I Messenger

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JULY 6, 2012







JULY 6, 2012

Special Announcement A Day of Competitive Fun, Camaraderie and A Celebration of “25 years of Promoting Excellence in Education at HBCUs” August 4, 2012

18th Annual Jimmy Walker Memorial Scholarship Golf Tournament Riverchase Golf Club 700 Riverchase Drive Coppell, TX 75019 2-Person Team Scramble – 8am Shotgun Start Registration begins at 6:30am NO ONSITE REGISTRATION

DMCBAA 25TH ANNIVERSARY BANQUET DFW Airport Marriott Hotel North 8440 Freeport Parkway Irving, TX 75063 Food, Music, Silent Auction, Door Prizes Guest Speaker: Mr. Thomas Joyner, Jr. President and CEO of The Tom Joyner Foundation Doors Open for Silent Auction at 6:30pm Contact: DMCBAA at (972) 220-0477; via e-mail: dmcbaa@yahoo.com; or visit: www.dmcbaa.org




JULY 6, 2012

Message to the people...

I MESSENGER July 6, 2012

Urban League honorees 10

Don’t Believe the Hype Weekend


Dr. Sheron Patterson


I MESSENGER Cheryl Smith, Publisher Established 2011 IMESSENGER is a tribute to Le Messager, founded by Cameroonian journalist Pius Njawe and The Messenger, an independent magazine, founded by labor activist A . Philip Randolph and economist Chandler Owen. IM ESSENGER is committed to informing, inspiring, enlightening and provoking thought in a forum that is international. Submissions for publication consideration may be submitted to www.myimessenger.com.

Standing with Evans There comes a time in everyone’s life when they absolutely must do the right thing. For the second time in seven months, I took the witness stand to share my knowledge of Dallas County Constable Derick Evans. I welcomed the opportunity to share my opinion of a person who I deem highly ethical and a joy to be around. My impression of his wife, children and other relatives is also highly favorable. I sincerely belie that Constable Evan is an honorable person so I was ready! I refused to let the almost lily-white jury throw me off course. It would have been so easy for me to get riled up thinking about all the people who make excuses to keep from serving on juries and how in 2012 we have defendants going to trial and NOT facing a jury of their peers. Cheryl Smith I was determined to NOT spend a lot of time cursing a system that has disproportionately targeted Black elected official and the ones who abused the system to make it easier to bring them down or target others. Until one of the jurors had to relinquish their seat, there were no Blacks on the panel charged with deciding Constable Evans’ future. The lone African American female looked strong and I know that I walked into the courtroom wondering if she would be able to be the sole hold-out if necessary -- able to see through what I deemed the silly charge of organized criminal activity-and vote for an acquittal. When I walked out of the courtroom, I was confident that she would see through the hype. Sure there were some deputy constables who testified that they were “coerced” into selling raffle tickets and did so because they were worried that they would be retaliated against. There was also testimony that Constable Evans illegally sold raffle tickets, after he was informed that a state law prohibits the selling of raffle tickets except in certain instances. I wonder what the charge would have been if instead of tickets we were talking about Girl Scout cookies or Tupperware. Also, did those who testified deny and turn down the perks of the job? Don’t think I am making light of this situation. I would hate to hear that anyone feels as though their livelihood is under assault if they don’t participate in the “office politics.” I can remember feeling pressure, whether it was to go to happy hours even though I don’t drink and with folks who aren’t my friends, or participate in pot luck lunches even though I refuse to eat everybody’s cooking. I am about fairness. Last December a more balanced and diverse jury ended in a mistrial with several jurors leaning toward an acquittal. Did this June panel have more information? Some say the same information was presented by the prosecution in both cases. Well, what was different? An aggressive prosecution team argued vigorously against defense witnesses addressing the Constable’s character. Sure witnesses could come in and paint a negative picture but prosecutors were determined to keep defense witnesses from saying anything positive about Mr. Evans. Interestingly, as I looked back at a story appearing in The Dallas Morning News in November of 2009, a former constable acknowledged the practice of selling tickets and said he “didn’t have a problem with it then and still doesn’t as long as employees are not forced to sell tickets.” The Morning News quoted a former constable who said, “if an employee wasn’t willing to volunteer his time or sell raffle tickets, he would not be ‘top on my list. “Any other constable would be lying if they didn’t tell you that.’” Now did the jurors hear that information? Good question. Check the transcript, do your own research before joining the group that is attempting to assassinate Constable Evans’ character. I applaud the men and women who give of their time to serve on jury panels. Unfortunately, too many Blacks don’t see the need, until they find themselves sitting in a courtroom and they look over at a jury panel that does not reflect their reality; then and only then do they realize the importance of serving. Juries will always be second-guessed. The jurors must look at the evidence presented and make a decision. Do they get it right all the time? I could do a roll call that would prove otherwise. Will someone second-guess the prosecution? Will someone question the decision to try the case, not once, but twice, to the tune of millions of dollars to taxpayers? The jury in Constable Evans’ corruption trial deliberated for less than an hour as they found him guilty of operating an illegal raffle. The Constable could have faced two years in prison and a $10,000 penalty, instead he received probation and a $10,000 fine. The Constable will return to court later in the month, as his attorney prepare for appeal. Never one to celebrate another’s misfortune, it is disheartening to read some of the comments when someone finds themselves in a precarious or legal predicament. A word of caution -- you might think twice about sitting back celebrating or reveling in another’s downfall. For a minute, let’s forget about the charges, and what I think about efforts by the prosecution. When I was called to testify during Constable Evans’ trial, I had an opportunity to tell about the man I know--an honorable, conscientious, wonderful person. Over the years, I have become very fond of him and his family. He has always presented a positive image and I have found him to be a voice of reason and accountability during a time when others strayed. I was asked if I believed Constable Evans was honest. Yes, without a doubt. He’s also been an excellent role model for not only his children, but his community. Sure I like to see the good in everyone because you never know when you will need someone to see the good in you, but there’s a whole lot of good in Constable Derick Evans and I will not bite my tongue or remain silent because we all know folks can turn on you in a heartbeat, especially when they think you can no longer be of benefit to them. Constable Derick Evans deserves our continued support. Cheryl






undermining the education system throughout the state, except for private and charter schools. ·

On the Campaign Trail · Texas GOP Platform or Articles of Secession By Eddie G. Griffin When the Texas Republican Party army came to Fort Worth last month for its state convention, someone should have warned them not to drink the water from the Trinity River. Without warning, however, a case of mass insanity broke out in the ranks like Mad Cow Disease. How else could they come up with such as poppycock political platform? And worse, how could all these Republican officeholders and candidates mindlessly bind themselves to this covenant by blind oath of party loyalty? Just when we thought idiocy had reached its all-time high-water mark, here comes the 2012 Republican Party of Texas political platform. [excerpts italicized] We oppose the teaching of Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) (values clarification), critical thinking skills and similar programs that are simply a relabeling of Outcome-Based Education (OBE) (mastery learning) which focus on behavior modification and have the purpose of challenging the student’s fixed beliefs and undermining parental authority. (p.12) Did the Texas Republicans just say that they oppose “critical thinking skills”? Is the Party so devoid of critical thinking skills that it would oppose teaching such skills to school children for fear that it would dislodge their little fixed beliefs? Oops! It was a mistake says Republican Party of Texas (RPT) Communications Director Chris Elam. “[The chairman of the Education Subcommittee] indicated that it was an oversight of the committee, that the plank should not have included ‘critical thinking skills’ after ‘values clarification,’” Elam said. “And it was not the intent of the subcommittee to present a plank that would have indicated that the RPT in any way opposed the development of critical thinking skills.” The Texas Republicans are stuck with the plank until the next state convention in 2014. Accident or not, ignorance is bliss for the state GOP. ·





We believe the Department of Education (DOE) should be abolished (p.13)

We encourage legislation that prohibits enrollment in free public schools of noncitizens unlawfully present in the United States. (p.12) We encourage non-English speaking students to transition to English within three years. (p.11) We support adoption of American English as the official language of Texas and of the United States (p.7)

We call on the Legislative, Executive, and Judicial branches of the United States to clarify Section 1 of the 14th amendment to limit citizenship by birth to those born to a citizen of the United States with no exceptions. (p.21) ·


Applicants (for citizenship) must waive any and all rights to apply for financial assistance from any public entitlement programs; Applicant must show a proficiency in the English language and complete an American civic class;

Under the Republican Platform, it would no longer be enough to simply be born in the United States to become a U.S. citizen. A child born to an undocumented immigrant would not be allowed to receive an education in the public school system. And though their parents would be obligated to pay income and sales taxes, they would not be entitled to any of public benefits or social services of a regular taxpayer. ·

We support reducing taxpayer funding to all levels of education institutions. (p.17)

This plank makes it clear that the GOPdominated state legislature last session cuts in school funding was not due to fiscal constraints, but a purposeful act of

We urge Congress to repeal government-sponsored programs that deal with early childhood development. (p.12)

Footnote: Texas is 49th in verbal SAT scores in the nation, 46th in average math SAT scores, and 36th in high school graduation rates (68%). It ranks 44th in average per pupil expenditures and dead last (51st) in the percentage of adults with high school diplomas. Maybe this bespeaks the fact that Texas is now a minority-majority state. ·


Christian principles upon which America was founded and which form the basis of America’s legal, political and economic systems. We support curricula that are heavily weighted on original founding documents, including the Declaration of Independence, the US Constitution, and Founders’ writings. (p.13)

We believe the current teaching of a multicultural curriculum is divisive. We favor strengthening our common American identity and loyalty instead of political correctness that nurtures alienation among racial and ethnic groups. (p. 11) We support school subjects with emphasis on the Judeo-

What is “a multicultural curriculum”? And, how would it be “divisive”? There is enough ambiguity here for plausible denial. But using the GOP “JudeoChristian” principle, all other cultural inclusions are negated by implication. In other words, if the curriculum does not fall within the guidelines of JudeoChristian principles, then it is part of the multicultural curriculum; and, therefore, divisive. Does that mean teaching a Black History Month lesson in the classroom is divisive? If so, then from who’s perspective? Note: political correctness that nurtures alienation among racial and ethnic groups. If it fosters alienation among racial and ethnic groups, it is NOT politically correct. If it were politically correct, it would be unbiased and inclusive.

