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Nobody Covers the Metroplex Like the Elite News
Devoted To the Truth -- The Whole Truth and Nothing But The Truth
August 11, 2017
The Spoken Word is Like The Air -- But The Printed World is Always There
The Official Voice of the Church and Community
The Elite News Welcomes Ariel Aaron Davis
Volume 68 Issue 33
Telling it like it is!
Rep. Eric Johnson
A Letter To HHSC Commissioner see pg. 3
Robert Louis Johnson One of a Kind Homegoing Celebration see pg 14
Justice Not For Us see pg 2
City Councilman Kevin Felder see pg. 15
Faye Sutter see pg. 6
Former Dist. 8 Dallas City Council Candidate Sandra Crenshaw see pg 5
Twitter @Elite_NewsOne Youtube Channel:Elite NewsOne issuu.com/bitsandpieces Page 1
Experienced Community Activist’ see pg 6
Instagram: @Elite NewsOne August 11, 2017
Mozelle’s Special Bon Appetite
Creamy banana and Avocado Ice cream (Vegan) Ingredients: 1. 1 large banana
4. ½ tsp sea salt
Submit you special recipe to elite.production@ aol.com
astronomical budget of 3 billion dollars that is used to incarcerate these individuals that are in prison I recently read an for non-violent acts, such as, being article called “Fair on drugs and resisting arrest. These Justice” that was individuals find themselves imprisabout the unfair and oned with murders and pedophiles. by Kimberley very profitable judiBlair Pleasent After reading the article I came cial system in Texas to several conclusions about the when sentencing African and Mexarticle. It seems as though Texas ican Americans. It also referenced plays a greater part in assisting how the American Civil Liberties with keeping non-violent crimiUnion (ACLU) is trying to assist nals that are Black or Hispanic in with making sure that the justice prison because the penial system is system is being fair when it comes very profitable. Although there are to imprisoning individuals espeseveral solutions to assisting with cially those that are minority, of these individuals by having them lower economic status, mentally ill, be more productive to their families children charged as adults, elderly, non-violent offenders and those in- and contributing to dividuals dealing with an addiction. their communities.
Fair Justice: Not for All
The article also focused on Texas being the leading state in incarcerating these individuals and the
Mr. Billy Williams
Photo Blast From The Past
Once completely mixed, pour into a container or ice cream bowl, cover and freeze!
3. 1 can of coconut cream (liquid and all) 5. ½ cup salted caramel syrup (we add this for flavor) if you prefer a lighter flavor you can just add the same amount of pure cane sugar instead.
Favorite Song: “Something About the Name Jesus” Favorite Scripture: 23rd Psalm
Blend all ingredients together in a blender very well.
2. 1 whole avocado
Bexar StreetAugust Member Of the Month
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
cause it’s clear they do not have an understanding or they choose to make money on these individuals who are in prison than to try to figure out a way to help them to do better for themselves. White offenders many times are given less time or no time at all for the same crime a minority commits.
If you are a minority you have to be careful of the life you lead and even then you still could find yourself caught up in the Texas legal system, especially if you are mentally ill or a substance abuser.
If the state of Texas spent more time in implementing programs for these non-violent offenders, Also I feel that with organizations these offenders would have a betlike the American Civil Liberties ter chance to be productive citizens Union (ACLU) and Black Lives for their families and communities. Matters that states like Texas will start having to be held more accountable for the incarcerations of minorities and the ridiculous sentencing that they are faced with for these non-violent crimes.
What I found to be most interesting about this article was that Texas, is in my opinion, seems I think the judicial system can help to be content with the way things by redefining what violent and are in the state’s judicial system. non-violent offenders means be-
August 11, 2017
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Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson Hosts Annual Youth Summit and Diversity Dialogue Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson
Earlier this week, Congresswoman Johnson hosted her Annual Youth Summit and Diversity Dialogue at the Meadows School of Art on the campus of Southern Methodist University (SMU) in Dallas, TX. The Summit brought together students from various ethnicities, religions, and cultures across the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex and local experts in the fields of diversity and inclusion, mindfulness, and conflict resolution: Congresswoman Johnson reinforced the message, “we
are all global citizens: we didn’t choose our parents, we didn’t choose where we were born, or our circumstances, but we can make choices, you can choose to be great.” Each year as summer concludes, Congresswoman Johnson partners with the Aga Khan Council for Central United States to host this day-long Summit to bring students of diverse communities together to bridge divides by offering a safe environment to constructively address and gain insights into the differences amongst each other while discover-
ing the similarities and celebrating both. The speakers framed their remarks around this year’s theme, “Attitudes of Peaceful Participation and Respect in a World Community.” The Summit participants created and presented a group diversity T-shirt project to express what they learned and how they were individually impacted by the experience.
rate leaders, scientists, and future leaders of the United States,” who she would see on the news one day.
214-372-6500 903-862-4079 fax
Management Publisher Debra Blair Abron
Administrative Assistant Sherry Christian Leslie White Marketing Director Arielle Johnson
The students were inspired when Congresswoman Johnson affirmed she was, “in the company of future Congresswoman Johnson pictured NASA astronauts, corpo- with participants of the Youth Summit and Diversity Dialogue
constituents, and it is my hope that you Representative Johnson stated will prioritize increasing the accessibilthe following in his letter to Ex- ity of information regarding these chilecutive Commissioner Smith: dren’s eligibility for adequate healthcare “Continued funding for the campaign coverage,” Johnson concluded the letter. should be seen as imperative to ensuring equitable coverage for Texas’ uninsured children,” said Representative Johnson.
“Texas has consistently held the nation’s second worst rate of uninsured children. This ad campaign reaches our state’s most eligible communiThe outreach campaign is the only ties, including those in my district. real effort the state has made to con- Children across Texas have health nect with minority newspapers in insurance because their parents the state. Now, the campaign has read these papers,” Johnson added. been eliminated, despite it being a very minor portion of the massive “The funding provided through the $80 billion HHSC biennial budget. campaign directly affects my youngest
Assistant Publisher Darryl E. Blair Sr.
