campbell Katie Campbell Robert D. Campbell Valera Campbell William W. Campbell Dorothy Campilongo Marlene Campilongo Andy & Rena Campodonico Mr. & Mrs. Pete Campora Ronald Campora
Donor Name
Becky Burnett Mattie,Hunter,Hannah ,Harry,Hayden and Andrew Lillian Rich John and Lindsay Janis Dave and Pam Dias Elizabeth & Ray Abinanti Dave and Pam Dias Elizabeth & Ray Abinanti Dave and Pam Dias Elizabeth & Ray Abinant Jan and Jay Redding Dave and Pam Dias Elizabeth & Ray Abinant Farley & Charles Staniec Beth Lawson Jerri Busby Jess and Sandy Kerekes Stan and Gay Matthews Stella Bussey Stella Bussey Cathy Drake The Gordon T & Melissa A. Egan Family Foundation Rosemarie & Ralph Moore David & Denise Rubiaco Cameron and Kelli Buck Linda Freeman Linda and Len Billings Barbara Byington Noreen Tighe Patty Slauson Gussie Cabral Kathleen A. Klump Jean Cabral Phyllis Sypnieski Phyllis Sypnieski Brad and Gail Jones Jenna Cademartori Lori Cady Laura C. Barrett Laura C. Barrett Maria Climaco-Caguioa Gary and Judith Campilongo Virginia Wagers Catherine Heighes John and Alberta Cain Edward & Viola Shands Jim and Penny Burke Frances Voyer Janet Lewis Aldina Marino Aldina Marino Sharon and Guy Petzold Alfred Trindade Jaccene Longacre Mr. and Mrs. Troy Wick Mercy Reyes Julie Gelbke Michael Costamagna Craig and Jewel Prosser Stephen and Marilyn Farnsworth Sherry Camalleri Kimberly and George Contente Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Schluer Rob and Reba Gaines Sandra Mello Karen Cambra Phyllis Brooks Jay and Linda Hoff Robert and Letty Heininger Robert and Letty Heininger James & Dorothy Podesta Robert & Letty Heininger Joy and Mike Panzer Mr. & Mrs. Oscar Anzaldo Janet Campbell Chris and Dennis Olin Suzy and Terry Cossette Janet Campbell Susan K. Campbell Joy and Mike Panzer Gary and Judith Campilongo Gary and Judith Campilongo Yolanda & Ivan Hamlow Lillian Boggiano Carole J. Huber
Honoree/Memorial Name
Millie Canavan Milo Candini Carmela Canepa Ted Canepa Margaret A. Cannon Jim Cansler Norma L. Cansler Norma L. Cansler Paul Caporusso Papa Chuck Papa Chuck Papa Chuck Ken Carden Melchor Cardenas John Cardinale Carol G. Carey Leland Carey Patrick N. Carey Leon and Camila Carido Jesse Allen Carlile Claudia Carlin Jenny Carlin John Carlin Sam Carlin Lorraine Carlisle Mac “Nonie” Carloni Pat “Gramps” Carloni Anna Carlow Michael R. Carlson Mike Carlson Marianne Carlson Vivian Carlston Max Carmody Dorothy Carmona Michael F. Carney Gloria Carpenter Nancy C. Carpenter
Shirley Carpenter Frank Carr Jessie B. & Ina Ruth Carr Mary Carr Thomas Carr Tony L. Carr Tony W. Carr Jose R. Carranza Frances R. Carrillo David Carroll John David Carroll Max Carroll Max Carroll Max Carroll Manuel Carruesco Ross Carruesco Terri Carsen Aldine Carsner Leslie E. Carson Fred Carstens Allen Carter Ed Carter Jack Carter Jack Carter Michele Carter Viola Carter Danny Caruso Marguerite Caruso Tony Caruso Tony Caruso Mary Carvalho Marilyn Carver Mary Carver Ida J. Cary Ronnie Casado Frank Casciaro Minnie Casciaro Jose Casellas and Joaquina Miquel John M. Casenave Alva H. Casillas Angela Casillas
Donor Name
Terry Canavan Viola Candini Mary Klevan Mary Klevan Bill Cannon Steve & Terasa Dannecker Marie & Stephen Guasco Steve & Terasa Dannecker Marie Caporusso Andrew Tourville Pati and Kevin Tourville Phylis K. Vallejo Brian Carden Lucila Amezcua Tom and Carolyn Ficcadenti Caryle Ann Tubbs Caryle Ann Tubbs Margaret Dwyer-Sabo Gloria Nomura Rita Osborn Mary Klevan Robert Carlin and Denise Carlin Robert Carlin and Denise Carlin Robert Carlin and Denise Carlin Jeff and Julie Thompson Danelle and Jeff Ferrari Danelle and Jeff Ferrari Manuel and Donna Revillar Donald R. Gilbeau Jeanette R. Corder Barbara Richards Frank and Claudia Prather Elaine Carmody Ann Carmona Sherry Carney Linda Salazar Angela Jimenez, Louann Edens, Beatrice Jimenez, Lucille Olivas, Donna Olivas, John Calabrace and Dolores Thompson Edith Uhrich Dennis & Dayle Daniels Geoff & Lori Ann Galtere Randy and Rosemary Hawley Charleszetta Pruitt Randy and Rosemary Hawley Randy and Rosemary Hawley Armida N. Carranza Frank Carrillo Lana Stone Ginger and Todd Manss Cherokee Memorial Park & Funeral Home Frances Voyer Wanda Henderson Francine Thompson Francine Thompson Lisa Garcia Ron and Jeanne Lubin Lester W. Carson Beverly Hightower Mrs. Joanne Foster Frances Carter Carol Carter Richard and Jessica Wilson Ron and Charlotte Cheek Annette Saldivar Danny and Madalyn Caruso Danny and Madalyn Caruso Catherine Caruso Jack and Tina Leach Tess Aberle Edwin E. Carver Edwin E. Carver Lynne Cary Shirley Coleman Patricia Gabbard Patricia Gabbard Bertha Miquel William and Sheri Casenave Lucila Amezcua Lucila Amezcua
Honoree/Memorial Name
Rosa & Jose Luis Casillas Anita L. Casing Benvenido G. Casing Florence Casperson David Caspino, Sr. Gwen Cassell Uncle Nick Cassesi Linda Cassinetto Rudy Castagna Chet & Dolores Castanon Chet & Dolores Castanon Your parents, Chet and Dolores Castanon Felix & Angela Castanon Pete Castanon Ricky Castanon Samuel & Josephine Casteline Ricardo Castelo James E. Castle Tom J. Castles Casey Castleton J.D. Castleton John Castleton Eloise Castro Manuel and Mary Castro Alfred J. Castro Elaine Caulfield Peter Caulfield Sr. Rita Caulfield Susan Caulfield Jennie Causey Raymond and Rosemarie Cavagnaro Georgina Caviglia Al Cayere Jose G. Cazares Jerry Cearley, Sr. Colleen (Kaiser) Cecchetti Meredyth Cecchetti Judy Cecchettini Betty Cecchine Angelina Cecchini Christopher Cecchini Frank Cecchini Michael Cecchini Tamra Celis Tamra Jennifer Celis Sophie Cella The Celle Family Gene Celli Wanda Centers Joe Cepeda Reid C. Cerney Bruno Leo Cerri Joe Cerri Rosi Cerri Carolina V. Cervantes George Cervantes Gloria Cervantes Walda L. Chaban Ignacio Chacon John Chaffin, Jr. Harold Chaffins Christina K. Chan Christina Chan Christina K. Chan Donald P. Chan Donald Chan Donald P. Chan Ruth Chance Ruth Chance - Mom Ruth Chance Mr. & Mrs. Russ Chapin Russell F. Chapin Charles Chapin Cathy Chapman Cathy Chapman Diana Chapman Lorraine Chapman Martha Gunter Chapman Alex and Lydia Chappuis Louis A. Chappuis Delbert Charamuga Diane G. Chard James A. Chard Kathryn Chardin Robert N. Chargin Charlie “The Truck Driver” Mr. Leslie B. Chasteen Lorene Chasteen Rose Chattin Robert Chattin James Chavers Joseph Cheek Cheryl Cheney Timothy Lee Cherry Timothy Lee Cherry William (Bill) Cherry Ed Chester Tom Chester Chester Chew Helen Chew John & Sandy Chiappe Jason Chin Louis Choffin Mike Choffin Marlene Choudeck Edmond S. Chow Edmond S. Chow Edmond Chow Edmond S. Chow Edmond Chow Marilyn Christen Jason D. Christensen Maxine and Jerry Christensen Maxine and Jerry Christensen
On Friday, December 2, 2011, Elaine Yager, General Manager of Tracy’s Outlets and partner with Hospice of San Joaquin sipped on warm cider complements of the Tracy Butterfly Auxiliary Chapter
Norma Christian Betty Christiansen Leys Christie Loretta Christie Larry Chun Larry Chun Cleo Church Joe B. Church Linda Jo Church Robert O. Churchill Peggy and Verne Churchill Arthur Chute Edythe Chute Mike Ciccone Mike Ciccone Alice Ciucci
Donor Name
Lucila Amezcua Edward and Mary Weeks Edward and Mary Weeks Lori Pizzo Aletheia Namahoe Don and Charmaine Lazzareschi Doug and Tammy Finch Tim and Kathleen Clark Mrs. Debbie Evans Richard & Pamela Yescas Tom Long & Linda Castanon-Long Tom Long & Linda Castanon-Long Richard and Pamela Yescas Richard & Pamela Yescas Richard & Pamela Yescas Betty Ann Dal Porto Roberta Uecker Karen Castle Kathy and Max Haro Marilyn J. Brown JoAnne Garrett The Preston Family Trudy Ceja Carol Louise Silva Brenda Castro Susan Caulfield Susan Caulfield Susan Caulfield Margaret Mallett Pearl M. Martin Edward and Beverly Kermgard Gail Marganelli Bob and Linda Kiffin Salvador Cazares Bonnie J. Cearley Herb and Kathy Goularte Julie O’Brien Cliff and Ann Johnston Grace Bull Nello Cecchini Velda Miller Catherine Cecchini Velda Miller Gilbert and Delia Celis Sid and Helen Mireles Thomas and Barbara Prato Patricia Seifert Stephanie Celli Taylor Centers Cindy Cepeda Ann M Cerney Angela Cerri Angela Cerri Joe Filipelli Maria G. Cervantes Jackie Fleming Delia Sanchez Valentine Chaban Maria Chacon Lucille Chaffin Janet and Gary Chaffins E. Walter & Nora Wager Jamie and Joanne Kho Lori Chan E. Walter & Nora Wager Jamie and Joanne Kho Lori Chan Ida Mae Lobb John and Dana Munoz Lucy Munoz Jim and Linda Nylen Mrs. Edith Schindler Mrs. Edith Schindler Carrie Lane Peg Vanderkar John & Sylvia Connelly Robert & Erol Hamernik Joann Phar Jackie Chappuis Dorothy Snyde Suzanne Malta Cindi and Tim Forkum Cindi and Tim Forkum Carolyn Ward Ann M. Chargin Steve Stevenson Gary and Linda Klipfel Gary and Linda Klipfel Ginger Root Ginger Root Bernice Haynes Ron and Charlotte Cheek Susan and Hal Emerson Patty Cherry and Carmen Costilla Sherryle Manley Sherryle Manley Darlene Hall Darlene Hall Dorothy K. Wong Dorothy K. Wong Jeanne Rich Sylvia Minnick Gale R. Choffin Gale R. Choffin David Tilbury Danny Chow Diane Chow Dora Rutledge Dorothy Chow Vickie M. Chow Jennifer and Scott Emigh Anne Marsella Dick and Janie Williams The Gordon T & Melissa A. Egan Family Foundation Carol Marvel Nancy Ballot Mrs. Diana Farano Mrs. Diana Farano Conrad & Shu-Ping Mar Sonia Chun Mark & Cindy Ketcherside Edna Church Edna Church Bill and Audrey Churchill Bill and Audrey Churchill Jean Chute Jean Chute Janis and Ron Nichols Yvonne Lock Bettye Be Wright
Honoree/Memorial Name
Alice Ciucci Leota Claire Barbara M. Clark Billy Clark Bobby Clark Frances Clark Frieda Clark Gary J. Clark Helen Cummings Clark Allie L Clark (mother) John E Clark (father) Mary Clark Mike Clark Mike Clark, My Beloved Husband Mike Clark Pamela M. Clark Pat Clark Ralph Clark Robert J. Clark Ronald Clark Shirley Clark Barbara Clarke Lois Clarke-Sahagun Bradford E. Clayton Brad Clayton Jack E. Clayton Jack E. Clayton Tony Clemons Derral Clemons Katherine Hill Walter G. Cleveland Ann Louise Englert Cloud Melba Cluff Mary Jo Codoni-Condit Nellie Cody David Coe Erma Coe Edward Coen Carol Cogdill - Sister Tina R. Cohen Chuck Coiner Danny E. Coker Danny E. Coker Ben Cole Betty Cole Betty Rice Cole Coleen Cole John Cole Lloyd Cole Daniel E. Coleman Daniel E. Coleman Kathleen Coleman Kathleen Hjelonstad Coleman Victoria Coll Jay Collier Bert S. Collins James Walker Collins Joyce Collins Lily Collins Patti Collins Connie Colvin Annie Comaskey Everett Combs and Romana Pineda Lois Combs Ray and Marie Combs Andy Compton Dan Compton Tom Compton Robert Comstock Margaret Condit Judy Conklin Elnora Conn Grandma Conn Randy Conn Wilma Connell Art Conradt Art Conradt Geoffrey Considine Elaine Consiglieri Ramon Constancio Ramon Constancio Catherine Constantine Anna R. Cook Opal and Clarence Cook Cyril Cook Elsie Cook Gerald Cook June Cook Mary Cook Rhonda Cook Michael L. Cooke Art Cooper Carl Cooper Carl Cooper Fran Cooper Janice L. Cooper Joan Cooper Joan Cooper Joan C. Cooper Joan Cooper James and Joel Cooper Nathaniel Cooper Steve C. Cooper James D. Cooper, Sr. Linda Cope Chere Copeland Eddie Copeland Jerry Copeland Myrna Corder Gene Cordone Jan Corey Joy Corkins Pat Corlett Evelyn Corley James Corley Olga C. Cornelison My husband Jim Richard Cornelius Laurence Cornett Marcia Corpe Ignacio & Clemencia Corrales Art Correia Libby Corren Angeline Corrigan Leona Corrington Grace Corry
Donor Name
Donald and Corrie Barbara Bob and Joy Augusto Ed Clark Beverly Clark James and Susan Newell Virginia Clark Wayne & Margaret Castle Germaine Clark Gail Cummings Marilynn C. Dunbar Marilynn C. Dunbar Dorothy West Deborah Hourcade Jeannette Clark Mr. Jeffrey Regalia Virginia Clark Jean Clark Carol W. Anderson Tim and Kathleen Clark Ed Clark Beverly Clark John and Marge Basalto John and Marge Basalto Greg & Shelley Burcham Phyllis Clayton Greg & Shelley Burcham Phyllis Clayton 5 H20+ 5 H20+ 5 H20+ Kathy Moran Darlene Talbott Christy Henderson Judy Stein Louise Della Santa George & Marilyn Brown George & Marilyn Brown Janica Coen Shirley Alvas Eleanor R. Gonzales Catherine Heighes Jeanne Manley Mary Coker Darlene and Jim Barnett Darlene and Jim Barnett Rod & Brenna McCleary Suzanne Malta Suzanne Malta Rod & Brenna McCleary Carol L. Coleman Debbie & Doug Maciel and Sarah & Sacha Simoes Bill and Nadine Coleman Wayne & Margaret Castle Bertha Miquel Mark & Cindy Ketcherside Robbie L. Collins Lodi Funeral Home Modine B. Blalock Jennifer Collins Anne Ramspott Richard Angulo Pearl M. Martin Lucita Anderson-Smith Bob and Jean Combs Mel and Jan Mayer Karen Weiland Paula and John Jackson Karen Weiland Gertrude Comstock Barbara Henry Hale Conklin Sam, Donna & Tori Villagomez Tori Villagomez Sam, Donna & Tori Villagomez The Gordon T & Melissa A. Egan Family Foundation Bonnie Conradt Sue Brownfield Robert and Susan Benedetti Nancy O’Brien Amador Family Chavez Family Chris and Dennis Olin Anna Perman William and Dorothy Barnhart Debra A. Lawson Marcia Cook Marcia Cook Debra A. Lawson Natalie Mitchell Elda Blicharz Dave and Pam Dias Irene Jackson Dolly E. Sonne Lucille Cooper Margaret Zabel Cindy & Patrick Piccardo Charles & Arlene Stocker Christy Reinold Joanne Vaughan-Cobb Mrs. Barbara Mekeel Edward and Beverly Kermgard Bernice Haynes Mrs. Judy Cooper Fredrica M. Cooper Gayle and Elyssa Rose Marie Beck Joan Ortiz Joan Ortiz Judy Crosby Steven and Christina Cordone James Carroll Milissa Neal Janice and Larry Cooper Patricia Teeters Patricia Teeters Mrs. Josephine Errecart Beverly Cornelius Bonnie Cornelius Glen Cornett Judy Crosby Lex and Joyce WongCorrales Joe and Beverly Hood Hillard Corren and Florence Arnold Jeanette Farley Vickie Wolff Alan Hitt
Hospice of San Joaquin 2011 Tree of Lights Donors’ Recognition Honoree/Memorial Name
Grace Corry Grace Ann Corry Grace Corry Grace Corry Gracy Ann Corry Grace Echandi Corry Grace Corry Grace Corry Grace Corry Gracy Ann Corry Grace Corry Grace Echandi Corry Grace Corry Grace Corry Grace Corry Grace Corry Grace Corry Grace Corry Antonio Corsaro Fred Corsi Louis Corsiglia Pat & Janet Corso Salvador & Lucy Cortes Frank Cortez Luis L. Cortez Manuel E. and Sadie G. Cortez Teresa and Amerigo Cortopassi Bob Cosgrove Mary Lou Coss Raymundo Coss Tony Costa, Jr. Anthony J. Costa Babe Costa Rena & Babe Costa David Costa David Costa Eileen Costa Elayne Costa Felix Costa Gary R. Costa Gary R. Costa Jaramie Costa Louis A. Costa Evelyn & Manuel J. Costa Manuel Costa Mary Costa Raymond B. Costa Rena Costa Rosie Costa Tony L. Costa Mary and Tony Costa Maria Costa Dorothy Costamagna Joe & Dorothy Costamagna Joe Costamagna Mrs. Katie Costello Nickolas Costillo Irene and Tony Costley William Quentin Cotton John and Kathleen Coughlan Jack Coughran Jack Coughran Connie Coultress Pauline Courey Juanita Coustaut Geno Covello Charles Cowger Della Lee Cowles Lanny Cowsert Ms. Bertie Cox Carol Cox Dee Dee Cox Dee Dee Cox J. Duane Cox Robert Cox Shirley Cox Robert and Jane Coyle Dennis Craddock Dennis Craddock Gloria Frances Craib Buzz & Zelda Craig Edward Craig Richard (Dick) Crandall Richard Crandall Dick Crandall Crane Family Danny Craven Danny Craven Bill Crecelius Chris Crecelius
Donor Name
Barbara Long Cameron and Kelli Buck Christopher & Tola Eley David, Stephanie and Miya Cheng Elizabeth and James Vickerman Glenda Tower Duyst Jeffrey Yamaguchi Jim & Marilyn Menasco Judith and Alex Munro Judith M. Gaal Kevin and Mila Dal Porto & Family Laura and Bill Tower Marti Kulisch Michaela and Oscar Fetherlin Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Anzaldo Patricia Estarziau Rich and Joanne Waters, 5H20+ Ryan and Kriste Merin Frank & Josephine Silva Don and Arlene Potter Andrew and Louise Mangili Frank & Josephine Silva Sal and Irene Cortes Cathy Cortez Olivia Cortez Terry and Lisa Pruitt and Sons Doris and Alvin Cortopassi Bruce and Linda Dodge Belia Garcia Belia Garcia Dianna and Maurice Costa Dolores Tranel Loretta and Bill Munger Mike and Gloria Costa Carmen J. Costa Florence Hernandez Elena Christine Vasti Carol and Larry Minner Dolores Tranel Betty L. Costa Mike and Gloria Costa Carmen J. Costa Carol and Larry Minner Barbara Pombo Louie “the Plumber” Doug & Josephine Bock Betty L. Costa Loretta and Bill Munger Dolores Tranel Doug and Josephine Bock Mary Pennini Kimberly and George Contente Costamagna Farms Catherine Costamagna Booth Costamagna Farms Louie and Louise Rubino Elsie Humphreys John E. Allen Gayle Hunt Catherine Coughlan Coughran Mechanical Services Kirk and Lenese Coughran Rosemarie Kennedy Jeanette Michaels Errol J. Coustaut, Sr. Sharon Amestoy Ron and JoAnn Jacobs Leonard & Wilma Wolfe Bruce & Deborah Bentz Ms. Hazel H. Lewis Cal and Betty Rodway Buddy Cox Roy and Carolynne Luallin David & Wendy Heinze Mabel Hobbs David & Wendy Heinze Richard &Martha Bader Beverly Martin Jann Bueno Darlene & Dewey Hines Judith Craig Stephen &Nancy Scott Vivien Crandall Vivien Crandall Vivien Crandall Joe and Helen Crane Jessey Craven Linda Salazar Mary Laurel Filice Mary Laurel Filice
Honoree/Memorial Name
Doris Crecelius Linda Creed Kimberly Ann Crespi Kim Crespi Kimberly Ann Crespi Bonita Crespo George Cress Helen Cress Helen Cress Tacey Ann Criner Tracey Criner Fred & H. Albert Croce Paula Croce Harry Crockett Bill Cromer Alice Crosby Charles C. Crosby Gerry Crosby, Sr. William H. Crow, Jr. Hal Crowden Charles Crowe Patrica Crowe Kenneth Crowell Alan Crum Steven Crum Melodie Crumb Donald Crump Melodie Ashlock Crump Larry Crumpacker Mary A. Crutchfield Mary A. Crutchfield Frank Cucco Frank Cucco James F. Culbertson Vicky Culbertson Patti Cumming Patti Cumming Patti Cumming Marie Boyle and Patti Cumming Patti Cumming Patti Cumming Alan Cummings Bill Cummings Bill Cummings Fern Cummings Kala Cummings Kay Cummings Marlene Cummings Marlene Cummings Ralph Cundiff, Sr. Mary J. Cunningham Thomas A. Cunningham Thomas A. Cunningham David E. Cureton Gertrude Cureton Vern Curley Andrew Curtis Roy Curtis Florence Cutter Gregory Cypert Arthur Da San Martino Ronald Da San Martino Vicki Dabbs Vicki L. Dabbs Vicki L. Dabbs Vicki L. Dabbs Vicki L. Dabbs Vicki Dabbs Mehernosh E. Dah, M.D. Ana Dahlhauser Michael Dahlhauser Hao Dai Trac Dai Albert & Mary Dal Porto Allen Ray Dal Porto Caroline D’Albora Gaetano D’Albora Delmer Dale Mary A. Dale Warren Dale Linda Dalonzo Gail Dalton Mrs. Robert Dalton Mrs. Robert Dalton Mario Dambrosio Verna Dambrosio Joyce Damilano Alfred Danelenko Evelyn Danelenko Ken Daniel Aileen Daniels Al Daniels Allen R. Daniels Allen L. Daniels Lucillie A. Daniels Mr. & Mrs. Bill Daniels J.H. “Dan” Danielson Karen Ann Danielson
Cynthia Haynes, Chief Executive Director & President of the Clements/Lockeford Chamber of Commerce welcomes the community to the 2011 Tree of Lights, lighting ceremony.
Donor Name
Mary Laurel Filice Kirk and Lenese Coughran Donna and Robert Hoffman Gretchen H. Nelson Kathleen & Lauren Crespi Bill and Nadine Coleman Lucille Cooper Herman and Catherine Spalinger Lucille Cooper Gloriana Gonsalves Lee and Michelle Bethea Lillian Boggiano Eugene Croce Mrs. Marcia Crockett Irene Cromer, Norene Polack & Kelley ElvisFlores Judy Crosby Judy Crosby Judy Crosby Patricia Crow Jane Crowden Joanne Reed Joanne Reed Lillian Briones Pat Crum Pat Crum Ms. Frances I. Cross Kathy Crump Bill and Mina Ashlock Dana P. Blanco Chuck and Dianna Crutchfield Debi Kininmonth Delta Lions Club Hank and Mitzi Metzler Patricia Culbertson Jack and Tina Leach Ann C. Schmitz Barbara & Michael Davis Frank Boyle, Jr. Joanne Sueyres Julia Scriven Susan R. Livesey Robert and Dana Lapp Janice Cummings Jerry and Nancy Golz Janice DeBenedettiSmith Roy and Joyce Damilano Kala Cummings Alberta Szakalski Jerry and Nancy Golz Ralph and Carol Cundiff Lois Sbragia David and Katie Hale Louella Cunningham Mike & Patricia Cureton Mike & Patricia Cureton Lee Reilley Bob and Lynne Hargis Pat Pyeatt Jerome Cutter Jerre and Susan Murphy Emily Da San Martino Emily Da San Martino Addie Silva Charlie Dabbs JoAnne Garrett Joanne Sueyres Lu Anne Lewis Mrs. Anjeanette Brown Cyrus Dah Esther Dahlhauser Esther Dahlhauser Jimmy Dai Jimmy Dai Betty Ann Dal Porto Betty Ann Dal Porto Catherine Turney Catherine Turney Georgia Conner Judy Pacheco Judy Pacheco John and Sue Errecart Bob Montgomery Eugenia Swingle Joyce Marks Cathi Melendez Cathi Melendez Kala Cummings Sue Beyer Sue Beyer Judith Cabral Kurt, Tina and kids Anne Braden Kathleen S. Devers Virginia Daniels Kathleen S. Devers Wayne & Gayle Daniels Debbie Danielson-Cotta Debby Cotta
Board Member Scott Beattie, being the Masters of Ceremony at the Tracy Tree of Lights. At moment of photo he invited all attendees to take a set of holiday cards designed by children for the 2011, Tree of Lights Honoree/Memorial Name
Donor Name
Honoree/Memorial Name
Donor Name
Cecelia Dapson George Dapson Adelaide Darling Don Darling Leroy Darling Roberta Darling Eul Darneal Lois Darneal Adeline Darnell Harold Darnell Tony Darone Joan Darrah Eleanor Darrow Brandon Dart Catherine Rita Dasso Our Sisters Who Have Passed On Before Us Daughters of the Holy Spirit Al Dauth Dottie Dauth Jean Davenport
Ron & Suzie Williamson Ron & Suzie Williamson Frances Darling Frances Darling Frances Darling Robert L. Burnam Bruce & Carol Fernandes Bruce & Carol Fernandes James and Shirley Lira James and Shirley Lira Joyce Darone James P. Darrah Kermit Darrow Velda Miller Andrew & Margaret Dasso Daughters of Penelope
Lionel Delucchi Marilyn Delucchi Ray Delucchi Virginia Delucchi Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Delucchi Peggy Deluchi Mary DeMartini John DeMattei Frank DeMello A.J. Denk Anne Dennis Kay Dennis Raymond Dennison Walter and Mary Denny William N. Denson Mark G. Dentoni Elizabeth DePauli Irving DePauli Donalee Derry Chris & Rose DeRusso Dee DeSelms Elvin C. DeSelms
Judy Gatti Jo M. Williams Greg and Pat Delucchi Judy Gatti Dee O’Donnell
H. Stanley Davenport Stan Davenport Stan Davenport Marge Davies Almetrica Davis Dave Davis Deanna Davis Diana Davis Diane Davis Donald C. Davis Ginger Davis Jean Davis Jean Davis Mary Lou Davis Maxine Davis Milton B. Davis Neil Davis Nelson Davis Nelson Davis Pat Davis Selena Davis Stephen Davis Virginia (Ginger) Davis Jim Davy Verna Lea Davy Laveta Dawes W.C. Dawes August Ben Day Ken Day Junior De Hoyos Margaret De Jong Theresa De Lorenzo Bernie De Los Angeles Don De Martini Joaquin De Oliveira Lawrence De Ricco Larry De Ricco De Ricco & Mezzetta Family Jane Dean Jean F. Dean Frank DeBenedetti Rose DeBenedetti Rose DeBenedetti Vera DeBrum Erma DeCarli Erma DeCarli Deceased Daughters of the Cross Deceased Friends and Benefactors Deceased Mascarenhas Family Members Deceased Memebers of Britto Family Virginia DeCicco Hazel DeFerrari Pete DeFerrari My Son Gregory DeGeorge Michelle Dehn Travis DeJarnatt Adolph L. Del Prete Mary Del Prete Victor Del Prete David Del Rey Vince Del Signore Dolores Delgado Charlene Delk Blake Dell Aringa Robert Dell Aringa Joseph Della Santa Joe Della Santa Elsie Dellamandola Elsie Dellamandola Jordan & Dorothy Dell’Era Angela Dell’Osso Ann Delmore Nevore Deloney Karin Delong Karin Delong Karin Delong Alex Delu, Jr. Alex Delu Alex Delu Amalia and Alex Delu, Sr.
