The Shield_Vol 68_Issue 1

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Bishop Kenny High School | Jacksonville, Fla. | Volume 68 | Issue 1


Two new organizations help celebrate, grow diversity



Pro-Life group BK implements raises awareness, random drug funds in support testing of unborn babies

Should diversity training be required in schools?

A&E 15 How to deal with toxicity

SPORTS 24 Offensive lineman commits to play Division I football for Texas



The Shield is student news magazine, published quarterly by journalism students at Bishop Kenny High School 1055 Kingman Ave., Jacksonville, Fla. 32207 phone: (904) 265-9390 fax: (904) 398-5728 The policy of The Shield is to provide a forum for student expression. If you are interested in advertising in The Shield, email for more information. Letters to the editor are encouraged; submit to room 224. Names can be withheld upon request. The Shield is a member of FSPA.

Layout and Design Editor Meghan Williamson Copy Editor Abigail Parker Managing Editor Business Manager Sarah Roberts Web Manager Ilaria Georgi Staff Reporters Charli Esposito Jessica Golden Grace Jennings Addison Mark Elena Vincenty Adviser Jessica Durbin Follow The Shield on Twitter, Instagram, and online: @bk_theshield




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Image credits/courtesy (clockwise, from right)- Michael Myslinki, Stephanie Merrill, Meghan Williamson, Sarah Roberts, Meghan Williamson


10 25 23 7

COVID KICKS PROJECT INTO GEAR Social distancing mandates spur new seating in courtyard

Addison Mark | Staff Reporter


tudents this year have additional outdoor seating options in the senior courtyard. Organized by Vice Principal Vincent Saladino, this addition, began in July 2020, as an effort to accommodate social distancing guidelines. Because of COVID and social distancing requirements, students at lunch are allowed to sit no more than four to a table. This project provides more seating for students, while meeting the COVID safety standards. Saladino explained that COVID-19 was the “tipping point” in moving forward with the project. “It’s the igniter that pushed it past the needle,” Saladino said. “If we needed that one reason why, this is the reason to expand that outdoor space. It took it from a tier-two project and put it right up at tier-one.” Moving up as a “tierone” project, BK set to work on phase one of the outdoor

space, which was a large white tent with multiple picnic tables underneath, and more tables to the left of the tent. “This has always been one of those tier-two projects that we’ve talked multiple times about: covered space, and more space that isn’t impacted by weather,” Saladino said. In early October, sails were added over the courtyard area, providing shade for students. Along with being water resistant, the sails help rain water to run-off and irrigate nearby landscaping. The sails project will be completed by the end of the month, ending the first phase of the project. “The next phases include some little details: uplighting around it, putting security lights, safety lights and internet,” Saladino said. The project is set to be complete by January 2021. “This is a little-big project and it is all part of the grand plan.”

The senior courtyard now has sails overhead to protect students from sun during lunchtime.

Students sit in the new outdoor seating area during lunch on Oct. 28.


RANDOM DRUG TESTING BK implements new procedure for 2020-2021 Abigail Parker | Copy Editor


ishop Kenny High School has begun randomly drug testing students this school year. Along with The Bolles School and Episcopal School of Jacksonville, BK announced in October 2019 that it would expand its drug testing policies from testing based on suspicion to randomized drug tests as well. Dean of Students Laurie Wray stated that in years past, the school had only drug tested based on reasonable suspicion. Now, however, the school has purchased a program that randomly selects students to be tested based on student numbers. Any student could possibly be tested at any time in the school year. There are multiple types of alcohol and drug tests that the school could make students take. The main test is a 14-panel saliva based test that searches for alcohol and drugs such as marijuana, opiates, cocaine and amphetamine. The second test, which is also saliva based, is used to test for nicotine use. Wray noted that breathalyzers are also available

The 14 panel drug test is used to look for alcohol and various drugs such as opiates, cocaine, marijuana and amphetamines.

when reasonable suspicions arise and will still be used at school functions. The deans of students and the school nurse will administer the various tests. If a student tests positive, the school will discipline the student by putting him or her on probation. The student’s parents will be notified so that the student can get help. The school has a substance

abuse program to combat student drug use on and off campus. A student might be subject to a substance abuse evaluation given by an authorized professional if he or she tests positive for drugs or alcohol. If the student chooses not to undergo counseling, he or she could be asked to withdraw from the school. “We felt very strongly that [the tests] would serve as a

tool for our students to make good choices in regards to drugs and alcohol,” Wray said. BK will continue random searches, including having the drug dogs on campus, to ensure that students on campus are not exposed to illegal substances, according to Wray.




President Trump appoints Judge Amy Coney Barrett to Supreme Court

Photo by Abigail Parker

Jessica Golden | Staff Reporter

After President Trump appointed Barrett, she attended her cofirmation hearings in the Senate.


he Senate confirmed Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court on Oct. 26, 2020. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas administered the constitutional oath to Barrett after the senate voted 52 to 48 but she has yet to take the judicial oath, which states that the justice will administer justice regardless of physical appearance or status. President Trump nominated Judge Amy Coney Barrett for Associate Justice of the Supreme Court on Sept.

