Welcome to the Februar y 2023 issue of Marine & Maritime
G a z e t t e t h e m o n t h l y m a g a z i
e a i m e d a t Wo r l d w i d e coverage of the commercial marine, shipping and waterbased renewables markets
As we all settle into the new maritime year, it’s time to look for ward to new launches, new products and a great exhibition and show season
Inside this issue, we are, as usual, covering a vast amount of topics, from ‘Under water, Subsea & Diving’ on page 26, to the ‘ins and outs’ of ‘Tugs, Workboats & OSVs’ from page 20
There is also a quick look at ‘Pollution Clean-up & Control’ on page 37 and from page 32 we also have a ‘peek’ at ‘Marine Civils & Construction’
Anyway, we would like to wish you al best for a great maritime Springtime and course, happy reading
If you have any news, reviews, prod launches or absolutely anything else interest across the whole marine mark
p l e a s e e m a i l i t t h r o u g h t o m e info@- plus com for future consideration our for thcoming issues
Arthur Peaches - EditorDamen Marine Components has received the order to design, engineer and produce eight rudders for the four F126 frigates that Damen Naval is building for the German Navy Each vessel will be equipped with two rudders, developed to withstand extreme shocks and to improve the hydrodynamic proper ties of the fast vessels
The full spade rudders of the Atlantic type by Damen Marine Components (DMC) are purpose designed for the frigate project to fit the specific hull form and operational profile of these naval vessels The rudders have a relatively slim profile to reduce drag and improve course keeping at high speeds, maintaining good manoeuvrability at low speeds in harbours or during special operations
The unique Asymmetric Rudder Technology (ART) as developed by DMC will be applied This means that the leading edge of the rudders will be asymmetric, directing the turbulent water flow from the propellers in front of the rudders along the r u d d e r s u r f a c e m o r e s m o o t h l y T h i s r e d u c e s
reduces drag of the vessel Further improvement of efficiency is acquired by the Silent Bulb that is incorporated in the rudders, right in the wake of the propeller axis This is an energy saving addition to the rudder profile, positioned on the centre line of the propeller The Silent Bulb improves the water flow that comes from the propeller and increases thrust at higher loads The design of the bulb is significantly influenced by the distance to the propeller, and it is shaped to fit perfectly with the propeller hub
All of these specific features of advanced rudder design by DMC show best performance on highspeed oceangoing vessels Based on the principles of improved water flow, drag reduction and fuel saving, DMC designed the rudders with all of these specific qualities specific to the F126 hull The rudder profile was investigated intensively, tank tests have been performed to obtain the o p t i m u m s h a p e w i t h r e g a r d s t o r e s i s t a n c e reduction and manoeuvring improvement As the F126 vessels are equipped with twin counter rotating propellers, the rudders for any vessel are designed to direct the water flows in the wake of propellers moving opposite to each other Special requirement for the naval operations of the F126 is to build the whole vessel, including the rudders, to extreme shock resistant specifications The rudders are designed to withstand enormous shock loads Based on extensive computational calculations, critical areas are strengthened and special welding details are applied High strength steel of the best quality is used for construction, honouring the classification rules for naval ships
“We are happy to contribute to these state-of-the-art vessels,” Sales and Marketing Director Wim Knoester of DMC says “With these twin-screw high-speed vessels, we can demonstrate the quality, efficiency and durability of our rudders Being part of this highprofile Damen project allows us to show our capacity of delivering the highest class of ship systems ” www damen com
Back in 2019, then-UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson promised 40 GW of UK offshore wind power by 2030 In early 2022, the Government raised that target to 50 GW, with an additional five GW from floating wind turbines But are floating wind farms the solution to existing offshore power problems? Here, Simone Bruckner, managing director of power resistor manufacturer Cressall Resistors, explores the technology behind floating wind farms
Many of us will be familiar with the sight of wind turbines After all, there are more than 10,000 of the structures on land and at sea in the UK In terms of efficiency, offshore wind turbines often have more favourable wind conditions, producing more electricity per turbine than their onshore counterpar ts But traditional offshore wind turbines have their limitations Traditional offshore turbines are built onto a large steel column, fixed into a concrete foundation on the seabed These can only be installed in relatively shallow waters, up to depths of around 60m Not only does this limit the potential areas for turbine installations, it also means that the turbines have less access to the stronger winds that are often found fur ther out to sea To capitalise on the stronger winds fur ther out, floating wind turbines can be built instead. These are turbines built on huge floats, anchored to the seabed with weighted subsea cables
Operating in much deeper water, floating wind farms make use of vast areas that were previously considered not suitable for offshore wind power Being fur ther out to sea also means that turbines can be a lot larger in size than their counterpar ts, producing even more electricity per turbine
Kincardine, the world’s largest floating wind farm based in Scotland, has five operational floating wind turbines Three cylindrical floats arranged in a triangular formation suppor t each turbine, and pipes between the floats allow liquid ballast to be pumped around the structure In this manner, the weight of the turbine can be shifted to stabilise it in harsh conditions, as well as orientating it for the wind direction.
One of the main barriers to mass rollout of floating wind turbine is the level of investment required The price of production and installation per floating wind turbine can be up to two times more expensive than onshore wind But as other sources of renewable energy have proven, these prices are not likely to be fixed
Solar power has fallen in price by nearly 90 per cent over the last decade, and the general expectation is that with mass production, floating wind technology will follow a similar trend
With increasing deployment of floating wind turbines, turbine manufacturers must ensure they can safely manage what can often be high and unpredictable surges of power There may be times where the winds are so strong that high inrush currents occur These can result in over voltages in the system, leading to component damage, or even failure in extreme cases
To prevent equipment damage, a Pre-Inser tion Resistor (PIR) can be installed Insulated for the full system voltage, PIRs like Cressall’s require a high thermal mass to absorb and dissipate the excess current before it becomes an issue By taking this approach, turbines can make the most out of strong conditions, while safely avoiding over voltage.
