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VOL 5GNO. e t19 N at i o n a l , S tat e a n d

Devoted To the Truth -The Whole Truth and Nothing But The Truth

L owww.texasmetronews.com c a l S p o r t s , W e at h e r


lite new The Official Voice of the Church and Community

The Spoken Word is Like The Air -- But The Printed World is Always There

Nobody Covers the Metroplex Like the Elite News


N e w FEBRUARY s U p d at15, e s2017

April 7, 2017

Telling it like it is!

Volume 62 Issue 14

What Do I Use? Welcome Back Prophet James Rhema House

Rev. YOUNG East Gate MBC


Robert’s Ready to Wear

What Do I Use? By Debra Blair Abron

InAPRIL March, a bill that repealed the state's controversial bathroom law 7, 2017North Carolina lawmakers passed issuu.com/bitsandpieces 1  in e meant to end a year of turmoil that saw businesses leave and major sporting events and concerts canceled. . Roy Cooper signed the measure into law, saying, "For over a year now, House Bill 2 has been a dark cloud

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