Killing affirmative action would be like killing a baby before it is born. ·




The CRA has since been almost amended out of its existence. Then also, there was a turn for the worse in housing lending by banks on over-inflated priced housing. Therefore, instead of abolishing CRA, the Act needs to be strengthened. We support a favorable business climate of low taxes and deregulation to encourage capital investment, ensuring retention and creation of American jobs. (p.19) ·


We believe the Minimum Wage Law should be repealed. (p.19)

· ·

We urge the Legislature to resist making Workers’ Compensation mandatory for all Texas employers (p. 19)

· ·

We urge the Congress to repeal the Prevailing Wage Law and the Davis Bacon Act. (p.19) We oppose affirmative action. (p.3)

· ·


We urge that the Voter Rights Act of 1965 codified and updated in 1973 be repealed and not reauthorized. (p.5) The Texas Republican agenda creates a servile class, with no minimum wage guarantees and protections. There must be, however, protection for the worker against illegal exploitation. Every worker is entitled to, at least, livable wages. Without affirmative action, equal opportunity through hiring and promotion would not exist. The proof is in the courts. As long as there is discriminatory hiring and promotion, there will be a need for affirmative action. Selective hiring is reflected in the disparity in unemployment rates. Were it not for affirmative action EEOC, the defense industry would still be Lilly White. !

We support the repeal of the Community Reinvestment Act. (p.20)

The Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) was enacted because of the discriminatory practice of “redlining”. When bank deposits come out of a community, instead of lending back to the businesses in that community, the banks would take minority funds and lend to Lilly White developers in another part of town. One side of town flourish, while the other side languish.

Education is not a Judeo-Christian monopoly. In a globalized society, multiculturalism is an asset. ·

JULY 6, 2012


We recommend repeal of the Sixteenth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, with the goal of abolishing the I.R.S and replacing it with a national sales tax collected by the States (p.17) We urge repeal of the Texas business tax. Abolishing property taxes Shifting the tax burden to a consumption-based tax We urge outright repeal of property taxes on inventory. Oppose all professional licensing fees and real estate and similar transaction fees or taxes Oppose Creation of a state income tax or state property tax We urge the income tax, capital gains tax, estate tax, and all other tax reductions be made permanent. The death tax is immoral and should be abolished forever. We believe Congress should repeal the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 (p.19)

The aim here is clearly to abolish the federal government by strangulation on taxes. The Texas Republicans have been gradually eliminating, not only legitimate sources of federal tax revenue, but undermining federal taxing authority itself. This proposal to eliminate the IRS and impose a sales tax upon all consumers is merely another shifting of the tax burden more upon the backs of the middle-income and poor consumers. Eliminating the monetary system and returning to the gold standard, as alluded to in this document, is a regressive step

See Texas GOP on page 17 !




JULY 6, 2012

Working families and CD-33 candidate Marc Veasey support legislation to “bring jobs home” Tarrant and Da!as County Central Labor Councils ca! on Congress to “Bring Jobs Home” and celebrate 800 new jobs at GM plant in Arlington, TX (Arlington) As part of a national campaign to support the "Bring Jobs Home" legislation currently being considered in Congress, the AFL-CIO held a press conference to speak on the legislation and celebrate General Motors’ recently announced job expansion and restate support for AFLCIO-endorsed candidate for TX-33 Marc Veasey. The event will take place across the street from the GM Arlington plant and

Romney’s outsourcing at Bain Capital in advance of Romney’s visit to Houston on July 11.

· Push for fair trade policies that benefit workers—not just multinational corporations

The Bring Jobs Home Act is designed to keep and create jobs in the U.S. By doing the following:

· Pass the United States Call Center Worker and Consumer Protection Act to prevent offshoring more servicesector jobs

· Pass the Bring Jobs Home Act (H.R. 5542), which eliminates the tax deduction U.S. companies receive for moving expenses and rewards businesses that bring jobs back to the U.S. with a tax credit

Marc Veasey feature labor leaders in addition to Rep. Veasey. The GM Arlington plant, the vehicles made there and the government rescue of the auto industry have been major points of contention in the TX-33 race. The press conference will also target GOP presidential candidate Mitt

· Address currency manipulation by other countries, which is a key driver of offshoring · Tax the overseas income of U.S. corporations the same way we tax their domestic income, so they can no longer lower their tax bill by shifting income and jobs overseas

WHO: Working families, local labor leaders and Democratic candidate for the new Congressional District 33 Marc Veasey WHAT: Press conference to urge more companies to Bring Jobs Home


WHEN: Tuesday, July 10 at 11:30

WHERE: 2540 East Abram Street, Arlington, TX 76010 (on the parking lot)

The Don’t Believe the Hype Foundation extends a special thank you to

D Sportz 339 E Camp Wisdom Rd Duncanville, TX 75116-2705 and

Golden Gate Funeral Home



for your support this year! PAGE 5







JULY 6, 2012

Thinking globally and acting locally The oldest and largest Black chamber of commerce in the nation, the Dallas Black Chamber of Commerce (DBCC), recently held a PowerNetworking Meet & Greet Reception on May 30 at the Dallas Black Dance Theatre for the upcoming PowerNetworking Conference! The reception was a promotional event to kick-off plans for Black America's largest power networking conference, the 2012 FraserNet PowerNetworking Conference (PNC), which will be held in Dallas for the first time June 28-30, 2012 at the Hotel InterContinental.

The theme for this year's conference is: Think Globally, Act Locally: Building Amazing Businesses, Careers and Communities in the 21st Century. Nearly 200 people from Dallas' business community attended the invitation-only event to help welcome the FraserNet executives to Dallas and learn more about the conference and what Dallas stands to gain from its presence. Business professionals, community leaders, elected officials and chamber executives all converged on the Dallas Black Dance Theatre to show their

support for the upcoming conference. World-renowned speaker, entrepreneur and best-selling author, George Fraser was in town for the event and spoke to the attendees about how the conference came to Dallas after being held in Atlanta for the past three years and how Dallas residents could benefit from attendance. When asked why move the Conference to Dallas? Fraser responded, "To more centralize the PNC to make it easier for people from both coasts to attend and to give the PNC a fresh look and feel

in one of America's great urban centers!" DBCC 2012 Board Chair, Sonya Hoskins noted, "the Dallas Black Chamber of Commerce is honored that Mr. Fraser has selected the City of Dallas to host the FraserNet PowerNetworking Conference. I strongly encourage the citizens of greater Dallas to attend the PowerNetworking Conference and receive the benefit of timely and valuable information to assist in growth and development of business in the current economic environment."

George Fraser, Founder of the PowerNetworking Conference addressed the attendees about the benefits of participating in the 2012 Conference.

DBCC Convention & Tourism Chair, Sharon King, recognized the sponsors and thanked everyone for attending. lDr. Lawana Gladney, Petre White, Charlotte Thompson and Cheryl Rosborough were networking at the reception.

Violinist Richmond Punch thrilled the attendees with classical as well as old-school musical entertainment for the event.

DBCC Board Member, Jerry Haynes and DBCC 2012 Board Chair Sonya Hoskins pose with DBCC supporter Cheryl Mayo and her husband. PAGE 6


Ann Williams (left), Founder of the Dallas Black Dance Theatre (DBDT) and Zenetta Drew (right), DBDT Executive Director pose with Jeff Finkel with Yellow Cab/Irving Holdings who donated $5,000 on behalf of the employees and drivers at Yellow Cab to the DBDT for their fundraising efforts to perform at the 2012 Olympics in London. !





