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Nobody Covers the Metroplex Like the Elite News

Devoted To the Truth -- The Whole Truth and Nothing But The Truth



October 6, 2017

lite new The Spoken Word is Like The Air -- But The Printed World is Always There

The Official Voice of the Church and Community

Volume 68 Issue 41

Telling it like it is!


Roundtable Member From Luby’s at 67 and Hampton Rd In Southern Dallas




WORDS FROM CLERGY Honoring the Life and Legacy of a Voting Rights Activist,

Ms. Fannie Lou Hamer


Issuu.com/ bitsandpieces

Minister and Church Woman of the month

This is call the:

M o z e ll e B l a i r S p ec i a l

Courtesy of


Margarita Mocktails

Kennedy Young Jr and Mrs. Shirrayna Young Favorite Scripture: Proverbs 31:25 -27 Favorite Gospel Song: "Corinthian Song" By: Kathy Taylor Favorite Sayings: "I'll be a wife and a mother first, then first lady."Jackie Kennedy East Gate Missionary Baptist Church -Home Church Sponser for Minister and Church woman of the: Month

Directions In a blender, combine honey, limeade, lime juice, grapefruit juice, almond and orange extracts and ice. Blend until smooth.

Ingredients • 2 oz. honey or agave • 1oz. limeade concentrate • 1oz. fresh limejuice • 1/2oz. grapefruit juice • 2drops almond extract (optional) • 1/4 teaspoon orange extract or orange bitters • 3/4 cup ice • 1 tablespoon flake salt • ½ teaspoon chili powder • limes for garnish

Blast From the Past

Church Announcement: A Dynamic Duo Apostle Lobias and Evangelist Shirley Murray

October 6, 2017

Page 2

New Report Shows Republicans’ Tax Plan Raises Taxes on District 30 Families

Contributed by Eddie Benice Johnson

tax deduction each year: “Real tax reform doesn’t raise taxes on hard-working families while handing billions of dollars in tax breaks to the wealthiest Americans. Unfortunately, that is WASHINGTON, DC – precisely what the RyanToday, Congresswoman McConnell tax plan would Eddie Bernice Johnson do,” said Johnson. “I call released the following upon all of my Texas Restatement after a new report showed that the Ry- publican colleagues to join an-McConnell tax frame- me in opposing this inexpliwork unveiled by Repub- cable plan to raise taxes on working people. Families licans last week would dramatically increase tax in my district should not be burdens for many District paying more in taxes so that Republicans can add trillions 30 families by an averto the deficit while giving age of $8,721 per year tax breaks to billionaires by eliminating the state and our largest corporations. and local tax deduction alone. More than 44 mil- Instead, the Ryan-McConnell lion American households tax plan places the burden squarely on the backs of our claim the state and local most vulnerable segments of

the population.” An additional analysis by the non-partisan Tax Policy Center found that 80 percent of the individual tax cuts in the Ryan-McConnell tax framework would go to the wealthiest one percent of Americans. Millions of middle class families would pay more in taxes under the Republican framework. “The Ryan-McConnell tax plan relies on the same tired, trickle-down tax agenda that Republicans have used for decades,” said Congresswoman Johnson. “I will fight for the people of District 30 and stand firm in demanding real tax reform that puts the middle class first, with not one penny in tax cuts for the top 1 percent.”

Legislature cut funding for prekindergarten by $140 million

Representative Eric Johnson District 100 The 85th Texas Legislature made some progress in the area of education but failed to provide the financial support our local school districts truly need. The Legislature passed a $217 billion budget for the 2018-2019 biennium, a 0.2

percent increase over the budget passed by the 84th Texas Legislature. The budget provides no additional funding for prekindergarten and cuts funding for a prekindergarten grant program that was implemented in 2015, but still requires districts to achieve new, higher quality standards. This unfunded mandate on the House floor, arguing that it was unfair to our local school districts. Overall, the Legislature cut funding for prekindergarten by $140 million, leaving local school districts with the choice of funding quality prekindergarten programs themselves or ceasing to offer such programs. Other new education laws that passed during the 85th Texas Legislature include House Bill 22, a law that reformed the controversial “A through F” school rating system that stigmatized low-performing schools. The new school accountability measurement looks at student achievement, student progress, and how effective districts are at closing student achievement gaps.





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Co-Publisher and President Debra Blair Abron

Co-Publisher Vice President Darryl E. Blair Sr.

Administrative Assistant Sherry Christian Leslie White

Photojournalist Distribution James Gray

Marketing Director Arielle Johnson

Columnists Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson Kimberley Blair Pleasant

Digital Marketing Ariel Aaron Davis Sports Casey”Hott Doc” Blair Graphic Designer Chryscynthia Carter Photojournalist Derric Taylor North Texas Media Group Christian Wallace Graphic Designer

Writers Arielle Johnson Community Calendar: elite.calendar@aol.com Advertisement: elite.production@aol.com Stories: elitearticles@aol.com elite.writers@aol.com elite.sports@aol.com

All checks, money orders or cashier checks made payable to Elite News shall be mailed to 5258 County Rd. 3110 Campbell, Texas 75422. Physical address 5787 S. Hampton Rd. Suite 340 Dallas, Texas 75232. Elite News Accepts all major credit cards and check debit cards.

