San Joaquin & Stanislaus Counties, CA | 26 marzo al 8 de Abril / March 26 through April 8, 2011 | #116
Vicente Fox
el ex- the former presidente president of de México Mexico
Stockton, CA Bilingual Weekly
icente Fox, el expresidente de México, será el orador de apertura en la Universidad del Pacifico (University of the Pacific) durante el comienzo la ceremonia de graduación de la clase 2011. La ceremonia iniciara a las 9:00 AM el 7 de Mayo. El será el primer ex-presidente que dará un discurso en la ceremonia de graduación para la Universidad de el Pacifico.
209-598-6525 2034 Pacific Ave. Stockton, CA 95202
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Un día previo a la graduación, el ex-mandatario Mexicano participara en la conferencia Gerber en la sala de conciertos Fave Spanos Concert Hall de Stockton, CA a las 6:00 PM La conferencia Gerber es presentada por el Departamento de Estudios Internacionales de la universidad del Pacifico cual se enfoca en Asuntos Internacionales. El evento es evento gratuito y abierto al publico en su totalidad. La graduación será un evento taquillado y abierto a las familias y amistades de los estudiantes graduados. “Con la interdependencia de economías mundiales, es vital que los graduados de hoy entiendan y aprecien la plataforma global en la que todos trabajamos,” dijo la Presidenta Pamela A. Eibeck. “Estamos encantados que el ex-presidente Fox estará con nosotros para compartir su mensaje de esperanza y comunidad con nuestros graduados, tanto como con la región general, la noche previa al comienzo de la ceremonia. Continues on page 6
ice nt e Fox, t h e fo r m e r president of Mexico, will be the keynote speaker at University of the Pacific’s 2011 Commencement Ceremony at 9 a.m. May 7. He will be the first former head of state to speak at a Pacific graduation ceremony. The day before Commencement, President Fox will give the Gerber Lecture in the Faye Spanos Concert Hall on the Stockton campus at 6 p.m. The Gerber Lecture series is presented by Pacific’s School of International Studies and focuses on international affairs. It is free and open to the public. Commencement is a ticketed event that is open to families and friends of graduating students. “With the growing interdependence of the world’s economies, it is vital that today’s graduates understand and appreciate the global platform that we all work in,” said President Pamela A. Eibeck. “We are thrilled that President Fox will be on campus to share his message of hope and community with our graduates, as well as with the broader region the night before Commencement.” Fox, a graduate of Harvard and Mexico’s Universidad Iberoamericana, served as his nation’s president from 2000 until 2006. He previously served as the Governor of Guanajuato from 1995 to 1999. He worked for Coca Cola from 1964 to 1979 and served as the President of Coca Cola Mexico for his final four years at the company before retiring. In 2007, he published his memoir “Revolution of Hope: The Life, Faith, and Dreams of a Mexican President.” In his memoirs, Fox credits his job at Coca Cola for introducing him to a Mexico that he did not know about. He wrote that as a route supervisor, he often traveled on delivery runs to some of the most remote areas of Mexico Continúa en página 4
Bilingual Weekly 2034 Pacific Ave. Stockton, CA 95204
JOB Feria de FAIR Empleo Bilingual Weekly Stockton, CA -
Stockton, CA Permit Nº 385
nna, a university graduate has has been looking for a job for over 6 months after being laid off “It’s been really difficult, I lost my house and had to move in with my mom.” she says. She’s not the only one, with the County’s unemployment being one of the worst in the country. State officials estimate San Joaquin County’s unemployment at 18.5 percent during the first quarter of 2011.On April 21st from 10:00 am until 3:00 pm the area’s employers will have an opportunity to be in front of 1,000s of trained, eager to re-enter the workforce, dislocated workers.“WorkNet’s Job Fair is unique as there are no fees for employers to participate,” shared Karen McConnell, San Joaquin County WorkNet Marketing Coordinator. In addition to bridging employers with job seeker, the fair provides support and tools which proved beneficial to businesses who attended last year’s fair. “Everyone was extremely helpful. This was Continúa en página 6
Bilingual Weekly Stockton, CA -
ausa de curiosas reglas, el directivo del Distrito Escolar Unificado de Stockton (SUSD por sus siglas en inglés) David Varela no solo completará el periodo pendiente de la desaparecida presidente del Directorio, Colleen Boardman, sino que también hara de su propio vicepresidente. Luego que en la junta directiva anterior un empate 3-3 dejara la elección de un nuevo presidente en ascuas, el martes 8 de marzo del 2011, el recién-instaurado directivo Ángel Jiménez rompió la igualdad poniéndose del lado de Sara Cazares y José Morales, defendiendo el derecho del que goza el vicepresidente y asumir la presidencia cuando el titular lo deja. Los votos en contra vinieron, como antes, de Steve Smith, Salvador Ramírez y Gloria Allen. El desacuerdo sobre la sucesión se basaba en cuanta experiencia es necesaria para servir como presidente, dado que Varela ha sido miembro del Directorio por menos de dos meses.
Continues on page 6
Eventos Locales
City Councilmembers Budget ART: Jorge Elizalde Reception Town Hall February Meetings4, 2011 Free Event: 5:30 social 6:30 program Mexican Monday,Heritage April 4, Center with Councilmember Dale 30 East Acacia, Stockton CA 95202 Fritchen, District 6, Info: (209) 598-6525 at August Knodt School Gymnasium, 3939 E W S Woods Blvd; ThursSports: Thunder vs Idaho Steelheads day,28, April 7, with Paul Canepa, Jan 2011 (Fri)Councilmember 7:30 PM District 3, at Mable Barron buy tickets:209/373-1700 or Elementary School toll free 866/373-7088 Multipurpose Room, 6835 Cumberland Place; Wednesday, April 13, with Councilmember Education: A Conversation with Larry Bell Susan Talamantes Eggman, District 5, at Stribley Thursday, 27, 2011 CommunityJanuary Center Gymnasium, 1760 E. Sonora 6:30 p.m. Street; Monday, April 18, with Councilmember 209-373-1400 or 1-866-3737088 San Joaquin County Office Education Elbert Holman, District 1, atofBear Creek High Wentworth Education Center School Theater; Wednesday, April 20 with Vice 2707 Transworld Drive, Stockton, CA MayorInfo: Kathy Miller, District 2, at Seifert ComMore munity Center, 128 W. Benjamin Holt Drive; and VISIT Thursday, April 21, with Councilmember Diana For our everyday calendar! Lowery, District 4,events at Empire Theatre, 1825 Pacific Avenue.
WOMAN OF THE YEAR Bilingual Weekly Sacramento, CA -
ssemblymember Cathleen Galgiani (D -Livingston) named Stockton City Councilmember Susan Talamantes Eggman as the 17th Assembly District’s Woman of the Year. Dr. Eggman was elected to the Stockton City Council in 2006 and re-elected in 2010. She is the only Latino member at Stockton’s City Council – a city where Latino’s are a majority following 2010 Census data. The reasons for her selection are Dr. Eggman’s commitment to her community beyond City Council; she serves on the Housing Ad-Hoc Committee, the Legislation/Environmental Committee, member of the California State University Stockton Center Site Authority for further development of Stockton CSU Committee, Delta Protection Commission, Continues on page 8
Mujer del Año Bilingual Weekly Sacramento, CA -
a Asambleísta Estatal Cathleen Galgiani (D-Livingston) le dio un reconocimiento a la Concejal de la Cuidad de Stockton, Susan Talamantes Eggman, como la Mujer del Año en el 17º Distrito de la Asamblea. La Dra. Eggman fue elegida al consejo municipal de la Cuidad de Stockton en el 2006 y re-elegida en el 2010. Ella es el único concejal con raíces Latinas en la Cuidad de Stockton — en una cuidad donde los Latinos son mayoría de acuerdo a el Censo 2010. La Dra. Eggman fue seleccionada por sus compromiso comunitario que sobre pasa el consejo municipal; ella forma parte del comité formado con fines específicos a la vivienda, el comité de legislación del medio ambiente, es miembro del Centro de Autoritario en la Cuidad de Stockton para el progreso de la Universidad Estatal Stanislaus [CSU Stanislaus], la comisión de protección para el Delta, el directorio del Departamento de Salud Mental del Condado de San Joaquín, y ella fue elegida como Presidente del directorio del Concilio de Habla Hispana en Stockton. “la dedicación de Susan y su actividad en la Ciudad de Continúa en página 6
El Concilio ▪ Council
for the
Spanish Speaking
2 | Bilingual Weekly | 25 de Marzo al 08 de Abril/ March 25 through Abril 08, 2011
his new program will enhance the child wellness program for mothers and/or fathers and their children one to five years of age. El Concilio educates the parents on the importance of physical activity as an effective wellness strategy for young children. The impact of focused movement experiences on early childhood brain development. El Concilio’s focus on nutrition will improve as healthy choices are made for children. The program stresses the importance of modeling healthy choices and existing available health resources and health literacy. El Concilio will educate children to recognize healthy foods using colors, sequencing, grouping and classifying, literacy and language development techniques. It also integrates gross and fine motor skills and provide developmental screenings on all children El Concilio serves. El Concilio’s home visiting staff have been trained on Parents As Teachers curriculum, the University of California Cooperative Extension (UCCE) health education curricula with established performance indicators, to track and document the
EL Concilio Family Wellness Program This program is possible by the St. Joseph’s Spirit Club. The mission of El Concilio is the empowerment of the Hispanic community so that its members can improve the quality of their lives and the lives of their children.
quality and outcomes of program implementation. Examples of curricula include: Go, Glow and Grow; Happy Healthy Me; and Eating Smart, Being Active. A variety of curricula that meets individual family needs; technical support; handout materials; and some project evaluation. El Concilio provides a six to nine week health education home visiting program serving children in Stockton, Manteca and Lodi Unified School Districts. We will serve 600 during this project year, averaging three home visits per month, per family. During El Concilio’s visits we focus on healthy food choices, reading and understanding food labels; we give many examples of what healthy food and drinks can do for your body and the impact of unhealthy foods and drinks for children and adults. The cooking and preparation of healthy snacks
is a critical part of this program and we are finding with the current economy and lack of jobs, many of our neediest families are living from food bank to food bank and they do not have the food and/or resources to be able to participate in the cooking activities that are crucial to this program. Being able to provide the necessary food ingredients will be a tremendous help for our families and the full impact of this program will have a lasting effect, because when the parents see how easy it is to select healthy food and prepare it correctly they will be able to feed their family correctly. For more information or how you may participate in this program, visit El Concilio at 224 S. Sutter Street, Stockton, CA 95203, (209) 644-2600 or visit our website at www.elconcilio. org.