JULY 6, 2012

“We will have to repent in this generation not merely for the vitriolic words and actions of the bad people, but for the appalling silence of the good people.” . Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Come on PEOPLE! Don’t you CARE? POLICE have not apprehended Pookie the serial rapist. Aren’t you concerned? Do you care? We know he has attacked members of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. and there is a $5,000 reward offered by Crime Stoppers. If you have ANY information, PLEASE call Crime Stoppers

877.373.8477 Also, if you want extra protection, check out Street Safe at


DON’T BE SILENT Join I Messenger in the call for justice. Turn Pookie in today! PAGE 7







It’s your business Bishop Jakes, Chaka Khan among 365Black Award honorees McDonald's has announced its list of honorees for the 2012 McDonald's 365Black® Awards which includes multiplatinum and 10-time GRAMMY® awardwinning recording artist Chaka Khan; global humanitarian, bestselling inspirational author/entrepreneur Bishop T.D. Jakes; GRAMMY-nominated Bishop T.D. Jakes R&B singer/songwriter Tamia and husband, professional NBA basketball player, Grant Hill; teenage inventor Tony Hansberry II; youth empowerment activist Mary-Pat Hector; and McDonald's Owner/Operators, Tina and Harold Lewis. The McDonald's 365Black Awards are given annually to salute outstanding individuals who are committed to making positive contributions that strengthen the AfricanAmerican community. "This year's 365Black Award honorees showcase an incredible range of talent, intellect and leadership," said Rob Journalist Roland Martin to host Red Jackson, U.S. marketing Carpet. director, McDonald's USA. "From a high school student blazing new paths in medical technology to a legendary spiritual leader who motivates millions of people every day, McDonald's is proud to honor and recognize all 2012 recipients for their extraordinary contributions that positively impact communities across America and the world, 365 days a year." This year marks the ninth year for the annual McDonald's 365Black Awards. This year's event, which McDonald's hosts as a prelude to the ESSENCE Music Festival® weekend, will ascend to a new level of star-studded showmanship. Taking place for the first-time ever at the historic Mahalia Jackson Theatre, the event will feature an all-star line-up of celebrity appearances and musical performances from leading artists, including gospel sensations Fred Hammond and Mary Mary. Prior to the ceremony, journalist Roland Martin will cover the celebrity action from the red carpet. "McDonald's is continually evolving to meet the needs of the communities we serve, not only through new menu offerings, but also by engaging our customers and employees with positive programs that are relevant and important to them," said Mr. Jackson.

R&B Divas to premiere on TV One Silver Spring, MD -- Beginning Monday, August 20 at 10 PM ET, TV One PAGE 8


introduces "R&B Divas" (formerly "Ladies of R&B"), a new reality series that tells the current, real-life story of five multi-talented, beautiful R&B stars - Faith Evans, Nicci Gilbert, Monifah Carter, Syleena Johnson and Keke Wyatt. Having all seen the highs and lows of the music business, these ladies know what it's like to command the spotlight... then see it dim. Resilient and dynamic, these R&B Divas not only continue to build their own lives and careers, but also pay their good fortune forward, helping others along the way. The series offers a personal glimpse into their private worlds as they lean on each other and offer candid revelations about their efforts to deal with major life transitions and challenges such as divorce, parenting issues, drugs, alcohol, physical abuse and more. These friends come together, at the instigation of Faith Evans, to produce a charity album inspired by her friend, Whitney Houston. In honor of the late singer, proceeds from the album will benefit the Whitney E. Houston Academy of Creative and Performing Arts, an institution that Houston attended, located in her hometown of East Orange, NJ. At the same time, they are all juggling myriad personal challenges and responsibilities in addition to making music - including raising families. Faith prepares for a major move as she maintains her businesses and helps manage the estate of a music icon. Monifah reveals a bombshell that could drive a wedge between them. Keke is pregnant and the women are convinced

Monifah Carter, Nicci Gilbert, Faith Evans, Syleena Johnson, Keke Wyatt. (Photo Credit: Alex Martinez, courtesy of TV One)

that she can't go anywhere without her husband/manager. Nicci is launching a new plus-sized clothing line called Curvato, while Syleena makes a career decision that will affect her entire family and put additional strain on her financially. Through it all, these women have a genuine sisterhood. They love each other, argue with each other, and celebrate each other. One of the few constants in their lives is the strength of their friendship. "TV One looks to bring viewers great storytelling that portrays authentic black life in America today," said TV One Executive Vice President of Original Programming and Production Toni Judkins. "The ladies of R&B Divas are truly talented and amazing women individually and when you bring them together into one TV show, you have an incredibly compelling story. We aren't creating relationships for the sake of a television show, so their actions, relationships and emotions are authentic

and true to life - and it makes for a powerful narrative." The eight-episode, one-hour series is filmed primarily in Atlanta, with additional shooting in Washington, DC, New York and New Orleans. Faith Evans is the ultimate multihyphenate: multiple platinum selling and Grammy Award winning recording artist; New York Times best-selling author; television producer; mother of four; and entrepreneur. With a career spanning over a decade in the music industry, Evans' most recent project, "Something About Faith," debuted at no. 1 on Billboard's Independent Albums Chart and earned a 2011 Grammy nomination for Best Female R&B Vocal Performance for the single "Gone Already." In addition, Evans' impressive discography boasts three Platinum-certified albums - "Faith," "Keep the Faith" and "Faithfully." Evans is a sixtime Grammy nominee and winner for "Best Rap Performance by a Duo or Group" in 1998 for "I'll Be Missing You," where she paid homage to her late husband, Hip-Hop legend Notorious B.I.G. Writer, Director and Producer Nicci Gilbert's mantra is simple...Visualize, Pray, Produce, and judging from her passion for everything creative she will do just that. Gilbert is a 15-year entertainment industry veteran. As the lead singer/songwriter for Brownstone, Nicci was nominated for a Grammy Award and has sold over 2 million records worldwide. Nicci, a Detroit native, has guest starred on hit TV shows such as "Martin," "Living Single" and "Sister Sister." She has appeared on the big screen as well, in films such as "Living Out Loud" with Queen Latifah and "Woo" starring Jada Pinkett Smith. While in Tyler Perry's hit play "Meet the Browns," Nicci decided to pursue a career as a playwright and producer. Ms. Gilbert has since written, produced and directed several hit musical stage plays. As an artist Monifah understands that through the gifts she has been blessed with, she has the platform to touch and change lives. An actor since her early childhood days, she pursued singing at the prestigious F.H. Laguardia High School of the Performing Arts in New York. She sang background vocals for Reggae superstar Maxi Priest before mutual associates re-acquainted her with rapper Heavy D. That gave birth to her first solo album, "Moods...Moments", executive produced by Heavy D, Track Masters and Vincent Herbert. She had immediate success with the radio hit "I Miss You (Come Back Home)," which was featured on the hit TV show "New York Undercover" soundtrack and generated RIAA certified Platinum sales. Monifah followed up with Double Platinum CD "Mo'Hogany" featuring the hot track "Touch It," which was also a crossover hit peaking at #1 for four consecutive weeks on the Billboard Hot Dance Club Play chart. Monifah's third album "Home," released in 2000, was produced by Teddy Riley; the RIAA certified Gold disc delivered the hits "I Can Tell," "Brown Eyes" and "Fairytales." Monifah is currently writing, producing and recording her fourth CD as she continues performing live with her band "Soulution." !

JULY 6, 2012

Syleena Johnson says she lost her love for music "for a minute because it broke my heart at one point...but I am glad to say that we are back together and learning to love each other again." The daughter of the nation's first black female police commissioner and legendary soul and blues singer Syl Johnson, she was initially discouraged from getting into the music business by her father, who had many disappointing experiences in the industry. But after extensive vocal and music training at Drake University she took a recording contract with Jive Records, and the dissolution of a relationship with an abusive boyfriend provided raw material for her debut major label album, "Chapter 1: Love, Pain & Forgiveness" in 2002. Her debut release yielded the hit "I Am Your Woman," penned by R. Kelly. Syleena's follow-up, "Chapter 2: The Voice" was hailed as one of the best R&B albums of the year. Meanwhile, Kanye West tapped Syleena to handle the vocals on the Top Ten worldwide hit "All Falls Down," which also garnered her and West a Grammy nomination. With momentum building, Syleena released "Chapter 3: The Flesh," which featured such guests as R. Kelly, Anthony Hamilton, Jermaine Dupri, Common and Twista - a mark of respect from her peers - as well as the hit "Another Relationship." Subsequently Syleena has released "Chapter 4: Labor Pains" on her own Aneelys Records and "Chapter V: Underrated" in 2011. Ketara Shavon Wyatt, better known as Keke Wyatt, the daughter of a Caucasian vocalist mother and an African American organist/vocalist father, started singing at age two. KeKe grew up in the church, where the family had the image of a happy Christian family; but behind closed doors there were problems stemming from abuse and also adversity experienced by the family's multi-racial background. As a teen KeKe performed with various girl groups, even auditioning for the group that evolved into Destiny's Child. Her critically acclaimed duets with Avant and her own platinum-selling solo debut album "Soul Sista" marked the arrival of one of R&B's brightest stars. At the height of her career breakthrough, Keke's private struggle with domestic violence became the main focus in the media, rather than her newly-released album. In 2001, Wyatt was arrested for stabbing her husband; the charges were later dropped, but her career suffered from the negative attention. In 2004, the songstress signed to Cash Money Records. Keke signed with TVT Records in 2006 and recorded the "Ghetto Rose" album, but the label declared bankruptcy before the album could be released. Keke then licked her wounds and used the time off to write, act, and devote time to family. The release of her second album, "Who Knew?" by Shanachie in 2010 marked her return to the spotlight and she released her third CD, "Unbelievable!" in 2011.In addition to her active music and family life, KeKe serves as a spokesperson for the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence.