26, following the death of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg on Sept. 18, 2020 at the age of 87. Barrett graduated from Rhodes College and attended law school at Notre Dame. After college, she clerked for late Justice Antonio Scalia before her career as a professor and went on to teach law at Notre Dame for 15 years. Barrett was confirmed as a federal Judge in 2017 after a bipartisan vote by the Senate. Barrett is a devout Catholic, according to NPR, and is

therefore especially favored by religious conservatives. Barrett is the fifth woman to serve on the Court. The four prior to serve were Sandra Day O’Connor, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Elena Kagan and Sonia Sotomayor. Ginsburg, widely-recognized as a feminist who fought for women’s rights, died due to complications of metastatic pancreatic cancer. Barrett is the youngest justice on the current Supreme Court at 48 years old. This will allow her to serve for several decades.

On October 13, questioning began for Barrett and each of the 22 senators on the judiciary committee had 30 minutes to question Barrett, who avoided answering questions about issues that could be possible court cases. “Though past nominees have also avoided answering some of the senators’ questions, Barrett took this to a whole new level,” Professor of Legal Studies and Political Science Paul M. Collins Jr. said. Barrett was asked to recite the five freedoms of the first amendment and was only able to state four. Democrats are concerned about how Barrett will vote on topics such as abortion, healthcare protections, LGBTQ rights and voting rights, according to The New York Times. “If confirmed [as a United States Supreme Court Justice], I would not assume that role for the sake of those in my own circle and certainly not for my own sake,” Barrett said. “I would assume this role to serve you.”

Associate Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg dies at age 87


uth Bader Ginsburg, the second woman appointed to the Supreme Court, passed away Friday Sept. 18 due to complications of metastatic pancreatic cancer. She was 87 years old. Ginsburg’s time in the Supreme Court started with her junior justice seat in 1993 and over the years she worked up to her last title, associate justice. For many years Ginsburg was the only female justice in the Supreme Court until she was later joined by

Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan. Ginsburg was considered part of the Supreme Court’s moderate-liberal bloc and was best known as a “pioneering advocate for women’s rights,” according to “The New York Times.” Her most mentioned cases were United States v. Virginia where she wrote the Supreme Court’s landmark decision and her differing opinion on Bush v. Gore which decided the 2000 presidential election.


G i n s b u r g ’s fought cancer previously, in 1999 and 2009, but she never missed a day of oral arguments. “My mother told me to be a lady,” Ginsburg once said. “And for her, that meant be your own person, be independent.”

Photo courtesy of WFU Law School

Elena Vincenty | Staff Reporter

Associate Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg visits Wake Forest University.


Ronald McDonald House supports families during hard times Jessica Golden | Staff Reporter


Photos courtesy of Stephanie Merrill

nyone who has ever seen a commercial for St. Jude Children’s Hospital knows how heartbreaking it is when a child is faced with life-threatening illness. For families, the stress can be overwhelming. But charities exist that support patients and their families through hardship. The Ronald McDonald House is a facility for families with children that need medical attention at Jacksonville’s major pediatric institutes, such as Wolfson Children’s Hospital, Nemours Children’s Specialty Care, UF Health Jacksonville, Brooks Rehabilitation and the UF Proton Therapy Institute. The Ronald McDonald House started when cofounder Dr. Audrey Evans was working at The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia as a pediatric oncologist. She saw the families of children receiving treatment living out of waiting rooms and cars. Evans recognized a need for a supportive place to stay for the families who are working to support their children with health issues. The first Ronald McDonald House was founded in

Philadelphia, Pa. on Oct. 15, 1974. There are currently 350 houses nationwide. The first Ronald McDonald House in Jacksonville opened in November 1988 as a 10-bedroom house across the street from UF Health. The location was moved to San Marco in 2001, and now has 53 rooms, allowing for more space for the kitchen, rooftop garden and laundry facilities. Families temporarily residing at the Ronald McDonald House are able to come and go as they please, with the facility operating more like a “home away from home” than a hotel. These families have access to a pantry full of food and meals provided by volunteers, and they do not have to cook or clean. In this way, they simply stay there and the rest is taken care of for them by volunteers all around Jacksonville. Families can enjoy indoor and outdoor play areas and often receive donated tickets to the zoo, MOSH and other local fun activities. Families have access to free transportation to whichever hospitals they need to visit. The facility even has a dog!

Anchor Club members in 2018 chop up carrots to prep their monthly dinner.

