Who, What, Where, When...
Bayanihan festival and organiser Dixie Moreno of FABS
Many traditional food and information stalls at Bayanihan Festival at Kingston Butter factory prescient
Councillor Steven Toomey addresses the gathering on World environment day.
Former Qld senator Clare Moore spoke eloquently at world Environment Day.
Umesh Chandra in front of “Bahay Kubo,” a traditional Filipino Hut
Delightful MCs kick starts the day full of cultural performances.
Elder Uncle Barry cuts the cake at world environment day, organized by the Bahai Community of Brisbane.
From left are Councillor Sandy Landers, Mrs. Usha Chandra, Councillor Sarah Hutton, Deputy Mayor Krista Adams, and Vanessa Fabre of Multicultural Australia at the BCC citizenship ceremony 28 — THE BRISBANE INDIAN TIMES, June, 2022