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JUNE 15, 2012

From One Activist to Another Richard Gant to pay tribute to Dick Gregory



Dick Gregory’s Birthday Dinner & Show has been

D Elli$

Zemill Phyllis Yvonne Stickney

Ivan Tolbert IMAJ

MOVED to EDISON’S 1724 Cockrell Ave. Dallas

Joe Torry Richard Gant Kiki Shepard Spank E

JUNE 15, 2012

Friday, June 29 @ 6pm

Cheryl Smith’s

Don’t Believe the Hype

Celebrity Bowl-a-thon

Some celebs who supported over the past 17 years:

Some of our past champions: Skip Murphy & Team Constable Derick Evans & Team TXU Teams Councilwoman Dorothy Burton’s Team Judge Maryellen Hicks’ Team High Bowlers:

Last year’s lineup was the bomb! Catered by Peaches Party Package and Off the Bone Barbecue!!!

Skip Murphy Constable Derick Evans Dr. Beverly Mitchell Brooks Dr. Frederick D. Haynes III Deitra Miles Ken Bell

6p Reception 8-10p Bowling 8:30p Dick Gregory speaks

Saturday June 30, 2012

Cheryl’s World on Blog Talk Radio

Chuck D - Public Enemy Malik Farrakhan - PE Rene Syler Roland Martin Miles Jaye Ron & Matrice Kirk Clarice Tinsley John McCaa Tony Dixon - former Cowboy Jay Ratliff - Dallas Cowboy Roy Tarpley, former MAV Eric Benet Phyllis Yvonne Stickney Miles Jaye DISD Trustee Hollis Brashear Hon. Tennell Atkins Hon. John Wiley Price Brian Curtis Bob Ray Sanders Kristi Nelson Shaun Rabb Brian Custer Ramona Logan Crystal Thornton Susy Solis Omar Villafranca Chief Ben Click Judge Thomas Jones

I MESSENGER Bringing you enlightening, educational, empowering, inspiring and thought-provoking information from around the world!

Register your team or get your vendor booth today at

www.dontbelievethehype.org or call 972.572.0088




George Curry 6

JUNE 15, 2012

Message to the people... The village is alive and well in Dallas, Texas! I’ve been worrying a lot lately because I have been concerned about the influences that today’s youth encounter, like social media and what appears to be a decline in the moral consciousness of society. Sure we got into things when we were young. That’s what young people do. Admittedly, there are things that I did that have caused me some serious regrets and I am just grateful that I made it through. Unfortunately more and more of our children are not making it through and many that do are not left unscathed. Their actions have them scarred for life or looking at their “indiscretions” for decades or their entire lives. Most recently, I was in the company of three other mothers and a bunch of sons and daughters.

Cheryl Smith

We were discussing right from wrong and consequences. The conversation drifted from sex, grades and God to decision-making, lies and accountability. One parent cited jail statistics, while another talked about what happens in jail, pointing out that even Bloods and Crips, as tough as they are, have sex with one another behind bars. We talked to them about what they could be doing instead of languishing behind bars, doing time. One thing all parents could agree with was about how tough it is to raise kids today. It seems that no matter how hard you try, kids are “off the chain.” And the kids would say their parents and unfortunately, some of their teachers are also “off the chain.”

NABJ meets in New Orleans 8

Everyone appears to be doing things they have no business doing and they think the can get away with everything. Now, of course as I remember a time when I did things that would have warranted a butt whipping, I also remember knowing how to show remorse and attempt to make amends. Many of today’s youth are nonchalant and show no emotion when they are chastised. Working together, we can ensure that they understand the ramifications of their actions. I was proud of the village as we discussed what this group of children should be doing. It was interesting to watch the parents, who were meeting for the first time, bonding and addressing their children’s issues.

Andre L. Smith, Duncanville High principal 10

We all cared about these young children and told them so. The conversation was frank and at times raw, because the children needed to know that we were serious and concerned. More importantly, we needed them to know that we had their back, but we would not back wrong. After our discussion, the mothers all hugged and offered support by sharing information about everything from mentoring programs and scholarship opportunities to community service and employment opportunities. I felt empowered and optimistic because I know that every parent is not spending every waking moment high on drugs or waiting for happy hour to begin. There are parents, many parents, who care about their children and their communities. They know it’s not enough just to take care of your family and think that everything will work out if everyone else just takes care of their families. Doesn’t work that way. Together we can win the battle against the powers that be who assume that all young black males are headed for a prison cell and all young black females are destined to be unwed mothers with several baby daddies. Together we can take our children back and put them on the right course.

I MESSENGER Cheryl Smith, Publisher Established 2011 IMESSENGER is a tribute to Le Messager, founded by Cameroonian journalist Pius Njawe and The Messenger, an independent magazine, founded by labor activist A . Philip Randolph and economist Chandler Owen. IM ESSENGER is committed to informing, inspiring, enlightening and provoking thought in a forum that is international. Submissions for publication consideration may be submitted to www.myimessenger.com.

It doesn’t help when you get the parents who think their children can do no wrong. For some reason they don’t realize they are contributing to the delinquency of a minor. Thankfully I got a positive reception from the women I called together to discuss the behavior of our temporarily lost their minds children. There are going to be more discussions with our village. It’s time out for the parents who refuse to get involved and don’t want anyone telling them about their children, or telling their children what to do. You can hear about your children now or you can hear about them as you prepare to share a visit with them with a plexiglass as a barrier or in a large community visiting room at the Department of Corrections. Adults, even those without children, can make a difference in the lives of our youth. Be like State Farm, and be a good neighbor. Saving a child today just might save your life or the lives of your loved ones in the future.




JUNE 15, 2012

“We will have to repent in this generation not merely for the vitriolic words and actions of the bad people, but for the appalling silence of the good people.” . Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Come on PEOPLE! Don’t you CARE? POLICE have not apprehended Pookie the serial rapist. Aren’t you concerned? Do you care? We know he has attacked members of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. and there is a $5,000 reward offered by Crime Stoppers. If you have ANY information, PLEASE call Crime Stoppers

877.373.8477 Also, if you want extra protection, check out Street Safe at


DON’T BE SILENT Join I Messenger in the call for justice. Turn Pookie in today!




2012 On the Campaign Trail A Boy From the Projects: The Reverend Kyev P. Tatum, Sr., 2012 Democratic Candidate for US Congress and Civil Rights Advocate "A preacher, practitioner and political strategist, the Rev. Kyev Tatum is shaping the future for the better." -

Carole Keeton Strayhorn, former Texas Comptroller

FORT WORTH, TEXAS - The Lone Star Project, a liberal political blob, recently wrote on their website (www.lonestarproject.net) referring to the Rev. Kyev P. Tatum, Sr., in a pejorative sense, as a "political gadfly." His response was quick and to the point. "If standing up and speaking out



for the least, last, lost, and the left out makes me a political gadfly, then I wear the title as a badge of honor. Poverty and greed are destroying our country as we know it," says Rev. Tatum. What is a political gadfly one might ask? A Political ‘Gadfly’ is a term for people who upset the status quo by posing upsetting or novel questions. “Gadfly” (Ancient Greek: µυο̃ψ, myops) was used by Plato in the Apology to describe Socrates’ relationship of uncomfortable goad to the Athenian political scene, which he compared to a slow and dimwitted horse. The Bible also references the gadfly in terms of political influence. The term has been used to describe many politicians and social commentators. During his defense when on trial for his life, Socrates, according to Plato’s writings, pointed out that dissent, like the tiny (relative to the size of a horse) gadfly, was easy to swat, but the cost to society of silencing individuals who were irritating could be very high. “If you kill a man like me, you will injure yourselves more than you will injure me,” because his role was that of a gadfly, “to sting people and whip them into a fury, all in the service of truth.”