In order for the Ronald McDonald House to continue its mission, they rely on donations and volunteers to keep them afloat. The Anchor Club at BK has volunteered at Ronald McDonald House for more than a decade and currently helps as meal makers for family

Members of the 2018 Anchor Club pose under the Christmas archway after volunteering at the Ronald McDonald House.

dinners at the facility. “Anchor Club plans and cooks dinner for all of the residents every month,” Anchor Club sponsor Stephanie Merrill said. “By taking care of these basic needs, children and their families can focus their attention on getting better.” Anchors also volunteer at the annual Light Up the House Campaign and 5K in December. Club members help with registration, face painting, snacks and games at this annual fundraising event. “We are working to figure out ways that we can help during the pandemic and are planning on making ‘busy bags’ [filled with] small games and snacks for the children staying there,” Merrill said. Anyone wishing to volunteer to help families of sick children should visit how-you-can-help/volunteer/ to view available opportunities. FEATURES • ISSUE 1



How BK approaches teaching, learning from home with Zoom Pro Meghan Williamson | Design & Layout Editor


s the late bell for class rings, everyone looks around to see an empty desk where their fellow student once sat. They notice a laptop at the front of the room with their classmate’s face on it, ready for class, just at home instead of at school. With the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the fate of this school year is in the hands of the students and teachers, and the threat of online school looms over students’ heads every day they’re on campus. Administration has endeavored to make the transition from in-person classes to online quicker for students and teachers. “In order for us to support students who need to quarantine and to be ready for the potential of distance learning, we have purchased or acquired through grant funding for [many] tools [for learning], such as EdPuzzle and Zoom,” Academic Dean Michael Broach said. With these resources, the school aims to provide a simple shift for students into distance learning, different from the method used last March. To assist with this transition into a new school year, students will continue to use their iPad for distance learning and teachers now have a school-issued laptop for teaching remotely in the event that they need it. “[Last school year] some students transitioned very easily to online learning, others found it very challenging and disruptive to an anticipated routine,” Broach said. “An important component of teaching is making a

connection with students, which is more difficult online.” Psychology and sociology teacher Matthew Case taught his students remotely for two weeks after a possible exposure to COVID-19. The students in his class had the


same teaching experience; the only difference was that Case was on a screen instead of physically in the classroom. “Teaching [from home] opened up my awareness of how much students appreciate being taught in person, and as a teacher, being reminded of that motivates me to plan the best possible lessons I can,” Case said. “It takes some definite adjusting, particularly in how you deliver material to your students.” Case was the first teacher to quarantine and teach his students from home, but there have been others after him. Students in all four grades have been transitioning into distance learning as well, but due to privacy laws in the state of Florida, the school is unable to name individuals who are ill or potentially ill. In a letter sent to the BK community on September 23, the school reported the first

positive case of COVID-19 . “The school took immediate action to sanitize all spaces used by the student, which they have been doing regularly as part of their standard operating procedures,” Superintendent Deacon Scott Conway wrote. The letter indicated that the student who tested positive would isolate at home and return to campus after 10 days, or until they were fever-free for over 72 hours with no medication, whichever is longer. Members of the school community who were in close contact with the student were also quarantined for 14 days, such as classmates who sat near them. The procedures BK has in place for future cases of COVID-19 are there to avoid an outbreak on campus for the remainder of this school year. The normal fear of getting sick from other students at school should not be an issue with mandatory masks, students are taken out of class if they are deemed ‘in close contact’ with a positive student as precaution. On October 12, the second positive case was reported. As of October 29, a total of nine positive cases have been reported at BK, with one reporting

family members positive as well. “If one of your teachers does have to go into quarantine as I did, just remember they are human too,” Case said. “They care about their responsibility to teach you, but they also have their own lives. We can all benefit from utilizing patience, compassion and empathy as often as possible.”

A typical Zoom call has students with their cameras on to



d microphones muted to pay attention in class.


THROUGH DIFFERENT LENSES Learning Resource Program offers additional help to students Abigail Parker | Copy Editor


n the United States, public schools are required to have a program called exceptional student education (ESE). Since Congress passed a federal law requiring special education programs in 1975, many policies have been enacted to ensure that every student has equal learning opportunities. It is, however, difficult to have programs like ESE in college preparatory schools because of how fast-paced the curriculum is; that is where LRP comes in. At Bishop Kenny, the Learning Resource Program, known as LRP, helps students who learn differently achieve academic success. According to Academic Dean Michael Broach, LRP is similar to an ESE program in which students with learning differences are provided reasonable accommodations, or adjustments, to help with their studies or social behaviors and prepare them for life after school. LRP is a four-year program in which students take an elective course for the first two years of high school called Applied Communications 1 and 2. In this class, students

work on study strategies, effective use of a planner and communication skills. “It [LRP] is designed for students who learn differently that need that additional assistance,” Broach said. “They are getting one-on-one assistance with a teacher for all


of their other subjects.” LRP Director Jennifer Richardson has taught Applied Communications 1 and 2 for three years at BK, and has 16 years of ESE teaching experience. “We’ve worked together to try to figure out how we can meet the needs of our students to where they can


reach their full potential,” Richardson said. Richardson keeps up with each student’s class schedule and writes down when they have tests, quizzes and big projects to help them keep track of it all. “The first few weeks are strictly spent organizing things on the iPad, in backpacks and using the planner,” Richardson said. “The planner can be one spot where everything is at.” She also teaches her students test-taking strategies, organization skills, study strategies, reading comprehension and different note-taking skills that they can use in other classes. In order to help her students utilize technology, Richardson says she uses the apps that other teachers use, including Quizlet, Studymate, Quizizz and Flipgrid. She focuses more on walking the freshmen through it all, while she has the sophomore class demonstrate that they incorporate the strategies they learned. She explains that for the freshmen she does more one-on-one talks about which strategies