Sister Theresa Spittle Hank and Mitzi Metzler Hank and Mitzi Metzler Bob Leonard and Associates Floyd C. Bentley, Jr. Jim & Marilyn Menasco Mary Ann Ware Dorsey Melton Judith Ross Judith Davis Nancy L. Mardis Kathy Doffin Sarah Azevedo Vicki Horn Don Seibel Art and Pam Needham Judith Davis Gloria Berlanga Hubert & Sandy Schultz Mary L. Moore Oscar & Betty Francis Carolyn Sakai Janice & Larry Cooper Eldon &Barbara Yates Lynette Rachal Mary Cahill Melbourne I. Davis Anita & James Davy Mr. & Mrs. Phil Lenser Norma Dawes Norma Dawes Janet Bonner Bobbie Day Jean De Hoyos Beth Owen Mike and Emily Paige Frances Voyer Florence Hernandez George &Shirley Libbon Alma De Ricco H. Dean & Beatrice McNeilly Alma De Ricco Steve and Roxy Woodard Gina Kindschi Bloom Janice DeBenedettiSmith Ann C. Schmitz Janice DeBenedettiSmith Lisa Debrum Jeri Garibaldi Rainbow Rebekah Lodge #97 Daughters of the Cross Daughters of the Cross Daughters of the Cross Daughters of the Cross Patricia Gabbard Joy and Chip Vignolo Joy and Chip Vignolo Mr. Thomas DeGeorge George and Carol Benkie Linda Freeman Adelaide Del Prete Adelaide Del Prete Adelaide Del Prete Barbara Pombo Licia Beck Mrs. Barbara Kirchubel Doris Maragliano Jolene Dell Aringa Jolene Dell Aringa Louise Della Santa Richard and Janet Ghio Diana Swan Ronald & Nancy Simmons Midge Dobbins Fred and Kristine Ott Krissy Delmore-Davis Bernice Haynes Dennis R. Gordon John T. Sypnieski Phyllis Sypnieski Angie Ferrero Janice DeBenedettiSmith Susan Ferrero Angie Ferrero
Lynda DeShields Patricia (Cookie) Desilva Linda Devan Joseph and Benita Devencenzi Julia Devincenzi Julia Devincenzi Lawrence Devincenzi Lawrence Devincenzi Vernon Devincenzi Ronald Devlin Gino & Gina Di Puccio Gino Di Puccio Henry Dias Joseph A. Dias Mildred M. Dias Petra Diaz Raymond Diaz Tomassa Diaz Anthony Dicce Rose Dicce Edna C. Dick Mrs. Merle Dick Richard M. Dick (Ricky) Richard L. Dick Emma Dicks Gust Dicks Mamie Dickson Noby Dickson Frank Diedrich Sister Carol Diemunsch Eugene Dietrich Helene B. Dietrich Virginia Dietrich Bryan Dilley Bertha Dillon Emma Dillon Emma Dillon Jack Dillon Jack Dillon Mike Dillon Phil Dillon Maria Dilworth Pat Dineley William A. Dingle Irene Dingman Angelo Dini Dino Dini Marina Dini Paolo Dini Paul Dini Saulle Dini Gina DiPuccio Gina DiPuccio Gino DiPuccio Labri Dirkse Christine DiRosa John DiRosa Lorraine W. Ditz George Ditz, Jr. Bill Dixon Billie Dixon Nancy L. Dixon Ola Fay Dixon Patricia Dixon, MD Patricia Dixon Teresa Dixon Smith W. Dobson, III. Robert Dodge Don Dodson Don Dodson James Michael Dolan Eliseo (Alex) Dominguez Angelina Dona John Dona John and Angelina Dona John Dona Dan Donahue Mr. Joseph Donahue David Donaldson Jack M. Donaldson
Randee Walshe Joan and Ed Fay Ms. Lori Lynn Anderson Herb and Jane Vargas Ron and Marti Inouye Inez Kiriu Diane and Art Allen Jon and Audrey Norling Alan Foster Irene Denson Francine Thompson Marjorie Barosso Marjorie Barosso Dorinda and Walt Givens Cindy Cepeda Pat DeSelms Sharon and Robert Rasmussen DeWayne DeShields Don R. DeSilva Beverly Hightower Albert and Susan Ghio Bonnie Devencenzi Geraldine Devincenzi Bonnie Devencenzi Geraldine Devincenzi Geraldine Devincenzi Betty L. Costa Mike and Gloria Costa Loretta and Bill Munger Judith and Alfred Dias Dave and Pam Dias Dave and Pam Dias Michael Garcia Bernice Diaz Your Son, Xavier Domenick and Lavina Dicce Domenick and Lavina Dicce Darlene Dick Prof & Mrs. Ted Takaya Darlene Dick Darlene Dick Marjorie Putnam Marjorie Putnam Lorraine Katzakian Lorraine Katzakian Strings Italian Cafe Elizabeth Lynch Scott and Carol Dietrich Melanie Eggett Scott and Carol Dietrich Irene Trudel Nera Harper Donna Stormes Mark and Shelly Rayray Linda Dillon William H. Keller William H. Keller Bonnie J. Weisz Joseph Paz Dr. and Mrs. Todd Primack Shirley and Karen Rose Jennifer J. Silva Teresa Dini Teresa Dini Teresa Dini Luciana Flocchini Teresa Dini Teresa Dini Greg and Sally DiPuccio Loretta and Bill Munger Greg and Sally DiPuccio Steve Stevenson Antoinette Berman Antoinette Berman Diane Stauffer Diane Stauffer Ken and Linda Lockard Ken and Linda Lockard Ronald Dixon Chante Griffin Christopher and Tola Eley Yolanda and Ivan Hamlow Frances Voyer Norma G. Neal Bruce and Linda Dodge Judy Dodson Koreen Freitas Darci Dolan Lillian Dominguez Patrick and Christina Doran Floyd C. Bentley, Jr. Patrick and Christina Doran Patrick and Christina Doran Ellen Donaldson Dennis and Dayle Daniels Virginia Thorn Jane E. Donaldson
Hospice of San Joaquin 2011 Tree of Lights Donors’ Recognition Honoree/Memorial Name
Brenda Enos Dexter Enos John R. Enos Howard Ensele Jeanne Ensele Paul I.Epperson Gerald Epple Lucille Epple John Eproson Clara Epstein David B. Epstein Kathy Equinoa Anthony Erceg Katey & Tony Erceg George B. Erdman Louise Erdman Glenn S. Erickson Rosemary T. Erickson Charles Ericson Carol J. Erman
The Tracy Tree of Lights was lit by the Family of Manuel Aguilar Honoree/Memorial Name
Frank Donally Cathy Donati Consiglieri Frank Donato Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Donato Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Donato Sam Donato Celesta Dondero Fred Dondero Louie Dondero Louis G. Dondero Marie Donis Marie Donis Walt Donis Katherine Donohoe John E. Donovan Carol Stephens Dooley E. Herbert Dooley Eldon and Nina Dooley Alma B. Doran Ed Doran Our moms Dorothy and Judy James C. Dorrigan Bill Dougherty Jean Beatrice Doughty Craig Douglas Maureen Douglass Gloria Dovichi “RedHatter” Raquel Dow Amos Dowdy Helen Dowdy Brent Dowhower Butch Dowhower June S. Downer Edna Downing Edna Downing Beverly Jean Doyle Beverly J. Doyle Dick Dragavon Bill Drake Bill Drake Bill Drake John Drake Melissa Drake Yvonne Drake Doris Dreelan Jack Dreelan Helen Drefs Shari Dreher David Drew Jerry Drew Joanne O. Drew Margaret Droge Patty Droivold Patty Droivold Marta Dron Marta Dron Marta Yorg Dron Marta Dron Marta Dron Dolores Drullard Leslie C. Drury Margaret DuBart Stanley DuBart Katie DuBois Linda Duck Lon Dudley Janet Dugger Janet Dugger Anna Sue Duke Jane Dunbar Krug Dunbar (father) Andy Duncan Cora Duncan Holly Duncan Michael Dundee LaVerne and Milo Dungan Mildred Dunham Gerry Dunlap Gerry Dunlap Doug Dunmyer Emma J. Dunn Horace G. Dunn Philip Dunn Mark Anthony Duran Lucille “Teel” Durham Sam Durrett Dennis Durston
Donor Name
Edward and Viola Shands Nancy O’Brien Cathy McAlister Cathy McAlister Margie Ruggirello Cathy McAlister Bernice Lea Bernice Lea Susan R. Livesey Teri and John Dondero Rae Charos Rich and Joanne Waters and Family Rae Charos Duane Donohoe Sally and Leonard Humphreys Jeanne Symons Lorna Dooley Lorna Dooley Patrick and Christina Doran Patrick and Christina Doran Sharon and Ken Buck Mrs. Alberta Dorrigan Anthony Pezzi Marie and Stephen Guasco Thelma Douglas Bill and Joan Topp Ed and Judi Oliveria Patty Slauson Wyman and Andrea Osborn Wyman and Andrea Osborn Billie Corder Alice Lawellin Susan R. Livesey Carl and Suedee Howell Karen and Gary Rose Dan & Carrie Doyle Tony and Lila Guzman Tania Dragavon Cathy Drake Donna Goyette Leslie Blair Cathy Drake Cathy Drake Cathy Drake Jill Berdahl Jill Berdahl Carol W. Anderson Lynn Truman Marlene Drew and Otis Kelley Toni and George Jaquith Dianne Butler Gregory and Rhonda Olvera Jon Droivold Pearl M. Martin Jack Dron Laura Yorg Linda Silva Patricia Lira Shelley & Shane Maynard Ray Drullard Jessie R. Drury Robert & Nance Lichter Robert & Nance Lichter Edward and Beverly Kermgard Pam Hammond Sue Carey Roger and Kay Bianchi Thelma Stewart Ronald and Cynthia Price Walter L.M. Dunbar Walter L.M. Dunbar Jack Duncan Jack Duncan Jack Duncan Jerrie Dundee Sharyn Dungan Kathy Crump Philip and Anne Berolzheimer Susan Caulfield David and Denise Rubiaco Dorothy and Stan Sandelius Dorothy and Stan Sandelius Marjorie Dunn Maggie Rangel Peter and Lynne Lynch Rinehart and Marilyn Heinitz Robert and Kathleen Elliott
Honoree/Memorial Name
Arnold Dutra Consuelo Dutra Edward Dutra Frank Dutra Nelda Dutra Raymond Dutra Viola Dutra Wayne Dutra Madge Dutschke Madge Dutschke Madge Dutschke Madge Dutschke Madge Dutschke Madge Dutschke Madge Dutschke Bob Dutschke Kathy Dyck Ted and Melba Dye Don Dyer Dr. & Mrs. L. H. Dyke, Jr. Bernice Pulliam Dykes Alice Eaddie Alice Eaddie Leon H. Eakes Louise Eakes Jada Ealey Vera Earley Milt Eaton Dave Eavenson Robert Ebenhack Frank and Mildred Eberhardt Eugenia Echandi Eugenia Echandi Eugenia Echandi Eugenia Echandi Antonio Echaniz Jose Luis Echaniz, Sr. Don Echelard Jeanette “Jan” Eckhoff Danene Edalgo Danene Edalgo Donald Edmiston Winnifred Edmonson Daniel Edward Christina Edwards Diane E. Edwards Kathy Egan Melissa Van Noate Egan Melissa A. Egan Tom Egan Don Eggers Evelyn and Eddie Eggett Elvira T. Eggman Kenneth Ehlers DeWayne Ehlert Albert Eichele Rosella Eichele Esther Eilers John Eilers Carl and Mildred Eklund Uncle Elbert Lugean Eleazer Elinor Eley Della Elia and Joanne Louis R. Elias Manuel A. Elias Manuel A. Elias Phil Elias Victor H. Elias Ida Elkins Anna Elliott Kennie Ellis Roberta Ellsbury Russell Ellsbury Baby Marcus Ellsworth III Jean Elsey Jean Elsey Jean Elsey Mary Elwood Mary Elwood Darce Emerson Victor Emery John W. Emigh Liz Emigh Ted Emmons Frederick Emrick Rose Enciso Nellie M. Endicott Ted Endicott Theodore R. Endicott Judy Eng Alexis Engdahl Harriet A. Englert Gloria Ennes Gloria Ennes
Donor Name
Patricia’s Rose Terra Joyce Darone Rose Terra Joyce Darone Patricia’s Patricia’s Patricia’s B.J. Stewart Emilia Estrada Lyle and Deborah Brockney Reid and Julie Van Noate Sharon Apperson Susan Caulfield Valerie Saccone Lyle and Deborah Brockney Cal and Betty Rodway James Maguire Evelyn Dyer Jack and Mary Stirton A D Marquez John W. Williamson Terry and David Parker Wendy and Gary Frush Wendy and Gary Frush Marie Gilbert Deborah Armenta Louis and Janice Thanas Wanda Eavenson Helen R Brant David L. Eberhardt, Sr. Alex and Judi Munro David, Stephanie and Miya Cheng Glenda Tower Duyst Laura and Bill Tower Gloria Echaniz Gloria Echaniz Financial Decisions Alan and Brenda Friis Don Seibel Pamela Coburn Rex and Susan Edmiston Patty Ceppi Clarke and Judith Marek Mr. and Mrs. Troy Wick Ruth Lewis The Gordon T & Melissa A. Egan Family Foundation John & Elaine Sandman The Gordon T & Melissa A. Egan Family Foundation The Gordon T & Melissa A. Egan Family Foundation Gloria J. Macey Melanie Eggett Katrina Alison Jaggears Nancy Ehlers Doris Ehlert Lee Eichele Lee Eichele Tim and Debbie Chappell Tim and Debbie Chappell Lani Swann Eklund Carol Nakashima Joan S. Inge Christopher and Tola Eley Florence Hernandez Lucy Munoz Terry Brazil Virginia Larsen Lucy Munoz Stephanie Elias Albert and Susan Ghio Alison Rodrigues Robert Ellis Bonnie Ellsbury Bonnie Ellsbury Janice Ratto Jeff and Lynda Jackson Joe Elsey Madres Del Camino Lee Elwood Scott and Janice Kyles Debbie Vasquez Kathy Doffin Joy Vaughan Jennifer and Scott Emigh Patricia Emmons Elizabeth Aguire Lorretta J. Ybarra Theda Reynon Mrs. Emileine Gillespie Theda Reynon Diane Huey Love: Sandy, Chuck, A.J. and Joey Hohn Darlene Talbott Russell and Mabel Martin Suzanne Malta
Anna Errecart Dominic Errecart Dominic Errecart Calvin Ervin Miranda Escabar Joe and Rita Escabar Victor Escalante Jesus Escobedo Jesus Escobedo Jim Eshoo James P. Esker Dolph Esparcia Helen Espina Clarice Espinola Guadalupe Espinoza John Espinoza Daniel Esposeto Audrey Esposito Danilo Esquivel Mickie Esser Shirley Estensen Selma Estes Felimon L. Estioco B. Emilia Estrada Celia Estrada Corie Estrada Debbie Estrada Eleanor L. Estrada Frank Estrada Lucio V. Estrada Sr. Lucio Estrada Mr. & Mrs. Jose Estrada Peter Estrada Orien K. Etcheverry Orien K. Etcheverry Orien K. Etcheverry Orien Etcheverry Terry Ettenhiemer Elena Eugenikou Sara-Jane Eustis-Johnson Alan A. Eutsler Alan Eutsler Alan Eutsler Gary A. Eutsler Gary Eutsler Betty Evans Betty B. Evans Bubba Evans Carl Evans Carl Evans Don Evans Nanny Evans Greg Evans John C. Evans Paula A. Evans Pete and Syble Evans William E. and Sibyl I. Evans Viola Evans-Hoyler Joanne Eversole Joanne Eversole Joseph Eversole May Eversole May Eversole May Eversole May Eversole May Eversole Lillian May Eversole Bernice Evinger Merle L. Evinger Donald D. Ewoldt Sr. Harry & Vera Eybs Eva Ezell Kenneth Ezell Norman Ezell Russ Ezell Eleanor Fagundes James E. Fahey Myrtle M. Fahey Nancy Fair Lester H. Faires Robert Falkner Robert and Beatrice Fallon Linda Fallon Faltersack Family Campora Family Family Family and Friends Agnes & Louis Fanucchi Joe Fanucchi Rose Fanucchi Roy Fanucchi Richard Farago Charles Farano Lily Farano Maloree Farano Primo Farano Frank D. Fargo Jamil Farhat Jerry Farley, Jr Margaret Farley Margaret Farley Elaine Farmer Leon Farmer Leon Farmer
Donor Name
April Hughes Suzanne Malta Alice Smith Donna Ensele Donna Ensele Ms. Janet C. Heiman Barbara Henry Barbara Henry Marit Mortensen Bird Linda Radin Linda Radin Dr. Kathleen A. Hart Marilyn Thompson Marilyn Thompson Andrew and Elizabeth Erdman Andrew and Elizabeth Erdman Kathy Erickson Kathy Erickson Debi Kininmonth Craig and Caryl McClure Mrs. Josephine Errecart John and Sue Errecart Mrs. Josephine Errecart Hazel I. Ervin Mrs. Darlene Hieb Mrs. Darlene Hieb Emily Escalante Jessica Escobedo Louie “the Plumber” Cathy Nichols-Washer Donna and Gary Steer Sheila Esparcia Jeff and Lynda Jackson Nona Mitchell Linda and Jerome Fernandez Maggie Rangel Elmer & Donna Smith Linda Freeman Yolanda Esquivel Mr. and Mrs. Bob Kinser Kathy Kollars Marie and Stephen Guasco Vera Estioco-Felix Emilia Estrada Lilly and Al Kite Lilly and Al Kite Esther Rodriguez Esther Rodriguez Emilia Estrada Elisa Munoz and Family Estrada/Gonzalez Family Bruce and Tina Keplinger Emilia Estrada David LaFargue Jean Etcheverry Ray Etcheverry Mary Laughlin Emilia Estrada Janet DelCarlo Ms. Taylor Kelley Lori Hicks Ron and Gayle Eutsler Susan and James T. Gorospe Lori Hicks Louie and Louise Rubino Karen Mata Sandra K. Rivera Nancy L. Mardis Rupert and Gayle Asuncion Tammy and Gary Evans Ella Evans Joan Fiske Mrs. Debbie Evans Lee Ann Evans Pam Byrne Colleen and Jerry Evans Galen and Darlene Gribaudo Patricia Paulin Dr. Kathleen A. Hart Margaret Ireland Bob Leonard and Associates Bob and Lysa Neitzke Bob Leonard and Associates Dr. Kathleen A. Hart Jeri Garibaldi Joyce Mudge Margaret Ireland Yvonne Lock Yvonne Lock Ethel Ewoldt Donnie Hernandez Allison Johnson Allison Johnson Rod Ezell Allison Johnson Pamela J. Fagundes Linda and Kenneth Lamb Linda and Kenneth Lamb Joanne Vaughan-Cobb Ms. Frances I. Cross Elisebeth Falkner Rayna Mahlman Rayna Mahlman Phyllis Brooks Lillian Boggiano Darrell and Candice Drummond Nina and Ashok Daftary Adelaide Del Prete Pete and Jackie Fanucchi Pete and Jackie Fanucchi Pete and Jackie Fanucchi Connie Farago Mrs. Diana Farano Mrs. Diana Farano Mrs. Diana Farano Mrs. Diana Farano Marian Fargo Elmer and Rasheeda Clawson LaTonia Farley Jeanette Farley Sally Lance Corine Herrera Clara Marie Farmer Mary McCleary
Honoree/Memorial Name
Leon Farmer My Grandpa Leon Farmer My Grandpa Leon Farmer My Grandpa Leon Farmer Ozro Farnsworth Family Julia Farr Curtis Farrar Minna Farrar Evelyn E. Farrell Evelyn E. Farrell Bob Kirk Chet Farris Elvera Farros Charles J. Faszer Donald Faszer James Faught Edythe Feary Edythe Feary Arthur C. Feather Rosemary D. Feather Monroe Featherston Dexter A. Fedor and Lani Fedor Gardner Dexter Fedor Donald Fehling Alberta Feist Larry Felchle Helen O. Felix John Felix Maurice Felix Bill Felix Ira J. Felkins Ty Eugene Felkins Ty Felkins Nina E. Fenger Madeline Fenley Connie Ferguson Dale Ferguson Romana Fernandez Jack “Gooch” Ferneau Fortunato Ferraiolo Joe V. Ferraiolo Julia Ferraiolo Julia Ferraiolo Fred and Eleanor Ferrari George “Grandpa” Ferrari Italia “GrandmaTal” Ferrari Donna Ferrera Joe and Mary Ferrero John L. Ferrero John L. Ferrero James “Jim” Arlyn Ferrill Steve Ferry Stephen Nelson Ferry Michael (Grandpa) Fetherlin Mike Fetherlin Michael D. Fetherlin Mike Fetherlin Olivia Fetherlin Edward Field Ed Field Steve Field Steve Field Doris Figone Ray Figone, Sr. Emma and Carmen Filice Emma M. Filipelli Joe L. Filipelli Paula E. Filipelli Ethel Finch Beast and Belle Finck Daniel “Papa” Finck Daniel “Todd” Finck Violet “Mimi” Finck Patricia Fink Bob Finley Mel Finos Mel Finos Mel Finos Honey Fiori Joyce Fiori Modesto Fiori Mary Fischer Merle Fischer Robert Fischer Spec. John Robert Fish III Bob Fisher Brenda Fisher Harold Fisk James E. Fiske (Chubbs) James E. Fiske Heide Fizcere Flaming Hats of Rio Vista Shirley Flaningam Edwin Flato Basil (Buzz) Fleming Brian Keith Fleming James S. Fleming Sr. Esther Flemister Fred & Beverlee Fletcher Jack Flinn Andrea G. Flocchini Andrea G. Flocchini Andrew Flocchini Andrew Flocchini Emanuel Flocchini Emanuel Flocchini Rosina Flocchini Rosina Flocchini Steve Flocchini Steve Flocchini Violet Flolo George and Maralyn Flood Alfredo E. Flores Feliciana O. Flores Juni Flores Lynnette Flores Manuel S. Flores Phillip P. Flores
Donor Name
Rod and Brenna McCleary Tessa Hunter Tiffani Hunter Tristan Hunter Sara Balkwill Ed and Laverne Farr Dorothy Harmon Dorothy Harmon Larry and Joan Barone William Farrell Faye Farris Faye Farris Carmel Breakfield Annette Faszer Annette Faszer Wanda Faught Bobbie Wallinger Pat and Coraleta Rogers Georgette and John Feather Georgette and John Feather Mary Ann Welder Dexter Fedor and Ryan Roberts Grace Fedor Patricia Fehling Karin Van Diemen Mark and Sandra Driscoll Vera Estioco-Felix Eleanor Felix Gloria J. Macey Darlene Hall Don and Sally Felkins Don and Sally Felkins Gerry Henderson Judith Moilanen Robert Fenley Lois Getschow Rosanna Wiebe Linda and Jerome Fernandez Charles and Bonnie Forbes Mary J. Fornaciari Mary J. Fornaciari Mary J. Fornaciari Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Feldman Mrs. Ernestine Null Danelle and Jeff Ferrari Danelle and Jeff Ferrari Mike and Cathy Otte Angie Ferrero Angie Ferrero Susan Ferrero Jeff and Julie Ferrill Joann Phar Pam Laverone Michaela Fetherlin Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Anzaldo Stephanie Fetherlin The Fetherlin’s The Fetherlin’s Carol Roseberry Mrs. Nancy Field Jan and Jay Redding JoAnne Garrett Yolanda Combs Yolanda Combs Mary Laurel Filice Joe Filipelli Joe Filipelli Joe Filipelli James and Lois Finch Danelle and Jeff Ferrari Danelle and Jeff Ferrari Danelle and Jeff Ferrari Danelle and Jeff Ferrari Renee Fink Victor and Trisha Macko Marles Finos Stephen and Nancy Scott Steve Lockard Robert and Vickie Schulz Jack and Delores Fiori Robert and Vickie Schulz Rita Jackson Frieda Fischer Frieda Fischer Harry and Kay Williams George and Margaret Smith Genevieve Galli James and Angela Fisk Joan Fiske Ray and Julie Wetteland Eva Small Julia Mattos Stuart and Robin Combie Doug and Erica Hall Kimberlee Roider Mike and Patricia Cureton Mike and Patricia Cureton Elizabeth Ginn Sharon Mendonca Jay and Linda Hoff Agnes Nieddu Teresa Dini Betty and Joseph Fugazi Jim and Elsie Flocchini Agnes Nieddu Teresa Dini Agnes Nieddu Teresa Dini Betty and Joseph Fugazi Jim and Elsie Flocchini Kenneth Flolo Heidi Flood Adele Rodriguez Isabelita Galvez John and Rosa Solis Fernando Flores Rosemarie and Ralph Moore Herman P. Flores
Hospice of San Joaquin 2011 Tree of Lights Donors’ Recognition Honoree/Memorial Name
Rose Flores Ruby Flores Robert Flory George Floyd Lillie M. Floyd Susie Fluetsch Harold and Chlorrine Flwellen Robert Flynn Tom Flynn Evelyn Fogg Colleen A. Foley Colleen Foley Boyle Colleen A. Foley Harriet (Scotty) Foley Robert Foley, Sr. Bob Foley Anna G. Fong Anna G. Fong Corliss Fong Jeanine Giannini Fonseca Eurico Fontes Rosa Fontes Anne Foote Mary Lou Gouveia Forbes Diane Forcade-Kimbel Carole A. Ford Carole A. Ford Carole A. Ford Donald G. Ford John Ford Virginia Ford Claude E. Fore Michael Foreman Jim Formento Lori Formento Lori Formento Alicia Fornaciari Alicia Fornaciari Felice Fornaciari Gia F. Fornaciari Josephine Fornaciari Josephine Fornaciari Phil Fornaciari Tom Fornaciari Tom Fornaciari Donna Forsch Audrey Foster Cecil Wylie FosterHusband Irma Foster Ivey Foster Jeffrey A. Foster Lee Foster Morton Foster Roy Bob Foster Roy Bob Foster-Son Dr. Don and Iris Fotheringham Eleanor Fountain Robert Fountain Renee Fournier Alasa Fousek-Amo Louise Foutch Carl Fowler Elinor Fowler Elinor Fowler Joan Fowler John M. Fowler Marion J. Fowler Don Fox Don Fox Donald E. Fox Rose Frago Inez E. Fraker Walter Fraker Ann Norris Franchesci Oscar Francis Manny Franco Bill Franz Charles Franzia Charlotte Franzia Ginger Fraser Mary Fraser R. E. Fraser Jack Frates Peter Frati Robert (Bob) Frazier Austin C. Frederick Bill and Rita Frediani Don Freed Donald Freed Kelly Freed Kelly Freed Lillian Freed Allison I. Freeman Allison Irene Freeman Jerry Freeman Gerald Freeman R. C. Freeman Rosemarie Freeman Alfred Freggiaro Alfred Freggiaro Rose A. Freggiaro Rose A. Freggiaro Hazel Frei Frances Freitas Marc Freitas Marc Freitas Marc Freitas Marc Freitas Marc Freitas Hertha French Hertha French Judy French Lemoin L. Frey William and Stella Freymiller John E. Frick Lori Parker Fried
Donor Name
Rosemarie and Ralph Moore Harold and Nancy Flores-Rouse Marty and Lockey Kjelson James and Jackie Floyd Lucile Mason Pat and Mike Fluetsch Joan Ortiz Dan and Kathy Caminata Dan and Kathy Caminata Christina Giannini Josephine Foley Marilyn E. Amaral Tony and Carmen Silva Noeleen J. Tyrrell Josephine Foley Marilyn E. Amaral Momi Fong Thomas Fong Denice U. Flynn Jennifer & Gary Giannini Arlind and Jean Fontes Arlind and Jean Fontes April Hughes Charles &Bonnie Forbes Alisha Bryden George and Marilyn Brown Phillips Farms, LLC. Rose Freggiaro Bob Leonard and Associates Joyce Marks Charles D. Ford Claudette Gaydon Bev and Bob McColl Dolores Formento Mrs. Diana Farano Wanda Pardini Mary J. Fornaciari Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Feldman Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Feldman Glenn and Cheri Burgin Mary J. Fornaciari Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Feldman Mary J. Fornaciari Mary J. Fornaciari Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Feldman Sylvia Minnick Genevieve Galli Mary Foster Alan Foster Alan Foster Mama Dolores Alan Foster Mrs. Joanne Foster Annalies Foster Mary Foster Tom & Janet Thompson Roberta Alvarez Roberta Alvarez Ann Ioppini Robert and Brandie Amo Carol Martinelli Mr. and Mrs. Rudy V. Bilawski Jean Claude and Norma Laterreur Linda Howay Marie Diaz-Benko Elizabeth Soeth Mr. and Mrs. Rudy V. Bilawski Ron Fox Connie Fox Diana Costa Paula M. Frago Darleen Fraker Darleen Fraker Roberta Alexander Oscar and Betty Francis Sissy Felix and Paulie Torlai George and Tresa Lozano George and Tresa Lozano Marlene Fraser Marlene Fraser Marlene Fraser Jim and Mae Hamm Licia Beck Betty Finamore Mary Frederick James and Angela Fisk Mr. & Mrs. Larry Scriven Mr. & Mrs. Larry Scriven Bev and Bob McColl Mr. and Mrs. Troy Wick Mr. & Mrs. Larry Scriven Eugenia Swingle Frank and Claudia Prather Joan L. Kellar Noel & Patti Stetson Joyce Freeman Mary S. Sievers Michael and Diana William and Grace Machado Michael and Diana William and Grace Machado Darci Dolan Edward Freitas Donna Goyette Judy Dodson Koreen Freitas Ray and Lori Moreno Roberta Unger Jim and Pat Easterbrook Judy Neff Floyd and Lace Nordwick Amanda Frey Lorna Dooley Margaret Ireland Wayne & Paulette Parker
Honoree/Memorial Name
Julia Friedle Robert R. Friis Dean Fritz Bea Frost Graham Frost Ken Frost Sr. Kenny Frost Jr. Mary Fruchey Richard Frush “RedHatter” Carol Fuchigami Cecilia Fugazi Louis D. Fugazi Toshimitsu Herbie Fujihara Dick and Mary Fujii Glen Fujii Ben Fujii Melinda Fulfer Rosemary Fulfer Kevin Fulgham Phillip Fultano Viola Fulton Albert Fung Phyllis Fung Jennalyn D. Funiestas Frank Furtado Jim Gabbard Jim Gabbard Claude Gabriel Jeanne Gaea Charles Gaff Elayne Gagne Bobby Gagnon Robert “Bobby” Gagnon Bobby Gagnon Genie Gagnon “Mom” Rose and Caesar Gaia Ceasar L. Gaia Altha Gaines Altha Gaines Joe Gaines Priscilla Galela Ramon Galela, Sr. Martin Galindo Virginia Galindo Floyd Gall Alberta “Dee Dee” Gallagher Helen Gallagher James Gallagher Virginia Gallagher Judy Gallaty Harold Gallaway Michael Gallaway Sheila Gallaway Andrew (Pops) Gallegos Pearl (Mema) Gallegos Rich Galletta James A. Galli James A. Galli Marie Galligan Danny M. Gallo Ms. Jeanette Galvan Francisco C. Galvez Susie Galvez Nick Galvez, Jr. Linda Galvin Frederic Gamboni Refugio Gamino Hui Gao Xue Yi Gao Frank Garavano Frank and Irene Garavano Frank Garavano Frank Garavano Irene S. Garavano Anthony Garcia Anthony M. Garcia Chris Garcia Donald H. Garcia Elsie Garcia Helen Garcia
Donor Name
Honoree/Memorial Name
Donor Name
Florence Hernandez Alan and Brenda Friis Virginia Daniels Mr. and Mrs. Harry Olson Linda Halligan Mr. and Mrs. Harry Olson Mr. and Mrs. Harry Olson John and Edna Fruchey Wendy and Gary Frush Patty Slauson
Joe Garcia Richard Garcia Soledad Garcia Irene Gardiner Lester Gardiner Edward Gardner June Gardner Lani M. Gardner Mikah Gardner Pete Garfolo Jeri Garibaldi Lema and John Garibaldi Mary and John Garibaldi Robert Garibaldi Bob Garner
Helen and Frank Alegre Bobbi Pierce Kelli Page Betsy J. Gardiner Betsy J. Gardiner Geraldine Devincenzi Frances Gillespie Grace Fedor Nancy Rausch Rosalie Gates Bob and Lysa Neitzke Janice and Larry Cooper Tom and Bev Maragliano Al and Teresa Garibaldi Lyle and Deborah Brockney Nick and Penny Meyers Lyle and Deborah Brockney Nita Powell The Gordon T & Melissa A. Egan Family Foundation Phyllis Garsino Sharon Amestoy Durlynn Garten Kathy Stiner Janis and Ron Nichols Lauren D. Michel Alexandra Gass Diana Flynn Diana Flynn Demy Gatan Christy Reinold Mary McCleary William and Judith Kenney William and Judith Kenney Mills Family Vivian M. Gay Adeja Hice Adeja Hice Joan S. Inge Alicia Gaytan Steve and Delayn Gehman Ken and Gayle Riley Cindy Geigle and Family Mrs. Mary Geil Anita Baker Terry and David Parker Ida Geist Richard and Carla Hiatt Sharon L. Bearg Tom and Lynelle Williams Cheryl Genecco Jim and Linda Nylen Frank and Josephine Silva Elayne Costa Ms. Katherine Mayse Chris and Dennis Olin Peter and Judith Tirapelle Audrey George Greg and Shelley Burcham Janet Wilson Patrick and Donna Smith Robert and Margot Jensen Tony and Adrienne Bertolucci Tony and Adrienne Bertolucci Cameron and Kelli Buck Norman and Betty Shannon-Gesler Elizabeth Lynch Renzo and Evelyn Menconi Glenda Ghio Louise Della Santa Richard and Janet Ghio Glenda Ghio Richard and Janet Ghio Albert and Susan Ghio Renzo and Evelyn Menconi Megan Dyk Felix and Paulie Torlai Frances Voyer Kathy Lynch Lois Giambastiani Lena Giambruno
Betty and Joseph Fugazi Betty and Joseph Fugazi Cally Anagnos David, Stephanie and Miya Cheng Kay Fujii Kay Fujii Linda Tremble Linda Tremble Diane Hartley Kathy Fultano Jerry and Nancy Golz Judge and Mrs. Frank Kim Judge and Mrs. Frank Kim Mr. & Mrs. Gregory W Gibson Carolyn Mora Greg and Pat Delucchi Sharon De Cicco Claudette Gaydon Margaret Mallett Wayne and Margaret Castle Lucille Chaffin Krista Hamby Robert and Lana King Vicki Braun Robert and Lana King Frances Gaia Frances Gaia Mike Gaines Rob and Reba Gaines Rob and Reba Gaines Ramon and Elvira Galela Ramon and Elvira Galela Ronnie and Kathleen Galindo Ronnie and Kathleen Galindo Ada Gall Patrick Gallagher Don and Sharon Hathaway Mary Gallagher Rev. Braxton and Marge Combs Lisa Garcia Dorothy Gallaway Dorothy Gallaway Dorothy Gallaway Katrina Jazulin Katrina Jazulin Lynne Galletta Bernard Gray Genevieve Galli Andrew Galligan Jack and Delores Fiori Ms. Hazel H. Lewis Isabelita Galvez Eve Galvez Eve Galvez Reid and Julie Van Noate Rae Charos Diane Stewart Ms. Li Tony Gao Chuck and Jonnie Sullivan James and Dorothy Podesta Rich and Joanne Waters Thelma Stewart Thelma Stewart Bobbi Pierce Ms. Katherine Mayse Bobbi Pierce Karen Bongi Karen Bongi Bobbi Pierce
Joshua Garner Viva Garner Thomas Garrett Emily Garrigan Joseph Garsino Joe Garsino Vernon Garten Joseph Garvey Judy Garza Judith Ann Garza James Monroe Gass Gene Gaston Ruth Gaston Milagros A. Gatan Cathy Gates Ruth Gatto Raymond Gauss Richard T. Gauss, Sr Harry Gay Harry A. Gay Leo Gayles, Jr. Mary Lou Gayles P.J. Gayles Alicia G. Gaytan Betty Gehman Carl Geib Richard Geigle Shirley Geil Jean Geimer Jean Geimer David Geist D. Tara Geiszler D. Tara Geiszler Leonard Geiszler Joseph Genecco Peter J. Genova Hilary Gentry Hilda Gentry Bobbi George Dan George Danny George Katy George Laura George Terry Bibler-George Joe and Millie Germino Anna Gerrity Benjamin Gersoni Henrietta J. Gersoni Patricia A. Gesler Patricia A. Haley Gesler Herbert Gevedon Annie Ghio Delia Ghio Delia Ghio Delia Ghio Henry Ghio Henry Ghio Joseph and Angela Ghio Joseph D. Ghio Clint Giacomini John Giambastiani John Giambastiani John Giambastiani John Giambastiani Albert Giambruno
Honoree/Memorial Name
Inez J. Giambruno Richard A. Giambruno Albert Gianelli Margaret Gianelli Ben and Nell Giannecchini Carlo Giannecchini Eddie Giannecchini Anita Giannini Armando and Anita Giannini Armando Giannini Arthur Giannini Bruno A. Giannini Emilie Giannini Rudy & Connie Giannini Rudy & Connie Giannini (Mom & Dad) Rudy &Connie Giannini Rudy Giannini Rudy & Connie Giannini Sirio Giannini Connie Giannini Connie Giannini-Turner Connie Giannini-Turner Connie Giannini Connie Giannini-Turner Connie Giannini Colleen Ann GianniniTurner Colleen A. Giannini Connie Turner Connie Giannini Burt Gibbons Joan Giboney Gene Gibson Frederick N. Gibson Garrett R. Gibson Mark Gibson Bertha Gienger Betty Gienger Clarence Gilbeau Donald M. Gilbeau Jim Gilbeau Mary Gilbeau Rita Mary Gilbeau Rita M. Gilbeau Carlton Gilbert Sr Harmon Gilbow Lauren Gile Barbara Gilgert Earl Gilgert Damon Pombo and Jim Gillen Members of the Gillen Family Your son, Bobby and your parents, Bob and June Gillespie Lorraine Gillespie Paul Gillespie Paul A. Gillespie Paul Gillespie Cleo M. Gilliland Darnell Margaret Gillinger Liz Gini Elizabeth M. Gini Lisa Dianne Gini Lisa Gini Joseph J. Giometti Jo Giometti Gene Giordano Gene Giordano Betty Giorgi Albino Giovando Albino and Mary Giovando
Donor Name
Lena Giambruno Lena Giambruno Norman and Esther Foster Norman and Esther Foster Yolanda and Ivan Hamlow Yolanda and Ivan Hamlow Yolanda and Ivan Hamlow Jennifer and Gary Giannini James and Angela Fisk Jennifer and Gary Giannini Ms. Noris Bohannon Ms. Noris Bohannon Ms. Noris Bohannon Ann Allyn Christina Giannini Jannie, Julia and Jovie Ford Ms. Noris Bohannon Peter and Marsha Romero Flora Giannini Al and Marilyn Warnock Carrie Lane First Spousal Group, August 2010 Gail, Dennis & Trisha Johnson Geoff and Lori Ann Galtere Hanna Kessler Ms. Christina Fugazi Ms. Noris Bohannon Peter and Jeanne Lenz Peter and Marsha Romero Jeanette Farley Richard Giboney Joanne Gibson Marilyn J. Gibson Mr. & Mrs. Gregory W Gibson Dave and Pam Dias Russell and Mabel Martin Christine Ballard Susan and Bob North Donald R. Gilbeau Susan and Bob North Susan and Bob North Donald R. Gilbeau Jeanette R. Corder Susie and Carlton Donald Ruhstaller Nick and Penny Meyers Laurence and Joanna Ashlock Laurence and Joanna Ashlock DMP Properties, LLC Mary Gillen Tom Long & Linda Castanon-Long Frances Gillespie Connie Parsons Mrs. Emileine Gillespie Theda Reynon Jaquilyn & Jack Gilliland Alexa Cameron Genevieve Galli Robert Gini Eugene and Dianne Gini Eugene and Dianne Gini - Collins Electrical Company, Inc Josephine Giometti Isela Ruiz Lawrence Lois Giordano Scott, Renee, Andrew & Sarah Grafius Patti and Mike Schneider Gail Marganelli Nadine Giovando
Barbara Richards Continues from Cover years. In her last year, Barbara was caring for two: Barney — a large ‘mixed’ breed with a loud bark and gentle personality; and Raven— a schipperke. The two friends also shared an unusually thoughtful and generous commitment to charity – they searched for those agencies that make a difference by providing tangible services. Among the agencies they supported were some which provide services for abandoned and abused animals; as well as, other agencies that care for people. Hospice of San Joaquin was one of the fortunate agencies that received strong support from Barbara Richards. Following her continuous support over the years, both women made substantial gifts to Hospice of San Joaquin’s Hospice House Building Campaign. When Marianne Carlson passed away in May 2006 she named Hospice of San Joaquin as a beneficiary in her will. When the time arrived for Barbara Richards, she made her own bequest in her will to Hospice of San Joaquin. At that time, Executive Director Barbara Tognoli was inspired to recognize their combined gifts —Tognoli knew both women well
Plaque at Hospice of San Joaquin’s Hospice House Garden dedicated to “Friends & Sisters” — inspired by Barbara Richards and Marianne Carlson
and named them sponsors of the Garden of the Hospice House with a plaque in the gardens which reads “Dedicated to Friends & Sisters, Marianne Carlson & Barbara Richards.” Barbara Richards always avoided the limelight –No photos– but she accepted the garden dedication as tribute to her friendship. During her last years, Barbara Richards also
took the opportunity to express her intent to remember Hospice of San Joaquin in her will. Barbara’s memory is honored in the Hospice Gardens, and her nameplate is included on the perpetual Legacy League plaque. Hospice of San Joaquin salutes this compassionate and generous friend, for her many, many years of compassionate service and support.
