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Governor’s Newsletter District A-12 District Governor Len Day

October 2016

My LionsFamily

Ways to Recruit New Members

As District Governor I am suppose to motivate the members of District A12 but as the year progresses I find that the members are motivating me to be a better Lions member. Our Lions are positive and optimistic that our goals will be achieved. Our lions are finding ways for kids to go to camp, finding ways to help the blind, looking after the environment and feeding the hungry. Our Lions are helping the Lions of the world reach our new goal of serving 200,000,000 people. A12 is Climbing New Mountains everyday as we continue lead though service to connecting our clubs to our communities and we invite people to make us make a bigger impact locally and globally. Lions Clubs international have many great programs that need our support like the Peace Poster and Essay contest, the Effective speaking contest, the Environmental Photo contest and the youth exchange program. These are just some of the project that Lions do while we Give a Hand Up. If you want more information on the different projects contact one of our district chairs for more information or for help to get involved. “We Serve” is not just our motto it is what we do as Lions. The Lions listen to our internal voice that says yes I can and don't stop until the job is done. All our projects are important and every club sets its own list of what they want to do that is why our organization is the best in the world because we can work together for a common good and we can do things that are specific to our own community. Our Lions live their passions and follow their dreams every day to ensure that the needed service is always provided no matter where. I am inspired by what the Lions do locally and around the world I hope this also inspirers you to provide more service. I am asking you the Lions of A12 to provide more service to our communities and to the world. You have inspired me and I know that you inspire your club members. It is time we inspire the people that want to be Lions to become Lions. Thank you Lions for accepting the challenge to climb a New Mountain, to find ways to Give a Hand Up to those that need it. Thank you for motivating the people that we need as Lions so we can lead through service for another 100 years. Always be proud you are a Lions member, of the work you do and the friendships you make as you give a Hand Up in Life in your community and around the world.

Lions are dedicated to service. Our motto, “we serve,” says it all. Each new member impacts the lives of 70 people annually, so the more we invite the more we can serve. Below are recruitment resources your club can use to help invite for impact this Lions Year. From webinars to brochures, Lions Clubs International have a variety of assets to help you get started! 1. Just Ask! Imagine if every Lion asked just 1 person to join their club – think of how many people we could serve. All it takes is asking one family member, friend or neighbour. Download the Just Ask Guide today and see helpful tips to ask one! http://www.lionsclubs.org/resources/EN/pdfs/me300.pdf 2. Engage through Service Host a project in your community that addresses visual impairments, such as a vision screening. Be sure to have flyers, membership applications and brochures available for community members to learn more about your Lions Club. 3. Host a Membership Drive PCC Ron Seybold recently told webinar listeners all about how his multiple district conducts membership drives. Listen to the whole webinar https://vimeo.com/184744156 and find the useful resources below: Sample Invitation Letter Prospect List Proposed Agenda Membership drive checklist 4. Keep Members Happy Everyone has a different reason for joining a club; make sure you’re nurturing your members. Review our Membership Satisfaction guide for more information. http://www.lionsclubs.org/resources/EN/pdfs/me301.pdf 5. Create a Campaign of “100 Reasons to be a Lion” When you’ve talked to your members using the Membership Satisfaction guide and learned why they became a Lion, consider creating a list (as suggested in our Ways to Celebrate flyer) of 100 reasons to become a Lion. Share the list on your club webpage and social media. Here are a few reasons to become a Lion: · Help impact lives all over the world · Make an impact on your community · Meet new friends (and maybe your future spouse) http://www.lionsclubs.org/resources/EN/pdfs/lions100/CN T9.pdf