The Legislature also passed House Bill 357 to expand prekindergarten eligibility to include the children of seriously injured or fallen first responders. House Bill 2039 requires the State Board for Educator Certification to create an early childhood certificate to train teachers in prekindergarten through third grade instruction. Despite some of the setbacks in education, I was able to pass an important piece

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of legislation to help children in this state. House Bill 674 prohibits schools from placing students in prekindergarten through second grade in out-of-school suspension and encourages schools to use alternative discipline methods that keep students in school. This new law helps shut off the school-to-prison pipeline by preventing the stigmatization of very young children.

October 6, 2017

State Fair Classic State Fair Classic State Fair Classic

By Darryl E. Blair Sr.

Ashley Robinson PVU;s AD, Darryl Blair Sr Elite News, and Coach Willie Simmons Well ladies and gentlemen the weekend is upon us Prairie View Grambling State Fair Classic weekend what a time what a time what a Time Al washes ventured to put together yet another exciting weekend of Celebration food fun and frolicking as families come together alumni come together and people in general come together and And Gathering Dallas Texas to celebrate Prairie View Grambling the football game the Battle of the Bands the state fair parties concerts golf tournaments you name it I'll wash his really outdone himself the city of Dallas is worked in conjunction with a I watch as he has brought Southwest Airlines Coca-Cola Budweiser and the state fair stay open and state fair itself together to present this wonderful weekend Monday's press conference kicked off with Bill Melton the voice of the Texas relays and University of Texas at one time and other endeavors and the State Fair Classic yourself wonderful Voice or wonderful person who has worked with alwash over the years to give his stoic voice to of the game some of the events and thanks surrounding it has made this one of the top Classics in the

country for hbcus and goes to show why one of the best events at the State Fair Classic is not text so you but Prairie View Grambling with an estimated economic impact on the city of Dallas 10 million dollars for the weekend and itself here are some facts the Prairie View Grambling game has existed for well over 90 years brought it to Dallas to put it on a neutral site and no longer play home games but instead exchange who would be the home team year after year here in Dallas while the classic has been dominated by Grambling Prairie View in latter years has come to answer the bell with a win add swac champions in 2008 Grambling has gone on as late as 201617 to become swag Champion bold champion HBCU national champion which is quite an accomplishment for Coach Broderick fobbs but don't rush to judgment as coach Willie Simmons reviews outstanding coach of Clemson alone has ventured to has ventured to bring the preview program back to his full life as in the days of Ben and Nick's and certainly Henry Frazier athletic director Ashley Robinson university has worked a tremendous program at given preview

visibility and stature amongst its College peers and all sports not just football this weekend is going to be no different with the exception that the celebration has been accelerated 4 Prairie View Grambling during the press conference we had the Good Fortune of having the new Chief of Police Renee Hall come out and indulge the crowd as she spoke openly and honestly and strongly supportive of her Alma mater Grambling State University personally as a Prairie View alarm I took laughing offense at her strongly support in Grambling and not even given mention to prove you and then misspoke by saying that prove you hadn't won a game since jingle boots and bell bottoms but nonetheless we support you Chief Hall and we look forward to your service as chief of police here in Dallas Texas alwash thank you for another wonderful weekend and I encourage all to come out and support the Prairie View Grambling State Fair Classic kudos to councilman Kevin Felder councilman Tennell Atkins and those who have worked diligently with this program who you rooting for.

GSU;s coach Broderick Fobbs, AD Paul Bryant,DPD Chief Renee Hall,Al Wash, AD Ashley Robinson, and Coach Willie Simmons.

October 6, 2017

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WORDS FROM THE CLERGY This past Sunday I shared that God's a God of mystery and diversity. He's mysterious in the fact that there are things God does that can't be explained they must be experienced. He's also diverse in how He does things each time in our lives. Bearing this in mind, God has a purpose and plan for your life, and His timing is perfect. Sometimes He answers our prayers with “yes” or “no.” But at other times, He says, “Not now.” When this is the case, we can avail ourselves of the rich rewards that come while we wait. One very practical blessing is that God strengthens us as we lean on Him during delays. Isaiah 40:31 describes an eagle soaring—an apt metaphor for how the believer who abides in the Lord will be lifted and sustained by His Spirit. (In fact, it’s interesting to note that the Hebrew for “wind” and “spirit” come from the same word: reach.) When we are facing a difficult decision, the real key is learning to wait. There is no verse of Scripture that tells us to take control and fight our own battles. God is the one who fights them on our behalf (2 Chro.20:15). We are to be patient and trust in Him, so don't monitor what you want God to manage.