As the pressure to switch to sustainable energy sources increases, it’s inevitable that we will see more floating wind turbine projects in the near future Renewable technologies are constantly improving, and with the right components, these infinite energy sources can be harnessed safely Kincardine is proof of concept, but we ’ ve got a lot of turbines to go before we achieve the five GW target
www cressall com
Skaraslätt ens Transpor t is Sweden’s biggest provider of cont ainer transpor t on the roads, hauling 850-900 containers daily to all Swedish container por ts The lion share goes to the Por t of Gothenburg, and today the haulage company deployed two electric trucks on container flows to the por t – with a third truck joining them shor tly
The Por t Energy Systems Optimisation (PESO) project has demons trat ed h ow p o r t s c a n u s e s m a r t g r i d technology and energy storage to d e c a r b o n i s e t h e i r a c t i v i t i e s , a n d reduce their adverse impact on air quality, more cost ef fectively than would other wise be possible
P o r t s m o u t h I n t e r n a t i o n a l P o r t , w o r k i n g w i t h Swanbarton, ESC and MSE International, piloted the PESO smart energy system as part of a strategy to significantly decarbonise the por t’s energy operations The project, co-funded by Innovate UK, the UK’s innovation agency, has shown how port infrastructure can meet the UK Government’s ‘Clean Maritime Plan’ challenges cost effectively T h e P E S O t e c h n i c a l c a p a b i l i t y h a s b e e n demonstrated in a pilot system comprising a novel dual chemistr y batter y and a multi-level control system The control system includes an AI-based c a p a b i l i t y t h a t l e a r n s f r o m h i s t o r i c e n e r g y consumption profiles to ensure that the batter y can deliver as much energy as possible when demand is high The technology has been extended further by engineering a predictive ‘digital twin’ model that can ensure the batter y has storage capacity to fully utilise energy generated by on-site renewable
“We don’t want to be standing on the side-line when the transition takes place
we want to be leading the way, and we ’ re also seeing our customers increasingly requesting sustainable transpor t operations With that in mind, this was a pretty easy decision to make,” says Johan Söderström, CCO at Skaraslättens Transpor t Even though electrical power is a superior alternative with regard to the carbon footprint, it is not an investment to be made without meticulous planning Heavy electric trucks have different proper ties and are relatively expensive compared with their fossil equivalents “Economically, it’s a challenge, and it’s an investment with a longer payback time So customers that want to use our electric trucks for their transpor t needs are urged to sign longer agreements with us, which is something we find that they understand People are prepared to take a broader view and think outside the box,” says Johan Söderström
The new vehicles do of course also have limitations in terms of their range It’s a matter of finding the right flows and transpor t patterns, close to easily accessible charging infrastructure During the night, the vehicles will be charged at the por t’s vehicle terminal, which is operated by Logent Por ts & Terminals
The Por t of Gothenburg also has public charging facilities already available in the middle of the por t Cirkle K’s station at Vädermotet has six chargers for heavy trucks each with charging power of 360 kW In 2023, additional public charging stations will become available in the central areas of the por t
“It provides peace of mind to have public charging in the por t, to supplement our depotbased charging We’ll probably need to have some top-up charging capacity, but it’s difficult to say how much right now There’s only one way to find out exactly how it’s going to work in practice, and that’s to dive in and give it a go We’re now really full of anticipation, and it will be great to be able to show Gothenburg our new vehicles,” says Johan Söderström
Skaraslättens’ three electric trucks represent an impor tant milestone for the Por t of Gothenburg, yet at the same time they are just the beginning of a development that will accelerate during 2023, with more haulage companies and freight for warders preparing to deploy electric heavy trucks DFDS is one example, as they will be deploying many of the more than 120 electric heavy trucks they have on order in flows at the Por t of Gothenburg later this year This is a rapid development, which the Gothenburg Por t Authority welcomes and wants to continue to suppor t
“It’s really great to see the transition happening here and now From the por t’s perspective, it’s impor tant that we continue to lower the thresholds for those wanting to make the transition to a climate-smar ter transpor t system,” says Elvir Dzanic, CEO at the Gothenburg Por t Authority
2021 year saw the launch of the Tranzero Initiative project to increase the rate of transition in the transpor t sector, with a special focus on land-based transpor t to and from the por t The project is a collaboration between the Gothenburg Por t Authority, the Volvo Group, Scania and Stena Line In 2023, additional charging infrastructure will be available, and two hydrogen stations are to be built for heavy trucks Electric heavy trucks already have priority in many por t terminals, and additional Tranzero Initiatives are being prepared at the por t to offer greater incentives and speed up the transition
generation or procured from the grid at times of low price This combined capability to minimise the cost of energy needed to supply vessels with energy and to drive the port’s own assets is a critical aspect of the PESO value proposition
The project has shown that PESO technology can offer value to a wide range of ports The prime ‘early adopter’ ports are likely to be in locations where vessels are obliged imminently to electrify in order to comply with policy developments in carbon emissions and air quality
Terminals and recharging sites will be required and PESO has a critical role to play in minimising costly impacts on the local grid It will do this by smoothing the power demand of the recharging sites and by prioritising as much power draw as possible at times of excess capacity in the grid (eg at night) The energy stored in PESO can then be made available to vessels when needed