REP. JOHNSON SENDS LETTER TO HHSC COMMISSIONER REGARDING ELIMINATION OF MINORITY NEWSPAPER GRANTS Representative Eric Johnson sent a letter on August 9, 2017 to Texas Health and Human Services Executive Commissioner Charles Smith regarding the Commission’s decision to eliminate the Texas Publishers Association (TPA) outreach campaign that provided funding in the amount of $100,000 to several minority newspapers to publish information regarding enrollment in the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP).
Rep. Eric Johnson
Page 3
Digital Marketing Ariel Aaron Davis Sports Casey”Hott Doc” Blair Production Tamara Amos Photojournalist Derric Taylor North Texas Media Group Christian Wallace Graphic Designer Distribution James Gray Columnists Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson Kimberley Blair Pleasent Writers Arielle Johnson Community Calendar: elite.calendar@aol.com Advertisement: elite.production@aol.com Stories: elitearticles@aol.com elite.writers@aol.com elite.sports@aol.com
All checks, money orders or cashier checks made payable to Elite News shall be mailed to 5258 County Rd. 3110 Campbell, Texas 75422. Physical address 5787 S. Hampton Rd. Suite 340 Dallas, Texas 75232. Elite News Accepts all major credit cards and check debit cards.
August 11, 2017
The Elite News Welcomes Ariel Aaron Davis to Our Marketing Team By Arielle Johnson Debra Abron
join a Real Estate company and provided auditing services for them. Thirty percent In a few short weeks, we will be welcom- of the time, she was traveling on behalf ing Ariel Aaron Davis to our marketing of her employer. Ariel really started to team to focus on helping businesses which weigh her options when she realized she are currently advertising with us, as well was not building marketability for herself as new clients and small businesses, get by working for this company. If she continmore bang for their buck. She will as- ued to stay with them, certainly she would sist them with creating and launching find herself heading towards a dead end. their Digital marketing campaigns, thereby increasing their revenue and intro- When Ariel became pregnant three years ducing them to new types of customers. ago, she thought to herself, attempting to travel with her job and being a new mom, Digital Media advertising is a way in which probably wouldn’t work so well. These businesses, can now have a more control thoughts were later confirmed after she over their marketing dollars. Rather than gave birth to her daughter, and discovcustomers picking you or your business, you ered the corporation she was employed by, now have control over who you pick as your was not sensitive enough to provide a wellcustomer. For example, imagine yourself be- ness area where she could breastfeed. Afing in the market for a new car. One day you ter this unpleasant experience, she realdecide to hop on your computer to search ized the company’s insensitivity towards for a vehicle that fits your needs. There- her as a new mother went along with the fore you are pulling up a number of dif- way they were already treating their emferent car dealership sites. You shut down ployees and clients. They were not workyour computer down for several hours and ing hard to protect their assets, but rathimmediately navigate to your email account. er the interests of their shareholders. All of a sudden you notice there is a digital media file over to the right of the screen While she was earning her degree in coldisplaying the name, logo and a photo of lege, Ariel worked part-time as a lead genone of the dealerships you visited earlier in erator for a marketing company and develthe day. Once you open one of your emails, oped a very good rapport with management. you notice an ad for Triple AAA, and Although the company later moved to Calishortly after, a video for the City of Aus- fornia, every now and then she and her tin appears in its place, showing you a few former managers would check in with each of the most popular sites and attractions other, just to see how life was going. One the city has to offer. That particular ad- day she received a call asking how she was vertiser pre-selected. They asked their Digi- balancing the responsibilities of her job tal Media campaign to help them find cus- and being a new mom. When she mentioned tomers like you who fit your demographic. she was at the verge of resigning, the manager revealed to her, there was an opporAriel Aaron Davis is a graduate of the Uni- tunity to work in the area of Digital meversity of Texas Austin, who at one time dia. Ariel not only accepted the position, thought she wanted to focus on working but went on to become a leader within the in the area of Accounting. She went on to company. Today she mentors new employ-
ees involved with the onboarding process. Working in the area of Digital Marketing has allowed her to work from home, have lunch with her Mother who is just a few miles away and of course spend lots of quality time with her daughter. Be on the lookout for a major announcement in the upcoming weeks, from Elite News concerning ways in which we can assist your business with increasing its revenue and reducing its marketing costs with the implementation of a Digital Marketing Campaign. Welcome
Advertise with Elite News Call us at 214-372-6500 And ask for our rates
August 11, 2017
Page 4
“Time Is Up for Bed Sheet Hotels in my Neigborhood” By Sandra Crenshaw Darryl E. Blair Sr.r..