Hospice of San Joaquin 2011 Tree of Lights Donors’ Recognition Honoree/Memorial Name
George Giovando George Giovando George Giovando George Giovando George Giovando George Giovando Mary Giovando Leno S. Giovannetti Adolph & Teeny Giovannoni Adolph Giovannoni Eileen Toolan Giovannoni Emma Giovannoni Ernestine Giovannoni Eugene Giovannoni Jr. Eva and Lado Giovannoni Flora Giovannoni Teeny and Dolphie Giovannoni Helen Giovenetti Tom Gipson Louis John Girardi Lou Girardi Gordon R. Gittere Dan Given Phyllis Given Patricia Givens Leonard Glass, Jr. Sharon Glass Kety Glavinic Ljubo Glavinic Nancy Gleason Flora Glenday Lewis Glenday Karleen V. Glover Nellie Goehring Otto Goehring Armando Gogna Armando Gogna Elva Gogna Elva Gogna Johanna Gogna Joe Gogna Lodovico Gogna Mary Gogna Al and Selma Gold Dotty Golden Margaret Golden Noreen Golden Robin Golding Arlen Goldsmith Blanche and Martin Gollop Marjorie Golz Frank P. Gomes Frank P. Gomes Monet Gomes Monet Gomes E. Monett Gomes Olympia Gomes Vernon Gomes Gloria Gomez Julian Gomez Kem Gong Jeff Gonsalez Amelia Gonsalves Frank Gonsalves, Sr. John Gonsalves Wayne R. Gonsalves Adam Gonzales Anthony and Rose Gonzales Antonio Gonzales Mary Gonzales Mary H. Gonzales Nancy E. Gonzales Nancy E. Gonzales Stella Gonzales George A. Gonzalez Isaura Gonzalez Jack Ferneau Gooch Jack Good Carol Goodell William (Bill) Goodman JoElla Goodwin Josh Goonan Josh Goonan Kortney Blythe Gordon Kortney Blythe Gordon Kortney Blythe Gordon Kortney & Sophy Gordon Roy Lee and Lorene Edith Gordon Frank Gorham Olive Gorham Kenneth E. Gorley John Gorman Shirley Gorman James R. Gorospe Donna Gorton Mike Gosnell Ruby Goth Ted Goth Ted Gotte Caecilie Gottschalk Shirley Gottschalk Izilda Goulart Izilda Goulart Joe & Carmen Goularte Herb Goularte, Jr. Richard G. Goyette Richard G. Goyette Richard G. Goyette Herman Grabow John Graef Louise Graffigna Ralph Graffigna Nellie Graffis Bernard Grafius Hypatia Grafius David Graham-Costain Edgar Graham Elaine Graham Donald L. Gramm Linda Grand Valerie Grandstaff
Donor Name
Debra A. Lawson Donnie Hernandez Felix and Paulie Torlai Gail Marganelli Joanne Sueyres Nadine Giovando Gail Marganelli Tillie Giovannetti Cindy and Patrick Piccardo Nick and Penny Meyers Gene Giovannoni, Sr. Gene Giovannoni, Sr. Nick and Penny Meyers Gene Giovannoni, Sr. Doris and Alvin Cortopassi Gene Giovannoni, Sr. Janice and Larry Cooper Mr. & Mrs. Larry Scriven Sandy Maslen Elena Girardi Susan R. Livesey Joy Gittere Lino and Linda Giovacchini Lino and Linda Giovacchini Dorinda and Walt Givens Your Loving Family Your Loving Family Stefanie and Ted Leland Stefanie and Ted Leland Carrie Lane Alexa Cameron Alexa Cameron Mark and Mary Glover Diane and Art Allen Marilyn Goehring Diana and Alex Krueger Theresa Randolph Ernest Gogna Gary and Diane Musto Diana and Alex Krueger John and Marge Basalto Theresa Randolph Theresa Randolph June H. Peek Patti Gomes Yvonne Brown Noreen Tighe Bertha Golding Jean Goldsmith Jeannette GollopSaporito Jerry and Nancy Golz Gene and Carolyn Gomes Mrs. Evelyn T. Gomes Helen and Frank Alegre James and Shirley Lira The Maria Family Monica, Rosie and Makayla Mrs. Ann O’Connell Mrs. Ann O’Connell Steven and Christina Cordone Steven and Christina Cordone Wanda Pardini Alice Smith Ms. Darlene Luis Helen and Frank Alegre Helen and Frank Alegre Gloriana Gonsalves Lenore Uyeda Greg and Phyllis Kiester Tony and Bellarine Gonzales Century 21 M&M Associates Tony and Bellarine Gonzales Keven and Kelly Steiger Michael Gonzales Lori Foster Louise Gonzalez Salvador Cazares Sara Balkwill Helen Willis Charles Goodell Karen Olson Judy Goodwin Laury Farros and Joseph Curtis Nick and Jessie Farros Chet and Renee O’Brien Florene and Dick Mesa Patti and Kent Yep Shirley Hamilton Dennis R. Gordon Cal-Sierra Pipe, Inc. Cal-Sierra Pipe, Inc. Evelyn L. Gorley James and Kay Nicholas James and Kay Nicholas Susan, Sarah and James Gorospe Marcia Cook Lanette C. Snow Susan Schmiedt Susan Schmiedt Bob and Lynne Hargis Herbert Gottschalk Herbert Gottschalk Jeremy Goulart Manuel Goulart Herb and Kathy Goularte Herb and Kathy Goularte Carole J. Huber Cathy Drake Donna Goyette Richard and Janet Wanner Veva Graef Marilyn Graffigna Marilyn Graffigna Dorothy Broin Mrs. Janet C. Grafius Mrs. Janet C. Grafius Patricia Graham Fred Selin Bruce and Sheryl Yates Linda Gramm Caryl Toth & Family Dolores and Herman Haase
Honoree/Memorial Name
Philip Granicy Wayne Grannemann Albina Granson Eunice Grant Gerald R. Grant Robert Grant Shurli Grant Adolph Grasshorn Marta A. Grasshorn Genie Gravem Nola Gravish Donell Gray Donna Gray Francine Gray John Gray Lavenna Gray Lelia Gray Millie Gray (Mother) Robert J. Gray (Father) Walter G. Gray Larry Gebil, Jr. Larry Grebil, Sr. Barbara T. Green Julia & Jim Green Paddy Lynn Green Paddy Lynn Green Paddy Lynn Green Paddy Lynn Green Paddy L. Green Dave Greene Ronald John Green Chilton H. Greenwood Joyce Greer Debbie Greg Frances Gregorio Warren R. Gregory Mary Greiner Mary Grenz Mary Grenz Dr. G. Grewal Darrell Griek Geraldine Griffin La Doska Griffin Robert L. Griffin Robert L. Griffin Ruth Griffin Irene T. Griffith Larry Griffith Thomas Griffith Jowell Griggs Jowell Griggs Bea Grimm Ben F. Grimshaw Sam Grimsley Charlie Grippaldi Charlie Grippaldi Grandma Grisham Tom Grogan Earleen Gronroos-Cox Frances Groom Frances Groom Irene D. Gross Irene Gross Evelyn Grotemeyer Wilbur B. Grove Bruce Grunow Douglas Grunow Ed Grunow Jennie Guadagnolo Ray Guadagnolo Mike Guarnotta Marilyn Guasco Anthony G. Guerrero Anthony J. Guerrero Beatrice Guerrette Mingo Guerrini Mingo Guerrini Mingo Guerrini Mingo Guerrini The Gugenheim Family Carole Guidera David Guidi Larry Guidi
Donor Name
Steve and Delayn Gehman Financial Decisions Lori Armstrong Jerome Cutter Dennis Sorensen Rose Grant Patricia Richards Margret Rose Margret Rose Joyce E. Johnston Cathy and Jeff Gravish Diane Gray Bernard Gray Diane Gray Tom Long & Linda Castanon-Long Kathy Lynette Rachal Robert J. Gray Robert J. Gray Diane Gray Bruce and Linda Dodge Bruce and Linda Dodge Russ and Mitzi Shepherd Florence Hernandez Davan and Ani Green Mr. and Mrs. Duane Jenkins (Mother and Father) Katherine GalindoSister Mother Mae Jenkins Sandra Martin Robert and Jean Phillips Mary Frederick June Greenwood Tillie Rallios Frank Zawilla Ed and Laverne Farr Barbara Gregory Susan Caulfield Archie and Leonora Grenz Darlene Fuso Ralph Hayes & Son, Inc. Kimberlee Roider Shirley Nies Frank and Patti Griffin Century 21 Social Club Mary Coker Frank and Patti Griffin Ron and Marti Inouye Betty Daniels Betty Daniels Doris Ludwigsen Gloria Nomura Irene James JoAnne and Richard Tibbedeaux Ron Martens Bill and Nadine Coleman Sharon and Maxim Grippaldi Lee and Michelle Bethea Ron and Judy Borcherding Henry and Joyce Gronroos Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Selman Tom and Terry Machado Darlene and Dewey Hines Tracy Lee May Bill Grotemeyer Ralph and Linda Yasin Henry & JoAnne Talbot Henry & JoAnne Talbot Henry & JoAnne Talbot Paul and Stephanie Bestolarides Paul and Stephanie Bestolarides Russ and Mitzi Shepherd Marie and Stephen Guasco Laura Guerrero Laura Guerrero Kirk Stangeland Elena Girardi Florence Hernandez Robert and Mary Ellen Lopez Stephanie Celli Marta Whiteside Gale R. Choffin Bill and Meredith McCormack Dennis Jimenez
Students from Galt Christian School Chime Choir during the lighting ceremony on Saturday, December 3, 2011 Honoree/Memorial Name
Ellen Guilfoyle Ellen Guilfoyle Ellen Guilfoyle Jean Guiliani Sandy Gulden Sandy Gulden Sandra Gulden Carmela Gulino James Gulino David Gumaer Cathy Gunderson Cathy Gunderson Gladys Gunderson Ray & Gladys Gunderson Ray Gunderson Gladys Gunishaw Joseph Gunter Andy Amadio GuRule Charlotte Gustafson Clorinda Gustafson Connie Guth Sarah Guth Anna Guthmiller Alfred Gutierrez Betty Gutierrez Frank V. Gutierrez your husband, Joe Gutierrez Lupe A. Gutierrez Mary Castanon Gutierrez Mary Gutierrez Your wife Mary Castanon Gutierrez and daughter Theresa Gutierrez Guizar Frank A. Gutierrez Harry Guzman Harry Guzman Harry (Grandpa) Guzman Harry Guzman Harry Guzman Ignacio Z. Guzman Lante “Buggs” Guzman, Jr. Lante Guzman, Sr. Vivian Haack Vivian Haack Vivian Haack Vivian Haack Casey & Becca Haase Helene Haase Jeff Haase Marie Haase Sarah Haase Owen C. Hagan Halden Hagans Bud Hagans Ervin & Myrtle Hageness William Hagicos Ruth Hagicos Charles Haight
Donor Name
Dave and Kathleen Melendrez Helen Salisbury John W. Guilfoyle Stanley Guiliani Cathy Drake Ginger and Todd Manss Jack Gulden Connie Farago Connie Farago Elaine Gumaer Carl & Michele Manitta Don and Arlene Potter Don and Arlene Potter Carl & Michele Manitta Don and Arlene Potter Sharon Gunishaw Shari Houser Noemi Gurule Norma Steyaert Richard and Mattie Lou Ratliff Sarah Azevedo Sarah Azevedo Ed Clark Al & Jennifer Gutierrez Joe and Pat Lemos Cecilia G. Alvarez Tom Long & Linda Castanon-Long Cecilia G. Alvarez Cecilia G. Alvarez Richard & Pamela Yescas Tom Long & Linda Castanon-Long Cecilia G. Alvarez Kathy Guzman Ken and Barbara Bohi Michaela Fetherlin Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Anzaldo The Fetherlin’s Dolores Guzman Jerry and Linda Rose Jerry and Linda Rose Joe and Janet Precissi Kathy L. Barton Rev. Braxton and Marge Combs Ron and Gayle Eutsler Dolores and Herman Haase Glenn and Cheri Burgin Dolores and Herman Haase Glenn and Cheri Burgin Dolores and Herman Haase Dave and Pam Dias Barbara Hagans Holly Renfro Bill and Audrey Churchill Ronnie and Kathleen Galindo Ronnie and Kathleen Galindo Donna Haight and Ron
Michael Gilpin, prepares to turn on the switch to light-up the Rio Vista Tree ofLights. Michael Gilpin was accompanied by friends and caregivers of their family friend, the late Martin Keeler: Mari and Jeff Gilpin, Kendra, Sydney, Michael, Jennifer and Tim.
Honoree/Memorial Name
Jeanne L. Hailey Virginia Boyd Hale Jean Haley Christine Louise Haley Paul W. Haley Ted Halkyard Angie (Gribaudo) Hall Barry Hall Clair E. Hall Connor Hall Connor Hall Kevin Hall Liz Hall Marge Hall Sam Hall Willie L. Hall Lydia Halliday Wayne Halliday Glen Halligan Glen Halligan James Halverson Martin Halvorsen Nancy L. Hamblin Carol Hamilton Tom Hamilton Thomas B. Hamilton Margery Hamlet Earl and Edith Hamlow Yolanda and Ivan Hamlow Virginia Hammett Richard Hammon Ann Hammond Essie Hammonds Art Hampton Jerry Hamrick Ruth Hamrick Ruth Hamrick Teresa A. Hanagan Teresa A. Hanagan Teresa A. Hanagan Aryanna Handcock Barbara Handel Diane Handel Robert G. Handel Elsie Haney Clem Hanrahan Great Grandma Hansen Great Grandpa “Earl” Hansen Joel R. Hanson William Hao Jim K. Harada James David Harbin, Sr Bill Hardcastle Jerry Harden Glynn Hardy Lula Hardy Musetta Hardy W. J. Hardy Bob and Dorothy Hargis Stan and Thelma Harkness Ludwig Harlander John Harmon John Harmon Juanita Harmon Lester Harmon Hildegarde C. Harmsen Mary Haro Onecimo Haro Angie Harper Cheryl Harper Ruth Harper Vincent Thomas Egan Harper Bill Harper Herb Harreld Linda Harreld Luther Harrell, Sr. Luther Harrell Frank S. Harrigan Cliffe Harriman Clifford Harrington Jean Harrington Robert L. Harrington Robert L. Harrington Alice Harris Arthur O. Harris Diane M. Harris Helen C. Harris Kenneth Harris Louis C. Harris Maria Harris Al Harrison Bill Harrison
Donor Name
Hansen Gary and Barbara Wilfong West Wind Mobile Home Park, Inc. Dorothy Gallaway Steven Haley Rusty Haley Jane Halkyard Galen and Darlene Gribaudo Nick and Penny Meyers Galen and Darlene Gribaudo Nick and Penny Meyers Noel & Patti Stetson Patricia Blosser Gregory and Rhonda Olvera Trinity Lutheran Ladies Guild Doug and Erica Hall Anita Hall Don and Janet Johnson Don and Janet Johnson Anne Marsella Linda Halligan Virginia Wagers Joyce Halvorsen Anita Rossi Sue Brownfield Chet and Renee O’Brien Shirley Hamilton Harry and Kay Williams Yolanda and Ivan Hamlow Mrs. Bertha Speegle Carol Hammett Leonard and Wilma Wolfe Alden P. Hammond Your Loving Family Irene Hampton Mary Rede Loren and Kathye Sheridan Mary Rede Dr. and Mrs. Paul A. Waters Jennifer and Gary Giannini Kathleen Equinoa Robert Fenley Richard and Marjorie Handel Randall and Karen Harrison Richard and Marjorie Handel Mike and Margie Haney Diane Pelletier Lee and Michelle Bethea Lee and Michelle Bethea Reid and Julie Van Noate Elizabeth Hao Michael and Korinne Ponder Mike and Patricia Cureton Vonda Hardcastle Katherine Harden Harry and Kay Williams Nadyne Sessions Harry and Kay Williams Nadyne Sessions Bob and Lynne Hargis Stan and Maurine Harkness Irma Stark Dorothy Harmon Jan and Jay Redding Bob and Sherry Harmon Bob and Sherry Harmon Kevin and Sandra Lewis Helen Haro Helen Haro Bonnie Jones Nera Harper Madres Del Camino The Gordon T & Melissa A. Egan Family Foundation Nera Harper Linda Wilbur Linda Wilbur Constance Harrell Sue Brownfield Richard K Le Grande Pamela J. Fagundes Lana Stone Lana Stone Jo Ann Harrington Rebecca Brownfield Bruce and Deborah Bentz Betty Campora David Harris Betty Campora Mr. Thomas Alexander Emily Harris Juan and Felicia Harris & Families Pat and Mike Fluetsch Yolanda and Ivan
Hospice of San Joaquin 2011 Tree of Lights Donors’ Recognition Honoree/Memorial Name
Lois Harrison Barbara Harry Arthur Hartgraves David Hartley Jim Hartley Bob Hartman Katie Hart-Soria Hans J. Hartwig Jay’s Mum - Josephine Hartz Eugene & Naomi Hartzler Betty Harvey Keith Harvey Patricia Harvey Betty Engel Hasart Ed Hasart Edwin G. Hasart Jewell Haskins Ann Hassler Vic Hassler Lee Hasty-Dagan Charlotte Baldwin Hatch Jo Ann Hatley Jo Ann Hatley Helen Hatt Dick Hawkins Kimberlee Hawkins Martha Hawkins Charles Hawley Gerald H. Hawley Dolly Hayes Edna Hayes Dr. Ivan M. “Buddy” Hayes Ivan M. Hayes Pilar Hayes Ralph Hayes Dennis Haynie Bea Hays Debra Hazelet Peggy Jean Hazlip Peggy Hazlip Linda Ann Head James Healey Clarence “Hank” Healy Hank Healy Ralph Heard Becky Heard Rebecca L. Heard Rebecca L. Heard Ronald Heath Bud Heckman Loretta Heckman J. Wilson and Evelyn Heefner Marjorie Heer Margie Heer Victor and Minnie Heer Don R. Hegg Don Robert Hegg Harlan Hegre Cora Hegwer Cora Hegwer Mike Heidinger Catherine Heighes Leah Heighes Robert F. Heiman Agnes Hein Walter & Mildred Heine James Heinitz Ken & Mae Heinitz Milton and Katherine Heino Jim Heinz Dan Heinze Albert Heiser Laura B. Heiser Melvin Heiser Roberta Heiser Jody Helmer Vicic Helmholtz Blackie Henderson Bonnie Henderson Don Henderson Doris Henderson George Henderson George Henderson George Henderson James Henderson Velma Henderson Viola I. Henderson William Henderson Madeline Hendricks Pastor Glenn Henrichs Johnnie “Granny” Henry J.D. Hensley Vernon Hensley Chastine Henson Jim Henson Orlan Henson Aunt Millie Uncle Paul Marilyn Herberger Mr. Arthur Herbert Betty Herenick- Mom Betty Herenick “RedHatter” Terry Herink Al and Emogene Herman Clarence Hermance Clarence Hermance Ruth Hermance William Hermance Nancy Hern - Mother
Donor Name
Hamlow Helen Harrison Diane Pelletier Dr. Wyman Chan Frieda Hartley Diane Hartley Sandra McPherson Bryan Soria & Pete Soria Alice Hartwig Jay and Peggy Hartz Thomas & Neva Kennelly Arline G. Drais Thomasina Harvey Vernon Claeys Janice and Larry Cooper Cindy and Patrick Piccardo Janice and Larry Cooper Helen Bennett Chris and Dennis Olin Chris and Dennis Olin Frank and Janet Guilelmino John and Elaine Sandman Brock and Ginger Hatley Norman Hatley Marcia Cook Jennifer and Jim Hawkins Susan Moon Anice and Eugene Morris, Jr. Mrs. Arline Hawley Randy and Rosemary Hawley Ralph Hayes & Son, Inc. Ralph Hayes & Son, Inc. Dr. Shawn and Cindy Hayes Judy Hayes Barbara E. Bess Ralph Hayes & Son, Inc. Kathryn Haynie Cathy McAlister Gloria Brosnikoff Jerry Ann Randall Mrs. Mary Geil Joe and Grace Head Christe May Frances Voyer Louise and Rick Northcutt Dan Heard Dameron Hospital Utilization/Care Management Dan Heard Noel & Patti Stetson Judy Crosby The Gordon T & Melissa A. Egan Family Foundation The Gordon T & Melissa A. Egan Family Foundation Wilson and Patricia Heefner Collette Treiber Crissy and Bill Corell Suzanne Heer Connie Fox Diana Costa Marilyn Bott Fernando Ruiz, Jr. Gloria Maes Esther Sowers Catherine Heighes Catherine Heighes Ms. Janet C. Heiman Janice Jones Gail and Dennis Johnson Rinehart and Marilyn Heinitz Jim and Carole Kiefer Frank and Alice Indelicato Jennifer and Gary Giannini Leila and Ernest Heinze Jeff and Linda Heiser Andrew and Elizabeth Erdman Vernon and Yvonne Lucchetti Vernon and Yvonne Lucchetti Stephen and Julie Hellmer Frank and Patti Griffin Kendra Cardiasmenos and P.J. Cardiasmenos Eleanor Stafford Kendra Cardiasmenos and P.J. Cardiasmenos Kendra Cardiasmenos and P.J. Cardiasmenos David Ayers and Lisa Wallace Kendra Cardiasmenos and P.J. Cardiasmenos Wanda Henderson Lynne Austin Barbara J. Jones Christy Henderson Carol Henderson Linda Hendricks Richard and Sylvia Turner Jerry and Linda Rose Joseph and Russtine Shephard Joseph and Russtine Shephard Sue Carey Sue Carey Sue Carey 5 H20+ 5 H20+ 5 H20+ Prof & Mrs. Ted Takaya Carol Ghio Ellen Romano Patty Slauson Gloria Nomura Doris Moore Yolanda and Ivan Hamlow Doris Moore Doris Moore Shirley Alvas
Honoree/Memorial Name
Ava Hernandez Beatrice Hernandez Beatrice Hernandez Guadalupe Hernandez Irma Hernandez Jack Hernandez Joe Hernandez Larry Hernandez Larry Hernandez Larry Hernandez Laura Hernandez Lawrence Hernandez Mary R. Hernandez Mary Ruth Hernandez Mary Ruth Hernandez Mary Ruth Hernandez Mary Ruth Hernandez Mary Ruth Hernandez Mary Ruth Hernandez Mary Ruth Hernandez Michael A. Hernandez Michael A. Hernandez Michael A. Hernandez Myrna Hernandez Deciderio Herrera, Sr. Deciderio Herrera Felipe Herrera Johnito Herrera Georgia Herring Bill Hershman Betty Hershman-Casler Rebecca A. Hersom Norman Herzog Carole Heston Clive E. Hewett John Hiatt Patty & Terry Hickey Lucy Hickinbothom Bud Hieb Leroy Hieb Thelma Hieb Barbara Hiers Bill & Frances Higginbottom Alice Hightower William Alfred Hightower William Robert Hightower Reuben & Marlys Hildenbrand Edward Hill Ingrid H. Hill Ingrid H. Hill Kenneth F. Hill Gloria Hilliard Gloria Hilliard Gloria Hilliard Lester Hillman Dominique Hillmer Barry L. Himes, Sr. Debra Himes Dave Hines Helen Hinkley Emil Hinojosa Emil Hinojosa Lydia Hinojosa Ralph Hinojosa Tony Hinojosa Tony Hinojosa Tyler Hinton George Hintz Virgina Hintz Rose Hipfner Peggy’s Parents - Mr and Mrs . Roy Price Hipsley Peggy’s Beloved Grammy - Vivian G. Hipsley Karen Hirata Lori Hirata Mark Hirtzel Shirley Hiser Grandmother Hitner Linda Hitner James K. Hitt Susan Hitt Susan Hitt Lester N. Hixson Beverly Hoag John Hobbs Emile G. Hobeika Georges E. Hobeika Julia A. Hobeika Ethel Hobson Ada Hodges Terri and Stub Hoellwarth Henry Hoff Jon Hoff Robert Hofferber Aaron Hoffman Barbara L. Hoffman Charles Hoffman Dutch Hoffman Jake and Jean Hoffman Leona Hoffman Dan Hogan Bill Holappa Catherine Holbrook Kay Holbrook Dan L. Holcomb Don W. Holcomb John R. Holcomb Lee J. Holcomb Janet I. Holden Janet I. Holden Warner Holden Angel Holguin
Donor Name
Pat Reeder Linda and Jerome Fernandez Tony Hernandez Shirley Hernandez &Bob Manuel and Donna Revillar Florence Hernandez Jeanette HinajosaBolosan Donnie Hernandez Florence Hernandez Wayne and Joanne Hernandez Carmen J. Costa Clifford Marshall Jim and Linda Nylen Beatrice Palacios Bernadette Fernando Hernandez Katy Ken and April Palacios Lucy Geear Michael Boone Community Christian Church Michelle Bowling Steven and Jean Tarbell Marion and Dan Flores Eufemia Herrera Judy Winkler Corine Herrera Eufemia Herrera Christine HerringJohnson Pamela Wood Pamela Wood Walter Hersom Mark and Mary Glover Frank and Carol Whittaker Sylvia Evans Sue Carey Cindy and Patrick Piccardo Lyle and Deborah Brockney Mrs. Darlene Hieb Mark and Louise Woehl Mark and Louise Woehl Grace Bull Harlan and Cheryl Sutton Beverly Hightower Beverly Hightower Beverly Hightower Dex and Sharon Vollbrecht Janica Coen David Ingles John W. Williamson Byron Barclay Gloria Hilliard Inez Kiriu Virginia Valdez Shirley Starling Don and Sharon Hathaway Margaret and Donna Margaret and Donna Cathie Hines Pat Caccamo Jose and Marie Marroquin Margaret Kalai Margaret Kalai Margaret Kalai Jose and Marie Marroquin Virginia Hinojosa Gina Hinton Milton and Ann Ziemann Milton and Ann Ziemann Myron M. Rall Jay and Peggy Hartz Jay and Peggy Hartz Larry & Andrea Violett Joan S. Inge Bruce and Linda Dodge Robert Hiser David and Maryann Lenci David and Maryann Lenci Alan Hitt Alan Hitt Robert and Mary Irwin David and Gail Hixson Daniel Hoag Mabel Hobbs Georgette and John Feather Georgette and John Feather Georgette and John Feather Beverly Hightower Fran Duren Toni and George Jaquith Jay and Linda Hoff Jay and Linda Hoff Freda Bise Judith Davis Patti Swansick Ray and Betty Boccoli Patti Swansick David and Linda Long Ray and Betty Boccoli Lois Sbragia James and Dorothy Willett Pamela Barnes Jackie Fleming James and Ardith Holcomb James and Ardith Holcomb James and Ardith Holcomb James and Ardith Holcomb Jeffrey and Patricia Holden Susan Caulfield Jeffrey and Patricia Holden Angelica Holguin
(left) Barbara Pombo, Development Director at Hospice of San Joquin hands Sydney Saldana, Student Artist of the Rio Vista program cover a gift, a token of appreciation, from Hospice of San Joaquin. Honoree/Memorial Name
Marjorie Ann Holiman Nina Holland Lisa Maria Hollander Jerry Holm Robert Holm Robert Holm Deanna Holman Sue Holman Pat Holman Patricia Holman Patricia Holman Willard Holman Neal Holmes Olan Holmes Angel Holquin Richard Holquin Kay Holt Kay Holt Larry R. Holt Rita Holt Waldo Holt Helma Holthaus Melba Lippen Holtz Harukichi Mikayo Honda Roy Honda Roy Hiroshi Honda Dick Honeychurch Richard Honeychurch Dick Honeychurch Ng She Hong Ledane Hood Matthew J. Hooten Matthew J. Hooten Larry Hoover Robert L. Hopkins Darlene Hopper Native Daughters Joaquin Parlor Deceased Sisters Walt & Mary Lou Hopper Joe and Annie Horman Gina Marie Horn Bill Horning Clinton Horning Brian Horst Brian Horst Ted Horst Vera Horst Vera Horst Jacob (Jake) Horst Jacob Horst, Jr. John Horton Naomi Horton Naomi Horton Naomi Horton Merla Harbour Horvath Tibor J. Horvath Robert Hose Noreen Hosie Ava Hosilyk Delbert Hoskins Eldon Hoskins Kent Hosmer All Hospice Workers Anna Hourcade Anna Hourcade, My Mother Anna Hourcade Donald E. Houser David Houtsma Katherine Houtsma A.E. Howard Helen Howard Mary E. Howard Viola Howard Wesley Howard Robert Howard Gordon Howay Carl Howe, Jr. Carl Howe, Sr. Katherine Howe Cecil Howell Fred Howell Richard Howell Richard Howell
Donor Name
Financial Decisions April Hughes Carol Henderson Mrs. Joy Holm Mrs. Joy Holm Sandy Pratt Lois Sbragia Karla Fox Dr. and Mrs. Raynor Harmeson Elizabeth Lopez Irvin and Loneita Bender Vickie Hale Wetherell Bernice Holmes Bob and Kim Whitesides Steve Stevenson Steve Stevenson Skipper and Lois Yee Carl and Suedee Howell Nancy Holt Hope Thatcher Steve and Linda Stocking Gerhard Holthaus Becky Freeman Jim and Harumi Tanaka Helen Honda Jim and Harumi Tanaka Henry and Evelyn Pereira Theresa Honeychurch Tony and Carmen Silva Alice Hong Joe and Beverly Hood Karen Mata Sandra K. Rivera Richard A. Massa Lisa Hopkins Joseph and Deborah Burlin Joaquin Parlor No. 5 Terri and Dave Sorgent June H. Peek Vicki Horn Alan Hitt Ellen Johansen Forrest and Janis Richardson Nadine Horst Nadine Horst Clifford Marshall Florence Hernandez Elizabeth and Paul Evans Margaret Horst Ken and Linda Lockard Mr. Itch Horton Mrs. Darlene Hieb Trinity Lutheran Ladies Guild Katalin Horvath Katalin Horvath Janice Hose William C. Hosie Margaret Priebe Frances Darling Nancy J. Hoskins The Waters (5H20+) Dr. and Mrs. Corey Colla Deborah Hourcade Jeannette Clark Mr. Jeffrey Regalia Shari Houser Gerald and Virginia Houtsma Gerald and Virginia Houtsma Gordon and Cathy Jorgenson Gordon and Cathy Jorgenson Vicky McAthie Virginia Scheffel Violetta Howard Virginia Scheffel Linda Howay Jared Stoltz Jared Stoltz Jared Stoltz Nancy Howell George and Sharon Bensch Judi Howell Judi Howell
Honoree/Memorial Name
Jerry Howen Walter E. Howen Keith Howeth Nev Howse Christine Hoyt Marie Hubbard Wilbur Hubbel Sharon Hubble Inez Huber Victor Huber Marilyn Hudelson Tom Hudson Betty Huettner Brenda Huff Evelyn Huffington Pat Huffman Father Bill Hughes Janine C. Hughes Linda Hughes Marty Hughes Melba Hughes (twin sister) William C. Hughes Lee M. Hughley John Huisman Joe Hull Joyce Hull Michael Hull Patrick Hull Esther L. Hulsman Paul Hulsman David Humphreys Maribeth H. Hungerford Maribeth H. Hungerford Our Son Eddie Hunt Eddie Hunt Our Daughter Marsha Hunt Marsha Hunt Sandy Hutchens Sandy Hutchens Joshua Hyde Gary Hyman Albert Ignatovich Arlene Ignatovich Cecile Ilgenfritz Ralph Imfeld Henry P. Impinna Henry Impinna Frank M. Inamasu Guspare and Caterina Indelicato Charles Inderbitzen Christian Inghog Donna Ingles Miles John Ingraham Ed Ingram Dan Inouye George & Elva Inouye Frances Iorio Henry Iorio Bert F. Ireland Bert F. Ireland Bert Franklin Ireland Elmer Irion Karl Irvin Fred Irwin Helen Irwin Alma and Hurb Isetti “RedHatter” Irene Ishida Irene Ishida Kazuyo Ishimaru Jake Isler Isamu Kozaki Sam Itaya Irene Ivers Lucy M. Ivers Tom Ivers, Jr. Tom Ivers, Sr. Mama Lena Ives Alonzo Ivy Bill Jackson Derris Jackson Eddy Jackson Eddy Jackson Isabella Jackson Mr. Perry Jackson Steve Jackson Steve Jackson Vernal Jacob
Donor Name
Pam and Larry Howen Pam and Larry Howen Ellen Donaldson Cathy McAlister Ruby Shrope Oscar and Betty Francis Christie Kelley Helen Bennett Belle Reynolds Suzanne Malta Mr. and Mrs. William Hudelson Carol Marvel Charles D. Ford Charles and Sharon Jones John Huffington Sue Carey Sister Theresa Spittle Thomas De Bord Ida Geist April Hughes Nelda Beasley Bertha Miquel Lee and Michelle Bethea Tara Huisman Patricia Graham Patricia Graham Patricia Graham Patricia Graham Paula Cazale Paula Cazale Aurielle Combs Jody Swinney Karl and Debra May Arden and Lila Hunt Carole Scott Arden and Lila Hunt Carole Scott Cheryl and Jim La Roe Elizabeth Winchester Nick and Penny Meyers Clutch Burners Car Club Linda Rubino Linda Rubino Rainbow Rebekah Lodge #97 Todd and Debra Cameron Aurora M. Impinna Jeff and Laurie Turpin Ryoko L. Inamasu Frank and Alice Indelicato Donna Bennett Lee and Michelle Bethea David Ingles Sharon Briggs Richard Bastear Andrew Inouye Ron and Marti Inouye Maria Flumiani Maria Flumiani Glenn Taylor Joanne Eversole Margaret Ireland Elmer and Janet Irion Amy Roberts Shirley Starling Shirley Starling Florence Hernandez Patty Slauson Phyllis J. Almendarez Gary and Janice Ishimaru Judith Snedker Jean Isozaki Stephen and Patsy Itaya Kendra Cardiasmenos and P.J. Cardiasmenos Ginger DeBow Ginger DeBow Ginger DeBow Larry & Andrea Violett Bernice Haynes Sadie Simpson Rita Jackson Al and Jennifer Gutierrez Irene Jackson Gloria Nomura Sandra Martin Al and Jennifer Gutierrez Irene Jackson Frank and Janet Guilelmino
Hospice of San Joaquin 2011 Tree of Lights Donors’ Recognition Honoree/Memorial Name
Donald Jacobs Eddie Jacobs Joseph C. Jacobs Joseph Jacobs Mary Jacobs Sadie Jacobs Marshall L. Jaggears Arlene Jahn Trinidad Jaime Jr. Clyde James Clyde James David Scott James Karen L. Jang Karen Lee Jang Mitch Jang George & Pearl Jaquith Barbara Jara Mary Jara Tracy Jara Virginia Jarvis Steve Javette Auntie Jean and Uncle Hank Donald Jelley Lucy Jelley Jack Jenkins John and Ruby Jenkins Mike Jenkins Vernon Jenne Harold and Opal Jenner James B. Jennings, Sr. Kathy Jennings Martin Jensen Chickie Jenson Mike Jerrome Jerry Donald and Rita A. Jessee Ray Jessen Dr. Wing Jew Linda Jewel Rosie Jimenez Louise Jiminez Tom Jiminez Joanie Rita Dwyer Joannides Hilda Johannaber Raymond Johannaber Earl (Joe) Johansen Earl (Joe) Johansen Eve Johnsen Virginia and Aubrey Johnson and Earl C. Blasingame, Jr. Carla L. Johnson David Johnson Donnie Johnson Dorothy H. Johnson Eileen Johnson Elizabeth Johnson Gail L. Johnson Gordon W. Johnson Jay Johnson Jay Johnson Lisa Johnson Lisa Johnson Marge Johnson Phyllis Milldrum Johnson Phyllis Johnson Richard Johnson Ruth E. Johnson Thelma Johnson Verne T. Johnson Norman Johnston Ray Johnston Ione Johnstone Carmel Jones Carol Jones Cindy Jones Cora E. Jones Dee Jones Dick Jones Don Jones Faye Jones Faye Jones Fred L. Jones Grandpa Glenn H. Jones Jeannie Mary Bellamo Jones Lee Jones
Donor Name
Dorinda and Walt Givens Jeanette Michaels Barbara Gregory Barbara Gregory Jeanette Michaels Barbara Gregory Katrina Alison Jaggears Janice and Larry Cooper Joyce Jaime Irene James Stan and Maurine Harkness Irene James Ed and Paula Soon Howard Jang Nick and Pam Curtin Toni and George Jaquith Michael Jara Michael Jara Michael Jara Donna Araquistain Susan R. Livesey Carol Nakashima Starlett Jelley Starlett Jelley Judy Goodwin Jinx Staniec Dana Bockstahler Nancy Jenne Peggy Moos Darlene Jennings Mr. Jonne Jennings Linda D. Nowak Yolanda and Ivan Hamlow Toni and George Jaquith Jeanne Hash Gail Perry Paula Jessen Conrad and Shu-Ping Mar Norma Steyaert Bob and Valerie Dumlao Dennis Jimenez Dennis Jimenez Loren and Kathye Sheridan Margaret Dwyer-Sabo Larry and Susan Johannaber Larry and Susan Johannaber Barry and Irene Gill Ellen Johansen Madeline Valdez Jerry and Edith Johnson Ms. Katherine Mayse Diane Zimmer Larry Ice Jeff and Kathy White David and Laura Johnson Robert and Nance Lichter Carole J. Huber Jeff and Sandra Johnson Carolyn Sakai David, Stephanie and Miya Cheng Irene James Mara Jolinda Weeks Karen Miller Betty Milldrum Mary Ann Libbey Sandra Johnson Janice A. Jordan Elmer & Donna Smith David and Laura Johnson Joyce E. Johnston Fern P. Johnston Kathleen Sanders Nancy O’Brien Laurel Sarmento Mr. and Mrs. William B. Gomes Rosemary Williams Jamie L. Jones Mary Natteford Sam, Donna & Tori Villagomez David and Laura Johnson Susan Hinds Fred L. Jones Lucita Anderson-Smith Gail Lopez Norma M. Brown
Honoree/Memorial Name
Lucille Jones Midge Jones Patricia Jones Sidney Jean Blackwood Jones Thomas Jones Tom Jones Tommy Jones Verl O. Jones Verl Jones Verl O. Jones Fred Jones William L. Jones Michelle Jones Guillermo Michelle Jones Guillermo Jack Jordan Verna Jordan Velma Journagan Sandra L. Joyce Rachel Juarez Rosie Juarez (Nina) Rosie Juarez Merced Juarez, Sr. Paul Judson Paul Judson Vergil Jundt Lorraine Junius Diane Juran Loren Just Raymond D. Just Carol Justyn Carol & Abe Justyn Josie Kachmarek Josephine Kachmarek Mike Kagoshima Art and Myrtle Kahlow Tamiyo M. Kaida Marie E. Kaiser Mary E. Kaiser Mildred R. Kaiser Ernest J. and Bessie Kaiser Elvira Kalin Elvira Kalin Elvira Kalin Elvira Kalin Vera Kalin Trisha Kalin Trisha Kalin Trisha Kalin Edwin Kammerer Larry Kammerer Larry Kammerer, Sr. Lawrence Kamp (Dad) Betty Kampe your husband, Clancy Kamps Carl Kamstra Diane Kamstra Tamo Tamotsu Kanda Hiroshi Kanegawa Marie M. Kaneko Marie M. Kaneko Bill Kapheim Edna Kapheim Fred Kapheim Richard Kapheim Robert Kappral Basa Lea Karabelnik Thomas Karabelnik Elmer Kasten Kathy, your loving daughter Walter J. Katnich Walter J. Katnich Elisabeth Katuszonek Bo Katzakian Bozant Katzakian Robert Kautz Ginger Kautz-Cortez Shizuye Kawada Lowell W. Kearl, M.D. Tony Keck George Keddie Lee Keddie Lee Keddie Lovilla Keddie Warren Keddie
Edward G. Schroeder, Hospice of San Joaquin Board President kicked off the 2011 Tree of Lights Ceremonies at the Stockton Tree of Lights at San Joaquin Delta College on November 22, 2011
Donor Name
Judith Ross Glen Cornett Lea Tomb and Family Henry & Evelyn Pereira Barbara J. Jones Gretchen H. Nelson Marge Dietrich Bonnie Jones Jo Anne Garcia-Jones Verlo Jones Bill and Joan Topp Betty Jones Bonnie Jones Jo Anne Garcia-Jones Janice A. Jordan Bob and Jean Combs Lawrence Powell Alvin Joyce Christine Soto Joseph Cortez Juan and Felicia Harris & Families Shirley Hamilton Harriet Judson Marilyn J. Brown John Huffington Cindy Martin Curtis Juran Tammy and Gary Evans Marilyn Just Michael and Jean Wagner Allan and Anne Wells Margaret Priebe Sue, Will, Will Jr and Clay Fegett Brad and Gail Jones Terri and Dave Sorgent Patsy and Gary Sakai Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Selman Shari Houser Herb and Kathy Goularte Herb and Kathy Goularte Billie Corder Debbie Prato-Gadbut Ed and Judi Oliveria Gussie Cabral Kole, Drew and Chase Kalin Chase Kalin Drew Kalin Kole Kalin Sandy Ruiz Karen Angerstein Sandy Ruiz Sandra L. Thomas Elizabeth Zimmerman Tom Long & Linda Castanon-Long Marianne Kamstra Marianne Kamstra Jim and Harumi Tanaka Mary Kanegawa Carolyn Sakai David, Stephanie and Miya Cheng Mrs. Janet C. Grafius Mrs. Janet C. Grafius Mrs. Janet C. Grafius Mrs. Janet C. Grafius Fred and Kristine Ott Maurio and Marsha Segarini Maurio and Marsha Segarini Gary and Judith Campilongo Mr & Mrs Jerry & Kathryn Rauwolf Ms. Pauline Mack Randi and Perry Schimke Rita Becker Lorraine Katzakian Ron and Edna Mae Knecht David and Jill Rich David and Jill Rich Nancy Shimasaki Raquel Kearl Doug and Randi Preston Noble and Evelyn Keddie Kandice Duns Sandy Lewis Noble and Evelyn Keddie Kandice Duns
