Locally Owned and Operated January 29, 2017 Issue No.137
Rotary Club of Wasaga Beach “Service Above Self”
Wasaga Beach Rotary Club’s 2017-2018 Executive will assume office in June. L to R Front Row: Holly Haire-Ellis, President 2016-2017, President-Elect Angela Piercey, Bryan Davies. Back Row: Peter Wilson, Andrew Conroy, Kevin de Groot, Keith Priestley and Trevor Eby. Rotary is a worldwide organization of more than 1.2 million business, professional, and community leaders providing humanitarian service, encouraging high ethical standards in all vocations, and helping to build goodwill and peace in the world. Clubs are nonpolitical, nonreligious, and open to all cultures, races, and creeds. As signified by the motto Service Above Self, Rotary’s main objective is service – in the community, in the workplace, & throughout the world.
What’s Happening In Wasaga Beach
That Extra Scratch Behind the Ear By Debbie Culos
Wasaga Beach Lions Club Bingo every Friday evening. Up to $5000 in prizes..New!!$1500 Jackpot Game. RecPlex Doors open at 5:30 p.m. Contact: Wasaga Beach Lions Club at 705-429-3331 Every 2nd Friday of the Month - Wasaga Beach Youth Dances Location: Wasaga RecPlex, 1724 Mosley Street. Time: 7 p.m. - 9 p.m. Grades 5 to 8 only!Adult Supervision Needed! Tickets: $5 in advance and are available at the Recreation Office at the RecPlex, Chamber of Commerce, 550 River Rd. West and the Youth Centre, 1621 Mosley Street. Prizes, Guest Youth DJ, Canteen. Call 705-422-2494 or visit www.wasagabeach.com/youth-centre January 7 to February 18 - Guided Night Snowshoe Hikes Occurs Saturday every 1 week(s), from Saturday, January 07, 2017 7:00:00 PM Saturday, February 18, 2017. Time: 9:00:00 PM Location: Scenic Caves Nature Adventures January 26 - Business After 5 Location: Wasaga Beach Variety - 85 Main St., Time: 5 pm to 6:30 pm. Owners: Karen Lynn, Chuck Dempster and Glen Jackson. Wasaga Beach Variety Store is always fully stocked with traditional convenience store items they also carry a VARIETY of gifts, jewelry, seasonal items and collectibles just to name a few. We invite you to pop in and take a look, say hello or have a game of old school 25 cent pinball. At Wasaga Variety they always have more IN STORE for you. January 29 - Pee Wee Hockey Tournament Location: Wasaga Stars Arena. For more information visit www.wasagaminorhockey.com January 29 - Pee Wee Hockey Tournament Location: Wasaga Stars Arena. For more information visit www.wasagaminorhockey.com February 4 - Blood Donor Clinic Location: Wasaga RecPlex, 1724 Mosley Street. Time: 9 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. For more information or to make an appointment call 1-88-236-6283. February 4 - Lip Sync Battle - No Talent Required Location: Wasaga RecPlex, 1724 Mosley Street. Time: Door open at 7 p.m. Light Buffet at 8 p.m. Show Time: 9 p.m. Cash Bar. Tickets are $25.00 each with proceeds going to local charities. Tickets and Lip Sync Registration Forms available at Transformations Hair Studio 930 - 2 River Road West - 705-429-4939. Hosted by the Rotoract Club, Wasaga Beach Brewing Company and Taste of Paradise. February 11 - Valentine's Day Dinner and Dance Location: Wasaga Countrylife Banquet Hall, 85 Theme Park Drive. Time: Doors open at 6 p.m. Dinner is at 7 p.m. and Dance is at 9 p.m. Tickets are $30.00 each taxes included and are available at Wasaga CountryLife Resort Office. Featuring entertainment by Rebecca Rain. For more information and tickets call 705-429-5267. products and donations. Cash only accepted.
Chef Brian with Mercy Chefs in Haiti
Debbie Culos grooms Shih Tzu “Cisco”
What to Look For Grooming Salon/Groomer When looking for that perfect grooming salon and groomer for your dog or cat, your five senses are always your best bet.