In modern and local politics, gadfly is a term used to describe someone who persistently challenges people in positions of power, the status quo or a popular position. For example, Morris Kline wrote that there is a function for the gadfly who poses questions that many specialists would like to overlook. Polemics are healthy. The word may be uttered in a pejorative sense, while at the same time be accepted as a description of "honourable work or civic duty." "I grew up in abject poverty and lived in the public housing projects in the early 70s and I realize we have been called to be the voice for the many voiceless people who are waiting for the day when we all shall over come," Rev. Tatum said.

Message about Shoot First Laws Another study has confirmed that “Shoot First” laws, like the one in Florida that contributed to Trayvon Martin’s death, serve to increase violence and homicide. Texas A&M University economists Cheng Cheng and Mark Hoekstra set out to examine the claim, offered by


JUNE 22, 2012

proponents of such laws, that they serve as a deterrent to crime. They found precisely the opposite: “burglary, robbery, and aggravated assault are unaffected by the laws. On the other hand, we find that murder and nonnegligent manslaughter are increased by

7 to 9 percent. In other words, they said, Shoot First laws have resulted in an additional 500 to 700 homicides per year across the 23 states where they’ve been enacted. The authors of the study did not pinpoint the reason why the laws led to more homicides, but their conclusion was stark: “The primary impact of these laws, beyond giving potential victims additional scope to protect themselves, is to increase the loss of human life.” The National Urban League has joined with other civil rights organizations, elected officials, law enforcement professionals and other Americans to raise awareness about Shoot First and other unsafe, reckless gun laws. The Second Chance on Shoot First campaign supports responsible gun policies that will make our country safer. Across the country, state legislators have a second chance to reform the dangerous gun policies in their state. We’re asking them to take it. - Marc Morial






Pass Voter Empowerment Act MARC MORIAL

President National Urban League

“With a pivotal presidential election just six months away, we must do all we can to ensure free and fair elections and that everyone can vote.” Voter Empowerment Act fact sheet Thanks to rising citizen outrage and efforts like the National Urban League’s “Occupy the Vote” campaign, the voter suppression movement is facing mounting resistance. As we reported several weeks ago, voter suppression laws in Florida designed to purge voter rolls and make it more difficult to register voters, have now been challenged by the Justice Department. There is also a new bill in the U.S. House of Representatives which takes direct aim at some of the most egregious voter suppression tactics being employed or considered in dozens of states throughout the nation. These tactics include elimination of Election Day and same-day registration, reductions in early voting periods and absentee voting opportunities, and new restrictions on voter registration drives. These measures could prevent millions of eligible voters from exercising their constitutional right to vote and they disproportionately affect our service members, people with disabilities, minorities, young people, seniors and low income Americans. As we approach the 2012 presidential election, we should be encouraging more, not less voting by the American people. In the 2008 presidential election about three million Americans were turned away from the polls due to voter registration problems. And an estimated 51 million Americans eligible to vote are not registered. Still there are those who are determined to keep even more people from voting. This is a travesty, it’s unAmerican and it dis-honors the sacrifice of generations of voting rights foot soldiers who fought and died to guarantee every citizen the right to vote. Sponsored by Representatives John Lewis (GA), John Conyers (MI), Steny Hoyer (MD), James Clyburn (SC), and Robert Brady (PA), the Voter Empowerment Act (H.R. 5799), would fight back by ensuring equal access to the ballot box, protecting the integrity of voting systems and mandating accountability for fair elections. Among its provisions, the bill calls for Modernizing the voter registration system, including allowing for on-line registration Requiring universities that receive federal funds to encourage students to register Setting standards for voting machines Simplifying the registration process for overseas military service men and women Authorizing same-day registration Empowering the Election Assistance Commission to ensure high standards and fair elections Removing barriers for people with disabilities The Voter Empowerment Act is the most serious attempt to date by Congress to protect voters from the recent on-slaught of restrictive voting measures that make it harder for millions of eligible voters to register or vote. In describing the bill in a recent op-ed in the Hill newspaper, Congressmen Conyers and Brady write, “The bill declares that a voter shall not be denied the right to vote unless the challenge is corroborated by independent evidence, and it also prohibits persons other than election officials from challenging a voter’s eligibility based on voter caging and other questionable challenges.” John Lewis, a veteran of the civil rights movement, who was beaten during the 1965 “Bloody Sunday” voting rights march in Selma, Alabama, added, “The ability to vote should be easy, accessible and simple…We should be moving toward a more inclusive democracy, not one that locks people out.” We agree. Occupy the Vote. Pass the Voter Empowerment Act now

I MESSENGER wants you to SPEAK YOUR MIND! Is there something on your mind? Is there something we should be thinking about? Your thoughts are welcomed on the opinion pages of I MESSENGER! We would love to hear from you. Send your thoughts to us at www.myimessenger.com along with your photo, a contact number and a brief bio. Submissions should not exceed 300 words. PAGE 6


JUNE 22, 2012

Florida is Again the Laughing Stock of America

By George E. Curry NNPA Columnist When it comes to national elections, no state makes a bigger fool of itself than Florida. The Sunshine state was at the center of an 1876 controversy over the presidential election between Republican Rutherford B. Hayes and Democrat Samuel L. Tilden. By throwing out many votes cast by Blacks, Florida was able to give Hayes a one-vote margin in the Electoral College although Tilden had won the state’s popular vote by 260,000 votes. The case reached the Supreme Court where Florida’s chicanery was also upheld by a one-vote margin. A book on the election by Roy Morris Jr. was titled, Florida’s Voting Scandal in 1876: The Fraud of the Century. The 2000 presidential contest between Al Gore and George W. Bush was the fraud of another century, featuring a governor, Jeb Bush, who was brother of the Republican nominee for president, and Florida’s Secretary of State Katherine Harris, with the responsibility of supervising state election procedures, serving as George W. Bush’s state cochairman. There was widespread confusion leading up to Election Day. More than 54,000 people were purged from voting rolls supposedly because they were felons; 54 percent of the group was made up of African Americans. However, it was later determined that many of those denied access to the ballot were not convicted felons. A lack of uniformed ballots also caused major problems and introduced unfamiliar terms such as “hanging chads” and “butterfly ballots.” The ballots were so confusing that in the Jacksonville area, home to significant numbers of African Americans, 27,000 ballots were thrown out because they

showed votes had been cast for two presidential candidates. In Palm Beach, another hotbed of controversy, the presidential choices were spread over two pages, with voters being instructed to “vote on every page.” Instead of shedding light on the confusion, the news media added to it. All of the major networks made the mistake of announcing the polls in Florida closed at 7 p.m., EST. That was true in the eastern section of the state. However, polls in the more conservative western counties were open for another hour because they operated on the central time zone. This confusion caused the networks to project at 7:48 p.m., EST, that Al Gore had carried the state. When the final numbers were tallied, however, Bush was declared the winner by 537 votes. Under Florida law, a statewide recount was automatic. And that set off another round of confusion, with Democrats trying to make sure their votes were counted in Democratic strongholds and Republicans guarding their favored territory. During the process, lawyers for Bush appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court and on December 4, with George W. Bush leading by 154 votes, the court halted the recount process on a 5-4 vote, effectively awarding the state to George W. Bush. Although Gore won a plurality of the popular votes, Bush was awarded the state’s 25 electoral votes, enough to win the national election. This year, Florida officials are not waiting until the November elections to disenfranchise voters likely to vote for President Obama and other Democrats. Gov. Rick Scott signed an executive order that, in effect, permanently disenfranchises exoffenders. In addition, the state eliminated early voting on the Sunday before elections, a move to disrupt “Soul to the Polls” voting campaigns organized by churches. In 2008, 32.2 percent of those who voted early on that last Sunday were Black and 23.6 percent were Latino. To make it more difficult to organize voter registration drives, Scott signed a law requiring groups registering voters to pre-register with the state and turn in voter registration forms without 48 hours of collection. U.S. District Judge Robert L. Hinkle ruled on a suit that challenged those provisions by the League of Women Voters of Florida, Rock the Vote and Florida Public "


