Nobody Covers the Metroplex Like the Elite News
Devoted To the Truth -- The Whole Truth and Nothing But The Truth
November 10, 2017
lite new The Spoken Word is Like The Air -- But The Printed World is Always There
The Official Voice of the Church and Community
Volume 68 Issue 46
Telling it like it is!
An Open Letter from Marvin Earle
The Project at Loop 12 and 35E Dallas "The Glen Oaks Crossings Failure"
The Elite News the Blair Family, friends and community extend their deepest condolences and we are saddened to announce the passing of Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson’s younger sister, Mrs. Lee Helen Johnson Willis.
VOTERS APPROVE TEXAS SAVINGS PROMOTION ACT Your Vote Was Counted? A No Go For Dallas County Schools Bus Service ELITE NEWS NOVEMBER 10, 2017