President’s Message The Meaning of Lions Same Today as Before The pages of LION Magazine during the early years of Lions in the 1920s were filled with stories such as “The Purpose of Lions,” “The Meaning of Lionism” and “The Value of Lions.” A businessman’s club dedicated to service was still a novel concept, and it was as if Lions had to convince themselves that they were on the right track. The uncertainty led Lions to question whether Lions Clubs would even survive. “During my lifetime I have seen organizations formed with the highest ideals flourish for a time, then drop into comparative unimportance. Will that be the fate of Lionism? I hope not,” wrote District Governor A. Baker of Cheyenne, Wyoming, in January 1922. But Lions stayed the course. They stuck with service. Fellowship was part of membership. But service was paramount. “Activities Make the Club” was the headline for a column in 1927 by International President Irving Camp of Johnstown, Pennsylvania. “Show me a club that simply meets and eats, and I will show you a club that has failed to respond to the call of service as invited in the very principles of our great, unselfish organization,” he wrote. Rapidly approaching our Centennial in 2017, we now know that our forebears were right. Service is what makes a Lion. It’s what we do. It’s who we are. That has never been more evident than over the past couple of years. We set a goal to serve 100 million people by June 30, 2018. The four campaigns have been Engaging Youth, Sharing the Vision, Relieving the Hunger and Protecting the Environment. We wondered whether we’d reach the goal because clubs typically had reported to Lions Clubs International serving 8 million people annually (but we knew the true figure was higher). I’m elated to tell you that in early September we reached our goal of serving 100 million people. Take pride in being part of an association that lives up to its amazing ideals. Like Lions of yesteryear, we put service first. But unlike them, we are confident we will be here for a long, long time! Thank you for all you do as a Lion, and I hope to see you at the 100th International Convention in Chicago June 30-July 4, 2017.

Chancellor Bob Corlew Lions Clubs International President

District Governor Lion Len

Our new A12 District Pin available from your friendly District Officer

Where’s the news from all the A-12 Clubs?We want to spread your news and photos to all Lions in A-12 and beyond. Send Stories and Hi-Res Photos to: newsletter@a12lions.org by the 15th of the month.


Lion Jamie Jones - Zone Chair 8 South Lion Jamie is in his 7th year with the Bradford Lions Club, and is the club’s immediate Past President. He attended the Lions International Convention in Toronto in 2014, two US/Canada Lions Leadership Forums in Grand Rapids, MI and Omaha, NE, four A-12 Conventions and five Lions Learning Weekends. He is a Judge Brian Stevenson Fellow and a Certified Guiding Lion. He has a Bachelors Degree from Lions University and needs only to attend a Leadership Institute to attain a Masters Degree. Lion Jamie is a Professional Engineer and established his own practice in Bradford in 1998. He is also a Master Mason and Secretary of Simcoe Lodge #79 in Bradford, and a member of the Viking Shrine Club in Aurora. He and his wife Sue have been married for 30 yrs. and have two grown children - Laura and Bob.

October A-12 Cabinet Meeting Hosted by MacTier Lions

Lion Brian Brethauer, President of Wasaga Beach Lions Club signs his name to the Lions Centennial Banner. The Wasaga Beach Lions Club continues to grow under Lion Brian’s watch and is one of the largest clubs in A-12 and serves an expanded community with distinction.

Region Chair Lion Tim Holmes gives a hug to “Frances the Traveling Lion” who promotes visiting other Lions Club. If your Club is visited by Frances it will cost a donation of $1 for each day he is in your possession . You must get rid of Frances by bringing it with you as you visit another Lions Club. Proceeds go toward the District Governor’s Project which this year is Diabetes Camp Huronda.


