November 17, 2021 (Vol. XXXIV, Is. V) - Binghamton Review

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CPampus resswatch “Extremists police pose violent threats to society”, by Elanor Gully, Pipe Dream, 10/11/21 “It is paramount for communities to trust the police officers that are assigned to ‘protect’ them, but that means certain extremist ideologies may pose a problem, as these ideologies can drive these two groups apart.” Protect in quotes? Wow, not even trying to hide your open resentment towards the police. I know this is an opinion article, but the most basic duty of police is to “serve and protect” their communities. Some of them at least try to do so. “Extremism on the left is often exaggerated while extremism on the right tends to be overlooked or minimized. Don’t believe me? The Anti-Defamation League published a report on extremism in 2020 and found that the domestic, extremist-related killings by perpetrator affiliation was heavily ideologically skewed. The report reads, “All but one of the 17 murders (94 percent) documented in this report had ties to forms of right-wing extremism,” with white supremacists being responsible for a majority. Left-wing extremists were at fault for only 6 percent of deaths.” Alright, ignoring the cherry-picked source, this claim is blatantly false. If one compares the treatment by cable news of left-wing violence with right-wing violence, the latter is covered and demonized endlessly, while the former is too often brushed off or even excused in the name of “progress”. “Texas abortion laws reverse decades of progress”, by Eve Marks, Pipe Dream, 10/11/21 “There have been thousands of demonstrations across the United States standing in opposition to Texas’ ban on abortions, and it is incumbent on all of us to protect the constitutional right of women to control their own bodies. If Texas’ law is upheld, we as a nation




Written by our Staff

We know you don’t read the other campus publications, so we did it for you. Original pieces are in quotes, our responses are in bold.

would be taking a major step back in the advancement of human rights in this country.” There have been thousands of demonstrations across the United States standing in opposition to Roe V. Wade, and it is incumbent on all of us to protect the constitutional right to life of the unborn. If Texas’ law is upheld, we as a nation would be taking a major step forward in the advancement of human rights - yes, even unborn ones - in this country. “Democrats should have passed the $3.5 trillion infrastructure bill”, by Desmond Keuper, Pipe Dream, 10/18/21 “Manchin and Sinema have proposed $1.5 trillion in spending as a compromise, less than half of the original number. Progressives like Sen. Bernie Sanders have expressed concerns that this would not be enough to accomplish the intended goals. I feel the same way.” Only a progressive would say that a trillion-and-a-half dollar budget is “not enough” to accomplish their goals. If your goals require a budget the size of the GDP of the United Kingdom, then maybe it’s time for you to scale down your goals. “School choice systems do not solve public school issues”, by Sean Reichbach, Pipe Dream, 11/08/21 “Additionally, Youngkin has proposed freezing property tax payments, which are the main source of public school funding in school districts. This means that in localities, inflation would cause tax revenues for school funding to de-

crease over time, risking possible budget cuts in already struggling schools.” 20% of US dollars currently in circulation were printed in 2020. The Biden administration wants trillions of dollars for their upcoming policy goals. Reducing taxes for average Americans is a swell idea, but if inflation undercuts those revenues, there’s a place somewhere on the Hill where that buck stops (or continues to be printed). “As one of the richest nations on Earth, the United States should be able to provide equity in educational opportunity, or at least much more than what already occurs. This is not an idealistic sentiment, and deciding to open up our schools to a free market system in which students are treated as customers and products rather than just students is dangerous.” The United States has one of the most highest funded educational systems in the world, yet it lags behind other moderately funded countries such as Finland. Money for public schools gets pissed away because of government mismanagement and poor funding mechanisms, dooming some children before they can begin merely because of their zip code.

Vol. XXXIV, Issue V

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