Sight Ÿ Does the salon look clean? What is the expression on the
receptionist like? Ÿ How about the faces of the other groomers are they happy,
frowning, tense or relaxed? Ÿ How is the body language of the other dogs, are the tails
wagging or between their legs? Are they panting or shaking, are their eyes alert and relaxed or fearful? Ÿ Is the floor clean? Can you see hairballs rolling across the floor or in the corner? Are the windows and walls clean? Are there garbage cans within easy reach of every station? Ÿ Does the equipment look well maintained and clean? Can you see Barbicide or possibly a sterilizer to clean equipment and blades? Ÿ What do the bathing and drying areas look like? Is the tub clean? If you can, watch the groomers at work while you are waiting. Ÿ How do they treat the dogs on their tables? How do the dogs react to the groomers? Ÿ Are there kennels? Ÿ Is there fresh water for the dogs? Ÿ Do the dogs have access to a fenced yard for their business?
Smell For more information contact: Wasaga Beach Chamber of Commerce 705-429-2247 / 1-866-292-7242
Recently I spent two weeks in Haiti with a faith based, non profit organization called Mercy Chefs. Mercy Chefs was formed in 2006 by Chef / pastor Gary LeBlanc to provide disaster relief in the United States and abroad. I became a part of this group in 2010 when a devastating earthquake struck Haiti. Mercy Chefs was dispatched there to provide clean drinking water and nutritious restaurant style meals to first responders and victims. A fully functional kitchen was erected in Chambrun in order to train a staff of the local population in areas of hygiene, sanitation and basic cooking skills. That Kitchen is operational today and is run totally by a now skilled Haitian work force. I was privileged to be able to return to see what has changed over the past 6 years. The recipe that I would like to feature are two popular Haitian dishes. Spicy chicken and Beans with Rice. Anyone who has been to Haiti or the Dominican will be aware that beans and rice are a staple food on the Island and is eaten by the locals twice a day for lunch and dinner either as a side dish or a main course. The Spicy Chicken recipe will be featured in our next issue.
Ÿ How does the salon smell? Can you smell garbage, urine or
stool, wet dog or clean gently fragranced air? Ÿ How does the bathing room smell? Do you smell mould or
mildew, dirty wet dogs or the light fragrance of shampoo and conditioner?
Hearing Ÿ How do the other dogs sound, barking whining or silent with
relaxed panting? Ÿ Is the background music easy or jarring to the ears? Ÿ The tone of voices from the receptionist and groomers, are
they calm, easy going or impatient, harried or rude?
Touch Ÿ Does the salon feel clean wherever you touch, for example
door handles, floors where you walk, counter tops, etc.
Gut Instinct Ÿ The most important sense is your gut instinct about the salon. If
your gut screams no way Jose, turn around and leave, don't forget the dog. Remember, a dog lives by these five senses (6 senses including taste) 24/7 and are finely tuned, hence their quick response to certain places and people. The above is from the book That Extra Scratch Behind the Ear: Renaissance Grooming (look for the book www.debbieculos.ca) Kindle Edition by Debbie Culos (Author,Photographer),Theresa Beaumont (Culos) (Editor), Marilyn Culos (Photographer), Enrique Photo Art (Photographer). Deborah Culos (Debbie) holds all copyrights to the above mentioned book. Debbie’s Grooming Salon “That Extra Scratch Behind The Ear” is located at 1344 Mosley St. Unit 3, Wasaga Beach, ON 705-352-2243
Our truly local programs are updated weekly and available On Demand, at any time from our Podcast Page. Simply click the Podcast Button on our Home Page and choose from our unique Beach BOOSTER radio programs. Wasaga Beach's only truly local radio. www.beachBOOSTERradio.com
Rice & Beans (Haitian Style) Ingredients 1 (8 ounce) package dry kidney beans 4 tablespoons olive oil 1 bulb shallot, minced 3 cloves garlic, minced 1 cup uncooked long grain white rice 2 bay leaves 1 teaspoon Maggi seasoning (optional) 1 tablespoon kosher salt freshly ground black pepper to taste 8 whole cloves 3 sprigs fresh parsley 3 sprigs fresh thyme 1 scotch bonnet chile pepper Directions Place beans in a large pot, and cover with 3 inches of water. Bring to a boil, reduce heat, and simmer 1 1/2 hours, or until tender. Drain, reserving liquid. Heat oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Saute shallot and garlic until fragrant. Stir in cooked beans, and cook for 2 minutes. Measure reserved liquid, and add water to equal 5 cups; stir into skillet. Stir in the uncooked rice. Season with bay leaves, adobo seasoning, salt and pepper. Place sprigs of parsley and thyme, and scotch bonnet pepper studded with the cloves on top, and bring to a boil. Reduce heat, cover, and simmer for 18 to 20 minutes. Remove thyme, parsley, and scotch bonnet pepper to serve.
