Nobody Covers the Metroplex Like the Elite News
Devoted To the Truth -- The Whole Truth and Nothing But The Truth
November 3, 2017
lite new The Spoken Word is Like The Air -- But The Printed World is Always There
The Official Voice of the Church and Community
Volume 68 Issue 45
Telling it like it is!
Charles Edward Bailey But when I finally saw myself seated with Christ at the table, I knew that I had already arrived. Everything I longed for – that belonging, recognition, and security – was already happening to me because I was with Jesus. Most importantly, I could take my eyes off of the cares of this world and just rest in my seat, worshipping Jesus and living out the “good works which God prepared in advance” for me to do as promised in Ephesians 2:10. February 27, 1967 - October 25, 2017
My Daddy's Team William "Bill" Blair Jr.
HOUSTON ASTROS World Champions
Councilman Kevin Felder cuts ribbon at newest
in Pleasant Grove 5580 S. Buckner Blvd. ELITE NEWS NOVEMBER 3, 2017