Chief Justice Roberts casts deciding vote To Be Equal By Marc Morial President National Urban League Last Thursday’s Supreme Court ruling to uphold the Affordable Care Act represents life-altering access to health care for millions of Americans, particularly African Americans who have been twice as likely to lack health insurance. Health Insurance can mean the difference between life and death, and even more often it can mean the difference between financial stability and ruin. Health care costs are responsible for a majority of personal bankruptcies in the United States. The Supreme Court’s decision affirmed that the National Urban League mission, shared by millions of Americans, to build a fairer health care system is not only appropriate and pro-family, but constitutionally valid. While the Court made the right call, it was once again a narrow 5-4 decision, with the deciding vote surprisingly cast by Chief Justice John G. Roberts. It is no secret that in 2005 the National Urban League sided with then, Senator Obama in opposing Roberts’ nomination as Chief Justice. Roberts came to the nomination process as a staunch conservative who had been an outspoken opponent of Affirmative Action, which he had often referred to as “quotas.” He had also spoken out against the “effects test’ in voting rights enforcement, saying that voting rights violations “should not be made too easy to prove.” Up until last week, there was no indication that Roberts would be the only conservative Supreme Court Justice to side with the four liberals on the Court in supporting the most important legislative breakthrough on health care in a generation. Roberts’ principled decision elevated the stature of the Court by refusing to have it defined as a strictly partisan institution, with Justices reliably casting votes along a rigid liberal/conservative divide. Contrast this statesmanlike leadership with the comments of conservative Justice Antonin Scalia, who at various times leading up to the decision had trivialized this important national debate. Scalia had said it was “unrealistic” to expect the Justices to read the entire bill, joking that the Eighth Amendment protected them from “cruel and unusual punishment.” And he had objected to the individual mandate with a quip that “You can’t make people buy broccoli.” These comments were unworthy of the seriousness of the debate and unbecoming of a Supreme Court Justice. But thanks to Justice Roberts, common sense and the rule of law prevailed. The Court’s ruling means that 31 million more Americans have access to health insurance and senior citizens will pay less for life-saving medications. It means that investments in preventive health screenings and community prevention efforts like those operated by Urban League affiliates across the country will continue to move forward. But the fight is not over. Justice Roberts concluded his majority opinion by saying, "The Framers created a Federal Government of limited powers and assigned to this court the duty of enforcing those limits. The court does so today. But the court does not express any opinion on the wisdom of the Affordable Care Act. Under the Constitution, that judgment is reserved to the people." The Roberts Court has affirmed the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act. It is now up to the political process and the Court of public opinion to resolve its final fate. PAGE 9


JULY 6, 2012

The Good shall triumph in the end Lessons from Health Reform and Contempt Charges By all accounts, Thursday was a momentous and notable day. The Supreme Court of the United States upheld President Obama's Affordable Care Act, thereby paving the way for millions of Americans to obtain insurance coverage, and millions of others to remain on their plans without fear of being kicked off for simply becoming ill. After decades of working to push for health care reform, progressives saw this President and his signature legislation become the literal law of the land. But June 28th will also be remembered unfortunately as the day when a sitting Attorney General of the United States was disrespected in the most egregious way. By voting in favor of contempt against AG Eric Holder, Rep. Darrell Issa and others proved that they are not on the side of the American people. And just like obstruction against health care reform, these insulting and outrageous efforts at defamation will be defeated in due time. When Sen. Mitch McConnell said his top priority was to make Barack Obama a 'one-term president,' he set the tone for many in his party. But despite the enormous attempts to prevent passage of the Affordable Care Act, President Obama pressed forward. Even when members of his own party said it wasn't the right time, our Commander-in-Chief used his bully pulpit for the greater good. And after more than two years of wrangling, Tea Party opposition and legal proceedings, the Supreme Court has made health care reform a Constitutional reality for us all. The ruling was a testament to this nation's ability to do the right thing even when astonishing amounts of money have been funneled in to prevent it from happening. After the screaming matches in towns and cities across this nation, and concerted organized efforts to misrepresent what this legislation does, the American people were victorious. Thanks to the Affordable Care Act, 17 million children with preexisting conditions can no longer be denied coverage, and 6.6 million young adults have the security of coverage on their parent's plan until the age of 26. At a time when so many young people -- including college

grads -- are having extreme difficulty obtaining work (let alone health insurance), this provision provides

when all is said and done, the good guy can and will win. Issa's preposterous attempts at disparaging

REV’s Corner By Rev. Al Sharpton President National Action Network

some relief for both parents and their children. Another 12.8 million Americans will benefit from rebates by August because their insurance company spent too much on administrative and wasteful costs. And these are just the immediate benefits.

this AG and the Department of Justice are an outrageous and meaningless use of Congressional time and money for partisan political means. A program that began under the Bush Administration, Fast and Furious was actually ended by AG Holder. After providing thousands of documents and appearing before the House committee several times, AG Holder was treated like some sort of criminal and berated by a group working to score cheap political points. Never once did Issa or the committee meet with the former AG -Michael Mukasey -- nor did they meet with any member of the Bush Administration. And they refused to hear testimony from the person who actually ran the ATF. AG Holder has been hard at work fighting voter suppression efforts across this country, including in the always controversial state of Florida. In an obvious ploy to distract, delay Attorney General Eric Holder and deter his efforts, those who voted By 2014, insurance companies cannot to hold him in contempt and conduct discriminate against anyone with a this ridiculous circus (including the pre-existing condition, and the use of handful of Democrats that gave in to annual limits will be banned. Most NRA pressure) should take heed from importantly perhaps, millions of the earlier lesson of the day: justice uninsured, hard-working Americans will prevail. Even though it may have taken will finally have the ability to purchase some time, and unyielding effort and affordable coverage for themselves patience, health care reform is now a and their loved ones. Although it took this President reality. Allowing millions to receive most of his term in office to get this insurance coverage is a reality. legislation to become law, no one can Progress is a reality. While AG Holder may have been deny its impact. The biggest lesson we as a collective can learn is that of disrespected, if history -- and the perseverance. As we watch Rep. Issa present for that matter -- prove push so vigorously to hold AG Holder anything, it's that good shall triumph in contempt, let us remember that in the end.

I MESSENGER wants you to SPEAK YOUR MIND! Is there something on your mind? Is there something we should be thinking about? Your thoughts are welcomed on the opinion pages of I MESSENGER! We would love to hear from you. Send your thoughts to us at www.myimessenger.com along with your photo, a contact number and a brief bio. Submissions should not exceed 300 words.






JULY 6, 2012

Urban League to honor Levenson, Pemberton and Washington August 25 Gala at Hilton Anatole Media Guru Jim Washington, Public Relations Executive Stan Levenson, Mega Community Activist Edna Pemberton and the world’s largest beverage company, Coca Cola will be honored at the 2012 Urban League Annual Gala on Saturday, August 25, 2012 at the Hilton Anatole Hotel, 2201 Stemmons Freeway at 7:00 p.m. For ticket information call (214) 915-4600. “Our honorees have a history of accomplishments in their businesses and in the community,” said Dr. Beverly Mitchell-Brooks, Urban League President & CEO “and they continue to set high standards through their volunteerism and community service. Mr.Washington will receive the Whitney M. Young, Jr. award for his long-time support of the Urban League movement and its mission. He is currently Chief Executive Officer of the Dallas Weekly, one of the largest, most widely read and respected African-American news weekly in North Texas. He is also President and General Manager of the Atlanta Voice, the largest audited African American newsweekly in Atlanta, Georgia. A communications practitioner for over three decades, Mr. Washington is an expert in all forms of public relations, corporate communications, advertising, ethnic marketing, broadcast and print news. In addition to his extraordinary professional career he remains involved in a wide range of community and civic activities. He serves on many area Boards including the Dallas Black Dance Theater, Dallas Theater Center and the Oak Cliff Chamber of Commerce. He has served twice on the Dallas Black Chamber of Commerce, the Greater Dallas Chamber of Commerce and the Dallas Arboretum boards. He was named “Man of the Year” in 1986 by the Dallas Metropolitan Club of Negro Business and Professional Women and was an original Dallas Black Chamber “Quest for Success” recipient. He has been honored for outstanding community service by organizations including The Links, Inc., Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, United Way, Dallas Independent School District and the NAACP. Mr. Levenson, the recipient of the President’s Award, is being recognized for his advocacy and leadership in community service and the arts in Dallas. He is a widely, recognized public relations professional whose career in Dallas spans over 45 years. He established his first PR firm, Stan Levenson Associates, in 1966 and it was acquired ten years later by Bozell & Jacobs (B&J). Following a successful tenure with B & J, Mr. Levenson cofounded Levenson & Hill with his wife Barbara and Bill Hill. The PR group merged with Brinker Communications 20 years later creating Levenson & Brinker PAGE 10