The Power of Positive by Joe Bickerstaff Although most who know me personally, recognize my passion for our community of Wasaga Beach while recognizing its long and rich history. I have always tried to promote our community in a positive way and continue to support the only industry Wasaga Beach has known for over a century… tourism. Hence, several years ago Beach BOOSTER was born and the Beach BOOSTER Team is proud to continue the original mandate of “promoting Wasaga Beach, its people and businesses in a positive way”! In a story promoting the value of positive thinking and actions, it's impossible not to bring up some examples of how negativity can harm the ultimate goal of decision makers. Please forgive reference to what I may consider negative, as I hope to prove that a positive, united group can overcome many obstacles or challenges. Firstly, a community needs to recognize its history and have a plan for the future. Wasaga Beach is not just another “beach town”. We are unique in many ways that includes our geography, population, history and perhaps most importantly, how we grew from a small but popular seasonal resort village to an incorporated town that ended up being home to not only the World's Longest Freshwater Beach, but one of the few truly “urban Provincial Parks”. (Entire park within one municipal boundary) The reason we grew so quickly to our current status of stretching from Tiny Township in the north (east) to Collingwood in the west should be understood in order to recognize our past and then look towards the future. If we as a community have agreed that every town or city needs some kind of industry to survive, for Wasaga Beach, we should concentrate on one that has been successful in the past while recognizing needs and wants of the consumer can change. Wasaga Beach has seen a decline in its tourism industry over the last two decades, due to complacency and perhaps neglect. During the last municipal election, the majority of residents voted for change, with most on council and the Mayor campaigning on the promise of change. To fulfill the campaign promises, the majority of the current council has attempted to move forward on bringing much needed change to Wasaga Beach, in hopes of revitalizing our famous Main Beach Areas and bringing back the significance of a true, community Main Street to assist in boosting our tourism based economy. The current council consists of 5 who continue to move towards a promised plan, while 2 are obviously against most attempts to move forward, while never truly expressing an alternative to presented plans and directions. We have seen the delays and disappointing conflicts resulting from this division on council. I do not understand the motivation behind the ongoing conflicts and these differences have been shared by the media locally and beyond and unfortunately bring negativity to our town and harms our reputation as being progressive, welcoming and basically a fun place to live, work and play. Even with the delays we have seen created, I along with so many others, are excited about the progress that has made in the last two years. To name a few positive changes: Creating a new position at Town Hall (Director of Economic Development & Tourism) and empowering an experienced and knowledgeable director with decision making authority and an approved budget, declaring a true “Downtown Designation”, gaining more control over the important commercial beachfront at our Main Beach, developing better communications with Ontario Parks, showing a positive emphasis on tourism and recognizing the significance of Main Street with an very exciting and do-able plan to offer residents of Wasaga Beach with a new and welcoming community space we can all be proud of. Most residents and business owners recognize that we are moving in a positive direction! With exciting plans for our new Downtown , I'm hoping we can move as quickly as possible to show residents and visitors some of the many good things coming to Wasaga Beach! Neighbouring communities have recognized the need for people friendly settings in a downtown area, with Midland council just approving a multi-million dollar project to enhance their main street downtown, Collingwood continues or improve their downtown and the City of Barrie unveiled new plans to restore a downtown building for community use! Wasaga Beach has a plan like no other, to add to our unique assets as a welcoming tourist destination while providing community space for residents to enjoy. Beach BOOSTER is eager to continue our promotion of Wasaga Beach, a town that was built on fun and the welcoming of visitors to all we have to offer. I believe with the re-birth of our tourism industry and the ongoing improvements to Main Street and the Main Beach, visiting Wasaga Beach will be a rewarding experience while making residents proud to show off our community. The entire Beach BOOSTER Team is eager to help our community move forward with positive thoughts about our future while remembering the template created by our long and recognized history of being a welcoming and fun beachfront resort, while still being a community of loving, caring and happy residents. There is so much to enjoy in Wasaga Beach while we realize the need for change and updating the Wasaga Beach experience for our valued visitors. Positive thoughts generate positive actions! Let's work as a united community to move forward on a plan that benefits everyone. There will be mistakes and corrections along the way… but that's not only a part of doing business… it's a part of life. Although I am very proud of so many in our community for their forward thinking, positive thoughts including the entire Beach BOOSTER Media Group team, I am looking to help create a “Team Positive” to help share the Wasaga Beach “Good Stuff” with the world. I'm eager to hear from anyone with an interest in being involved in an active, fun group… “Team Positive”.