fit them best. Both Applied Communications 1 and 2 are meant to give the students a place to catch up and prepare for their other classes. “It’s a time to relax and organize themselves,” said Richardson. “It gives them a minute where they don’t feel so rushed.” LRP students also take Spanish with May Hotard. Hotard has been teaching LRP Spanish for about 20 years at BK. This year, Hotard has five classes of Spanish 1 and 2, with a limited number of students in each one. She explained that one-on-one instruction is more compatible with smaller class sizes, especially since the capabilities of her students are different each year. “[My teaching method] actually varies from year to year and the abilities of everybody in class,” Hotard said. “If one thing doesn’t work you try to find another [solution].” Hotard says she sometimes modifies the amount of time spent on each chapter and “chunks” information rather than scattering it throughout chapters of the book.

“Kids can learn how to get around those [differences] in many cases and be successful in this curriculum,” Hotard said. “The goal is to help them adjust and work within some of the confines they have.” Students with learning differences also have the Student Support Team, or SST, a program run by Director of School Counseling Jerry Buckley, Vice Principal of Academics Mary DeSalvo and Academic Dean Michael


Broach. Hotard is part of a new initiative of the SST for this school year. She helps students before and after school and during fleX mod who need assistance planning and organizing their course load. If a student with a learning difference is not in LRP but needs accommodations, the SST is in charge of approving those. Similar to an IEP that is available in public school,

the SST helps students get additional time for test-taking, text-to-speech resources, or even temporary arrangements due to short-term medical disabilities such as a concussion or surgery. “It’s more of a ‘how can we make this work to help the students?’” Broach said. “Our philosophy here is that we want to meet students where they’re at.”

Photos by Sarah Roberts

Spanish Learning Resource Teacher May Hotard teaches her C mod how to conjugate the Spanish word for “we.”

Applied Communications teacher Jennifer Richardson helps a student finish her English homework.



School establishes new organizations that help celebrate, grow diversity Elena Vincenty | Staff Reporter


ight minutes and 46 seconds pass as silence emanates throughout the crowd in honor of the death of George Floyd. Thousands of Americans protest racial tensions and demand justice for the lives lost, including in cities like Jacksonville. Bishop Kenny’s administration published a letter on June 5 addressing the school’s stance against racism. Various discussions and ideas began in an attempt to find ways to improve racial inclusivity at BK. In light of these discussions, Principal Orlando formed the BK Task Force on Diversity, a group of individuals appointed to represent “diverse voices and thoughts,” Orlando stated in the letter, and to help advise the school on racially sensitive topics. The Task Force mission is to ensure the inclusion of all students, and, according to the school’s website, “to open wide our hearts and answer an enduring call to love.” It will focus on multiple goals: reviewing school

policies and procedures, enhancing the school’s ability for conversations on racial equality and diversity training for the entire staff. Task Force Chairperson Latasha Garrison, class of 1990, is an attorney who wanted to


be able to give back to the BK community. Garrison has her own ideas to help diversify BK, but she began with a survey sent to stakeholders, collecting information on how the Task


Force should move forward. “This is an important topic for all of us, it’s not a topic just for the staff,” Garrison said. “It’s one [topic] that we all need to search our hearts and souls for as Jesus Christ would want us to; to figure out and make an impact and make a change. We see that there has been a social unrest and it cannot be ignored.” Garrison would like to make sure diverse voices are heard and seen, voices like the namesake of the school’s performing arts center, Carla Harris, class of 1980, who is a singer, investment banker and executive. “[The diverse voices could] help us in opening the minds and hearts of people who may not see this as an important issue,” Garrison said. “We definitely need to make sure that people understand how important this is.” Foremost, Garrison would like the Task Force to have open communication with the students, and the first step in opening conversations and communication was the creation of the Diversity

Student Union. Junior Winston Peele, the Union’s president, is also on the Task Force. He wanted a group for people who are passionate about diversity and a space to be themselves. “I want to make them feel comfortable for who they are,” Peele said. “They should not be discriminated [against] just because of their race … you can’t change your race. They [should feel that they] could make changes or make improvements in their own little community.” One initiative that the Union would like to do is working in the community. The Student Union has 82 members currently. They are scheduling to work with the Clara White Mission, which is a non-profit organization for homeless or low-income, exoffenders and veterans to get back on their feet. Members are also working with White Harvest Farms Youth Institute to help clear and clean up 14-and-a-half acres of land for the Clara White Group. Not only is the Student

Union working within the community, but they also want to host an international bake sale to introduce BK students to different cultures through food. “I want this group to just be themselves and be ready for the real world, [to be] citizens of this great world and not discriminate [against] anyone for who they are,” Peele said. He wants the Union to invite speakers to come in that understand some of the struggles of racism, as well as educate people on how diverse BK already is.

Peele would like the Union to continue recruiting members. Anyone can join by contacting Peele or any Student Union officers and attend a meeting. “The students that we have are very passionate for the diversity that we have at BK, and they want to be part of that change to continue the diversity there,” Peele said.