We Need Your Help


Bus Safety-Bus Driver Jobs Kennedy Young Jr: Lead Pastor

When David faced his greatest battles, he waited upon the Lord. God delivered him from destruction and set his feet on solid ground (Psa. 40:1-3). He will do the same for you. Further more David shares and shows that when we do things God's way we get God's desired results. When you abide in Him, He gives supernatural energy to accomplish the things He requires of you—His Spirit does for you what you cannot do for yourself. Will you give God your natural to pair with His Super? In reading through the Scriptures, we see that every time one of God’s saints gains a victory, he or she is waiting and trusting in the Lord. You can likewise experience triumph in your life. When you have the omnipotent Creator of the universe acting on your behalf, you can’t lose. By His Amazing Grace, Kennedy Young Jr |Lead Pastor of East Gate Missionary Baptist Church -Nahum 1:7

See You In Church Sunday

Student safety and bus driver jobs at stake in Dallas County Schools election Dallas County Schools has been transporting thousands of children to and from school safely every year since its inception in 1920. Now, Dallas County Schools is under attack, putting student safety and as many as 2,800 jobs of bus drivers and crossing guards at stake. Some individuals are intent on destroying Dallas County Schools,

despite its long record of community service and student safety. NEA-Dallas urges Dallas County voters to vote “For” on Proposition A this November. Vote for Dallas County Schools and its continued service to the school children and taxpayers of Dallas County. Early voting runs from Oct. 23 through Nov. 3. Election Day is Nov. 7. Vote “For” to save Dallas County Schools.

La seguridad de los alumnos como los trabajos de los conductores de los autobuses escolares corren peligro en las elecciones del Condado de Dallas. Se conocen como las Escuelas del Condado de Dallas, pero verdaderamente es el servicio de transporte seguro que han tenido miles de niños desde que se comenzó en 1920. Ahora, ese servicio escolar está siendo atacado poniendo en riesgo la seguridad de que los alumnos puedan llegar al colegio sin problemas y a la vez cerca de 2,800 trabajos que incluyen a los conductores de los autobuses escolares, los monitores en esos buses y los guardias en las zonas escolares. Hay algunos individuos quienes están intentando destruir las Escuelas del Condado de Dallas, aunque este servicio ha tenido

largo record de servir a la comunidad y asegurándonos de que van a llevar y a traer a los alumnos a/de las escuelas.

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La organización de NEA-Dallas les urge votar “para” de la Proposición A el 7 de noviembre. Por favor voten para que se pueda continuar los servicios de transporte escolar para nuestros niños en el Condado de Dallas. Podrán votar temprano desde el 23 de octubre hasta el 3 de novienbre. Las elecciones que determinan si este servicio escolar sigue tal cual como es serán el 7 de noviembre. Voten “para” guardar las Escuelas del Condado de Dallas un Servicio de Transporte Escolar en el Condado de Dallas.

October 6, 2017

Roundtable Member from Luby’s at 67 in Southern Dallas By Arielle Johnson Years ago, William Blair rounded up a group of his associates, and said they needed to gather all of the Black businessmen and clergy, for the purpose of having ongoing discussions about what we can do to make things better for our communities. As with any long standing organization, people have come and gone, however there are still many who continue to gather at Luby’s on 67, Monday through Friday at noon, to talk business. Yesterday we had an opportunity to speak with Billy Allen, the Director of the Black Cowboys Rodeo, who has been attending the meetings since the 90s. In the beginning, the meetings were held at 35 and Ann Arbor, a different Lubys location. Mr. Allen said, “There was no predetermined thought to change Dallas. We met to get a sense of what was going on and discuss how to influence things in a positive direction.” For someone who has lived in Dal-

guilty for judging other black people for not being dressed fashionably enough to be considered a productive member of society. Essentially, we are demonizing our own people, by placing more value on material things instead of focusing on the individual, which makes it easier for other people to attack us.

Lately in the news, there has been a lot of talk about the removal of las for decades, it is easy for Mr. Confederate statues and all things here in Dallas that are considered to Allen to address situations we are be symbols of hate. Mr. Allen considers the removal of those symbols of experiencing today as Blacks and hate as being symbolic towards the ideal of instilling hope. It allows us place the same situation in a histo hope for greater things on the part of the government tomorrow, but torical perspective to make comthe real building has to begin with the intellectuals of our society. They parisons to what we were facing are going to have to be the ones to lay down the blueprint for us to kill as a population in the 70s and 80s. poverty here in Dallas. Therefore one of the first questions we asked him was about whether or not police ofesis women's shelter as well as ficers have a agency called vital voices led become by none other than Nicole Voss more agmean who used to be a Dallas gressive County district attorney prosecutowards tor the court Works in conjunction Blacks. with the Dallas County prosecuMr. Allen tor's office the Dallas County told us, Public Defender's office Genesis “Police women's shelter and again vital brutality voices these women are afforded was just Vital Voices Global Partnership Staff (L the opportunity to come to court as comto R: Madeline Fetterly, Nicole Haus- work the program and have their mon then as it is today. But it is on purg, Cindy Dyer, Sarah Wentz and records expunged as they move a different level now. The internet Arjola Limani) forward in life while sitting in allows for more social communithe corner on this past week and cation. The nature of police has Dallas County has a brand new listening to the program being thing and it's called prostitution never been pro-citizen black, but presented to various people from diversion Court Judge Peggy Hoff- across the from around the world to maintain the status quo and man of Dallas County's Criminal respond to any perceived threat it was apparent that this isn't this Court number 9 has instituted a emanating out of certain groups.” is a program that is taking the plan to RI integrate convicted pros- Heart by judge Hoffman she puts Mr. Allen also spoke with us about titutes and or have their records a lot of her time and effort into expunged as they move forward the importance of building posiin her program the program is in Continue from pg 11 tive images of ourselves in young Works in conjunction with GenJudge Peggy Hoffman children. Parents are sometimes

Pride Court

October 6, 2017

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Experience Pays Vote for Judge Lela Mays

An advocate for people suffering with mental illness and addiction within the justice system!