Meet Cam Hoit of Tesoro Mercato Wasaga Beach Resident Cam was the sous chef at Tesoro's full service restaurant for the last 7 years and has now made a transition into Tesoro Mercato, a Specialty Grocery Store - Deli. One of his favourite things to make and eat is our Mac & Cheddar entree which is also available as a GLUTEN FREE option. Cam also enjoys making SOUPS, if you have any special soup requests, leave us a comment. Tesoro Mercato carries Fresh & frozen entrees, Italian Meat and Cheeses; Bindi Cakes from Italy, Nespresso Coffee to go, Fresh Pasta, House Made Pasta, Tesoro Mercato Specialty Grocery Store - Deli 2 Schoolhouse Lane, Collingwood, Ontario L9Y 4H5 (705) 444-9231 tesoromercato.ca
We Have Comments... Judi Wilkins of Transformations Hair Studio says; “We have heard a positive buzz about the changes the new council has already put into action. We feel there are now even more reasons to enjoy the atmosphere surrounding the longest fresh water beach in the world....kudos to the new town council!” Joe Morano of Elm Developments says; “We are excited about creating a signature master-planned community in Wasaga Beach. Georgian Sands with its new commercial area of shops and cafés, its parks and streets lined with new homes beside a golf course will be just minutes away from the new downtown area and the famous Main Beach. It's clear from the response to our new community that people are looking forward to everything that Wasaga Beach has to offer, from a world-class beach to hiking, biking and Nordic ski trails and the incredibly beautiful natural surroundings. We're thrilled to be here.” The direction of (most) of our town council is one of positivity and change. I am looking forward to the implementation of the well-thought-out plans that our Mayor and council have for the future of our town. The improvements at the Main Beach alone last summer made it more of a destination for us as residents than ever before - and a place that we are proud to promote to visitors to our beautiful town. Jennifer Tindale Wasaga Beach Yoga On the topic of community, Peter Wilkins commented “Wasaga Beach Brewing Company is very pleased with the support we have received from both residents and tourists alike. We are very excited about the positive direction the new council has taken, and look forward to all the great things to come.” Garry Sawatzky of Skull Island Mini Golf on Main Street Wasaga Beach said “As one of the newest investors in Family Entertainment in Wasaga Beach, I am thrilled to be a part of the rebirth of this great Town. This Town has the most potential of any town I have been a part of or have ever seen.” Aaron Armstrong of Beach1.com states “With a business that has the finger on the pulse of Beach One and the community, there is overwhelming, positive buzz with the plans for a new downtown / Main Street area that has captivated the majority Wasaga Beach residents.” “As a resident and business owner for the past 12 years, I am so excited about the future of the beachfront and Main Street development!" says Tanya Snell, President of Wasaga Beach Women's Business Association and owner of www.whatsuphut.com . Main Street business owner Alex Smardenka says “I have been in business for the last 9 years in Wasaga Beach and have never felt more confident about our future. I have full confidence our council will revitalize our town in a responsible and cost effective manner. We will have a town of which we can all be proud.” "As a more recent business owner to Wasaga Beach, I am very encouraged by the changes I have witnessed since we moved here three years ago. I am extremely excited about the future potential for Wasaga Beach both as a business owner and as a resident! I have heard the positive buzz from fellow business owners while attending many Wasaga Beach Chamber of Commerce functions. We love our community!!" John Tindale, owner, Beach Hearing Ltd. "It doesn’t bother me that the out of town media talk or write about Wasaga Beach. What ticks me off is that they don’t get all their facts right! They are talking to the wrong people. They should come back here and get comments from the people making statements in this article. Positive, Positive, Positive.” Bill Frieday, Lions Clubs International, A-12 Zone Chair 8N, Immediate Past President Wasaga Beach Lions Club
2017 Super Bowl Tickets A friend of mine has two tickets for the 2017 Super Bowl, both box seats. He paid $2,500 each but he didn't realize last year when he bought them, it was going to be on the same day as his wedding. If you are interested, he is looking for someone to take his place... It's at Wasaga Beach United Church, at 380 Zoo Park Rd. at 3 p.m. The bride's name is Nicole, she's 5'4", about 115 lbs, good cook too..... She'll be the one in the white dress. Page 3 beach BOOSTER
