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July 21, 2017
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Volume 68 Issue 30
Telling it like it is!
“Ulysha Renee Hall, first woman Police Chief of Dallas, Texas” August 20, 2017, will mark the 46th year of the last watch of Detroit, Michigan, Police Officer Ulysses Brown. Although, his time on the force was short the legacy he left was life changing. The time spent with his children was even shorter, but the impact of his life and service lives on in his daughter Ulysha Renee Hall, the first woman to ever serve as Police Chief of Dallas, Texas. Nearly 29 years after the last watch of her father, Hall started her career in law enforcement with the Detroit Police Department. Although, law enforcement was not her first choice for a career it has become the most rewarding for her. The newly appointed chief is a Graduate of Grambling State University, where she earned a bachelor’s deCFO “Chief Female Officer” of Dallas, gree in criminal justice and has a Master’s degree in Security Ulysha Renee Hall Administration and Intelligence Analysis from the University of Detroit Mercy. She is also a graduate of the Federal Bureau of Investigations National Academy. Currently, serving as Deputy Chief of Detroit, Hall has over 25 years of service and experience in law enforcement. The newly appointed chief was one of eight candidates, one other of which was a female. When Hall was informed of her new role she stated, “I am honored to be chosen to lead the Dallas Police Department at this critical time in its history. I look forward to building on the successes of the past, preserving community trust and ensuring the safety of our officers and the entire Dallas community.” It is also heartwarming to know that many wish the new appointed chief much success in her new endeavor, of those was from former Police Chief David Brown. Growing up without a father like many African American children did in Detroit, Hall could have chosen a different journey in life, but with the guidance of her mother and the memory and legacy of her father’s service, Chief Ulysha Renee Hall will now begin a new era in history as the CFO “Chief Female Officer” of Dallas, on September 5, 2017. We salute you Chief Hall and welcome to the home of the Cowboys!
O.J. Simpson Granted Parole for Las Vegas Robbery Youtube Channel: Elite NewsOne
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Instagram: @Elite NewsOne July 21, 2017