Interest Research Group Educational Fund. The groups said such requirements infringed on their constitutional rights of free speech and association. Judge Hinkle dismissed the s t a t e ’s a s s e r t i o n t h a t n o constitutional rights were being violated. ‘’The assertion that the challenged provisions implicate no constitutional rights is plainly wrong,’’ he wrote in his decision. ‘’The plaintiffs wish to speak, encouraging others to register to votes, and some of the challenged provisions – for example, the requirement to disclose in advance the identity of an employee or volunteer who will do nothing more than speak – regulate pure speech. This is core First Amendment activity. ‘’Further, the plaintiff’s wish to speak and act collectively with others, implicating the First Amendment right to association. More importantly, the plaintiffs wish to assist others with the process of registering and thus, in due course, voting. Voting is a right protected by several constitutional provisions; state election codes thus are subject to constitutional scrutiny.’’ The U.S. Justice Department has also objected to Florida making it more difficult for citizens to vote. Not surprisingly, Florida officials are appealing the court ruling and the Justice Department’s intervention. George E. Curry, former editorin-chief of Emerge magazine, is editor-in-chief of the National Newspaper Publishers Association News Service (NNPA) and editorial director of Heart & Soul magazine. He is a keynote speaker, moderator, and media coach. Curry can be reached through his Web site, www.georgecurry.com. You can also follow him at www.twitter.com/ currygeorge.




JUNE 22, 2012

Gant to pay tribute to Dick Gregory at June 29 dinner/show Joining in the celebration of Dick Gregory’s 80th Birthday ion June 29 at Edison’s is actor Richard Gant. Mr.Gant is probably best known for his role as, the silver streaked boxing promoter, George Washington Duke in “Rocky V,” in which he co starred with Sylvester Stallone. “George’s” canning zest for success, morphed Richard Gant into a memorable character entrenched in the seedy side of the boxing world. “Sylvester had seen my work and he wanted me for the part. I got a phone call and the next thing I knew I was in Hollywood.” Richard proudly says. Richard’s statuesque presence, combined with his talent and personality provided for a very successful marriage with Hollywood. Some of his more notable films include, “Kingdom Come,” with Whoopi Goldberg and LL Cool J, and an Irish thriller shot in Belfast, “Divorcing Jack.” Richard also appeared in the gripping Child Soldier film, “Ezra”, shot in Rwanda, East Africa, and the controversial urban drama, “Cover”, by Bill Duke. On to family comedy, Richard recently starred as Colonel Buck in Cuba Gooding’s hilarious “Daddy Day Camp.” Born in Berkley California, the mid 60’s for an Oakland college student was both tumultuous and culturally edifying. Fully defined by the times, Gant fell in love with theatre through the works of the Harlem Renaissance writers and Langston Hughes and discovered his life’s great passion, theater. The New York Theatre Renaissance was in full bloom demanding the attention of any serious artist. In this atmosphere Richard joined artists from around the country defining cultural and political directions for the new age. He acted in or

directed some 35 Off Broadway productions. Notable productions as an actor included, “The Talented Tenth,” The Manhattan Theater Club; “The Playboy of the West I n d i e s , ” T h e Ya l e Repertory Company; which led to the role in the original Broadway production, “The Mighty Gents,” with Morgan Freeman and Howard Rollins. In addition to stage performances throughout the New York/New Jersey and Connecticut area, Richard toured extensively nationally and abroad at the Dublin Theater Festival. Gant heralded Buffalo’s Paul Robeson Theater as Artistic Director, Directed “The World of Ben Caldwell,” for New York’s Henry Street Settlement Theatre, which starred Morgan Freeman, Garrett Morris and Reginald Vel Johnson, and directed the Obie Award winning, “La Grima Del Diablo,” for the famed Negro Ensemble company. “Making films is a great experience, but working on the stage creates an unimaginable thrill. It’s you and the audience. No retakes!” exclaims Gant. Later, again with Woody King Jr., Richard would direct the only known recording of Denzel Washington in his much talked about portrayal of Malcolm X, in the play “When The Chickens Come Home To Roost.” The theater is undoubtedly Richard’s first love. It was as early as his college days when he pioneered a multicultural effort

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directing “The Lion and The Jewel,” and “Trials of Brother Jero” written by the Nigerian Pulitzer P r i z e w i n n e r, Wo l e Soyinka. Richard Gant met South African writer Duma Ndlovu and his love affair with South Africa began. He and Duma began a trend setting partnership which lasted through four South African/American projects. “Sheila’s Day” was the most successful, ultimately having a very successful Broadway run. While “Sheila’s Day” may have been the most financially successful of these ventures, it was clearly, “The Mandela Letters,” starring Ruby Dee and Ossie Davis, at Lincoln Center that was the most memorable. It can be argued, Mr. Gant’s most memorable television character is Hostetler in the HBO blockbuster series, “Deadwood.” To the Daytime audiences, enthusiastic fans know and love Richard as Dr. Russell Ford, Chief of Staff on America’s longest running soap, “General Hospital.” Richard’s television appearances are as plentiful and varied as his film and theatrical career; “NY PD Blue,” “Babylon Five,” “For Your Love,” and “Eve” are just a few of those appearances. As a series regular Richard also costarred in the “Bonnie Hunt Show,” and “Special Unit II” as Captain Richard Page. With the recent conclusion of the acclaimed series “Men of a Certain Age,” with Emmy awardees’ Ray Romano and

A n d r é Braugher, Richard has joined the cast of Family Channel’s new series, Hair Buns slated for this fall. Richard Gant is the co founder of My Mandela Moment, a s o c i a l networking campaign that celebrates and reaffirms Dr. Nelson Mandela’s principals of leadership and community service. The My Mandela Moment campaign created the 20th anniversary celebration for Nelson Mandela’s release from prison attended by 10,000 people, February 2010, in Cape Town, South Africa. It was around this time that Richard was invited by President Abdoulaye Wade of Senegal, to accompany the American delegation to the nations’ 50th independence celebration. Most recently as a member of the African Renaissance and Diaspora network, Gant’s work is in the development of a global Theater of the Diaspora. No stranger to the politics of the vast continent of Africa, Gant was the campaign manager for Governor Aper Aku, Benue State NPN party, Nigeria, reelection in 1983. Richard has always embraced all that is vibrant whether it’s culture or art in Harlem, Nigeria, The Caribbean or South Africa. Rooted in a depth of experience, knowledge and expertise, Richard Gant’s passion for arts and culture has created a space for him that many would aspire to.

Sunday, at 8:00a.m., turn on your computer & log on to Blog Talk Radio, or call 646-200-0459 to listen to Cheryl’s World And Donna P. Charles don’t forget fitness guru Jay, sports guy Andrew 5/20/1958 and-an inspiring word 3/23/2012 from Father JeMonde Taylor


Elusive Lady #22 With guests: Greg Errico of Sly and Spring 1978 the Family Stone and Williams BetaAnn Alpha Chapter of of the Dallas Black Dance Theatre Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., FAMU








JUNE 22, 2012

NABJ 2012 New Orleans Style!