ŸSometimes you run into people who just make your day more bearable. Those people are called bartenders. ŸIf you see a radar trap on the other side of the road do you flash your lights to warn the other drivers? ŸRemember this folks. If they get stopped they get fined. They get stopped often enough they either learn or they kill someone. Please stop warning them. The life you safe maybe your own or a loved one. ŸBe true to your teeth, or they'll be false to you. ŸA true friend is one who thinks you're a good egg even though you're half-cracked. ŸNostalgia isn't what it used to be. ŸDear CRA, Please cancel my subscription. ŸAutocorrect is changing correctly spelled words. I’m starting to think it has a mind of its AUTOCORRECT IS HARMLESS. GO ABOUT YOUR BUSINESS. ŸDon’t be part of the problem, be the whole problem. ŸI had to take the batteries out of my carbon monoxide alarm. The loud beeping was giving me a headache and making me feel sick and dizzy! ŸJust ordered a chicken and a egg from Amazon. I'll let you know which comes first! ŸI’ve been having problems with nuisance phone calls: most common one seems to be "You said you'd be home from the pub three hours ago!" ŸFREE LOTTERY ADVICE!!!! If tomorrow you find out you holding the winning ticket. (Before anyone finds out) call everyone you know let them you have an emergency and need to borrow $500. They will likely ignore you. This will come in handy in a few weeks when you are sharing. ŸDo you always fist bump the cashier whenever your card doesn't get declined? ŸSomething I have in common with Mariah Carey- I don't know the words to her songs either.
Bad Habit Wins 2016 Battle of the Bands Quarter Century Theatre our Collingwood's premiere contemporary theatre company held their inaugural 2016 Battle of the Bands Fundraiser open to all ages on Thursday, December 29th at the Canadian Royal Legion in Collingwood. Five excellent bands competed before their fans along with a panel of judges comprised of Laura LaChapelle, Guifre Bantjes-Rafols and Damian Spaulding. The judges definitely had their work cut out, as competition was fierce. The five competing bands were: “Stolen Arcs”, “Telestars Rock'n Roll Show Band”, “Aphiene” (aka Stephanie Short), “The Leynes Brothers” and “Bad Habit”. The winner had first bid on some of the incredible prizes such as a custom-design guitar generously donated by Spaulding School of Music, a custom-made electric guitar donated by Blue Mountain Music and a professional music video by producer, Khaleel Gandhi for one of their singles. Along with supporting Quarter Century Theatre the newest professional theatre company was running a food drive at the event where you had an opportunity of wining and “iPad” upon donating an item. Fun games were available throughout the night with prizes kindly donated by local businesses. In the fall, QCT held a “People's Choice Champs” an online voting poll for bands who entered the Battle of the Bands competition. The votes were tabulated on December 6th and Telestars Rock'n roll Show Band came out winning the most votes followed by Stolen Arcs and Bad Habit. Rochelle Reynolds, executive director of QCT and MC at Battle of the Bands presented the Telestars Rock'n Roll Show Band with their trophy at the event. Aphiene (aka Stephanie Short) inspired by soul artists, R&B and pop such as Adele and Whitney Houston provided the soulful music during the night. This was her first performance in eight months. Included in the line up were two rock bands battling the stage for first place with their dynamic performances: “Stolen Arcs” and “Bad Habit” Photo by Watts Photography vibrations could be felt throughout the hall. Stolen Arcs is an indie alternative band from Collingwood. A new EP is planned for the New Year. This competition was open to all ages with the youngest competitor being “The Leynes Brothers”, Jude, drums (12years-old) and Carson, guitar (11 years-old). This was their first competition and a natural at entertaining the audience and the judges. Their impressive stage presence garnered a third place. The Telestars Rock'n Roll Show Band provided an awesome set of the 50's and 60's era music. Frankie Dee's strong vocals secured a second place for the Telestars. Bad Habit influenced by music of the 60's and 70's era, is from Wasaga Beach. Their powerful performance crowned them the winner of Battles of the Band. The organizers Rochelle Reynolds and Khaleel Gandhi were delighted with the outcome of the event as they begin working on their next fundraiser a fancy gala night scheduled January 13th at Simcoe Street Theatre featuring a sneak peak of their show “Salt Water Moon”. For more information on Quarter Century Theatre please visit qctheatre.ca. Dianna Chycki is host of Beach Corner. Beach Corner is available on podcast and broadcast every Tuesday at 10:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. on beachboosterradio.com.