Ida Mae Lobb, Member of the Lodi Butterfly Auxiliary, lights up a lantern to illuminate a set of cookies on top of a table. Honoree/Memorial Name
Warren Keddie Cherie Keeler Jeanne Keener Frank Keesling Doris Kehrein George B. Keith John Kellar, M.D. John Kellar Elmer and Betty Keller Mr. & Mrs. Elmer Keller Harvey Keller Judy Keller Barbara Kelley Diane Kelley Diane Kelley Dick Kelley Ellen Kelley Harvey C. Kelley Helen Kelley Robert Kelley Janell Kelley Mary Kelley Russell Kelley Susannah Kelley Susannah Kelley Charles Kelley Florence Kellor Richard Kellor Ellsworth Kelly Helen Kelly Mary Kelly Priske Kelly Aaron Kelly, Jr Glen “Special K” Kendall Gilbert Kenitzer Mabel Kenitzer Grace T. Kenmotsu Carolyn Kennard Donald Kennard Katherine Kennard Lloyd Kennard Fern Kennell Uncle Kenneth Anne M. Kenney Pat Kenney William G. Kenney John Kennison Mr. & Mrs. Glen Keplinger Edward Kermgard Paul Kermgard Sharon Kern Ernest Kernodle Gladyce C. Kerr Frank Keser Harvey Kessel Ricky A. Kester Rose Kesterson Leah Kidwell Lea Kidwell Edwin and Mary Kiemele Peg Kiernan
John Kiger Wallace Kilgore Pauline Killelea Margary Kiml Billie Kinder Carol Kindschuh Ellis King Lynn King Maxine King Bob King William E. Kingery Marilynn K. Kirchubel Elaine Kisst Kirsten Kite Mason Kite Anne Kizer Carol Kjelson Dick Klein Sharon L. Kleine Adolph Kleinert Alphonse Kleinert Dora Kleinert Florence Kleinert Carole KleinfederMullin Alba Klemin Alba Klemin
Donor Name
Sandy Lewis Ron and Jeanne Lubin Graydon and Jackie Bannert Lynne Cary Jerry and Janet Long Lavina Keith Joan L. Kellar Karen Miller Linda Dillon William H. Keller Anita Keller William H. Keller Pam Rocha Grace Kelley William Sarina Kelleys Family Sandy Ratcliff Grace Kelley Christie Kelley Christie Kelley Kelleys Family Marlene Drew and Otis Kelley Kelleys Family JoAnne Garrett Sandra Kelley Chuck and Yolanda Kelley Katherine Harden Katherine Harden Leslie K. Oliver Mark and Denise Rasmussen Leslie K. Oliver Pam Byrne Joe and Pat Lemos Steve Stevenson Floyd and Patricia Buttke, Sr. Floyd and Patricia Buttke, Sr. Lillian Wada Christine and Larry Kennard Ambassador Charity Fund Christine and Larry Kennard Christine and Larry Kennard Susan and Wayne Esley Carol Nakashima William and Judith Kenney Isela Ruiz Lawrence William and Judith Kenney Margaret Priebe Bruce and Tina Keplinger Edward and Beverly Kermgard Edward and Beverly Kermgard Laureate Delta Epsilon Bob and Sherry Harmon Geraldean K. Minor Louise Keser-Biederman Ruth Kessel Ron and Charlotte Cheek Jamie L. Jones Catherine Costamagna Booth Michael Costamagna James Maguire Syd and Mary Lois Thompson Mr. & Mrs. Peter Lynch Barbara Churchill Mary Ellen Beckman Charles D. Ford Al and Marilyn Warnock Katherine Harden Dana Bockstahler Hubert and Sandy Schultz Dana Bockstahler Wayne and Phyllis King Mr. & Mrs. Perry Smith Mrs. Barbara Kirchubel Lois Sbragia Lilly and Al Kite Lilly and Al Kite Diane and Art Allen Marty and Lockey Kjelson Diane Klein Beverly Hightower Linda Graham Linda Graham Linda Graham Linda Graham Mr. & Mrs. Perry Smith Isela Ruiz Lawrence Josephine Giometti
Honoree/Memorial Name
Alba Klemin Kenneth Klemins Alyse Klemm Stan Klevan Stanley Klevan Stan Klevan Todd Kline Todd Kline Todd Kline Marvin Klipfel Roy Klock Steven Kloh Mary Klooster Teresa Klosowski Emil Knapp Fritz Knief Kay Knief Juanita Knight Steve & Delores Knight Gary Knightingale Hillard Knoll LaValle and Hillard Knoll LaValle Knoll Deane Knox Marjorie Knox Roger Knox Henry Koch Gilbert L. Koepplin Laura Rosenquist Andrew D. Kohake Grace Kohake Mary Kohake Dorothy Koide Keith and Dolores Kolbenschlag Kathy Kollars Virgil B. Komarek Mitsue Komure Mits and Tek Komure Teruko Komure Teruko Komure Teruko Komure Teruko Komure Teruko Komure My Mom - Donna Konklin Fritz Konklin My Dad - Russell Konklin Edgar Konrad Florence Konrad Gene Kooser Wanda Kooser Marilyn Kooy Evangeline Kopping Thomas Kopping, Sr. Jackie Korbholz Jackie Korbholz Heather Korschot Jo Kort Lloyd Korth Pamela Korth Jude Kortzenborn, M.D. Barbara G. Kosta Eugenia Kouchis Mary Kozina Raymond Kraft Dick Kranz J. Robert Kraus Oliver E. Krause Jody Kretensieck Fred Kreth Frederick V. Kreth Kristie Bergliot Krogstad Palmer Krogstad Michael Kroutch Cathy Krueger Dave Krueger Agnes Krug Arden L. Krug Elmer G. Krug Erika Kuga Frank Kuga Charlie Kuhl Ken Kuhlman Tony Kulisch Michelle Kundert Lela Kuntz Gene P. Kurilow Gayle Kyker Lorene Kyles Jack La Berge Eugene LaFargue Patricia LaFargue Pat and Gene La Fargue
Donor Name
Mayrine Vaccarezza Trudy Ceja Mr. & Mrs. Paul Ritter Jan Klevan Kathy Rohrer Mary Klevan Sylvia Cholula David and Linda Long The Ford Family Gary and Linda Klipfel Theresa Honeychurch Jane and Conrad Kloh Joan Shephard Helen Harrison Lee and Beverly Meidinger Felix and Paulie Torlai Felix and Paulie Torlai Pat and Kathleen Fitzpatrick Annie Cuizon Brad and Gail Jones Konde and Jeremiah Moore Diane Oeser Konde and Jeremiah Moore Neil and Liz Lark Neil and Liz Lark Neil and Liz Lark Alice Lawellin Darlene Koepplin Cheryl and Jim La Roe Peter and Lynne Lynch Peter and Lynne Lynch Peter and Lynne Lynch Tom and Mayko Horita Mrs. Margaret J. Kolbenschlag Kent R. Smith Jack and Jean Wiltz Frank and Betsy Shinoda Mrs. Patti Komure Mah John and Jennifer Fukano Julie Ohta and Peter Huie Mrs. Tomiye Ohta Ms. Christine Delucchi Rod, Debbie and Family Doug and Randi Preston Doug and Randi Preston Doug and Randi Preston Charlotte Konrad Charlotte Konrad Felix and Paulie Torlai Felix and Paulie Torlai Clarence G. Kooy Judith Kopping Judith Kopping David, Stephanie and Miya Cheng Randall and Karen Harrison Katherine Harden Pam Hammond Kip and Linda Korth Kip and Linda Korth Christopher and Tola Eley Ray and Julie Wetteland Darrell and Paula Scott Margo and Mirko Kozina Clutch Burners Car Club Helen R Brant Nila Kraus Irene Krause Irene James Denise and David Schamber Esther F. Kreth Carol Nakashima Judith and Alfred Dias Judith and Alfred Dias Victor and Dolores Kroutch Karin Van Diemen Coral Krueger Darlene A. Krug Darlene A. Krug Darlene A. Krug Rebecca Kuga Rebecca Kuga Cindy Martin Frances Voyer Marti Kulisch Josie Brand Kathy and Max Haro Barbara Kurilow Steve Stevenson Scott and Janice Kyles Florence Hernandez Craig and Barbara La Fargue Craig and Barbara La Fargue David LaFargue
Hospice of San Joaquin 2011 Tree of Lights Donors’ Recognition Honoree/Memorial Name
Alice La Pertche Jack La Prath Larry Laack Alice Laam Orson Laam, Sr. Orson Laam, Jr. Orson Laam, Jr. Angela Lacatena Bessie Laccoarce Leonard Lachendro Henry Lachenmeier Henry Lachenmeier Henry Lachenmeier Curtis R. Lacy Thomas J. LaFaver Bonnie Lafferty Delite Lagana Delite Lagana Margarita B. Lagandaon Santiago Lagandaon Ann Lagomarsino Nick Lagomarsino Ray Lagomarsino Alba Lagorio Frances M. Lagorio Frances Mangili Lagorio Frances M. Lagorio Jeanette Lagorio Jeanette Lagorio Jeanette Lagorio Jeanette Lagorio Jeanette Lagorio Rim Lagorio Concepcion Lagura Buzz Lally Pam Lamb Tom Lambdin The Lambdin Family Cap Lambert Carl Lambert Linda Lambert Collin LaMore Cindy Lance Matilda Landau Forrest & Claudia Landeen Barbara Landeros Robert C. Landmann Ed Landon Ed Landon “RedHatter” Lucille Landucci Adeline Lane Our Grammy Adeline Lane Fred W. and Irene C. Lane Harold Lane Chuck Lang Margaret Lang Tom Lang Carolyn Lanning Gene & Jane Lanthier Lisa LaPenta your parents Ernie and Rachel Lara Tom and Zill Large Lenore Lark Tina Lark Vernon Lark Margaret LaRossa Claudia Larsen William Larsen Ella Larson Martin Larson Sydney Larson Stephen Latham Bert LaTurner Cliff Lauchland Hunter Lauer Mr. and Mrs. Hartwell Laurence Donald A. Laursen Joan LaViola Isela Lawrence Isela Lawrence Lee Lawrence Mary Ann and Antone Lawrence Sr. Antone (Tony) Lawrence, Jr. Imogene Lawson Kirby Lawson Ray Lawson Aleck Laymon Esta Marie Laymon Doris B. Layson J. Don Layson Charles Layton Gail Lazar Gail Lazar Gail Lazar Jack Lea John M. Lea Arline Leach Arline Leach Donald Leach Don Leach Mary Leal Vera and Bill Leary Paul Leary (Son) Robert Leary (Husband) Bob Leary Robert Leary Dena Lease Bob Lease Lourdes Lebrilla Barbara Ledbetter Preston Ledbetter Clarence W. Lee Clinton Lee “RedHatter” Debbie Lee Elna Mae Lee Jean Cheang Lee Jim Chun Yick Lee Josephine Lee
Donor Name
Florence Hernandez Dolly E. Sonne Pat Sorini Bev Phelps Bev Phelps Bev Phelps Helen Laam Mary Sheehan Jane and Dale Harman Mrs. Barbara Lachendro Cora Lachenmeier Jerry and Sharon Lachenmeier Mike and Angie Reiswig Ted and Beverly Lacy Margaret La Faver Susan K. Campbell Becky Burnett Marie and Stephen Guasco Mrs. Nilda Servando Mrs. Nilda Servando Georgeann Artozgui Cathy and Steve Lagomarsino Cathy and Steve Lagomarsino Ann and Richard Miller Andrew and Louise Mangili Angie Mangili Pete and Marilyn Winston Brett and Lora Lagorio Florence Hernandez Helen Vignolo Lynne and John Armanino The Stevano Family Ann and Richard Miller Myda Bulawit The Gordon T & Melissa A. Egan Family Foundation Sylvia Bender Eilene Lambdin Gary and Louise Lambdin Mae Bottger Vino Farms Inc. Mae Bottger Carissa LaMore Alexa Cameron Judy and Jeff Moreno Jean Landeen Trudy Ceja Diana Landmann Patrick and Christina Doran Trish and Jerry Barber Patty Slauson Carrie Lane Peg Vanderkar Jim and Elaine Stearns Peg Vanderkar Fred and Melinda Castro William Lang and Darlin Miller William Lang and Darlin Miller Elizabeth Lynch Renee Fink Helen and Frank Alegre Tom Long & Linda Castanon-Long Sandy Maslen Neil and Liz Lark Neil and Liz Lark Neil and Liz Lark Marilyn Togninali Mr. and Mrs. Bob Kinser Marjorie S. Larsen Beverly Hess Beverly Hess Robert and Brandie Amo Carol and William Latham Kathy Jenkins Janice and Larry Cooper Vera Lauer Mr. & Mrs. Hart Laurence Elsie Laursen Mrs. Jennifer LaViola Alba Klemin Josephine Giometti George Lawrence Denise Saffels Denise Saffels Debra A. Lawson Ynez Lawson Florence Hernandez Alex and Pat Laymon Alex and Pat Laymon Jane Crowden Jane Crowden Donald and LaVerne Stevens Carrie Lane Geoff and Lori Ann Galtere Marie and Stephen Guasco Mr. & Mrs. Phil Lenser Bernice Lea Jack and Tina Leach Jim Leach Jack and Tina Leach Jim Leach Donna Bennett Florence Hernandez A. Patricia Leary A. Patricia Leary Donna Shane Ken and Jane Colyer Diane McKinley Diane McKinley Sharon Miller Vino Farms Inc. Mary Ledbetter John and Bertie Lee Dorothy K. Wong Patty Slauson John and Bertie Lee Shirley Ng Judiana Montgomery
Don & Charmaine Lazzareschi
Honoree/Memorial Name
Millie Lee Teddy Lee Robert E. Leer Susan Leffler Dick and Anita Leinfelder Gertrude Leitch John and Juanita Leitch Suzette Leiting Suzette Leiting Catherine Lekas Bainbridge Leland Virginia Leland Ronnie LeMay David Chris Lemos, Sr Evelyn Lemos Henry A. Lemos Jan Sievers Lemos Mary Lemos Jeff and Mary Lemos Robert Lemos Rosa Lencarelli Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Lenci Marie Leners Robert L. Leners Wilke R. Leners Robert LeNoach Rev Rudi P. Lenser Sally J. Lenser Florence N. Lenz Howard Lenz and Nell Goodwin Lisa Ann Leon Ethel Leonard Julia Leonardini Francisco Lepe Maria Elena LepeMorales Merle R. Lerch John Lesch Richard (Chief) Lester Wilbur (Will) Lester Floyd Leveroni Floyd Leveroni Bob Lewelling Anthony A. Lewis Curtis K. Lewis Elizabeth Lewis Gary (Grandpa) Lewis Gary Lewis Gary Lewis Gene Lewis James “Tom” Lewis Ron and Josephine Lewis Lorraine Lewis Woodrow Lewis Bette Lewis-Brose Norman Ley William H. Libbey Bill Libbey Curt Licknosky Paul Liddle Pauline Liddle LeNora Liebelt LeNora Liebelt Rose and John Liel Dolores Ligon Connie Stritzel Lihu Nenita Pineda Lim Penny Lim John Lima John P. Lima Fran Limas Jim Limbaugh William C. Limbaugh Margaret Limon Reuben Limon Reuben Limon, Jr. Aimee Lina Elsie and Harvey Lincoln Michael Lincoln Davy James Lind James Lind Lester Lind, Sr. Linda Lindberg Cynthia D. Linde Mary A. Linde Irma and LaFay Lindeman Loreen Lindholm Catherine Link Matthew Link Matthew Stephen Link Matthew Link Dorothy L. Linka Dorothy Linka Mable Linka Stephen Linka Donnie D. Linker Peggy Linker Thomas F. Linker Gerald Linn Natalie Lipa Michael M. Lira Clyde R. Lisk Violet Lisko Dolores Little Joe and Gene Little Pierce Little Ruth C. Little Frank Livingston Barbara Lizarraga Sharon LLewellyn Sharon LLewellyn Addie Ruth Lloyd Arthur I. Lloyd Carl Hubert Lloyd Frank Lloyd Joe Glean Lloyd William Delaney Lloyd Brenda Lobato Joe Lobb Joe Lobb Joseph G. Lobb Ladybug Lobb Mary Lobenberg Clint (Rusty) Lock, Sr.
Donor Name
Honoree/Memorial Name
Donor Name
The Van Steenberge’s Dorothy K. Wong Mary Leer and Family Pat and Mike Fluetsch Dennis and Pauline Leinfelder Linda Dillon Linda Dillon Bruce and Sheryl Yates Judith Leiting Christopher and Tola Eley Stefanie and Ted Leland Stefanie and Ted Leland Kathleen Rodriguez Joe and Pat Lemos Marlene A. Reeves Marlene A. Reeves Mary S. Sievers Mr. and Mrs. William Hudelson Pat Sorini Pat Sorini Nancy Paravati Bruce and Tina Keplinger Joyce M. Cates Joyce M. Cates Joyce M. Cates Carol LeNoach Mr. & Mrs. Phil Lenser Mr. & Mrs. Phil Lenser Alice Lenz Al and Marilyn Warnock
MaryAnn Lockard MaryAnn Lockard MaryAnn Lockard Brian Loek Barney and Janice Loek Janice Loek Betty Logan Betty J. Logan Uncle Bud Logan Bud Logan Debra Logan H. and M. Logan Morgan Logan Morgan H. Logan Bill Lohman James M. Lomasney Marie B. Lomasney Char Long Henry Long Jo Ann Long Kathy Long
Jennifer and Brett Nixon Marles Finos Steve Lockard Joan Atkisson Emily Loek Joan Atkisson Jean Steenburgh Shelby and John White Jean Steenburgh May Logan Rita Jackson May Logan Jean Steenburgh Shelby and John White Frances Voyer Carol Thomas Carol Thomas Noel & Patti Stetson Jerry and Janet Long John Long Rosemarie and Nat Bacchetti Linda Hicken David and Linda Long Janice and Larry Cooper Carla Long Mildred Long Jaccene Longacre Karen Longoria Karen Longoria Lewis and Olga Eisenga Mr & Mrs Jerry & Kathryn Rauwolf Elizabeth Lopez Lucy Munoz Elizabeth Lopez Marilyn Peters Carolyn Sakai Roberta Uecker Leonard and Arlene Lind Maggie Rangel Mary Ellen Zidich Francine Struve Linda and Jerome Fernandez Robert and Mary Ellen Lopez Thomas and Sheila Stephens Robert Carlin and Denise Carlin Patrica Patterson Patrica Patterson Helen and Frank Alegre Jeff and Julie Loudon Jeff and Julie Loudon Geraldine Lounsbury Freda Aman Reba Veenstra Sandy Ratcliff Biff Baffoni Elizabeth Toms Elizabeth Toms Ron and Suzie Williamson Ron and Suzie Williamson Momi Fong Thomas Fong Dorothy K. Wong Robert and Margot Jensen Noble and Evelyn Keddie Noble and Evelyn Keddie Richard and Janet Wanner Mary Frederick Eddie and Rena LimonLucas Geoff and Lori Ann Galtere Hortensia Lucas Jennifer C. Lucas CVSC California Valley Coral Krueger CVSC California Valley Mary Frederick Mary Frederick Patty and Eddie Lucchesi Patty and Eddie Lucchesi Delores Torre Alvin and Diane Smith Lorraine Rugani Mark Lucchesi Alvin and Diane Smith Ann Ramsey Mark Lucchesi Vernon and Yvonne Lucchetti Vernon and Yvonne Lucchetti Esther Dahlhauser Myda Bulawit Linda Luck Barbara Ludwig Peter and Judith Tirapelle Ann L. Wunsch Carl and Suedee Howell
Marie Diaz-Benko Kathy Kollars Marilyn Togninali Sandra Lepe Sandra Lepe Helen Willis Ms. Eleanor Lesch Neva Lester Neva Lester Bettye Be Wright Rudy and Toni Mussi Mike and Emily Paige Rob and Reba Gaines Janet Lewis Mrs. Joy Holm Daniel Lewis Kandice Duns Sandy Lewis Stella M Ross Leslie Walton Debra Re Lu Anne Lewis Lu Anne Lewis Joseph and Russtine Shephard John and Elaine Mendiola Betty Milldrum Mary Ann Libbey Pamela Dunham Reid and Julie Van Noate Reid and Julie Van Noate John and Yvonne Gail Susan, Sarah and James Gorospe Lena Vasconcellos Mrs. Joy Holm Edward W Stritzel Lucita Anderson-Smith Rich and Joanne Waters Joseph and Helen Balcao Lima Ranch Manuel Goulart Joan Limbaugh John Limbaugh Eddie and Rena LimonLucas Eddie and Rena LimonLucas Eddie and Rena LimonLucas Chris and Dennis Olin Colleen and Jerry Evans Colleen and Jerry Evans David and Donna Lind Leonard and Arlene Lind Leonard and Arlene Lind Phyllis Clayton Dean and Carmen Coleman Gregory and Lynn Nerland Toni and George Jaquith Billy Wykert Margaret Dwyer-Sabo Linda L. Sabo Margaret Dwyer-Sabo Mrs. Erin Link John F. Marble Mr. Robert H. Linka Mr. Robert H. Linka Mr. Robert H. Linka Dianne Schaffer Sharon Miller Dianne Schaffer Martha Dias-Linn Mary Sheehan Patricia Lira Joan Lisk Denise DiBello Don Little Jeanne Manley Harry Welte Ann L. Wunsch Geoff and Lori Ann Galtere David and Lisa Dentoni Judy and Terry Klimko Ted and Yoneko Sakakuchi John and Bertie Lee John and Bertie Lee John and Bertie Lee John and Bertie Lee John and Bertie Lee John and Bertie Lee Lisa Hopkins Ida Mae Lobb John and Dana Munoz Tim and Kathleen Clark Ida Mae Lobb Dennis and Angela Lobenberg Yvonne Lock
Lenora Long Mary Long Mary Long Randy Long Rudolph W. Long Rab Longacre Blanche Longoria Rudy Longoria Timothy Loop Louis Lopes Esther Lopez Irene Lopez Israel Lopez Israel Lopez Larry Lopez Larry Lopez Lee and Tillie Lopez MarLisa J. Lopez Michael Anthony Lopez Nanci Lopez (Daughter) Sarah Lopez Yvette M. Lopez William Lord Paul Lorenz Arlene T. Lott William Lott Bryce Louden Bryce L. Loudon Kevin Loudon William M. Lounsbury Earl R. Loveday Earl R. Loveday Earl R. Loveday Massey Lovelace Helene Lovell Louise Lovell Fred Lovotti Norma Lovotti Loren Low Loren Low May Low Karin Lowrie Edith Lowry Ray Lowry Gary Lozano Elsie Lucas George J. Lucas George J. Lucas George John Lucas George J. Lucas Janice Lucas Jim and Jane Lucas Jim and Jane Lucas John H. Lucas John M. Lucas Rel Lucchesi Eddie P. Lucchesi Frances L. Lucchesi Jan Lucchesi Janet Lucchesi Janice E. Lucchesi John Lucchesi John Lucchesi John P. Lucchesi Della Lucchetti L.D. Lucchetti Honorata Lucero Honorata Lucero Jerry Luck Claud Ludwig Elaine Ludwig Kathy Ludwig Kathy Ludwig
Honoree/Memorial Name
Cathy Ludwig Cathy Ludwig Kathleen Ludwig Mary Luebker Julia D. Luevano Claudia Luis Frank Luis Frank and Barbara Luis Frank Luis Betty Luke Lyall Luke Lyall A. Luke Lyall Luke Uncle Louie Lumbrazo Helen Lund Thomas Lund Robert D. Lunde Elmer Lundgren Shirley Lundgren Elmer Lundren Joan Luque Braden & Marie Lutz Irene F. Lutz Michael A. Luxford Hoa Ly Quyen Ly Marilyn Lynch Sr. Rosemary Lynch “RedHatter” Shirley Lynch Terry Lynch William and Wlliam Lynch, Jr. Bernice Lynn Nina Lynn Randy Lynn Ray Lynn Tim Lynn George Lyons Ruth Lyons Your dad, Joe Lysoger Jeanne Lytle Wangari Maathai Mauricia A. Macadangdang Manuel G. Macadangdang, Sr. Billie Macchia Alice Macedo Michael Macedo Stewart Macey Charles S. MacFerren Oscar D. MacFerren George E. MacFerren Christopher Machado Christopher Machado Christopher Machado Christopher Machado Estelle Machado Gregorio Machado Joe Machado Lisa (Kamrar) Machado Lisa L. Machado Tony Machado Yvonne C. Machado Jera Machuca Teah MacKenzie Eva Mackey Bill Madden Theodore R. Madden Aileen Maderos Lillie R. Madison Frank & Edith Madrid June Madsen Mildred Madsen Annamarie Maes Margaret Maes Alessandro and Amelia Maffei Bruce Maffei Frank Maffei Lorraine Maffei Jessie Magallanez Josephine Magdich Major Vernon E. Magee Lydia Maggio Lydia Maggio Lydia Maggio Lydia Maggio Leta Joy Magud Karen Maguire Phillip B. Maguire James B & Margerite
Donor Name
Dave and Pam Dias Irene Cromer, Norene Polack & Kelley ElvisFlores Nick and Pam Curtin Robert and Dorothy Johansson Cynthia D. Diaz Mary McCleary Debra Gonsalves Mary McCleary Ms. Darlene Luis Gregory and Rhonda Olvera Chuck and Diana Olvera Jeff and Linda Heiser Mr. and Mrs. Troy Wick Paula and Larry Re Patrice Cotten Patrice Cotten Marjorie Werner Betty and Jim Russow Betty and Jim Russow Marie and Stephen Guasco Elizabeth Aguire Norman Penberthy Deloyd Lutz Phyllis Luxford Jimmy Dai Jimmy Dai Mr. and Mrs. Hefti Brunold, Jr. Bill and Joan Topp Patty Slauson Kathy Lynch Madeleine Lynch Ms. Lori Lynn Anderson Ms. Lori Lynn Anderson Ms. Lori Lynn Anderson Ms. Lori Lynn Anderson George Babas Jim and Dianne Ruggles Jim and Dianne Ruggles Tom Long & Linda Castanon-Long Catherine Lytle Mary Thompson Mila A. Macadangdang Mila A. Macadangdang Janet Bonner Joseph and Helen Balcao Robert Fenley Gloria J. Macey Debbie Davis Debbie Davis Debbie Davis Art and Pam Needham Karen Miller Michael and Diana William and Grace Machado Danny and Madalyn Caruso Michael and Diana Tom and Terry Machado Marit Mortensen Bird Ryan and Kriste Merin Danny and Madalyn Caruso Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Selman Diane Stewart Rob and Sara Waters Peggy James Clinton and Kathleen Marshall Rayna Mahlman John and Laura Iacopi Trinity Lutheran Ladies Guild Cindy and Patrick Piccardo Helen and Frank Alegre Janice A. Jordan John DeNigris Vincent Maes Frances Gaia Annie Cuizon William and Karen Solari William and Karen Solari Jenna Cademartori Kelli Page Gina Kindschi Bloom David and Paula Fisher Janice and Larry Cooper Roberta Alexander Sandy Lewis John Magud James Maguire James Maguire James Maguire
Barbara Payne, Mayor of the City of Galt welcomes Hospice of San Joaquin’s first annual Tree of Lights Saturday, December 3, 2011
Hospice of San Joaquin 2011 Tree of Lights Donors’ Recognition Honoree/Memorial Name
Maguire, Jr. Mary Mah Rose Mah William Mah William Mah Joseph Mahan Joseph Mahan Joseph Mahan Joseph E. Mahan Sallie Mahan Sallie Mahan Sallie Mahan Terry Mahlman Steve Main Ella Makin Louie Makris Michael Anthony Maldonado Carolyn Mallet Carolyn R. Mallett Margaret and Rick Mallett Orin Mallett Orin Mallett George Malloy Carla Malone Paul Malone Clarence Malsam Clarence Malsam Shirley Malta Mama Jocelyn Mancebo Jocelyn Mancebo Jocelyn Mancebo Jocelyn Mancebo Jocelyn Mancebo Jocelyn Mancebo Jocelyn Mancebo Jocelyn #24 John Mancebo Bernice Mancuso James F. Mandella Al Mandolini Albert Mandolini Richard Mandolini Violet Mandolini Angelo & Luisa Manetti Angelo & Luisa Manetti Costante Manetti Enrico Mangili Enrico Mangili Flora Mangili Michael A. Mangili Michael A. Mangili Stella Manitta Art Mankin Arthur Mankin Doug Mankin Earlene Mankin Earlene Mankin Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Mankin “G-pa” Edmond F. Manley, Jr. Mercedes BurginManley Bill Manley, Sr. Bill Manley, Sr. Jerry Mann Pearle Mann Richard Manning Ted Manteufel Ronna Manzanares Tony Manzo Mary Manzon Fran Mara Robert A. Maragliano Tony and Liz Maragliano Mary Marble William L. Marble Ron Marchetti Ann Marciel Steve Marciel Berna Mardis Woody Mardis Diana Margand Esther Marganelli John Marganelli John and Esther Marganelli Raffaello Mariani Raffaello Mariani Raffaello Mariani Ugo Mariani Madge Marino Michelle Marino Your mother, Mary Gutierrez Mariscal Sam Markle Paula Marks Paula Marks Marvin Marks, Esq. Mary H. Marlowe Louie Marquez Louie Marquez Mary Marquez Mary Marquez Rocky Marquez Ron Marquez Ron Marquez Grace Marre Grace Marre Mr. and Mrs. Art Marrello Archie and Helen Marsh Lara Marshall Lara Marshall Lara Marshall Lawina M. Marshall Joe Martel Jerry Martens Ann Martin Beatrice Martin Bob Martin Debbie Martin Ernest Martin Gene H. Martin
Donor Name
Dorothy K. Wong Frances Voyer Carolyn Sakai Mrs. Patti Komure Mah Bruce Mahan Laura Mignacco Marlene Mahan Steven Mahan Bruce Mahan Marlene Mahan Steven Mahan Rayna Mahlman Mr. & Mrs. Jerry & Kathryn Rauwolf Annette Faszer Nick Bokides Anthony and Sarah Maldonado Margaret Mallett Susan Caulfield Susan Caulfield
Honoree/Memorial Name
Gene H. Martin Gene H. Martin Gene H. Martin George and Charlotte Martin Glenn Martin Harold Martin Helen Martin Jami Martin John and Mamie Martin Kathy Martin Kathy Castro Martin Ken Martin Linnie Martin Norma Jean Martin and Family Patsy Martin Robert & Marian Martin Rose Marie Martin
Carolyn Mallett Margaret Mallett Roberta Unger Christa Malone Artesian Natural Foods Delores Malsam The Van Steenberge’s Suzanne Malta Debbie Thomas Anne Marsella Carrie Lane Diane Klein Dianne Butler Jennifer and Gary Giannini Jolene Dell Aringa Mark and Denise Rasmussen Steve Stevenson Mary Serpa Pete and Charlene Reece Jean Mandella Jack and Mandy Gerlack Ron and Janette Mencarini Jack and Mandy Gerlack Jack and Mandy Gerlack Massima Mariani Veronica Torlai Josephine Manetti Andrew and Louise Mangili Pete and Marilyn Winston Carole J. Huber Robert and Evelyn Burns Susan R. Livesey Don and Arlene Potter Dorothy Casenave William and Sheri Casenave William and Sheri Casenave Dorothy Casenave William and Sheri Casenave Dennis and Dayle Daniels Sherryle Manley
Terri L. Martin Terri Ramirez Martin Tina Martin William & Nola Martin Adam Martinez Amador R. Martinez Amardor R. Martinez, Jr. Angel James Martinez Cindy Habit Martinez Florence Frausto Martinez Gloria Martinez
Glenn and Cheri Burgin
Nancy Masterson (Reynolds) Marie Arlene (White) Mastramico Michelle Mastro Joseph Matar Minty Matar Reetha Mathews Donna Mathiowetz Libby Matson Gail Matsui Les Matsune Les Matsune George and Asa Matsuoka Frank & Yukie Matsuura
Jeanne Manley Mary Coker Nancy Mann Nancy Mann Alisha Bryden Pat Crum Bob Manzanares Christopher and Tola Eley David and Denise Rubiaco Jeanne and Hugh Lilly Doris Maragliano Tom and Bev Maragliano John F. Marble John F. Marble Janet Marchetti Frances Rita Frances Rita Nancy L. Mardis Nancy L. Mardis Craig and Judi Sanders Gail Marganelli Gail Marganelli Joanne Sueyres Clara and Luciano Biasetti Massima Mariani Veronica Torlai Teresa Dini Mary J. Fornaciari Diane Oeser Tom Long & Linda Castanon-Long Lee and Beverly Meidinger Dora Rangel Hillard Corren and Florence Arnold Joyce Marks Eufemia Herrera Madeline Valdez Sally Marquez Madeline Valdez Sally Marquez Robert and Gae Stewart Sally Marquez Madeline Valdez Bill and Nadine Coleman William L. Marre Kathy Rohrer Joanne Marsh Souchek Clifford Marshall Donnie Hernandez Florence Hernandez Ella Buffington Katherine Quinones Ron Martens Cindy Martin Modine B. Blalock Beverly Martin Pearl M. Martin Marie and Stephen Guasco Frieda Costa
Gustavo Martinez Joe Martinez John Martinez Joni Martinez Linda Martinez Nickales Martinez Paul Martinez Ricardo Martinez Ruth Martinez Sharon Martinez Joseph B. Martinez, III Linda Martins Luis Martinsdias Luis Martinsdias Curtis Maryatt Christopher Masdonati Tommy Maslen James S. Mason Marcus Whitmire Mason Randy Mason Robert Mason Al Massa Fern Massa Barney Massman Wilma Massman Tony Massod George Massoni Rodney Mastel Melvia Masterson
Donald Mattes
Donor Name
Lois Sbragia Phyllis Clayton Shirley Cole Alice S. Martin Pearl M. Martin Elda Blicharz Pearl M. Martin Dolores Munro Joseph Martin Elizabeth Lopez Frank and Josephine Silva Pearl M. Martin Sandra Martin Modine B. Blalock Albert and Jane Thurman Christopher and Tola Eley Rosemarie and Nat Bacchetti Geraldine A. Ramirez Guido and Gloria Mazza Cindy Martin Chris and Doug Martin Lupe Mazuka Minerva Martinez Minerva Martinez Melanie Anderson Diane Rosenstine Dorothy Ann Martinez Patty Cherry and Carmen Costilla Minerva Martinez Melanie Anderson Vivien Crandall Sherry Camalleri Vivien Crandall Nancy Holt Eleanore Martinez Emily Escalante Emily Escalante Patty Cherry and Carmen Costilla Dorothy Ann Martinez Carolyn Mora Marie and Stephen Guasco Timothy and Kim Martinsdias Timothy and Kim Martinsdias Darlene Koepplin Sandy Maslen Lucile Mason Carol W. Anderson Wanda Henderson Ms. Dominique Mason Arlind and Jean Fontes Arlind and Jean Fontes William Lang and Darlin Miller William Lang and Darlin Miller Jeanette Michaels Licia Beck Debbie Scott Rex and Joyce Defenbaugh Mary Jane Reynolds Malcolm White Delta Lions Club Janis Peek Janis Peek Dale and Patty Summers Sarah Azevedo Tess Aberle Dale and Grace Uriu Dr. Lance M. Matsune Linda Vieira Steve & Barbie Fujinaka John and Peggy Takahashi Lisa Garcia
Honoree/Memorial Name
Esther Lind Matteson Bob Mattheis Michael Mattioli Michael Mattioli Angie & Tony Mattioli Vickie Mattison Allan Mattock Irene Mattock Randall O. Mattock Gary Matuska Jane Matwiejczyk John Matwiejczyk Mildred Matwiejczyk Stacy Mau Frank Mauro Frank Mauro Howard Mauser Howard & Loraine Mauser Joel & June Mauser John and Gert Mauser Loraine Mauser Deborah Maxey Fred May Ron May Agnes M. Mayer Edwin Mayer Helen Mayer Jacob Mayer Jewell Mayer Lester Mayer Lynn Mayer Lynn Mayer Lynn Mayer Lynn Mayer Lynn Mayer Charles L. Mayfield Emilie C. Mayfield William Mayfield Gary L. Mayse John Mayse Eloisa Mazuka Pedro M. Mazuka Eda K. Mazza August Mazzanti Donald A. Mazzlli Brittany McAlister May McAllister Mico McAtee Barbara McBrian John McBrian Husband, Russell L. McBride, D. C. William McCain Dorothy McCain Ona McCann Erin McCarthy Erin McCarthy John McCarthy Margaret McCarthy Barbara McCarty Cyril McCarty Kathy McCarty Kathleen McCarty Margaret McCarty Sandra McCarty Sharon McCarty Craig McCay Craig C. McCay William T. McClean Judy McCleary Mary McCleary
Donor Name
Leonard and Arlene Lind Beverly Cornelius Helen and Frank Alegre Tony and Karla Mattioli Tony and Karla Mattioli Donna Bennett Michael and Rosemary Mattock Michael and Rosemary Mattock Michael and Rosemary Mattock Judy Dodson Stan and Gay Matthews Stan and Gay Matthews Stan and Gay Matthews Dr. and Mrs. Todd Primack Mr. and Mrs. Troy Wick The Waters (5H20+) Charles and Sharon Jones May Logan Richard and Lani McDonald Richard and Lani McDonald Charles and Sharon Jones Kip and Linda Korth Tracy Lee May Wanda May Mr. Craig V. Mayer Lon and Valerie Mayer Helen and Frank Alegre Helen and Frank Alegre Lon and Valerie Mayer Karen Mayer Brett and Lora Lagorio Donna Araquistain Loren and Kathye Sheridan Mary Rede Mel and Jan Mayer James Paul Mayfield James Paul Mayfield Mendy Alcoriza Ms. Katherine Mayse Ms. Katherine Mayse Lupe Mazuka Lupe Mazuka Ms. Katherine Mayse Tom and Bev Maragliano LaVerne Mazzilli Cathy McAlister George and Marilyn Brown Robert Gini Mrs. Helen Underhill Mrs. Helen Underhill Alice B. McBride Jackie Fleming Christine and Larry Kennard Graydon and Jackie Bannert Gina and Jerry Webb Stephen Costa Rod and Brenna McCleary Rod and Brenna McCleary Margaret M. Preston Clint and Claudia McCarty Clint and Claudia McCarty Joy Corkins Clint and Claudia McCarty Robert Fenley Gloria Nomura Carol W. Anderson Linda McCay Sally J. Williams Rod and Brenna McCleary Carol Hafelfinger
Honoree/Memorial Name
Ruby McCleary Ruby McCleary Homer McCleary Homer McCleary, Jr. Bill McCleary Billy McCleary Beverly McClellan Lillian McClure John E. McColl Jeremy McConlogue George W. McCormick Judith McCormick Judy McCormick Paul McCormick Sarah E. McCormick Frank McCoy Glen McCoy Lula McCreary David L. McCulloch Robert & Judy McCullough Glenda McDanel Mr. and Mrs. E. McDonald John & Pearl McDonald Kathy McDonald Mattie McDonald Doris L. McDougal Florence McDougal John A. McDougal John McDougal Kendra McEnerney Tom & Elsie McEnerney Jason McEntire Bill McFall Dan McFarland Carl W. McGee Gerianne McGee Jean McGee Don McGillvray Elizabeth McGinness William McGinness Alberta & William McGinnis William McGinnis Dale McGowan Wesley McGowen Bill McGregor III Bob McGuire Patti Stubbs McGuire Robert McGuire Roger McGuire Regina McHan Les McIntrff Pete J. McIsaac Pete McIsaac Betty McKee Tom McKeegan Judy McKelvey Delbert McKenzie Don McKie Betty and Jim McKim Cecil McKindley Joyce McKindley Alice McKinny Babs McLaughlin Larry McLean Tim McLinden Patrick McMakin Donald M. McMartin Stephanie McMillen Thelma McMillen Walter McMillen Allen McNeil Jimmy McPherson Doug McSwan and Frances McSwan Duane Meacham, Sr.