Family Wellness Program
ste nuevo programa esta diseñado para mejorara el bienestar de niños entre las edades de 1 a 5 años de edad y sus padres. El Concilio proporciona educacion sobre la importancia de la actividad fisica como una estrategia para mejorar el vienestar infantile. El emfoque esta sobre el impacto del desarrollo mental del pequeño. El programa se preocupa por optar selecciones de alimentos saludables, recursos sobre salud, y literature de salud. El Concilio educara a base de colores, secuencias, agrupacion, clasificacion, lectura, y language, a los niños para que reconoscan alimentos saludables. Tambien integra evaluacion basica y detallada en todos los niños participando en en los programas del Concilio. El personal del Concilio a obtenido entrenamiento sobre el programa Padres Como Instructores (Parent as Teachers) del la Extencion Coperativa de la Universidad del California (UCCE) con indices de mejoras establecidos en educacion de salud. Ejemplos del la planeacion incluye: Ir, Crecer, Y Brillar (Glow and Grow); Salud Feliz
(Happy Healthy); and Comiendo Inteligente (Eating Smart) y ser activo. El plan se adapta a la necesidad de la familia; apoyo tecnico; materials; y otros projectos a evaluar. El Concilo proporciona de seis a nueve semanas de educacion, con un programa a visitor la familia en casa si el niño vive en Stockton, Manteca, y el Distrito Unificado de Lodi. El programa apoyara a 600 participantes este año con un promedio de 3 visitas en casa por familia. Durante las visitas El Concilio se enfoca en decisiones de alimentos saludables, lectura, y el entender las etiquetas de nutricion; le damos muchoes ejemplos sobre los tipos de alimentos y bebidas son sus beneficios para su cuerpo y el impacto de los alimentos no saludables en los niños y adultos. El cosinar bocadillos saludables es una parte critica de este programa y hemos descubierto que con la crisis economica hay familias que ahora viven buscando alimentos en los bancos de comida por lo tanto no logran participar en las actividades de cocina de este
programa. El proporcionar los ingredients necesarios para preparer comida saludable obtendra una tremenda ayuda para nuestras familias y el impacto de este programa tendra effectos a largo plaso. Cuando los padres aprende la simplesa con la que se puede seleccionar alimentos nutritivos lograran alimentar a sus familias correctamente. Para mas informacion o para participar en este programa, visite al el Concilio al 224 S. Sutter Street, Stockton, CA 95203, o llame al (209) 644-2600 o visite nuestro citio internet www.
VALLE ▪ VALLEY 25 de Marzo al 08 de Abril/ March 25 through Abril 08, 2011 | Bilingual Weekly | 3
Bounce Back
Temporada de Futbol Rapido Termina con Fracturas vieron bastantes experiencias
To Home Ownership
Bilingual Weekly
“ obtain the American Dream..” Bilingual Weekly News STOCKTON, CA – NonProfit, Visionary Home Builders of California (VHB), is now accepting applications for Bounce Back to Home Ownership, an “Option to Own” program. The first class will be held on Saturday, April 9, 2011. Bounce Back to Homeownership aims to help people enter – or in the event of foreclosure – re-enter homeownership. “For those who have lost their home to foreclosure, or are wondering how they will ever be able to own their own home, the Bounce Back to Home Ownership program is an opportunity to gain confidence in making long-term, financial decisions to buy a home,” stated Carol Ornelas, CEO of Visionary Home Builders. “Our goal is to provide a sound education and opportunity to give people the chance to obtain the American Dream of owning their own home.” The core of the program is the financial education provided by Visionary Home Builders Housing Coaches. Bounce Back to Home Ownership participants, through finance courses, will develop a plan that allows them to live in their future home for three to five years, help repair their credit, save for a down payment,
Bounce Back To Home Ownership Retomar su Propiedad Stockton, CA – La agencia no lucrativa, Visionary Home Builders of California (conocida por sus cifras VHB), ahora acepta peticiones para retomar sus propiedades como parte del programa Bounce Back to Homeownership, un programa “Opción a Propietario” [Option to Own]. La primera clase se ofrece el Sábado 9 de Abril del 2011. Bounce Back to Homeownership se enfoca en ayudar a personas entrar, o en el evento de la perdida hipotecaria. “Para aquellos que han perdido su hogar o en el evento de una ejecución hipotecaria – para tomar sus propiedades, el and plan a household budget that will help sustain a home. At the end of the program, participants are expected to be ready to purchase the home. To be eligible for the Bounce
positivas,” comento el jugador y entrenador del equipo Antonio Sutton.
programa Bounce Back to Homeownership es una oportunidad para obtener confianza en planeacion a largo plaso, decisiones financieras para comprar un hogar,’ dijo Carol Ornelas, directora ejecutiva de Visionary Home Builders. “nuestra meta es dar oportunidades de obtener el sueño Americano, el obtener su hogar, a base de educación.” La base del programa es el proporcionar educación financiera por medio de entrenadores de Visionary Home Builders. En base a educación, los participantes en el programa Bounce Back to Homeownership desarrollaran un plan cual les permitirá vivir en sus hogares en un futuro dentro de tres a cinco años, ayudara a reparar su crédito, ahorrar para el enganche, y planificación de un presupuesto del hogar cual les ayudara a mantener su hogar. El final del programa, se espera que los participantes estén listos para comprar su casa. La elegibilidad para el programa Bounce Back esta limitado para Back program, participants cannot currently own a home and income must not exceed 120% of San Joaquin County Area Median Income limits.
STOCKTON, CA- después de cuatro meses de victorias, desafíos y esfuerzos el equipo de fútbol profesional California Cougars sierra la temporada 2010-11 en la Arena de Stockton. El equipo profesional; adjunto a deportistas jóvenes novatos, se encuentran satisfechos con el final te la temporada. “Yo creo que tuvimos una temporada positiva. Les dimos la oportunidad de sobresalir a muchos de nuestros jugadores jóvenes cuales obtu-
Aunque la temporada termino con una victoria 11-8 sobre los Edmonton Drillers, los Cougars sobrepasaron grandes desafíos en su trayectoria. “Nuestro equipo sufrió fracturas como en ningún otro equipo de los que yo e participado,” dijo Sutton. Los jugadores fracturados forzaron al resto del equipo a participar en puestos fuera de su área de especialidad. Durante la temporada los Cougars desafiaron a equipos
como los Sockers de San Diego, Kinas de Cincinnati, y Tacoma Starts; también desafiaron a equipo de México Revolución Tijuana y Edmonton Drillers de Canada. Durante la temporada de descanso el entrenador reforzara la importancia de desarrollar el equipo. “Si logramos juntar cinco o cuatro jugadores durante el verano; para el inicio de la próxima temporada, lograremos armar nuestros Cougars en cuatro o cinco partes en vez de 20 partes,” dijo Sutton. La próxima temporada, 2011-12 inicia en Noviembre cual le ofrece a sus fanáticos una temporada con partidos en casa cuales incluyen temas como el tradicional partido “College Night” y apoyo comunitario como fue la recaudación de ropa “Clothes Drive Game.”
California Coiugars in the Stockton Arena by Fritz Chin
aquellos que no son propietarios actuales y debe sobrepasar 120% de los límites de ingreso mediano del área del Condado de San Joaquín. Las clases seran instruidas por entrenadores para propietarios certificados por el Departamento de Vivienda y Desarroyo
de Urbanidad del los EEUU [U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development] (conosido por sus cifras HUD) y seran ofrecidos por Visionary Home Builders ubicado en 315 Norte de la calle San Joaquin, en Stockton. Para mas información sobre Bounce Back to
Home Ownership y otras classes educacionales ofrecidas en VHB, comuníquese al (209) 466-6811 o visite el sitio Internet www.
Classes are taught by The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development certified (HUD) Housing Coaches and will be held at Visionary Home Builders -Home Own-
ership and Education Center, 315 North San Joaquin Street, Stockton. For further information about Bounce Back to Home Ownership and other educational classes
offered at VHB, contact 209466-6811 or visit
FREE PASSENGER TIRE RECYCLING GRATIS RECICLAJE DE LLANTA DE PASAJERO Las primeras 4 llantas son gratis. y! First 4 tires only! ires onl t r e g n e ass P
North County Landfill 17720 E. Harney Lane Lodi (209) 887-3868 Lovelace Transfer Station 2323 E. Lovelace Road Manteca (209) 982-5770 Foothill Sanitary Landfill 6484 Waverly Road Linden (209) 887-3969 Tracy MRF & Transfer Station 30703 S. MacArthur Drive Tracy (209) 832-2355
Expires 06/30/11
Expira 06/30/11
Rims okay. Charges will apply to larger tires. FREE for residents of San Joaquin County and its Cities. Not available for businesses.
Aceptable con rims. Se cobrara por llantas más grande. GRATIS sólo para residentes del Condado de San Joaquin y sus ciudades. No disponible para negocios.
