call for applications

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Theme: When your Lips are my Ears, our Bodies become Radios Curator: Jan Verwoert Date: August 10-19, 2010


Zentrum Paul Klee Bern

When your Lips are my Ears, our Bodies become Radios

Curated by Jan Verwoert August 10-19, 2010

Call for Applications by 31 January, 2010

1 Theme: When your Lips are my Ears, our Bodies become Radios Curator: Jan Verwoert Date: August 10-19, 2010

Table of Contents

Theme by Jan Verwoert




Objective and Structure


Application Procedure


Application Form




2 Theme: When your Lips are my Ears, our Bodies become Radios Curator: Jan Verwoert Date: August 10-19, 2010

When your Lips are my Ears, our Bodies become Radios Jan Verwoert Where can we meet?

What of the un-shareable is there to be shared?

It’s not that we have to meet. It’s not a must; but a possibility. To realize it, we would have to find a good place and something worth sharing. The trouble is that most places are governed by protocols that tell you how to go about meeting people. What is being shared there is therefore rarely worth sharing. At the end of the day, maybe only the un-shareable is. Then how do you go about sharing it?

The Greeks went to the Stoa to share thoughts, uninhibited by protocol. The Stoa is a park in front of the house or just outside the city. In this space neither the laws of the household, the Oikos, nor those of the market, the Agora, fully apply. You can roam around freely in the Stoa. That’s why it was the place where Socrates could be found, any day, walking about aimlessly, conversing with people, sharing their thoughts, questions and concerns all of them, particularly the stranger ones, the more existential ones, the potentially un-shareable ones. For in the Stoa no holds are barred. This is the spirit out of which Academies were born. It will be summer. So, for a brief moment, let’s walk about and create a Stoa!

Experience shows that the best way to avoid conventional protocol is to invent your own terms of engagement. You need to formalize to then be able to improvize. So the formal brief will be simple: printed matter will be produced, pictures will appear on posters in the city, and words or sounds will be aired, on each single day of the Academy. So whatever we end up sharing, especially if it should be un-shareable (or brutally clear), may potentially be considered worth taking to the public. As something will go to print or be broadcast the following day, to collectively decide what was, or is, or may be worth sharing at the end of every day, will then become the articulation of different minds, working not in unison, but sharing their difference, in the state of a Stoa.

3 Theme: When your Lips are my Ears, our Bodies become Radios Curator: Jan Verwoert Date: August 10-19, 2010

Concept The Sommerakademie 2010 focuses practically as well as philosophically on the following question: how does a group develop a form of art production that is based neither on opposites like individual or collective production, nor on the conventional separation between spaces of production, presentation and collection. The main partner of the Sommerakademie will be the Zentrum Paul Klee, and in addition the Grand Palais (, next to the Kunsthalle Bern in the centre of town. The discussion of concepts of individualism and collective models of artistic practice usually ends in purely ideological claims: the general moral argument that somehow collective work has to be progressive in itself, and the rearguard action in which artists trying to justify their personal practice find themselves. The present concept tries to avoid this ideological determination by launching the open idea of the Stoa. The work process will reach its daily culmination in its formalization of a statement in three different media: posters in the city, a radio broadcast and a daily newspaper. The place of discussion will turn into a space of production and circulation. The presence in the Zentrum Paul Klee will be visible on a wall in front of the main exhibition. In the evenings the public will be invited to a number of lectures, film screenings or music events in the Grand Palais next to the Kunsthalle Bern. The aim is to create, over a period of time, an atmosphere in which something can accumulate, and the spirit of the event can be felt through the shared habitation of the space rather than prefabricated social-engineering. The graphic designer Stuart Bailey will participate in the process of designing the daily results.

4 Theme: When your Lips are my Ears, our Bodies become Radios Curator: Jan Verwoert Date: August 10-19, 2010

Objective – Structure

Purpose and Objective The Sommerakademie is an annual event, providing an international platform for contemporary art, and selecting twelve international artists and/or curators to attend a ten-day workshop. Every year, a board of experts nominates a new curator, who develops the theme. The Sommerakademie promotes artistic production and reflection, as well as intensive high level networking between young artists, curators, speakers and nominators from the international art world. Members of the public are invited to participate in a selection of events and artistic processes. The Sommerakademie is held at the Zentrum Paul Klee, in cooperation with art institutions in Berne. The Sommerakademie is a foundation funded by, and part of the Cantonal Bank of Berne’s BEKBBCBE commitment to training.

Theme, Curator and Speakers 2010 The title for 2010 is “When your Lips are my Ears, our Bodies become Radios”. The curator, Jan Verwoert, is a critic based in Berlin. He is a contributing editor of Frieze magazine, writes for different publications, and teaches art at the Piet Zwart Institute in Rotterdam. He will be present throughout the academy, and is responsible for its running, as well as the content of the programme. The Speakers are experienced artists, or qualified academics and theorists in the field of this year’s theme. Among them will be Stuart Bailey, graphic designer and co-editor of Dot Dot Dot.