Former Dist. 8 Dallas City Council Candidate Looks Forward to ridding an Eyesore in his neighborhood. Former Councilwoman Sandra Crenshaw says she’s been trying for last twenty five years Wood City Leader Eric Williams Says “Time Is Up for Bed Sheet Hotels in my Neighborhood”
Former District 8 Council representative Sandra Crenshaw is hoping to organize the West Indian community that own motels in South Dallas to apply for Grow South Money to upgrade I-35 South motel specifically, two Motel 6 hotels and an independent property, Grand Inn Hotel. We need first class economy motels in Far South Oak Cliff, says Crenshaw. But Eric Roger, (who gives no last name) is owned another hotel on Camp WisWilliams, who ran for District 8 in the hotel manager operator. He says dom in Dist. 8. “Like, Williams, the 2017 Dallas City Council race that he is making improvements I immediately began to reminisce last spring, says, ” No Way to the to the motel and has been work- about staying at the hotel in its betGrand Inn, their time is up.” I grew ing with the neighboring business ter days.” My ex-husband and I up in the neighborhood immedi- to help cut down on crime and to used to lodge there when we visited ately bordering this motel. My bring beautification to the corner my parents in Singing Hills.” Once mother took me to eat breakfast in intersection which includes brand elected to the City Council, I bethe restaurant as a little boy. When gas stations and a used car lot. But gan to explore economic developthe hotel lost its franchise license Williams is adamant, he repeats ment and funding opportunities for and the clientele went down, so did says “Their time is up.” There is the motel. Unfortunately four counour neighborhood. Now it’s the a new Charter School, (whether cil representatives later, the new building, our neighborhood wants we voted for it or not) that’s com- hotel has never come to fruition.” to come down, says Williams. ing up across the street. We cannot There are four funeral homes and a Williams who participated in the have pimps and prostitutes luring cemetery along I-35 with bereav2017 Clean Sweep/Clean Slate our school children into organized ing family members seeking nearby strategy orchestrated by Crenshaw crime. Roger, however, takes issue economy hotels. With the developsays, “Not only did I run on the with Williams’ assertions, stating ment of a college town nearby, this bed sheet motels issue during the that he does not rent rooms by the intersection should be given priorcampaign, I’ve lead protests against hour. The motel has a zero policy ity funding, says Crenshaw. I have the motels and have been speaking for loitering, loud music, and open aggressively lobbied Council memto City Council members for the drug sales. We just installed outdoor bers Atkins and Caraway to get last two decades to no avail. ” I lighting that goes beyond the DPD started. After the Megafest, several feel the need to continue the pres- standards for crime prevention,” friends complained about a Motel 6 sure, especially after I came of Crenshaw explains that while she on I-35. I mentioned the prospect of the knowledge that the Patels are was on the Dallas Park Board in getting support to improve the I-35 heavy contributors to the campaign 1991, she met with the owner of franchise hotels to friends at the coffers of southern sector coun- the Grand Inn Motel when the City Business and Convention Bureau. cil members. “It makes you won- wanted to take his hotel adjacent I visited the Grand Inn site recently der if this is why the Grand Inn to Dallas Zoo on eminent domain. with Rogers. The motel has made is allowed to continue to operate.” When we met, I learned that he also improvements since I last visited the Page 5
hotel 20 years ago. There was very little loitering and no open air drug market. I did not observe prostitutes working, but the rooms just don’t quite meet the standards of what the southern sector is looking for.” “I am happy to work with Mr. Williams as long as what comes down comes up as a new hotel.”
Sandra Crenshaw, Historian and Lobbyist for Justice Email:lacpac2011@yahoo.com
Thank You For Advdertising in Elite New. “Keeping Your Message in the M a i n s t re a m ” August 11, 2017
Arielle Johnson
a nurse. I had white shoes, stockings, a dress and a white hat. I even won a prize for my costume that day.
Faye Sutter: My Fair Park Story – Circa 1956
In a few weeks, it will be State F a i r Time. This is the time many of us may begin to salivate Faye Sutter just a bit as we think of getting a hold of one of those huge Smoked Turkey legs or something crazy like a serving of Fried Ice Cream. We all know the rides are another attraction, but most of us are going to spend a majority of our time walking around enjoying the sights and sounds of the Fair. Not very many Black people ever stop to think what the Fair Park State Fair was really like back in the 1950s. Last week we got an email from a Cornerstone Baptist Church member telling us she had a story for us about the Fair, we would not believe. She even went on to share with us, the thought of telling someone her story has been on her heart for quite some time. The woman with the incredible story
is Faye Sutter and she lives in the Fair Park/South Dallas area. Here’s her story:
I have lived in Dallas all my life, and I can remember how big of a deal it was when it was Fair time here in Dallas. I was born in 1946, so my memories of the Fair were my early years when I was around 5 years old up until around the 1960s when I graduated from high school. You know, back in the 50s, the Black people only had one day they were allowed to attend the Fair and it was called “Negro Achievement Day”. The place used to get so packed you could barely walk. I mean every Black person from all parts of Texas would come in by the School Bus loads to make sure they were there for this one day out of the year. There were church groups, schools, sports teams and many other organizations. Just try to picture most of the parking lot being filled with buses instead of cars and that will give you an idea of how packed it was on OUR Fair Day. When it came to advertising the Fair, there was no Facebook or any social media, so we found out about Negro Achievement Day at the Fair through postings of big gigantic posters on electrical poles around town and Black radio stations/shows. Also, our teachers at school would remind us of
Negro Achievement Day. My favorite part of the Fair outside of getting a hold of one of those corn dogs on a stick and watching Prairieview play against Wiley College at the Cotton Bowl was the Parade. It was so Grand. The parade would start down at Lincoln High School near Oakland Avenue which is now known as Malcolm X Boulevard. I’m not talking about where Lincoln is now because it has been moved since then, but where it was before. Well....I remember how excited I was to hear the beat of the drums. I would run up to the corner and get me a spot where I felt I could be closest to the drums. Those drums were so strong, I could feel the vibration throughout my body. There were many Black dignitaries in the parade, along with representatives of the Masonic Temple and Eastern Stars and always a King and Queen from the High Schools. There were even fancy looking Black people in the parade cruising in shiny convertible cars. We only had two high schools at the time - Lincoln and Booker T. Washington. I remember now as I’m speaking on it, I actually had a chance to participate in the parade once with my nursery. I was about 5 years old, and myself and two classmates were dressed up in costumes. I was dressed in all white as
My Aunt and Mom used to take me to the Fair. I remember the rides were only about 25 cents each, but the food was what cost the most. My favorite rides were the merry go round and mini cars. As a little girl, I loved waving at my mom from my car and tooting my horn. We would always buy one thing to eat, but my Mom knew how to budget to keep expenses down and would bring fried chicken she had prepared the night before, wrapped up in wax paper. In those days, there was no aluminum foil or ziploc bags to wrap chicken in, therefore wax paper was used. When it was time to eat our food, we would go sit by the Lagoon and enjoy what she had prepared earlier. Later on in life, Ms. Sutter actually went on to become a Nurse. We believe there may have been a connection for her as a young child between dressing up as a nurse on Negro Achievement Day at Fair Park and being selected for looking the part. She was recognized for looking like a mini nurse in front of throngs of people. Little did she know at the time, she had already made a major achievement in life, because the idea of becoming a nurse was a part of her subconscious mind that stuck with her for many years.
