“Our mission is to create world class learning experiences that recognise and nurture empathetic, resilient and talented individuals”
Our Values
Kindness, Honesty & Respect
What is Firefly?
How to access Firefly
Navigating Firefly
KS3 Home Learning
What is Firefly?
Firefly is BISAD’s innovative online platform that enhances the educational experience by connecting students, teachers, and parents in one cohesive digital space.
Parents are kept in the loop with real-time access to their child’s home-learning, curriculum and assessment updates, which helps to foster a supportive learning environment at home. It allows parents a window into Secondary school life helping our community stay connected, informed, and engaged.
How to Login and Access Firefly Account Activation
To login to Firefly, if you have not done so already, you first need to activate your account. You can do so by visiting BISAD’s firefly website...
When accessing Firefly for the first time, please click on the link that reads “New to Firefly? Activate your account”. If you cannot see this link make sure you click on “Cloud Users”.
How to Login and Access Firefly
Our school code is BISAD
The email address you use to register with Firefly must be same one stored on our school system.
The school code is: BISAD Please follow the instructions sent to your email inbox.
There is also a Firefly app for Parents on either Android or Apple mobile or tablet device.
Simply search for Firefly for Parents in the app store and use the school code BISAD along with the username and password that has already been activated.
Firefly Dashboard
When logging in, you will see the dashboard with a Learning Centre for each Year group. All the key information is accessed by clicking on the Learning Centre for your child's year.
Please scan the QR code to view a video recording of navigating BISAD’s Firefly and the available information.
We recognise the importance of students pursuing their interests and hobbies outside of school, we also understand how time consuming these pursuits can be. It is our intention to provide a flexible home learning program that gives students the opportunity to pursue these interests, but also give opportunities for continued learning outside the classroom. By providing weekly advisory home learning in our core subjects, and longer extended projects in optional subjects, we give you the power to curate a home learning program for your child that meets their needs.
All home learning activities are on located on the subject pages in the Home Learning section. It has been split into two sections:
Advised Tasks:
Core tasks in English, Maths, Science, Arabic, Islamic and BISAD Diploma - are all weekly tasks set on Firefly.
Optional Tasks:
Optional projects in other subjects allowing students to follow their passions.
These advisory and optional home learning tasks allows you to help set an appropriate amount of work depending on your child’s weekly schedule.