Lion Cliff Cookman - Zone Chair 21 North Lion Cliff brings to his position with Lions after many years of community service with Kiwanis International in Sault Ste. Marie. During his 40 years with Kiwanis, Cliff served as President and Chair of numerous committees with his most passionate one being the Boys and Girls. His Club initiated the new bandshell in the city, hosted an Annual Winterfest and Cornfest, a Historical Fort at the Soo Locks and much more. He left the Kiwanis Club as a member with distinction. Arriving in the beautiful Almaguin Highlands (Strong Township) after his first retirement from teaching, he immediately searched out a service club and made the transition into being a Lion. He is a member of the Magnetawan Lions and served as President, and Chair of Boys and Girls Committee. He spends most of his summers at the Lions Park supervising the Lions Swim Program which is entering its 50th year this year. Cliff has been a member of the Almaguin Choral Society and the Highland Players. He is married to Lois for 49 years and has two grown daughters with three perfect grandchildren (according to Lois.) Lion Cliff is entering his second year as Zone Chair and says that he is truly enjoying the opportunity to meet and share his love for Lions.

A presentation is made to Barrie Lions President Judy McLellan by DG Len Day on the occasion of the Club’s 85th Charter Anniversary.

District Governor Len Day makes a presentation to Gravenhurst Lions President Marjorie Lewis on the occasion of the Club’s 70th Charter Anniversary.

Governor Len presented Howard Burbridge with a hand up pin. Lion Howard sponsored Governor Len's father into Lions which cascaded into Governor Len & his entire family being active Lions serving our communities.

Lion Brenda Healy, Secretary of Orillia Lions Club explains the results of her group during a “Break Out” session which discussed and tried to answer the question “How can Lions Connect with the Community?” There were three Groups who came up with some pretty solid answers to the question. This would be a good choice for a future A-12 Webinar.

Governor’s Newsletter

My family & I would like to thank everyone for their condolence messages, flowers and cards. It was great to see so many of you out for the Lions Service which my family enjoyed very much, for Lion Bob and again at the Celebration of Life. He would have enjoyed seeing everyone. We all miss him terribly but he is at peace now and we will keep all of the memories with us forever. Lion Anne Bell & Family Angus & District Lions Club

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Huntsville Lions Club 75th Charter Annversary November 26, 2016

Funny Lion

The Huntsville Lions Club 75th Charter Annversary will be held on Saturday, November 26, 2016 at the Grandview Resort, Highway 60, Huntsville. Please join with the Huntsville Lions to celebrate this very special Charter Anniversary

ŸMr. Sandman where are you? I want to go to sleep.

No more night time coffee for me. I hear crickets. Everyone is asleep. ŸI always give 110%. Oops. Left out the decimal $40.00 per person point. I always give 1.10%. 6:00 pm Social-7:00 pm Dinner Business Casual ŸI think that it has become obvious that medicine companies have no idea what fruit tastes like. ŸRelationships are a lot like algebra. Have you ever For tickets please contact looked at your X and wondered Y? Lion Eric Paterson 705-784-9844 or ŸCould you imagine the blueprints to build an Ikea Lion Bob Jacques 705-789-5745 store? ŸI assert dominance over millennials by responding to their texts with phone calls. Oro District Lions at ŸNo amount of college can prepare you for how Work in their Community angry you'll get at the way people park in the real world. ŸFunny how in school we referred to everyone by their first and last names but as adults we're just like "you know what's-his-face." ŸTo clear a pop-up ad online, I was just forced to agree that "I don't care about being healthy and smelling clean." ŸCan't believe how divided we've become over an election. It's not like it's the colour of a dress or something. ŸDo gun manuals have a "trouble shooting?" section? ŸI'm so hungry I could eat a farm-raised, grass-fed, free-range, fair trade, organic, no-added antibiotics or hormones horse ŸThe next BIG thing? Electric motorcycles. (not electric bikes or mopeds) When you run out of juice just exchange the battery with a charged one while on the road. 600 miles? Its here! ŸMy credit is so bad they won't even take my cash ŸSomeone stole 80 million from Ontario Hydro? Is that called an accounting error? Did anyone check Swiss bank accounts? Oh ya we can't. Lion Bob Murray sends this: The Oro District Lions ŸThe worst part about getting kidnapped would be donated to Hospice Simcoe with monies raised at our when the news told everyone your real height and Annual Golf Tournament and to our Township Fire Department with monies from our Annual Canada Day weight. Golf Ball Roll. ŸGolf is such a strange game. You shout fore, shoot six, and write down five. Meet Guest Speaker Lion PCC Tom Gordon International Director for Canada Elect 2017-19