Experienced Community Activists’ Suggest Solutions for the Homeless
may play their part in helping the homeless popLast week, we promised to follow up on the sto- ulation, but it is difficult to do so without being ry entitled, “New Proposed Solutions to Com- able to view or discuss a concisely crafted plan. bat Homelessness”. The plan was to speak with Therefore we reached out to Diane Ragsdale, Nadia Chandler-Hardy, the fairly new, Chief of Managing Director of InnerCity Community Community Relations, however, somehow, our Development and former City of Dallas, Homescheduled meeting time was overlooked, there- less Coordinator, Bro. Thomas Mohammed. fore we will have to get a word from Dallas City Hall at a later date. We would love to share in- Back in the early 1990s, Bro. Thomas Mohamformation with the community about how they med, as the Homeless Coordinator for the City
Continue on pg 8 of Dallas, took a trip to 9 U.S. cities to study their homeless assistance programs. When he came back, he presented the idea of the City having a Day Resource Center. In the different cities he visited, the centers, which were operated and managed by local government were were open 24-hours a day. Transients were able to bath, wash their laundry, eat, sleep and receive access to social services capable of connecting them with jobs, temporary-permanent
August 11, 2017
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August 11, 2017
Continued from pg 6 Experienced Community Activist
each individual living outdoors. 3. Withhold ALL public funds from CitySquare and The Bridge until the homeless population, especially those from Tent City get assistance! 4. If the Bridge cannot do any better than what they have in the past, the city should reconsider bringing back the Day Resource housing and medical/psychological Center 24 hour Free Shelter. services. The same program was implemented here in Dallas, and Former Mayor Pro Tem and Counaccording to Bro. Mohammed, it cilwoman Diane Ragsdale also was highly effective while it lasted. agrees that the City ought to be in charge of a 24-hour Day Center Tomorrow, Bro. Mohammed will where no one is denied temporary be holding a press conference/ housing, but she was more focused tour under the I-45 Bridge at 190 on permanent housing after the South Boulevard, to bring attentemporary shelter is provided. She tion to the fact that recent Tent tells us to keep in mind because this City residents, are now making is a growing problem, we will nevalleyways near the Bridge, their er be able to build enough single home. Along with the traveling family detached houses to keep up homeless population, there is a with this problem. Ms. Ragsdale is trail of trash and a strong stench suggesting subsidized multi-family that comes from not being able to housing for people who are makappropriately bathe one’s self. Being $0-300/month. The problem is low is his 4 Step Plan of Action: however, when new developments go up, in the South Dallas/Fair Park 1. Make closing of the remaining area, we can expect the monthly Homeless Tent City encampments, rent to be close to $700/mo, which the local government’s Top Priority. does not qualify as affordable 2. A rent assistance fund housing to someone making far should be created, providless than this amount per month. ing six months’ rent support for
If you go to the Dallas City News website at http://www.dallascitynews.net/city-council-briefedon-tent-city, you will be able to see some of the same suggested solutions made and posted on this site last year, were suggested by Nadia Chandler-Hardy last week at the Concord Baptist Church-make it easier for the homeless to connect to much needed resources (housing, jobs and medical services) and have the community assist with the city’s plan, by suggesting those in a position to give (churches and individuals), have an easy way to make their donations to this population. This same conversation has been going on for years, in plenty of cities, so where is the disconnect? Many of our churches are doing their part by coming out to feed the homeless, but the bigger issue actually seems to be, where is this shelter, which is open to everyone and after it has been identified, where can a homeless person find the more permanent housing? We are discussing the issue of the homeless population, but we also need to address the fact that many people in South Dallas/Fair Park and elsewhere are just a paycheck or two away from becom-
90 Students Complete Summer Dance Program Continue on pg 15
Ninety students learned both dance and life skills during Dallas Black Dance Theatre 2017 Summer Enrichment Youth Dance Workshop. The three-week pro formances of the talented young dancers. The program was supported in part by The Hersh Foun-
dation, the Texas Commission on the Arts, and the Rosemary Haggar Vaughan Family Foundation.
For six hours per day, boys and girls explored ballet, modern, jazz/ hip hop, and African dance taught by professional dancers from Dallas Black Dance Theatre. In addition, participants benefited from
enrichment discussions by community leaders and health professionals. Attorney Cicely Jefferson spoke on leadership, retired Registered Nurse Dr. Brenda Richardson cautioned against risky behaviors, Preston Place Counselor Von Eaglin offered positive ways to channel anger, Psychotherapeutic Yoga expert Laura Abbott Coan
ing homeless. Also, we need to put some young faces out in front of the cameras, as representatives of the homeless population. People seemed to have forgotten about how many children are homeless. Certainly, they can’t all be crazy too! However, the mainstream media consistently fails to project images of children onto the consciousness of their viewers. The common image we have in our minds of homelessness is of an old man or woman with matted hair, draped in an old dirty blanket, looking as if they have not had a bath in well over a year and babbling on and on to their imaginary friend or foe. Let’s sit back for a moment and ponder on how quickly government and individuals would rise to the occasion, and get out here and immediately implement what needs to be implemented, to put a stop to homelessness, once the issue of homeless children was brought to the forefront of our consciousness. We are waiting to speak with a City representative, specifically about what is being done about the homeless population. Once this conversation has taken place, we will report back to you, The Community. spoke on mindfulness, and Erica Henry, Deaf Ministry Leader at Concord Church, spoke on awareness of young people who are deaf. Dallas Black Dance Academy has provided the Enrichment program for trained dance students between the ages of 7-13 years old for 27 years. About Dallas Black Dance Theatre Founded in 1976 by Ann Wil-
August 11, 2017
Page 8
Internships Are you interested in learning about the world of journalism? If so, there are internships available and there is no age limit. It does not matter if you are a writer or not, because there are other areas of the newspaper business we are able to teach you, such as marketing, public relations, event planning and sales. Use your affiliation with our paper to gain the experience you need to advance in your future career.
Page 9
August 11, 2017
Smokin Lo’s Signature Brisket Nachos
(Also Available in Chicken)
Corey Blair Owner
Smokin Lo’s Pit Fire RIBS LOADED Baked Potato
(Your choice of Brisket,Chicken, or sausage)
August 11, 2017
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August 11, 2017
Elite Community Calendar
You’re invited!