NEW! PAPERLESS COUPON!!! Tell the cashier you saw the “paperless coupon” in the Bilingual Weekly! ¡NUEVO! ¡CUPONES VIRTUALES! ¡Dígale al cajero que vio este "cupón virtual" en el Bilingual Weekly!
Find more information on RECYCLING at: Mas información sobre RECICLAJE en:
Funded by a Grant from the Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle). Financiado por una Subvención del Departamento de Recursos de Reciclaje y Recuperación (CalRecycle).
VALLE ▪ VALLEY 4 | Bilingual Weekly | 25 De Marzo al 08 de Abril/ March 25 through April25, 2011
Stockton: Stockton: Nuevo Sitio launches new de Internet. website
TOCKTON, CA – la Cuidad de Stockton lanzara un nuevo diseño a su sitio de Internet el Miércoles, 30 de Marzo del 2011. El nuevo sitio le ofrecerá varios adelantos, incluyendo: una mejor navegación y capacidad de búsqueda, un enlace en la página inicio para servicios en Internet, noticias y lista de eventos, mas sitio de documentos virtuales. La dirección del sitio en Internet no cambiara de su actual, Pero las direcciones de las otras paginas si cambiaran. A todas personas que usan el sitio Internet frecuentemente se les recomienda que actualicen su lista de paginas preferidas después del 30 de Marzo del 2011. Información en el nuevo sitio es accesible a base de menús y opciones a buscar. Detalles conocidos en ingles como “breadcrumbs,” se presentaran en la parte posterior de su pantalla durante el uso de la página, y enlaces a otros sitios de Internet se encontraran en la parte posterior en la página titulada, “Enlaces Externos” [External Links]. Algunos de los sitios mas frecuentados en la pagina virtual de la Cuidad, son: el centro de servicios al cliente; para ofertas de oportunidad para subcontratar con la Cuidad de Stockton; y horario de honorarios, ahora disponible en formato base de datos y con opción de búsqueda a base de temas o departamento. La nueva sección de documentos le proporcionara acceso a los documentos frecuentemente buscados por despacho o palabras claves. Una sección [Contact Us] para contactar o ver el horario de servicio por departamento será disponible. La sección de noticias proveerá
TOCKTON, CA The City of Stockton will launch a new web site design on Wednesday, March 30, 2011. The new site will offer several enhancements, including: improved navigation and search capability, home page links to online services, news and events
as “breadcrumbs,” are provided at the top of the screen as the user navigates within the site, and links to other web sites are located at the bottom of each page under the title, “External Links.” In addition, a new Site Map is accessible from all department pages. Some of the most frequently visited pages on the Cit y of Stockton site, include: Online Utility Billing Customer Service Center, an online payment system for City of Stockton Utility Billing; Bid Flash, offering bid opportunities for doing business with the City of Stockton; and Fee Schedule, now in database format and searchable by topic or department. The new Document Room provides visitors with easy access to frequently requested documents searchable by department or key words. A Contact Us and Hours of Service page is available for each department. The News section provides official news for the City of Stockton. Events listings include City Meetings and events. Community members and community-based organizations within Stockton may also submit events to the City of Stockton Events calendar, subject to approval under the guidelines provided. For questions about the web site design, please visit and submit your request through Ask Stockton, or contact Public Information Officer Connie Cochran at (209) 937-8827. listings, and an online Document Room. The City’s web site address,, will not change. However, addresses for all pages will change. Frequent City web site users should plan to visit the site after March 30, 2011, navigate to favorite or frequently visited pages, and update favorites, bookmarks or links with the new page location. Information in the new site is accessible through menus and the search function. Details, known
un noticiero oficial sobre temas de la cuidad de Stockton. La sección de eventos incluye reuniones y eventos de la Ciudad. Personas de la comunidad y organizaciones de la comunidad podrán presentar sus eventos en el calendario de eventos, tendrán que ser aprobados de acuerdo a la guía que se les proporcionara. Para preguntas sobre el diseño, por favor visite www. y presente su pregunta en la sección “pregunte a Stockton” [Ask Stockton], o contacte el personal de información publica, Connie Cochran llamando a (209) 937-8827.
The mission of the Friends of the Lower Calaveras River is to advocate for the sustainable management of the resources and the conditions in the watershed of the Lower Calaveras River. Our primary objective is to increase public awareness and education of the Lower Calaveras River.
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209-339-9343 Cortes para toda la familia
Valle Central ▪ Central Valley 25 de Marzo al 8 de Abril/ March 25 through Abril 8, 2011 | Bilingual Weekly | 5
lark Construction and McCarthy (una asociación empresaria) es una de las tres compañías c u a l c om pit e por la obra de construcción del edificio de salud para presos en la Ciudad de Stockton, sostuvo una reunión de interconexión empresarial para empresarios locales. La reunión, dentro del edificio central Waterfront Warehouse, fue para establecer relaciones y posibles colaboraciones para el futuro del projecto. De acuerdo a su sitio de Internet intenta reunir los requisitos de incluir mínimo 25% pequeñas empresas registradas en el Estado y 3% de empresas de veteranos registradas en el Estado. Ellos buscan empresas pequeñas registradas en el Condado de San Joaquin y el Estado de California. Su búsqueda incluye empresas registradas como: veteranos deshabilitados, con desventajas, HUBZone, mujeres empresariales, servicios a deshabilitados, minorías, veteranos, corporaciones nativas de Alaska (ANC), tribus nativas, entre otros. “Si el trabajo es otorgado a Clark Construcción and McCarthy ellos se están preparando para unir una fuerza local,” comento el orador en la reunión. En cuanto se anuncie el contrato, el 27 de Mayo, el tiempo estimado de construcción es de 12-24 me-
Constructing with Locals
Bilingual Weekly Stockton, CA -
ne of the three companies vying for Stockton’s i n mate healt h care complex as planed by the California Health Care Facility (CHCF), Clark Construction and McCarthy (a joint venture), held a networking mixer for local business. The March 14, 2011 gathering, held at downtown’s Waterfront Warehouse, was to establish relationships and potential collaborations as the project moves forward. According to their website they are looking to fulfill requirements
ness enterprises in San Joaquin County and California. Their search includes small businesses registered as: Disabled Veterans, disadvantaged, HUBZone, woman-owned, service-disabled, minority-owned, veteran-owned businesses, Alaska Native Corp or at ion s (ANC), Indian Tribes, and others. “If Cl a r k Construction and
t o include at least 25% st at e re gistered Small Business and 3% state registered Veteran enter pr ise. They are looking for registered small busi-
ses. No se presentaron detalles en el proceso a seleccionar las empresas locales que participan ó cuando ellos sabrán de su selección. La construcción de CHCF esta estimada en 1.159.000 pies cuadrados en bruto y se detendrá y cuidara de 1,722 hombres adultos presos enfermos con
necesidades medicas y de salud mental crónicas y avanzadas. El proyecto en propuesta incluye vivienda, departamento de salud, área de visitas, programas de rehabilitación, área para apoyo variado y otras mejoras. Si desea participar visite
Stockton es Magnifico
Stockton is Magnificent Bilingual Weekly Stockton, CA -
ed up with Forbes Magazine a group of proud Stocktonians have gathered together to plan an event to show the world that Stockton is not miserable—it’s magnificent! The event is hosted by the Miracle Mile Improvement District (Miracle Mile) and will be held on Saturday April 23rd from 10 am to 2 pm on Pacific Avenue at Tuxedo Court. Volunteer entertainers will perform in a stage planned to be mounted in the middle of street while volunteer artist will paint a mural on the corner of Pacific and Adams Street. “A crane will hoist a photographer above t h e crowd and a historic photograph will be taken to remember the day,” explained Denise Jefferson, Executive Director at the Miracle Mile. The photo will be enlarged and sent to Forbes magazine along with petitions signed by
astidiados con la revista Forbes un grupo de residentes de Stockton se r eu n ie ron a pla ne a r un evento para demostrarle al mundo que la Cuidad de Stockton no es miserable — es magnifica! El evento es presentado por el distrito Miracle Mile Improvement District (Miracle Mile) y se llevara acabo durante el sábado, 23 de Abril, iniciando a las 10:00 am asta las 2:00 pm en la esquina de Pacific Avenue con Tuxedo Court. Artistas voluntarios
presentaran un número de actos en un escenario montado en el centro de la calle mientras otros artistas voluntarios pintaran un mural en la esquina de la calle Pacific con Adams. “Una grúa elevara a un fotógrafo para tomar un retrato histórico cual servirá para recordar el día,” explico Denise Jefferson, director ejecutivo del distrito Miracle Mile. La foto será enviada a la revista Forbes adjunta con una petición de los residentes reclama ndo, “Forbes e s t a equivocado, hay defectos en su criterio, Stockton es Magnifico!” El evento es en reacción a la revista Forbes cual titulo la Cuidad de Stockton como una de las Ciudades mas Miserables en America, en su edición de Febrero del 2011.
.”..Stockton es Magnifico!”
“...Forbes is wrong” Palms on the Miracle Mile citizens that proclaim, “Forbes is to Forbes Magazine, February wrong, their criteria are flawed, issue which ranked the City of Stockton is Magnificent!” Stockton as one of America’s The event is in response Most Miserable Cities.
McCarthy receive the job they are getting ready by bringing locals together now,” said the presenter at the meeting. Once the bid is announced, on May 27th, the estimated time of construction is 12-24 months. There are no details on the selection process for the participating local businesses nor when will they know of their selection. The overall CHCF is estimated to be 1,159,000 gross square feet (GSF) and shall be used to house and treat 1,722 adult male inmate-patients with serious or chronic medical and mental health needs. The proposed Project includes housing, clinical facilities, inmate visiting, rehabilitative programming, miscellaneous support facilities and other improvements. If you are interested to apply you m ay v isit www. clarkmcc a r thychcfstock ton. com.