Contact us at: 214-210-2700 JudgeLelaMays@gmail.com



Pol. Adv. Paid for by Judge Lela Mays Campaign Derryle Peace, Treasurer


Get Out and Vote? Page 7

October 6, 2017

Honoring the Life and Legacy of a Voting Rights Activist,

Ms. Fannie Lou Hamer Contributed by Eddie Benice Johnson

On this day, we honor the civil

rights icon and voting rights activist, Ms. Fannie Lou Hamer. Born on October 3, 1917, Ms. Hamer is fondly remembered and admired for her activism during the Civil Rights Movement while speaking out against the injustices that African Americans faced in Mississippi and across the United States. Ms. Fannie Lou Hamer was born in Montgomery County, Mississippi, to a family of impoverished share croppers. At six years old, her family expected her to work in the fields at the same time that she had a bout of polio that left her with a lifelong limp. Although she suffered with polio she continued to work in the fields most of her life, until she was fired for trying to register to vote. At 37 years old, Ms. Hamer launched her career in political activism, which soon became her chief mission in life. Ms. Hamer attended a meeting hosted by the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SLCL) where she first registered to vote and became a field worker on the voter registration committee. In 1964, she attended the Democratic Convention in Atlanta and eventually helped found

the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party. Ms. Hamer became one of the many faces of the civil rights struggle in Mississippi. While the Voting Rights Act of 1965 codified what Ms. Hamer fought so hard for in our country, there still remains much to do. Before the 2016 election, 14 states adopted new voter laws under the guise of combating voter fraud, which essentially created new barriers to voting for tens of thousands of low-income citizens and citizens of color. Later, the Supreme Court decision in Shelby v. Holder left many across the nation without their fundamental right to vote by reversing a key formula used in the Voting Rights Act to hold states accountable. On May 11, 2017, President Trump issued an executive order that would create an “election integrity” commission, which has been stated to combat voter fraud, but in reality will lead to a repeat of the egregious mistakes of our past. Ms. Hamer’s persistence and diligence in her fight for voting rights was integral to the Civil Rights Movement and the eventual passage of legislation that protected the right to vote for all citizens. We must continue to remember her struggle, as the struggle continues even to this day. By honoring Ms.

Hamer’s legacy, we can learn from the mistakes of our past and recognize those who had fought for a better future. She is definitely an exemplary model of what it looks like to stand firm for equality when it comes to voting rights. So I will remain determined to push the current Administration to understand how imperative it is to actually provide solutions to the true issue of voter suppression and not voter fraud.

Ms. Fannie Lou Hamer speaking at a protest

Ms. Fannie Lou Hamerbeing arrested at a protest.

October 6, 2017

Page 8

As a citizen of this country for 64 years, a grandfather of 3 boys, and father of 2 males and a taxpayer for 6 decades... I have earned a right to express myself on various issues that have impacted our LIVES. Thank You Dale Hanson of channel 8 for your honest true editorial you gave on the issue of race relations and WHITE privilege that is real and alive in this country called the home of the free and the brave. In am glad your employer did not fire you, lay you off or demoted You.. If you worked at Parkland hospital they would have riffed you. Being courageous enough to speak to issues that most ignore or hide from requires power from God..just as the prophet Nathan who called out King David.. there comes a

time when a nobody tells everybody the truth. Months ago.. and to long for me to

accept has been the investigation of the Balch Springs police officer that shot and killed an unarmed beautiful son of loving law abiding parents and tax payers of dallas county. Their civil rights and the rights of their son, Jordan was violated. The killing of this young jewel of America is the reason for my outcry!!

BLACK powerful congressional district members with 4 decades of experience.

This investigation has been conducted by Faith Johnson, Republican party appointed Dallas County District attorney. Now DA Johnson is seeking to be elected by the voters of Dallas County with the obvious endorsement of T.D.Jakes, the world class Pastor of the Potters HOUSE . Do you seriously think she deserves to be the DA of the COUNTY???? Really????

MLK and Malcolm X never had so many elected black leaders that DALLAS COUNTY has. Fredrick Douglas, Nat TURNER, Harriet Tubman never had so many elected power like those posting on face book every day.

It should never take weeks, days, months to investigate this MURDER. Why does it take this long? Why is there so much silence and calls for patience, healing, and no protest. The facts are clear in this market called Dallas..... There is a black city of Dallas Police Chief, BLACK City of Dallas City Manager. Black State Senator with 3 decades of power. Black DA, Black Public Dallas County defender for over 3 decades....3 Dallas County Commissioners all democrats and minorities, Mayor Pro Tem in Dallas use to be a black man, over 20 female black judges in the COUNTY. 3 blacks seeking to become Dallas County DA..2

Do you remember those old black and white PBS clips of the civil rights movement and all the leader's mostly pastors and icons marching as one locked arm in arm??? Protesting????