JUNE 22, 2012

New Orleans was the place to be with members of NABJ From Trayvon Martin’s family and veteran journalists and entertainers to Sports Task Force honorees, Nascar, past presidents and aspiring journalists, New Orleans was the place to be this week with the members of the National Association of Black Journalists. Photos - Eva Coleman and Cheryl Smith








EDUCATION NOTES Request for support The National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE) at the University of Texas at Arlington is an organization that takes great pride in its mission: “to increase the number of culturally responsible black engineers who excel academically, succeed professionally and positively impact the community." We are asking local companies to support us in our fundraising efforts.We would greatly appreciate it if your organization/company would consider supporting NSBE through a generous donation.You can help in various ways: -Monetary contributions to be used toward event costs, scholarships, and activities that raise awareness of our organization. -Gift cards, coupons, or products to be used as items that will be raffled. In order to make NSBE a thriving organization, we turn to our local business establishments to help us provide our new and existing members with opportunities that will prepare them for success in their engineering careers. Currently, we are trying to raise funds for the NSBE National Convention in Indianapolis, IN March 27-March 31, 2013. At this event, members across the nation come together in one place and participate in the biggest career fair in the country. We would greatly appreciate your tax-deductible donations such as monetary contributions, prizes, gift certificates, school supplies, food, or promotional products that will help make our fundraising efforts an enormous success. In return, your contributions will result in a great promotional opportunity to reach out to all of the university’s student body. All donations will be recognized on the NSBE website. On behalf of the National Society of Black Engineers at the University of Texas at Arlington, we would like to thank you for your time and consideration to support our efforts. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Damone Norwood via email at treasurer@nsbeuta.org or by phone at (325) 280-5288. Sincerely, Terina Smith UTA NSBE Public Relations Publicrelations@nsbe-uta.org (469) 288-1547



Charter school provides resources to help at-risk youth Texans Can Academies, a nonprofit charter high school organization serving dropouts and those at-risk of dropping out, has announced that during the 2011-2012 school year 94% of their 1,255 graduating seniors were accepted to college. Scholarships were also awarded to 49% of the students. A majority of Texans Can students enroll in the drop out prevention high school after having failed several classes or an entire grade level at other traditional high schools and are academically below grade level. Texans Can Academies have implemented programs both in and out of the classroom in each of their 10 campuses across Texas to provide their students equal access and support to prepare for college admittance. Most of the students are first generation high school graduates and almost all will be the first in their families to attend college. Richard Marquez, CEO of Texans Can Academies, has more than 20 years of public school experience ranging from a classroom teacher to a superintendent, and decided to create a college and career center for graduating seniors to help them with their plans after graduation. Through the work of the Can Academies and ReadyToWork®, a Dallas-based for profit company that provides college and career readiness services, centers were opened on all ten campuses to provide students with services that are not often found in traditional, comprehensive public high schools. Each senior in all schools completed a career inventory, received assistance with scholarship applications and Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) forms, developed resumes and applied for acceptance to college. The average scholarship award per student was approximately $2,300. Dr. Yolanda Cruz Wilder, Texans Can Academies chief schools officer, stated, “Our principals set high expectations for their students and are not surprised at the soaring college acceptance rate. Our wish is for every child in Texas to receive the same opportunities.” ReadyToWork®, a for profit company that was established in 2006 to provide work training in the area of logistics,

partnered with Texans Can Academies to develop the college and career model. More than 1,100 young Texans have been accepted to college as a result of this unique partnership between a for profit company providing services in a 501(c)3 non-profit public school system through the use of state funding.

Duncanville District welcomes Kuehler Ronald Kuehler, known across the state of Texas for his extensive experience in maintaining and increasing school district financial resources , joined Duncanville ISD on June 18 as the new Chief Financial and Operations Officer. Kuehler will oversee district operations including Business Services (Accounting, Payroll, Benefits and Risk Management), Maintenance and Custodial, Nutrition Services, Purchasing, Transportation, and Warehouse services. Duncanville ISD’s current ranking as the number one Texas school district in Best Financial Performance by the Education Resource Group demonstrates the district’s commitment to prudent fiscal management. The district also recently received its second Texas Comptroller Leadership Circle Gold Star Award for financial transparency. “His [Kuehler’s] experience and list of accomplishments make him the ideal candidate to lead the district’s Finance and Operations divisions,” said Superintendent of Schools Dr. Alfred Ray. “As a district with a decade of Superior FIRST ratings, it was important to us to find someone with a solid track record.” He holds a Bachelor of Business Administration in Economics from Texas Tech University and an MBA from Regis University. Kuehler is also a registered Texas School Business Administrator.

Duncanville ISD gets new DHS Principal

Known for his strong instructional leadership, Andre L. Smith has been


JUNE 22, 2012

named Principal of Duncanville High School. The extensive search for a new principal included a committee made up of DHS staff, parents, and community members who unanimously selected and recommended Smith to the Board of Trustees as the ideal candidate to lead DHS. Smith is no stranger to Duncanville - he began his educational career with the district as a special education aide at Hardin Intermediate School in 1996. He taught at Duncanville HS and moved into leadership positions there as a Dean of Students, Assistant Principal, and Associate Principal before moving to Reed MS as Principal in 2004. Smith left Duncanville four years ago to serve as principal at North Crowley High School. A committed instructional leader who is results-driven, Smith is dedicated to the development of an open environment that encourages communication among leadership teams, colleagues, students, parents, and community members. “We brought to the selection committee four candidates known throughout the state of Texas for their educational leadership,” said Superintendent Dr. Alfred Ray. "Mr. Smith's current leadership philosophy as the principal of a large 5A high school, coupled with his previous experience in Duncanville ISD, make him an ideal match as the next principal of DHS. I believe he has all the right talents to lead Duncanville High School through the challenges of 21st century learning.” Smith is excited to return to Duncanville HS. “I look forward to becoming a part of the DHS family once again,” said Smith. “There are some really good things happening at DHS, and I will seek to strengthen those things with the help of the faculty, staff, and community in ways that best support student learning.” He won’t have to wait long to get started in his new role – he’ll join the district in early July to help get things ready for the start of the 2012-2013 school year. Smith holds a Bachelor of Arts in Communications from the University of Arkansas-Pine Bluff, with graduate studies in Special Education at East Texas State University and a Master of Education in Administration from Texas Women’s University. He received his Superintendent certification from the University of Texas at Arlington in 2005, and is currently working on his EdD degree with Texas Christian University. He is a member of the Texas and National Associations of Secondary School Principals, ASCD, National PTA, the National Alliance of Black Educators, and many other educational and service organizations.





JUNE 22, 2012

Thirty-Five teams swing their clubs for scholarships at the Dallas Black Chamber of Commerce 23rd Annual Golf Tournament Dallas, TX– The oldest and largest Black chamber of commerce in the nation, the Dallas Black Chamber of Commerce ("DBCC") in conjunction with the Dallas Black Chamber of Commerce Business Development Corporation, held the 23rd Annual Golf Tournament on Monday, June 11, 2012 at the Thorntree Country Club in DeSoto, Texas. This Annual Golf Tournament is one of the largest non-profit association golf tournaments in the Metroplex and draws golf enthusiasts, both amateur and semipro, from all over the region. Awards were presented for 1st through 8th place finishes as well as for longest drive, closest to the pin and hole-in-one competitions. 35 teams registered to play in this year’s tournament, one of the largest fields in the tournament’s 23-year history! Small businesses and corporations alike dusted off their clubs to swing for a worthy cause. Among the corporate teams participating this year were: America Airlines, American Airlines Center, American Airlines Federal Credit Union, Ben E. Keith, City of Dallas, Dallas Area Rapid Transit, Dallas Convention & Visitors Bureau, Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport, Dallas Independent School District, Dallas

Morning News, Darling International, JPMorgan CHASE, Marriott Hotels, Omni HotelDallas, Oncor Electric Delivery, Texas Instruments, Texas Trust Credit Union and Verizon! The golf tournament is a staple of the Dallas Black Chamber of Commerce and the Dallas Black Chamber of Commerce Business Development Corporation annual event line up and a critical component of the golf tournament is that a large portion of the proceeds benefits education scholarships and continuing education programs. This year the Excellence in Education program awarded over 50 scholarships and to date has presented nearly $1 million dollars in scholastic The 1st Place team from the Dallas Convention and Visitors Bureau pose with DBCC 2012 scholarships to area high school students in need. This is the type of Board Chair, Sonya Hoskins. long-lasting impact that the support of companies like those who participated in this year’s golf tournament helps to produce. DBCC Chair Sonya D. Hoskins states, “The Dallas Black Chamber of Commerce and the Dallas Black Chamber of Commerce Business Development Corporation strongly advocate and believe in supporting and investing in high school and graduate students pursuing an education of higher learning.”