Prime Time Club 1724 Mosley St. Wasaga Beach
Robbie Burns Night February 4, 2017
Dianna Chycki is host of Beach Corner podcast weekly entertainment show on beachboosterradio.com. Beach Corner article sponsored by Exchanging Vows Bridal Boutique in Collingwood.
Cocktails 5:00-6:00 PM Enter the Haggis 6:00PM Dinner & Dance to follow "Strange Potatoes" Cost is $35.00 per person
Contact Mari 705-429-2602 or 705-429-4266
Promotional Products
Looking for PROMOTIONAL products? You've come to the right place! Whether you are looking for a specific item or just browsing for ideas. We can help! 705-812-5507 bill@beachbooster.com
Page 5 beach BOOSTER
TIPPING POINT Changing Wasaga Beach Lives
New Year’s Resolutions are Insane
David Harrison Shop Owner / Mechanic
Here’s a quote we can all relate to every new year. “Insanity is doing the same thing over-and-over again and expecting different results”. - Albert Einstein Let’s face it. Willpower is limited. You can work at your willpower and build it up, but at whatever level you are at with willpower, it still is limited. And, if that’s what you rely on to keep your New Year’s resolution going, forget it, you are bound to fail. But here’s the good news. We all have the power and ability to make and keep little decisions. If we realize these little decisions are leading up to something, we can stay on track. It works like compound interest. At first you don’t notice how your money is growing but after a while it grows in leaps and bounds. This is where a New Year’s “Resolution Habit” comes in. Don’t think resolution, think habit. Furthermore, you can choose a habit that has pulling power. I call this a keystone habit. For example, when I was running daily (obviously in another life many years ago), I never had to worry about keeping to a diet. I also seemed to dress better and felt that I had more of a positive attitude towards things. So, the trick is to pick a new habit that will allow you to make little decisions every day and be successful. You won’t have to exercise that willpower muscle so much and you will be able to get through the small stuff until it just becomes something you don’t think about anymore. You will just do it. William James, the father of psychology said: “Little by little you build your power.” Most people don’t realize that 95 percent of everything that we think, feel, do and achieve is the result of habit. Habits have three components; a cue, a routine and a reward. This means you have a chance to replace a routine in an already bad habit you have and make it a good habit. If you are lucky, you can even make it a “Keystone” habit. Research says it really takes between 66 to 90 days to establish a habit. Here’s where practice comes in. Practice makes permanent. All you need is just a little bit of discipline to keep your new habit going. It’s not the end of the world. You can do it! You can make those little decisions that are easy to make and be sure you make them until the urge to slack off on a minute decision does not enter your mind to take you off your game. Here’s how you reinforce this habit. You put a picture on your bathroom mirror that depicts the results of practicing your new habit to remind you each and every day what you want from it. Then you amplify that picture by coming up with a little saying, an affirmation, that you tell yourself out loud many times a day to reinforce your habit. Think that’s weird? It’s brain science that most professional athletes and high achievers use to be successful. If you visualize your outcome and say your affirmation about your habit with emotion you multiply your chances to realize your intended outcomes. Voila! You are on your way to the personal success you always dreamed of. “Be The Beach”, send me your thoughts and comments at Gary@beachBOOSTER.com. Your efforts count in making this community the preferred place in which to live, learn, work and play. Gary is a YB12 Coach and Business Advisor for Critel Professional Services, www.critel.ca, and lives, learns, works and plays in Wasaga Beach.