5 Theme: When your Lips are my Ears, our Bodies become Radios Curator: Jan Verwoert Date: August 10-19, 2010

Application Procedure Eligibility Artists, curators or critics, who are graduates of an art academy or university, or who have an equivalent qualification are eligible to participate. Furthermore, they have initial work experience. They should be under the age of 35. Nominators are encouraged to invite suitable candidates to apply, and free applications are welcome. For further information see:

Selection Procedure 1. The deadline for applications is January 31, 2010. 2. The jury of experts selects twelve candidates whose applications correspond to the theme. 3. The decision is communicated to applicants and nominators in March 2010. Reasons for rejection will not be communicated. Legal action is not possible.

Application Materials and Rights The Application needs to be concise and in printed form. For details, see the Application Form. Please do not send in originals. Incomplete, unsigned or late applications (date of postmark applies) cannot be considered. Application materials will not be returned. The Sommerakademie is entitled to use all materials made available by applicants for press work and advertising.

Conditions of Participation The selected Fellows agree to participate regularly and actively in the Sommerakademie events for its entire duration. The main language will be English. All Fellows are requested to provide a description of their artistic position (maximum 500 words) by the end of May 2010. These texts will serve as basic information for the preparation of the Sommerakademie.

Travel and Accommodation Expenses The Sommerakademie will cover the direct travel expenses to and from Berne, consisting of a 2nd class rail ticket or a reasonably priced flight. All travel arrangements must be made in agreement with the management team. The Sommerakademie will not cover expenses for assistants, partners and children. During the period of the Fellows’ stay, accommodation and joint meals are organized and paid for by the Sommerakademie.

Fellows’ Presentations Within the process-based concept, which focuses on the collective, there will be daily results – visual, text- or audio-based. All preparatory work will be discussed with the curator. Financial and technical details need to be approved by the management team.

6 Theme: When your Lips are my Ears, our Bodies become Radios Curator: Jan Verwoert Date: August 10-19, 2010

Academy Programme The academy programme will be developed by the curator, and consists of workshops, lectures, an excursion and a sightseeing tour of Berne. A detailed programme will be provided upon arrival. Nominators will be present at the closing event. The Opening and Closing event will take place in the Auditorium of the Zentrum Paul Klee. Workshops and lectures as well as public events will be held at the Grand Palais next to the Kunsthalle Bern in the centre of town.

Organization and Team The Director of the Sommerakademie, Dr. Jacqueline Burckhardt is advised by the Board of Experts: Andreas Fiedler, Sabina Lang, Prof. Dr. Beate Söntgen and Dr. Juri Steiner, Director of the Zentrum Paul Klee. The Jury will make their decision on February 24, 2010. Members of the Jury are: the Director, the Board of Experts, and the Curator. Members of the Management team are: Barbara Mosca, Hélène Maloigne and Barbara Berger.

Alumni All Fellows who have participated in the Sommerakademie become Alumni, and will be invited to Berne on special occasions.

7 Theme: When your Lips are my Ears, our Bodies become Radios Curator: Jan Verwoert Date: August 10-19, 2010

(A) Application to participate as a Fellow (artist, critic or curator) in the Sommerakademie 2010, August 10-19, 2010 First Name


Surname / Family Name (As in passport)


Street / No.


Postcode / Place




Date of Birth

________________________ Place of Birth ____________________________




Nationality ______________________________


German □

English □


Telephone Number

________________________ Mobile__________________________________

Email Address(es)




Areas of Work / Media


Nominated by: First Name / Surname_________________ Institution _______________ This application must contain: -

Application form


2-page questionnaire


CV with professional career and achievements to date

Supporting Material: -

A list of publications


One CD, DVD or publication


4 Photographs documenting your work

I agree with the conditions of participation. I declare that the submitted documentation is of my own work, and that the information in my CV is correct.

Place / Date

_____________________________________ Signature________________________________

Please submit your application by January 31, 2010 (postmark): Sommerakademie, Zentrum Paul Klee, Monument im Fruchtland 3, PO Box, CH-3000 Bern 31, Switzerland

8 Theme: When your Lips are my Ears, our Bodies become Radios Curator: Jan Verwoert Date: August 10-19, 2010

(B) Questionnaire First Name / Surname _______________________________________________________________________ 1. How would you relate your work to the theme “When your Lips are my Ears, our Bodies become Radios”?

9 Theme: When your Lips are my Ears, our Bodies become Radios Curator: Jan Verwoert Date: August 10-19, 2010

2. Explain your reasons for applying, your professional objectives during your stay at the Academy, as well as your expectations with regard to the Sommerakademie 2010.

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