Donor Name
Mary McCleary Rod and Brenna McCleary Mary McCleary Rod and Brenna McCleary Mary McCleary Rod and Brenna McCleary Lee and Michelle Bethea Peg Vanderkar Bev and Bob McColl Donna Bennett Helen McCormick David and Gail Hixson Edith Wackerly Syd and Mary Lois Thompson Helen McCormick Linda McCoy Robert Ellis Sandy Lewis Virginia McCulloch Caryl Toth & Family Beverly Rushing Glen and Betty McDonald Richard and Lani McDonald Waheeda Khan Diane Gray Mary S. Sievers Bob and Joy Augusto Mary S. Sievers Mary S. Sievers Linda McEnerney Linda McEnerney Carolyn Sakai Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Selman Michael Halloran Gerry McGee Elayne Costa Kathy Moniz Jeanette Michaels Anne Ramacher Anne Ramacher Jill Seibert Jill Seibert Pat and Kathleen Fitzpatrick Charles D. Ford William and Priscilla McGregor Janet Schuh Albert and Jane Thurman James and Rosemarie McGuire Esther Sowers Charles D. Self David and Maryann Lenci Judith McIsaac Lynn Truman Carol and William Latham Doug and Marsha Haydel Phyllis J. Almendarez Margie Ruggirello Ms. Lori Lynn Anderson Mrs. Patricia Van Oss Lauri McKindley Lauri McKindley Christina Abacherli Lilllian Bava Randa Farragher Michaeleen Riel Meredith McMakin Betty McMartin Christe May Jeannie McMillen Jeannie McMillen Susan R. Livesey Sandra McPherson Henry and Evelyn Pereira Colleen Meacham
Children’s Grief support inspires Teen Programs This coming September, Hospice of San Joaquin will conduct the ninth Camp Caterpillar – a day camp for grieving children. Camp Caterpillar, along with Kids Korner – a group bereavement program designed to engage children to face and manage their grief – together had been the cornerstone to our Children’s Bereavement Service. Out of the success of our Children’s program grew the recognition for the significant need to provide bereavement ser v ices for teens. This recognition resulted in the development of our Teen to Teen Program where teens are afforded the opportunity to share their grief with other teens. It is through this sharing that the teens learn that they are not alone. That others share the same feelings and experiences associated with grief. It is as a group that they learn to overcome the isolation associated with teen grief. Most recently, Hospice of San Joaquin has increased its school outreach program. This program is a partnership with various schools throughout the County. The schools contact Hospice of San Joaquin when a situation arises whereby several of their students would benefit from the program. The School Outreach Program is offered to elementary, junior and high schools – and takes place at the school. This program has filed a major community need as evidenced by the number of invitations from schools as well as the number of participating students. In 2010 eight schools requested bereavement services
Jackie Korbholz, Volunteer at Hospice of San Joaquin. and buddy at Camp Caterpillar 2011 from our School Outreach Program. Forty-six children attended one of the eight sessions, each lasting four or five weeks. In 2011 sixteen schools requested Hospice of San Joaquin’s assistance – with two schools have the special Crisis Intervention needs associated with the death of a teacher or parent. Participation rose to 268 students. A ll in all 369 children and teens received bereavement support from one of Hospice of San Joaquin’s Children’s or Teen Bereavement Groups. True to
its not-for-profit mission “of providing comprehensive and compassionate medical care, counseling and support to terminally ill patients and their families regardless of ability to pay,” Hospice of San Joaquin is proud to offer its many Bereavement Services free of charge to all participants. I want to personally thank the community for its continual support of Hospice of San Joaquin. It is because of you that 369 children and teens benefited from Hospice of San Joaquin’s Children’s Bereavement Support.
Hospice of San Joaquin 2011 Tree of Lights Donors’ Recognition Honoree/Memorial Name
Rosemary Mordaunt Gene A. Moreau Virginia Moreira Paul Morell Tony and Rita Morelli Rita Morelli Amy Moreno your father, Bob Moreno
Pastor Patrick Williams of New Life Fellowship offers the invocation during Tracy Tree of Lights ceremony Honoree/Memorial Name
Duane Paul Meacham, Sr. Mary C. Meacham Bill Meaders Peggy Meahan Gene S. Medeiros Gene S. Medeiros Genevieve Medina Genevieve Medina Grandmother Genevieve Medina Mother Jess and Genevieve Medina Jess C. Medina Jess Medina Grandfather Jess Medina - Father Gordon Medlin Bill and Carol Meehleis Harry Meeks Millie Meeks Florence Mehlhaff Florence Mehlhaff Isabel Melhaff Ron Mehlhaff Bill and Hilda Meidinger Ella Meidinger Elder Lee Meidinger Todd Meidinger Todd Lee Meidinger Christine Meier Neil Mekeel Edmundo Melendez David Meling Donald Meling Jule R. Mellen Charles J. Mello Dennis Mello Francis Mello John Mello Mary Mello Natalie Mello Ryan A. Mello Bette Melton Alessio Menconi Eni Menconi Marie R. Mendaro Barbara Mendel Dorothy Mendes Frances A. Mendez Gabriel Mendez Marcos and Margaret Mendez Jerry Mendoes Edward Mendonca Kathy Mendoza Howard J. Menking Rosemarie Zee Menor Henry Meraz Javier Mercado Simona Irene Mercado Mary S. Mercer Andres Meren Barbara B. Merjil Barbara B. Merjil Barbara B. Merjil Ceaser and Edith Merlo Elizabeth (Betty) Mertz Richard (Dick) Mertz John and Pat Metrovich John E. Metrovich John E. Metrovich Patricia R. Metrovich Thelma Metrovich Hilda Mettler Stanley Mettler John Metzcus H. Leland Meyer, Jr. Hertha Meyer Lloyd Meyer Ralph Meyer Ursula Meyer Ursula Meyer Joe Meyers Linda Meyers Marlene Meyers Nick and Penny Meyers Mike Miatovich Mike Miatovich Joseph Micallef Shirley Michaeloff Bernice Michaels Bernice Michaels Tony and Bernice Michaels Joseph A. Michaels Joseph Michaels Tony Michaels Tony Michaels Carlo Michelotti Carlo Michelotti Richard Michels
Donor Name
Linda Suarez Colleen Meacham Dawn Meaders Edward Meahan Lawrence Powell Mrs. Kathy Eccles Medeiros Jess Medina Jess R. Aires John and Genevieve Aires Marilyn Togninali Jess Medina Jess R. Aires John and Genevieve Aires Barbara Bidondo Marles Finos Betty Meeks Shellie Beam Duane Mehlhaff Stacey Pattingale Janice Mehlhaff Janice Mehlhaff Jeff and Suzy Beach Russell and Mabel Martin Lee and Beverly Meidinger Diane Hartley Lee and Beverly Meidinger Velma Peterson Mrs. Barbara Mekeel Doreen Melendez Faith Meling Faith Meling Patty Roek Sandra Mello Desiree Mello Tony and Carmen Silva Tony and Carmen Silva Tony and Carmen Silva Sandra Mello Pat Crum Dorsey Melton Renzo and Evelyn Menconi Renzo and Evelyn Menconi Lena Giambruno Deborah L. Mendel Diane McKinley Doris Perez Ina Moreno Bonner W. Mendez Sam and Nancy Galano Sharon Mendonca Ina Moreno Vernon and Denice Vincelet Robert and Mary Ellen Lopez Jennifer M. Meraz Marina King Marina King Robert C. Mercer Norma Meren Dianne M. Taylor Gussie Owen Pat Merjil Walt and Barbara Wolterstorff David and Marilyn Mertz David and Marilyn Mertz Lyndle Bell Mark and Denise Rasmussen Marlene Drew and Otis Kelley Marlene Drew and Otis Kelley Marlene Drew and Otis Kelley Kathryn Haynie Amy Roberts Jennifer and Scott Emigh Catherine Meyer Cindy Tohlen Cindy Tohlen Doris Meyer Deborah Westler Donna Brown Nick and Penny Meyers Ken Meyers Felix and Paulie Torlai Cindy and Patrick Piccardo Dorothy West Eleanor Miatovich Gloria Rossetti Century 21 M&M Associates Jeanette Michaels Nina Michaels Renee Malcoun Jeanette Michaels Nina Michaels Jeanette Michaels Nina Michaels Stephen and Bonnie Fentress Vivian M. Gay Katherine Harden
Honoree/Memorial Name
Dorothy Michelson Cheri Middlekauff Cheri Middlekauff Julie Mieher - Daughter Ronnie Mierdiericks Armand Mignacco Armand Mignacco Armand Mignacco Armando Mignacco Dieter W. Mikan Warren Milldrum Warren Milldrum Al and Madge Miller Beverly Miller Corinne Miller Floyd W. Miller Floyd W. Miller Floyd W. Miller Gary Miller Heidi Miller Victor & Marian Miller William C. Milligan Fred Mills Fred Mills Fred Mills Fred Mills Jeff Mills Marjorie R. Mills Dorothy Mindt Alvin “Ollie” Mindt Steven Mindt Janet Miner Isabel Miniaci James Miniaci Richard S. Minnick Douglas MInor Elmo L. Minor Francisco Miquel Mary M. Miranda Richard L. Miranda Paul Mireles, Jr. Paul Mireles Violet Mireles Violet Mireles Liz Mirko Tony Mirko Karen Mistretta Mr. & Mrs. Donald (Dorothy) Mitchell Ernest Mitchell Florence Mitchell Helen Mitchell John D. Mitchell John Mitchell Katherine Mitchell and Jack Mitchell Tom and Nancy Mitchell Kenneth Miyasaki Raymond C. Mizener Ana Garcia Mlejnek Gottfried Mlejnek Don Moberg Raymond Moberly Kirby, Snickers and Casey Mocanu Mae Moccafiche Norman D. Moe Kathleen Moffett Emilia Mohr Richard Mohr Arild T. Molgaard The deceased of my Family Angelina Monasterio Robert Moncrief Anne M. Monotti Fred Monotti Agnes Monroe Forrest Monroe Mona Montemarano Irma Montes Stella Montez Thomas Montez Gerry Montgomery Leanne Montgomery Josephine Montoya Bill Moody Larry Moon Larry Moon Don Mooney Alan D. Moore Clara Moore
Cory Moore Earl and Elsie Moore Glenda Moore Haskell L. Moore Marley Moore Susan Moore Susan Moore Violet Moore Kenneth E. Moppin Connie Mora Greg Morales Greg Morales Greg Morales Salvador Morales Sarah Aceves Morales Manuel and Jenny Moran Robert Mordaunt
Donor Name
Corine Herrera Joyce Aschenbrener Lena Vasconcellos Shirley Alvas Mary McCleary Bruce Mahan Laura Mignacco Marlene Mahan Steven Mahan Helen and Frank Alegre Betty Milldrum Mary Ann Libbey Michael and Mary Lou Monnich Mrs. Jennifer LaViola Dolly E. Sonne Frances Eastep Gary and Dorothy Ulman Velda Miller Lanette C. Snow Joan Limbaugh Ron and Carol Miller Linnea Milligan Heather Mills Helen Mills Maria Mills Vivian M. Gay Mary Ann Libbey Larry and Georgia Mills Sandy Lewis Sandy Lewis Sandy Lewis Lon and Valerie Mayer Lance and Patty Rieber Lance and Patty Rieber Sylvia Minnick Geraldean K. Minor Geraldean K. Minor Bertha Miquel Mr. Richard A. Miranda Mr. Richard A. Miranda Linda Mireles Pete and Jackie Fanucchi Linda Mireles Pete and Jackie Fanucchi Pam and Larry Howen Pam and Larry Howen Dorothy Broin Linda Lutz Tillie Rallios Thelma Stewart Nona Mitchell Gwinnett Mitchell Paden Rob and Sara Waters Nancy Mann Anne Braden Tom and Tsuru Miyasaki Margaret Mizener Maria Garcia Maria Garcia Irene Moberg Phyllis Isoardi Cathy McAlister Alan Foster Stella Moe Eilene Lambdin Carol Martinelli Elizabeth Betts Gail Molgaard Elmer and Angela Molini Phillip Monasterio Irene Moncrief Relina Monotti Relina Monotti Art and Ann Woodruff Paula Monroe Alisha Bryden Elizabeth Lopez Stella Visgilio Stella Visgilio Bob Montgomery James Allen Mrs. Josephine Errecart Mike and Emily Paige Phyllis Clayton Susan Moon Marcia Mooney Lory Moore Bertha Miquel, Sylvia Rambach, Evelyn Guiang, Sister Theresa Spittle, Lillian Barredo Rosemarie and Ralph Moore Robert & Bonnie Moore Kathy Husted Frances O. Moore April Hughes Craig Moore Eleanor and Keith Hilken Dr. and Mrs. Todd Primack Pauline Moppin Carolyn Mora Brothers and Sisters Mother Uncle Patrick and Aunt Judy Albaugh David and Ortencia Perez David and Ortencia Perez Earl and Carmen Sato Mike and Margie Mordaunt
Brandi Moreno Carlos Moreno Chad Moreno Dolores Moreno Fernando Moreno Frances Moreno Joe Moreno Joe Moreno Joseph Jesus Moreno Richard Moreno Ruben, Gloria & David Moreno
Stephanie Moreno Stephanie HerreraMoreno Evelyn Moresco Ray Moresco Joan Morgan Joan Morgan Marie Morganti Marie Morganti Marie Morganti Bernie Morgenstern Mabel Morgenstern Londina Mori Nick Mori Judy Overcast Morino Henry Morita Henry Satoshi Morita Gaye Morrill Eugene Morris Howard Morris Leon Morris Leon Morris Paul Morris Ronna Berkman Morris Lee Morrison Cheryl Morrow (Sheri) Carolyn J. Mortensen Carolyn J. Mortensen Bob Morton June Morton Theodora B. Moser My Mother Joanne Mounce David Mount Lota Mount Lota Mount Jeffrey Moutinho Carolyn S. Mow Joseph Moya Rodolfo G. Moya Vodie Muccular Burel & Marion Mulkey Marie Mullally Duke Muller Margaret Mulloy Samuel Mulloy Michael J. Mulrooney Michael J. Mulrooney Donna Munday Andres Muñoz Andres Muñoz Antonia Munoz Eliseo Munoz John Munoz John Munoz Lillie Munoz Manuel “Manny” Munoz Manuel “Manny” Munoz Raul C. Munoz Raul C. Munoz Shogo Muraoka Eusebio Murillo, Jr. Mary Ellen Murillo Don J. Murphy Joanne M. Murphy Michael J. Murphy Monique Murphy Bill Murrah William D. Murrah Bill Murrah Paul Edward Murray Abib Musallam Wardeh Musallam Wardeh Musallam Robert H. Musfelt “Shorty” Musick Mae Evelyn Musick Rodolfo Mussi Joyce Muzio Thelma Muzio Thil Muzio My Family Cecil Myers Mop Myers Ida Myers Inez and Russ Myers Mary Myers Nancy Myers Lillian Nadotti Norman Nadotti Fuad Nahhas Georgette Nahhas Isao J. Nakaoka Jane H. Nakaue Fred Namahoe Jr. George H.Nance Kevin Nardulli Carl Nash Frank & Virginia Nash
Donor Name
Mike and Margie Mordaunt Jane Moreau Tony and Delores Moreira Stan and Marty Hopper Florence Hernandez Lori Pizzo Sylvia Toso Tom Long & Linda Castanon-Long Carlos Moreno Carlos Moreno Carlos Moreno Emily Escalante Ray and Lori Moreno Carlos Moreno Diane Vargas Emily Escalante Shirley Ng Shirley Ng Loving Children: Reuben J. & Lori C. Moreno, Yolanda & Ed Burrows, Roberto & Danielle Moreno and Danny Moreno Donna Shane Rosemarie Kennedy Thelma Stewart Susan R. Livesey Frank Morgan Jill Twitty Bill and Meredith McCormack David, Stephanie and Miya Cheng David, Stephanie and Miya Cheng Dave and Pam Dias Dave and Pam Dias Elena Girardi Elena Girardi Susie Valterza Masako Morita Roy and Beverly Yoneshige Frank Wendell Anice and Eugene Morris, Jr. Roger and Linda Barker Heidi Peterson Mr. Patrick Auer Roger and Linda Barker Hal and Geri Berkman John Wallinger Ron and Janet Morrow Bob and Dorothy Henning Marit Mortensen Bird Karen Yescas Karen Yescas Barbara A. Patchen Ron and Jo Ann Stock Anne Braden Marilyn Peters Elizabeth Lopez Marilyn Peters Darlene Hayes Shirley Ng Lisa Owens Maureen Moya Joan S. Inge The Stevano Family W. Gregory Mullally Jenna Cademartori Debbie Deese Debbie Deese Margaret Mulrooney Martin & Katie Ronayne Jay and Linda Hoff Barbara Pombo for Gene Acevedo Marie and Stephen Guasco for Gene Acevedo Doris and Tony Munoz Doris and Tony Munoz Barbara Bidondo Pat and Dave Ellis Pat and Dave Ellis John and Dana Munoz Lucy Munoz Lucy Munoz Yolanda Munoz Sonoye Muraoka Christine Soto Gloria Nomura Mrs. Helen E. Murphy Kellen & Jackie Murphy Jerre and Susan Murphy Noelle Delore 10 ICC Greenholtz Robert and Judith Arbini William and Priscilla McGregor Jeff and Julie Loudon Rena Meier Georgette Nahhas Rena Meier Doris E. Musfelt Pat and Kathleen Fitzpatrick Pat and Kathleen Fitzpatrick Rudy and Toni Mussi William and Lavina Logsdon Mrs. Denise Campbell Mrs. Denise Campbell Susan Keehr Bernice Holmes Marina King Bernice Holmes Kimberly and George Contente Lynne and Roger Ver Mulm Martin J. Herzog Louise Della Santa Louise Della Santa Rena Meier Rena Meier Nancy Nakaoka John S. Nakaue Aletheia Namahoe Jack and Bette Gianelli Christina O’Neal Doug and Randi Preston Lee and Mary Nash
Honoree/Memorial Name
Marion Nash Marion Nash Marion Nash The Natali Family John Nathe Gerald Natsuhara Roman Nava Anne Navarro Ralph Navarro Fred and Rose Nave Jack Nayer Jack C. Nayer Jack Nayer Jack Nayer Jack Nayer Jack Nayer Jack C. Nayer Richard Neadeau John Joseph Neal William Neal Barbara J. Nehme Clara Neil George Neil Catherine Neilsen Carey Nelson Donald A. Nelson Donald A. Nelson Judy Nelson Mary Nelson & Paula Young Pat Nelson (Mary Ann) Robert Nelson Robert Nelson Nona Hoffman Nemie Diane B. Neri Diane Neri - My Mother! All I Have Lost! Diane B. Neri Pat Neri Gaylon Nerland Gloria Nerland Gus Robert Neset Marsha Neu Gary Neuer Jacklyn Neuvert Jessica Newlin Jessica Newlin Neil Newlin Homer Newman Timothy Newsom Nancy L. Newton Sheryl Newton Gene Ng Be Nguyen Hoa Van Nguyen Kiet Nguyen Warren John Nicholas C.G. “Nick” Nichols Hugh Nichols, Sr. Jim Nichols Mr. and Mrs. Mike Nichols Ruth Nichols Milton Nickel Romeo G. Nicolas Bonifacio Nieddu Joanne Nielson Janet Niemeyer Hilde Niford Hilde Niford Mrs. Nii Hito Nishi’s 91st Birthday Bill Niswonger Judy Nitchke W. E. “Shorty” Nitschke Barbara Nitta Warren S. Nitta your daughter, Kathy Nixon Glen Nobmann Henry S. Noel Rebecca Noelty James A. Nolan (Aunt) Sally Nolls Dr. Darius Noori Dorothy “Dolly” Nord Reldalv Nord Naomi Nordstrom Robert Norling Floyd Norling, Sr. Pastor Chuck Norman Craig Norman Anne Norris Pauline K. North Cindy Northcraft Alice B. Norton Priscilla Norton Frances Novetzke Frances Novetzke Patti Novinger Karen Nowak and Faye Badgley Clovis Nuetzman Douglas Null Doug Null Vernice Numer Cortney Nunes Mary and John Nunes Angelina L. Nunez Charles Nunez Ann and Bill Nutting Vern Oase George L. Obert John Obertello Jim O’Brien Jim O’Brien Joseph J. O’Brien Kathy O’Brien Marie A. O’Brien Marie A. O’Brien
Donor Name
Norma Steyaert Sharon Fortner Ted and Myrna Cooper Patricia Seifert Mary Natteford Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth Natsuhara Maria Nava Annette Saldivar Annette Saldivar Lyndle Bell Charles and Christine La Croix Chris and Janet Ford and Family George Abdallah Mr. and Mrs. Bob Kinser Stephen and Patricia Bohnak Steve Buettner Victor and Trisha Macko Loving Daughter & Husband: Lori C. and Reuben J. Moreno Rich and Joanne Waters Norma G. Neal Sam Nehme Helen and Frank Alegre Helen and Frank Alegre Reverend and Mrs. David Bennett Janice and Larry Cooper Belynda Zobb Lynn Nelson Janice and Larry Cooper Dane Nelson Patricia Berger Barbara J. Jones Gretchen H. Nelson Art and Pam Needham Donna Faith Jaret Blinn Peter and Nicole Rosado Robert and Jan Minford Gregory and Lynn Nerland Gregory and Lynn Nerland Douglas Pederson and Rick Kidd Harry R. Trovinger Richard and Janet Wanner Madeline Torres Dennis and Janet Keithley Neal and Sharon Newlin Dennis and Janet Keithley Lauri McKindley Shelby and John White Jim and Carole Kiefer Ted and Beverly Lacy Jeanie Quan Mai Nguyen Phoung Nguyen Phoung Nguyen Hilda W. Nicholas Janis and Ron Nichols Linda Tremble Cathy Nichols-Washer Cathy McAlister Janis and Ron Nichols Gerald and Beverly Ascencio Josephine Nicolas Agnes Nieddu Arthur Phillips Christine and Larry Kennard Fran Duren Mrs. Dominique Hillmer Patsy and Gary Sakai Anne Sheldon Mildred J. Niswonger Gary and Linda Klipfel Thomasine Nitschke Hiroko Nitta Hiroko Nitta Tom Long & Linda Castanon-Long Patricia Blosser Charlotte Berglund Margaret M. Preston Valerie Nolan Sandra Martin Anonymous Danelle and Jeff Ferrari Elizabeth Zimmerman Don Nordstrom Jon and Audrey Norling Floyd and Katherine Norling, Jr. Lillian Briones, Alison Jynes and Lilia Hernandez Fred and Karen Norman Bill and Brenda Norris Susan and Bob North Ginna Fales Kenneth Norton Melanie Eggett Gloria Nomura Jim and Andrea Novetzke Richard and Janet Wanner Dick and Janie Williams David and Gail Hixson Mrs. Ernestine Null Roberta Uecker Bev and Bob McColl Christine and Larry Kennard Mary Augusto Angelina Smith Laura Guerrero Paul and Mary Jacobson John E. Allen Louise Obert Mr. and Mrs. William B. Gomes Chet and Renee O’Brien Shirley Hamilton Marie and Stephen Guasco Anne Marsella Chet and Renee O’Brien Shirley Hamilton
Hospice of San Joaquin 2011 Tree of Lights Donors’ Recognition Honoree/Memorial Name
Charles Patmon Jr. Charles Patmon Jr. Dorothy Patmon Antolin Patricio Antolin Patricio Marni Wilcox Jane Patterson Leon Patterson Mildred Patterson William F. Patterson Tyler James Pattingale Tyler James Mehlhaff Pattingale June Pattison Ralph E. Patton, Sr. Stan Pauff Joanne Paul Laurie Paul Geneva Paulson Laura Paulson Thomas Paulson Suzanne Paval Drew Paylor Bob Payne
Santa Claus visits the Lockeford/ Clements Tree of Lights brining joy and excitment at the Tree of Lights. Tree of Lights is a partnership with the Lockeford/ Clements Chamber of Commerce Honoree/Memorial Name
Mary O’Brien Voteau O’Brien David O’Connell Oliver O’Connor Roger O’Dell Edward Odom Dr. and Mrs. Arthur O’Donnell Bill O’Donnell Eloise M. O’Donnell Rodger O’Ferrall William Offermann Dolly Ogilvie Kathleen (Haynes) Oglesby Bill O’Hara Marty O’Hara John Ohlson Evelyn Ohm Herman G. Ohm Robert G. Ohm Roy Ohta Roy Ohta Roy Ohta Roy Ohta Roy Ohta Roy Ohta Roy Ohta Roy Ohta Roy Ohta Roy Ohta Roy Ohta Peter Ojeda Horace O’Keefe Margaret O’Keefe Cornelio Olaso Jose Olasolo George Olcomendy Annie Olin Dorothy Olin Dorothy Olin Matt Olin John Oliveira Mary Oliveira Dorothy Oliver John F. Oliver Robert A. Olivero Bob Olivero Carin Olivet Liz Ollar Liz Ollar Jo Ann Olmsted Edith L. Olsen June E. Olsen Margaret Olsen Norman Olsen Allen Olson Bob Olson Dolores Olson Eleanor Olson Langley (Skip) Olson Langley (Skip) Olson Norman Olson Grandpa Norman Olson Skip Olson Warren Olson Warren Olson Warren Olson Joseph L. Olvera Katherine Olvera Lily Olvera Grandpa Omachi Samantha M. Omey Patricia O’Neil Margaret and Joe Oneto Mary L. Oneto John G. Oneto, Sr. Ate Ada Ong Margie Onstott Allen S. Onweiler, Jr Patrick Ordovensky Kaz Orimo Nino Orlando Nino Orlando Shannon Ormsby Elizabeth Orosco Charlie Ortega Everardo A. Ortega Jake Ortega Jake Ortega Jennie Ortega Leonard Ortiz Leonard Ortiz Louis Ortiz Louis S. Ortiz Louis Ortiz Charles Osborn Donald L. Osborn
Eula Paz Edward Pazek Donor Name
Bob and Kathy Wallace Marie and Stephen Guasco Mrs. Ann O’Connell Jaccene Longacre Nora O’Dell Dan Heard Dee O’Donnell Dee O’Donnell Clarence O’Donnell Ardel Betz Mae Offermann Mrs. Bruno E. Trombella Darrell and Patty Haynes Linda Tremble Beth Owen Susan Wathan Dolores Ohm Dolores Ohm Barbara J. Ohm Adam and Cindy Felix and Paulie Torlai Frank and Betsy Shinoda Furby John and Jennifer Fukano Julie Ohta and Peter Huie Mrs. Patti Komure Mah Mrs. Tomiye Ohta Ms. Christine Delucchi Robyn, Frankie and Kira Rod and Debbie Doris Perez Mike and Margie Haney Mike and Margie Haney Leonard and Arlene Lind Teresa Olasolo Tony and Carol Torlai Chris and Dennis Olin Chris and Dennis Olin John and Edna Fruchey Chris and Dennis Olin John and Irene Leandro John and Irene Leandro Leslie K. Oliver Marion Oliver Carol Olivero Florence Bingham Toni and George Jaquith Chet and Robin Williams Marles Finos Elizabeth and Daniel Engelund Lynne Galletta Wayne and Karen West Sandy Clark and Jeri Parrish Sandy Clark and Jeri Parrish Mr. and Mrs. Harry Olson Kelly and Janet Nimtz Annette M. Hansen Galen Olson Diana Swan Ronald and Nancy Simmons Karen Olson Robyn and Joe Moshier Galen Olson Diana Swan Galen Olson Ronald and Nancy Simmons Kathleen Siebler Chuck and Diana Olvera Gregory and Rhonda Olvera Carol Nakashima Dr. and Mrs. Raynor Harmeson Gayle Hunt Max Simoncic Elaine Oneto-Galbreath Elaine Oneto-Galbreath Lucita Anderson-Smith Lois Sbragia Khloanna R. Onweiler Farley and Charles Staniec Rose Mildred Orimo Linda Orlando Stephanie Celli Debi Kininmonth Nick and Pam Curtin Jannie, Julia and Jovie Ford Evelyn Ortega James and Patricia Brice Judy Ortega Evelyn Ortega Frank and Peggy Ortiz Ida Ortiz Joan Ortiz Mr & Mrs Jerry & Kathryn Rauwolf Stephen Ortiz Richard and Sharon Maragliano Rita Osborn
Honoree/Memorial Name
Doris Osborn Floyd Osborn Gloria Osborn Blanche Osborne May Oshita Duane C. Ostgaard Duane C. Ostgaard Duane C. Ostgaard Duane C. Ostgaard Duane C. Ostgaard Duane C. Ostgaard Your son, Bob O’Sullivan and your parents Mary Gutierrez Mariscal and Martin Alva Anita Oswald Anita Oswald Emanuel Oswald Emanuel Oswald Marjorie Ott Our Wonderful Parents Dave Overturf Betty Owen Bill Owen Florence Owen Jeanette Owen Olive Owen Reginald Owen Arthur Paul Owens Lila Owens Pamela Oxford Carl Pacheco Caroline Pacheco Nene Pacheco Anna Pachuca Diane Pacini Leon Padayhag John K. Paden Indalecio R. Padilla Kathryn Nagel Horst Padilla Ruben Padilla, Jr. Ruben Padilla, Jr. Maria C. Padron Maria C. Padron Matt Pagano Virginia Pagano & Tony Frieda Pagel Kirstin Paisley Ralph Palazuelos Kay Pallissard Cpl. Charles O. Palmer, USMC My Mother - Janet F. Palmer Leah Palmquist Maryann Wallace Pangburn Maryann Pangburn “Willi” Pantelios Kathryn Pantelios Alice M. Panzer Robert D. Panzer Judge Chris Papas Cory Paradiso Gene Paradiso Jennie Paradiso Jennie Paradiso Steven Paradiso Tony Paradiso Tony & Angie Paradiso Maya Paratore Antonio Paravati Mary Parchment Elma Pardella George Pardini Vera Pardini Our Parents Clodualdo A. Parial Elpidio Parial Soledad A. Parial Victor A. Parial Dick Park Susan Park Christopher Parker Jeff Parker Lori Jean Parker Michael Parker Rod Parker Phyllis Parks Chris Parsons Paul Pasquet Frances Pass Richard Pass Shirley Passama Shirley Passama Charles Passarell Michael F. Passarell Steven Passarell Past Deceased Members Joseph Pastorello Daniel W. Patchen Caroline S. Patino
Donor Name
Wyman & Andrea Osborn Wyman & Andrea Osborn Rita Osborn Richard and Sharon Maragliano David, Stephanie and Miya Cheng Ellen Ostgaard James and Lois Finch Kara Halligan Ken and Doris Chase Kolleen Ostgaard Stephen and Bonnie Fentress Tom Long & Linda Castanon-Long
Betty Oswald Donna Oswald Betty Oswald Donna Oswald Fred and Kristine Ott Lee and Sue Dempsey Dennis Jimenez Patty Ceppi Charity Owen Gussie Owen Mary Thompson Charity Owen Patty Ceppi Steve and Kathy Owens Pat Caccamo John and Marla Kendrick Judy Pacheco Judy Pacheco Lorretta J. Ybarra Lenore Uyeda Patti Swansick Susie Padayhag Gwinnett Mitchell Paden Luz Maria Padilla Sharon Shockey David and Elizabeth Rodriguez Lucy Munoz Mary McCleary Pete Padron Cathy McAlister Florence Hernandez Trinity Lutheran Ladies Guild Andee Zetterbaum Marie and Stephen Guasco Vicky McAthie Cindy Cepeda Anne Hines Janice and Larry Cooper Bob and Kathy Wallace Michael Pangburn David and Lucinda Heilman Nick Bokides Joy and Mike Panzer Joy and Mike Panzer Elena Christine Vasti Dorene Carroll Dorene Carroll Debra A. Carr Dorene Carroll Theresa Honeychurch Dorene Carroll Theresa Honeychurch Chris and Dennis Olin Nancy Paravati Antoinette Berman James Barakatt Fred and Georgia Risso Fred and Georgia Risso Rupert & Gayle Asuncion Corazon Parial Corazon Parial Corazon Parial Corazon Parial Felix and Paulie Torlai Elaine Oneto-Galbreath Pam Laverone Paulette Parker Sandra Bukovec Marian Parker Sandra Bukovec Delores Soderfelt Karen Longoria Paulette Parker Pat Reeder Pat Reeder Gene Passama Jeannie McMillen Pat Passarell Pat Passarell Pat Passarell El Dorado Kiwanis CLBU Tony and Dawn Troncale Barbara A. Patchen Caesar and Stella
Jonathan Pearce Christine Peck Alfred Pedroli Angela Pedroncelli Frank Pedroncelli Sr Frank Pedroncelli Jesse Peek Roger Peling Paolo Pellegrino Michael Pellizze Helen Pelton Braden Penberthy Braden Penberthy Braden Penberthy Mr. & Mrs. Norman (Esther) Penberthy, Sr. Norman & Ester Penberthy Charlotte Penner Rollie M. Pennington Larry Pennini Larry H. Pennini David Peoples Steven Peoples Steve Peoples Aaron F. Perdue Hank Pereira Henry Pereira Jr. Your son, Bob Perez E. R. Perez Frank R. Perez John Perez Mark J. Perez Martin Perez Robert Perez Simon T. Perez, Sr. Bill Perkins Don Perkins Pauline Perkins Dennis Perry Dennis Perry Evelyn Perry Ida Perry Joe R. Perry John Perry Laurence Perry Larry Perry Margie Perry Karene Person Robert Person Anthony Pessino Betty Peterman Barbara Peters Fred A. Peters, Jr. Fred A. Peters, Jr. John Wallace Peters Judi Peters Lucille Peters Manuel Peters Pat Peters Rick R. Peters Derek Petersen Dottie Petersen Jack Petersen Tom Petersen Carla Peterson Cheryl Peterson Jean Peterson Jean Peterson Lisa Peterson Margaret Jean Peterson Ralph Peterson Rose Mary Peterson Al and Yvonne Petrig Lloyd Pettis Vera Pettis Lennie Pew Mildred Pezzi Tony Pezzi Lee A. Pezzola Olinda Pfeif Aldon Pfeifer Leo Pfeifer Gertrude Pfeifle Jeff Pfeifle Jerry Pfeifle Jene Pharris Pat Philastre Bruno Phillips Cynthia R. Phillips John Phillips Patty Phillips Todd Alan Phillips Kathleen Phipps Celia Piazza Joseph Piazza Wardell & Catherine Piccardo Catherine Piccardo Frank & Elanor Piccardo George & Carmen Piccardo Patricia Piccardo
Donor Name
Hernandez Anne Marsella Arline G. Drais Anne Marsella Esther Dahlhauser Myda Bulawit Kathleen A. Mirassou Karen and Gerald West Sherry Carney Sherry Carney Sherry Carney Duane Mehlhaff Stacey Pattingale Jane R. Brady Mike and Gayle Harrell Mike and Cathy Otte Delta Lions Club Deborah L. Buck Kristin Buhk James A. Paulson Kristin Buhk Karl and Debra May Marcia Cook Yolanda and Ivan Hamlow Joseph Paz Robert and Nance Lichter H. Dean and Beatrice McNeilly Kathy Stiner Donna Araquistain Geraldine Pedroncelli Geraldine Pedroncelli Geraldine Pedroncelli Nita Reinhart Don Peling and Idamary Smith Farley and Charles Staniec Connie Farago Elizabeth Lopez Linda Lutz Norman Penberthy Rip, Rob and Randy Waters Linda Lutz Norman Penberthy Lois Getschow Jacqueline Pennington Kelli Page Mary Pennini Arthur and Ruth Peoples Arthur and Ruth Peoples Peter and Judith Tirapelle Louetta Perdue Tony and Carmen Silva Theresa Honeychurch Tom Long & Linda Castanon-Long Doris Perez Leatrice Perez James Maguire Linda Hendricks David & Ortencia Perez David & Ortencia Perez Delfina Rodriguez Lori Foster Susan R. Livesey Ms. Lori Lynn Anderson Sharla Perry Stacy Masterson Donna Anguiano Barbara J. Scott Barbara J. Scott Mary Pennini Cindy Smith Edward & Viola Shands Edward & Viola Shands Stephen & Julie Hellmer Stephen & Julie Hellmer Annie Podesto John and Marla Kendrick Ellen Donaldson Bruce and Linda Dodge Rosemarie & Nat Bacchetti Ellen Donaldson Ellen Donaldson Ida Ortiz Ida Ortiz Ellen Donaldson Beverly and Bob Peters Jim and Marilyn Menasco Reid and Julie Van Noate Mary Hamilton Mary Hamilton Elmer & Donna Smith Louise Keser-Biederman Heidi Peterson Tom A. Peterson Fred and Kristine Ott Mr. Patrick Auer Christy Henderson Elda Blicharz Carol Louise Silva Patricia Pettis Patricia Pettis Noel & Patti Stetson Anthony Pezzi Anthony Pezzi Sally J. Williams Frieda Fischer Patty Pfeifer Angela Cerri Sandy Lewis Betty Pfeifle Betty Pfeifle Rex and Susan Edmiston Joanne Vaughan-Cobb Reno and Reanna Giuntoli Ellen Donaldson Nick and Penny Meyers Terry and Steve Heminger Ellen Donaldson Chuck and Jonnie Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. Joe Falcone Mr. & Mrs. Joe Falcone Cindy and Patrick Piccardo Lynette Norman Cindy and Patrick Piccardo Cindy and Patrick Piccardo Peter and Dena Piccardo
Honoree/Memorial Name
Wardell Piccardo Enrico Picchi Fred Picchi Fred Picchi Julia Picchi Roseadele Picchi Antonio and Josephine Piccoli Ruth Pierovich Lynne Pilcher Lynne Pilcher Bill Pilgrim Eleanor Pimentel Frank Pimentel Fred Pinasco Fred Pinasco Joeie Pinasco Geraldine Pinder Hilton and Gerry Pinder Lourdes Pineda Everett Pinkham Everett Pinkham James Pinkham James Pinkham Elizabeth Pirkle Fran Piscitelli Frances M. Piscitelli Nat Piscitelli Anna Piszek Christina Pitta Edward Pitta Mary Pitta Angelina Carmen Pizzo Carmen Solis Placencia Paul Placencia Jr. Paul Placencia, Sr Jim Plumb Nancy Plunkett Tom and Jan Podany Adeline Podesta Adeline Podesta Georgia Podesto Georgia Podesto Georgia Podesto Georgia Podesto Georgia Podesto Anthony (Tony) Podesto Gertrude Poetker (Nana) Caterina Poggi Mario Poggi Mario and Rina Poggi and Friends Vivian Polk Jim Pollard Olivo Polloni Rose Polloni Mary Pomada Alfred Pombo Alfred P. Pombo Damon Pombo David Pombo Mabel Pombo Mabel Pombo Members of the Pombo Family Ernest J. Pombo Angelina Ponte Manuel Ponte Bernice Pores Kay and LeRoy Porte Helen Porter James Richard Porter June L. Porter Rick Porter Neil Bowen Porterfield Gilbert Portillo Trace Posey Rina and Mario Possi Eugene Postupack Gene Postupack Barbara Potter Rosa L. Potter Thelma Poulos Mr. & Mrs. Ted Poulos Bert Powell Doris J. Powell Isaac Powell James F. Powell Joe Powell Joe J. Powell John and Edythe Powell Jordan Powell Micah Powell Rusty Powell Thomas Powell Virginia J. Powell David Powers Dennis Powers Helen I. Powers Thomas A. Powers William Powers Tom Praegitzer Treva Prather Alice and Angelo Prato Enrichetta Prato Walter Prato Walter G. Prato, Sr. Harry Pratton Ruth Pratton Vern Pratton August Precissi Kate Precissi Lou Precissi Betty Ann Prescott Bruce Preston Evelyn Preston Ruth Preston Darren Preszler Marilyn Prevedello Catherine Previtali Joe Previtali Barbara Price Gregory Price Sonia Price Vernon E. Price M. Pricola Frances Priebe Karl Priebe Karl Priebe Otto Priebe
Donor Name