Public Relations which operates interactively within the Levenson Group of companies. While achieving a leadership role in the public relations profession, Levenson has dedicated several decades to community service, the arts and support for higher education. A former chairman of the Greater Dallas Chamber’s marketing committee, he has directed numerous civic initiatives including the Mayor’s Task Force on Marketing Southern Dallas; chairing the grand opening of the African American Museum at Fair Park; serving on the boards of the Dallas Arboretum and the North Texas Commission; two-term Chairman of the Urban League of Greater Dallas Board of Trustees; and a member of the President’s Advisory Council of the AT&T Center. Edna Pemberton is the recipient of the League’s Spirit of Community Award. You would be hard pressed to find a community activity in the Southern Sector that has not involved Edna Pemberton. Some say it was the tenacity of Ms. Pemberton and the Southern Dallas Task Force that the doors, not only remained open, at Southwest Center Mall, formerly Red Bird Mall, but it is thriving. Her duties at that time included everything from persuading the meter man not to turn off the power at the Mall to leading a group of store owners to Washington, D.C. to meet with the Department of Labor. She is currently Marketing Coordinator of the Mall. Even with the demands of her current job, Ms. Pemberton continues to be involved in numerous organizations including Texas Teen Curfew; Bridge Over Troubled Waters Program for the Homeless; Just Say No; Feed The Hungry; When Women Vote Campaign; Back to School Clothes & Supplies

Drive; and Concerned Citizens for Oak Cliff to name a few. She has also received numerous awards for her many acts of kindness. They include the Elite News Senator Eddie Bernice Johnson Community Service Award; Martin Luther King, Jr. Annual Banquet Community Service Award; KKDA Sheroes Outstanding Achievement Award; Governors Volunteer Administrator Corporate/ Business Award; and the Texas NAACP Torchbearer Award. Even with the many accolades Ms. Pemberton receives, she often says her greatest accomplishments in life are her commitment to her faith, her family and her community. Coca Cola Refreshments will receive the Buddy J. Minyard Award for their outstanding corporate partnership and support of the Urban League. They support Urban League programs that benefit low-to-moderate income individuals and families and help revitalize economically distressed areas including financial education focusing on home ownership education.


The Coca Cola Company (NYSE:KO) is the world’s largest beverage company, offering consumers more than 500 sparkling and still brands. Through the beverage distribution system, consumers in more than 200 countries enjoy their beverages at a rate of 1.8 billion servings a day. With an enduring commitment to building sustainable communities, the Company is focused on initiatives that reduce the environmental footprint, support active, healthy living, create a safe, inclusive work environment for its 700,000 employees and enhance the economic development of the communities where they operate. The mission of the Urban League is to provide the critical skills and resources necessary to enable all citizens to secure economic self-reliance. Through its services, which include education, employment, health, housing, seniors and technology training, the League creates positive choices for residents throughout Dallas County.





In Memoriam Rev. Eddie B Gassaway 1944-2012 Reverend Dr. Eddie B. Gassaway, affectionately known as “E.B.,” was born to Paul Gassaway and Era Lee Peel Gassaway in Naples, Texas on February 3, 1944. To the union of this marriage were born: twin brother, Reverend Dr. J.B. Gassaway; sister, Mary Lee Gassaway Campbell; brother, Hobert Harold Gassaway. On April 17, 1964, E.B. married his high school sweetheart, Norma Jean Wilson. They had a union that lasted for 48 years. To this union, they were blessed with five children: Dana Washington, twins, Rona Jackson, Dona Mitchell, Eddie B. Gassaway, II and Eumeka Gassaway. E.B. graduated from James Madison High School home of the “Mighty Trojans” in 1963. He furthered his studies at the InterRacial Theological Seminary now known as D. Edwin Johnson Theological Bible Institute in 1963. E.B. had a thirst for learning and furthered his educational studies at the following: Draughon’s Business College (1967), Bishop College (1971), Control Data Institute (1979), Criswell College (1999). In 2001, E.B. received his Master’s in Biblical Studies at the School of Scripture, as well as, his Ph.D. in Biblical Studies 2002. E.B. accepted his call to ministry and preached the gospel for many years. He was an associate pastor at Salem Institutional Baptist Church from 1965 to 1986. He was a member of Dallas Baptist Association (DBA), New Life Progressive District Association, Greater Rising Star District Association and Co-Founder of the School of the Scripture. He was an associate pastor at Antioch Baptist Church, where he preached on fifth Sundays. He was also a member of Greater Community First Baptist Church. E.B.’s professional career was very diverse and he was a great leader in the community. He worked at American Airlines and Bishop College during his early professional career. He worked at Hewlett Packard Company in different departments: inventory coordinator, computer operator, accounting administration, records management and asset management. He also worked at Veteran’s Medical Center in there Clinical Pastoral Education Department. Some of E.B.’s special skills were, but not limited to, computer applications, written communication and oral communication. In 1968, he joined International Free and Accepted Modern Mason Worldwide, Inc., under the tutelage of our adopted guard father, Dr. Turner S. Hartfield. He served in many capacities such as: District Manager, Texas State Council President for over 20 years, State Sovereign of Mason and Grand Potentate and a 33rd Mason. PAGE 11


Everyone knew that E.B. loved a challenge. In 1972, when his twin brother was assistant Athletic Director for the City of Dallas, the athletic facilities were only for selective use. He organized his personal softball team, “The Viking,” and integrated all the facilities for all the citizenry. In 1974, he served on the Executive Board to ensure that the continuity remained. E.B. was an avid softball player and a terrific picture. In 1973, he went before the Dallas City Council, along with community activist Al Lipscomb, to revitalize the Nineteenth of June as Cultural Day of Recognition. Mayor West Wise issued a proclamation to this affect. He loved to serve and help as many people as he could. He was an Adjunct Professor at the School of Scripture Bible College and Friendship West Baptist Church’s Howard Thurman Bible Institute. On Friday morning, June 22, 2012, his story on this earth came to a close, but none of the ministry will stop. It will continue. Left to celebrate his life and legacy, his wife of 48 years, Norma Gassaway; children, Dana Washington (Arthur), daughters, Rona Jackson, Dona Mitchell (James), Eddie B. Gassaway II and Eumeka Gassaway; grandchildren, James J. Mitchell, Demetria Jackson, Charles Jackson II, Arthur Washington II, Johnique Mitchell, Chris Jackson, Dez’mon Gassaway Joslyn Mitchell, Artillius Washington and Cam’ron Gassaway; great grandchildren, Diamond Evans, Dimarrea Evans, Jalen Taylor-Mitchell, Romeo Evans, Jirehn Mitchell, Chris Jackson and Ariyannah Washington; siblings, Rev. Dr. J.B. Gassaway (Clemmie), Mary Lee Gassaway Campbell and brother, Hobert Harold Gassaway; other siblings.

Hon. Yvonne B. Miller July 4, 19---July 3, 2012 Senator Yvonne B. Miller’s resume is nothing short of remarkable. The eldest of 13 children, she was born in Edenton, North Carolina, but moved to Norfolk, Va. Faced with segregation and the massive resistance of the times, she earned her teaching degree from Virginia State College in 1956; her Master’s degree from Teachers College, in Columbia University ‘s summer program; joined the faculty at Norfolk State College; and earned her Doctor of Philosophy degree at University of Pittsburgh. As a political leader of the Commonwealth, she has championed programs to address a variety of societal ills: creating services to help prevent youth suicide; caring for children who were exposed to drugs prenatally; intervening in support of handicapped infants and toddlers; securing health insurance for the uninsured; strengthening the kinship care principles related to foster care, and

advocating for the restoration of voting rights for felons. Tirelessly working on the General Assembly floor, Senator Miller wastes no time basking in the glow her accomplishments. And don’t think for one minute she’s letting other women off the hook either. “I make every women who comes to my office sit in my chair and get her picture taken,” she says, with a mixture of warmth and resolve, ” and they do not leave my office without the commitment that they will either run for office themselves, or support a women who running for office.” “Women are 51% of our population”, she says, “so we should be 51% of the General Assembly.” To women who don’t feel they have the “traditional” background necessary to run for elected office, Senator Miller had this to say, “Any self-respecting woman who can run a house or a job can run for the General Assembly.” She went on to cite the special skills and talents these women could bring to the table. “Women generally have a different way of relating to people by naturally considering responsibility for herself and for others. They may think about people in the state in a way men might not think about them…[they] are generally problem solvers in a different way then men.” She continued, “We look for a ‘win-win’ solution, and if we can’t get one, we look for a solution that will do the least amount of damage.” She also pointed out that women tended to be skilled in forming coalitions, bringing people along in the process, and finding reasonable solutions to the challenges faced by families. “And since women don’t have wives, women understand what it’s like not to have support,” she quipped. Qualifying the statement she said, “Men generally start younger because they have a support system in place to help them in the process. Women who have young children often feel guilty about leaving the care of their children to others, so they enter into the process later in life.” She noted that many of the women that do enter into the process early often do not have children. But there are benefits to this tradeoff. These…”women are more secure when they get here and also generally come with a stronger purpose,” said Senator Miller. “They are more secure in their professional and family relationships.” She continued, “Once they determine where they plug in, and depending on the party in power, they rise quickly.” Senator Miller cited her journey !