How can they sit quiet and never ask how long does it take.. Why can a white man kill a BLACK person and walk the streets each day??? No outcry...why? Most pastors tell blacks to be STILL. Be QUIET. Don't Protest, Heal. Attend bible study and sweep it under the rug!!! Blacks are told to WAIT, pray and obey the law in this country.. There is no way in hell you should be able to shoot a 15 year old or any one in the back of the head and go free. Go unconvicted.. our man downtown has be quiet. Our mega pastors quiet. Before l be a slave ...I be buried in my grave. We speak the name of Trump, Elvis, Robert E.Lee, Zeke Elliott,

Page 9

No outcry An Open Letter Kim Kardashian, Caraway,Mark Cuban..every day in this city. Not . more than the name of the dear family that was violated and murdred. Their sacred monument has been killed and removed. YOU REMOVED THEM FROM THIS COUNTY BY YOUR SILENCE... Why can't blacks lock arms and walk to Faith Johnson office and ask this question. Why so long??? Why don't DALLAS whites see this as a violation. Why dont DALLAS Hispanics see this as a violation... where is the RESPECT..the unity??? You ask me to rally and support Back the Blue. You ask me to rally and support Grow SOUTH.you tell me to rally and support DISD bonds that benefit north Dallas. SOC is still deplorable. Continue on pg 11 No Out Cry October 6, 2017

October 6, 2017

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Continue from pg 6 Judge Peggy Hoffman

L to R - back row: Melissa Torres, Mariana Wenzel-Gonzalez, Fitri Noviana, Clydie Pasia, Racha Haffar, Nattakarn Noree, Sirjana Kafle, Chari Maya Tamang, Ovsanna Babayan, Nancy Alarcon Moreno, Anne Abok L to R front row: Brikena Puka, Melanie Doucakis, R. Evon Idahosa, Annika Mack, Mira Faddoul, Habiba Osman, Kalvir Kaur, Binui Belinda Ngu, Theresa Morfaw, Lalitha Nayak, Vera Lupu

this court and into these ladies as they Endeavour to grow their lies and move forward and move forward into the solution and away from the problem thousands of people are trapped in their own countries and abroad 1/3 of these are children women and girls who make up 71% of all human trafficking victims vital voices Genesis women's shelter in Dallas County Criminal Court number 9 have partnered together to bring these women to a good fruitful productive life but this goes without saying that the work is a pain the women who are in the program that it would behoove them to work this program and move forward in life there are incentives in this program where they're given gift cards and what not as they accumulate points by doing what is right and what is productive in the program they also work with various counselor psychological counselors Health Counselors and Social Service counselors to reintegrate them back into society judge Hoffman Criminal Court number 9 and uses

common sense approach to sentencing and dealing with various issues that come before her Court not just prostitution fortunately for those who have been charged with prostitution and who have appeared before her she has rendered them the opportunity to resurrect their lives and a positive and constructive way that the court has the opportunity to monitor it and assist them and moving forward often times when people go to court they look at the judge as the senator the individual who send them to jail or send them to prison but that is not the objective of Judge Peggy Hoffman in this instance she looks to rehabilitate these women and give them the opportunity to be clean productive citizens in our society it would have made you at some of the individuals that have come through this program judge Hoffman explained she talked about young ladies who come to that program Torn and broken by virtue of having gone through the streets and leave the lights in the streets at to see them come back in

the court clean presentable productive is all of that she needs it's not about a conviction rate it's about a conversion rate that she's able to get these young ladies to see the brighter side of life the human trafficking some young ladies have been forced into prostitution life and yet they're the ones who pay the price at the end of the day but again judge Hoffman has endeavoured to save these young ladies from the Perils of jail and prison and instead send them back to society as productive citizens hats off to judge Hoffman vital voices Genesis women's shelter for their work in the prostitution diversion program for more details contact judge Peggy Hoffman's Court Dallas County Criminal Court number 9 that you may be able to find out how to help one of your loved ones or someone you know who is caught in the Vicious Cycle of human trafficking prostitution that's our bit for this week judge Hoffman great job.

Lorena Villalva, Darice Shaw, Kim Duran, Nazeeya Zubairie, Peggy Hoffman

Not pictured our D.A. Stephanie Gonzales

. .you ask me to attend and rally at Susan Hawk meetings at my church.you ask me to rally and support mega fest, cowboy GAMES rally for Dak.. rally and support SOC vs. CARTER GAMES. But no rally for murder.. no protest. No UNITY marches. .no suppport.. for the murder of a black unarmed teen by a peace officer who had anger management issues. There is a committee and rally to remove Robert E. Lee.. but MURDER is ok.. No out cry... We use to sing ..We shall overcome. We would sing. A change is gonna come. We would sing PEOPLE Get ready.. Now you sing..bitch better have my money Your President even calls you a bitch.. your rap.songs mention bitches. What did you expect??? Honor, RESPECT, love??? Every monument in black Dallas is torn down.. the FAMILY, the black bank, the urban LEAGUE.. you better not touch the confederacy... I am done crying.. done hoping, done wishing. Done RUNNING. Done turning the county blue.. You sold us out for chicken change.. you don't even know the words of the Big Pay Back by James Brown.. Where is the outcry??? Where is the pride, the UNITY. The concern.. Marvin Earle....