Local business owner Mauricio Acevedo, Owner of NIMA Electric, an attendee of the the construction networking mixer.
RIDE Gratuito FREE De Tracer En Tracy TRACY Transporte
Bilingual Weekly Tracy, CA Con el alto costo de la gasolina actual, algunas personas quizás se encuentren inciertas de manejar en el pueblo. Pero, no hay el porque para los residentes de Tracy. Durante el 1º de Abril a el 30 de Abril del 2011, la ruta fija del servicio de autobuses del sistema de transito publico TRACER ofrecerá transporte gratis a la comunidad de Tracy. Esta campaña para movilizar pasaje a base de familiaridad de las ruta(s) fijas: A, B, C, D y E, de TRACER le proporcionara un perfecto plan para aquellos interesados en transporte hacia el trabajo o para su comodidad dentro de la cuidad. De acuerdo a oficiales de la cuidad cada autobús esta equipado para montar bicicletas, “para aquellos que son consientes a tomar medidas saludables con una aventura.” Todos los autobuses TRACER están equipados y son accesibles en acuerdo a el Acata de Americanos Deshabilitados conocida por sus cifras ADA. Para más información,
Bilingual Weekly Tracy, CA -
With gas prices spiking lately, some maybe uncertain about riding around town. However, Tracy residents will not be. From April 1, 2011 thought April 30, 2011 the TRACER public Transit System’s Fixed Route Bus Service will be offering free rides within the Tracy Community. A campaign to stimulate ridership through building familiarity with the TRACER Fixed Route(s): A, B,C,D and E it will work perfect for those interested in getting around the city for work or pleasure. According to the city each bus is equipped with bike racks, “for the adventure-seeking health-conscious community residents.” All TRACER buses are ADA accessible (ADAAmerican with Disabilities Act). For more information, visit or call 209831-4BUS for a brochure and assistance with travel plans. visite el sitio Internet www. o llame al (209) 831-4BUS (831-4287)) para obtener un folleto y asistencia con planificación de viajes.
Photo via TRACER website
Construcción con Empresas Locales
Tracy, CA public transport TRACER
VALLE ▪ VALLEY 6 | Bilingual Weekly | 25 de Marzo al 8 de Abril/ March 25 through April 08, 2011
Lincoln Unified El Distrito Lincoln Reforma Reforms Linderos District STOCKTON, CA — La Mesa Directiva del Distrito Unificado Lincoln a reformado los linderos de cinco áreas del Distrito Lincoln, cual se efectuara Abril 4, 2011. Al elaborar esta reforma el directorio designo que todos los niños (incluyendo aquellos por nacer o que no han sido adoptados presentemente) cuales padres/guardianes residen en las regiones modificadas, a partir del 26 de Mayo del 2011, serán elegibles para ir a escuelas en su vecindario, de acuerdo al la disponibilidad de su capacidad. Propietarios no se consideran residentes a menos de que su hogar sea su residencia primaria durante el 26 de Mayo del 2011. Residentes de esta región cuales no han inscrito a sus hijos en las escuelas del Distrito Lincoln tendrán que presentar un formulario de verificación de su domicilio, con una foto-copia de un talón de un pago a Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E). Los formularios se aceptaran asta las 4:00 PM el Jueves, 26 de Mayo, 2011, y serán disponibles para estudiantes de Kinder a 6º/8º grado en escuelas del Distrito Lincoln o en el Centro de Educación ubicado en el 2010 Oeste de la Calle Swain (2010 W. Swain Road).
Continued from cover page Job Fair who attended last year’s fair. “Everyone was extremely helpful. This was our first time attending and it was better than job fairs we’ve paid a bundle to attend,” shared a California State Automobile Association representative. Business’ interested in finding personnel can apply for a booth at the fair. Application deadline is April 10th by visiting Continued from cover page Vicente Fox El ex-presidente Mexicano graduado en Harvard y en la Universidad Iberoamericana de México, cumplió su función como presidente a su patria dentro del periodo del 2000 al 2006. Previo a la Presidencia el fue Gobernador del Estado de Guanajuato en el periodo de 1995 al 1999. También trabajo para la compañía mundial Coca Cola entre 1964 a 1979 y fue Presidente de Coca Cola en sus últimos cuatro años como funcionario de la misma, antes de su retiro. En el 2007, el publico su recuerdo, “Revolución de Esperanza; La vida, Fe, y Sueños de un Presidente Mexicano. En su libro de recuerdos, Fox le da crédito a su trabajo en Coca Cola por mostrarle a un México que el no conocía. El escribió que en su ruta como supervisor, el frecuentemente hacia diligencias de supervisión en áreas muy remotas por la republica mexicana y vio la pobreza, diversidad y adversidad crudamente. Eso despertó la inquietud de mejorar su Nación. Lo cual inicio su interés de ingresar a la política. En la actualidad, Fox esta en una gira para recaudar fondos y poder fundar y construir el primer sistema de biblioteca Presidencial Mexicana. Se usara como modelo el sistema de bibliotecas de los estados unidos en la cual su función es la administración presidencial que actúa como recopilación de documentos oficiales de esa administración, la cual estará disponible con fines de investigación y análisis para estudiantes, y ofrecerá excusiones abiertas al público. En su estancia en Stockton, el Fox anfitriónara una recepcion el viernes para conversar sobre el projecto y systema de biblioteca precidencial. los detalles de este evento seran dados a conocer en su momento. Aparte de los dos discursos y la recepcion comunitaria, el exprecidente Fox tendra una conferencia con los miembros de la faculdad y los estudiantes durante el viernes para conversar asuntos internacionales. En la ceremonia que tomara lugar el sabado, la universidad le hara honor a Fox con un reconocimento de doctorado en leyes. Ese titulo no se refiere al estudio del systema judicial, sino a las leyes “naturales de el universo” tal como sciencias, matematica y otros topicos de artes liberales tradicionales. La ceremonia de ese fin de semana dara comienzo a las 4:00 p.m
STOCKTON, CA – Attendance boundaries in five Lincoln Unified areas have been revised by the Lincoln Unified School District Board of Trustees, effective April 4, 2011. In making these revisions, the Board designated all children (including those unborn or not presently adopted) whose parents/guardians reside in the modified regions as of May 26, 2011, as eligible to attend the original neighborhood school, contingent upon space available. Homeowners will not be considered residents unless the home is their primary residence on May 26, 2011. Residents in these regions whose children are not yet enrolled in Lincoln USD schools must complete an address
Los cambios adoptados asignan parte del área de Mable Barron a la zona de John R. Williams: Colonial Heights obtendrá parte de la zona de la escuela elemental Lincoln; Tully C. Knoles perderá parte de su área a Mable Barron y otra sección a la escuela
verification form, along with a copy of their most recent PG&E bill. Forms will be accepted until 4:00 PM on Thursday, May 26, 2011, and are available at any K-6/8 Lincoln USD school or the Education Center, 2010 W. Swain Rd. The adopted changes allocate part of the Mable Barron attendance area to the John R. Williams zone; Colonial Heights will gain some of Lincoln Elementary’s zone; Tully C. Knoles will lose part of its area to Mable Barron and another part of its area to Lincoln Elementary; and Claudia Landeen will add a portion of the Brookside attendance area. A map of the boundary revisions is posted on the district website:
elementaría Lincoln; y Claudia Landeen agregara una parte de los estudiantes de Brookside. Un mapa de la reforma de los linderos será disponible en el citio Internet
Continued from Cover Vicente Fox Continued from cover page Job Fair Allen notó que los estatutos del SUSD no ofrecen mecanismo alguno para reemplazar al vicepresidente, de modo que Varela todavía sigue siéndolo.
Continued from cover page Vicente Fox
and saw poverty, diversity and adversity firsthand. That introduced a desire to improve his nation, he wrote, and led to his interest to politics.Currently, Fox is touring to raise funds to build Mexico’s first presidential library. It will be modeled on the presidential library system in the United States where each library focuses on one president’s administration, acts as a repository for official papers from that administration, is open to research by scholars, and offers tours to the public. While in Stockton, Fox will host a community reception on Friday to discuss his library. The details of that event will be announced later. Besides the two speeches and the community reception, President Fox will meet with students and faculty members Friday to discuss international affairs. At the Saturday Commencement ceremony, the University will confer an honorary doctor of laws degree to Fox. That degree does not refer to study of the judicial system, but rather to the study of the “natural laws of the universe” such as science, math and other traditional liberal arts subjects. The weekend’s Commencement celebration begins at 4 p.m. Friday, May 6 with the Interfaith Baccalaureate Service in Morris Chapel. That will be followed by a reception for graduating students and their families. The University Commencement ceremony will start at 9 a.m. Saturday, May 7 in the Alex G. Spanos Center. Separate Diploma and Hooding Ceremonies for College of the Pacific, Eberhardt School of Business, Benerd School of Education, the School of International Studies, the Conservatory of Music and the School of Engineering and Computer Science will be held throughout the afternoon of May 7. Ceremonies for Thomas J. Long School of Pharmacy and the Pacific McGeorge School of Law will be held el viernes, Mayo 6 con los Servicios de Bachillerato Interconfessionales de Morris. Capilla, que dara seguimiento por la recepcion de estudiantes graduados y sus familias. La ceremonia de graduacion en la Universidad dara comienzo a las 9:00 a.m. el sabado, Mayo 7 en el Alex G. Spanos Center. Diferentes ceremonias de el Collegio del Pacifico, Eberhardt instituto
Stockton y en el Condado de San Joaquín es realmente admirable,” dijo Galgiani, “Es importante que reconozcamos y honoremos a mujeres que se esfuerzan por trabajar para su comunidad y la celebración Mujer del Año [Woman of the Year] nos da la oportunidad de agradecer a modelos seguir como es Susan.” “Es un honor servir a Stockton y el Condado de San Joaquín,” explico Eggman, “nuestra comunidad me da energía y la oportunidad de abarcar asuntos específicos como el reducir el crimen a base de refuerzo comunitario, crecimiento literario, salud, y el traer y expander oportunidades de empleo para el pueblo de Stockton.” Desde 1987, la el Comité de Mujeres de la Legislatura de California designo Marzo como el “Mes de la Historia de la Mujer” para celebrar las contribuciones de grandes mujeres de California. Cada representante de la legislatura da el reconocimiento como “Mujer del Año” a una mujer de su distrito.