Page 6 beach BOOSTER
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Crime Stoppers Month in Wasaga Beach Crime Stoppers, a global organization with more than 1700 programs in 32 countries, brings together citizens, local media and police in an effort to solve and prevent crime. In Canada, Crime Stoppers has been involved in clearing more than 260,000 cases and helping to recover more than $500 million worth of stolen property since it was established in 1985. 2017 Marks the 30th anniversary of Crime Stoppers Simcoe-DufferinMuskoka. Crime stoppers is a civilian, volunteer based crime fighting program which provides a way for the public to anonymously report information about crimes and criminals. You will never be required to reveal your name, make a statement or appear in court. Phone calls to Crime Stoppers will not be recorded and we do not subscribe to call display. Your information may lead to a cash reward of up to 2,000.00. 2016 was another successful year for Crime Stoppers Simcoe-DufferinMuskoka! Here are some statistics from our local Crime Stoppers organization. 2016 Since Inception (1987) Arrests 183 4506 Cases Cleared 283 6864 Charges 397 8832 Weapons recovered 17 449 Crime Stoppers is a non-profit charitable organization. Crime Stoppers is not a police program. All money is raised by our volunteers at number of local fundraising/awareness events. Beach BOOSTER Media Group is a proud supporter of Crime Stoppers. Remember! Crime doesn't pay… but Crime Stoppers does.
Local Veteran Forms Veterans Association Traditionally, local veterans' organizations have been based on a branch of the Royal Canadian Legion, but as Wasaga Beach does not have a local branch, Veteran Doug Harrison and others who feel the need for a local association to recognize and welcome the growing number of veterans in our community, have formed “Veterans of Wasaga”. Veterans of Wasaga (VOW) is eager to welcome all those who have served, or are currently serving in the Canadian Forces and those who have served with other Allied Nations or the Merchant Marine. This new local association meets on the second Thursday of each month, 7:30 pm at Waterside Retirement Lodge in Wasaga Beach. (239 Zoo Park Road) For more information please contact Doug Harrison at 705-718-3883 or email wdougharrison@gmail.com
The Man Cave in Wasaga Beach is Not Just a Store... but a much more than a store, as a visit to this collection of the coolest “Must See” Main Street “guy stuff” you ofwillsome ever find is always an experience. Local owner and Attraction! operator Roger is eager for residents and visitors to wander through his amazing collection of themed items in his welcoming store. Gift Certificates available. The Man Cave Store. 113 Main Street, Wasaga Beach. Phone 705-352-2283
We are surrounded by the beauty of nature in Wasaga Beach! Photos by Enrique Photo Art See more photo at www.mywasagabeach.com
Fit and Healthy in The Beach Anytime Fitness Wasaga Beach would like to take the time to wish the entire community of Wasaga Beach a Happy and Healthy New Year! With the New Year, beginning or re-starting a healthy lifestyle is usually near the top of most people’s lists. A healthy and happy lifestyle shouldn’t be based solely on physical activity - health isn’t just about how long you run on a treadmill. Physical activity is just one facet of a healthy lifestyle. Don’t forget these small but important tips as well. 1. A nutritious and varied diet - rich in vitamins and minerals and low in processed sugars - can positively affect one’s health and well being - help
ward off illness and keep the immune system running optimally. 2. Breathing techniques can help calm and relax those who might find life stressful. Focussing on one’s breathing can help relax the mind and keep it in the present. 3. Stretching after long periods of sitting can help promote blood flow and healthy range of motion in muscles and joints. A healthy and positive mind set is something one can achieve inside and out of the gym! It’s never too late to start an active and healthy lifestyle! The Wasaga Beach Anytime Fitness Team Gregory
2016's Most Active Members! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Liz Lightfoot John Dejongh Toni Mcquillian Tanya Willison David Gayne Barb Houlden Chris Tricco Shannon Tuck Gary Clayton April Vass
Keep up the great work! These Anytime Fitness Wasaga Beach members are just three of the 2016 "Achievers". Left to rightShannon Tuck, John Dejongh, Tanya Willison