Por ts have not traditionally been required to manage energy resources in this way PESO has explored a range of business models that may offer practical ways for ward for ports to take on this role Whilst ever y port will need to make its own choice depending on its access to different energy resources, it seems likely that most ports will contract with a third party provider to build and operate the PESO system A similar approach has already been adopted in other sectors such as EV fast-charger deployment
Windcat and Eneco recently announced that a 5 year char ter and par tnership have been agreed. This long-term char ter will allow the safe transpor t of technicians of fshore and will also allow the companies to work together on decarbonisation of Eneco’s marine logistics using Windcat ’ s hydrogen dual fuel solutions. The first vessel for this char ter has been operational since the first of Januar y, 2023
Windcat and Eneco share many core values and future goals This new collaboration between Windcat and Eneco is therefore a logical next step The high per formance Windcat 32 vessel used for this char ter is a highly fuel-efficient vessel with high safety standards Going for ward, the use of hydrogen will be fur ther explored for fur ther reduction of emissions from crew transfer vessels Both Windcat and Eneco prioritise emission reduction Managing Director, Willem van der Wel commented: “With the Hydrocat 48, we invested heavily in emission reduction by using a dual fuel hydrogen engine, one of the reasons Eneco wanted to par tner with us Windcat looks for ward to this collaboration that will ensure the decarbonisation of Eneco’s logistics We will continue to work on developing the customised ser vice that meets Eneco’s needs ”
Windcat 32, the vessel used for this char ter, is fuel-efficient and will be used for the safe transpor t of technicians offshore The vessel will be customised to Eneco’s needs, amongst others by the installation of an IMO Tier III engine This engine uses a SCR (Selective Catalytic Reduction) system which radically reduces NOx emissions The vessel will operate from IJmuiden and provide access to Eneco’s offshore wind farms: Prinses Amalia Windpark, Luchterduinen and Hollandse Kust Noord
Lead Asset Manager Offshore Wind, Renzo Schildmeijer said: “We are pleased to fur ther deepen and strengthen our relationship with Windcat with this new contract Both companies share many core values and future goals Windcat will be an impor tant par tner in decarbonizing our offshore logistics and delivering on our ambition becoming climate neutral in 2035 ”
Windcat offers in-house developed vessels with a full suppor t ser vice The engineering suppor t teams are experienced and prepared so that a quick response is guaranteed
Windcat has a large pool of critical spare par ts stored in strategic locations, including its largest warehouse in IJmuiden, giving them full control over spare par ts themselves
These suppor t systems are therefore a unique ser vice and are located in multiple sites around Europe Windcat also just obtained a DNV management system cer tificate which demonstrates Windcat’s effective management system processes, commitment to continual improvement and development towards more sustainable business functions
The par tnership allows for additional vessels to be used, to fur ther suppor t the existing projects and also new offshore wind farm projects that Eneco will be par t of
www eneco com
www windcatworkboats com
Classification society Bureau Verit as has successfully reviewed a 3D design of a 2500 m³ hopper dredger from Damen Shipyards, being a st ep t o granting it approval in principle. The pilot project for 3D modelbased class approval is meant t o pave the way t owards using three dimensional comput er designs as st andard procedure t o achieve class not ation for seagoing vessels.
Vessel steel hull Design evaluation based on 3D models in parallel to its classification review process has become possible thanks to the new data exchange format - OCX. The OCX is an open standard that facilitates data exchange of 3D ship models for class approval This Open Class 3D Exchange standard has been developed by a consor tium of software companies including NAPA and Aveva, together with classification societies including DNV, Bureau Veritas and Lloyds Register In close collaboration with Finnish software developer NAPA and Bureau Veritas, Damen has presented the three dimensional design of their TSHD 2500 (Trailing Suction Hopper Dredger with 2500 m³ hopper capacity) All the mission equipment as specified for a client had been integrated into this design Bureau Veritas assessed the steel hull structure to be strong enough and safe to SOLAS standards, with all of the heavy equipment operational
The OCX format has been available since 2022 First pilot projects for par tial designs were finished in November last year The project for the Damen Dredger with NAPA and Bureau Veritas is the first complete steel hull to achieve class approval by 3D design Damen intends to apply this approval process with more vessels, also in co-operation with class society DNV and others
Today’s best practice is 2D technical drawings remain an explicit requirement when naval architects and shipyards submit their hull designs to classification societies, to ensure they fulfill both Class and Statutor y requirements After the class society studies the drawings, sometimes changes are required The designers take the remarks from the drawings and apply them in the 3D model Then the process repeats Presenting the 3D models to classification societies saves a lot of time and present making mistakes Open data exchange standard facilitate exchange of 3D ship models for class approval
“Seeing the results of this first class approval for a vessel steel hull, we are cer tain that this is the way to go, ” Managing Director Kasia Romantowska from Damen Engineering Gdansk ensures “Development time for the steel construction will be shor ter thanks to class approval and us using 3D models only We have more control over the technical risks embedded into a prototype vessel design process It has been the first time that have we closed the 3D data exchange loop between par ties We expect to be able to save significant percent of design time when we integrate this way of working as a standard The big benefit is the enhanced project team collaboration within the same, fully digital, transparent daily work context, applicable for designers and approval engineer at the same time ”
Kasia Romantowska announces more demonstrator projects for 3D model based class approval. The co-operation with Bureau Veritas and NAPA is ver y much appreciated, she underlines.