Graphic courtesy of Lily McCauley


What is diversity training and why is it needed? Diversity training is a way to teach people how to embrace and work with individuals from all different races, ethnicities, genders, ages, socio-economic backgrounds and sexualities. It is more than just learning how to “tolerate” differences in order to be “politically correct.” More than half of children in the United States are people of color, and according to the Center for American Progress, by 2050 the United States will have no clear racial majority. Our education systems need to reflect this diversity. What issues are addressed in diversity training? Working with unconscious bias and focusing on inclusion are essential to diversity training. Everyone has unconscious bias; it is defined as social stereotypes that form outside of our awareness, according to the UCSF Office of Diversity and Outreach. Recognizing your unconscious bias and learning to manage it

is a step towards being more inclusive. In an increasingly diverse society, it is necessary that teachers ensure that student differences are used as a way to unify them instead of dividing. In addition to helping students of different backgrounds feel safe and capable of success, diversity education teaches students acceptance and prepares them for a multicultural world. “Simply having diverse students doesn’t do anything to shape their learning and environment and instruction,” Kenneth Morris Jr., manager of student equity for Cedar Rapids Community School District said in an interview for Insight Into Diversity. “What’s important is the community learning to interact with a multicultural mindset.” How can teachers foster diversity in their classrooms? Cultural sensitivity, respect and acknowledgment for every student and diverse lesson plans are ways in which

teachers can maintain positive classroom environments. Cultural sensitivity means being aware of challenges in students’ lives and working around them, and this comes by taking time to understand each student’s individual needs. With a quick Google search, teachers are presented with diverse and inclusive resources and strategies for students. There is no reason why these lessons should not be required in schools. What are the benefits of diversity education in the classroom? Students become more empathetic, open-minded and confident, and better equipped to understand people with cultures and backgrounds different from their own. Research suggests that students in diverse schools work harder and smarter. A professor at Columbia Business School performed an experiment giving different groups of students a mystery to

solve. The groups of students that were racially diverse were “significantly more likely to find the right answer.” Rather than assuming everyone in the group thinks the same way, students were more likely to consider varying viewpoints and think about problems in a broader sense. But the most important factor for a diverse classroom environment is open dialogue and communication. Teachers must first examine their own unconscious bias in order to do the same for their students. They then have to foster positive relationships with each student, or else students do not trust them enough to engage in open discourse. Students must be taught to embrace those different from themselves as opposed to simply “tolerance.” It is with diversity education that we are able to create a more inclusive world for ourselves and our peers.



How to deal with toxicity


Meghan W

From the perspective of a teenager, I know this is not reality. It takes hours to study for tests and loads of stamina to go to club meetings and sports practices. Teenagers live off of caffeine and two hours of sleep to make everything “perfect.” Sometimes those clubs and sports do not even interest us and we are there only because “it looks good for college.” As a senior, I feel extreme pressure to look good for college admissions. I have had to step back and ask myself if I really want to go to a certain college or if it is simply what everyone else is telling me. This behavior has the ability to destroy a high schooler’s mental health, causing depression, social anxiety and even eating disorders. It is hard enough to not slip into episodes of feeling inadequate, but overwhelming stress from parents and the media make it hard to not have that feeling. Nearly 20% of teenagers develop depression by the time they reach adulthood, according to Therese J. Borchard, author of “Beyond Blue: Surviving Depression & Anxiety,” says this is because of the domino effects of stress; some teenagers do not get enough time to be teenagers, hang out with friends and relax. We are so busy trying to map out

Graphic by


very time I open TikTok, I see a video of a high schooler putting herself down because no one wants her or she is not who everyone wants her to be. This toxic behavior is amplified by a TikTok trend in which teenage girls, and even guys, compare themselves to a “Heather,” or someone who is lovely and likable. It is killing me. When I think of toxicity in real life, I normally think of Gretchen Weiner’s relationship with Regina George in “Mean Girls”: “you can’t wear that” or “that’s stupid, you shouldn’t say that.” Because social media has become a constant platform of toxicity, teenagers feel the pressure to look a certain way, act “cool” and be up-to-date with the latest trends, and the criticism that goes along with it only makes that pressure stronger. If you scroll through Instagram you will see pictures of the ideal body type for a teenage girl or boy, according to the media. The slim hourglass figure and buff torso and legs is something that most teenagers will go to extremes to achieve. Teenagers are expected to have perfect grades, participate in clubs and sports and still maintain a social life. We are expected to follow everyone’s demands without batting an eye.


Sarah Roberts | Managing and Business Editor

The TikTok

trend of

our adult lives and appear cool on social media that we do not have time to be the teenagers we want to be. If you use social media to promote a business or your lifestyle, that’s great, but social media is also used as a means to cyber bully teenagers, by hiding behind a screen and insulting someone. Constructive criticism is not telling a girl that her new skirt isn’t in style, or teasing a guy who gets excited about reading; it’s just rude, and the effects of these insults

le pictures. nterest profi

ows off Pi ‘Heather’ sh

are damaging. If a teenager is doing what he or she likes and isn’t affecting your life, please let them be. Wear that neon green shirt you have been dying to wear since quarantine. Blast that classic rock song you absolutely adore on the radio. Do what makes you happy. It is your life, and you shouldn’t live it by anyone else’s standards of what is cool. You can be “unapologetically you.”