If you missed it in Dallas. Don’t miss these dates.
This year is the 5th Annual Back Packs 4 Brainiacs School Supplies Drive and we would like to thank all who have contributed over the past 4 years. So far we’ve supplied over 10k back packs & supplies combined all from the efforts of the community. Saturday, August 12th, 2017, 12:00 pm-4:00 pm held at Red Bird Mall (3662 W. Camp Wisdom Rd Dallas Tx 75237).
Who: Mid-Cities Chapter, The Links, Incorporated What: A Knock-Out Affair: Round XXV Black Tie Gala -- sanctioned boxing matches, casino games, raffle, dinner and dancing When: Saturday, Aug. 19, 2017 at the Omni Dallas Hotel Where: Omni Dallas Hotel, 555 S. Lamar Street, Dallas, TX Why: Funds raised will support the organization’s community program Ticket price: $150 per person purchased in advance from members. For more information on The Mid-Cities (TX) Chapter of the Links Inc. go to: http:// midcitieslinks.org/
Faith Community Action Team Meeting August 24, 2017 1:30 – 2:30 PM Agenda includes a Spotlight on programs that congregations and faith based organizations can partner with to reduce hunger. Featured: Dallas Police Office of Community Affairs on Hunger and Wellbeing in our Communities-observations, efforts, opportunities to partner Join us and connect with others working to address hunger and poverty from a faith perspective! Location: Temple Emanu-El 8500 Hillcrest Avenue Dallas, Texas 75225 For more info and to RSVP, contact wyonella_hendersongreene@baylor.edu or call 214-951-7780.
August 20th – GMP Senior Pastor Ned Armstrong Jr; & First Lady Bert Armstrong 21st Pastoral Church Anniversary Mark your calendar for Congressman Marc Veasey’s upcoming town hall meeting scheduled for Tuesday, August 15 from 6:00-7:30pm at the Anita Martinez Recreation Center.
August 11, 2017
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Sports With Bill
PRAIRIE VIEW, Texas – Jared Lyons has been named assistant coach for Prairie View A&M men’s basketball. Lyons, who played one season at the University of Houston (200506), has been an assistant basketball coach on the high school, junior college, and collegiate level. Last season he an assistant coach at Jacksonville College, assisting with game strategies,
practice plans, player development and game film. Lyons has also been an assistant coach at Cameron University (2015-16), Huston-Tillotson (2014-15), Fort Scott Community College (2011-12), and at Lutheran South Academy and Episcopal High School (200810).
basketball coach,” Prairie View A&M head men’s basketball coach Byron Smith said. “He’s very familiar with the Houston area and the JUCO ranks. He’s going to wear a lot of hats in our program from video to academics, along with coaching and recruiting. I’ve known him for a long time, and I think he’s a great addition to our program.”
“Jared is an outstanding young
Caught You Doing Something Good: BigThought.org By Arielle Johnson
The Southwest Center Mall is full of interesting people and businesses. For a writer, it is a goldmine, as there are many untold stories to be told about the current business owners and those from the past. Last week, upon entering the mall, there was a poster inserted in a stand at the front entrance announcing a Kick-Off Party for the “Red Bird Soars Summer Camp”, a City of Dallas Learning Initiative on Sat., July 29. I immediately located a staff member to ask him more about the camp and the kick-off event, and he provided me with Kristina Dove’s contact information. Kristina Dove works for
BigThought.org and is the Senior Manager of Partner Relations. When I returned to the mall on Saturday, I found her there directing traffic and making sure all her guests were comfortable. As Senior Manager of Partner Relations, Ms. Dove helps with securing space to be used for the program, and finds people who are experts to teach students in the areas of Fashion, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics), Jewelry Making, Visual Arts, Drumming, Dance and Photography. One of the teachers is Debra Jones, who has had a long relationship as a business owner at the Red Bird
Casey”Hott Doc” Blair
Mall. She will be teaching the children about Fashion and etiquette. Also, we must mention, there would be no program conducted at the Southwest Center Mall if it were not for the generous donation of the Mall owner, Peter Brodsky. He donation consists of providing two large retails spaces, free of charge, for the purpose of accommodating students attending the program. This week’s “Caught You Doing Something Good” Award goes to Kristina Dove for securing all the partnerships necessary for this program to thrive and be successful. Red Bird Summer Camp starts on Monday, July 31, 2017 and ends
Cowboys of Carter Youth Football Team still have space for our PeeWee 12-11 , Jr PeeWee 10-9 , Mighty Mite 8yr , Tiny Mite 7yr and Flag 4-6 . We hold practice at Carter High School Tues-Thurs from 6:30-8:30pm . Also if you have coaching experience and wanna be a coach on anyone of the above levels feel free to inbox me . We are a new team starting in the right on Friday, August 18, direction . For more info please call 2017. For information 972.674.7316 . on how to enroll your child in next year’s summer camp please send Limited Time Only10% an email to kristina. DISCOUNT dove@bigthought.org on all printing or visit BigThought.org
Kristina Dove
Page 13
August 11, 2017
Home Going Celebration Robert Louis Johnson
Evergreen Funeral Home 6449 University Hills Boulevard Dallas Texas 75241 August 11th 8:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Home Going Services
Center Point Baptist Church 2691 FM 2057 at 11:00 a.m. Pittsburg Texas 75686 Elder Benjamin Carl Reese officiating.