Lynette Norman Josie Picchi Josie Picchi Pete and Marilyn Winston Josie Picchi Josie Picchi Yolanda and Ivan Hamlow Jeff and Julie Thompson Etty Vandestar Rusty Tafoya Mildred Pilgrim Lorraine Yancy Lorraine Yancy Donna Goyette Joe and Janet Precissi Tony and Delores Moreira David and Donna Lind Leonard and Arlene Lind Lucita Anderson-Smith Frances G. Pinkham William and Jeannie Millsaps Frances G. Pinkham William and Jeannie Millsaps Ann Carmona Darlene and Jim Barnett Peggy Bidondo Darlene and Jim Barnett Marjorie Werner Geraldine Pitta Geraldine Pitta Debi Kininmonth Florence Hernandez John and Rosa Solis Estrada/Gonzalez Family Estrada/Gonzalez Family Frank and Carol Whittaker Cathy Davis Renee Fink Al and Marie Dal Porto Rick and Cindy Dal Porto Annie Podesto Dave and Kathy Graham Diane Ramirez Kathy and Max Haro Rick and Joanne Waters Annie Podesto Vickie Hale Wetherell David M. Poggi David M. Poggi Gary and Virginia Poggi Sherrie Silva Arilee Pollard Josie Picchi Josie Picchi Ron and Gayle Eutsler Barbara Pombo Louie the Plumber Louie the Plumber Louie the Plumber Barbara Pombo Louie the Plumber Mary Gillen Louie “the Plumber” Mary Vasconcellos Mary Vasconcellos Ron and Jeanne Lubin Kathleen Rodriguez Sherrie Silva Sherrie Silva David & Lynne Le Blanc Sherrie Silva Maryann Porterfield Clutch Burners Car Club Geoff and Lori Ann Galtere Christopher and Tola Eley Alan Foster Florence Hernandez and Frank Chaves Frances Carter Virginia Thorn Nick Bokides Mrs. Rebecca Williams Mendy Alcoriza Lawrence Powell Les and Phyllis Ferguson Lawrence Powell Edna Powell Lawrence Powell Gary and Debbie Powell Les and Phyllis Ferguson Les and Phyllis Ferguson Peter and Nicole Rosado Nita Powell Milton and Dawn Uyeda Jimmie & Joyce Powers Doris Carmean Jimmie & Joyce Powers Rita Powers Jimmie & Joyce Powers Jennifer and Gary Giannini Helen and Frank Alegre Thomas & Barbara Prato Thomas & Barbara Prato Ed and Judi Oliveria Debbie Prato-Gadbut Joan Canepa Joan Canepa Joan Canepa Donna and Gary Steer Les and Phyllis Ferguson Les and Phyllis Ferguson Helen E. Holt Doug and Randi Preston Gerald and Virginia Houtsma Doug and Randi Preston Larry & Andrea Violett Joanne Gibson Dave and Pam Dias Dave and Pam Dias Jeff and Julie Thompson Mrs. Ramona Price Patti Wild John and Marlene Dyer Mara Jolinda Weeks Sue, Will, Will Jr and Clay Fegett Margaret Priebe Sue, Will, Will Jr and Clay Fegett Sue, Will, Will Jr and
Hospice of San Joaquin 2011 Tree of Lights Donors’ Recognition Honoree/Memorial Name
Vickie Prieto Anthony S. Prima Richard C. Prima Sr Richard C. Prima Ron Prioste Thomas F. Pritchard Shelly Proctor Bud Proulx Bud Proulx Bud Proulx Sharon Provost Jack R. Prudhel Donald Prueitt Thomas J. Pruitt Pascual Pulido Jennie Pulliam Wilma E. Puppo David Purcell Ronald Purcell Trudy Purse Robert Purse Connie Quaill Barbara Qualls Warren Qualls Bruce Quarton Bob Quedens Lee Queen Jessica Quenzer Luke Quenzer Bernardo Quesada Ann Marie Quigley Eleanor Quinn Jean Quinn Pamela Jane Quinnett Arthur Quinones Benny Quinones Pat Quint Dianne Quintoa Donna Qutermous Jimboy Rabanal Eileen Rabusin Thomas Radin Robert Radschuk Stella Radschuk Margaret Rafael Paul M. Rafalski Paul Rafalski Larry J. Rafert Leovie Ragados Derald Raggio Alfredo Ragodos Rose Ragodos Zenaida Ragodos Esther Raiche Avi Raina Bimla Raina Dorothy L. Raley Myron M. Rall Sylvia M. Rall Sylvia M. Rall Nick Rallios Bernice Ramacher Leslie Ramacher Herbert & Henrietta Ramer Alberta G. Ramirez (Nick) Eddie Ramirez Eddie Ramirez Edward Ramirez George Michael Ramirez Manuel Ramirez, Sr. Paul Ramirez Ralph N. Ramos Joseph Ramsey Joe Ramsey Treburn B. Ramsey (My Grandpa) Mary E. Ramsey (My Grandma) James Randall Mary Randall Mary Randall Wanda J. Randall James Randazzo, Sr. Wanda Randolph Dayton B. Raney Dorothy Raney Mr. and Mrs. Doyle B. Raney Mack Rasberry Anne Rasmussen Anne C. Rasmussen Catherine A. Rasmussen
Donor Name
Clay Fegett Marianne Prieto Mrs. Emily Prima Mrs. Emily Prima Patricia Richards Jennifer and Scott Emigh Jill Berdahl Nancy Lewis A. Marie Williams Anita and James Davy Ellie Brumm Lisa Garcia Jim, Carol, Samantha Kavanaugh & Shawn Payne Dorinda and Walt Givens Charleszetta Pruitt Joseph and Deborah Burlin A D Marquez Jeff and Lynda Jackson Robert & Sharon Grimm Robert & Sharon Grimm Connie Lockwood Connie Lockwood Robert and Jan Minford Judy Batterton Judy Batterton Jeri Garibaldi Elaine Quedens Jane Queen Bernadette Quenzer Bernadette Quenzer Emma Quesada John Quigley Margie Palermo Bill and Rena Quinn Ellen Donaldson April Ibarra Alice Quinones Felix and Paulie Torlai Benjamin Quintoa Jr. Gayl and Tom Wilson Susan R. Livesey Amy Roberts Linda Radin Richard A. Massa Richard A. Massa Frank and Patti Griffin Grace Bueno Jann Bueno Peter J. Rafert Anita Ragodos Judith Cabral Anita Ragodos Anita Ragodos Anita Ragodos Dave and Pam Dias Surrender & Girja Raina Surrender & Girja Raina Mr. James Raley Bonnie J. Weisz Myron M. Rall Stephen and Bonnie Fentress Tillie Rallios Anne Ramacher Anne Ramacher Alisha Bryden Michael and Rosemary Mattock Cindy & Patrick Piccardo Geraldine A. Ramirez Guido and Gloria Mazza Gloria Nomura Michael and Rosemary Mattock Your daughter Samantha Ina Moreno Ann Ramsey Ms. Noris Bohannon Jill M Chagnon Jill M Chagnon Colleen Wiley Colleen Wiley Tess Aberle Betsie Grimes Dr. Joseph Randazzo John and Elaine Sandman Diana R. Curson Diana R. Curson Wayne and Gayle Daniels Lina Rasberry Marie Rasmussen Mark and Denise Rasmussen Mark and Denise Rasmussen
Honoree/Memorial Name
Cathy Rasmussen Donald Rasmussen Erlene Raspo Ken Ratcliff Ken Ratcliff Van E. Ratcliff Van E. Ratcliff Van E. Ratcliff Dorothy Rathbone Bobbie Ratliff Angie Ratto Delores Ratto Harley Ratto, Sr. Henry Ratto Joe Ratto Josie Ratto Joe and Angie Ratto Joe and Angie Ratto Lloyd W. Ratto Lloyd Ratto Lloyd Ratto Lloyd Ratto Marie Ratto Minnie Ratto Minnie Ratto Pete and Audrey Ratto Kerwyn Rauser Richard Hamilton Raymer Phil and Marie Re Hosea Rea Jim Rea Linda Rea Roy Redden Oddilee Reddin Russell Reece Linda A. Reed Linda A. Reed Charles C. Reeder Esther Reeder Dale Reeves Richard E. Reeves Eddie Regalia Edward Regalia Eddie Regalia Your wife, Dottie Reichert and your daughter, Sylvia Reichert Roger Reichert Clifford and Lillian Reid Jim Reid Thomas A. Reilley “RedHatter” Christy Reinhold Bill Reinold Thelma Reinold Lloyd H. Reiswig Debbie Schlotzhauer Relf Archie and Irene Remboldt Bob Remington Dave Renfro Shannon Renfro Dorothy Renger Jamaica Renner John Cameron Rennie (Jack) John D. Rennie Marie Muriel Rennie Luis E. Renteria Mike Renzi Elma Josephine Repka Elma Repka William J. Repka William J. Repka Jerome Rerich Ruth Resuello A.C. Reuscher Bertha Reuscher Blasa G. Rey Aurelio Reyes Daniel Reyes Edgar Reyes Josephina Reyes Virgilio Reyes, M.D. Miriam and Frederick Reyland Jess Reyna
Donor Name
Marie Rasmussen Mark and Denise Rasmussen Susan L. Ellis Freda Aman Sandy Ratcliff Betty Ratcliff Michael J. Ratcliff William and Jacqueline Washington Mark and Mary Glover Elizabeth Lynch Wayne and Joanne Hernandez Janice Ratto Janice Ratto Cathy Drake Wayne and Joanne Hernandez Cathy Drake Donnie Hernandez Florence Hernandez Kathleen Villarreal Mary Ann Ware Steve and Linda Rapaport Steve Stevenson Kathleen Villarreal Janet Giffen Mark and Denise Rasmussen Donnie Hernandez David and Mary Comer Dorothy Gallaway Debra Re Susie Valterza Susie Valterza Alice Smith Gerald and Beverly Ascencio Modine B. Blalock Pete and Charlene Reece Mary McCleary Robert and Jean Phillips Pat Reeder Robert and Brandie Amo Dennis R. Gordon Marlene A. Reeves Deborah Hourcade Doris Moore Mr. Jeffrey Regalia Tom Long & Linda Castanon-Long Margaret Zabel Louise Keser-Biederman Sarah Klein Lee Reilley Patty Slauson Christy Reinold Christy Reinold Archie and Leonora Grenz Mr. & Mrs. Boyd Schlotzhauer Jim and Sara Larson Rosemarie Kennedy Sandy Ratcliff Holly Renfro Jack and Diane Formby Renger Patricia Richards Judith M. Gaal Judith M. Gaal Judith M. Gaal Gilbert Renteria Christine & Tony Steinmetz and Emily Renzi Domenick and Lavina Dicce Starlett Jelley Domenick and Lavina Dicce Starlett Jelley Mrs. Josephine Rerich Laura Guerrero Velma Peterson Velma Peterson Eleanor R. Gonzales Nick and Lillian Aninag Mercy Reyes Nick and Lillian Aninag Nick and Lillian Aninag Nick and Lillian Aninag Mrs. Marcia Crockett Cindy and Patrick Piccardo
Jeff Marsee, Ph.D, President of San Joaquin Delta College, welcomes Stockton’s community to the 23rd Tree of Lights, lighting ceremony during the evening of Tuesday, November 22, 2011.
Honoree/Memorial Name
Eddie Reynolds Robert and Helen Reynolds Jim Reynolds Valerie Reynolds Stephanie Reynoso and Roberto Ramos, Jr. Jeff Rhein Katherine Rhodes Sandy Rhyne Marjorie Louise Ribeira Carolyn Ricardi Eddie Rice James Rice, Jr. Jean Rice Rod Rice Uncle Burt Richards Dick Richards James (Jim) Richards Linda Richards Marvin Richards Patricia (Pat) Richards Richard “Dick” Richards Richard “Dick” Richards Sid Richards June Richardson Robert E. Richardson Virginia Richardson Mildred Richichi Albert L. Richina Rose Richina Teri Richmuth Maureen Richter Charles Rickard Juana Rico Casey Rieber Your sons, Casey Rieber and John Gray Nona O. Rieber Bess Riegel and Robert Spaugh Beatrice Ries Helen Ries Larry Ries Lawrence M. Ries Dr. Michael Ries Stanley Ries Robert Riesing Danny Riggs Sgt. Eric D. Riggs Lolita Rilcopico Grandpa Ed and Grandma Eleanore Riley Gayle Riley Loretta Riley Bob Rimington Bob Rimington Maria “Lupe” Rin Lupe Rin Lupe Rin Geneva L. Ringness Your husband Albert Rios Lucy Rios Lucy Rios Ben Rishwain Edmond Rishwain Edmond Rishwain Edmond Rishwain Ed Rishwain George Rishwain Gregory Rishwain Jeannie Rishwain Joe C. Rishwain Joe C. Rishwain Sr Laura Rishwain Margaret Rishwain Mark Rishwain Mary J. Rishwain Mary Rishwain Mary Rishwain Mike Rishwain Mr. & Mrs. Joe and Rose Rishwain Joe and Rose Rishwain Tom Rishwain Edward Risner Edward Risner Aurelia Risso Fred Risso, Sr. Robert Rita Elizabeth Ritter Sandy Ritter Armida N. Rivera Armida N. Rivera Lynn Rivera Manuela “Mom” Rivera Manuela Rivera Philip Rivera, Jr. Philip Rivera Philip J. Rivera, Sr. Maria Rizzi Mario Rizzi Ethel Robba Richard T. Robello Shannon Roberson Clare Roberts Genevieve Roberts Jacki S. Roberts Pearl Roberts Ruth Roberts Samuel Roberts Weymouth Roberts Ernest Robertson Hannah Robertson Harriet Robertson Irene Robinson Janet Robinson Naomi L. Robles Bailey Rocha Bill and Nellie Rocha Evelyn Rocha Manuel Rocha John W. Roche Perry Rockwell Dallas Rodacker LouAnn Rodacker Evelyn Rodoani
Donor Name
Mary Jane Reynolds Barbara Willard Belle Reynolds Belle Reynolds Raymond and Laura Reynoso Katherine Harden Sue and Louis Meyer The Souza-Maciel Families Yvette Clary B.J. Stewart Albert and Jane Thurman Rod and Brenna McCleary Albert and Jane Thurman Albert and Jane Thurman Sharon Jackson Jeff and Sandra Johnson Frank and Patti Griffin Patricia Richards Joan Briscoe Frank and Patti Griffin Florence Richards Florence Richards Patricia Richards Forrest and Janis Richardson John F. Marble Ken and Linda Lockard Florence Hernandez Marjorie Moorman Marjorie Moorman Mary McCleary Michaeleen Riel Mary Ann Libbey Maria Lupe Acevedo Lance and Patty Rieber Tom Long & Linda Castanon-Long Harry Rieber Gary and Linda Spaugh Katherine Harden Ken and Jane Colyer Ken and Jane Colyer Peter J. Rafert Katherine Harden Katherine Harden Richard A. Massa Carolyn Mora Debbie Riggs-Jones Mary McCleary Michael & Cindy Guindon Ken and Gayle Riley Donna and Gary Steer Donna Shane Fred and Melinda Castro Doctors Hospital of Manteca Admitting Dept. Ronald and Cynthia Price Susan and James T. Gorospe Earl Ringness Tom Long & Linda Castanon-Long Mr. and Mrs. Troy Wick Tracy Lee May Jeanette Michaels Jeanette Michaels Jim and Linda Nylen Marie Rishwain Susan R. Livesey Jeanette Michaels Jeanette Michaels Dave and Pam Dias Dave and Pam Dias Jeanette Michaels Jeanette Michaels Jeanette Michaels Jeanette Michaels Anthony and Kerie Rishwain Jeanette Michaels Jeanette Michaels Jeanette Michaels Dr. Shawn and Cindy Hayes Joe and Connie Rishwain Jeanette Michaels Joseph and Patricia Huyssoon Katherine Risner Fred and Georgia Risso Fred and Georgia Risso Frances Rita Vanadeane C. Brooks Charlotte Richardson Armida N. Carranza Veronica Macias Brandi Hollingsworth Cindy Mills Rosalind Fernandez Armida N. Carranza Veronica Macias Armida N. Carranza Flora Rosek Flora Rosek Hubert and Sandy Schultz Frank Robello Stephanie Celli Debra Wilson Marilyn R. Bewley Lanette C. Snow Harry and Kay Williams Lois Sbragia Debra Wilson Marilyn R. Bewley Randy and Carol Willson Randy and Carol Willson Trinity Lutheran Ladies Guild Georgeann Artozgui Genevieve Conine Cynthia D. Diaz Kimberly and George Contente Pam Rocha Joanne Gibson Joanne Gibson Phyllis Roche Vicki Horn Lynne Cary Lynne Cary Roger and Kathleen
Honoree/Memorial Name
Yvonne Rodrigues Yvonne Rodrigues Adrian Montano Rodriguez Agnes Rodriguez Fredric J Rodriguez Jesus Rodriguez John O. Rodriguez Jena and Jose Rodriguez Joseph E. Rodriguez Len Ong Basilio Rodriguez Milagros Rodriguez Nancy Rodriguez Nieves V. Rodriguez Olga & Andres Rodriguez Paulette Rodriguez Pauline B. Rodriguez Robert M. Rodriguez Romaldo G. Rodriguez, Sr. Rose N. Rodriguez Billie L. Rodriquez Romaldo G. Rodriquez Irene Rodway Oscar Rodway Jerry Roek Jerry Roek Jerry Roek Erwin Roeser Lillian Roetschke Bill Rogan Gerald (Gerry) Rogero Barbara Rogers Danny Rogers Dave Rogers Jeff Rogers Suzie Roget Trista Rose Angel Rohleder Elsie Rohrer Alois Rohsler Ruby Roider Jose D. Rojo Frances Roland John and June Roland Albina Rolleri Albina Rolleri Albina Rolleri Mary Jane Rolleri Charline Rollman Vincent Rollman Javier (JR) Romero Mae T. Romero Frank Rometti Michael Rometti Lois Romjue Stella Romo John Ronk Ron Root Yvonne Rosales Rosalind H. Rosas JoAnn Rosato Jean Rosaz Yolanda Roscelli Yolanda Roscelli Yolanda Roscelli Yolanda Roscelli E. Wayne Rose Erika Rose George Rose George Rose George S. Rose, Jr. George Rose George Rose Heinrich Rose Willie K. Rose George S. Rose, Jr. John Roseberry John Roseberry John Roseberry Lillian (Peach) Roseberry Mae A. Rosebrock Mae A. Rosebrock John E. Rosek Kenneth Rosek Theodore H. Rosen Vernetta Rosen Lyle Rosenbaum Shirley Ann Rosencrans A.F. Rosencutter Larry Rosenlund Charlie Ross Fred Ross Herb Ross and Kevin Russell Juanita Ross Karl D. Ross Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ross Robert L. Ross (Bob) Rick Rossetti Rico Rossetti Jim Rossi Jim Rossi Rosie and John Rossi Lewis J. Rossi Linda Rossi Linda Rossi Larry E. Rossiter Elaine Rosso Josie Rotert Gloria Rott Rayton Rott Robert Roughton James C. Rouse Caroline Rowan Alice McKee Rowland Sarah K. Rowley David Rubianes Mr. and Mrs. Louie Rubino Raymond Rubio Gladys Ruckman Addie Rudolph Betty Ruffin Betty Ruffin Betty Ruffin Nettie Ruffoni
Donor Name
Bowley John and Irene Leandro Manuel Goulart Yvonne Rambonga Florence Hernandez Dianne M. Taylor Salvador Cazares Dianne M. Taylor Kathleen Rodriguez Donald and JoAnn Romero Lucita Anderson-Smith Rose Mildred Orimo Donald and JoAnn Romero Adele Rodriguez Marina Tarala Stanley and Barbara Rodriguez Adele Rodriguez Lucille Rodriguez Delfina Rodriguez Ashley Rodriguez Mrs. Patricia Boyd Marie Marroquin Cal and Betty Rodway Cal and Betty Rodway Christopher & Tola Eley Edgar W. Case Patty Roek Becky Freeman Mrs. Edith Schindler Lois Rogan Rita Rogero Patricia Lira Chuck and Jonnie Sullivan Genevieve Galli Steve Stevenson Jeff and Julie Thompson Agnes Nieddu Kathy Rohrer Camille M. Rohsler Kimberlee Roider Belia Garcia Viola Turnbeaugh Bill and Meredith McCormack John Rolleri Lori Hoyt Pat and Toni McDaniel Dave and Pam Dias Kathleen Goble Kathleen Goble Gilbert Renteria Donald and JoAnn Romero Melissa Holsclaw Melissa Holsclaw Barbara Hagans George & Tresa Lozano Kathy Ronk Mrs. Ron Root Shari Houser Helen Haro Susan Caulfield Richard and Pamela Yescas Alan and Debbie Roscelli Elena Girardi Jackie and Philip Korbholz Nick and Pam Curtin Jerry and Linda Rose Margret Rose Barbara Henry Carolyn Mora Joanne Wood Mary McCleary Trudy Ceja Margret Rose Century 21 Social Club Jessica Rose & Family Carol Roseberry Mark and Denise Rasmussen Mrs. Nancy Field Toni Rule Jean Steenburgh Shelby and John White Flora Rosek Flora Rosek Jovon Cadieux Jovon Cadieux Fred and Kristine Ott Jenny Veniegas Beverly Rosencutter Sharon Johnson Richard Van Slyke Stella M Ross Al and Marilyn Warnock Richard Van Slyke Jeri T. Ross John and Elaine Mendiola Jean Ross Gloria Rossetti Gloria Rossetti Anita Rossi Carol Hemmer Florence Hernandez Linda and Herschel Henderson Lucy Rossi Mrs. Carole Kavanagh Ethel Ewoldt Al and Marilyn Warnock Janice and Larry Cooper Marles Finos Marles Finos Mary Natteford Darba Schlepp Robert and Brandie Amo Karen L. McKee Alyce Bird Theresa Rubianes Louie and Louise Rubino Lorretta J. Ybarra Tina and Clem Lee Toni and George Jaquith Jill Choate Kenneth and Michelle Ruffin Robert Ruffin Tammy and Gary Evans
Hospice of San Joaquin 2011 Tree of Lights Donors’ Recognition Honoree/Memorial Name
George Rugani George Rugani Frank Ruggirello Frank Ruggirello Frank Ruggirello Frank Ruggirello Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Ruggirello Ralph E. Ruggles Phil Ruhl Annette Ruhstaller David Ruhstaller Frank Ruhstaller Antonia Ruiz Antonia Ruiz Josie Ruiz Kenneth Ruiz Lydia Ruiz Maria Ruiz Patricia Ann Ruiz Pat Ruiz Patricia A. Ruiz Fernando Ruiz, Sr. Fernando Ruiz David H. Rule Ed Rule Lois Rundberg Donald Runyan Loren Rupert Ray Rushing Lucy Russell Howard E Russow Lillian D. Russow Earl J. Ryan (Dad) James J. Ryan Joyce Ryan Kathleen A. Ryan (Mom) Margaret Ryan Sunny Saarloos Jeanne M. Saavedra Jeanne Rohn Saavedra (MOM) Jeanne M. Saavedra Clarence Saberniack Clarence Saberniack Valerie Saberniack Valerie Saberniack Diego Sabiniaro Florence Sablotny Florence Sablotny Frank Sablotny Bev Sabo Beverly Sabo Bev Sabo John Sabo Joseph Sabo Joseph Sabo Jim Saco Tony and Peter Sadek Gordon L. Saffels Marie Safillippo Isamu Sagara Yoshie Sagara Yoshiye Sagara Yoshie Sagara Yoshie Sagara Lillie Sage Lillie F. Sage Eleanor Sager Mason Sahyoun Deborah Saiki Marcie Sailer Marlin Zane Sailors Lena Saiz Manuel Saiz Mary Sakai Tom Sakai Tom Sakai Tom Sakai Aiko Sakata Mildred Salas Samuel D. Salas Anna Salazar Karyn Salazar Rosalio A. Salazar, Jr. Rosalio A. Salazar, Sr. Alice Saldua Stanley Saldua Don Salisbury Donald Salisbury Donald Salisbury Carl & Elvera Salo Lucienne Saltet Roger Saltet Lillian Salverson Charles Salvetti Frank Salvetti Norma “Mom” Salvetti Brianne Marie Taylor Salvi Matthew M. Sambrailo Donna Samples Jerry Sampson Jewel Samuelson Jennie Sanborn Walter E. Sanborn, Sr. Antonio Sanchez, Jr. Dulcie Sanchez Jess Sanchez Jesse Sanchez Joanne E. Sanchez Mardonio Cholula Sanchez Michael Sanchez Michael Sanchez Tiny Sanchez Criseldo Sanchez Jr. Manuel Sanchez, Jr. Manuel Sanchez Bill Sandeen Carl Sanders Ben and Nati Sandoval Kerry Sanford Lora Sanford Lora Sanford Bea Sanguineti Albert R. Sanguinetti
Donor Name
Lorraine Rugani Mark Lucchesi Cathy McAlister Dolly E. Sonne Jennifer and Jason Mocanu Margie Ruggirello Cathy McAlister Jim and Dianne Ruggles Susan R. Livesey Donald Ruhstaller Donald Ruhstaller Donald Ruhstaller Fernando Ruiz, Jr. Gloria Maes Jana and Fred Sanderson Anna Stolte Joe Ruiz Diane Stewart Fernando Ruiz, Jr. Julie Santos Lisa Haines Fernando Ruiz, Jr. Gloria Maes Toni Rule Victor and Trisha Macko Harold Rundberg Elmer and Janet Irion Gail Brodie Beverly Rushing Pat Caccamo Betty and Jim Russow Betty and Jim Russow Sharon Jackson Alex and Pat Laymon Louie the Plumber Sharon Jackson Alex and Pat Laymon Chuck Saarloos Jack and Deborah Pfeifer Steffany Rohn Soares and Jim Soares Tony Saavedra Joe and Grace Head Ms. Darlene Luis Joe and Grace Head Robert and Jean Phillips Marie and Stephen Guasco Art and Pam Needham Gary and Linda Spaugh Gary and Linda Spaugh Cindy and Patrick Piccardo John Sabo Nick and Penny Meyers Linda L. Sabo Linda L. Sabo Margaret Dwyer-Sabo Mr. and Mrs. Ron Walker Bill and Joan Topp Denise Saffels Carmen J. Costa Frank and Betsy Shinoda Frank and Betsy Shinoda John and Jennifer Fukano Julie Ohta, Peter Huie and Furby Mrs. Tomiye Ohta Linda M. Smith Opal Starkey Louis Sager Lois Sahyoun Mr. and Mrs. Teddy Saiki Patricia J Schamber Carol Frison Kathy Rohrer Kathy Rohrer Patsy and Gary Sakai Dan and Kathy Caminata Mrs. Patti Komure Mah Nancy Nakaoka Mary Coker Lodi Funeral Home Lodi Funeral Home Audrey L. Bohannon Joyce E. Johnston Gloria A. Salazar Gloria A. Salazar Tony and Bellarine Gonzales Tony and Bellarine Gonzales Dave and Kathleen Melendrez Helen Salisbury Marilyn Rabusin Charles and Bonnie Forbes Paulette Parker Paulette Parker Phil and Julie Smith Eugene and Dianne Gini Janet Salvetti Janet Salvetti Marie Taylor David and Barbara Rosensteel Margaret Zabel Kerry Heckman Bokides Kathleen A. Mirassou Anthony and Kerie Rishwain Catherine Sanborn Beverly Turnbeaugh Jenny Lazarin Jose and Marie Marroquin Virginia Hinojosa Joanne Sanchez Sylvia Cholula Jose & Marie Marroquin Virginia Hinojosa Jenny Lazarin Christine SanchezConaway Marie Sanchez Marie Sanchez Marge Sandeen Virginia Larsen Richard & Pamela Yescas Marcia Cook Dennis Sanford Donnie, Leigh and Taylor Linda Lou Sanguinetti Carolyn Sanguinetti
Honoree/Memorial Name
Carol Sanguinetti F. John Sanguinetti Genny Sanguinetti Millie Sanguinetti Susan L. Sanguinetti Joseph Santella Margaret Santella Theresa Santella Abel Santiago Abel Santiago Manuel N. Santos Anthony Saporito Nickolas Saporito Rose and Charles Saporito Sarah Bernice Sarina Homer Sasenbery Casper Saterlie Olava Saterlie Jack Sato Paul and Kyoko Sato Paul and Kyo Sato Paul and Gabriel Sato Mary Claire Satterly Jane Saul Bob D. Saunders Bob D. Saunders Bill Savage Ben Saxon Lois Sbragia Antoinette Scales Bob Scanavino Helen Scanavino John Scanavino Gary A. Scannavino Gary A. Scannavino Gary A. Scannavino Verlyn Scantlebury Tim Scardino La Vonne Schaefer Ben Schaffer Dora E. Schaffer Joseph Franz Schaffer Conrad Schaffer, Jr. Arnold Schamber Jimmy Schamber Richard Schamber Emelia Schauer Arch L. Scheffel George Scheideman Daniel Scheile James F. Schene Anna Schenker Ruby Schenker Edith Scheurer Ralph Scheurer Opal Schiaffini Charles Schilling Thomas E. Schlepp Dolores Schlothan William Schlothan Derek Schmidt Harold Schmidt Julie Schmidt Karl & Josephine Schmidt Walter Schmidt Bernice Schmiedt Bernice Schmierer Ann C. Schmitz Raymond A. Schmitz Raymond A. Schmitz Joe Schneider Joe Schneider Joe Schneider Kathy Schneider Larry Schneider Margie Schneider Timothy Patrick Schneider Joan Schoenfeld James W. Schopf James W. Schopf Karen M. Schopf Kay Schopf Karen M. Schopf Karen M. Schopf Roger L. Schopp, “My Brother” Emily Schreck Henry Schreck Henry and Emily Schreck Hank and Emily Schreck Hank & Emily Schreek Gregory Schreppel Vuong P. Schreyer E. H. Schroeder Helene Schroeder Leo Schroeder Ervin Schrum Duane S. Schueler Kay Schulenburg Carreclyde Schuler Jeanne K. Schuller Kathy Schulter Herb Schultz Mary Schultz Rose Schultz Mabel Schurtz Dorvella Schweitzer Aurora Scifo Aurora Scifo Sam Sciortino Andrew Scott Dave Scott David Scott Diana Scott Fred O. Scott Jean Scott Mark Scott
Donor Name
Felix and Paulie Torlai Tony and Joan Lombardi The Gordon T & Melissa A. Egan Family Foundation Linda Lou Sanguinetti Louis and Sybil Sanguinetti Carmel Breakfield Carmel Breakfield Carmel Breakfield Diane Stewart Kathy Van Slyke Marina Alvarez Jeannette GollopSaporito Jeannette GollopSaporito Jeannette GollopSaporito Steve and Roxy Woodard William Sarina Ken and Gayle Riley Sherry Beasley Sherry Beasley David, Stephanie and Miya Cheng Earl and Carmen Sato P.J, Ariana & Juli Sato P.J, Ariana & Juli Sato George and Sharon Bensch Harry and Kay Williams Gabriel Walters Robin Walters Alex & Mariela Bianchi Chuck and Dianna Crutchfield Bob and Valerie Dumlao Annette M. Hansen Ms. Noris Bohannon Jean and John Bryant Jean and John Bryant Leanne Scannavino Mr. and Mrs. Troy Wick Richard and Carla Hiatt Steve & Linda Rapaport Kathleen Rodriguez George Schaefer Geri Schaffer William and Patricia Schaffer William and Patricia Schaffer Dianne Schaffer Denise and David Schamber Patricia J Schamber Patricia J Schamber Kathy Jenkins Virginia Scheffel Ken Meyers Jeanne Symons Jennifer and Gary Giannini Carl Schenker Carl Schenker Peter and Lynne Lynch Peter and Lynne Lynch Susan Schiaffini Joan Briscoe Darba Schlepp Joseph and Deborah Burlin Joseph and Deborah Burlin Dorine Schmidt Mrs. Helen Schmidt Dorine Schmidt Tony and Karla Mattioli Pam and Arnie Prince Susan Schmiedt Harry R. Trovinger Julia Scriven Ann C. Schmitz Julia Scriven Cathy Drake Leslie Blair Shirley Schneider Patti and Mike Schneider Rose Mildred Orimo Wanda Pardini Patti and Mike Schneider Paul and Ruth Flowers Diane and Steve Kroski Kim and Michael Bacchetti Diane and Steve Kroski Hospice of San Joaquin Butterfly Auxiliary, Tracy Chapter James W. Schopf Kim and Michael Bacchetti Idella M. Reed Ms. Noris Bohannon Ms. Noris Bohannon Peter and Marsha Romero The Ford Family Christina Giannini George and Gladys Schreppel Eugene G. Schreyer Patricia & Ed Schroeder Patricia & Ed Schroeder June H. Peek Georgia Schrum Leslie Blair Phillips Farms, LLC. Eleanor and Keith Hilken Ron and Pam Cline Christina Abacherli Diane Schultz Mabel Hobbs Hubert and Sandy Schultz Richard and Marjorie Handel Kathy and Max Haro Jennifer M. Meraz Steve Scifo Catherine Caruso D.M. Standridge Arden and Lila Hunt Carole Scott Becky Freeman Mr. James Raley Mercy Reyes Tom Long & Linda
Honoree/Memorial Name
Maxine Scott William H. Scott William H. Scott William Scott “Bill” William V. Scott William Scott “Bill” William Scott Bill Scott Robert Scruggs Betty A. Searcy Elsie Seatralis Madison Seeds Richard V. Seekatz Bessie E. Sefried Shelly Segale Lynette Seibel Virginia Seibel Virginia Seibel Virginia Seibel Virginia Dorine Seibel Virginia Seibel Louise Seica Louise Seica Paul Seica Lawrence Seifert, Jr. Lawrence Seifert, Sr. Seifert Family Hope T. Seiffhart John Seiffhart Gerald W. Self Syble Self Fred Selga Miami Selga Norma Lee Selin Norma Lee Selin Rhea Sellers Francine Selman Francine Selman Patricia “Pat” Selna Pat Selna Pat Selna Patricia A. Selna Pat Selna Pat Selna Arnold Semm Birdie Semm Bernice Sensney Sue Serafin Barbara Sergi Dolly B. Serpa Dorinda Serpa Eric J. Serpa Janelle Serpico Arthur Serrano Jr. Ricardo I. Servando Kathryn Sessa Tony Sessa La Vor Sessions Rosemarie Setterlund Rosemarie Setterlund Clifford Severson Eljean Severson Robert Severson Diana S. Seward Deborah Sexton Harry Sexton Charles Seymour Laura Shaljean Anthony Shane Rosemary Shane Brian Shanley Kelly Shanley Cheryl Shannon Stanley R. Shannon Marie Sharpe Whitney F. Sharpe Leona B. Shea Gary Shealor Richard Sheasley Chin Shee Ed Sheehan Minnie Sheehan Ralph O. Sheely Jr Donna Sue Sheen Richard Sheldon Ethel Shelton Perry Shelton General W. P. Shepard Donna Shephard
Donor Name
Castanon-Long Trinity Lutheran Ladies Guild Becky Freeman Carrie Lane Geoff and Lori Ann Galtere Juanita Scott Marie and Stephen Guasco Steve Scott The Gordon T & Melissa A. Egan Family Foundation Suzanne and Randy Scruggs Claudette Gaydon Bob and Dorothy Henning Herb and Jane Vargas F. Neil and Virginia Bauer Frances Voyer Ed and Eileen Parsons Don Seibel Carol Roseberry Don Seibel Elizabeth Lopez Mark and Denise Rasmussen Melbourne I. Davis Mary Clark Michael Seica Mary Clark Janet Lewis Janet Lewis Patricia Seifert Maryanne Simoneau Maryanne Simoneau Charles D. Self Charles D. Self Doris Perez Kevin and Mila Dal Porto & Family Fred Selin Kirsti Graham Catherine Heighes Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Selman Tom and Terry Machado Carol Louise Silva Elayne Costa Frank and Josephine Silva Mary Serpa Rosemarie and Nat Bacchetti Steve and Arlean Arnaudo Felix and Paulie Torlai Felix and Paulie Torlai Ingrid Larsen Dennis and Carol Smith Georgette and John Feather Bob and Linda Kiffin Elayne Costa Caryl Toth & Family Alicia Serpico Annette Saldivar Mrs. Nilda Servando Kelly Jones Kelly Jones Nadyne Sessions Ken and Barbara Bohi Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Anzaldo Christine and Larry Kennard Christine and Larry Kennard Christine and Larry Kennard Velma Scarborough Margaret Brainerd Denise Sexton Karen Longoria Felix and Paulie Torlai Marie C. Shane Trinity Lutheran Ladies Guild Rose Marie Shanley Floyd and Katherine Norling, Jr. Clinton and Kathleen Marshall Norman and Betty Shannon-Gesler William and Patricia Schaffer William and Patricia Schaffer Barbara De’ak Christine and Larry Kennard Frances Voyer Dorothy K. Wong Mary Sheehan Mary Sheehan Barbara Golden & Matthew Golden Berny Sheen Nita Sheldon Lamar and Lu Parrish Marie and Stephen Guasco Judge and Mrs. Frank Kim Tony and Donna
Honoree/Memorial Name
Larry Shephard Larry Shephard Hattie Shepherd Beatrice Sheppard Ben L Sheppard George Sheppard Marsha Sherer Dolly Sheth Hiralal Sheth Pauline Shewmaker Pauline Shewmaker Lance D. Shields Rita S. Shields Edgar L. Shiffrin Kyser Shimasaki Doris Shinoda Bob Shinota Bob Shireman Arvie Shockey Larry and Penny Shoppel Mary Lou Shropshire Michael F. Shubert Steve Sibayan, Sr. Jim Sidener John W. Siemers Allen Sievers Homer Siewert Christy Sihota Kenneth Sikes Ruth Sikes Helen Silicz Carol Louise Silva Carol L. Silva Carol L. Silva Nina (Celestine) Silva David Silva David Silva David Silva Dee Silva Denise Silva Ellen Silva Isabelle Silva Isabelle “Belle” Silva Isabelle Silva Kenny and Jackie Silva Joe W. Silva Joe P and Mamie Silva Joe R. & Maria T. Silva Johnnie J. & Mary C. Silva Mario Silva Tony R. & Pauline Silva Rosemarie “Rosie” Silva Rosemarie “Rosie” Silva Theresa Silva Theresa “Tree” Silva Theresa Silva Thomas B. Silva Victor Silva Jr. Rose Silvani Gloria J. Silveira Joseph M. Silveira Rachel Silveira Arthur Silvera June Silveria Ruby Simelton Bruno Simi Beverly Simmons Vera and Vern Simmons Joseph Simonaro Nettie Simonaro Shirley Simonaro Tony Simonaro Maks and Amalija Simoncic Bernard Simons Jeannette Simons Dan Simpson Dan and Joan Simpson Daniel Joseph Simpson Dan Simpson David Simpson Donald E. Simpson Joan Simpson Floyd Simpson Tony Simpson Darlene Gibson Singer Muriel Singer Harry Singh Tucker Singh Joanne and George Sinnock Michael Siote, Jr. Tito and Linda Sison My Sister Melitta Sivell Robert Sivell, Sr. Mary Sizuela Steve Sizuela Corey Skelton Mabel Skinner Bonnie Skogstad Katrina Slape Bob Slauson Robert Slauson Robert Slauson Steven Slauson
Donor Name
Tschirky Joan Shephard Joseph and Russtine Shephard Russ and Mitzi Shepherd Marcia Cook Ralph and Marjory Burlington Marcia Cook Carol Olivero Helen and Frank Alegre Helen and Frank Alegre Bob and Joy Augusto Robert and Dana Lapp Lanette C. Snow Lanette C. Snow Millie Shiffrin Nancy Shimasaki Peter Shinoda Peter Shinoda Al and Marilyn Warnock Sharon Shockey Jim and Carole Kiefer Marge Dietrich Ryan and Kriste Merin Mrs. Victoria Sibayan Jan Klevan Betty Siemers Felix and Paulie Torlai Joyce Siewert Karen and Gary Rose Sylvia Bocchiaro Sylvia Bocchiaro The Stevano Family Betty S. Brazil Frank and Josephine Silva Rosemarie and Nat Bacchetti Shirley Hernandez and Bob Henry and Evelyn Pereira Theresa Honeychurch Tony and Carmen Silva Joyce Darone Tony and Carmen Silva Mr. and Mrs. Troy Wick Bruce and Linda Dodge Carol Louise Silva Frank & Josephine Silva Frank & Josephine Silva Shirley Hernandez and Bob Carol Louise Silva Carol Louise Silva Carol Louise Silva Pete and Charlene Reece Carol Louise Silva Betty S. Brazil Carol Louise Silva Bruce and Linda Dodge Carol Louise Silva Frank & Josephine Silva Sherrie Silva Henry & Evelyn Pereira Pat and Coraleta Rogers Leslie Walton Annette and Mario Silveira Annette and Mario Silveira Mabel Hobbs Clinton and Kathleen Marshall Evia Briggs Moore, Ed.D. June Simi Clifford Simmons Russ and Mitzi Shepherd Karen Longoria Karen Longoria Karen Longoria Karen Longoria Max Simoncic Jeff and Linda Heiser Jeff and Linda Heiser Daria Jow Faye Farris Mrs. Darla del Rio Paul Simpson Lanny Simpson Sadie Simpson Paul Simpson Lanny Simpson Lanny Simpson Dan and Mary Bava Marie and Stephen Guasco Deborah Armenta Deborah Armenta Yvonne Brown Elizabeth Ginn Sam and Nancy Galano Ron and Jo Ann Stock Robert and Cherie Sivell Robert and Cherie Sivell Judith and Alfred Dias Judith and Alfred Dias David and Linda Long Jerome Cutter Belle Reynolds Kathy Christy Reinold Patty Slauson Ted and Myrna Cooper Patty Slauson
Bobbie Wallinger & Dennis Sorensen visit the memory boards at Stockton’s Tree of Lights
Hospice of San Joaquin 2011 Tree of Lights Donors’ Recognition Honoree/Memorial Name
Lola Stamp Bobbie Standridge Bill Standridge Bill Standridge Bill Standridge William Standridge William “Bill” Standridge Dorothy Stangeland Esther Stangler Richard Staniec Rich Staniec Robert Stanton Carl E. Stark John F. Stark Opal M. Stark Carl Starkey Carl Starkey Marie Starkey Marie Starkey LeRoy Starling Carl Starns Helen Nash Staton Helen Nash Staton Helen Nash Staton Taylor Steele Bud Stefan, George & Virginia Werner, Peter Ahrens Butch Stefani Elmer Steingraber Danny Steinkamp Jim Stephens
Director Amy Dalhstrom offered the music at the Lodi Tree of Lights program and the Lodi High School Meistersingers, sang during the ceremony on December 1, 2011.