www damen com
The Alfa Laval-Wallenius joint venture, Oceanbird has revealed plans t o inst all sails on board a pure car and truck carrier (PCTC) next year, plus a new PCTC, Orcelle Wind, is being designed with the sails and could be commissioned in four years ’ time
The first retrofit project will be carried out on board the Wallenius Wilhelmsen pure car and truck carrier, Tirranna, to coincide with the 7,620-CEU ship’s 2024 dr ydocking. A single sail will be installed for trials and the project will involve hull modifications and strength and stability tests
At a presentation yesterday, the company highlighted the 60,000 existing ships that are potential retrofit candidates Roro ’ s are a good star ting point because they have a clear deck and no visibility issues However, the company is hoping that the Tirranna project will provide valuable experience enabling retrofits to other ship types, including tankers, bulk carriers, and container ships
With potential fuel and emission savings of 7-10% on existing ships, the sails could provide a boost to ships’ carbon intensity per formance, the company noted, as the IMO’s carbon intensity indicator (CII) tightens over the second half of the decade
For purpose-designed new ships, however, the potential savings are far more dramatic The company has previously claimed possible fuel and emissions savings of up to 90%, enabling ships to have much smaller engines
The first sails are 40m high and 14m wide Consisting of highstrength steel and glass fibre composite, they can be lowered to meet air draft restrictions or tilted in heavy weather They can be used in winds of up to 40 knots, equivalent to the top end of Beaufor t Scale Force 8
Land-based sail prototypes will be tested later this year This will facilitate mechanical and operational refinements and provide an oppor tunity for crew training
Briggs Marine, in conjunction with sist er company, ARB WIND, is embarking on its lat est of fshore wind project. The company has been awarded a contract t o ins t all, maint ain and f inall y decommission a t em porar y dehumidification syst em for 10 Transition Pieces (TPs) on the of fshore platforms t o control humidity levels until permanent power is inst alled.
Arran Bell, Managing Director of ARB WIND commented: “We are delighted to bring our inhouse knowledge and experience to the table to ensure the protection of the TPs from the Nor th Sea weather conditions
“As a business, we are committed to a preventative maintenance regime in all aspects of our work so this follows that same model
“By utilising sensors to control the humidity inside the transition pieces, the relative humidity will be maintained at an agreed level which should not only protect the condition of the equipment but provide a safer environment for people to work in ”
Managing Director of Briggs Marine, Collieson Briggs advised: “We are proud to be providing this additional ser vice to NnG Windfarm Our involvement in Offshore Wind is increasing and this is another ser vice that will add to our por tfolio, we are grateful to NnG for selecting us to deliver this work, and their continued commitment to suppor t local content.”
NnG is currently in the construction phase of the offshore wind farm. With the jackets now installed, the temporar y dehumidification system will be required until activation of the actual wind turbine generator (WTG) dehumidifiers. NnG, jointly owned by EDF Renewables and ESB, will supply enough low carbon electricity for around 375,000 homes and has a capacity of around 450 megawatts (MW) of low carbon energy. It will offset over 400,000 tonnes of CO2 emissions each year. The first turbines are planned to be operational in mid-2023, with completion of the entire wind farm scheduled for 2024.
www briggsmarine com
With up t o 57 nm (65 US miles) of expect ed range and DC
c harging, the foiling Candela C-8 ‘powered by Poles t ar ’ is designed t o upend the dominance of fossil fuel boats.
Electric boatmaker Candela has unveiled the first product emerging from the batter y collaboration with premium electric car brand Polestar announced in August 2022: Candela C-8 ‘powered by Polestar’, the longest-range electric boat to date
The Candela C-8 will use the same 69 kWh batter y pack and DC charging technology as the Polestar 2 and has an expected range of up to 57 nautical miles (65 US miles) on one charge at a cruising speed of 22 knots (25 mph) The range is two to three times longer than what conventional electric speedboats can achieve at high speed and compares favourably with how internal combustion engine powerboats are used
"This collaboration means that C-8 can travel to destinations previously only reachable by combustion engine boats The Candela C-8 powered by Polestar marks a significant breakthrough for electrification at sea", says Gustav Hasselskog, CEO and founder of boat maker Candela
Usage data from Europe’s premier boat-sharing ser vice Agapi, with fleets in several locations in Europe, from Helsinki to Mallorca, show that 95% of their members’ day excursions are less than 50 nautical miles, or well within the range of Candela C-8
The secret to the long range lies in Candela’s hydrofoil technology. Flying above the waves on computer-guided under water wings that greatly reduce water friction, the C-8 uses 80% less energy than conventional boats at high speed Its highly efficient pod motor, Candela C-POD, outputs 75 kW/100hp for takeoff Once foilborne, the C-8 flies efficiently, drawing only around 23 kW/30hp continuously from its Polestar batter y pack –whereas a similar-sized conventional boat would use around 120 kW/160hp
The Polestar collaboration also enables DC charging in Candela C-8, which opens up new routes and futureproofs the boat as DC charging networks are rolled out along coastlines
“With access to DC fast chargers, which now star t to pop up in several places around the globe, you can cover totally new routes with Candela C-8 You can go from Sweden to Finland in one day, or along the entire French Riviera in a few hours For a few euros/dollars’ wor th of electricity”, says Gustav Hasselskog
The supply of batter y and charging systems to a third par ty, a first for Polestar as an EV manufacturer, marks the star t of a broader intended par tnership between Polestar and Candela
“Sharing our know-how on batteries and vehicle engineering with Candela will help us reach our shared goal of transitioning to a future where all forms of transpor t are sustainable,” says Thomas Ingenlath, CEO Polestar.
www candela com
A v a i l a b l e t h i s m o n t h i s b e Spinloc k’s updat ed Duro with front closure.