Zeno & Associates, Inc. offers a variety of services for a flat fee. ... 1075 Griffin St W Suite 104 Dallas, TX 75215 (P) 214-428-2726 (F) 214-428-7747 zenoandassociatesinc.com * info@zenoandassociatesinc.com
You Got Questions, We’ve Got Answers! Lets Talk! Fast501c3, Incorporated 2300 Valley View Lane Suite 909 Irving, Texas 75062 Office: (972) 8911429 Fax:(972) 619-8789
August 11, 2017
Page 14
Continued from pg 8
Dallas Black Dance Theatre
liams, Dallas Black Dance Theatre (DBDT) is the 10th largest minority arts organi tion in America, the fourth largest black dance company in the nation and the oldest continuously operating professional dance company in the City of Dallas. Dallas Black Dance Theatre has been designated as an "American Masterpiece Touring Artist" by the National Endowment for the Arts and in 2017 was named Texas Medal of Arts Awards recipient for Arts Education. The mission of Dallas Black Dance Theatre is to create and produce contemporary modern dance at its highest level of artistic excellence through performances and educational programs that bridge cultures and reach diverse communities. With an ever-expanding national and global audience, the company employs a diverse, multiethnic troupe of dancers performing for audiences of all ages and backgrounds.
Located in a historic facility at the eastern end of the thriving downtown Dallas Arts District, Dallas Black Dance Theatre is a nationally and internationally recognized professional modern dance company. DBDT engages the cross-cultural community through contemporary modern dance presented from the African American experience. Dallas Black Dance Theatre is a resident company member of the AT&T Performing Arts Center - Dee and Charles Wyly Theatre located in Dallas's Arts District. During its 41-year history, Dallas Black Dance Theatre has performed on five continents, in 15 countries and 31 states, including two Olympic Cultural events. Over the years, more than 4 million arts patrons and 2.6 million students, grades K-12, have experienced the dance company's performances and educational outreach programs. DBDT serves more than 100,000 people annually, includ-
ing more than 20,000 youth in grades K-12 in Dallas-Fort Worth area schools each year. DBDT offers community outreach services through workshops, lecture/ demonstrations, master-classes, residences, mini-performances and student matinees that are designed level-specific for elementary, middle, high school and university students. Annually another 20,000 youth and adults are reached through national and international festivals, tours, special performances at universities, social service agencies, professional and corporate organizations, civic events and community venues. Dallas Black Dance Theatre is comprised of five performing companies and its training Academy. Dallas Black Dance Theatre's professional company, DBDT, consists of 12 full-time salaried dancers performing a mixed repertory of modern, jazz, African and spiritual works by national and international choreographers.
DBDT: Encore! (formerly DBDT II) features eight artists of rising excellence from across the nation that support DBDT's growing local and regional educational outreach. Dallas Black Dance Academy, the official school of Dallas Black Dance Theatre, celebrates 44 years of delivering dance instruction to a community of diverse backgrounds. Over 550 students participate weekly in 50 dance classes of ballet, jazz, tap, modern, and African at DBDT studios for ages four to adult. The academy has three performing ensembles: Allegro, DBDT's premier academy ensemble, Senior Performing Ensemble, and Junior Performing Ensemble. For more details visit www. DBDT.com and www.dbdt.com/ academy.
The City Budget, South Dallas, Councilman Felder and the Homeless continued on pg 18
by Arielle Johnson
Our City Manager for The City of Dallas, T.C. Broadnax has put together a $3.1 Billion budget for fiscal year 2017-2018. The 606 page document can be easily accessed and downloaded to your computer by visiting the Dallas City Hall Website. It is important to note, 60% of this budget will be allocated towards Public Safety, which includes the police and fire department, courts and jail. Our City Manager states that by putting Public Safety first, we will have a
budget which serves the residents and taxpayers of the city. A Town Hall Meeting was held at the MLK Center in District 7 by Councilman Felder this past Tuesday to give members of his district a brief overview of the city budget and allow them to raise concerns about areas of the budget which concerned them the most. The issue of how the budget specifically plans to address the homeless population came up on several occasions. It was such a hot topic
that Councilman Felder eventually told all of the attendees if there was anyone else in attendance with a question concerning the homeless, Nadia Chandler-Hardy, the Chief of Community Services, would field their questions after the meeting. The first woman to voice her concern about the homeless population, mentioned the homeless population is just moving back and forth within a small radius and nothing is being resolved. Nadia
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Chandler-Hardy, the Director of Community Services stated the following in her response to the Town Hall meeting attendee, “The budget set aside for homelessness will go into effect on October 1. We will be making an effort to connect individuals to services, instead of saying, ‘Here’s a referral to a shelter or referral to a rapid re-housing.’ We will be telling people in need of assistance, there are beds available for them to go into a previously identified shelters August 11, 2017
MINISTERS LISTINGS Marsalis Missionary Baptist Church
Rice Chaple A.M.E Church “Standing on your Faith”
