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Social Media Policy




Title: SOCIAL MEDIA POLICY Reference Number: 109.04 Initial Effective Date: 08/01/2016 Last Revision Date:

Purpose: The City of Weatherford expects you to avoid social networking activities that (1) conflict with your job duties, (2) reflect negatively on the City, (3) affect your job performance, or (4) affect the performance of other City employee. These guidelines and policies are applicable to all City of Weatherford employees, elected and appointed officers, officials and to all members of City boards and commissions who utilize any social media directly or indirectly on behalf of the City. This policy also applies to all City of Weatherford personnel who personally utilize any social media or other internet activity that may impact the City’s credibility, reputation, employee morale, services or goals of the City of Weatherford as outlined in the Standards of Conduct Policy, 107.00, both on and off duty.


1. Social media refers to the forms of communication through which users create online communities to share information, ideas, personal messages, and other content. 2. Examples of social media may include, but are not limited to: a. Blogs (TypePad, Blogger, etc.) b. Social Network Sites (Facebook, MySpace, Friendster, etc.) c. Microblogging (Twitter, etc.) d. Social Q&A (Answers.com, Yahoo!, etc.) e. Video Sharing (YouTube, Vimeo, etc.) f. Photo Sharing (Flickr, PhotoBucket, etc.) g. Professional Networks (LinkedIn, Plaxo, Inc.) h. Content-driven Communities (Wikipedia, etc.) i. Product-based Communities (Ebay, Amazon, etc.)

Use caution when identifying yourself as a City of Weatherford Employee. If you post pictures of yourself or others containing images of City uniforms or insignia, City logos, City equipment or City work sites, ensure that it is in the best interest of the City. It is preferable that all postings of this nature be on the City’s official website as part of your job duties.

You should ensure that content associated with you is consistent with other City policies (Public Communication Policy, 109.03 and Standards of Conduct Policy, 107.00).

Respect your co-workers. Remember that the City of Weatherford is a municipal organization whose employees reflect a diverse set of values, beliefs, customs and points of view. Employees must avoid using ethnic slurs, personal insults, obscenity, etc., and topics that may be offensive, inflammatory or harassing in nature. If you need further guidance regarding what constitutes inappropriate communications, please consult your immediate supervisor, Human Resources or Public Relations. 2021-2024 | STRATEGIC PLAN


City staff representing the City of Weatherford on City social media sites and applications in the course of their assigned duties and responsibilities are bound by existing city policies and standards (Standards of Conduct Policy, 107.00)., including but not limited to:

a. Comments in support of or in opposition to City of Weatherford political campaigns or ballot measures; b. Profane language or content; c. Content that promotes or fosters discrimination or harassment on the basis of race, creed, color, age, religion, gender, national origin, physical or mental disability; d. Sexual content or links to sexual content; e. Conduct or encouragement of illegal activity; f. Content that is confidential according to the Texas Public Information Act; g. Information or references to the personal addresses, personal telephone numbers, personal email addresses, family members, or other personal information of City officials or City employees; h. Links to websites or “pages” of outside vendors that are not related to the purpose of the media site; or i. Information that may tend to compromise the safety of security of the public.

Respect privacy. Do not post any information or pictures on a City social media account or personal social media account that may defame, embarrass, insult, demean or damage the reputation of the City or any of its employees, or may create a hostile work environment for any official or employee.

Respect copyright, fair use and retention requirements. Postings must comply with all federal, state and local laws governing copyright law and fair use of copyrighted material. For example, do not use the City of Weatherford logos or images for your own personal use (Use of City Logo Policy, 109.05). Employees may not copy, digitize, alter or distribute any part of copyrighted work, for example, licensed software, in the possession of the City of Weatherford without first obtaining written permission from the City or unless you have prior authorization; Weatherford Public Library is exempt.

Postings may also be subject to regulations and retention schedules according to the Texas Local Government Code, Chapters 201 through 205. Records required to be maintained pursuant to the Texas State Library and Archives Commission records retention schedule shall be maintained for the required retention period and may be accessible on the approved City platforms.

Speculating on rumors: Refrain from speculating on anything the City of Weatherford has not officially announced, even if you are being asked for a personal opinion. Careless posts about City business could lead to others realizing financial gain or other favors that are inappropriate, unethical or perhaps illegal.

Use a disclaimer. The City of Weatherford has a communication policy established to designate individuals with the authority to speak on behalf of the City (Public Communication Policy, 109). Do not identify yourself as a City of Weatherford employee, because, if you do, people may confuse your opinions with those of the City. If someone else identifies you on-line as a City of Weatherford employee, you must make clear that you are writing for yourself and on your own behalf, and not for the City of Weatherford. At minimum, you must include a disclaimer similar to the following: “the postings on this site are my own and do not represent opinions or positions of the City of Weatherford.”


Remember that what you post is widely accessible, not retractable, and will be around for a long time, and that the effect of what you post may reflect on your image as an employee as well as the image of the City of Weatherford. There may be consequences to what you post or publish online, including disciplinary action if you engage in conduct that violates City policies (Standards of Conduct Policy, 107.00). If you are concerned whether you are following these guidelines or any City policy regarding Information Technology and/or Communications, discuss it with your immediate supervisor, Human Resources or the Public Relations Office before posting.

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