The jacket is available in 170N and 275N in Black wipe-clean and Florescent Orange wipe-clean (275N only), so is per fect for a range of maritime industries from fishing, aquiculture, harbour staff to search and rescue and security The Duro is fully approved to ISO12402 it is also CE and UKCA approved
The Duro Solas+ 275N is Spinlocks first Solas approved life jacket with a deck harness. Also revolutionar y is the optional rear harness attachment - a fully ISO approved harness loop that can be mounted on the rear of the product allowing for staff to be clipped on to safety rail or system from the rear, keeping arms and chest clear for working without obstruction
During 2022 Spinlock increased their factor y site by 40% and with large investment in the latest manufacturing equipment Spinlock continue to produce their products to the highest quality, while maintaining the speedy customer ser vice.
Spinlock are also under way with renovations to the old Police station in Cowes, Isle of Wight, which will become their new HQ.
www spinlock co uk
Jetstream Tours has spent the end of the summer season in engineering mode. Despit e a challenging f ew y e a r s a n d a g o o d w e a t h e r S e p t e m b e r p re d i c t e d , t h e t o u r c o m p a ny c l o s e d i t s d o o r s t emporally t o embark on its biggest engineering project t o dat e.
The flagship vessel, Jacob Marley joined the Jetstream fleet in 2016 with engines that were installed in 1980s, and they have done ver y well to be still working, but they are based on old requirements for their emissions and spares were becoming hard to find However, with the climate emergency and the potential impact on local air quality, it was time to change to newer, cleaner engines Jetstream had already switched the entire fleet over to HVO (hydrotreated vegetable oil) in Januar y 2021, which reduced Carbon emissions by up to 90% and harmful air pollutants As a result, Jetstream Tours was one of the first Thames Green Scheme Operators to be recognised for our adoption of greener technologies https://greenscheme pla co uk/green-recognitionfor-thames-operators/
Doosan Engines were chosen due to the ease of installation and close match to the original power train mean that we could use the existing gearboxes, Shafts and propellors It was a matter of just removing the old engines, swapping the gearboxes onto the new engines and reinstalled Once the specifications of the engines had been approved by the Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA), Jetstream Tours placed the order in December 2021 and were delivered in August 2022 As soon as the engines arrived from Doosan through the UK supplier WaterMota Ltd, the planning star ted After six intense weeks, the Jetstream Engineering team have installed the engines with their SCR (Selective Catalytic Reduction) systems and new Adblue Tanks.
Managing Director Richard Bain said “We are really proud be able to make this next step to continue to improve our operations During engine commissioning we have already noticed that the engines are more efficient on fuel, quieter and has no visible smoke emitted from our funnel stacks ” James Wyatt (Sales Director, WaterMota Ltd), said “We were delighted to be involved in this project and the new Tier III Doosan DL08 was an excellent solution due to size, weight, output and of course emissions requirements The commissioning and sea-trials went extremely well and we’d like to wish the Owners & crew the ver y best of luck for the future and happy sailing.
There has been a slight reduction in the weight of the vessel and so a final check was conducted to verify the vessel stability was not affected The MCA conducted their checks to ensure the engines were installed in line with manufactures recommendations and regulations prior to Jacob Marley resuming ser vice. Jacob Marley’s first job was to conduct a fish and chip cruise and is now ready for a more environmentally friendly 2023 cruising season
www jetstreamtours com
www watermota co uk
Damen Marine Components (DMC) has won its first multi-vessel order in the USA . Four packages, each comprised of st eering gear and rudders, five winches and two t owing pin syst ems, will be supplied t o US shipbuilder C&C Marine & Repair for four new -build Multi Cats 3013 workboats. The first two vessels will be delivered t o Callan Marine Ltd. and the second two vessels will be built " on spec " by C&C Marine & Repair for sale or lease t o the US market. Each of the 30-metre, multi-purpose Multi Cats will be fitted with DMC piston-type steering gear, two tugger winches, an anchor winch, a towing winch, an anchor handling winch and two towing pin systems rated 50 and 80 tonnes respectively All of these are designed and manufactured at DMC’s production facilities in the Netherlands, Poland and China. DMC will also be supplying a triple rudder system for each vessel, produced in-house to a third-par ty design. All DMC equipment is designed and built on the three principles of durability, reliability and low maintenance over the long term and in all conditions
C&C Marine and Repair was established in 1997 and is located in Belle Chasse, LA, on 80 acres along the Intracoastal Water way The company designs and builds dredges, dredge suppor t vessels, towboats, barges and offshore supply vessels, along with a variety of other marine vessels The company ’ s facilities are designed to per form all new construction inside enclosed workshops, with multiple projects under way at the same time. Callan Marine, LTD. is a Texas-based, privately-owned dredging and marine construction business founded in 2009. It per forms dredging projects for both private and public clients by providing ser vices to restore ber thing depths for ship docks, navigation channels and other wise facilitating transpor tation in the nation’s water ways The primar y purpose of the Multi Cats will be to suppor t Callan Marine’s dredging fleet; handling anchors and towing barges wherever they may be operating The DMC equipment is designed to cope in a wide range of conditions from the subtropical climate of the Gulf of Mexico to the freezing winters on the Great Lakes
All DMC’s winches are designed using proven engineering principles and built to the highest standards. Its towing winches are unique with gearboxes that automatically adjust to the required pulling force. This enables them to always run at the most efficient speed This technology is also used for the anchor-handling winches to maximize safety in the often hazardous conditions in which they operate All DMC products can be customized to meet the requirements of each client
Tony Cibilich, owner of C&C Marine, says: “We have full confidence that Damen Marine Components’ equipment will deliver years of trouble-free ser vice to our client Callan Marine DMC’s products can be found all over the world and it has a strong reputation in the international market. We look for ward to doing business with them again in the future.”
