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VOL 5GNO. e t19 N at i o n a l , S tat e a n d Devoted To the Truth -The Whole Truth and Nothing But The Truth

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lite new The Official Voice of the Church and Community

The Spoken Word is Like The Air -- But The Printed World is Always There

Nobody Covers the Metroplex Like the Elite News


N e w FEBRUARY s U p d at15, e s2017

May 5, 2017

Telling it like it is!

Volume 62 Issue 19

Christians and the Church House See p 3

Welcome Back Hopewell Missionary Baptist Church Rev. Michael R. Hubbard, Sr.

Christians and the Church House By Debra Blair Abron

Over the years there has been a debate whether or not you are a Christian if you don’t go to church. Many Christians will tell you that you are not a Christian if you don’t go to a traditional church, and have not heard the preached word from a preacher? Others will tell you that as long as you confess that you have been saved you are a Christian. What is the righ Please Join Us In Lifting The answer? Edwards Family Up In Prayer Theologian John Wesley, one of the founders of Methodism, taught and practiced In The Shooting Death Of accountable discipleship. He knew what we deep down know today, we can't keep on the pat 15-Year-Old Jordan Edwards with Christ without the help and support of other Christians. Without hearing the Word read and preached, without gathering with other Christians around the table to share and feast upon Christ who is host and sacrifice for us. Now this does not mean if you aren’t a member of a traditional church God will not Bless you, it means that you have to find a place where more than you are joined praising and confessing the word of God. Era Mae Jackson Hardeman So what is the answer? Ask yourself, can you be a Christian, table sharing, connected to Rest in Peace Jesus and one with His body, the body that Paul says we are to discern when we gather to MAY 5, 2017 issuu.com/bitsandpieces 1  remember Him without being a part of like-minded Christians? Please know that the local church can give you more than you can give to yourselves or family. For example, if a mother and father are going through problems who are the children

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