Nation’s Best Black Newspaper

Golfers line up for the tournament

The St. Louis American Newspaper was awarded the highly coveted John B. Russwurm Trophy at The National Newspaper Publishers Association (NNPA) Annual Merit Awards ceremony last night at the NNPA 2012 Annual Convention in Atlanta. With the award comes the title “Nation’s Best Black Newspaper.” The St. Louis American has captured the distinguished honor seven of the past 14 years. PAGE 11


The ladies weren’t about to let the men have all the fun as several teams went co-ed this year! "





A Healthy You World's Youngest Professional Triathlete trains for 2016 Olympics Graduated from Grapevine High this month & uses Massage Envy in his training Colleyville, Texas -- As a young boy, 18-year-old William Huffman saw the Olympic Games Opening Ceremony and thought to himself: "I want to be there someday." Now Huffman, the 10th-ranked triathlete pro in the nation, is on his way to realizing that dream. "Going to the Olympics became a goal of mine. Right now, I'm training for the 2016 Olympics and with the support of my family, friends, coach and sponsors like Massage Envy, I'm on track to achieve my goal," said Huffman, a 2012 graduate of Grapevine High School. "When you're training for the Olympics, you pretty much have to be in the mindset of preparation 24-7; good nutrition, the right amount of sleep and massage therapy -- it's amazing how much they factor in. Each one is vital in preparing for competition and staying healthy." Rachel Shepard, clinic administrator at the Massage Envy in Colleyville, said her franchise decided to help Huffman reach his goal by providing him with the means to continue his massage therapy on a regular basis. "When I first met William, he was already a member of Massage Envy for a year. He had been coming in at least once a week, using massage therapy to recover after workouts. I asked him what he wanted massage therapy to do for him -and he told me he wanted to use it to help him get to the Olympics. I thought that was so awesome, to have that kind of passion and dreams so young, so I wanted to do what I could to help him reach his goal," explained Shepard. As a triathlete, Huffman competes in endurance races that include a 1,500-meter (0.93-mile) swim, a 40-kilometer (24.8mile) bicycle race and 10-kilometer (6.2mile) run. This is Huffman's second year to compete as a professional athlete. Last year, as the world's youngest professional triathlete, Huffman placed seventh at the Elite National Championships and qualified to compete in the University World Championships in Taiwan, which will take place later this year. Ironically, this professional athlete says he's never really considered himself particularly athletic. "When I decided I wanted to go to the Olympics, I wasn't athletic at all. I played a lot of team sports -- like basketball and soccer -- when I was younger, but I was usually a bench-warmer," laughed Huffman. Huffman said he found his sport in middle school when he started running cross-country, but a high school injury sidelined him his freshman year. It was a curious injury -- both of his ankles hurt PAGE 12


JUNE 22, 2012

whenever he ran, but the doctors couldn't figure out the cause. One doctor finally diagnosed it as a bone deformity and advised Huffman not to run again. "When I was given the diagnosis, I thought I'd try swimming for a while. I was horrible at first, but within six months I went to regionals. Afterward, we discovered the doctor had misdiagnosed my injury, and I started wearing orthotics to correct the real problem," said Huffman. "I started running again, and my mom joked about how I needed to take up cycling so I could do a triathlon. I figured I might as well try it. I ran into a local coach and it just kind of went from there." Huffman spends at least three hours a day in his workout sessions and follows a rigorous sleep schedule and diet. In addition, Huffman gets a weekly, deeptissue massage at Massage Envy. "My first triathlon coach suggested I get a weekly massage to prevent injury, and he was right. It's really helpful," said Huffman. "I decided to go to Massage Envy because it's a great deal for what you get. The first time I went, I wasn't sure what to expect. I'd heard a deep-tissue massage could be painful, but it was actually nice. For me, it feels like a combination of relaxation with a little bit of 'ouch!' But it's a good ouch. Afterward, I feel really good. I feel loosened up and fresh." Huffman notes that even though massage therapy is an integral part of his training program, it's also something he enjoys. "No matter how hard I train, I always have massage to look forward to. I definitely recommend it -- the benefits are just enormous, whether you're an athlete or someone who's just looking to relax. It's great," said Huffman. Although he trains hard, this Olympic hopeful is -- in many ways -- just an ordinary high school student: hanging out with friends, going to class and looking forward to graduation. Like most students, he has a favorite subject -- science -- and a least favorite -- English. But in all things, his dedication to his sport and his dream shines through. "I really like science. I've always had an interest in that. The more I get into it, the more I find it helps me in athletics," explained Huffman. "I studied anatomy this year, which gave me a better understanding of the body. It makes you more aware of what a certain feeling might be associated with and how to take care of something that might be bothering you on any particular day. It allows me to know more about myself and to improve." At Massage Envy, an introductory one-hour massage session (a 50-minute massage and time for consultation and dressing) is just $49. Memberships are available for $59 per month and include a one-hour massage session. Members can enjoy unlimited additional one-hour massage sessions at the $39 member rate. All clinics are open seven days a week. Follow Massage Envy DFW on Facebook - www.facebook.com/ MassageDFW and Twitter -

www.twitter.com/ MassageEnvyDFW.






In Memoriam Erica Kennedy

A graduate of Sarah Lawrence College and Oxford University, Erica Kennedy was a novelist, screenwriter and social media strategist. The former fashion publicist began her writing career as a special correspondent for the New York Daily News women's section then went on to write about fashion and entertainment for magazines such as Vibe, In Style, PAPER and Elle UK. In 2004, she published the hip-hop satire BLING which became a New York Times bestseller that was translated into seven languages and optioned for film by The Weinstein Company. Now a screenwriter and social media consultant for fashion and lifestyle brands, she appeared on PAPER's 140 Characters twitter list in May 2010 and was named by film critic Roger Ebert as one of his top 5 "favorite twits."

Rodney Glen King

In November 1989, King robbed a store in Monterey Park, California. He threatened to hit the Korean store owner with an iron bar he was carrying, then hit him with a pole. King stole US$200 in the robbery. He was convicted, sentenced to two years imprisonment and released after serving a year. At the time of the beating, King was twic divorced and had three children. His ex-wives were Crystal Waters and Danetta. The footage showed seven officers surrounding the solitary King, with several LAPD officers repeatedly striking a helpless King with their batons while the other officers stood by watching, without taking any action to stop the beating. A portion of this footage was aired by news agencies around the world, causing public outrage that increased tension between the local black community and the LAPD and increased anger over police brutality, racism and social inequalities in Los Angeles. Four LAPD officers were later tried in a state court for the beating; three were acquitted and the jury failed to reach a verdict for the fourth. The announcement of the acquittals sparked the 1992 Los Angeles riots. A later federal trial for civil rights violations ended with two of the officers found guilty and sent to prison and the other two officers acquitted. On June 17, 2012, King's fiancée Cynthia Kelly found him dead in his swimming pool. Police in Rialto received a 911 call from Kelly at about 5:25 am. Responding officers found King at the bottom of the pool, removed him, and attempted to revive him. He was pronounced dead at a local hospital. The Rialto Police Department began a standard drowning investigation, and stated that there did not appear to be any foul play, particularly noting King's self admitted problems with drinking. The Rialto Police promised a complete investigation.

