VOL 5GNO. e t19 N at i o n a l , S tat e a n d Devoted To the Truth -The Whole Truth and Nothing But The Truth
L owww.texasmetronews.com c a l S p o r t s , W e at h e r
lite new The Official Voice of the Church and Community
The Spoken Word is Like The Air -- But The Printed World is Always There
Nobody Covers the Metroplex Like the Elite News
N e w FEBRUARY s U p d at15, e s2017
April 28, 2017
Telling it like it is!
Volume 62 Issue 18
It’s time to go to the polls. Early voting thru May 2 Electon Day May 6
To our beloved Elite News publisher The late Jordan Blair, I, Happy Birthday April 27 “A Showman”
Known to all as MISS Lovie The First Lady of Oak Cliff
Mrs. Lovie Lipscomb Home Going Services Friday at Concord B.C. 6808 Pastor Bailey Dr. Dallas TX 75237 Rev. Bryan Carter, Pastor
Welcome Back Hopewell M.B. Church - Rev. Michael R. Hubbard, Sr.
It is time for
Dallas Black Dance Theatre APRIL 28, 2017
TAMMY Johnston