VOL 5GNO. e t19 N at i o n a l , S tat e a n d
Devoted To the Truth -The Whole Truth and Nothing But The Truth
L owww.texasmetronews.com c a l S p o r t s , W e at h e r
lite new The Official Voice of the Church and Community
The Spoken Word is Like The Air -- But The Printed World is Always There
Nobody Covers the Metroplex Like the Elite News
Celebrating Women’s History Month
March 24, 2017
Volume 62 Issue 12
Joe Tave ready to put his experience to work for you.
Joe Tave
Join the
MARCH 24, 2017
Telling it like it is!
"It is time to reconnect our council seat to folks to whom it belongs."
State Champs
N e w FEBRUARY s U p d at15, e s2017
in Celebration April 15, 2017 for Parade on MLK Jr. Blvd. at 10:00 am issuu.com/bitsandpieces
Welcome Back! Elaine's Kitchen 1