Arie van den Adel, Chief Operating Officer of Callan Marine, stated: "Our dredges depend on these working vessels to complete large scale public and private projects We are proud to have the quality of winches provided by DMC on these impor tant new builds " Ronald Beekhof, Sales Manager Damen Marine Components, added: “It gives us great pleasure to be able to show to the US market that we design and build equipment that vessel owners and operators can depend on for reliability and minimal downtime over the long term Our thanks go to C&C Marine for giving us this oppor tunity and we look for ward to suppor ting them throughout the installation and commissioning process. ” The four Multi Cats 3013 will be delivered over the course of 2023.
www damen com
In general an anchor has a life span of 15 to 20 years but, if it needs replacing, it should be done swiftly This would require a reliable supplier who knows the industr y and has a huge amount of storage
Jacques van Mill star ted working in the family business when he left school In those days it was called ‘Van Mill International’ and was a wholesale ship accessories and general offshore equipment supplier
Jacques knew that what was required to really establish his own company was storage - and plenty of it! Van Mill began in 2000 and had a warehouse of 1,000 sq metres Since then his new company, ‘Marine Equipment Ser vices’ (MES) based in Arkel, a city nor th of Gorinchem, has built an enviable reputation in marine equipment, set within a much larger storage facility of 4,000 sq metres
“My motto is: The best recommendation is the stock,” said Jacques, “In our industr y a company delivering par ticular products fast and directly, will ultimately prevail,” he added Van Mill buys his stock strategically, he chooses products which, in most cases, are not directly available from stock or wholesale These products are then stored in large volumes
“Within the marine industr y you can quickly make a name for yourself The decisive factors are fast deliver y options as well as good value for money In most cases the customers have their products within 24 hours from submitting their order” commented Jacques
From an anchor to a jack-up platform, MES concentrate on main products being stock items at their depot The aim is that each year the range is expanded to include additional items The company also specialises in other items like winches, workboats, powerpacks etc
Standard amenities include various anchoring systems including the MESDolphin in different models ranging from 100 kilograms to 15,000 kilograms With their bespoke ser vice they can also produce anchor systems up to 32,000 kilograms
“We take care of our customers by providing a full ser vice from star t to product deliver y The systems are either built inhouse or off-site We take care of the transpor tation as well as the maintenance” said Jacques
Among the many customers of MES there are ‘Shipyards’ the offshore field and construction company that specialises in the infrastructure of por ts For this company MES supplies accessories including cranes, jack-up platforms and workboats for lease at extremely competitive rates
Around 85% of all MES goods are destined for expor t with clients primarily coming from Nor thern Europe including Germany, Denmark, England and Scandinavia Ever y product and ever y system is delivered and individually cer tified on installation
“By doing this we are able to guarantee deliver y of a first class product ever y time”, said Jacques www mestrading com
The general move t owards alt ernative-fuelled tugs, in both new constructions and retrofits, is st eadily gathering force. To this end, Damen, Cat erpillar and impor t er Pon Power have signed an MoU t o develop methanol-fuelled tugs.
Damen sees this as presenting another ‘ green ’ option for customers alongside its all-electric tug option, suitably represented by the RSD-E Tug 2513 Sparky delivered recently to Por ts of Auckland, New Zealand and earning the ITS Tug of the Year award 2022
The MoU involves joint development of a series of dual-fuel methanol/dieselpowered tugs, Damen saying its long-term strategy is to offer a full range of sustainable tugs featuring both zero emission electric and carbon neutral methanol-fuelled vessels
The methanol-ready CAT 3500E series dual-fuel pilot engines will be delivered to Damen by Pon Power in 2024, when the process of integration and testing will begin, described as being a “complex under taking” involving integrating the engines with all aspects of the ship’s control, monitoring, ventilation and other systems
The process will include close cooperation with classification societies and the aim is to have methanol-fuelled vessels ready for series production in 2026
Damen’s two option strategy will see fully-electric tugs available in 40, 60 and 80 tonne bollard pull versions with methanol-fuelled tugs offering a slightly more power ful range of 60, 80 and 100 tonnes
Electrically powered tugs are considered an option for zero emission operations where low-cost electricity can be easily accessed between assignments.
As methanol has a greater energy density than batteries, this route delivers increased energy storage capacity suited for longer duration operations while remaining CO2 neutral. All the vessels will be fitted with a standard Emissions Reduction System developed and delivered by Damen Sustainable Solutions.
Brad Johnson, Vice President and General Manager, Caterpillar Marine describes the collaboration as: “bringing together immeasurable exper tise that allows us to learn together and innovate to address the great challenge of the energy transition”
Freyja of Scapa, the third new tug built by Sanmar Shipyards for Orkney Islands Council, was welcomed t o its new home in the Scapa Flow, lat e las t year, af t er completing a 3,500 nautical mile deliver y voyage from the Sanmar Tuzla Shipyard.