JULY 6, 2012

beginning with her desire to drum up additional state monies for Norfolk State University, an under-funded African American university, in an effort to balance the scales with the typical funding allocated to traditionally white State schools. “But it can start anywhere,” she concluded, referencing Church, PTA, Civic League, career specialties, community efforts, and affordable housing causes. “Women have a multiplicity of interests.” She is the first African-American woman to serve in the House of Delegates (1984); and the first to serve in the Virginia Senate as well (1988); first woman to chair a Senate committee (1996); woman with longest Senate service (1998 – ) Woman Senator with longest Legislative Service (House of Delegates (1984 – 1987); Senate (1988 – 2012). Post submitted by Jessica Smocer.

Andy Griffith June 1, 1926 – July 3, 2012 Andy Griffith, the beloved television actor best known for his roles on 'The Andy Griffith Show' and the longrunning whodunit series, 'Matlock,' has died. He was 86.

Don Grady June 8, 1944 – June 27, 2012 Don Grady, who was one of television's most beloved big brothers as Robbie Douglas on the long-running 1960s hit "My Three Sons," died at his home in Thousand Oaks, Calif., after a four-year battle with cancer. He was 68.





JULY 6, 2012

Don’t Believe the Hype Weekend 2012 Celebrating Dick Gregory’s 80th Birthday

Cheryl Smith tries to pick up a spare for her team! Nice form too!








JULY 6, 2012

Dick Gregory’s Birthday Dinner

Comedian D’ Ellis, spoken word artist Zemill, singer Ivan Tolbert, Cheryl Smith, Mr. Gregory, singer D’ Ella Vaughn, comedian Joe Torry, singer IMAJ, actress Kiki Shepard and Sen. Royce West.

American Airlines volunteers

American Airlines volunteers with Mr. Gant

Richard Gant and Dick Gregory

Joe Torry and Dick Gregory

Program participants PR guru Terry Allen, actress Kiki Shepard, Willie Earl and Ella Goode Johnson

Mr. Gregory

American Airlines volunteers with Mr. Gregory PAGE 13


Deanna McKinley of Divine Communications w/volunteers !

Music exec Aaron Hopkins w/ actor Richard Gant ! IMESSENGER



Atty. Bobbie Edmonds with Joe Torry

JULY 6, 2012

Richard Gant and Dr. Linda Amerson

Ester Davis TV with Tuskegee Airman Spann

Alayna Smith, Kiki Shepard, Tracy Thomas and Cheryl Smith

Presentation from Sen. West

D’ Ella Vaughn and Ivan Tolbert with Mr. Gregory Sen. Royce West and Dr. Linda Amerson

Presentation from the Spanns

Artist Nathan Jalani Taylor with gift for Mr. Gregory PAGE 14


D’ Ellis pays tribute to Mr. Gregory

Consultant Deanna McKinley gives directions to program participants ! !




JULY 6, 2012

18th Annual Cheryl Smith’s Don’t Believe the Hype Celebrity Bowl-a-thon First Place - Sho Nuff (Drenda Sneed, Lincoln Tyson, Paul Jackson, Jimmy Bryant, Jackie Fisher and Jose) Second Place - dianne gibson’s City Attorney’s Office Team Third Place - The Dallas Weekly First Place Celebrity Male - Constable Derick Evans 205 First Place Celebrity Female - Cheryl Smith 216 First Place Male - Patrick Sanders (City Attorney’s Office Team) 254 First Place Female - Drenda Sneed (ShoNuff Team) 213

It was a fun-filled, family affair with as many spectators as there were bowlers! With food catered by Sweet Georgia Brown and drinks from Coca Cola, add in the vendors, the silent auction, good music and Mr. Dick Gregory and you had a successful event, all to raise funds for scholarships.

Celebrity Captain Bowling scores Gordon Jackson 204 Andrew Whigham 166 Heath Harris 161 Steve Pickett 149 Vincent “Heartbreak” Tucker 147 Nathan Jalani Ray 177 Katina Potts 121 Jabari Johnson 158 Darryl Blair 114 Terry Allen 132

Joyce Ann Brown 138 Kiki Shepard 148 Hollis Brashear 137 VirLinda Stanton 152 Cat Daddy 141 Alecia 118 Priya B 131 Zemill 113 Richard Gant 114 IMAJ 110

K104’s Cat Daddy, Constable Derick Evans, Sports guy Andrew Whigham, Cheryl Smith, DA Heath Harris, and CBS -!!‘s Adrienne Bankert welcome Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins

(t) Cheryl Smith and Dick Gregory (l)It was her first week on the job at CBS 11, but anchor Adrienne Bankert takes time out to hang out and meet folks.

American Airlines Employee Resource Group volunteers were in full force and on top of things!

IMAJ leads everyone in singing happy birthday to Mr. Dick Gregory.

American Airlines volunteers were in full force and on top of things! Part 2 PAGE 15


Photos by: Aaron Hopkins, Eva Coleman, Dr. Linda Amerson and Tommy Brooks of TBimages4ever.com !





JULY 6, 2012


August 25, 2012 10:30 AM – 12:30 PM Renaissance Dallas Hotel 2222 N Stemmons Frwy. Dallas, Texas 75207 Keynote Speaker: Everson “Cubby” Walls, GSU Football Legend and NFL Great! $40 Tickets (can be purchased from GUNAA-Dallas Chapter members) Entertainment, door prizes, silent auction!!!!









Calling herself a grateful survivor, Dr. Patterson says God saved her for a reason, and that reason was to help others. See her interview on a segment of “My Story” on WFAA-TV Channel 8.

A Healthy You Well-known pastor, breast cancer advocate reunites with machine that saved her life

FREE Mammograms for Women over 35

Dr. Sheron C. Patterson, well-known Dallas pastor, author, and breast cancer awareness advocate, was recently interviewed by WFAA-TV in Women’s Imaging at Methodist Charlton Medical Center. Calling it a “reunion with the mammogram machine that saved my life,” Dr. Patterson returned to Methodist Charlton where she was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2006. Now a five-year survivor, Dr. Patterson has created the “A Year of Living and Giving” campaign in partnership with Methodist Health System with a goal to garner $200,000 from across the city to provide free mammograms for low income women and increase breast cancer survival rates. Dr. Patterson has also authored a book, “The Blessings and Bling: How Faith and Fashion Helped Me Survive Breast Cancer.”

FREE MAMMOGRAMS for women over 35 on Saturday, July 7 at the Northlake Elementary School parking area 10059 Ravensway Dallas, TX 75238 (next to the Audelia Rd Library on Audelia @ Church St) REGISTER TODAY by calling the number below! The mammogram exam is free for women 35 years and older, who Do NOT have insurance or who Do NOT have a Parkland card and are NOT pregnant. You MUST register in advance by calling 866-277-0721, for additional registration details visit: http://dfwinternational.org/Bulletin/ 07-04-12/Mammogram.pdf

Texas GOP Platform or Articles of Secession backwards. Doing away with the Federal Reserve System would cut off the circulation of government IOUs, known as Federal Reserve notes or simply greenback dollars. What would we have in its place? Gold bonds? And, how would money circulate, from bank to bank, without the Federal Reserve central banking system? The economy needs an arbiter of value and a pipeline for liquidity. We support abolishing all federal agencies whose activities are not specifically enumerated in the Constitution; including the Departments of Education and Energy. (p.16) ·



We believe the Environmental Protection Agency should be abolished. (p.3) We call for the disbanding of the TSA and place airport security into the more accountable and capable hands of the state and local law enforcement. (p.14) We demand the immediate repeal of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, which we believe to be unconstitutional. (p.11)

Environmental pollution almost brought us to our knees before conceded the need for air and water quality monitoring. EPA came into being as a long-range



JULY 6, 2012

survival agency for a short-sighted generation. On the other hand, airport security, with its Interstate Commerce range and regulations, cannot be overseen and managed by any single state or through local law enforcement. State and local governments do not have the intelligence capacity. ·




We support the withdrawal of the United States from the United Nations and the removal of U.N. headquarters from U.S. soil. (p.20) We unequivocally oppose the United States Senate’s ratification of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. (p.10) We support U.S. withdrawal from the International Monetary Fund, the World Trade Organization and the World Bank. (p.22) We oppose the influence, promotion and implementation of nongovernmental organizations, metropolitan and/or regional planning organizations, Councils of Government, and International Council for Local Environmental initiatives and the use of American (Texas) citizen’s

Continued from page 4

taxes to promote these programs. (p.20)

The size of the award should not be an incentive to continue violating. It must be a deterrent.

The Texas Republicans take an isolationist perspective on the global community. It would disassociate itself from every world body. It would refuse to ratify the Convention on the Rights of the Child, which rights would also be protected in the United States. The universal acceptance of Children’s Rights leaves the United States as one of only two countries who have not ratified it. This shows how alienated our country is from the rest of the world. Note also that the GOP lists of disassociations would also include Councils of Government, such as the North Central Texas Council of Governments. This notion goes against regional planning and collaboration on the local, state, national, and global scale. This myopic perception impedes our broader view of our relative place in the global community. We oppose the abusive use of class action lawsuits. (p.19) Parties who pay greater fines, penalties, and awards are the greater culprit. Lawsuits are a necessary arrest to illegal and harmful practices. It is the check in Checks-and-Balances.