4122 South Marsalis Avenue Dallas, Texas Church (214) 302-3302 Elder R C Emanuel Suday School 9:00 AM Pastor Sunday Service 10:00 Wednesday Night Bible Study 7:00 pm Carver Heights Baptist Church 2510 E. Ledbetter Road Dallas, Texas 75216 Church: 214-371-2024 Sunday Worship Services Sunday School - 8:30am Rev Daryl Carter Worship Hour - 9:30am Pastor Wednesday - 7:00pm
Rev Oliver W Lomax-
New El Bethel Baptist Church 2023 Mouser St. Dallas, Texas 75216 Hours of Oporation Mon - Fri: 7am - 10pm Phone: (214) 946-3584 www.newbethell.com
Dr. Timothy J. Brown Pastor
Denny D. Davis Pastor
Greater Emmanuel Baptist Church
2110 E. Eleventh St. Dallas, TX 75203 Church (214) 972-0218 Sunday Service 7:45 & 10:00 am Wed. Prayer Meeting 11am & 10am Wed. Night Bible Study 7:00pm Rev. Burley Hudson Pastor www.gebcdallad.org
411 N Hampton Rd, DeSoto, TX 75115 Church: (469) 297-4771 Sunday School 9:00 am Morning Worship 10:30 am Wednesday Women’s Men’s Monday 7:00 pm
Rev. Darrell W Pryor Pastor
Dallas, TX 75232 Church (972) 228-5200 Sun Moning Services 8:00 am & 10:45 am Wednesday Bible Study 12 Noon & 7:00 pm
Frederick Duglass Haynes, III Pastor
Greater Mt Pilgrim Baptist Church 1010 Bayonne St Dallas, Texas Church: (214) 744-1677 Dr. Carey C Toney Sr. Founder Pastor Teacher 1st Lady C>aShawn Toney Pastor
Morning Glory 7:45 am Sunday School 9:15am Morning Worship 10:30 am
Hopewell Missionary Baptist Church Rev. Ned Armstrong Pastor
The Lord Missionary Baptist Church
St. Paul Baptist Church 1600 Pear Street Dallas, TX 75215 Phone: (214) 421-3741 Fax: (214) 421-3926 Worship 8am & 11am
Rev. Terry White Pastor
New Covenant Missionary Baptist Church 2020 W Wheatland Rd,
New Leaf Family Church 1707 St Augustine Rd Dallas, Texas Church (214) 398-6641 Service Times: Sunday School 8:30 am Sunday Worship 9:30am Wednesday Bible Study 7:00
Church 214-943-6007 Sunday School 9:00 am Morning Worship 10: 00 am Prayer & Praise Worship 7:00 pm www.marsalisavenuebc.com
St. John Grand Prairie Campus 1701 West Jefferson Grand Prairie, TX 75051 Phone: (972) 264-1483 Sunday Worship 7:00 9:00 & 11:00 Email: sjbcsupport@sjbcfamily.com Website: http://sjcfamily.org
Freindship West Baptist Church
Willing Workers Baptist Church 4142 Gladewater Road Dallas, Texas 75216 Church (214) 770-1326 or (214) 428-1266 Sunday School: 10:00 am Sunday Morning Worship:11:00 am Wednesday Bible Study: 7:00 pm
2723 S Marsalis Ave Dallas, TX 75216
St. John Missionary Baptist Church
Rev. Lelious A Johnson
6722 Bexar St Dallas, TX 75215 Church 214-428-5459 Sunday School 9:30 am Worship 11:00 am
“A Church That Cares” 5144 Dolphin Road Dallas, Texas 75223 Phone: (214)832-1018 Fax: (214)824-3813
www.hmbconline.org Service Times Tuesday: @
Rev. Marlon J. Duncan Pastor
6:30 pm(SWAT)Children & Youth Wednesday12 Noon & 7:30 pm Bible Study 7:00 pm Prayer Meeting Sunday 9:00 am Sunday School: 10:05 am BTU/Decilpes of Dissipleship 10:45 am
August 11, 2017
Page 16
MINISTERS LISTINGS Concord Ministries Baptist Church 6808 Pastor Bailey Drive Dallas, TX 75237 Church (214) 331-8522 Worship 7:30 am 9::15 am 11 am - 12:24 am www.concorddallas.org
Greater Cornerstone Baptist Church 8350 Forest Ln Dallas, TX 75243 Church (214) 349-7701
Rev. Bryan Carter Pastor
Worship Services Sunday 7:30 am Early Morning Worship Sunday 10:30 am Worship Service Rev. David E Wilson www.greatercornerstone.org Pastor
Full Gospil Holly Temple
24 Hour Prayer Line (972) 223-9898 Sunday School 9:15 Sunday Morning Worship 9:15 am Sunday Evening Worship 8:00 Tuesdays & Saturdays 8:00 am
Bexar Street Baptist Church
Greater New Zion Baptist Church
Rev. Joe S Patterson Pastor
New Mount Zion Baptist Church 9550 Shepherd Rd, Dallas, TX 75243
Sunday School 9:00 am Lord’s Supper 1st Sunday 6:00 pm
Rev. C JR Phillips Pastor
1501 Clay Mathis Rd, Mesquite, TX 75181 Church: (972) 222-3708 Praise & Worship Service Sundays @ 8:00 A.M. and 11:00 A.M. Children’s Church Pastor
Faith Fellowship Missionary Baptist Church 4205 South Robinson Road P O Box 540515 Grand Prairie, Texas 75054
Church (972) 642 - 9125
Sunday School 9:00 AM Praise & Worship 10:25 AM Morning Worship 10:30 AM Prayer Meeting 7:00 PM Bible Study 7:30 PM
2018 S Marsalis Ave, St . Phillips Missionary Baptist Church Dallas, TX 75216 Church: (214) 943-3579 6000 Singing Hills Dr, Sunday School 9:30 am Dallas, Texas 75241 Sunday Worship 10:45 am Church: (214) 374-6631 Bible Study Wednesday 7:15 pm Morning Woreship Thursday 11:00 am 8:00 & 10: 15am
Calvary Temple Community Church
Church: (214) 341-6459 Intercessory Prayer Every Wednesday, 6:15 PM - 7:15 PM Bible Study Every Wednesday, 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM Young Adult Praise Team First Thursday, Third Thursday of the month, 6:30 PM - 7:00 PM
Superintendent Michael Clerkley, Sr Pastor
1819 Martin L King Jr Blvd, Dallas, TX 75215 Church: (214) 426-5468 Sunday Worship 8:00am & 11:00am Sunday School 9:30am Wednesday Bible Study 7:00pm
Apostle Herman Murry Jr. Pastor
Bible Study Tue. 11am Wed. 6:00 pm
2127 S Corinth St Rd, Dallas, TX 75203 Church: (214) 371-2421 Morning Worship 11 am www.lighthousecogic.com
Cornerstone Baptist Church
39727 Lyndon B Johnson Fwy, Dallas, TX 75237 Church: (972) 572-Fight (3448)
2210 Pine St Dallas, Texas Church (214) 421-4119 Sunday School 9:30 am Worship Service 11:00 am
Lighthouse Church Of God in Christ
Rev. Stanley E. Smith
Dr. W. R. Willis Pastor
New Birth Baptist Church
3919 Munger Ave, Dallas, TX 75204 Church: (214) 824-8312 Sunday School 9:30 am Sunday Worship 11:00 am
Prayer Meeting Bible Study 7-8:30 pm
Rev. W. C. Davis Pastor
The “Exciting” Singing Hill Baptist Church 6550 University Hills Blvd, Dallas, TX 75241 Church: (214) 375-5952 Fax (214) 671-1611
444 W Ledbetter Dr, Dallas, TX 75224 Church: (214) 374-0828 Early Morning Worship 7:50 am Sunday Worship 8am & 10:45 am Sunday School 9:30 am Rev. Gorge & Michael Sunday School 9:45 am Morning Worship 10:30 am Wedensday Night 7pm Pryor Pastor Evening Worship 7:00
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C.T Marshall Pastor
Munger Avenue Baptist Church
Sunshine Bible Sunday 10:00 am Fellowship Dinner 5:20 pm
Sundays @ 11:00 A.M.