Honoree/Memorial Name
Dr. Sloan and Staff Catherine Smalley Dr. Leroy J. Smallie Gene and Clara Smerker Adeline Smith Alvin Smith Ann K. Smith Audrey Smith Bernard and Ann Smith Betty E. Smith Bobby R. Smith Brigitte Smith Clint Smith Clint Smith Danny & Courtney Smith Dean and Marie Smith Dick Smith Dorothy Smith Dorothy Smith Earlene F. Smith Ed Smith Edward G. Smith Edwin Smith Ed Smith Edwin A. Smith Edwin Smith Eleanor Smith Georgia Smith Howard M. Smith Hubert & Dorothy Smith James Smith Janice Smith Joann Smith Joanne (Jody) Smith John A. Smith LaVerne Smith Lavonna Smith Lavonna and Glenn Smith Lea Smith Lennice Porter Smith Leslie (Les) A. Smith Loretta M. Smith Madeline Smith Marlene Smith Mary C. Smith Mary M. Smith Mary Lou Smith Norman K Smith Papa Jim Smith Papa Jim Smith Peggy Smith Peter Smith Raymond N. Smith Russell Smith Teri Ann Smith Tom Smith Thomas M. Smith Tom Smith Tom Smith Viola Smith Virginia (Ginny) Smith Willard Smith Willard Smith Wm. “Bill” Smith Winnie Smith Larry, Carol, Larry, Jr. and Mark Smith Fred P. Smith, Sr. Ernestine Smutny Ernestine & Bob Smutny Lu Smylie H. E. “Stoney” Snell Mr. and Mrs. Preston Snelling Gary Earnest Snider Glen Snider Gloria May Snider Laura Lynn Rose Snider Nancy Lee Snider Norma Jean Snider Orval Earnest Snider Raymond Charles Snider Bud and Dorothy Snipes Warren Snodgrass Sky R. Snow Judy Snyder
Donor Name
Doris and Tony Munoz Donald and Corrie Barbara Joyce and Bob Smallie Mary McCleary Dennis and Carol Smith Barbara J. Smith Sandy Ruiz Janice DeBenedettiSmith Dennis and Pauline Leinfelder Don and Sharon Hathaway Marianne Smith Chris and Dennis Olin Alvin and Diane Smith Lorraine Rugani Donna Smith Jack and Deanna Wixon Janis and Ron Nichols Chuck and Jonnie Sullivan Pat Pyeatt Adeline Smith Ken and Gayle Riley Herb and Kathy Goularte Kevin and Mila Dal Porto & Family Reid and Julie Van Noate Susan, Sarah and James Gorospe Renee and Scott Grafius Bill and Meredith McCormack Phil and Julie Smith Elaine Smith Donna Smith Marie and Stephen Guasco Cindy Smith Scott and Janice Kyles Jud Smith Betty A. Smith Janis and Ron Nichols Jeanette Farley Lori Fatzer Isela Ruiz Lawrence Janice and Larry Cooper Adeline Smith Mr. & Mrs. Perry Smith Patty Ceppi George and Margaret Smith Jerre and Susan Murphy Ms. Kathleen Andrade Art and Ann Woodruff Angelina Smith Rich and Joanne Waters Rob and Sara Waters Dianne and Laurence Smith Linda Thorpe Janet and Gary Chaffins Janice DeBenedettiSmith Dennis and Carol Smith Arden and Lila Hunt Jerre and Susan Murphy Carole Scott Homer and Sally Maloy Betsie Grimes Sandy Ratcliff Linda M. Smith Opal Starkey Faye Farris Bonnie Cornelius Simalee and Will Stubblefield Don and Sharon Hathaway Deborah Westler Marina Tarala Betty Milldrum John and Edna Fruchey Marcella Whitney Ed and Nancy Snider Kala Cummings Ed and Nancy Snider Ed and Nancy Snider Ed and Nancy Snider Ed and Nancy Snider Ed and Nancy Snider Ed and Nancy Snider Jim and Sara Larson Jay and Linda Hoff Lanette C. Snow Mark and Sandra Driscoll
Honoree/Memorial Name
Paul Snyder Paul Snyder Paul C. Snyder Bill Soares Maurice D. Soares Susan Sobaszkiewicz Merle Soderfelt Barbara Solari George A. Solari George A. Solari Joe Solari Mario Solari Mary Solari Richard Solari Shirley Solari Ernestina Solis Tina Solis Tina Solis Tina Solis (Nina) Tia Elena Holguin-Solis Helen “Lena” Solis Dolores Solyntjes Juan A. Songcayauon Louisa Songcayauon Lee Sonne Lee Sonne Bunny Sorensen Don Sorensen Joe Sorgent Irene Soria Laurence Sorini Anthony Sotelo Longino Soto Mary Soto Dr. Richard W. Souchek Thomas Sousa Eunice Southwick Alvin Souza Anthony Souza Gloria Souza Betty Souza Betty Souza Dan Souza Sr Dan Souza Irene Souza John Souza, Jr. Bud Sowers Leona Sowers Orville Sowers Mike Spadafore Mike Spadafore Tom and Louise Spadafore Ida Spani Katherine Spano Pat and Vern Spaugh Jimi Speck Joe Speck Herb and Joyce Speckman John I. Speegle Johnny Speegle Johnny Speegle Marian Spence George Sperry Mr. & Mrs. John Spittle John Spittle Mary F. Spooner Millard E. Spooner Sr. Penny M. Spooner Kristin Spracher Teresa Spradling Phyllis “Taffy” Spray Mrs. Phyllis V. Spray Phyllis “Taffy” Spray Elaine Sprifke Todd Springborn Todd Springborn George Springer (Father) St. Joseph’s 4 West Elizabeth Stabler Marilyn Staderoli Teddy Stadtner Marvel A. Stafford Orlando Stagno Robert V. Staley John E. Stamm Myrtle Money Stamm
Donor Name
Dolly E. Sonne Dr. Edward & Nancy Schneider Irene B. Snyder Anita and James Davy Edna Soares Norma J. Miller Delores Soderfelt Thelma Stewart Marilyn Solari Richard and Jessica Wilson Cathy and Steve Lagomarsino Yolanda and Ivan Hamlow Thelma Stewart Helen and Frank Alegre Cathy and Steve Lagomarsino Elizabeth Aguire Gloria Hilliard Inez Kiriu Virginia Valdez Juan and Felicia Harris & Families Steve Stevenson Bill and Nadine Coleman Mary Lou Songcayauon Mary Lou Songcayauon Cathy McAlister Dolly E. Sonne Dennis Sorensen Dennis Sorensen Terri and Dave Sorgent Don and Judy Tucker Pat Sorini Michael Pappas Christine Soto Debra Soto Joanne Marsh Souchek A D Marquez Frances Voyer Joan Souza Barbara Bruns Genevieve Conine The Souza-Maciel Families Tony and Carmen Silva The Souza-Maciel Families Tony and Carmen Silva Jeannette Souza and Pat Young Jeannette Souza and Pat Young Esther Sowers Edwin E. Carver Esther Sowers Marlene Spadofore Theresa Honeychurch Theresa Honeychurch Hanna Kessler Louis and Sybil Sanguinetti Gary and Linda Spaugh Joyce Freeman Gloria J. Macey Jim and Carole Kiefer Mrs. Bertha Speegle Mrs. Bertha Speegle Yolanda and Ivan Hamlow Randall and Karen Harrison Delores Soderfelt Sister Theresa Spittle Sister Theresa Spittle Ron and Sabrina Spooner Ron and Sabrina Spooner Ron and Sabrina Spooner Margaret M. Preston Jeanne Rich Linda and Richard Zeiszler Ms. Toshiko Kanemoto Roger and Sandra Toft Linda L. Martin Jessie Springborn Mary Natteford Francine Struve Gilbert Renteria Elizabeth Winchester Bev Phelps Rae Charos Mary Ann Ware Kathy Stagno Joe and Beverly Hood Art and Sharon Money Art and Sharon Money
Janie and Jean Stephens Mildred Stephens Mary Stephenson Glen Paul and Lela Sterling Muz Sterlino Joann Sternad Janet Sternfels John Stevano Chris Stevens John Michael Stevens Larry Stevens Milton Stevens O.J. Stevens Richard G. Stevens Bob Stewart Don and Irene Stewart John Stewart Mel Stewart Patricia Stewart Patty Stewart Patty Stewart Patty Stewart Patty Mangili Stewart Vicky Stewart Phyllis Stewart Wes Steyer Wes Steyer Anita Stiers Anita Stiers Tom (Fred) Stift Jeff E. Stiles Robert N. Stiles Ernest W. Stine Ted Stiner Mavis J. Stirm Mavis J. Stirm Dr. & Mrs. R.A. Stirton Carl Stockstill Glenn and Martha Stockton Stockton Singles (Deceased Members) Charles L. Stoermer Mary Stoermer Clydene Stoker Jessica Herzog Stoker Anthony Stone Toni Stone Toni Stone Nicholas Benjamin Storm Emil Stoss Frances A. Stoss Christopher Stotts Ambie Stover Leland Stover Darla A. Strader Jack Strain Virgil Strain Denese Straus Joseph and Elsie Strauss Cousin James B. Stribley Linda C. Stribley Nancy Strickler Elsie M. Stritzel Scott Strobel Scott Strobel Bonnie Strohmaier Seward C. Stroud Lolita Stubblefield Jutta Studer Bruce H. Stull Frances A. Stull Harvey M. Stull Pam Stull Scott Stull Al Sturla Al Sturla Jeanne Sturla Jeanne Sturla Terry Stuva Ella Suazo Verla Suess Elza L. Sullivan Lena Sullivan Mary Summers Rosemary Sutterland Calvin & Lois Sutton Virginia Sutton Warren Sutton
Donor Name
Donna Oswald Lanette C. Snow Bill Grotemeyer Brandon Krueger Brock and Ginger Hatley Mark Goldstein Sharie Ralston Kirk Stangeland Ardel Betz Farley & Charles Staniec Jinx Staniec Steve Buettner Ron and Charlotte Cheek Irma Stark Ron and Charlotte Cheek Linda M. Smith Opal Starkey Linda M. Smith Opal Starkey Shirley Starling Susan and James T. Gorospe Norma Steyaert Sharon Fortner Ted and Myrna Cooper Natalie Pacheco Al and Marilyn Warnock Linda Stefani
Sharie Ralston Sandra Mello Chuck and Jonnie Sullivan Thelma Beam Frank and Judy Cameron Florence Hernandez Susan, Sarah and James Gorospe Sue Brownfield Tim Bernhardson Sarah Armstrong and Roger Barnes Jolene Stevano Traci Perriera Debbie Boudreaux Chuck and Dianna Crutchfield John and Becky Stevens Debbie Boudreaux Diane Stevens Pamela Coburn Robert and Gae Stewart Frances Rita Bill and Meredith McCormack Andrew and Louise Mangili Angie Mangili Jennifer and Gary Giannini Jill Choate Pete and Marilyn Winston Pamela Coburn Pamela Coburn Delores Soderfelt H. Dean and Beatrice McNeilly Mary S. Sievers Tania Dragavon Ronald & Cynthia Price Billie J. Stiles Lance and Patty Rieber Carol Stine Kathy Stiner Norman Stirm Roxanna Hilliard Jack and Mary Stirton Jeanne Hash Jeff and Suzy Beach Stockton Singles, Inc Roy and Elinor Stoermer Susan Drawve Susan R. Livesey Mike and Leona Murray Lea Tomb and Family Diane Ross Frances Voyer Patricia Capuccini Doris and Tony Munoz Doris and Tony Munoz Michael and Carol Stotts Betty and Bob Stover Betty and Bob Stover Arden and Barbara Cademartori Homer and Sally Maloy Homer and Sally Maloy Bob and Judy Lees Mr. & Mrs. Olaf Tokheim Alice B. McBride Donna Haight and Ron Hansen Debbie Davis Edward W Stritzel Marjorie Dunn Mike and Emily Paige Bob Strohmaier Stevan and Laurianne Stroud Emilia Estrada Hanna Kessler Tim and Kathleen Clark Tim and Kathleen Clark Tim and Kathleen Clark Tim and Kathleen Clark Tim and Kathleen Clark Bonnie Neuer Richard and Janet Wanner Bonnie Neuer Richard and Janet Wanner Kathleen Villarreal Jerry and Nancy Golz Lee and Beverly Meidinger Elza Sullivan Barbara and Michael Davis Bradford F. Summers Kathy Guzman Harlan and Cheryl Sutton Susan McCann Laura and Chuck Keyes
Honoree/Memorial Name
Warren Sutton Warren F. Sutton Warren Sutton Juanita Swanger Craig Swann Eugene and Audrey Swann Grace Swannell Laurance Swannell Esther Swansick Barbara Swanson Eric Swanson Kenneth Swanson Christine Swayze Tom Swayze Allen Sweeney Bernard Sweeney Norman Sweeney Henry, Mary and Dawn Sweeso Max Swegle William Swensen Curtis P. Swenson Ron Swenson Sandra Swenson David Swinell Stanley Swingle Gerald Swinney Sam W. Swofford Gene Sylvia Robert K. Symons Lenore Sypnieski Lenore Sypnieski Robbie Taberna Dorothy Taddei Gina Tafarella J.J. Tafoya J.J. Tafoya Ethel Kayo Tamura Ethel K. Tamura Megumi Hisako Tanaka Yoshiko Tanaka William J. Tancik Father Emery Tang Mary Tangry Mary Tangry Thomas Tangry Frank J. Taormina Izzy Tapia Pete Tapucol Dorothy Tarrant George (Bud) Tarter Louis A. Tassano Luisa Tassano Nicola Tassano Doug Taylor Elizabeth Taylor Harry J. Taylor Jr. Harry J. Taylor, Sr. Mark D. Taylor M.D. Mabel Taylor Orvel William Taylor Ruth Taylor Don Teagarden Walter Tecklenburg Albertina Teixeira Frances and Edward Teixeira John A. Teixeira Mary A. Teixeira Walter Telega June E. Tella June E. Tella Jack K. Tener Jack K. Tener Della J. Tennant Frank Terible Barbara J. Terra Evelyn F. Terra Evelyn F. Terra Evelyn F. Terra Jose Terra Jose and Evelyn Terra Jose S. Terra Jose S. Terra Larry Terra Linda Terra Susie Terra David Fuentes Terra Roland W. Terry Mildred Terzich Jerry D. Tessaro Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Tetz Alma Thamsen Helen Thanas Adrienne Thatcher Buzz Thibodeau Marion Thibodeau Tyson Thoemke Betty Ann Tholborn Mildred Tholke Roy W. Tholke Bill Thomas (Dad) Mabel Thomas (Mom) Bink Thomas George B. Thomas Inez Thomas Jean Thomas Mary Thomas Mary Thomas Mildred Thomas Ron Thomas Anna Thompson Carl W. Thompson, Sr. Clifton M. Thompson Dorothy Thompson Dorothy Thompson Eugene W. Thompson G. P. Thompson G. P. Thompson James A. Thompson Lee & Phyllis Thompson Loretta Thompson Margaret Thompson Marilyn Thompson Noreen Thompson Phyllis C. Thompson Ronan Thompson Mark Thomson Gerald A. Thorn
Donor Name
LeRoy and Mary Cardoza Marilyn E. Amaral Sharon Sutton Modine B. Blalock Lani Swann Eklund Lani Swann Eklund Edith Wackerly Edith Wackerly Patti Swansick Lynne and Jan Swanson Lynne and Jan Swanson Adeline Smith Eleanor Felix Eleanor Felix Jude Drapeau Jude Drapeau Jude Drapeau Sam and Nancy Galano Emilia Estrada Sharon Swensen Ms. Carol Swenson Susan R. Livesey Ardel Betz Shirley and Karen Rose Cheryl and Jim La Roe Donna Swinney Diane Swofford Vicki Carroll Jeanne Symons Dennis R. Gordon John T. Sypnieski Linda Taberna Virginia A. Hawes Biff Baffoni Etty Vandestar Rusty Tafoya Lyndle Bell Patsy and Gary Sakai Jim and Harumi Tanaka Richard Tanaka Vernice Tancik Anne Marsella Dorothy West Eleanor Miatovich Eleanor Miatovich Emily Taormina Bill and Nadine Coleman Gertrude N. Tapucol Pam Byrne Bob and Donna Borgett Janice DeBenedettiSmith Janice DeBenedettiSmith Janice DeBenedettiSmith Mrs. Roberta R. Taylor Linda Hendricks Marion Thibodeau Marion Thibodeau Mrs. Roberta R. Taylor Marion Thibodeau Chuck and Diana Olvera Mr. Dan White Bob and Linda Kiffin Gwendolyn Tecklenburg Mary Augusto Mary Augusto Gene & Carolyn Gomes Gene & Carolyn Gomes Cecilia Telega Ivan Tella Joanne and Frank Alford Mae Tener & Steve Tener Stan and Sandra Tener Nancy L. Potts Floyd and Lace Nordwick Melvin Terra Bruce and Linda Dodge Mary Ann Simas Rosemarie and Nat Bacchetti Bruce and Linda Dodge Carol Louise Silva Mary Ann Simas Rosemarie and Nat Bacchetti Melvin Terra Melvin Terra Melvin Terra Melvin Terra Corinne Terry Dorothy Terzich Rita Tessaro The Gordon T & Melissa A. Egan Family Foundation Dorothy B. Burchard Louis and Janice Thanas Hope Thatcher Marion Thibodeau Gayl and Tom Wilson Steve and Terasa Dannecker Lauren D. Michel Geraldine Pedroncelli Geraldine Pedroncelli Debra A. Lawson Debra A. Lawson Pat DeSelms Donna Thomas Jack Duncan David and Mary Comer Ida Mae Lobb Tim and Kathleen Clark Pat DeSelms Mary Hamilton Marilyn Thompson Francine Thompson Phyllis M. Thompson David Thompson Trinity Lutheran Ladies Guild Lucille Thompson Charles and Joan Watkins John Littleton Mary Thompson Kathy Stiner Kathy Jenkins Marilyn Thompson Jeff and Julie Thompson Francine Thompson Rick and Sue Calder Dr. Bruce and Kelly Stump Jane R. Brady Virginia Thorn
Hospice of San Joaquin 2011 Tree of Lights Donors’ Recognition Honoree/Memorial Name
Steven Thorn Chuck Thornton Douglas Thornton Stephen R. Thumlert Lola Tidball Frank Tiernan Noreen Tighe Sr. Noreen Tighe Sr. Noreen T. Tighe William Tighe Jan Tilbury Slim Tilden B. Jan Timmons Roberta D. Tinnin Joe and Rita Tinsley Kathleen M. Tippett Kathy Tippett Kathleen Tippett John C. Tison LaVeta Titt Peter Titus Eugene W. Tobias, DVM Lydia L. Tobias Mark Tocco Beverly Toccoli Bill Toepfer Aldo Togninali Ron Tognoli Ron Tognoli Shirley Tohlen Andrew and Annie Tokheim Melchor Tolentino Melchor Tolentino Melchor Tolentino Melchor Tolentino Melchor Tolentino Ole & Lorraine Tolkhein Harold E. Tolliver Wayne Tomlinson Leo Tomlinson Eleanor Toms Gerry Toms Paul F. Toms Felice Torlai Fiorina Torlai Giovanna Torlai Felice and Giovanna Torlai Leonard Torlai Leonard Torlai Leonard Torlai Veronica Torlai Ernest Torre Patricia Torre-Gilley Baby Michael Torres Erica Torres Kayla Torres Luis R. Torres Philip Torres Rodolfo T. Torres Sr Tony I. Torris Tony I. Torris Benjamin Totanes Louis G. Toth, Jr. May V. Tottem Amanda Totten Donald D. Touchstone Aleno Toulli Will Tower Will Tower Willard “Will” Tower Will Tower Will Tower Emma Jean Tozi Grace Annabel Tozi Alys Tracewell Athanasia Trachiotis Emanuel Trachiotis Helen Trafton Anthony H. Tranel, Jr. Anthony Tranel, Jr. P & L Traverso Herschel Travis La Verne Travis Jean Trede Jean Trede Jason Treiber Gary Tremble Marie Trent Carmela G. Trezza Anthony Trezza Jr Shelli Triantos Claretta Trigueiro Luella Trinidad Kenneth E. Tripp Anthony P. Troncale Josephine Troncale Emma Trovinger
Donor Name
Virginia Thorn Jackie Fleming Jana Thornton Diana Landmann Sharon Souser Marjorie Tiernan Noreen Tighe Pam Byrne Pam Byrne Noreen Tighe David Tilbury Victor and Trisha Macko Jeff and Suzy Beach Delores Dudley Dan and Mary Bava Frank and Carol Whittaker Susan, Sarah and James Gorospe Thomas Tippett Lloyd and Betty Mettler Financial Decisions John and Janet Hamilton Peggy Tobias Peggy Tobias Margaret and Edward Sequeira Helen and Frank Alegre Nonnie and Florence Bennett Marilyn Togninali Barbara Richards Bobbie Wallinger Cindy Tohlen Mr. & Mrs. Olaf Tokheim Audrey Steyer Delores Soderfelt Jesse and Teresita Miguelino Rachel Strack The Ford Family Mrs. Dominique Hillmer Alice Tolliver Donna Tomlinson Donna Tomlinson Elizabeth Toms Stan and Maurine Harkness Wilson and Patricia Heefner Tony and Carol Torlai Tony and Carol Torlai Tony and Carol Torlai Veronica Torlai Felix and Paulie Torlai Tony and Carol Torlai Veronica Torlai Felix and Paulie Torlai Delores Torre Delores Torre Bev and Bob McColl Elizabeth and James Vickerman Pam Rocha Gilbert Renteria Donald and JoAnn Romero Marilou Almadrigo Catina, Aaron and Torey Kathleen Franco Virginia D. Totanes Caryl Toth & Family Patty Slauson Les and Phyllis Ferguson Delores Dudley Flora Giannini Carol Tower Gerry Henderson Laura and Bill Tower Michael Pappas Robert, Glenda, Bobby & Laura Duyst Patty Tozi Patty Tozi Ralph and Linda Yasin Bob and Dorothy Henning Bob and Dorothy Henning Suzanne and Randy Scruggs Craig and Nancy Comartin Dolores Tranel May Logan Jeff and Sandra Johnson Jeff and Sandra Johnson Sandy and Tom Melden Susie and Carlton Collette Treiber Linda Tremble Pat and Kathleen Fitzpatrick William Trezza William Trezza Phyllis J. Almendarez West Wind Mobile Home Park, Inc. Alfred Trindade Betty Tripp Tony and Dawn Troncale Tony and Dawn Troncale Harry R. Trovinger
Honoree/Memorial Name
Laverne Trovinger Frank A. Trucco Frank A. Trucco Ann S. Trujillo Mary Jo Trull Lou Tsunekawa Charles Tualla, Jr. David R. Tuchtenhagen Elsie Tuck Lester Tuck Dwight Tucker Dwight Tucker Jaysen Tucker Jerry Tucker Moody “Papa” Tucker Lonny R. Tungate Gregg Turley Gladys Turnbeaugh Cynthia Turner Jessie Turner Johnnie Turner Mel Turner Virgil A. Turner Chet Turney Bob, Viola & Van Tuttle Mr. & Mrs. Alvis Twitty Tyler Twitty Wayne Twitty Bob and Bobby Uecker Don Uhrich Edith Ulm Alvina and Erwin Ulrich John Underhill Renette Ungaretti John Unger John Unger Robert Unger Bob Unger Robert Unger Yvonne Urdea Mardy Ussery Catherine Ustick Liz Ustick George K. Uyeda George K. Uyeda Lily U. Uyeda Lily U. Uyeda Susan J. Uyeda Tokiyo Uyesugi Eleanor “Mac” Smythe Vaccarezza Lawrence Vaccarezza Mayrine Vaccarezza Paul Vaccarezza Paul L. Vaccarezza Isabel “Betty” Valdez Rudy Valente Gary Valenti Elaine Valentine Maxine Valentine, My Sister Jesus Valenzuela Ed Valla Rita Valla Laura Vallarino Vince Vallarino, Jr. Henry Vallejo Bob Vallerga Kathryn Valonoti Alma Valpreda Mr. & Mrs. F. Valterza Ron Valterza Helen Valtierra & Son Annie Valverde Evelyn (Lujan) Valverde William L. and Irene Van Derbeck Nettie Faye Van Dyke Edna Van Noate Reid Van Noate Reid Van Noate Dr. Reid Van Noate Reid Van Noate Loretta Van Order-Buttler Velma J. Van Sant Bruce Van Slyke Bruce Van Slyke Lori Van Steenberge Lori Van Steenberge Vickie Van Steenberge Ben Van Warmerdam Ben Van Warmerdam
Donor Name
Harry R. Trovinger Jackie and Philip Korbholz Nickie Trucco Syd and Mary Lois Thompson Cheryle Apple Florene and Dick Mesa Jennifer J. Silva Jacqueline Tuchtenhagen Dilys and Clinton Alexson Dilys and Clinton Alexson 5 H20+ 5 H20+ Don and Judy Tucker Mr. & Mrs. Marlan Treichel 5 H20+ Dan and Anna Tungate Richard and Lani McDonald Olive Quilter Keli R. Ethridge Phyllis Clayton Lynette Rachal Janice B. Turner Lori Cady Catherine Turney Donna Smith Vaughnita Twitty Vaughnita Twitty Vaughnita Twitty Roberta Uecker Edith Uhrich Patricia Berger Elaine Ulrich Mrs. Helen Underhill Mr. and Mrs. William B. Gomes Caryl Toth & Family Terry and Steve Heminger Gerald and Beverly Ascencio Koreen Freitas Roberta Unger Velma Scarborough Al and Marilyn Warnock Denice U. Flynn Mom Lenore Uyeda Milton and Dawn Uyeda Lenore Uyeda Milton and Dawn Uyeda Milton and Dawn Uyeda David, Stephanie and Miya Cheng Karen L. McKee Janet N. Bolognini Alba Klemin Alba Klemin Mayrine Vaccarezza Gloria Correia Tony and Delores Moreira Lilllian Bava Pat Pyeatt Idella M. Reed Salvador Cazares Jeannette and Duane Wright Jeannette and Duane Wright Wayne and Valerie Vallarino-Brunmeier Wayne and Valerie Vallarino-Brunmeier Millie Vallejo Susan Moon Vaughnita Twitty Janis Peek Cathy McAlister Susie Valterza Brad and Gail Jones Paul Valverde George & Tresa Lozano Carol Louise Silva Margie and Ron Jory The Gordon T & Melissa A. Egan Family Foundation Judy Jarcik Reid and Julie Van Noate The Gordon T & Melissa A. Egan Family Foundation The Gordon T & Melissa A. Egan Family Foundation Ashley Pattingale Greg and Shelley Burcham Kathy Van Slyke Richard Van Slyke Frank and Carol Whittaker The Van Steenberge’s The Van Steenberge’s Mary McCollum Peggy James
German Aguilar, Director of San Joaquin Delta College’s music department’s “Delta Singers” directed several holiday songs at the Stockton Tree of Lights ceremony.