The Shield wishes to thank the following patrons for their generous contributions and support of student journalism:

The Esposito Family

ADS • ISSUE 1 17

DEATH OF POLITE SMILES How masks have ruined our social lives Charli Esposito | Staff Reporter


Mandatory mask restrictions leave us with the majority of our faces covered and, most importantly, our smiles. Masks have become an annoying social epidemic to the actual pandemic. Our generation is undergoing this awkward phase where every morning when we put our masks on for seven hours of school, and therefore we lose the social aspects of our educational experience. Masks killed the only fun parts of high school. Fortunately, though masks have our back when it covers

Graphic by Meghan Williamson

or the first time in our lives, smiling at and greeting friends on the way to class through the hallways has never felt so ... dead. Rest in peace to the polite smile. Our generation has never dealt with the inability to engage in social activities. Instead of social gatherings, we socially distance. Instead of a little smile when you walk past an acquaintance, it’s awkward eye contact mixed with a little social torment. These common interactions have become obsolete since COVID-19.


our jaw-dropping reaction to a teacher’s awful fashion decision. Maybe, just, maybe that mask kept you from getting a detention because no one can see you mouth that potty word that slipped when you forgot to study for your marine biology test. So, what will you do now when the kid who helped you pass biology freshman year tries to grab your attention? Ignore her? Have a staring contest? Wave like you’re Forrest Gump on a shrimp boat and you just saw Lieutenant Dan? Run the other way? That’s for you to figure

out on your own. And this is not an eulogy to the polite smile, but rather a reminder of how awkward you will feel the next time you smile at someone under your mask. I hope you end up making awkward eye contact and cringe when you hold it for too long. I hope you make eye contact with the kid you had a huge crush on freshman year and have to scurry away before things get weird. Even so, you must always wear your mask even through the pain and grief from the death of the polite smile :)


Which type of face mask is best for you? Grace Jennings | Staff Reporter


o you want to go shopping? Or to the grocery store? To work or school? Then you have to wear a mask. Since June 29, citizens of Duval County have been required to wear a mask in response to COVID-19. This is a strategy to keep yourself and those around you safe, but which mask should you choose? There are a range of different masks to choose from. Some may be quick to think that these masks all do the same thing. However, these different types of masks fall on a spectrum of efficiency. Lisa Maragakis, M.D., M.P.H., an expert in infection prevention, provided insight into how effective masks are in a study with Johns Hopkins Medicine. “A mask helps contain small droplets that come out of your mouth and/or nose when you talk, sneeze or cough.” Maragakis said. “If you have COVID-19 and are not showing symptoms, a face mask reduces your chance of spreading the infection to others.” One type of mask is a cloth mask, made of cotton or other fabrics. This type of mask usually ranges from about $6 to $15 in price. “While cloth masks are not medical-grade, they may be helpful in non-patient settings to contain coughs and to remind people to not touch their face,” Maragakis said. “But they are not suitable

for providing medical care to patients.” Disposable masks are another option. “Although they are not close fitting, blue disposable masks are fluid resistant and provide some protection against larger respiratory droplets from coughs and sneezes,” Maragakis said. Another thing to consider when choosing a mask is its environmental impact. Suchetana Mukhopadhyay, an author from, explained that disposable surgical masks are made from plastic based materials. They have a long afterlife after being discarded and end up in a landfill or the ocean. This causes a problem that Mukhopadhyay believes will exceed the virus itself. “Given that surgical masks are supposed to be worn for no longer than one day, their disposal- along with that of empty hand sanitizer bottles and soiled tissue papers- is leading to a massive trail of clinical waste in the environment.” Here at Bishop Kenny, students are required to wear black, white or gray cloth masks of solid color or disposable masks. Next time you put on a mask, consider the effectiveness and environmental impacts the mask may have. Remember that people can be infected and show no symptoms, so always mask up before going out.

19 AA&&EE • ISSUE 1 19

KENNY KRAVINGS Review of local Black-owned restaurants Sarah Roberts | Business and Managing Editor

Motion Sweets 1020 Park St. Historic Five Points Jacksonville, FL 32204 904-551-3665 @motionsweets Motion Sweets in Five Points, owned by baker Megan V. Suggs, sells macaroons, custom cakes and other sweet treats. Currently, you can only order online and pick up from its location right across from Hawthorn Salon and Hawkers Asian Street Fare. I had a chocolate frosted marshmallow brownie and a cinnamon roll, which cost me less than $10 in total. The cinnamon roll is twice the size of those from Pillsbury and the brownie compares to something you would see on “The Great British Bake Off,” only without the

extravagant decorations. I took the cinnamon roll to go and heated it up when I got home. It was still light and fluffy, and had a good balance of cinnamon and sugar. The cream cheese frosting held a nice sugary taste. The brownie frosting had a fudgy consistency and there were marshmallows under the frosting that helped lighten the richness of the brownie. Nonetheless, you would definitely need milk to eat the whole thing. Both sweets were delicious and worth the money.