Continued from cover page Eggman Mental Health Board of San Joaquin County, and she was recently elected Board President at the Stockton’s based Council for the Spanish Speaking. “Susan’s dedication and activism to the City of Stockton and San Joaquin County is truly admirable,” stated Galgiani, “It is important that we recognize and honor women who have worked so hard for their community and the Woman of the Year celebration gives us the chance to thank role models like Susan”. “It is an honor to serve Stockton and San Joaquin County.” explained Eggman, “I am energized by our community and embrace the chance to work on key issues such as reducing crime through strengthening our neighborhoods, increasing literacy, health and bringing and expanding job opportunities for the people of Stockton.” Since 1987, the California Legislative Women’s Caucus designated March, Women’s History Month, to celebrate the contributions made by remarkable women in California. Annually each member of the legislature recognizes a woman in their respectful district as “Woman of the Year.”
May 14. Graduation for the Arthur A. Dugoni School of Dentistry will be held June 12 de negocios, la escuela de Educacion Benerd, la escuela de Estudions Internacionales, el departamento de musica y la escuela de Sciencia Computacion y Ingenieria estaran programadas el sabado 7 por la tarde. Ceremonias por Thomas J. Long, Escuela de Farmacia y la Ecuela del Pacifico McGeorge de ley sera efectuada el Mayo 14. graduacion para la escuela Arhur A. Dugoni de Odontologia sera efectuada
Educación Local ▪ Local Education 12 al 25 de Marzo/ March 12 through March 25, 2011 | Bilingual Weekly | 7
New Se Vaccination requiere Required nueva Bilingual Weekly Stockton, CA -
n March 22, Public Health Services and San Joaquin County Office of Education (SJCOE) hosted an awareness event at Lincoln High School to get the word out: New rule, Tdap before school. A new state law, AB 354, passed on September 29, 2010 changed California vaccination requirements requiring public and private school students in grades seven through 12 to show proof of immunization against pertussis (whooping cough), known as Tdap. This new law, in affect on July 1, 2011, is due to the serious outbreak of whooping cough in California resulting in the deaths of 10 infants in 2010. In 2010, 9,477 cases of pertussis were reported, 86 of those being in San Joaquin County. “This is the worst outbreak in more than 50 years, and 10 California infants have died. Whooping cough is very contagious, and vaccination is the best way to prevent it. But by the time children enter 7th grade, their protection against whooping cough has worn off, so they need to get a booster shot,” said San Joaquin County Public Health Services Assistant Health Officer Dr. Wendi
Learning how to Save a Life
earning How to Save a LIfe Teachers, medical professionals and parents put all their body weight into making the heel of their hand compress a plastic mannequin’s chest over and over again at the Heartsaver Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) Course on Saturday, March 19 at the Life First Center in Stockton. “The average CPR class will only take a few hours of time to complete and the information learned, could one day assist in saving the life of someone that you care about” said Katy Harney, Program Director at Life first Center. “I ca n`t st re ss enough how important it is that everyone learns CPR,” said Harney. The hands-on training is design to teach people how to react to life emergencies and how to use an automatic external
defibrillator (AED), a small user-friendly machine that restores normal heart rhythm. When choosing a CPR course is important to know if a standard or healthcare provider certification is needed and if a special focus in children, infants or adults is required. Other information to consider is the length and cost of the course. Most classes take from three to four hours and the price range is from $40 to $65 dollars. It is also important to take the class at an American Red Cross or at an American Heart Association (AHA) approved center. The Red Cross and AHA are the two preferred organizations for a CPR certification. “ Ef fe c t ive bystander CPR, provided immediately after sudden cardiac arrest, can double or triple a victim`s chance for survival,” said Harney.
omo resultado a la reforma de la camara baja Assembly Bill (AB) 354, la preparatoria Lincoln High School ofrese un evente educativo titulado, “New Rule: Tdap Before School” (Nueva regla: Tdap antes de escuela). Estudiantes calificados reciviran vacunas Tdap, y personal voluntario estaran dispuestos a llamar por telefono a los estudiantes que nececiten la vacuna. Doctores y administradores de la escuela estaran disponibles apra contestar preguntas sobre Pertussis, tos conosida en ingles como (whoopDick. Public Health Services and SJCOE’s publicawareness event, New Rule: Tdap Before School, allowed qualifying students to receive the shot, while volunteer staff manned a phone bank to call
ing cough) y la nueva regla de la escuela. Al inicio del año escolar 2011-12 todos los estudiantes de California deven ser vacundados contra Whooping cough antes de presentarse a la escuela. La ley para inmunización se aprovo y fue autorizada por el Govthe homes of students who have yet to receive the shot. Over 100 calls were made to remind parents that students will not be allowed to attend school without this shot. “When parents get their middle and high school-
ernador Schwarzenegger al final del 2010. De acuerdo a Departamento de Salud Publica de California whooping coung logro niveles epidemicos, cuales incluyen la muerte infantil de 9 pacientes, en California durante 2010 y recomeinda que adolesentes mayores de
10 años sean revacunados con “Tdap”1, vacuna contra pertussis. La enmienda requiere que los estudiantes entre los grados escolares 7º a 12º presenten proeva de ver obtenido la vacuna Tdap antes de iniciar el año escolar durante el 1, de Julio del 2011. El requisito aplica a todas
aged children vaccinated against whooping cough, they’ll be protecting not just their own children, but other people’s children and the community at large,” said Dr. Dick. For more information on
getting vaccinated against pertussis, parents are urged to call their healthcare provider, or Public Health Services
las escuelas publicas y privadas. Pero, no toma effecto durante los cursos de verano. Esta reforma le affecta a millones de estudiantes en California. Actualizaciones sobre el processo a aplica esta nueva ley estan disponibles para que todos las puedan revisar durante el año escolar 2010-11 en la pagina internet HealthInfo/discond/Pages/Pertussis.aspx, cual actualmente tiene informacion general sobre la enfermedad pertusis y su inmunización. Para mas información de cómo obtener la vacuna contra Pertussis, se le pide a todos los padres que llamen a sus proveedores de salud, o los servicios de salud publica. Para información general sobre pertussis, visite el departamento de Salud del Condado de San Joaquin (San Joaquin County Public Health Services) en la pagina http://, http://www. o el Centro de Prevención y Control de Enfermedades (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) Si decea escuchar como se oye Pertussis visite disease/pertussis.htm.
Aprendiendo a Salvar Una Vida Maestros, profesionales médicos y padres pusieron todo el peso de su cuerpo hasta que la palma de sus mano comprimieran el pecho de un maniquí de plástico una y otra vez en la clase de Reanimación Cardiopulmonar (RCP) el Sábado, Marzo 19 en el centro de Life First en Stockton. “En promedio la clase de RCP tan solo sólo toma unas horas en completarse y la información información aprendida, puede algún día asistirle en salvarle la vida a alguien que sea importante,” dijo Katy Harney, Directora del Programa en el centro de Life First. “No puedo enfatizar que tan importante es que todos aprendan RCP,” dijo Harney. El entrenamiento ésta diseñado para enseñarle al público cómo reaccionar ante emergencias de vida o muerte y también en cómo usar un Desfibrilador Externo Automatizado (DEA), una máquina, pequeña y fácil de usar que restora el ritmo normal del corazón. Al elegir un curso de RCP es importante
saber si se necesita una certificación estándar o de proveedor de atención médica, asimismo un enfoque en niños, infantes o adultos es requerido. Otra información que hay que tomar en cuenta es la duración y el costo del curso. La mayoría de las clases toman de tres a cuatro horas y van de $40 a $65 dólares. También es importante tomar la clase en un centro aprobado por la Cruz Roja Americana o por la Asociación Americana del Corazón por sus siglas en ingles (AHA). La Cruz Roja y la AHA son las dos organizaciones principales para conseguir una certificación de RCP. “Una efectiva RCR, suministrada inmediatamente después de de un paro cardiaco, puede duplicar o triplicar las
Cougar Soccer Camps
are just around the Corner! $99 dollar early bird special (registration by 5/1) for week long instruction from your favorite Cougar players! Here are the dates and locations: 6/6-10- Stockton (Lincoln HS) 6/13-17- Manteca (Big League Dreams) 6/20-24- Lodi (Millswood School) 7/18-22- Stockton (Lincoln HS) 7/25-29- Manteca (Woodward Park) To Sign up or for more information contact us at or call 209-373-1550 Already getting excited about next season? Want to reserve your season tickets today? If so, contact us at 209-373-1550 and we’ll get you the Cougars Season Tickets list today!
Personajes ▪ People 8 | Bilingual Weekly | March 25 through April 08, 2011
BABY BASH INTERVIEWED Montecuzoma Sanchez for Bilingual Weekly Exclusive interview with Baby Bash
ontent of this interview is preserved in its conversational form.