Like its previously delivered sister tugs Odin of Scapa and Thor of Scapa, the RAstar 3200SX design Freyja of Scapa is based on Canadian naval architects Rober t Allan Ltd’s specific design to provide the levels of per formance and seakeeping ability that is essential when operating in extremely challenging conditions such as those often found in the seas around Orkney
Measuring 32m LOA with a moulded breadth of 13m and moulded depth of 5 35m, the vessel is powered by two high-speed marine diesel Caterpillar 3516C engines, each producing 2 350kW at 1.800 rev/min to drive Kongsberg US255CP azimuth thrusters, achieving an impressive bollard pull of 78-plus tons and a free-running speed ahead of over 14 knots
The Z-drive tug has FiFi 1 fire-fighting capability and can carr y 165m3 of fuel oil and 20m3 of fresh water. Accommodation comprises two cabins for two officers in the upper deck and four cabins for four, which can increase to six crew with pullman beds, in the lower deck
Ruchan Civgin, Commercial Director of Sanmar Shipyards, said: “We are delighted that Orkney Islands Council’s experience of operating Odin of Scapa and Thor of Scapa in the demanding waters around their islands has led them to return to Sanmar when adding a third tug to their fleet
It is always gratifying when satisfied customers come back for more ”
David Sawkins, Deputy Harbour Master Strategy and Suppor t of Orkney Islands Council, said: “We are as delighted with the quality of the new tug as we were with the original two, which have been working hard in Scapa Flow and around Orkney since their arrival in October 2020
It is already apparent that Freyja of Scapa is going to be as busy given the ongoing increased activity in our waters The new tugs allow us to continue to move with the times, ensuring a first-class ser vice to our clients ”
www sanmar com tr
Sanmar Shipyards ended last year with the deliver y of two tugboats that are both power ful and environment ally -aware t o It aly -based long-t erm client Rimorchiat ori August a.
The vessels are based on the technologically-advanced, reduced emissions exclusive to Sanmar RAmpar ts 2400 SX MKII design from leading naval architects Rober t Allan Ltd and will be the first IMO Tier III emissions compliant tugs working in Italian por ts Known as Bogacay LII and Bogacay LIV while at Sanmar, the tugs have been renamed CITTA DI AUGUSTA and CITTA DI SIRACUSA respectively by their new owners Sanmar delivered an impressive total of 30 tugboats built at its purpose-built shipyards at Altinova and Tuzla in Turkey to operators Europe, the Middle East, Australia, South and Central America, and domestic customers in Turkey during 2022 It has previously delivered the tugs TURCHIA in 2014, CITTA DI SALERNO in 2017, ARECHI and ITALIA in 2020 to the Rimorchiatori Riuniti group
Both CITTA DI AUGUSTA and CITTA DI SIRACUSA measure 24 4 LOA, with a moulded beam of 12m and least moulded depth of 4 5m and have been designed for maximum efficiency in the per formance of ship-handling duties for sea going ships, with bollard pulls of 60-plus tons and a free running speed of 12 knots Able to accommodate a crew of up to six people, the tugs are powered by two high speed, electronically-controlled IMO Tier III compliant CAT 3512E main engines, each producing 1901kW at 1 800 rev/min to drive standard production US 205 FP 360degree azimuthing thrusters
CITTA DI AUGUSTA and CITTA DI SIRACUSA have Fi-Fi 1 fire-fighting capability with their main fire pump driven through clutched flexible coupling in front of the por t side main engine. Tank capacities include 77.900 litres of fuel oil and 11 500 litres of fresh water
Ali Gurun, Chairman of Sanmar Shipyards, said: “2022 was a good year for us with 30 deliveries to both new and returning customers In 2023 our focus will continue to be improving the environmental credentials of our tugs through technological advance and state-of-the-ar t design. This latest version of the popular Bogacay class tugs achieves a new level of low-emission, low environmental impact tugboat operation We are delighted that Rimorchiatori Augusta has again chosen Sanmar to provide the power ful, cost-effective and environmentally-conscious tugs they need to meet their specific operational demands ”
The other two tugs Sanmar delivered during the final week of 2022. They were YENICAY XVI a compact 32 ton bollard pull tug sold to Turkey-based Marintug, renamed ADAKALE by its new owners, and BOZCAY VI, sold to Türkiye-based operator Yalpaş, where it has been renamed YALOVA 5
www sanmar com tr
Euroclydon is the second crab fishing vessel built for Stuar t MacDougall of fishing company Euroclydon Ltd in a space of only three years Both vessels were designed by Macduf f Ship Design and built by Macduf f Shipyards Ltd.