Honoree/Memorial Name
Hank Van Wingerden Daniel Vanni Dan Vanni Osvaldo Vannucci Gary J. Vargas Gary J. Vargas Michael Varni Jess R. Vasallo Ernie Vasconcellos Ernie Vasconcellos Louis Vasconcellos Mel Vasconcellos Anthony Vasquez Robert Vasquez Pauline Frausto Vasquez Cye Vaughan Elizabeth Vaughn Margaret Vaughn - Mom Ruby Vaux Martin G. Vazquez Thomas E. Veenstra Barbara A. Veerkamp Kimberly Veerkamp Faul Racheal Ventimiglia Helen Ventry Mr. & Mrs. Goris Verburg Doris Verdun John Gary Verkerk Lucille Verkerk Marthann Vestal James M. Vickerman James D. Vickerman James D. Vickerman Marjorie Vickerman Maria Elena Vicuña John & Jennie Vidulich Don Vieira John M. Vieira Pauline Vieira Lois Vielbaum Marie Viera Bill & Rose Vierra Viggo - The Cat Eddie Vigil Mary Vigil Babe Viglienzone (Dad) Carmella Viglienzone (Nonna) Herk Viglienzone (Uncle) Barba Pete Viglienzone (Nonno) Brent Vigneau Sylvia Vigneau Judith Thomas Vigor Eugenio Villa Frank & Lupe Villa George Villani Richard Villanueva Lori Villarin Marcel “Bud” Villaron, Jr. Manuel & Maria Villarreal Patricia Vincelet Vernon E. Vincelet The Vincelet Family Floyd Vincent Jack Visger George Visgilio, Sr. Vicki Vitale Rickey Vitorello John Z. Vlavianos Eleanor Vogel Eleanor Vogel Jack Vogel Don D. Vogler Earl and Theda Vollbrecht Leo Voller Gertrude Vollstedt Robert Vollstedt Jeff Volmer Mr. Leo Volpi Leo N. Volpi Robert Von Hoffman Art Von Wronski Barbara Voss Jim Vossos Ricky Vote Josephine Voyer Joe Waber Roy Waespi Edwin Wager Edwin Wager Ed Wager Edwin W. Wager, Sr Ed Wager Edwin Wager Esther Wager
Donor Name
Doug and Elly Washington Dolores Vanni Elmer & Donna Smith Dave and Pam Dias Herb and Jane Vargas Rick and Cheryl Vargas Albert and Jan Tredway Nick and Lillian Aninag Joyce Aschenbrener Lena Vasconcellos Lena Vasconcellos Mary Vasconcellos Kristin Buhk Fran Duren Dorothy Ann Martinez Joy Vaughan Elizabeth Ginn Margaret Ireland Charlotte Konrad Vazquez Family Reba Veenstra Susan Jenks Pam Loughman Linda Lou Sanguinetti Melanie Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Hart Laurence Gloria Nomura Paula M. Frago Paula M. Frago Louis Sager Elizabeth and James Vickerman Elizabeth and James Vickerman Marge Vickerman Elizabeth and James Vickerman Margaret Mallett Thomas M. Vidulich Anna Vieira Natalie Vieira and Daniel Vieira Natalie Vieira and Daniel Vieira Janice DeBenedettiSmith Craig and Judi Sanders Jon and Christine Brandstad Linda L. Sabo Jerry and Nancy Golz Joe and Pat Lemos Susan M. Farr Susan M. Farr Susan M. Farr Susan M. Farr Lina Rasberry Lina Rasberry Ken Vigor Gloria Hilliard David and Kathie Villa Peter and Jeanne Lenz Annie Cuizon Gail Brodie Lee and Beverly Meidinger Kathleen Villarreal Vernon and Denice Vincelet Vernon and Denice Vincelet Vernon and Denice Vincelet Barbara Vincent Sharon and Fred Newman Stella Visgilio David and Mary Comer Bill and Nadine Coleman Farryle Vlavianos and Family Margaret Mallett Susan Caulfield Margaret Mallett Foyann L. Vogler Dex and Sharon Vollbrecht Dorothy Voller Gertrude Comstock Gertrude Comstock Syd and Mary Lois Thompson Mrs. Eva Volpi Nancee Volpi Carol W. Anderson Terry and David Parker Steve and Roxy Woodard Gail Marganelli Darlene Vote Jo Anne Garcia-Jones Irene Denson Joan Kessler E. Walter and Nora Wager Jeri Garibaldi John and Helen Bontscho Norma Dawes Phil and Julie Smith Ron and Marti Inouye E. Walter and Nora
Honoree/Memorial Name
Esther Wager Derald Wagers James C. Wagers Bob Wagner Robert Wagner, Sr. David Wagner Phillip T. Wagner Theresa M. Wagner Judy Wagner-Bush Linda Wahl Rick Wahl Hal Wahler Gene Waite Bruce Allen Wakeham William Wakeham Nora Wakeland Terry Wakeland Robert H. Walcutt Gary Walker Jerry L. Walker John Walker Kenneth Walker Louise Helsel Watts Walker Syntha Marcella Walker Theresa Wallace Velois Wallace Loismae Wentzel Waller Lois W. Waller Harry R. Wallinger Harry R. Wallinger Harry R. Wallinger Harry R. Wallinger Harry R. Wallinger Rita Walsh Buddy J. Walter Don Walter Mary Walter Maxine Walter Mina J. Walter Elsie Walters Agnes Walther Dawn Waltkamp M. Joanne Walton Mary J. Walton Eleanor Waltz Harry Waltz Lester & Margaret Wampler Katherine Wanner Katherine Wanner Clifford Ward Jack D. Ward Wanda D Ward Debra Kay Ware “Kahollii” Nina Ware Raymond E. Ware Barbara Waring Robert & Theresa Warner Sitter Warnock Sitter Warnock Deanna Washer Fred Washington Sr. Sheldonia Washington Hester Washington Bob Yutaka Watanabe Tom Waters Jack Sr. & Jack Jr. Wathan Anton Watkin Lawence P. Watkin Renate Watkins Vickie Watry Major Stephen B. Watson Teresa Watson John D. Watters Ellis Watts Janet Watts Janet Watts Janet Watts Art Wautier Dorothy Weaver Virginia Weaver Bill Webb Roy L. Webb Mary Ann Webber Alvin Weber James Weber Mary Ann Weber Wedegaertner Pets Mamie Wedel Michelle Weed Mike Weed Michelle Weedin
Donor Name
Wager Phil and Julie Smith Virginia Wagers Virginia Wagers Koreen Freitas Susan Wathan Barbara Churchill Phillip M. Wagner Phillip M. Wagner Susan Wathan Fran and Ron Goehring Nick and Penny Meyers Terrie Hinkle Merriann Maris Barbara Wakeham Barbara Wakeham Bill and Terry Wakeland Sandy Ratcliff Suzan W. Wedegaertner Ron and Janet Morrow Chris and Dennis Olin Nita Reinhart Christine and Larry Kennard Ms. Nancy Watts Greg and Shelley Burcham Mrs. Edith Schindler Albert Wallace Gordon and Dodie Bettencourt Marge Dietrich Bill Grotemeyer Bobbie Wallinger David and Charleen Hicks Donna Brown Pat and Coraleta Rogers James Allen Pam Byrne Janet Schuh Tillie Rallios Janet Schuh Pam Byrne Christine and Larry Kennard Annette Faszer Gloria Hilliard Steven and Kathy Walton Edward H. Derby Bonnie Devencenzi Bonnie Devencenzi Jeff and Kathy White Howard and Lori Wanner Richard and Janet Wanner Lynne Austin Vickie Ward Sandra McPherson Brittany Wray Mary Ann Ware Mary Ann Ware Clint Waring Betty Ann Dal Porto Eleanor and Keith Hilken John and Sylvia Connelly Cathy Nichols-Washer Fredrica M. Cooper Fredrica M. Cooper Doug and Elly Washington Hanae Watanabe Dr. and Mrs. Paul A. Waters Susan Wathan Jennifer and Jim Hawkins Philip and Anne Berolzheimer Jennifer and Jim Hawkins Ron and Charlotte Cheek Frank and Dorothy Rothman Christe May Marjorie Watters Ms. Nancy Watts Joanne Joseph Lee and Beverly Meidinger Ryan and Kriste Merin Mrs. Sadie Wautier Virginia S. Beckman Dolores Ohm Dr. and Mrs Lawrence Frank Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence Frank Sylvia Bocchiaro Darlene Garcia Darlene Garcia Robert and Patricia Casey Suzan W. Wedegaertner Pat Pyeatt Christopher and Shellie Weed Bill and Nadine Coleman Mervyn and Marilyn Girsh
Hospice of San Joaquin 2011 Tree of Lights Donors’ Recognition Honoree/Memorial Name
Michelle Weedin Floyd Weeks Greg Weeks Gregory Thomas Weeks Phyllis R. Weeks Theodore L. Weeks Sr. Shirlee Weger Dr. C. Wegner Jane Weichold Brent Weiland Andrew T Weir, Jr Milton Weisz Roy Weitzel Arline Welch Lawrence Welch Edith Welham “RedHatter” Carol Wells Jacob Wells Dorothy Wendell Anne Wenger Anne Wenger Anne Wenger Fritz Wenthe, M.D. Phyllis Wentworth Mr. & Mrs. Anton Wentz Buck Wenzel Donald L. Werner Homer Werner Robert M. Werner Myrtle J. Werre Bill West Bill West Madysyn West Riley West Ron and Dolores Westerterp Lucille K. Westhafer Danny Westman Robert Westrup Evie Graffigna Wetmore Karl F. Wetteland Peggy Wetteland Al Wheat Albert Wheat Alexander R. Wheat IV Herman Wheaton Jerry Wheaton Kashin Wheeler Marian and Raymond Wheeler Bob Wheeler Bob Wheeler Guy Emit Wheiles Mary Wheiles Rosa Lee Wheiles Roydon J. Whipple Darol White Lee Anna White Don F. Whiteside John G. and Catherine Whitesides Carl Whitmire Carl Whitmire Catherine Whitney Catherine Whitney Claudia Florena Whitney Edwin Whitney Jerry B. Whitney Bob Whittington Bob Whittington John J. Whittock, Jr. Joe Wickham Leonard Wicksten (Bob) Robert Wickum Joseph Widmer Annette Wiebe Blanca Wiebe Leonard Wiebe William Wiegner Ila Wiese Collins Wight Laura Wilborn June Wilcox Ernest Wild Faye Wilder Wally Wilder Patricia A.Wiley Johnnie Willard Robert Willard Robert Willard Carolyn Willett Anne L. Williams Carmen Williams Dave Williams Dave Williams Dwight Williams Edward L. Williams Emma and Al Williams E.J. Williams Lisa Seifert Williams Loyl Williams William and Marjorie Williams Norm Williams Ola Mae Williams (3/14/1925 — 12/7/2005) Pat Williams Patrick Rhys Williams Richard G. Williams Rita Williams Dr. Randy Williams Samantha Williams Samantha Williams Steven A. Williams Steven A. Williams Tammie Williams Teresa Williams Gary Willis Gary Willis Ray Willis Ray Willis Ray Willis Dwight Wilson Eva Wilson Greg Wilson John H. Wilson Reva Owen Wilson Thandiwe I. Wilson
Donor Name
Thomas and Judy Robertson Mara Jolinda Weeks Jim and Shirley Luke Robbie L. Collins Edward and Mary Weeks Edward and Mary Weeks Sharon Mendonca Barbara Wegner Walter Weichold Chris and Dennis Olin Nick and Pam Curtin Bernice Weisz Dan and Kathy Caminata Mrs. Arline Hawley Peggy Barde Diane Rosenstine Patty Slauson Vickie Hale Wetherell Frank Wendell Chris Wenger John and Lynne Rauch Mr. & Mrs. Steve Shaben Raquel Kearl Jeffrey and Sarah Wentworth Mrs. Judy Cooper Carol Blumberg Marjorie Werner Steve Werner Marjorie Werner Debra Lamont Dorothy West Eleanor Miatovich Karen and Gerald West Karen and Gerald West Madres Del Camino John L. Westhafer Tina Silvas Mary Thompson Marilyn Graffigna Ray and Julie Wetteland Ray and Julie Wetteland Celeste Buchanan Miggie Wheat Kim Hayner Zack and Emma Wheaton Melanie Anderson Christopher and Tola Eley Christopher and Tola Eley Dianne S. Wheeler Helen and Frank Alegre Clint and Claudia McCarty Barbara Ludwig Clint and Claudia McCarty Joseph and Deborah Burlin Tony and Dawn Troncale Manuel and Donna Revillar Marta Whiteside Bob and Kim Whitesides Bobbie Wallinger Dorothy Whitmire Bobbie Wallinger Catherine Lytle Janet Godina Georgie and David Reed Marcella Whitney Gail Marganelli Roberta Uecker John and Linda Whittock Carolyn Mora Nancy Wicksten Vernon and Denice Vincelet Kathy and Allen Baroni Rosanna Wiebe Rosanna Wiebe Rosanna Wiebe David Ayers and Lisa Wallace Albert and Jan Tredway Lei Ching Wight Mr. & Mrs. Bill Hamby Isela Ruiz Lawrence Christy Reinold Alan and Brenda Friis Alan and Brenda Friis Colleen Wiley Kathy Rohrer Barbara Willard Dana and Katharine Willard James & Dorothy Willett Todd and Claire Greenwood Diane Stewart Dr. and Mrs. Raynor Harmeson Jeff and Julie Thompson Sharon Odle Sally J. Williams Jennifer and Scott Emigh Felix and Paulie Torlai Patricia Seifert Tom and Lynelle Williams Bonner W. Mendez A. Marie Williams Karen Rea John E. Allen Mr. Richard A. Miranda Jeanette Farley Ms. Noris Bohannon Mrs. Rebecca Williams Betty Williams Joanne Sueyres Jo M. Williams Sarah Lippincott Jeanette Farley Manuel and Donna Revillar Mr. & Mrs. Joel Harris Mrs. Jean Willis Mr. & Mrs. Joel Harris Mrs. Jean Willis Ron and Edna Mae Knecht Alice Smith Patricia Richards Lynn Truman Kathryn F. Wilson Gussie Owen Paris Pettiford
Honoree/Memorial Name
Diana J. Wilton Willie Wiltz Bobby J. Winchester Bobby J. Winchester Lester F. Winegar Ella Wing Fred Winkler Henry Winkler Troy Winkler Ronald Winland Kathleen Winslow Dolly Winter Bernice Winters Jack Wirth Jack Wirth Reba Wirth Sue Wirth Cliff Wisdom Martha Wisdom Kelly K. Wisner Beverly Witbeck John Witten John Witten John and Lyla Wixon Esther Woehl John Kenneth Wofford Jr. William Wofford Alix Wolcott Judy Wold Nevin Wold Richard D. Wold E. Victor Wolf Jeremy Wolford Rhea Wollangk Laverne Wollesen Anita Wolters Rodger Wolters Rev Robert and Helen Wolterstorff Don Womble Bill & Mildred Wong Edward Wong Kee S. Wong Norman Wong Susanna P. Wong Susanna Pope-Wong Bobby Wood Glenda Wood Marilyn Wood Robert “Bob” Wood Wrenn Wood Wrenn Wood Anna Woodard Jim and Adele Wooden Claudia Woods Jack Woods Theressa Woods Matthew Wooldridge Robert & Jean Woolsey Buck Wootten Earldeen Wootten Merle D. Worthen Merle Worthen Ed Wrbicky Vic and Jay Wrbicky Victor Wrbicky Dave Wright Dave Wright Doris A. Wright Doris A. Wright Doris A. Wright Geoffrey Wright Linda Wright Linda Wright Linda Wright Linda Wright Dio Ley Wu Cliff Wunsch Aline Wychulis Kip Wyman Mitch Wyman Ray Wymore Kimie Yabumoto Kimie Yabumoto Nao Yabumoto Nao Yabumoto Shigeru Yabumoto Shigeru Yabumoto Tada Yabumoto Tada Yabumoto Deck Yager Irene Yager Virginia Yager Jodie Yamaguchi Jodie Yamaguchi Jodie Yamaguchi Jodie Yamaguchi Jodie Yamaguchi Jodie Yamaguchi Jodie Yamaguchi Teri Yamaguchi Teri Yamaguchi Mrs. Teri Yamaguchi George Yamauchi George Yamauchi Richard Yamauchi Richard Yamauchi Yoshi Yamauchi Yoshi Yamauchi James E. Yancy John James Yancy Jim & John James Yancy David Yarbrough, 1yr. BD Howard Yarbrough Lisa Yasin Mr. & Mrs. Silkander Yasin Gladys Yates Gladys Yates David L. Yeakel Carl Yerby Verla M. Yerby Verla M. Yerby Bobby Yescas Dick and Hazel Yescas Clyde Ylitalo Joseph Yorg Joseph Yorg Joseph Yorg Agnes S. Yoshimura Bill Young Clarence Young Earline Young Jack Young
Donor Name
Jeff and Julie Loudon Jack and Jean Wiltz David Ayers and Lisa Wallace Wanda Henderson Marcia and Charles Hammond Judge & Mrs. Frank Kim Jolene Dell Aringa Judy Winkler Judy Winkler Mary Winland Susan Hinds Mary McCleary Bob & Judy Van Rooyen Rich and Joanne Waters Rob and Sara Waters Bill and Rena Quinn Rob and Sara Waters Lynne and Jan Swanson Lynne and Jan Swanson Barbara Wisner-Burgess Karen Mata Bea Turner Lori Cady Jack and Deanna Wixon Mark and Louise Woehl Mrs. Paula DickinsonWofford Lori Foster Alan and Brenda Friis Marion M. Wold Marion M. Wold Marion M. Wold Margaret La Faver Steve and Joanne Wolford Anne Braden Peter and Dena Piccardo Helen and Frank Alegre Helen and Frank Alegre Walt and Barbara Wolterstorff Kolleen Ostgaard Lex and Joyce WongCorrales Dorothy K. Wong Dorothy K. Wong Larry and Joan Barone Dr. Richard F. Wong Lex and Joyce WongCorrales Jessica Rose & Family Joann Phar Mary Thompson Joanne Wood Jessica Rose & Family Joanne Wood Karla Woodard Chris and Doug Martin Noreen A. Sanchez Stacey Lucchesi Harry and Kay Williams Doris Maragliano Jackie Chappuis Phil and Elaine Yager Phil and Elaine Yager Frances Voyer Jeanne Symons Edna Wrbicky Edna Wrbicky Edna Wrbicky Jeff and Julie Thompson Tess Wright Henry J Wright Janice and Larry Cooper Ms. Linda L. Hiatt Susan Keehr Dennis & Dayle Daniels Margie Honrath Peter & Judith Tirapelle Sharon and Robert Rasmussen Tony Gao Ann L. Wunsch Dave and Pam Dias Linda and Len Billings Craig and Judi Sanders Mark Goldstein Judi S. Yabumoto Mark and Linda Lyons Judi S. Yabumoto Mark and Linda Lyons Judi S. Yabumoto Mark and Linda Lyons Judi S. Yabumoto Mark and Linda Lyons Dawn Schanzenback Phil and Elaine Yager Phil and Elaine Yager Bob & Norma Yamaguchi Jeffrey Yamaguchi Julia Scriven Karl and Debra May Marion and Dan Flores Pamela Dunham Pat Archer Mr. & Mrs. Tak Saito Mrs. Patti Komure Mah Patti and Kent Yep Judy and Terry Klimko Ted & Yoneko Sakakuchi Judy and Terry Klimko Ted & Yoneko Sakakuchi Judy and Terry Klimko Ted & Yoneko Sakakuchi Lorraine Yancy Lorraine Yancy Patricia Capuccini Doug and Randi Preston Doug and Randi Preston Ralph and Linda Yasin Ralph and Linda Yasin Brenda Yates Bruce and Sheryl Yates G. Clare Yeakel Dorothy Gallaway Charlotte Berglund Dorothy Gallaway Karen Yescas Richard and Pamela Yescas Geraldine Zieker Laura Yorg Linda Silva Shelley & Shane Maynard Phillip and Iva Yoshimura John E. Allen Janice and Larry Cooper Betty and Bob Stover Constance Young
Honoree/Memorial Name
James Young Martha F. Young Norbert Young Theresa S. Young Virgil Young The Young Brothers Camillus #128 Mike Yrigoyen Mary Yrungary Charles E. Zabel Chubby Zablan Gottlieb Zahn Karleen Zahn Magdalena Zahn Robert Zahn Antonio P. Zamora Kristy Zane Guido and Mae Zanotti Tom Zanto Jeanne Zapara Paul Zappe Alfred Zawilla and
Donor Name
Elizabeth Lopez Rona and Jeffrey Morris Betty and Bob Stover Frank & Josephine Silva Janet Lewis Mildred Pilgrim Young Ladies Institute Lon and Valerie Mayer Linda & Jerome Fernandez Margaret Zabel Judy Winkler Tillie Rallios Tillie Rallios Tillie Rallios Tillie Rallios Ted and Myrna Cooper Dave and Hazel Schmierer Lena Vasconcellos Chris and Dennis Olin Cindy and Patrick Piccardo Erika Zappe
Honoree/Memorial Name
Debbie Tinkle Patsy Zeissler Walter Zeiszler Walter Zeiszler Vincenza Zenkovich Bill Zieker Bertha Ziemann Emil Ziemann Norman and Mary Jane Ziemer Robert Zimmer Betty Zimmerman Alexis H. Zoepffel Jane M. Zoepffel Dolores Zolezzi Ermalinda Zolezzi Hans Zumbach Dorothy Zunino Conrad Stayner
Donor Name
Frank Zawilla Lee and Beverly Meidinger Linda and Richard Zeiszler Mrs. Josephine Zeiszler Jeanette Farley Geraldine Zieker Milton and Ann Ziemann Milton and Ann Ziemann Colleen Ziemer Diane Zimmer Sandy and Tom Melden Elizabeth Winchester Elizabeth Winchester Dr. Joseph Randazzo Dr. Joseph Randazzo Nancy Berchtold Linda Thorpe Rosemarie and Nat Bacchetti
2011 marked the first annual Tree of Lights partnership between Hospice of San Joaquin and the City of Galt. Tree of Lights was located at City Hall during the month of December
2011 Tree of Lights Light Donors Al and Marcia Davidson Alan Goldhahn Albert and Debbie Giannecchini Albert and Virginia Boyce Alfred F. Eigenberger Angelo and Gayl Bocchi Anonymous Arlene Venarde Arnold and Ursula Joens Audrey S. Kissler Barbara L. Cocola Barbara Updegraft Barry and Barbara McCandless Beverly Gomes Bob and Sharon Sharrock Bonnie J. Weisz Brien and Kay Ecker CA Federated Woman’s Club of Stockton Calvin and Cory Wadlow Carl and Judy Brown Charles Moody Charles and Gail Leonard Carolyn Lenz Chee and Chun Chan Cherald Williams Chris and Gail Wardell Connie Catolico David and Linda Long Dennis Faist Don Bryan Donald Ruhstaller Dr. and Mrs. Chen F. Liem Dr. and Mrs. James Pucelik Dr. Steven L. Goldberg Eddie Piazza Edward H. Caul, M.D. Elaine M. Riley Eljoan Shealor Emmett Magar Ernest F. Tavella Eugene F. Hanten Evelyn Toste Frances Voyer Frank and Angela Silva Frank and Claudia Prather Frank and Josephine Silva Frank and Marilyn Greco Frederica Hobin George and Margaret Smith Geri Osburn Glinn and Sherry Billings H & H Engineering Construction, Inc. Harlan and Carol Hague Harold and Gwen Witsaman Harold Stevens Herbert H. Bowman Inez Kiriu Ira McAtee J and S Lighting & Maintenance JAB Auto Parts Jack and Jeanne Sahargun James and Carol Mitchell
James and Claudia Renton Janet Berriman Janice DeBenedetti-Smith Janice Lindsey Jennifer Droge Jerry and Susan Dron Jim and Axzine Woodward Jim and Nancy Bayani Jo Hipolito Joanie Sanchez Joe and Valarie Nunes Joe Michael John and Helen Bontscho John and Jean Boger John and Jeanne Saffier John and Martha Rogers John R. Primasing Joseph and Joan Diehl Judy Batterton Karen and Jim Perkins Karen Angerstein Karol Evelyn Heiser Kathleen A. Klump Kathleen Abdallah Kathryn A. White Kathy Moniz Kay and Walter Tim Kay De Jong Kiwanis Club of Galt Lee and Carol Hemminger Leslie Hays Campbell Lillian Matsuoka Linda Wingett Lloyd McLean Lorna Dooley Louis and Pauline Tancreto Lynn and Charles Rhodes Mae Y. Lee Margaret Ficovich Margaret Ireland Margaret McEnerney Marjorie Lowe Marlene Meadows Martha B. Ellwanger Mary Ann Irvine Mary Ann Poletti Mary Klessens Mary L. Indelicato Matilda Marugliano Melvin and Wanda Ramstead Michael and Luzanne Conrad Michaeleen Riel Mike and Josette McCabe Mildred Russo Mitch and Terri Miladinovich Mr. & Mrs. Edward A. Newland Mr. & Mrs. Howard J. Betts Mr. & Mrs. Jeremiah T. Murphy, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Jerry De Groot Mr. & Mrs. John Gannon Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wiley Mr. and Mrs. George Kitagawa Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bezemer
Mr. Gary R. Balthazar Mrs. Janet Iorio Mrs. Joanne Thompson Mrs. Kazumi Nishioka Mrs. Marilyn Prato Ms. Lorraine Goff Nan Phipps Norma and Bruce Burlington Pacific Gas and Electric Co Pat and Mike Fluetsch Patricia M. Muldrew Patricia M. Thomas Patti Swansick Paul and Margaret Fairbrook Peter and Alexandra Ottesen Peter Grammatke Peter Schmitz Phil and Elaine Yager Prasad Dighe, M.D. R. June Barrow Ralph and Linda Yasin Rayna Mahlman Ria Duivenvoorde Richard and Alice Kulka Richard and Ann Filson Richard and Barbara Fichtner Richard and Donna Spence Richard Boubelik Robert and Charlene Horn Robert Jordan Robert Zerrilla Rodney and Raetta Schatz Scott and Vicki Evans Sharon Broadhead Stephen and Beverly Borra Steve and Mary Ann Schermerhorn Steven and Laura Nickel Stockton Emblem Club No. 226 Stockton Rubber Co., Inc. Sunny Williams Talbot and Sandi Ruhstaller Ted Itaya Terry Rubianes, Jr Tess Aberle The Gordon T & Melissa A. Egan Family Foundation Tom Long & Linda CastanonLong Tri-Valley Community Foundation Valley Wholesale Drug Co., Inc. Vicki Horn Virginia Lee Strangman Wanda Pardini Wayne and Mary Miller Wayne Ireland Wayne Tomason Wendy Gannon William and Elizabeth Ginn William and Jeannette Gorham William and Norma Fairgrieve William and Shirley Seeds William and Verl Gromm
2011 Tree of Lights Special Appreciation
All Sites Special thanks! Yvette Remlinger, Director, Children’s Muesum Pacific Gas & Electric Company Robin Carruesco, See’s Candies Margaret Sacchet, Stockton Ports Tim, Ulmer, Ulmer Photography Pacific Gas & Electric Company Employee Volunteers, Family & Friends Ron Ayers Dave Ayers, Sr Gary Ayers, Sr Robert Besson Josh Casenave Greg Cobarrubias Hunter Cordova Theresa English-Sota Dylan George Alex Hlavacek Dave Larsen Chad Lavezzo Jimmy Pacheco Mark Rasmussen Scott Rose Ken Ruffin, Jr. Bob Severson Evan Slaydon Lew Smith Brian York
Stockton Committee & Program Participants Carla Donaldson, Annunciation School Ella Rishwain, Annunciation School Paula Ross, Annunciation School Ron Smith, Director Central Valley Stockton Chapter / Harley Owner’s Group # 1510 Tien Thi Tran, Chipotle Mexican Grill Stockton VIPS, City of Stockton - Police Department German Aguilar Delta Singers - San Joaquin Delta College The Elephant Bar Restaurant Family of Connie Giannini Chaplin Jim Russow, Hospice of San Joaquin Edward Schroeder Hospice of San Joaquin Board of Directors Hospice of San Joaquin, Butterfly Auxiliary Stockton Chapter Pacific Gas & Electric Company Employee Volunteers Dr. Jeff Marsee, San Joaquin Delta College Mark Showers, San Joaquin Delta College Valerie Stewart - Green San Joaquin Delta College Sgt. Mario Vasquez San Joaquin Delta College Jim Vergara San Joaquin Delta College Michelle Burgos Starbucks Coffee Company
Clements / Lockeford Committee & Program Participants Rev. Ron Martens Clements Community Church Clements Community Church Choir Emily Humphries, Clements Community Church, Choir Cynthia Haynes, Clements Lockeford Chamber of Commerce Deloris Gowan, Clements Lockeford Chamber of Commerce Marla & John Kendrick, Clements Lockeford Chamber of Commerce Steve & Bev Borra, Clements Lockeford Chamber of Commerce Tim Steinecke, Clements Lockeford Chamber of Commerce Timothy Fowler, Clements Lockeford Chamber of Commerce Clements Lockeford Chamber of Commerce Clements Lockeford Lions Club Family of Mary Lou Elmer Haynes Equipment Gayle Riley, RN, Hospice of San Joaquin Board of Directors Hospice of San Joaquin, Butterfly Auxiliary Lodi Chapter Ironstone Vineyards Lee’s Feed Janice Sherman Lockeford Elementary School Virginia Anderson Lockeford Elementary School Mokelumne Rural Fire District Nissen Real Estate Pacific Gas & Electric Company Employee Volunteers Robinsons Feed Wells Fargo Bank
2012 Bereavement Calendar Hospice of San Joaquin offers bereavement support groups on a regular basis. These groups are for those who have experienced the death of someone close to them and would like to learn more about the grieving process and gain support and insight from others who have had similar experiences. Our support groups meet for six weeks and are offered to all adults in the community. There is no charge for the groups however; a one-time $10.00 donation is appreciated to help cover the cost of materials. Due to the necessity to limit the size of the groups, pre-registration is required. We encourage you to call our Bereavement Program at 209-957-3888 at your earliest convenience to register as groups tend to fill up quickly.
Adult Bereavement Workshops and Sharing Groups 2012
Monday, January 30; 5:30 – 7:00 pm Understanding Your Grief: Grief as a Journey Monday, February; 27; 5:30 – 7:00 pm Open Grief-Sharing Group Monday, March 26; 5:30 – 7:00 pm Understanding Your Grief: Coping with Loneliness & Change Monday, April 30; 5:30 – 7:00 pm Open Grief-Sharing Group** Monday, May 21; 5:30 – 7:00 pm Understanding Your Grief: Guilt, Regret, Anger…Oh My! * Monday, June 25; 5:30 – 7:00 pm Open Grief-Sharing Group Monday, July 30; 5:30 – 7:00pm Understanding Your Grief: Spirituality & Loss Monday, August 27; 5:30 – 7:00 pm Open Grief-Sharing Group Monday, September 24, 5:30 – 7:00 pm Understanding Your Grief: Monday, October 29; 5:30 – 7:00 pm Open Grief-Sharing Group
Lodi Committee & Program Participants Dave Bender, City of Lodi Ray Fre, City of Lodi Janet Hamilton, City of Lodi JoAnne Mounce, City of Lodi Kevin Bell, City of Lodi - Mid Manager’s Association Paula Fernandez, City of Lodi - Mid Manager’s Association Kat Garcia, City of Lodi - Mid Manager’s Association Curt Juran, Retired, City of Lodi - Mid Manager’s Association Steve Mann, City of Lodi - Mid Manager’s Association Grant, Plath, City of Lodi - Mid Manager’s Association Charles Swimley, City of Lodi - Mid Manager’s Association Joseph Wood, City of Lodi - Mid Manager’s Association Rad Bartlam, City of Lodi, City Manager Ron Crookham, DART Containers Family of Kevin Boyle Johnson Maria Cervantes, Heritage Elementary School Rosalina Cruz, Heritage Elementary School Dalia Pineda, Heritage Elementary School Stephen Larson, Hospice of San Joaquin Board of Directors Amy Dahlstrom, Lodi High School Meistersingers Lodi Police Partners, Lodi Police Department Rev. Dwight Friesen, Vinewood Community Church Alfredo Jimenez, West Coast Arborists Jason Pinegar, West Coast Arborists Sal Sanchez, West Coast Arborist Tracy Committee & Program Participants Bill Jeffrey Clutch Burner’s Classic Car Club Family of Manuel Aguilar Jim Russow, Hospice of San Joaquin Scott Beattie, Hospice of San Joaquin Board of Directors Hospice of San Joaquin Butterfly Auxiliary, Tracy Chapter Pastor Patrick Williams, New Life Fellowship Pacific Gas & Electric Company Employee Volunteers Anthony Guzman, Tracy Outlets Kenny Juarez, Tracy Outlets Qun Li, Tracy Outlets Elaine Yager, Tracy Outlets Bob Corsaro, United Way Community Council, Tracy Grace Kong, Wanda Hirsh Elementary School Jodi Price, Wanda Hirsh Elementary School Andrea Silva, Wanda Hirsh Elementary School Mary Torres, Wanda Hirsh Elementary School Rio Vista Committee & Program Participants Airport Road Self Storage Barry Canever, California Striped Bass Association Jan Vick, City of Rio Vista Nick Glende D.H. White Elementary School Sydney Saldana D.H. White Elementary
Volunteer and support
Kids’ Korner is open to all children who
are in Kindergarten through sixth grade who have experienced the death of a loved one within the past two years. Spring 2012 Mar 17, Mar 31, Apr 14, Apr 28 Summer 2012 July 14, July 28, Aug 11, Aug 25
Teen 2 Teen
This workshop is for teens who have lost a loved one and is led by Hospice of San Joaquin Bereavement Staff and volunteers Helping High School Teens Cope With Grief and Loss February 4, 2012 2:30—5:00 pm Call the Bereavement Department to RSVP at (209) 957-3888.
Registration is Free
School Laura Uslan D.H. White Elementary School Friends of Martin Keeler Chris McCaffrey , Hospice of San Joaquin Board of Directors Kris Weber, Hospice of San Joaquin Butterfly Auxiliary Captain Dan Schindler, Montezuma Fire Department Dylan George, Pacific Gas & Electric Company Mary Peinado, Rio Vista Chamber of Commerce Firefighter Eric Lopez Rio Vista Fire Department Firefighter/Paramedic Chad Navarro, Rio Vista Fire Department Captain Brandon Wilson, Rio Vista Fire Department Patricia McDonald, Director, St. Joseph Catholic Church Choir Pastor Dustin Butler, Windborn Community Church Galt Committee & Program Participants Jason Behrmann, City of Galt Inez Kiriu, City of Galt Barbara Payne, City of Galt Adin Selby, City of Galt Chaplin Tim Stevenson, City of Galt Police Department Troy, Bonnet, City of Galt Pubic Works Nathan Powers City of Galt Pubic Works Ryan Weeks, City of Galt Pubic Works Chris Williamson, City of Galt Pubic Works Family of Diane Gragg Steve Blanchard & Hayley Galt Bible Church Choir Galt Christian School Chime Choir Steve Guasco, Hospice of San Joaquin Stefani Khan, Lake Canyon Elementary School Alejandra Martinez, Lake Canyon Elementary School Suzanne Soligny, Lake Canyon Elementary School Manteca Committee & Program Participants Mark Lisa, CEO, Doctors Hospital of Manteca Kathy McKenzie, Doctors Hospital of Manteca Eric McMurtrey, Doctors Hospital of Manteca Doctors Hospital of Manteca Food & Nutrition Services Department Gary Modlin, Doctors Hospital of Manteca, Set Items; Anne Talcott, East Union High School Choir Family of Cheryl Kirsch Joanne Balestreri, French Camp Elementary School Kathy Brown, French Camp Elementary School Jennifer Contreras, Flores French Camp Elementary School Melanie Ota, French Camp Elementary School Rev. Bill Barnett, Grace Community Church, Lathrop Jacqueline Bagatta, RN, Hospice of San Joaquin Board of Directors Ronda Eshaya-Avellaneda, Starbucks Coffee Comp
Make a Difference Miggie Wheat volunteers at Camp Caterpillar 2010
Hospice of San Joaquin Volunteers Dolores Arbios Wendy Audett Pat Berger Om Bhardwaj Barbara Buchanan Debbie Burlin Jackie Chappuis Linda Dillon Jo Foley Karla Fox Becky Freeman Erin George Gene Gomes Helen Gonzalez Donna Goyette Marie Guasco Kathy Harden DiAna Harrison-Jackson Virginia Hawes Joanne Hotopp Steve Itaya Desiree Kedrierski Jan King Susan Kramer Mark Lang Steve Lockwood Joseph Martin Linda McCay Desiree Mello Bertha Miquel Paula Monroe Paula Nebel Ed Newland Kenny Nieymer Christine Nola Terry Parker Diane Pelleitier Mary Pennini Barbara Scott Jud Smith Genola Spoonhour Kathleen Stevens Jim Vestri Kris Weber Julie Wetteland Ray Wetteland Pat Wilson Joyce Wong-Corrales
Volunteer Training Starts March 5th to March 29th, 2012 Monday & Thursday Evenings 6:00 to 9:00 pm Register Today
(209) 957-3888