We call for truckers working within the state of Texas to enjoy the full benefits of the Texas Concealed Handgun License law irrespective of unreasonable and intrusive federal regulations. (p.14) Only in Texas. We reaffirm Texas’ state sovereignty, as reserved under the 10th Amendment. Texas retains its sovereignty, freedoms, independence, power, jurisdiction and rights which are not delegated to the federal government by the U. S. Constitution. (p.20) ·

We oppose all unfunded mandates by the federal and state governments. (p.16)

Every Republican is responsible for implementing this platform. Party candidates should indicate their positions on platform planks before their acceptance on the ticket and such information should be available on the Party website. (p.6) http://eddiegriffinbasg.blogspot.com/ 2012/07/texas-gop-platform-or-articlesof.html





JULY 6, 2012

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Send your resume to Dfwabj@gmail.com








JULY 6, 2012


Douglass and Bethune statues unveiled

Frederick Douglass and Mary Jane McLeod Bethune bronze desk busts measure 9" high, and are heavy enough to serve as a large desk paperweight, bookend or library focal point. Washington, DC (BlackNews.com) -- A new collection from the Washington, DC based retailer 1865 Company, packs history and inspiration into every masterpiece. The two museum quality statues, depicting orator Frederick Douglass and educator Mary

McLeod Bethune, are the first in a series of collectible busts to be released by 1865 Company in communities where these two local heroes made their mark. "Our new busts pay tribute to those often forgotten heroes that worked tirelessly to further America's ideals of freedom and equality," says 1865 Company President and Founder Patrice Davenport. The unveiling of these bronze busts will take place during the first two weeks of July to celebrate the 137th anniversary of the birth of Mary McLeod Bethune and the 160th anniversary of the highly influential Fourth of July speech given by

Frederick Douglass at an 1852 event commemorating the signing of the Declaration of Independence. "What to the Slave is the Fourth of July?" was a biting oratory, in which the speaker told his audience, "This Fourth of July is yours, not mine. You may rejoice, I must mourn." Due to the tireless work of leaders like Frederick Douglass and Mary McLeod Bethune, all Americans regardless of gender or ethnicity can be included in the blessing of American freedom on Independence Day. 1865 Company worked with UKbased artists at The Sculpture Mill to create these true to life busts.

The Sculpture Mill crafts each bronze likeness by hand, meticulously capturing the essence of the individual being sculpted. The final results are stunning 9 inch tall bronze sculptures of American patriots characterized by steely determination and a confident gaze. Cast in a classic bronze patina and mounted on a rich bronze base, the busts come engraved with an inspirational quote from each subject. "We have captured both Frederick Douglass and Mary McLeod Bethune in the prime of their lives while they were ascending to public greatness. Our busts harness history to inspire the same greatness in our lives and the lives of future generations," adds Davenport. Aside from its bold angles and artistic beauty, the busts were designed to promote understanding, cultural healing and self-education today and for generations to come. The bronze sculptures pay tribute to those brave individuals who paved the way for the actualization of American human and civil rights. By working with The Sculpture Mill, 1865 Company has the opportunity to create commemorative sculptures to inspire communities across the country and to make these works of art accessible and aordable. We are honored to take part in the creation and release of these memorial pieces. In coming months 1865 Company plans to release commemorative bronze desk busts of medical pioneer Charles Drew and Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall.

In the spirit and rich tradition of the African Griot, let I MESSENGER get your message out to the masses. Send your information and events to info@myimessenger.com PAGE 19







In our library Reviewed by Cheryl Smith


Her tele-class, "Simple Truth - You Will NEVER Out Earn Your Self Image: 5 Inner Secrets from the Streets That Can Make You 6 or 7 Figures," is free with limited availability. Here are a couple of the highlights: * Discover the difference between "self-esteem" money and "self-worth" money. When you do, its like adding an additional "0" to your paychecks! * The 5 Keys to making 6 or 7 figures and living a life that defies the impossible To sign up for the free tele-class on July 10th at 3pm CST, visit: www.defyimpossible.com/gangstacash Dr. Venus Opal Reese, America’s "SelfWorth and Wealth Expert" is the founder of the Defy Impossible, Inc. and the author of Street Smart for CEOs. For more information, visit www.defyimpossible.com

AfricAm Health Focus Newsletter

BlackNews.com) -- In the Black community, success is often attributed to hard work instead of self-worth. I r o n i c a l l y, A f r i c a n A m e r i c a n professionals who have achieved some level of success are particularly susceptible to having a negative selfimage that results in feelings of inadequacy, worthlessness, and low selfconfidence. Ultimately, they undermine their own success. Dr. Venus should know: she lived on the streets by the age 16 where a life of prostitution, crime, and welfare awaited her. Astoundingly, 14 years later, she graduated from Stanford University with a 2nd Masters Degree and a Ph.D. The secret to her success - including a multi-million dollar brain trust, a 6+ figure business thats fast-tracking to seven figures, and an award-nominated solo performance produced offBroadway - is self-worth. "You will never out earn your self image," says Dr. Venus. "I can teach you to value what you naturally bring to the table - yourself - and leverage your worth for outrageous wealth."

There is a need for education on the individual and personal level to educate people about health promotion and disease prevention to foster overall wellness. Many African-Americans suffer social and economic disadvantages which prevent them from receiving quality healthcare leading to the bridging of a gap limiting access to valuable information needed to stay well with healthy lifestyles. Naypree Enterprises Publishing Division and Author D.M. Blake has announced the availability of the July Issue of AfricAm Health Focus on July 15, 2012, a newsletter with the two-fold purpose of educating the general public about a variety of health issues and with the additional focus of educating and guiding the African-American

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According to data published by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality in their report published in 2004, · Blacks (African-Americans) are more likely to have diabetes with problems and die as a result · Blacks (African-Americans) had higher rates of late stage colorectal cancer compared to whites · Blacks (African-Americans) suffer more from coronary heart disease resulting in death Although these are just a few of health disparities that exist, they all indicate a need for special intervention on a personal level. So many families grieve the premature deaths of loved ones unnecessarily. A simple lack of critical information was missed and/or unshared by the healthcare provider

leading to an avoidable catastrophic illness. In the July Issue of the AfricAm Health Focus newsletter, we discuss: 1. Uterine Fibroids 2. Pediatric Scoliosis 3. Penile Cancer 4. Fibromyalgia 5. Schizophrenia 6. Pressure Ulcers in the Elderly 7. Special Feature: Stroke AfricAm Health Focus provides a holistic view with up-to-date information of various subjects tailored to meet the needs of its target groups. It includes articles, quizzes, checklists, puzzles and more providing a variety of media. It has the information you need which is not only up-to-date, but also topped with the personal touch of a primary care clinician dedicated to educating the public. D.M. Blake said, “I have lost my grandmother and my aunt to chronic illness with both lack of access to healthcare and education as contributing factors. I made a vow that I would make my contribution to helping others and providing the information necessary to stay well, stay healthy, and live longer lives. “Often times, an individual’s death is senseless. One piece of information or major resource is missing which could have saved a life. Healthcare providers often have little time to focus only on health promotion and disease prevention in their practice, which is needed to fight health disparities. “The African-American community has severe, life-threatening health disparities with additional support needed for its problem areas.” As a registered nurse, family nurse practitioner, and legal nurse consultant, D.M. Blake has a special interest in contributing to the health and wellness of the African-American community. She has 18 years of experience in healthcare in a variety of fields including primary care/family practice, internal medicine, long term care/geriatrics, medical/surgical/acute care, disease management, geropsych, and nursing management. Being an African-American woman herself, she has a strong passion to provide direct supportive education to her community with a tight focus on sharing important and critical information necessary for making appropriate decisions in regards to healthcare.

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Send your books for review to: Cheryl Smith, P.O. Box 860 Grand Prairie, TX 75053 PAGE 20

community in order to minimize the impact of its many health disparities. AfricAm Health Focus is a faithbased, Christian newsletter with a Christian perspective based on a philosophy of the synchrony of mind, body, and spirit and the ministry of reconciliation with God. Our philosophy is based on bible scriptures which address an overall spiritual health focus as well as that reconciliation with God as it relates to health and wellness. This is a newsletter with something for everyone. It provides a wide variety of healthcare information for different ethnicities and age groups including children, teens, men, women, and the elderly. In addition, there is a special focus on health disparities in the AfricanAmerican community. All AfricanAmericans and those of African descent have special healthcare information needs. There are many health disparities which place an extreme disadvantage upon their community. Each ethnic group has some type of genetic tendency for an illness or misfortune. They can affect the overall health of individuals and families, something which we may or may not be able to change. Our ethnicity is our heritage, which we cannot escape. In addition, there are other social and economic disadvantages at a high prevalence in the African-American community making access to healthcare information difficult to reach. However, if given the necessary information, many will be able to make the right decisions and lifestyle changes needed to lead a healthy life and maintain wellness. Our newsletter will help to unravel those disparities through guidance.