Continue from pg 9 No Out Cry

Page 11

October 6, 2017


October 6, 2017

Page 12

MINISTERS LISTINGS Concord Ministries Baptist Church

6808 Pastor Bailey Drive Dallas, TX 75237 Church (214) 331-8522 Worship 7:30 am 9::15 am 11 am - 12:24 am www.concorddallas.org

Rev. Bryan Carter Pastor

Rev. Joe S Patterson Pastor

New Mount Zion Baptist Church 9550 Shepherd Rd, Dallas, TX 75243 Church: (214) 341-6459 Intercessory Prayer Every Wednesday, 6:15 PM - 7:15 PM Bible Study Every Wednesday, 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM Young Adult Praise Team First Thursday, Third Thursday of


Faith Fellowship Missionary Baptist Church

4205 South Robinson Road P O Box 540515 Grand Prairie, Texas 75054

Church (972) 642 - 9125

Color Blind / Anointed Ministries

Pastor C.J. Duffey 210 Black Oak Road (Highway 69 South) Como, Texas 75431 903-335-1252 903-335-4764 Fax 903-862-4079 Sunday School: 9:30 am Worship Service: 10:00 am cbamkb@yahoo.com

Sunday 10:30 am Worship Service www.greatercornerstone.org

Superintendent Michael Clerkley, Sr Pastor

Rev. David E Wilson Pastor

East Gate Missionary Baptist Church Rev. Kennedy Young Jr. 6960 S. Polk St. Dallas, TX 75232 214-317-2633 Sunday Worship: 7:30 am and 10:30 am Bible Study: Wednesday 12 noon and 7:00 pm

Cornerstone Baptist Church 1819 Martin L King Jr Blvd, Dallas, TX 75215 Church: (214) 426-5468 Sunday School 9:30am Worship 8:00am & 11:00am Wednesday Bible Study 7:00pm

Chris L. Simmons Pastor

St. Phillips Missionary Baptist Church Bexar Street Baptist Church 6000 Singing Hills Dr, Dallas, Texas 75241 Church: (214) 374-6631 Morning Woreship 8:00 & 10: 15am Sunday School 9:00 am Lord’s Supper 1st Sunday 6:00 pm

Rev. C JR Phillips Pastor

Calvary Temple Community Church 1501 Clay Mathis Rd, Mesquite, TX 75181 Church: (972) 222-3708 Praise & Worship Service Sundays @ 8:00 A.M. and 11:00 A.M. Children’s Church Sundays @ 11:00 A.M.

Rev. Stanley E. Smith

Lighthouse Church Of God in Christ 2127 S Corinth St Rd, Dallas, TX 75203 Church: (214) 371-2421 Morning Worship 11 am www.lighthousecogic.com

Early Morning Worship

2210 Pine St Dallas, Texas Church (214) 421-4119 Sunday School 9:30 am Worship Service 11:00 am

Sunday School 9:00 AM Praise & Worship 10:25-10:30 am Prayer Meeting 7:00 PM Bible Study 7:30 PM

8350 Forest Ln Dallas, TX 75243 Church (214) 349-7701 Worship Services Sunday 7:30 am

Greater New Zion Baptist Church

Bible Study Tue. 11am Wed. 6:00 pm

Greater Cornerstone Baptist Church



Dr. W. R. Willis Pastor

New Birth Baptist Church 444 W Ledbetter Dr, Dallas, TX 75224 Church: (214) 374-0828 Morning Worship 7:50 am Sunday School 9:30 am Morning Worship 10:30 am Evening Worship 7:00

2018 S Marsalis Ave, Dallas, TX 75216 Church: (214) 943-3579 Sunday School 9:30 am Sunday Worship 10:45 am Bible Study Wed. 7:15 pm Thursday 11:00 am

T.C Marshall Pastor

Munger Avenue Baptist Church 3919 Munger Ave, Dallas, TX 75204 Church: (214) 824-8312 Sunday School 9:30 am Sunday Worship 11:00 am

Sunshine Bible Sunday 10:00 am Fellowship Dinner 5:20 pm Prayer Meeting Bible Study 7-8:30

Rev. W. C. Davis Pastor pm

The “Exciting” Singing Hill Baptist Church 6550 University Hills Blvd, Dallas, TX 75241 Church: (214) 375-5952 Fax (214) 371-1611 Sunday Worship 8am-10:45 am

Rev. Gorge & Michael Pryor Pastor

Page 13

Sunday School 9:45 am Wedensday Night 7pm

Dr. H.E. Anderson, Sr., Senior Pastor

October 6, 2017


Marsalis Missionary Baptist Church

“Standing on your Faith”

4122 South Marsalis Avenue Dallas, Texas Church (214) 302-3302 Suday School 9:00 AM Elder R C Emanuel Sunday Service 10:00 Pastor Wednesday Night Bible Study 7:00 pm