Baby Bash (BB): What it do nephew. Motecuzoma Sanchez (MS): What’s good fam. MS: First of all congratulations on your new album Bashtown. BB: Thank you. MS: As somebody who has been following your career since back in the 90’s, congratulations on your latest album Bashtown. It is good to see that you’ve found mainstream success. BB: Thanks, I feel like most people don’t know me. They know my songs, but a lot of times they don’t realize it’s me or who I am. It’s the story of my life. I stay under the radar. MS: It’s rare for an artist to have long term success in the rap music industry. What do attribute this longterm success to? BB: I’ve had a long career. I feel like that’s a result of my humble hustle. I learned from a early age the value of hard work. I feel I got that from my grandfather who used to do work in the backyard from mowing lawns to landscaping. I used to go over there and he’d always be working so I learned to work hard too. MS: What is your recipe for success? I’m one of the hardest working in this industry. My recipe I would say is I build a song first before I ever work on the lyrics. I grew up listening to Oldies so I learned about melody. I build the song first with the beat then I get a hook and a bridge up. Like a robot I do it in order. Then I give it a title and the lyrics come last. I listen to the music. The music tells me what to say. I love the process, it makes me happy and that happiness comes through to the music. MS: Do you feel like growing up Chicano has had an influence on your music? BB: Growing up Mexican was crazy-a** experience. We’re raised rough, but it developed a rich perspective from listening to Doo-wop and
l contenido de esta entrevista se mantuvo en su estado original de conver-
sacion. Baby Bash: Que Honda sobrino Motecuzoma Sanchez: Que onda familia MS: Antes de todo felicitaciones por tu album Bashtown. BB: Gracias MS: Yo e seguido tu carrera desde los 90’s, felicitaciones por tu reciente disco Bashtown. Es un placer saver que lograste exito professional con publicos generales. BB: Gracias, yo opino que
muchos no me conosen. Conosen mis canciones, pero en muchas occasiones no se dan cuenta quien soy. Es la historia de mi vida. Me mantengo fuera del radar. MS: Es raro que un cantante de rap logre exito a largo plaso en la industria. A que le atribuyes tu largo exito? BB: E tenido una larga carrera. Opino que es el resultado de mi humilde esfuerzo. Yo aprendi a una edad corta los valores de trabajar duro. Siento que obtuve esto de mi abuelo cuando se esforzaba en cortar el pasto y mantener el jardin en el patio atras de la casa. Lo visitava
y el siempre estava trabajando duro asi que aprendi a trabajar duro de el. MS: Cual es tu receta para el exito? B B : me siento uno del los mas esforzados en la industria. Mi receta yo diria es el formar u na cancion antes de escrivir la letra. Yo creci escuchando Oldies de cuales aprendi melodia. Yo formo la cansion primero con el ritmo y continuo con los puentes y estrofas. Ago todo robotizado en un sierto orden. Depues la titulo y le compongo la letra. Escucho la musica. La musica me dice lo que devo decir. Adoro el proceso puesto que me hace feliz y esa felicidad sobre sale en la musica. MS: Crees que tu origen chicano ha influenciado tu musica? BB: el crecer Mexicano fue una experiencia bastante loca. Crecemos rusticos, pero me desarrollo una rica prespectiva el eschuchar a Doo-wop y oldies como Brenton Wood y Duke of Earl, me dio un oido diverso para la musica. Tambien escucho Reggea, no regeaton, pero el reggae
original. MS: que opines que es tu fuersa para lograr exito en general en este juego donde tantos
oldies like Brenton Wood and Duke of Earl, it gave me a diverse ear for music. Also listening to reggae. Not regeaton, but original reggae. MS: What do think your strengths has been to maintain in this game when so many other artists don’t, expecially coming from a Mexican background? What obstacle shave you had to overcome? BB: Well I gotta say it’s hard on a Mexican. I’ve been around for a long time and it’s a tough game and I’m like the only Mexican...beside Franky (J). There’s a lot of politics. But I’m just a regular guy and I’m able to work
around that ‘cause I feel I’m good with people. And I work hard and put out quality work. MS: In December I went to [Washignton] DC to lobby the Senate to pass the Dream act. I made some friends from all over the country and being that you live in Texas now some friends from there wanted me to ask you if you support the DREAM Act. The Act allows those who are undocumented and brought here as chidren without a choice, to go to college or join the military? BB: Most def [definitely] I support that. I support that one thousand per-
cent. I went to Iraq to visit the troops and it really changed my perspective on what it means to be in the military. They gotta deal with a lot and many of them would come up to me and ask for my autograph and some would even be crying. I was tripping how they were looking up to me, but I felt like nah, I was looking up to them. MS: As someone who served in the Iraq in the Marine Corps I know they appreciate you going to see them. BB: I got a lot of respect for them. I was only out there for ten days, they’re out there for much longer.
MS: So what can fans expect to see in the new album with Bashtown? BB: There’s a new track by SPM (South Park Mexican) is one of my mentors. MS: Being that he is currently incarcerated how were you able to coordinate that? BB: A Mexican’s got his ways [chuckle]. What happened to him was a bad situation, a sad story. That’s a clear example of how someone can be setup. That dude was really framed. MS: Being that you’re from the Bay Area, you’ve been able to work
otros no la hacen, especialmente con tu lado Mexicano? Que obstaculos as tenido que sobre pasar? BB: Pues, yo digo que es dificil ser Mexicano. Yo tengo tiempo en esto y es un juego dificil y so soy el unico Mexicano… aparte de Franky (J). Hay mucha politica. Pero yo tansolo soy un muchacho regular y dispuesto a trabajar asi, puesto que yo opino que puedo trabajar con la gente. Y trabajo duro para producir calidad. MS: En Diciembre yo fui a [Washington] DC para pedir al Senado que aprueven el acta Dream Act. Logre nuevas amistades por todo el pais y ya que tu vives en Texas, ahora amigos de aya me piden que te pregunte si tu apoyas el Acta Dream Act.
El Acta le permitiria a personas quienes han crecido aqui indocumentados sin recurso a que se inscrivan al colegio o al militar? BB: Definitivamente yo apoyo eso. La apoyo al mil porciento. Yo visite las tropes en Irak y ese viaje cambio mi prespectiva sobre el participar en la military. Ellos tienen que soportar mucho y mucho me pedian mi autografo y algunos lloraron. Yo estava sorprendido de como me veian pero yo no lo sentia, yo soy el que los admiro a ellos. MS: Yo soy del Cuero de Marinos y fui para Irak entiendo el agradecimiento que ellos sintieron al verte en tu visita. BB: Yo tengo mucho respeto para ellos. Estuve alla por diez dias, y ellos por un periodo tan largo. MS: Asi que pueden esperar tu fanaticos en tu Nuevo album Bashtown? BB: Hay una nueva pista de SPM (South Park Mexican) quien es uno de mis mentores. MS: Como el esta en la carsel, como lograste coordinar eso? BB: Los Mexicanos tenemos nuestra forma [se sonrio]. Lo que le paso a el es una mala situacion, una historia triste. Ese es un ejemplo claro como alguien puede ser acusado.
with a variety of artists from different regions, from Bay Area, to LA [Los Angeles], to Texas in the South, and now nationwide. From Mac Dre —a Bay Area legend— to Kid Frost and T. Pain, that’s a wide range of artists. How are you able to be so diverse? BB: I ’l l a l w a y s c o n s i d e r Cali[California] home. But everywhere I go I keep my Mexican style whether it’s Cali or Texas we all want the same thing. We want success, girls, a house...I take that all in and soak it up. From working with artists like JT, Kid Frost with Latino Velvet, SPM, I take all of that combine it like
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Opinión ▪ Opinion | Bilingual Weekly | March 25 through April 08, 2011 | 09
Thomas Benigno Former elected Republican Central Committee member
THE NEXT TIME YOU VOTE: The next time you vote in a general election, make sure you know what district you are living in. By the time the redistricting is completed in 2012 you will most likely be voting in another congressional or assembly district. So please start early and learn what candidates will represent you in your district. The new boundaries might not be posted in time for you to vote for the correct candidate to represent your party and interests. After this last “Census”many things might change because of the amount of people in your prospective district. It might be more and of course less. Due to the amount of foreclosures in some districts those districts might loose as many as 5,000 voters in each district. Although most of the houses were picked up by investors and short sale owners who now rent out their homes to non qualified voters. That in itself could change the face of the voter registration and party affiliations. The hope is that the board which is doing the redistricting will understand most of the issues I have mentioned. As an example, the 11th congressional district might loose most of the San Joaquin Valley from Stockton, Tracy, Manteca,
Ripon & Escalon, based on the amount ley towns and puts republican Jeff Denof people who live in those towns. ham in a position to take over the San Joaquin Valley towns that fit the district in which he now represents. The only For example, the 11th district now has drawback is that his district which is over 700,000 plus people represented the 19th district that goes south, might by Jerry Mc Nerney. The district goes need to blend some of the San Joaquin from Lodi to Brent wood, Danville, San County with Stanislaus County. Now Ramon , Dublin, Pleasanton to Morgan if that happens the former congressman Hill and a few cities in between such may come back and take the new 19th as Tracy, Stockton, and Manteca. The district seat away from Jeff Denham. real issue in redistricting is to assure that the cities have something in common. As we have seen, the 11th district The nuts and bolts of this article are that is spread out so far that it has cities that in each state and congressional races don’t match in common. For example, it’s usually the same in numbers of votpart of the Silicon Valley is in Santa ers in each of those districts. The city Clara in the 11th district. Then the town and county races are a little different, of Livermore and its Lab is in the 10th but the process is the same, know who district. So as we can see, something you are going to vote for, that doesn’t went wrong when the 11th district was always mean incumbents. jurymandered in 2001. This would be So as we can see, anything can hapa great time to change and correct the pen in the political world at any one damage that was done in 2001. given time. That’s why voters should really get involved with politics. I’m sure many understand what happens loMany say that it was the redistricting cally effects how much Federal money that killed the incumbent chances in comes to your area. The number of con2006 to win the republican seat, but stituents in each Congressional district as we can see the money brokers were is about 700,000. As for assembly disin the Bay Area. That made the differ- tricts, they have about 350,000 in each ence for Mc Nerney to win over the district. So who you vote for is very imincumbent. Now we will see a major portant, otherwise your vote could be change in the 11th district. That puts lost. So get out and study your district Mc Nerney at risk of not being reelect- lines and know who the candidates are. ed, by the loss of the San Joaquin Val-
We Have Clout?The current information Carol Trujillo Hadley from the US Census is information most of Bilingual Weekly us have had by just looking when we are out Columnist in the community. Latino’s are the fastest growing minority in our County. Now what does that mean in terms of political clout? If we continue as we are now “Nothing” will be the answer. was expected from a candidate. They attended political We have had Latino candidates run for rallies and to this day are still office in the last election, but we did little to involved. Do they always make a difference. Did we get on the band- vote as I do? No way, but they wagon by donating money, walking precincts, do know the importance of making phone calls offing any type of support? being involved. They are the Until we are willing to put forth effort for a future and they need to know Latino candidate we will never be a strong their vote is the clout needed voice. to make a difference. Are you teaching your children “The Record” writes about our new found the same thing? We will only clout and then prints the majority of the story have clout when we believe it with pictures about an East Indian. They did and we are involved. write a nice article about Angel Jimenez when we was selected to sit on the SUSD Board of Currently I am running Trustees. Then we read about skull drudgery for President of the California with Trustee Ramirez using his school credit Federation Republican Womcard and the forth coming recall. It is almost en. When elected I will be the as if we get one good publicity article and two first Latina to head this organegative. nization. I am proud of my heritage and currently serve Currently we have Hispanics for Political as CFRW Vice President CenAction the only “non-partition” committee, or tral. From the day my father at least it was organized to be so, in turmoil as took me to my first political to who is the President. On one side we have caucus I knew I wanted to be the past president who has served for a long involved in making a differtime and the new comer elected in January. ence. There are a lot of future We will be watching the outcome of this race. candidates. they just need to New people and ideas are the opportunity for know the clout will be there growth. when they take the plunge. Be participants and not spectaAs a community we need to evaluate our tors, use your clout.From the values. Do the elected officials currently in of- time my children were little fice really represent you and what you believe we always discussed political in or do you just vote blindly? If not begin values and candidates. They looking for candidates who do and make them knew where they stood and accountable to gain your vote. what was expected from a candidate. They attended From the time my children were little we political rallies and to this always discussed political values and candi- day are still involved. Do dates. They knew where they stood and what
they always vote as I do? No way, but they do know the importance of being involved. They are the future and they need to know their vote is the clout needed to make a difference. Are you teaching your children the same thing? We will only have clout when we believe it and we are involved.