Social House Coffee 4204 Herschel Street Jacksonville, FL 32210 904-805-7179 If you are looking for a casual spot to do homework, or if you need a quick drink on your way to school from Avondale, Social House Coffee is the place to go. Run by former Jaguars wide receiver, Arrelious Benn, and his wife, Mariel, Social House Coffee has something for everyone, from cappuccinos, to cold brew and even macchiatos. For non-coffee drinkers like me, a chai tea latte or classic hot chocolate are great alternatives. I enjoyed being able to watch the

employees make my drink behind their glass shield. It was also nice to have the option to customize my drink. I ended up purchasing a chai tea latte and a lemon tart. The chai tea latte had an ideal amount of cinnamon that helped me focus on my work. The lemon tart, which was filled with chopped nuts, held a balanced taste of sweet and sour. Both the latte and lemon tart totaled around $6 and were well worth the money.

San Marco Chz Fry Co. 904-518-1779 @SanMarcoChzFryCo

For a late snack after school, San Marco Chz Fry Co. is the way to go. The food truck was started up by Jacksonville locals, Ty Banks and Brandon Richardson. Since the location of this food truck changes every day, they post their schedule on Facebook at the beginning of every week. I visited them while they were in Murray Hill for Food Truck Friday. Their Buffalo fries were ready in less than


10 minutes and cost $11. The fries were loaded with cheese, ranch dressing, buffalo sauce, mac n cheese and chicken tender. The buffalo sauce was mild, and the mac and cheese was an unexpected addition that I really enjoyed. Unless you are hungry, plan to share the fries with a friend or take them home because you get so much with one box.


Film mixes mystery, adventure to portray rebellious girl Elena Vincenty | Staff Reporter her way through the big city and investigate her mother’s disappearance. “Enola Holmes” took its place in Netflix’s top ten in the U.S. within the first few days of its release. The film provides the perfect amount of action,

“THE FILM PROVIDES THE PERFECT AMOUNT OF ACTION, MYSTERY, SUSPENSE AND SPLASHES OF ROMANCE.“ mystery, suspense and splashes of romance. Eudoria often pops into Enola’s memory when she faces a difficult task, and she wanted Enola to live in her own way. Eudoria’s advice to her daughter sums up the film best: “There are two paths you can take, Enola: yours, or the path others choose for you.” If you enjoyed “Stranger Things’” or “Anne with an E,” I believe you would enjoy this film. It not only sends you into the mind of a detective but also pulls at the heart-strings in just the right way.

Photo courtesy of Netflix


wn a hat, wear gloves and be a lady. The rules of a Victorian society are simple, but not for Enola Holmes. Based on the young adult fiction series by Nancy Springer, “Enola Holmes” stars Millie Bobby Brown, from “Stranger Things” fame, as Sherlock Holmes’ teenage sister, Enola. Enola was brought up in an unconventional way in the countryside by her mother, Eudoria, played by Helena Bonham Carter. Instead of being taught how to become a lady, Enola learned how to read, practiced martial arts, painted and experimented with scientific principles. When her mother slips away in the night, Enola’s older brothers, Sherlock and Mycroft Holmes, played by Henry Cavill and Sam Claflin respectively, swoop in on the train and into her life. Her eldest brother, Mycroft, insists on sending her to a boarding school to teach the “untamed” girl the ways of a Victorian lady. Enola, horrified at the very idea, runs away to London in search of their mother. “That’s when we really begin the coming-of-age story,” Brown said in an interview with “Entertainment Weekly” magazine. Throughout the journey, the independent Enola uses wit and persistence to find

21 A & E • ISSUE 1 21

CUTTING CROWD CAPACITY Athletics adapts to ensure safety during pandemic Grace Jennings | Staff Reporter


Photo by Meghan Williamson

ince early March, the CDC has required that events follow certain regulations due to COVID-19. Because of this, Bishop Kenny’s administration has had to make changes. Some of these changes include wearing masks, limited lunch seating with more outdoor tables and classroom shields for teachers. In addition to this, CDC guidelines limit event capacities to keep students safe, including sports. Capacity for sporting events is capped at 20% of its normal limit, according to Athletics Director Mark Thorson. For games held both in the gym and on the field only this percentage of people are allowed to attend. “We are prioritizing the parents and the families of our players, cheerleaders and drum line, so they have an opportunity to get a restricted number of tickets for each event,” Thorson explained. Due to this prioritization,

there are fewer tickets open for students and community members to attend games. Tickets for games are also now sold digitally through Ticket Spicket, rather than at Crusader Corner or the front gates. After the families of both competing teams have reserved their seats, the rest are open to the general public. Face masks are another precaution BK is using to follow CDC guidelines. Games in the gym require masks at all times. Outdoor games in the football stadium attendees are required to wear a mask as they enter and leave, walk about the stadium, and to concession stands and restrooms. Once guests are seated they can remove their masks if they are maintaining appropriate social distancing. An additional precaution in place is six-foot markings on the bleachers both in the gym and on the field to assist guests in keeping a safe distance from one another.