Carver Heights Baptist Church 2510 E. Ledbetter Road Dallas, Texas 75216 Church: 214-371-2024 Sunday Worship Services Sunday School - 8:30am Worship Hour - 9:30am Wednesday - 7:00pm

Rev Daryl Carter Pastor

Willing Workers Baptist Church 4142 Gladewater Road Dallas, Texas 75216 Church (214) 770-1326 or (214) 428-1266 Sunday School: 10:00 am Sunday Worship:11:00 am Wed. Bible Study: 7:00 pm

Rev Oliver W Lomax-


Rev. Terry White Pastor

New El Bethel Baptist Church 2023 Mouser St. Dallas, Texas 75216 Hours of Oporation Mon - Fri: 7am - 10pm Phone: (214) 946-3584 www.newbethell.com

Dr. Timothy J. Brown Pastor

New Covenant Missionary Baptist Church Rev. Darrell W. Pryor 411 N. Hampton Road DeSoto, TX 75115 Sunday School: 9:00 am Morning Worship: 10:30 am

St. John Grand Prairie Campus 1701 West Jefferson Grand Prairie, TX 75051 Phone: (972) 264-1483 Sunday Worship 7:00 9:00 & 11:00 Email: sjbcsupport@sjbcfamily.com Website: http://sjcfamily.org

Denny D. Davis Pastor

Greater Emmanuel Baptist Church 2110 E. Eleventh St. Dallas, TX 75203 Church (214) 972-0218 Sunday Service 7:45 & 10:00 am Wed. Prayer Meeting 11am & 10am Wed. Night Bible Study 7:00pm www.gebcdallad.org

Rev. Burley Hudson Pastor

Freindship West Baptist Church 2020 W Wheatland Rd, Dallas, TX 75232 Church (972) 228-5200 Sun Moning Services 8:00 am & 10:45 am Wednesday Bible Study 12 Noon & 7:00 pm

Frederick Duglass Haynes, III Pastor

Greater Mt Pilgrim Baptist Church

New Leaf Family Church 1707 St Augustine Rd Dallas, Texas Church (214) 398-6641 Service Times: Sunday School 8:30 am Sunday Worship 9:30am Wednesday Bible Study 7pm

2723 S Marsalis Ave Dallas, TX 75216 Church 214-943-6007 Sunday School 9:00 am Morning Worship 10: 00 am Prayer & Praise Worship 7pm www.marsalisavenuebc.com

St. John Missionary Baptist Church

1010 Bayonne St Dallas, Texas Church: (214) 744-1677

Dr. Carey C Toney Sr. Founder Pastor Pastor Shawn Toney

Morning Glory 7:45 am Sunday School 9:15am Morning Worship 10:30 am

Rev. Ned Armstrong Pastor

The Lord Missionary Baptist Church

St. Paul Baptist Church 1600 Pear Street Dallas, TX 75215 Phone: (214) 421-3741 Fax: (214) 421-3926 Worship 8am & 11am

Rev. Lelious A Johnson


6722 Bexar St Dallas, TX 75215 Church 214-428-5459 Sunday School 9:30 am Worship 11:00 am

Hopewell Missionary Baptist Church 5144 Dolphin Road Dallas, Texas 75223 Phone: (214)832-1018


Rev. Marlon J. Duncan Pastor

Wednesday12pm & 7:30 pm Bible Study 7pm Prayer Meeting Sunday 9am Sunday School: 10:05 am

October 6, 2017

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Gerald Albright

Selina Albright


SHOW INFO: (214) 948-0716 SPONSORED BY:


Eric Darius Nick Collionne

Friends Please know that I do not support dissolving Dallas County Schools. While I will admit that they have struggled, I do not believe that DallasISD is ready or able to take on the responsibility of transporting the large number of students that are currently being transported by DCS. Our transportation area is about 227 miles and this year alone we added 75 routes to DCS. It has been estimated that the bus startup cost would be approximately $150 million which would take funds away from other programs that we are currently trying to enhance or start. Last year we spent approximately 45 million for transportation. DCS receives .01 taxes to augment the cost of school transportation and that will go away if the agency is dissolved.

By:Joyce Foreman Board Member Distict 6

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October 6, 2017

Have you ever gone to church and left it feeling the same way you did when you walked in? Maybe you wander in every Sunday because it was the way your parents reared you. It is all you know. You show up on Sundays, mumble verses the pastor guides you to in the bible, but after reading a few words, your mind drifts somewhere else. Your experience is nothing like the woman who may be sitting next to you, who has learned how to release her burdens at the altar, instead of dragging them around everywhere she goes as if it is her personal luggage. We recently had an opportunity to speak with Pastor Tanya Baker of the Incredible Church in Dallas, and she broke down what people are missing. You just can’t show up to church and recite the words, without knowing the meaning and expect something miraculous to take place. Pastor Baker shared with the Elite News the story of how it is even more difficult for high profile celebrities to find the deliverance they are seeking from the church, because they are often given a pass in their sinning. “When we look at church, people are doing what they want to do,” says Pastor Baker, “The Incredible Church, which is a non-denominational church, is trying to help people get back to being faithful to God, and let people know, there are boundaries for believers.” When you meet Pastor Baker, you will realize immediately, she has a radical approach to teaching the word. Even her dress is different; classy, yet trendy and stylish. Also, she has learned how to harness the power of social media, to reach people who ordinarily may not have