Illustration- Ra
Dear Editors of Bilingual Weekly, Who should pay indeed? In response to Carol Trujillo Hadley’s question of “Who should pay?” When reading the headline I first thought of the death of Maria Isavel Vasquez Jimenez and none of the rich owners who benefited from her labor, and worked her to death had to pay anything. Workers today still need the protection of organized labor. It is true that many of the union bosses have lost any identity they may have had with the workers, but it is up to the workers and not the politicians to hold them responsible. I want that Wall Street should pay. Ms Hadley mentions that the unions spend “millions upon millions on propositions and candidates to prove their clout” Let’s mention the “homes…and luxuries “ and foreclosures taken over by the banks (read Wall Street) and ask again “Who should pay?” How many politicians are owned by the capitalists? Left without any resistance the employers would work us to death and look at the minimum wage as an unreasonable extravagance for the greedy workers who want a bigger piece of the diminishing pie. Harold Bell Lodi CA
Currently I am running for President of the California Federation Republican Women. When elected I will be the first Latina to head this organization. I am proud of my heritage and currently serve as CFRW Vice President Central. From the day my father took me to
my first political caucus I knew I wanted to be involved in making a difference. There are a lot of future candidates. they just need to know the clout will be there when they take the plunge. Be participants and not spectators, use your clout.
“Let Banks pay their Fair Share” At high noon on WednesGuest Columnist day March 16, twenty people gathered at the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) on Hunter Square Plaza. Union leader Cathy Bruce told the group, “We’ve lost 1.2 million jobs in California, our state budget deficit is $26 billion, we’ve had $17 billion cuts in education over the past two years, there are 2 million foreclosures projected through 2012, and Californians have lost $627 billion in savings in our homes. We want Wall Street to pay their fair share. It’s time to take to the streets!” John Morearty
The group walked to the concrete fortress of Bank of America on Weber and El Dorado, and demanded to see the manager. Joe Miceli stepped forward. The demonstrators handed him an oversized B of A check that read,
Carlos Davalos
“Pay to the order of California Working Families, Sixteen billion, six hundred and fifty million dollars. Moneys owed to state of California.” Miceli thanked them. They left and began marching around the bank, chanting loudly: “Banks got bailed out, we got sold out! Hey hey B of A, how many people did you throw out today? What do want? Bankers in jail. When do we want it? Now!” One demonstrator said, “I think we cracked the windows!” Another said, “We don’t break windows, but we break the silence! Maybe if we chant long enough, these walls will come tumbling down like Jericho.”
Back at the union hall, Cathy Bruce explained. “In the present crisis, the banks took $789 billion in bailouts and benefits, and paid their top employees $146 billion in bonuses and pay in 2010! “Just the bank bonuses and pay are enough to stop every foreclosure through 2012, and to fill every state and local budget gap! We could pay our teachers and school counselors, our firefighters, our police, our child protective service workers, all the men and women who work hard to keep a civilized society going. “This demonstration is just the beginning. There’s legislation in Sacramento and Washington to make banks pay for the housing and foreclosure crisis, not homeowners. We’ll be back on April 14 with another, bigger demonstration. Watch for it.”
Religión ▪ Faith & Religion
9 | March 25 -April 8, 2011 Bilingual Weekly
JAPAN’S TSUNAMI STOCKTON, CA – El terremoto y tsunami Japonés ocurrido durante el viernes, 11 de Marzo del 2011 dolorosamente nos ha recordó lo frágil que son nuestras vidas — y la infraestructura de nuestras naciones. El ver esas horribles tomas de enormes mesetas de agua devastando comunidades a lo largo de la costa este me dio un gran dolor de estomago. No hay limites al daño causado por desastres naturales a nuestras civilizaciones, excepto los limites establecidos por Dios: estas fuerzas no pueden destruir nuestra voluntad. Y mientras pueden atacar todo lo que tenemos y asta pueden arrevatarnos a nuestra familia, no puedes destruir nuestras almas. Solo nosotros tenemos el poder de permitir que eso pase. Hace veintinueve años en este Viernes Santo, emprendí una marcha de 7,000 millas desde Seattle a Bethlehem con un grupo de peregrinos preocupados sobre el crecimiento de violencia humana y por el potencial de una fuerte guerra mundial. En aquel entonces, existía la posibilidad de un Apocalipsis insensatos y la ideología de una Guerra Fría logro estar al rojo vivo. Lanzamos nuestro proyecto el pedir que el pueblo seriamente rezara, para que atestiguaran la paz de Cristo, y para que hicieran todo lo que pudieran para ayudar el lograr un mundo un poco más de paz. El peregrino mas anciano empezó a sus 67 años. Fr. George Zabelka fue capellán de militar en las Islas Tinian para el pelotón que bombardeo Hiroshima y Nagasaki. El camino las calles de estas Cuidadse que se convirtieron en un basurero nuclear. Después de ser testigo del horroroso sufrimiento causado por los fuegos, los efectos de la radiación, y la destrucción de aquellas comunidades que eran orgullosas, el temía por la vida. Después de unos años, Fr. Zabelka regreso a Japón en una misión de paz. Durante su estancia, el conoció a las Hermanas de la Visitación de Japón. Y durante la plantación de la peregrinación a Bethlehem, el invito a las monjas a peregrinar con nosotros. Tres nos acompañaron en nuestro viaje. Una, Genevieve, era de Kobe. De vez en cuando, durante nuestra peregrinación reflejábamos en el cambio de cariño de Japon después de la segunda guerra mundial y el bombardeo que Forzó al emperador a aceptar el rendirse sin condiciones. Nosotros rezamos para que el caso de Hiroshima y Nagasaki (en algún momento la Capital Japonesa Católica) no se repitiera. Nuestra oración; era una esperanza, para que los eventos del 6 y 9 de Agosto sirvieran como recuerdos tormentosos para el resto de la historia humana recordara el horrible que puede ser la guerra. Después de el peregrinaje a Bethlehem por paz, las hermanas de Japón fundaron el hogar de oración de San Francisco. Yo las visite ahí, y un día encontré en el sótano un crucifijo antiguo dañado. “Era un obsequio de un padre,” Genevieve explico. “El lo encontró cuando se renovó una iglesia.” Yo me lleve al crucifijo a casa, lo restablecí, y desde aquel entonces lo tengo al costado de mi cama, en un gran numero de lugares su peso nunca ha sido de importancia. En un corto tiempo, la cuidad donde Genevieve vivió fue afectada por un terremoto. Durante el 17 de
WOMEN AND THE BIBLE STOCKTON, CA - Thursday April 7 in University of the Pacific’s Biology Building room 101 Sarah Shectman, an expert on the Pentateuch and women in the Bible, will lead a discussion on “Women’s Status in Biblical Israel” at 7 p.m. Following her discussion will be a question and answer session. The event is free and open to the public. According to the Old Testament women are created from the rib of Adam. In religious communities this is often used as justification for why women should be submissive to men. But, in the book of Judges, Deborah is a female judge of Israel, a position similar to that
peace, and to do whatever they could to help make our troubled world a bit more peaceful.