“That is what allowed us to keep that social distancing,” Thorson said. “We counted the numbers of the spaces in between and it came to 20%.” Additionally, concession stands will only offer prepackaged foods, which means no more hamburgers, hot

With limited seating, patrons are permitted to remove their mask when they sit down.


dogs or popcorn. The only items available for purchase must come already wrapped to reduce the chances of contamination. “We are waiting for continued guidance from state and local officials to expand our attendance and do some different things,” Thorson said. “Then we will have a discussion with the administration here at school, but until we get some guidance this is where we are at right now.” Those wishing to attend a game on campus can find information at bishopkenny. org/athletics for schedules and ticketing. Games can also be viewed in livestreams done by Crusader Vision on the Bishop Kenny website. “Our whole goal is to try to keep everyone healthy and to allow these kids to have as much of a normal season as we can,” Thorson said.

COVID CAN’T SIDELINE SPORTS Both indoor and outdoor practices abide by CDC guidelines Addison Mark | Staff Reporter


Senior Laura Roskein spikes the ball in the Sept.15 game against Ponte Vedra.

Photos by Meghan Williamson

veryday activities seem now to be more of a hassle, thanks to COVID-19. We walk out of the house, put on a mask and try to social distance from those around us. But how do sports teams tackle social distancing? Bishop Kenny has acknowledged the need to take precautions towards all sports practices this year in order to keep the team, the school and the community-at large safe. Sophomore Molly Vought is a junior varsity volleyball player who has been playing for Bishop Kenny for two years. Players are required to social distance, Vought says, since the gym is not an openair facility. “It’s really difficult to do that since volleyball is a sport where all of the team members have to crowd around each other,” Vought said. The volleyball team can no longer huddle together anymore and they have to maintain six feet distance during practice. “It is definitely a challenge, and it is very time consuming with the amount of things we have to clean, including all of the balls,” Vought said. To avoid spread of the virus, players get temperature checks and are required to fill out a health questionnaire before each game. “The team and I are all taking this seriously and will abide by the rules so our season won’t be ruined,” Vought said. When teams must travel to away games, extra busses are needed because fewer players can fit in each bus and properly distance themselves. They also have to leave earlier than they normally would because

Sophomore Price Watson rushes toward the goal line for a touchdown in the Oct. 8 game against Orange Park.

they do not have access to locker rooms and therefore have to stay on the field the entire game. “I know that everyone is taking good precautions to keep everyone safe, so I’m not too nervous about getting in contact with other teams,” Vought said. The Florida High School Athletic Association, or FHSAA, enforces rules that allow players to have space to spread out and not crowd

together on the sidelines, wearing masks whenever possible and sanitizing all equipment. “[Players must] promote the spirit of sportsmanship and fair play in all athletic contests and enact policies and guidelines that safeguard the physical, mental and moral welfare of high school students and protect them from exploitation,” according to the FHSAA website. Outdoor sports such

as football have their own guidelines to abide by. Assistant coach Timothy Duclos says that football players and coaches all have to wear masks before and after practices. The team also has to stay distanced when they take water breaks. “I’m not nervous,” Duclos said. “I think we have to do our best to follow the guidelines and practices that have been established to keep our players and coaches safe.”






Offensive lineman commits to play Division I football for Texas Charli Esposito | Staff Reporter


hen senior Michael Myslinski took his first steps onto the field in the fifth grade, he knew he would love the game of football. Myslinski’s love for the game “hooked” the attention of more than 26 college recruiters. Ultimately, Myslinski announced his commitment to play Division I football for Texas on August 6, 2020. At the beginning of high school, Myslinski statistically did not comply with the qualifications of an offensive lineman, which is his current committed position. He comes in at 6’3 and around 285 pounds, and is ranked one of the top 15 center recruits nationally for the class of 2021, according to At first, Myslinski says, the recruitment process was taxing. “I was getting a little frustrated because [during] junior year,

nobody was coming on.” Then, his first offer came in from the University of Louisville. “That was my first ‘Power Five’ offer,” Myslinski said. “I remember I got up and hugged my dad like I never had before.” ‘Power Five’ conferences are regarded as the strongest athletic programs (ACC, Big Ten, Big 12, Pac-12 and SEC) which are most likely to secure a spot in one of the six bowl games of the College Football Playoffs. Two days later, he received an offer from University of Oregon and “after that it was like every other day I got a new one,” Mylinski said. “Finally, [University of] Texas came in and they offered me in on April 1.” As soon as he got an offer from Texas, Myslinski says he knew it was where he wanted to spend the next four years playing football. “It came down to a gut feeling... I’m excited to play for

Texas and hopefully bring back a National championship.” Myslinski told Fox30. Myslinski is team captain, alongside senior Matthew Helow. “Mike has taught me how to lead by example on the field [and] not just vocally at practice,” Helow said. According to his coaches, Myslinski shows up to practice ready to train every day. “He’s one of the hardest [working] kids out there and he likes to play aggressive,” offensive line coach Tyler Jordan said. Myslinski takes inspiration from his coaches with him to each game: “You are never as good as you think you are, and you’re never as bad as you think you are.”

Photo courtesy of Michael Myslinski


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