Magnetawan’s Garry Johnston Receives Hand Up Award

A-12 District 2016 – 2017 District Governor: Len Day 1st Vice District Governor: Randy Hargrave 2nd Vice District Governor: Bryon McLellan Immediate Past District Governor: Richard Ratensperger Cabinet Secretary: Marj Lewis Treasurer: Shelia Webb Region 8 Chair: Gavin Maclean Zone 8n Chair: Bill Frieday Zone 8s Chair: James Jones Region 21 Chair: PDG Bill Copeman Zone 21n Chair: Cliff Cookman Zone 21e Chair: Gord Henderson Zone 21w Chair: John Jackson Region 36 Chair: TIm Holmes Zone 36e Chair: Jim Rice Zone 36w Chair: Gillian Reynolds;

Thornton District Lions

Governor’s Newsletter District A-12 Publisher: DG Len Day Editor and Graphics: Bill Frieday Zone Chair 8N Ÿ Articles and Club News should be

submitted in Word Doc. Ÿ Photographs should be submitted

in Hi Resolution. Lion John Anderson sends this: Some of the club members who were able to attend our final meeting at the Old Hall in downtown Thornton for the last time. The Lions Building has been sold. The Club now meets at the Community Hall in beautiful Ivy, ON in District Governor Len Day makes presentation to Lion Essa Township, 2nd and 4th Monday.

Send to: newsletter@a12lions.org


Garry during a recent visit to Magnetawan Lions Club.

Governor’s Newsletter

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Lions Around District A-12 Stayner Lions Club

Elmvale & District Lions

Past President Shawn Davidson (left) leads members of Stayner Lions sorting Eyeglasses that have been collected in the District to be recycled and re-distributed those in need. A wonderful community service. L to R: Treasurer Bill Scott, Secretary Wayne Corrigan and President Gerald Rebidoux greet Zone Chair Bill Frieday on his Official Visit to Elmvale.

Dwight Lions Celebrates 45th Anniversary

Hi Bill The newsletter is great. I loved the map of who District A-12 is plus the What's Happening page. I just wanted to mention that the Dwight Lions proudly celebrate their 45th Anniversary on December 8, 2016. The Lions Club of Dwight meets The Dwight Community Centre on Dwight Beach Road. Gundy Upans Dwight Lions, Secretary.

Barrie South Lions

Burks Falls Lions

A major fundraiser every year for Elmvale Lions is their Annual Truck Draw and this year was no different. Here DG Len ‎paid a visit to Burks Falls to induct some of the members are pictured just before the final n e w m e m b e r L i o n C a r o l D o w n s Draw for the 2016 Ford 150 after their hard and difficult time photographed here with Club Treasurer and selling draw tickets. sponsor Lion Deb Hope.

Sundridge Lions

Barrie South Lions President Zac Day (above) and Region Chair 36E Tim Holmes (below) busy on their day off Serving the Community by collecting products for the local Food Bank. DG Len Day visiting 40th Charter Anniversary of Peninsula Lions and inducting new member Lion Peter Duncan with Club President & PDDG Edwin Campbell overseeing the proceedings.

L to R: Lion Evelyn Cox with a Governor’s Hand Up Award, Lion Bunny Ferchant with Club Appreciation Award and Lion Amanda Story with a Life Membership from Lions Foundation of Canada. DG Len Day proudly looks on.

Port Carling Lions 21 West Zone Chair John Jackson, (R) welcomes new member Lion Frank Miller (centre) and Sponsor Byron Coker (left) with the beautiful Port Carling Lions banner in the background.

Governor’s Newsletter

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