An Incredible Woman from The Incredible Church By Arielle Johnson

come across her ministry through word of mouth. Last week there was an Instagram challenge which went viral. It seems as if the challenge may have been sparked by vocalist Erykah Badu and comedian Michael Blackson. The two appeared to be at a bar after hours, clowning around by rapping about what they would do for sex. Copycats went out of their way to top the composition made by the two, even going so far as to add how they would sell their souls and kill for it. Although she is not a rapper, Pastor Baker took to her Instagram to create her own rap to counter the negativity caused by the challenge. In her rap composition, she seemed to question the multiple acts of sin, people have been caught saying they were willing to commit for sex. Pastor Baker reminded us of how powerful social media is and that we are actually evoking evil spirits and selling our souls just to get a few likes.

The “No Side Chick Challenge” video idea, which was created by Pastor Baker, is available for viewing at her Youtube channel. In the video she addresses the destructive behavior of the “side chick”. Not only is she destroying her life, but also the life of the man she is involved with and indirectly, his family and children. When discussing our present leadership, Pastor Baker says we have to remember, our president was allowed by God to take office. Although the President often operates in an annoying, idiotic manner, he is still being used by God. His behavior is actually pushing us towards each other and as a result, many Americans are starting to wake up. God is using him to be an agitator. . On November 10-11, 2017 from 6 p.m. to 1p.m., Pastor Tanya of The Incredible Church will be presenting another installment of her “Girlfriends and God” series where women can come together and release and have fun in the process. This year’s theme is “Don’t Go Chasing Waterfalls: Rectify*Release*Reclaim.” Some of the planned activities include learning How to Cook Healthy, Dancing in Stilettos, and plenty of empowering presentations designed to mo-

tivate attendees. One of the special guests will be Shamicka Lawrence from Hollywood Exes, and ex-wife of Martin Lawrence. More information about the event can be found by visiting the EventBrite website. To find out more about Pastor Tanya Baker’s ministry, please follow her on instagram at @pastortanyabaker and subscribe to her Youtube channel - Pastor Tanya Baker. The church’s main website is located at www.theincrediblechurch.org Pastor Baker is never too busy for anyone who may be in need of spiritual guidance, and is known for reaching out to people who contact her through her social media sites. When presented with the opportunity to provide healing online, she always responds to others concerns in a timely manner.

October 6, 2017

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Window Air Condition Units Available Thru Sept 30th. North Texas Air Conditioning Initiatives provides/installs free window AC units to area residents who meet eligibility requirements. (Not available for apartment dwellers). Contact: Yvette Traylor; 214-444-0028.

Page 17

October 6, 2017

KGGR Dallas-Fort Worth SUNRISE The station that never stops giving kggr Am and FM 1040 am and 102 FM Dallas Texas General manager and Arnold phone number 972572-5447 fax to (214) 330-6133 5787


Zeno & Associates, Inc. offers a variety of services for a flat fee. ... 1075 Griffin St W Suite 104 Dallas, TX 75215 (P) 214-428-2726 (F) 214-428-7747 zenoandassociatesinc.com * info@zenoandassociatesinc.com

You Got Questions,

We’ve Got Answers! Lets Talk! Fast501c3, Incorporated 2300 Valley View Lane Suite 909 Irving, Texas 75062 Office: (972) 891-1429

October 6, 2017

Page 18


& CASEY (HOTT DOC) BLAIR 17th Annual William "Bill'' Blair: Memorial Scholarship Golf Classic Friday November 3, 2017 Registration Times: 7:00am-Registration 9:00am-Shot Gun Start Registration Fees: 4 Man Teams: $360 Individuals: $90 Each Player Will Receive: Bag Stuffers Awards Dinner

Sponsors: New Mount Zion Missionary Baptist Church Trophy Nissan DFW Motor Escorts Heath Harris for Judge Elizabeth Frizell for District Attorney Lorenzo Brown Attorney at Law Wal-Mart Metro PCS Golf Galaxy Pepsi

Winner Prizes: 1st Place-Flat Screen TV 2nd Place-Golf Bags 3rd Place-Gift Cards 605 N Fwy Service Rd

To Become a Sponsor or Register You or Your Team Call Elite News or Darryl Blair @ 214-372-6500 or 214-641-3295

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Page 19

October 6, 2017

Looking for a way to interest your child in reading?

Boys and girls LOVE to read books by R. L. Stine. Come see why as Dallas Children’s Theater presents… SPECIAL O


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Photo by Karen Almond

SEPT. 22 – OCT. 29

Produced by special arrangement with GURMAN AGENCY, LLC, New York, NY ™ & © Scholastic Inc. SCHOLASTIC, GOOSEBUMPS and associated logos are trademarks and/or registered marks of Scholastic Inc. Based on Goosebumps® Phantom of the Auditorium.


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