Fr. Dean McFalls, St. Mary’s Church STOCKTON, CA -Friday’s earthquake and tsunami in Japan have reminded us painfully of how fragile our lives are – and the infrastructure of our nations. Watching the horrible sight of an enormous plateau of water devastating communities along the eastern coast put another massive pit in my stomach. There is no limit to the damage which natural disasters can inflict to our civilizations, except that limit established by God: they cannot destroy our will to go on. And though they may attack everything we have and even take our families, they cannot destroy our souls. Only we have the power to let that happen. Twenty-nine years ago this coming Good Friday, I began walking 7,000 miles from Seattle to Bethlehem with a group of pilgrims concerned about the rise in human violence and the potential for all-out nuclear war. At that time, the prospects of a senseless Armageddon were looming, and the Cold War mentality was reaching fever pitch. We launched our project to call people to more serious prayer, to witness for Christ’s
Enero de 1995, un temblor de 6.8 causo daño extenso con 6,434 personas muertas. La hermana Genevieve regreso a Kobe por un año para ayudar a su familia con los miembros de su congreso en un esfuerzo de rescate. Es irónico que ella bolo de una cuidad que esta al borde de un terremoto masivo por décadas. San Francisco realmente recibió un gran golpe durante el temblor de Loma Prieta en 1989, cuando las hermanas ya residían ahí, pero solo sufrieron un susto leve en comparación al de Kobe. Hace dos meses, observe la versión original de Godzilla con un amigo. Lo que no sabia es que esta cinta clásica fue creada para augmentar la sensibilidad de la pos-guerra con America. Los miedos y ansiedades del pueblo japonés al ver la guerra nuclear y las posibles amenazas de un monstruo saliendo del mar. Bueno, ellos conocen la guerra nuclear, y con el terremoto y tsunami con una magnitud de 8.9 su peor imaginación derepente se convirtió en realidad. Gracias a dios ellos estaban preparados. Hay que alavar al Señor por la ayuda inmediatea de la union internacional para ayudarlos y que el Primer Ministro no perdió tiempo para pedir ayuda. Y que bendicion fue que
of a king. Why are there such conflicting views of women? “A close look at the text reveals a highly nuanced depiction of the place of women in society,” said Shectman. “There are distinctions between women in different social and economic groups and in different periods in the centuries during which the Bible was written.” “The Religious Studies Department is excited to bring Dr. Shectman to campus,” said Alan Lenzi, assistant professor of Religious and Classical Studies at Pacific. “This will be a wonderful opportunity to gain a different perspective on well-known texts and to think about how biblical
Our oldest walker was already 67 when we began. Fr. George Zabelka had served on Tinian Island as the military chaplain for the crews who bombed Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Not long after the atomic bombs were dropped and the Japanese surrendered, he walked the streets of these onceteeming cities which had been conver ted into nuclear wastelands. Witnessing the horrendous suffering of the burned, the effects of radiation, and the utter destruction of what had been proud communities, he was scarred for life. Years later, Fr. Zabelka returned to Japan on a mission of peace. During that stay, he met some Japanese Sisters of the Visitation. And as the walk to Bethlehem was being organized, he invited these nuns to walk with us. Three sisters joined us on our journey. One, Genevieve, was from Kobe. From time to time, we reflected during our pilgrimage of peace on Japan’s changed of heart following World War II and on the bombings that forced
the Emperor to accept unconditional surrender. We prayed that Hiroshima and Nagasaki (once the Catholic capital of Japan) would never be repeated. We prayed, that is, that the events of August 6 and 9, 1945, would serve as a torturous reminder, for the rest of human history, of how ugly war can be. Following the Bethlehem Peace Pilgrimage, the Japanese sisters established a house of prayer in San Francisco. I used to visit them there, and one day found an old, damaged crucifix in the basement. “We were
members of her congregation in rescue efforts. It seemed ironic that she should have flown out from a city which has been bracing for a massive earthquake for decades. San Francisco had indeed been hit by the Loma Prieta quake in 1989, when the Sisters were already in residence, but they had only suffered a mild shock compared to Kobe’s. Two months ago, I sat with a friend to watch, for the first time, the original version of Godzilla. What I’d never known before was that this classic had
Minister has wasted no critical time in appealing for assistance. And what a blessing it is that the Japanese have heard the good news that, whatever may happen to them and to their families, the Creator of all that is and all that ever will be has an answer for death. Not many Japanese consider themselves to be Christians. I hope that the response of people of Christian faith will be wholehearted and generous, and that their Gospel message of a life above and beyond the crosses and crucifixions of this world will make better sense.
they cannot destroy our will to go on given this by a priest,” Genevieve explained. “He found it when he renovated his church.” I took the crucifix home, did some restoration work, and since then have kept it always beside my bed, in a number of places, despite its weight. Shortly afterwards, Sister Genevieve’s home city was struck by a monster quake. On January 17, 1995, a 6.8 magnitude tremor caused extensive damage, killing 6,434 people. Sister Genevieve returned to Kobe for a year to assist her family and the
been created in part to heighten the sensitivity of post-war America to the real fears and anxieties of the Japanese people in the face of nuclear war and the prospect of unforeseen menaces arising from the depths of the sea. Well, with nuclear war they are altogether familiar. And with Friday’s 8.9 earthquake and tsunami, their worse imaginings have suddenly come true. Thank God they had been prepared. Praise the Lord that the international community is quickly rallying to their help, and that the Prime
The book of Revelation puts it this way: “… Then the angel showed me the river of the water of life, as clear as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb down the middle of the great street of the city. On each side of the river stood the tree of life, bearing twelve crops of fruit,
yielding its fruit every month. And the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations. No longer will there be any curse. The throne of God and of the Lamb will be in the city, and his servants will serve him. They will see his face, and his name will be on their foreheads. There will be no more night. They will not need the light of a lamp or the light of the sun, for the Lord God will give them light. And they will reign for ever and ever.” (R 22:1-5) At this, the people of God cry, “Amen, come Lord Jesus!”
Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Take a Stand. We’ll Stand with You. bendicion que los japoneses han escuchado las buenas noticias, lo que les pase, a ellos y sus familias, el Creador de todo y de todos tiene su respuesta a la muerte. No muchos Japoneses son Cristianos. Por eso espero que las ayuda Cristiana sea honesta y generosa, y que el mensaje en el Credom, mensaje de vida sobre la cruz y crucifixion de este mundo tenga sentido. El libro de Revelacion lo presenta asi: “... Despues el angel me demostro el arroyo del agua de la vida, tan clara como cristal, corriend del trono de Dios y thel cordero en el centro de el gran cendero de la ciudad. En cada costado del arroyo se encontro el arbol de la vida, con dose frutos, dando frutos todos los meses. Y las ojas del arbol sanan las naciones. La maldad no existira. El trono de Dios y del cordero se ubicaran en la cuidad, y los sirvientes les serviran. Lo su numbre se encontrara en su frente. No habra mas noche. No sera necesario alumbrar con lamparas or la luz del sol, porque Dios lesdara la luz. Y ellos reinaran por siempre y para siempre.” (R22:1-5) a esto el pueblo de Dios lloro, “Amen, alavado sea el Señor!”
interpretation implications.”
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Shectman received her master’s and doctorate from Brandeis University and a bachelor’s degree in religion from Wellesley College. Her research interests include the composition history of the Pentateuch and women and priestly law. In 2009 she published her book, “Women in the Pentateuch: A Feminist and Source-Critical Analysis.” For more information contact Alan Lenzi at alenzi@pacific. edu.
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Cultura ▪ Culture March 25-April 08,2011 | 11
Bailarines Polinesios POLYNESIAN DANCE Bailarines Polinesios Vestidos en faldas tradicionales y flores, la Na Hoku Mai Kanoelani celebro su octava presentación anual de primavera de danza y música Polinesia en el Auditorio Atherton del el Colegio Delta de San Joaquín el Sábado 19 de Marzo.
Polynesian Dancers Dressed in traditional skirts and flowers, the Na Hoku Mai Kanoelani celebrated its eighth annual spring performance of Polynesian dance and music at the Atherton Auditorium of the San Joaquin Delta Collage on Saturday, March 19. The audience enjoyed an over two hour live show filled with music, color, dance and culture from Hawaii and Tahiti. Some of the most popular dances of the night included the Pau lliahi, Mele Kulikuhi and the Vahine Ote`a during the second half of the show. “My mother lived in both Hawaii and in the Philippines. I remember that as children
we loved to danced, today the tradition, the language and the music, is now carried on through this kid of events,” said Melinda Reyes, who attended the event on Saturday. “An Evening of Polynesian Entertainment” is sponsored by the Pacific Islander American Staff Association of Delta Collage and it is a production of the two dancers George and Susan Pedregosa; who also lead a school of Polynesian dance in Stockton. Na Hoku Mai Kanoelani celebrated its first very show at the Atherton Auditorium in the 2004. Eight years later, the show consists of over 60 dancers and musicians that come together to maintain the Polynesian culture and history alive.
La audiencia disfruto un show de más de dos horas lleno de música, color, danza y cultura de Hawai y Tahití. Algunos de los bailes más populares de la noche incluyen el Pau lliahi, Mele Kulikuhi y el Vahine Ote`a durante la segunda parte del show. “Mi madre vivió en los dos Hawái y las Filipinas. Yo recuerdo que de niños nos encantaba bailar, hoy en día la tradición, el lenguaje y la música se mantienen a través de este tipo de eventos,” dijo Melinda Reyes, quien atendió al evento el Sábado. “Una Velada de Entretenimiento Polinesio” es patrocinada por la Asociación de las Islas Pacifico Americanas del colegio Delta y es una producción de los dos bailarines George and Susan Pedregosa; quienes también dirigen una escuela de danza Polinesia en Stockton. Na Hoku Mai Kanoelani celebro su primer show en el Auditorio Atherton en el 2004. Ocho años después, la presentación consiste con más de 60 bailarines y músicos que se unen para mantener viva la cultura y la historia Polinesia.
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