Chris L. Simmons Pastor
Dr. H.E. Anderson, Sr., Senior Pastor
August 11, 2017
The 311 Call Center is now hiring Customer Service Agent (311 Call Center) (TEMP to PERM)
The call center takes non-emergency (80%) and emergency (20%) calls and is a twenty four/seven (24/7) operation. The ideal candidate is an experienced customer service representative who has excellent communication skills (call center experience and bilingual skills would be an advantage)
Join our team
• 3 Years Customer Service
Start Date September 13th
Apply by 8/12/17 at
http://dallascityhall.com/ • Temp to Perm departments/humanre• High School Diploma or sources/employment/PagGED es/default.aspx • English/Spanish bilingual skill strongly preferred
Continued from pg 15
The City Budget
Ask about advertising your church in Elite News Minister’s Listing Call us at 214-372-6500
City Council Briefings are available online. If you access the archived briefing which took place on Wednesday, August 2nd at Dallas City Hall, you will be able to see Councilman Felder state, “The City of Dallas owns a lot of foreclosed properties in District 7. Many of the city’s homeless are in District 7. Take those homes off of the tax foreclosure list to be utilized for the homeless. Why put them on the tax foreclosure list? Rehab the homes and put the people in those homes. Funds being used for emergency shelter homeless prevention should be re-allocated to rehab those properties. We are warehousing them and feeding them and that’s it. We need to put them on a path to get back into society. The first step is to give them a transitional place to stay.” Anyone can access this archived briefing by visiting, http://www.dallascitynews.net/watch-live. Here you can find Councilman Felder saying exactly what he said he never stated about District 7. If you don’t have time to watch the briefing in its entirety, just go to Item A - City Manager’s Proposed FY17-18 HUD Consolidated Plan Briefing Update and skip to 21:17 to hear Councilman Felder.
Window Air Condition Units Available
Thru Sept 30th. North Texas Air Conditioning Initiatives provides/installs free window AC units to area residents who meet eligibility requirements. (Not available for apartment dwellers). Contact: Yvette Traylor; 214-444-0028.
From now until September 1, 2017, our City Council will be heavily involved with fine tuning this city budget, by scheduling numerous City Hall meetings. Our City’s word of the day is ‘transparency’, therefore if you are really interested in seeing what is happening downtown, there will be plenty of opportunities to attend Town Hall meetings in all of the districts and offer your input. Keep in mind, if for some reason, you are not able to go to one of these meetings, you can always view one of the City Hall meetings online to get a general idea of what your Councilman or Councilwoman will be discussing at the Town Hall meeting. We will forewarn you by letting you know, the City Hall Meetings are not necessarily itemized and require lots of patience if there is specific information you are seeking, as they are usually several hours long. But however long it takes, you must train your mind to sit through these meetings so you are fully informed about what is happening in your city. We must become politically literate and learn how to search for the information which is of interest to our communities.
right at their moment of need.” Councilman Felder added his assessment of the needs of the homeless based upon a recent visit to an encampment, citing physical abuse, rape and mental illness as some of the problems plaguing this population. He went on to add, while people are berating him about his suggestion to offer homeless people stray animals to train, a company in Plano, Texas has already offered to train and employ the homeless. Next up was another woman in attendance who asked Councilman Felder why he is suggesting, the homeless be housed in foreclosed properties in South Dallas/District 7. He responded by telling her he never suggested foreclosed properties in District 7 per se, as housing solutions for the homeless, but was speaking of the City of Dallas in general. When she challenged him about his response, not being true, he reiterated what he said earlier about foreclosed properties all over Dallas being potential housing solutions for the homeless, then told the woman in so many words he was done talking about it – Next! What’s interesting is the fact that all of the August 11, 2017
Page 18
th 6 Annual
Back 2 School Supply Give Away
Business Partners Carver Heights BaptistChurch Black Jack Pizza City Wide CDC
BBQ Smoke Off
BBQ Competition
Sack Race BounceHouse Face Painting Live Music
$50 Entry Fee 1st, 2nd & 3rd Place Prizes
Tournaments Spades and Dominos *Must Be 18 Years and Older
Sponsors AttorneyHeathHarris Attorney Remiko Edwards Judge Teresa Hawthorne Judge Stephanie Mitchell Judge Elizabeth Frizzell Judge Jeff Rosenfield Judge Jennifer Bennett Judge Gracie Lewis
For More Information or to Reserve Vendor Space ($50) Call: 214-641-3295 or 214-417-8729
Location William Blair Jr. Park 3000 Rockchester St. Dallas, TX 75215 Date & Time Saturday August 26, 2017 1:00pm-4:00pm
Page 19
August 11, 2017
17th Annual William "Bill'' Blair: Memorial Scholarship Golf Classic Monday August 14, 2017 Registration Times: 7:00am-Registration 8:00am-Shot Gun Start Registration Fees: 4 Man Teams: $360 Individuals: $90 Each Player Will Receive: Bag Stuffers Awards Dinner
Sponsors: New Mount Zion Missionary Baptist Church Trophy Nissan DFW Motor Escorts Heath Harris for Judge Elizabeth Frizell for District Attorney Lorenzo Brown Attorney at Law Wal-Mart Metro PCS Golf Galaxy Pepsi
Winner Prizes: 1st Place-Flat Screen TV 2nd Place-Golf Bags 3rd Place-Gift Cards
825 W. Interstate 30 To Become a Sponsor or Register You or Your Team Mesquite, TX. 75150 Call Elite News or Darryl Blair @ 214-372-6500 or 214-641-3295 (972)Page 270-7457 August 11, 2017 20