April 2, 1965 – June 17, 2012

Rev. Mary Ellen Witherspoon Goodwyn 1951 - 2012

Rodney Glen King (April 2, 1965 – June 17, 2012)was the victim in a police brutality case involving the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) on March 3, 1991. A bystander, George Holliday, videotaped much of the incident from a distance. King was born in Sacramento, California, to Odessa King, who had four other children. His father, Ronald, died at age 42. King grew up in Pasadena, California. PAGE 13


Rev. Mary Ellen Witherspoon Goodwyn, of 1604 Circle Drive, Petersburg, departed this life Tuesday, June 12, 2012, at the VCU Medical Center, Richmond. She was born Dec. 15, 1951, in Charleston, S.C., to the late Muldrow and Rena Gaillard Witherspoon. While growing up in Charleston, she graduated from the State High School, and upon graduation, matriculated through the Virginia State College (now University), Virginia Commonwealth University, and furthered her education at the Virginia Union University,

JUNE 22, 2012

School of Theology, Richmond, where she received the degree, Master of Divinity. Rev. Goodwyn worked for Allied Chemical, Chester; The Richmond Times-Dispatch, Richmond; The Progress-Index, Petersburg; and The United Way of Petersburg. She was a member of Zion Baptist Church. During Mary's Christian journey at Zion, she became the first female ordained minister of Zion Baptist Church. She was a very dedicated member and served as president of the Rosemond Smith Women's Senate, regular contributor to the Zion Herald News, and a former member of the Pulpit Aide Society.

WALTER KEITH JOHNSON December 16, 1960 - June 13, 2012

Walter Keith Johnson was the son of the late Walter Brooks and Alma V. Johnson. He was born December 16, 1960 in Marshall, Texas. He departed this earthly life on June 13, 2012 as a result of congestive heart failure, as did his dad. He joined New Hope Baptist Church in Dallas at an early age. Keith graduated in 1978 from Franklin D. Roosevelt High School in Dallas, Texas. He attended Bishop College, where he played his favorite sport, basketball. Keith was employed with American Airlines,having previously worked with Service Broadcasting Group and Northwest Airlines. Keith was a loving and kind hearted son, brother, uncle and friend. He will be greatly missed by all who knew and loved him. He leaves to cherish his memory: mother, Alma; two sisters, Joycelyn Johnson and Tonya Johnson (Delano); three nephews, Rylan, D'Mitri and Davon, one niece, Tiana and aunts, 1 uncle and a host of other relatives and friends,.






JUNE 22, 2012

INTERNSHIP OPPORTUNITIES Are you detail-oriented, creative, and interested in a career in journalism? Here’s an opportunity for you to work with awardwinning journalists as you learn convergence: radio, television, newspaper, magazine and online journalism.

Send your resume to Dfwabj@gmail.com








It’s your business Ellis Statement on Janitors' Dispute (Austin)//Senator Rodney Ellis (DHouston) released the following statement regarding the on-going janitors' strike in Houston. "Houston is doing well. Our economy is growing, production is up and we are building more Sen. Rodney Ellis millionaires than any other city in the nation. Yet, at the same time, more and more in our city are sliding into poverty. That is not fair, it is not right, and it is not good for business. "In one of his fireside chats during the Great Depression, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt said that all workers 'deserve practical protection in the opportunity to use their labor at a return adequate to support them at a decent and constantly rising standard of living, and to accumulate a margin of security against the inevitable vicissitudes of life.' That is a more elegant and eloquent way of saying Americans who work hard and play by the rules should have a true shot at realizing the American Dream, and not be sentenced to permanent poverty. "The average janitor in Houston makes less than half the federal poverty level. In last week's Houston Chronicle, one janitor is quoted as saying: 'We're disposable. They discard us just like we were trash, too.' That's a tragedy. In Houston and America no one is disposable, and these fellow Texans certainly are not trash. "The strength of our state and our nation is built upon the recognition that working people and the middle class of this country are what have made our economy strong and sustainable, and are the backbone of our democracy. Ensuring a fair, living wage that reflects the efforts of our labor, not only makes our economy strong, but it protects the core principles of our country. "I strongly encourage both sides to come back to the table and work to reach a fair agreement in this dispute. One in the spirit of creating a productive business environment that benefits ALL Houstonians. "

Free Program offers preview of Business Solutions Series (Dallas) -- Area businesses can learn more about a program that will help them improve organizational

performance during a free overview of Lean Six Sigma on Fri., June 22, at the Bill J. Priest campus of El Centro College. The free seminar will provide a look at "Lean and Quality Tools" in ECC'S Corporate Solutions series, which includes these topics: lean thinking; visual management and 5S; DMAIC problem solving; the voice of the customer; and "You Get What You Measure." To register for the free overview of the series, call (214) 860-2260 or (214) 860-2696. The event will be held at the Bill J. Priest campus of El Centro College, 1402 Corinth St., Dallas, from 10:30 a.m. to noon in room 2580. For details about the Lean Sigma Six program, call the office of El Centro College Corporate Solutions at (214) 860-5935 or visit www.ElCentroCollege.edu. The presenter will be George Reyna, CEO of the Baur Institute, who advises senior executives and trains management teams in Six Sigma techniques, Lean Transformation and project execution. Since 1997, he has applied Lean and Six Sigma process design in diverse industries that have included health care, telecommunications, semiconductors, electro-optics, defense systems, printers, display systems, retail merchandising, mass transit, metals processing and plastics production. He has trained cross-functional teams comprising representatives from the fields of manufacturing, design, purchasing, finance, marketing and customer service. Reyna holds a bachelor's degree in industrial engineering from the University of Texas at El Paso and his master's degree in business administration from Southern Methodist University's Cox School of Business.

entrepreneur. Brooks' story is a moving tale of hard work, determination and enduring love - a story that surely will inspire and motivate women everywhere. Read about Brooks' dynamic journey today at www.mbemag.com

Jacquie Hood Martin Named CEO, 86400 Faith WASHINGTON, DC-- 86400 Faith announces the appointment of Jacquie Hood Martin as CEO. Hood Martin is a leader with over 33 years of experience in the faith, education, and business sectors. An ordained minister of 20 years, Hood Martin has been inspiring individuals in the U.S. and abroad with her matter-of-fact teaching and leadership style. "Jacquie is the ideal leader of 86400 Faith because she understands

SRB Communications featured on the cover of May/June issue of the national MBE Magazine SRB Communications Founder/ Owner Sheila Brooks graces the cover of MBE magazine's May/June issue, in which she talks about her humble upbringing and her rise to Emmy Awardwinning journalist and entrepreneur. Brooks, who has more than 34 years in the TV and communications industry, tells MBE (Minority Business Entrepreneur) that her mother made extreme sacrifices to make sure she and her sister, Pam, stayed off welfare and attended the best schools in Kansas City, MO. Brooks credits her mother with instilling in her the work ethic and drive that helped transform her from a shy Midwestern girl into a business-savvy

the landscape of the faith based community and she is deeply committed to being of service to others," said Lavaille Lavette, philanthropist, author, and creator of the 86400 Seconds Movement, which launched 86400 Faith Company in January 2012. 86400 Faith seeks to effectively put the iconic saying "It Takes A Village" into practice by helping to facilitate wellness, economic growth and leadership in communities worldwide. The company works with churches and faith-based organization through 86400 Faith's, "Be The Village" program. Key components of

JUNE 22, 2012

the "Be The Village" program includes Getting Fit: *THE MIND - Purpose Management and Servant Leadership seminars, workshops and events. *THE BODY - Wellness activities and support around the adage "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure!" *THE SPIRIT - Spiritually focused mentor and mentorship program that utilizes technology to get connected. *FINANCIALLY - 86400 First Sunday Financially Fit Program and the 86400 Faith Partnership with Subway® Corporation that offers franchise opportunities to churches and non-profit organizations. Hood Martin related, "Infusing integrity in the work you do daily is part of our aim to provide sustainability in communities through church and business partnerships. We are able to arm the community with economic, entrepreneurial, and empowerment skills through collectives. Community leaders will have access in their bundle of services to hands-on training, technology driven programming, and wellness days to impact overall community health." As part of 86400 Faith's "Be The Village" initiative is an agreement penned earlier this year with Subway® to give back to the community through franchising. Talks with churches in the South and Midwest are yielding favorable results. Hood Martin has her stilettos on the ground visiting sites and meeting with church and community leaders. "Churches and businesses have been anchors in communities that thrive in harsh economic climates. And now, we are able to deal strategically with obesity, purpose management, and balance, seeing a real chance at changing lives," says Hood Martin. The 86400 Initiative's vision is expansive, reaching through the United States into Europe, Asia, and Africa feeding Mind, Body and Spirit, all while teaching principles that improve personal and financial positioning. Hood Martin will be fielding interviews on the value of the "Be the Village" Initiative and its influence in creating overall wellness into the communities being served. Strategic dialogue for seminar series at conferences, conventions, and organization meetings is already underway to expand the role faith and wellness plays in the success of a community.

