BIORAMA – Green Spider Network

Page 10

g r e e n sp i d e r n e t w o rk

cir cu l a r eco n o my / P l a stic


How Slovenia is planning to reduce plastic carrier bags to 40 per person by 2025.


hey are light, strong and really cheap: there are many practical reasons why plastic bags are popular with consumers. There are also many reasons not to use them – especially the smaller ones used for loose fruit, vegetables and bakery items. They are often thrown away even faster than regular plastic bags. If they are not recycled, they are a huge waste of non-­ renewable resources and do not break down completely for hundreds of years. To reduce the use of plastic carrier bags to less than 90 per person by the end of 2019 and to less than 40 by 2025, the Slovenian Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning launched the campaign »I have my own carrier bag«. With the main focus on children, cartoon-like illustrations were used to drive home the campaign’s key messages. An albatross, seagulls, turtles and seals were used to emphasise the negative effects of carrier bags and

­ icroplastics (small plastic bits) on marine life: »Anim mals can become entangled in plastic carrier bags, and are then unable to feed, swim, run or reproduce. They can also suffocate. Animals may mistake carrier bags floating in the water and other plastic waste or microplastics for food«, a flyer explains. Asking the question »What can do today?«, the campaign proposes a simple call to action: »I have a choice: So I bring my own bag! I use each bag several times. I dispose of the used plastic carrier bag in the packaging waste container.« The campaign is ­supported by supermarkets (Spar, Hofer, Lidl), the Ministry of Education, numerous trade ­ associations and non-governmental organisations. Contact:

picture s fo lder: Mini stry o f the Environment and Spatial Planning, Republic of Slovenia

Save the seals, bring your own plastic bags

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