6 minute read

Goals, Objectives, Strategies and Tactics

GOAL #1: To deliver accurate information that informs our public, citizens and employees.


Increase web traffic by ten percent each year through dynamic social media platforms, traditional communication tools and educational initiatives that work together.


Develop and create dynamic content that engages the public and employees. Tactic:

• Infuse graphic elements that attract the public to information. • Utilize video production to creatively provide public service announcements. • Create unified communication among all departments. • Develop and distribute City annual report in January via digital document.


Connect information between all communication channels (social media, website, Blackboard).


• Place website link on social media posts. • Place website link on each news release. • Place website link on each Blackboard notice. • Place social media icons and links on website. • Place Blackboard icon on website.


Educate employees and elected officials on proper City communication via training within two years.


Develop and create dynamic training opportunities that enable efficient citywide communication and marketing. Tactic:

• Establish a public communication policy for City employees and elected officials within year zero. • Develop media training for City employees who work directly with media. • Develop social media training for City employees who manage departmental social media accounts. • Implement monthly web team meetings with appropriate staff in year zero.


Use City brand logo to market community identity and innovative image while fostering civic pride, loyalty and recognition. Tactic:

• Launch new City logo in year zero. • Establish a City logo style guide in year zero. • Remove and discard all unapproved/old City logos in year zero. • Provide approved new City logos to shared drive for department access in year zero.


Grow Citizen University participants by 50 percent through a selective application process every other year.


Increase application pool with assistance from Citizen University graduates, employees and elected officials.


• Utilize new marketing techniques that reach more potential applicants. • Assist and have graduates apply for City board and commission positions. • Open Citizen University to City employees.

GOAL #2: Utilize and discover ways to better communicate within the scope of new technological advances that can improve overall City communication and create conversations with our public.


Utilize technological opportunities to create greater transparency, outreach and engagement with the public that increases City of Weatherforford Facebook followers by ten percent each year.


Increase overall reach and engage more followers with compelling, diverse content on Facebook. Tactic:

• Follow current social media trends and post at least twice per day. • Craft more action statements and questions for use on Facebook. • Utilize “page boost” and advertising for large-scale City events. • Link Facebook posts to City website as often as possible. • Develop and post video as often as possible.


Develop a social media plan with all City departments and outside organizations to increase transparency, conversations and awareness in three years.


Provide a “pipeline” to share social media content and provide regular reporting from all departments.


• Identify posts with most engagements in year one to inform plan development. • Review plans from comparable cities in year one. • Solicit feedback from most active users in year one. • Draft plan in year two. • Secure stakeholder feedback and buy-in.


Expand to new, targeted social media and mobile technology that enhance citywide communication and marketing while increasing base followers.


Cross promote new social media platforms with existing social media platforms that are currently utilized by the City of Weatherford.


• Launch a Twitter account for the City of Weatherford within one year. • Utilize a social media management tool that allows the City of Weatherford to schedule and post updates to any social media pages or profiles.

“The goal is to provide inspiring information

that moves people to action.” - Guy Kawasaki

GOAL #3: To have the public, businesses, elected officials and City staff adopt, support and live the Experience Weatherford tourism brand.


Promote the Experience Weatherford tourism brand and increase web traffic each month.


Develop partnerships and participate in speaking engagements to promote Experience Weatherford brand. Tactic:

• Two monthly sales meetings with local businesses. • Use of logo merchandise at every City event.


Set benchmarks for success on Experience Weatherford Partner/Sponsor Program in one year.


Develop departmental partnerships. According to the law, revenue from the municipal hotel occupancy tax may be used only to promote tourism and convention and hotel industry. See appendix F. Tactic:

• Partner with City of Weatherford Finance Department to track HOT funds.


Develop a social media presence.


• Build social media pages within year zero. • Create a social media action plan with TCU ROXO within year zero.

GOAL #4: Engage and maintain better relationships with news media, both locally and regionally.


Establish a calendar for news release postings and media relations within two years.


Build positive news coverage of City of Weatherford information and projects through outreach efforts that engage local, regional and specialty media outlets. Tactic:

• Meet annually with media to determine best days and times for media deadlines. • Create a new release schedule within one year. • Provide timely news releases via print and digital platforms. • Post every news releases at weatherfordtx.gov and all social media platforms for ongoing access. • Pitch news stories that garner and build positive news coverage each month. • Develop and implement a finance media day within one year to explain the proposed budget before being presented to City Council.

GOAL #5: Ensure citizens, public, businesses, employees and elected officials are notified in the case of an emergency or crisis.


Utilize the External Affairs Annex (ESF #15) to help communicate to the public during an emergency or crisis event within the City of Weatherford. See appendix D.


Leverage current communication tools and partnerships with Emergency Management to help communicate to the public during an emergency or crisis event within the City of Weatherford. Tactic:

• Continue and complete Emergency Management Institute (EMI) Public Information Officer (PIO) training program designed to provide PIOs with the essential knowledge, skills and abilities to support proper decision-making by delivering the right message, to the right people, at the right time. The courses include: 1. G289/IS-29 – Public Information Officer Awareness – complete 2. G290 – Basic Public Information Officer – complete 3. G291/E-L0387 – Joint Information System/Joint Information Center Planning for Tribal, State and Local PIOs

EMI Managed courses: 4. E/L0388 – Advanced Public Information Officer 5. Master Public Information Officer Program 6. E0389 – Master Public Information Officer Part 1 7. E0393 – Master Public Information Officer Part 2 8. E0394 – Master Public Information Officer Part 3

“Preparation through education is less costly than learning through tragedy.” - Max Mayfield

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