In the spirit and rich tradition of the African Griot, let I MESSENGER get your message out to the masses. Send your information and events to editor@myimessenger.com








JUNE 22, 2012

NABJ Reads: Bring a Book to Convention

On Television Silver Spring, MD- Reverend Fred Luter, Jr., the first African American president of the 167-year-old Southern Baptist Convention elected earlier this week, actress and activist Jada Pinkett Smith, actor and rapper Ice-T and Dr. Cedric Bright, chairman of the

Powered By BP

Roland Martin with actor and rapper Ice-T.

Roland Martin speaks with actress and activist Jada Pinkett Smith.

National Medical Association are the guests on WASHINGTON WATCH WITH ROLAND MARTIN on TV One this Sunday, June 24 at 11 AM ET. The commentator journalist/ panel will include: Pennsylvania state senator Vincent Hughes; Keli Goff, contributing editor of Loop 21.com

economics correspondent for the The Washington Post. Topics to be explored during the hour include: the historic action by the Southern Baptist Convention this week in electing its first African American president, 167 years after the organization was founded amid strife between Northern and Southern Baptists over the southerners' defense of slavery, segregation and white supremacy; an examination of the State Department's annual report on human trafficking and the unsettling fact that hundreds of thousands of young American girls are forced into prostitution; a discussion of the history of rap music with Ice-T who talks about his new film "Something from Nothing"; and what voters should know about where their elected officials stand on heath care reform

Calling all NABJ Convention attendees – bring books to New Orleans NABJ is partnering with the New Orleans Public Library to collect books for New Orleans teenagers. On Saturday, June 23, we will have an outdoor party for high school students across New Orleans. Our event will include a book drive, live entertainment, and interaction with journalists and celebrities who will discuss the importance of reading and writing. Please help these efforts by bringing a book to convention to donate. Also feel free to make a monetary donation to this effort, visit here: https:// nabj.site-ym.com/donations/donate.asp?id=5991


Roland Martin speaks with Pennsylvania State Senator Vincent Hughes; Keli Goff, contributing editor of Loop 21.com and author of The GQ Candidate; Deborah Simmons, senior correspondent for The Washington Times; and Michael Fletcher, national economics correspondent for The Washington Post.

and author of The GQ Candidate; Deborah Simmons, senior correspondent for The Washington Times; and Michael Fletcher, national

before an election, especially in light of the Supreme Court's expected ruling on the President's health care law next week.

Support Black -owned bookstores

Support the Black Press

Send your books for review to: Cheryl Smith, P.O. Box 860 Grand Prairie, TX 75053 PAGE 16







JUNE 22, 2012

Register your team for the 18th annual Don’t Believe the Hype Celebrity Bowl-a-thon Saturday, June 30, 2012 USA Bowl 10920 Composite Drive, Dallas



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INTERNSHIP OPPORTUNITIES Are you detail-oriented, creative, and interested in a career in journalism? Here’s an opportunity for you to work with awardwinning journalists as you learn convergence: radio, television, newspaper, magazine and online journalism. Send your resume to Dfwabj@gmail.com








Mark your calendar FWBC Sports & Rec. presents SWING CLASSES at the Wild Wild West! When: Every Tuesday & Thursday Evening Time: 7:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. Location: FWBC Banquet Area Cost: FREE * No experience necessary * Adults of all ages and skill levels are welcome * For more information, contact sports@friendshipwest.org or (214) 861-0457. TUNE IN TO THE DOCK POWER HOUR Every Wednesday, 6-8pm www.dfwiradio.com call in # 214.317.4855 Lively, informative and power-packed weekly radio show dedicated to delivering relevant, interesting, edu-taining information to our listeners The Museum of Nature & Science has extended summer hours Monday-Saturday: 10 a.m.-6 p.m. and Sunday: Noon-6 p.m. The Planetarium will be open to the general public each day in the summer, beginning May 26 - September 3. Planetarium programs and show times can be found here: http:// natureandscience.org/planetarium/programs.asp

JUNE 22, 2012

June 22 2012 Oak Cliff Chamber Gala OAK CLIFF ROCKS! At the SHERATON HOTEL With Honorary Chair MAYOR MIKE RAWLINGS Live Band ~ Auction ~ Raffle Go to www.gala.oakcliffchamber.org. Art, Life, & Law "Sharing ideas, experiences, and solutions" a conversation surrounding kinship care within the African American family 6:30pm - 8:30pm In the Arthello Beck Gallery, South Dallas Cultural Center, 3400 South Fitzhugh Avenue, Dallas, TX 75210 |

Jessica Dixon Weaver Assistant Professor of Law at Southern Methodist University Dedman School of Law

June 24

David Herman, Jr., MA Creative Director of Preservation LINK Inc., visual sociologist, artist, and educator Evelyn L. Parker, PhD Associate Professor of Practical Theology at Southern Methodist University Perkins School of Theology In addition to the panelists, there will be key agency representatives who can share in the conversation to offer resourceful information about how the issues surrounding kinship care impact today's African American families. Join the conversation and let's build a better future together for our families. June 23 Southern University Alumni Federation, Dallas Chapter, is hosting the Dallas Chapter FOUNDERS golf tournament at the Eastern Hills Country Club, 3000 South Country Club Road, Garland, Texas 75043 ******


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Want to overcome your fear of public speaking? Want to become a great public speaker? Then come find out for FREE what Toastmasters International is like! Over 4 million people have become better public speakers by joining Toastmasters since 1924. Currently there are over 270,000 members in 13,000 clubs in 116 different countries! The FASTEST, BEST, LEAST EXPENSIVE, AND MOST FUN way to become an outstanding public speaker! Toastmasters International is an IRS 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to helping people become better communicators and leaders in a mutually-supportive and positive club environment. Meetings held at the Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship Church, 1808 West Camp Wisdom Road Dallas, TX 75232 (Membership at the church is NOT required to join this Toastmasters club.) For more details by phone at 214-460-9013 or email at: raymonddukes@sbcglobal.net Meetings are held from 6:30 PM to 7:30 PM, first and third Fridays of every month. For the remainder of 2012, that will be: July 6, July 20, August 3, August 17, September 7, September 21, October 5, October 19, November 2, November 16, December 7, and December 21. PAGE 18


Community Cartooning Workshop -2 - 5 p.m. Historian, Illustrator, Cartoonist, and Educator Chuck Siler, will teach students to use characters and stories from their history and culture to create cartoon faces and stories that humor and educate readers. Children and Adult / Cost- $10 (No one will be turned away) Contact for more info 214-943-8262 Urban Financial Services Coalition-D/FW will present 18 high school graduating seniors with monetary scholarships at the “McMillan 20: College Bound... Reaching for the Possible Program Finale and Scholarship Awards Luncheon.” This special event will take place at the Cedar Crest Golf Club in Dallas from 12 p.m. to 2 p.m. Lynne Haze of KRNB 105.7 will serve as the emcee for the afternoon. ******** "Grown Folks Night Out" hosted by Larry Dodson & James Alexander of The Barkays! Its going to be an Old School House Party featuring their new single "Grown Folks!" Also featuring Yarbrough & Peoples! You don't want to miss this party! The Brickhouse Lounge is located at 2525 E. Arkansas Lane in Arlington. Call 817-460-9993 to book your VIP reservation!