JULY 6, 2012







Mark your calendar FWBC Sports & Rec. presents SWING CLASSES at the Wild Wild West! When: Every Tuesday & Thursday Evening Time: 7:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. Location: FWBC Banquet Area Cost: FREE * No experience necessary * Adults of all ages and skill levels are welcome * For more information, contact sports@friendshipwest.org or (214) 861-0457. TUNE IN TO THE DOCK POWER HOUR Every Wednesday, 6-8pm www.dfwiradio.com call in # 214.317.4855 Lively, informative and power-packed weekly radio show dedicated to delivering relevant, interesting, edu-taining information to our listeners

Come help raise funds to send local students on this historic trip, carrying humanitarian aid and medical supplies to the Beautiful People of Cuba (Requesting Volunteers, positive entertainment, Salsa Dancers, and Vendors (Vendor space 25.00 (bring own table)

JULY 6, 2012

Taco Cabana 12pm - 1pm {Early Networking 11:45am} Free Lunch for the first 15 Chamber Members

July 8

July 14

Domingo Garcia for Congress Synergy Event 6 p.m. - 8 p.m. Domingo Garcia for Congress Synergy Event to get out the vote for the upcoming Democratic Primary Runoff Election. Hope to see you there.

SheWear Hair Annual Conference Weekend Saturday, July 14, 2012 at 10:30 AM - to Monday, July 16, 2012 at 4:00 PM (CT) LaQuinta Inn & Suites - Grand Prairie 2131 Interstate 20 Grand Prairie, TX 75052

July 10


“The Gamification of Higher Education” Presented by Elizabeth Stringer, Lecturer of Game Studies at the Guildhall at Southern Methodist University. Discuss how universities are using games, gaming, and game technologies in their curriculum. Elizabeth Stringer, Lecturer of Game Studies at the Guildhall from Southern Methodist University will talk about these programs that reach middle school, high school, undergraduate studies, and masters students at 7:00 p.m. Where: Barcadia; 816 Matisse Drive, Fort Worth, TX 76107 Cost: Free to age 21 and up *********** DAUGHTERS OF ZION (DOZ) 2012-13 Season Starts Tuesday, July 10th with the First On-line Course If you are interested in becoming one of my daughters through my DAUGHTERS OF ZION LEADERSHIP MENTORING PROGRAM, -It's a 10-month online course that I'm really teaching. So, you will get first hand instruction. Find out more information by reading the information on the website or calling us at 800-843-5622 x 2. July 7

July 11

LD Unlimited | Executive Level Entertainment | Platinum Ent | E3000 presents Declare Your INDEPENDENCE! Think Independently This event is for those who dare to think differently. Declare yourself Free from the influence, guidance, and control of society. Be you. Be unique. Be free. 10:00p - 2:00a ALoft Hotel Downtown Dallas 1033 Young St Dallas, TX 75202 * Attire: Red Carpet Ready - Your finest is suggested. * Independent Ladies FREE before 11:00pm w/ RSVP * Men FREE before 10:30 pm w/RSVP. * Premium bottle service * Multiple Dance and bar areas * Valet Parking RSVP by emailing FULL NAMES (no nicknames) to: aloftRSVP@yahoo.com Table Reservations/More Info: Dessie Brown, Jr. 214-801-7088 or Michael Cooper 214.280.6720 'To Cuba With Love!’ Festival / Fundraiser The Pan-African Connection Bookstore Art Gallery and ResourceCenter 828 Fourth Ave., Dallas Texas, (New Location Across From Fair Park Music Hall) 214-943-8262/panafric@airmail.net 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. Fundraiser for Upcoming Pastor for Peace 23rd Friendship Caravan to Cuba

2012 Southern University National Alumni Conference in Atlanta, Georgia, July 11-15 at the Loews Atlanta. Call 1.888.563.9736 July 12 Activist attorney Shahid Buttar will give the Dallas Peace Center's summer lecture at the Bridge Bistro in downtown Dallas. He will connect the dots between the unprecedented recent removal of constitutional protections through surveillance, torture/rendition, racial profiling, detention, government secrecy, and the considerable corporate profits they generate. Buttar also will help lead a youth event on Wednesday, July 11, at 6:30 - 8:30 pm that will combine hip-hop, poetry slam, and constitutional rights. Glen Oaks United Methodist Church, 4606 S Polk Street Dallas 75232 For more information: 214-823-7793 Office@DallasPeaceCenter.org or www.DallasPeaceCen ter.org http://www.facebook.com/events/ 127808557359724/

Balch Springs Chamber Network Luncheon PAGE 21


Dallas welcomes Cuba Friendship Caravan 5:00 pm Pan African Connection 828 Fourth Ave. 75226 (across from the Texas Stair Fair Grounds) July 17 14TH ANNUAL AFRICAN ECONOMIC FORUM JULY 17 - 21, 2012 PARK INN by RADISSON HOTEL 1241 W. MOCKINGBIRD LANE DALLAS, TEXAS 75247 Co-Chaired by : Her Excellency AMINA ALI, African Union Ambassador to the United States. andHer Excellency SHEILA SEWALA, The Ambassador of Zambia July 18 The Sheila B Ministries is hosting the S.T.A.N.D Conference and Annual Ladies Luncheon scheduled for Wednesday, July 18 at 12 noon at the Fairmont Hotel. The guest speaker is Delta Sigma Theta Sorority ‘s 22nd National President, Gwendolyn Boyd. The tables are $500 for seating of eight. July 19 Harkins Southlake 14 is starting from the beginning with Batman Begins and The Dark Knight leading up to the midnight premiere of The Dark Knight Rises, the third and final installment of Director Christopher Nolan’s epic trilogy. Harkins’ Ultimate Dark Knight Marathon fans will be treated to the usual Harkins marathon fun, including in-theatre giveaways, FREE popcorn and a commemorative lanyard! Harkins Ultimate Dark Knight Marathon Tickets are $20 and available now at www.harkinstheatres.com or at theatre box office. The Harkins Ultimate Dark Night Marathon begins at 6 p.m. with Batman Begins, followed by The Dark Knight at 8:45 p.m. and the 12:01a.m. premiere of The Dark Knight Rises. PRAIRIE VIEW A&M UNIVERSITY NATIONAL ALUMNI ASSOCIATION

38TH NATIONAL ALUMNI CONVENTION "Empowering Our Institution by Bridging Generations" July 25-28, 2012 Sheraton Hotel, Downtown Fort Worth, TX !





JULY6, 6, 2012 JULY 2012

August 15 August Board/Membership Meeting! 6:30 p.m. Dallas Black Chamber of Commerce Boardroom Your chance to meet and greet members and leadership of the Dallas Black Chamber of Commerce and find out what's going on in the DBCC community! September 14 Covenant Keepers - Marriage Community MARRIAGE CONFERENCE 2012 Theme: ONEness Under Construction Date: Friday, September 14, 2012 Sunday, September 16, 2012 Time:Friday: 3:00 pm check-in | Sunday: 10:00 am check-out Location: Marriott Dallas - Solana 5 Village Circle, Westlake, TX, 76262 (817) 430-5000 Cost: $375.00 per couple - Package is designed for married couples and includes a two (2) night hotel stay, meals, conference fee & materials, and entertainment. $175.00 per couple - Package is designed for engaged or dating couples and includes meals, conference fee & materials, and entertainment. Guest Speakers: Dr. Johnny C. Parker, Jr. and Mrs. Lezlyn Parker 86th Annual Awards Banquet Friday, October 12, 2012 @ 7:00 p.m. Dallas Convention Center - Ballroom A The chamber banquet draws approximately 1,000 attendees annually and this year will feature the special presentation of the Dallas Black Chamber of Commerce / Thomas L. Houston Community Service Award to honor an individual who has made significant contributions as a volunteer to the civic enhancements of the African American community in the greater Dallas area.

DBCC 29th Annual Quest For Success Awards Luncheon February 2013


NEW TIME! Cheryl’s World on Blogtalkradio.com at 6p.m. Monday, July 9

Tuesday, July 10

• Black Economic History • Black Economic History Fact of the Day Fact of the Day

Wednesday, July 11 • Black Economic History Fact of the Day • LIVE from Harwood 609

Friday, July 13

Thursday, July 12 •

Black Economic History Fact of the Day

Black Economic History Fact of the Day

Call in to 646-200-0459 PAGE 22



Donna P. Charles 5/20/1958 - 3/23/2012 Elusive Lady #22 Spring 1978 Beta Alpha Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., FAMU !




JULY 6, 2012


Don’t Believe the Hype Celebrity Bowl-a-thon

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JULY 6, 2012

Sunday, at 8:00a.m., turn on your computer & log on to Blog Talk Radio, or call 646-200-0459 to listen to

And don’t forget fitness guru Jay, sports guy Andrew



Cheryl’s World

Donna P. Charles 5/20/1958 3/23/2012

Elusive Lady #22 Spring 1978 Beta Alpha Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., FAMU






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