III Pyramids Bookstore presents Authors & Autographs Plan to join us for the 4th Authors & Autographs Booksigning Event at Friendship-West Baptist Church, after each worship service in the Narthex. There will be a variety of books for purchase from inspirational novels to children books, so stop by for this exclusive preview of the amazing authors. The North Dallas Suburban Foundation for Life Development and Community Involvement will host their Annual Fashion Extravaganza from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. at the Brookhaven Country Club in Dallas, Texas. The cost of tickets is $35 per person. *********** June 25 Social Justice Legal Component presents Legal Overview Session Time: 7:00 p.m. Location: 2020 W. Wheatland Road Have you considered starting your own business? Not sure what legal issues you may have t o deal with in starting your business? Please come join our monthly legal overview session sponsored by the Social Justice Legal Component on Monday, June 25, 2012 beginning at 7:00 p.m. Our speaker Emmanuel Obi, a corporate attorney, will speak on "The Legal Considerations for Starting a Business." June 27 Hope Community of FWBCNational HIV Testing GET TESTED! Contact: hope@friendshipwest.org "





2012 FraserNet PowerNetworking Conference will be held in Dallas, June 28-30! This is billed as Black America’s largest Powernetworking conference for business professionals and is headed up by the renowned speaker and author George Fraser.

being “Celebrating Our Own.” The ceremony will be followed by an after party at PLUSH Night Club located Downtown Dallas at 1400 Main Street. Tickets can be purchased by visiting the organizations website @ www.dfwpridemovement.org June 30 18th annual Cheryl Smith’s Don’t Believe the Hype Celebrity Bowl-athon at USA Bowl July 3

******* June 29 Plano Preston Park Village Massage Envy SPA will host a Grand Opening Party -- a free family fun day with food, activities, chair massages and more -- under the tent in the southwest corner parking lot of Preston Park Village in Plano. When: Friday, June 29, 2012, 11:30 AM -- 4 PM. Official Ribbon Cutting with the Plano Chamber of Commerce will be at 12 Noon. Rain or shine. Where: Plano Preston Park Village Massage Envy SPA, 1900 Preston Road - Suite 201, Plano, TX 75093, (972)964-0600 Cost: All activities are free of charge. Dick Gregory’s 80th Birthday DInner at Edison’s! June 30 Dirk Nowitzki, Jason Terry, Mark Cuban, Daryl Johnston and more will slug it out on the diamond at Dirk Nowitzki’s Heroes Celebrity Baseball Game at 6 p.m. Saturday, June 30, at the Dr Pepper Ballpark in Frisco. Highlights include The Whataburger Heroes Special Olympics All-Star Softball Game (3:30 p.m.), the Baylor Medical Center at Frisco Celebrity Home Run Derby with HITS400 (5 p.m.), followed by the Heroes Celebrity Baseball Game at 6 p.m. and a fireworks finale to top it off. ******** Imani Community Health and Back School Fair 9:00 a.m. 1:00 p.m. 2020 W. Wheatland Road, Dallas, TX 75232 FREE Event (Must Register - Registration Coming Soon) Come Get Ready For School! Free backpack with school supplies** Free immunizations Free eye and dental screening Free hair cuts for children Discount uniforms Great experience for parents & kids! Free on-site health screenings available for adults Come get ready to have fun! Face Painting Bounce Houses For more information please email: fwebb@friendshipwest.org ************* The DFW Pride Movement will host the 2012 Trailblazer’s Hall of Fame Awards at the Angelika Film Center and Café located within Mockingbird Station at 5321 East Mockingbird Lane, Dallas, TX 75206. The event is slated to be a Red Carpet “White Tie” Affair with this year’s theme


The Sheila B Ministries is hosting the S.T.A.N.D Conference and Annual Ladies Luncheon scheduled for Wednesday, July 18 at 12 noon at the Fairmont Hotel. The guest speaker is our 22nd National President, Gwendolyn Boyd. The tables are $500 for seating of eight. September 14 Covenant Keepers - Marriage Community MARRIAGE CONFERENCE 2012 Theme: ONEness Under Construction Friday, September 14, 2012 Sunday, September 16, 2012 Friday: 3:00 pm check-in | Sunday: 10:00 am check-out Marriott Dallas - Solana 5 Village Circle, Westlake, TX, 76262 (817) 430-5000 Cost: $375.00 per couple - Package is designed for married couples and includes a two (2) night hotel stay, meals, conference fee & materials, and entertainment. $175.00 per couple - Package is designed for engaged or dating couples and includes meals, conference fee & materials, and entertainment. Guest Speakers: Dr. Johnny C. Parker, Jr. and Mrs. Lezlyn Parker October 7, 2012

The Museum will be open for July 4th and will offer Live Stage Shows on that day at 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. In conjunction with Fair Park Fourth, from 4:30 – 7:30 p.m., the Museum of Nature & Science in Fair Park will offer reduced admission of $13 ($5 discount) on adult tickets to the ultimate out-of-water Planet Shark: Predator or Prey exhibition. Planet Shark tickets include admission to all Museum of Nature & Science buildings and general exhibits, such as Scholastic’s The Magic School Bus™ Kicks Up a Storm. Please note: Charges apply for special exhibits, IMAX® and Planetarium shows.

6th annual Fiesta Latinoamericana!, a free celebration that is the Metroplex' only Cultural Festival of the Americas. It will be held Sunday from 9 am till 7 pm in the Dallas Arts District, along Flora Street from the Cathedral to the AT&T Center, 2403 Flora Street, Dallas, TX 75201. The Honorary Chair is Dallas Mayor Pro Tem Pauline Medranoa and Fiesta is created in partnership with the AT&T Performing Arts Center and the Guadalupe Cathedral.

July 11

2012 Southern University National Alumni Conference in Atlanta, Georgia, July 11-15 at the Loews Atlanta Call 1.888.563.9736 for reservations July 17 14TH ANNUAL AFRICAN ECONOMIC FORUM JULY 17 - 21, 2012 PARK INN by RADISSON HOTEL 1241 W. MOCKINGBIRD LANE DALLAS, TEXAS 75247 Co-Chaired by : Her Excellency AMINA ALI, African Union Ambassador to the United States. And Her Excellency SHEILA SEWALA, The Ambassador of Zambia July 18 The Sheila B Ministries is hosting the S.T.A.N.D Conference and Annual Ladies Luncheon scheduled for Wednesday, July 18 at 12 noon at the Fairmont Hotel. The guest speaker is our 22nd National President, Gwendolyn Boyd. The tables are $500 for seating of eight.


NEW TIME! Cheryl’s World on Blogtalkradio.com at 6p.m. Monday, June 25

Tuesday, June 26

• Black Economic History • Black Economic History Fact of the Day Fact of the Day

Wednesday, June 27

Thursday, June 28

• Black Economic History Fact of the Day

• Black Economic History Fact of the Day

Friday, June 29 •


Donna P. Charles

Black Economic History Fact of the Day

5/20/1958 - 3/23/2012 Elusive Lady #22 Spring 1978 Beta Alpha Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., FAMU

Call in to 646-200-0459 PAGE 19

JUNE 22,2012 2012 JUNE 22,








JUNE 22, 2012

Friday, June 29, 2012

EDISON’S 1724 Cockrell Ave., Dallas, TX 75215


6:00pm Red Carpet 7:00pm DINNER and SHOW


Get your tickets at www.dontbelievethehype.org or call 972 572 0088






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