The vessel is built to a full new design of vivier crabber fishing vessel. It features many similarities to the first vessel, MFV Levanter, with a similar arrangement throughout However, with increased length, breadth, and depth, the Euroclydon provides noticeably more space all around to enhance crew comfor t, sea keeping and fishing activity
The design work began in summer of 2020 with consultation between the yard and owner to finalise the general arrangement to their exact needs With the initial design complete, the construction plans were drawn up by Macduf f Ship Design and submitted to the MCA for plan approval under their newly adopted construction standard, inherited from Seafish
The hull of Euroclydon up to main deck along with the aft accommodation casing and the for ward section of the shelter is built from Lloyds grade A ship building plate The mid par t of the shelter where fishing activities take place, along with the wheelhouse and mast are built from marine grade aluminium to help reduce the vessels displacement The hull form features a double chine hull form, transom stern and modern bow designed to cut cleanly through the sea with less energy leading to a reduction in fuel consumption and emissions along with increased crew comfor t
The layout of the Euroclydon below the main deck features two three-man cabins aft, followed by a large engine room which extends for ward over the top of the vivier tank The vivier tank is positioned amidships with its trunk up to main deck fitted through the engine room For ward of the engine room a bait store is situated and finally a water tank is fitted for ward of the collision bulkhead in the bow. Above the deck features the accommodation area aft with galley/mess to starboard, WC aft and a two ber th skippers’ cabin and dr y locker/laundr y to por t For ward of this is the large fully sheltered working deck where the pots are brought onboard, catch emptied into the vivier tank, and pots stacked up until ready to shoot again The shelter is protected by a large hydraulically powered hatch The hauler is mounted for ward and leads to a block which is fitted at the end of a telescopic boom which extends outboard of the hull to keep the pots clear of the side when hauling up For ward at main deck a weather-tight bulkhead is fitted, and a store space is arranged with shelving for storage and the anchor chain locker
Above the shelter deck a large open deck space provides for generous stowage of pots when moving gear to the grounds Euroclydon features some safety features built into the hull such as recessed foot/hand holds beneath the por t and starboard fixed side ladders extending below the waterline and permanent guard rails around the wheelhouse perimeter In addition, the owner preference of a raised shooting table is arranged in place of a low deck level side opening to keep the crew safe within the shelter Euroclydon is fitted with a large vivier tank with a capacity of over 40,000 litres of sea water The tank is subdivided with fibreglass grating par titions so catch can be separated into dif ferent species/grades. The tank is ser viced by two large electrically powered circulation pumps supplied by Bombas Azcue with the intention one pump is used in ser vice and one on standby Over flow pipes are arranged por t and starboard, above the waterline, so the crew and skipper can visibly see when the pumps are in operation
The propulsion setup of Euroclydon is based around an innovative, large 2000 mm diameter four bladed propeller designed and supplied by War tsila During the creation of the specification the yard put for th to the owners a Mitsubishi S6B3 with 320 kW output as the proposed main engine due to its success and fuel economy on other projects in the past War tsila were then asked to investigate the optimal propeller diameter and design for the vessel given the engine par ticulars and a range of gear reductions available Upon their conclusion the 2m propeller was selected along with a Masson Marine W6000 gearbox with a large ratio of 8 705:1 which was calculated to provide optimal free steaming thrust per kW of power available It was witnessed during trials that the vessel achieved a good speed for her length and the propulsion package per formed smoothly with little vibration
A hydraulic system was designed by Macduf f Shipyards and features a 1 5 t hauler provided by Britannia Engineering, a telescopic boom for the hauling block and large hauling hatch supplied by the yard, a KT120 bow thruster with 800 kg of thrust supplied by Kor t Propulsion, and a MFB6 landing crane provided by Thistle Marine Hydraulic power is provided by two large 37 5 kW motors which can powered separately, or simultaneously, by either of the vessel’s generator sets providing complete redundancy.
www macduf fshipdesign
M a c d u f f S h i p D e s i g n r e c e n t l y a n n o u n c e d t h e completion and
With roots dating back to 1987, Dales Marine has been servicing the shipping, oil and gas, chemical, and power generation industries with bespoke engineering services, within the shortest lead time to the highest standard.
Providing specialist shipping solutions in dry dock and steelwork, maintenance and ship repair, Dales Marine is located within major Scottish ports and provides unrivalled access for clients 24/7, 365 days a year. “The
Dry Dock and Fabrication Specialists”
Impact Subsea has provided several ISS360HD Sonars t o Seatronics, a brand in Act eon ’ s Dat a and Robotics Division.
The ISS360HD Imaging Sonar provides a step change in per formance in the scanning imaging sonar market. Providing a 2.5mm range r e s o l u
exceptionally high definition imager y from a highly compact sonar With a range capability in excess of 100 meters the ISS360HD can suit a range of AUV, ROV and standalone under water applications
Richard Main, Regional Manager UK Seatronics commented “We have a focus to provide the best in class technology to the subsea industr y Having added ISS360 sonars earlier in the year to our rental pool we are delighted to now also add the ISS360HD The ISS360HD will provide our customers with high resolution sonar imager y for large work class vehicles as well as obser vation class vehicles”.
Ben Grant, Managing Director, Impact Subsea commented “We have worked with Seatronics for many years and with the addition of the ISS360HD; now all Impact Subsea sensors can be hired from Seatronics We have seen a high demand for the ISS360HD since launch and are delighted to continue to work with Seatronics to suppor t that demand”.
www impactsubsea co uk
www acteon com
The unit consists of a chute, a removal device for buoyancy modules and a horizontal hang-off system and be utilised on multiple Subsea7 vessels operating in deepwater
The complete system is mountable in different locations on the stern of the vessels for flexibility and ease of use with lazy wave flexibles fitted with buoyancy modules It is engineered to be fixed to the deck by way of sea-fastening brackets with a quick release bolted connection
The system can recover a range of product diameters without overbending the flexible or crushing the buoyancy modules
The inboard angle of the chute arc extends over 90 degrees to facilitate buoyancy modules manoeuvring without using a crane and it is designed with a dedicated guide rail to suppor t the modules through recover y.
To allow for the suspension of the catenar y weight during recover y of a damaged lazy wave, the hang-off clamp is designed to be orientated in a horizontal position
MDL has previously provided solutions to Subsea7, through design, manufacture, rental and operation of a range of back-deck equipment, including bespoke deliveries of reel drive systems, tensioners, deck radius controllers and turntables to global locations
In recent years, MDL AME technical team has travelled to Subsea7 vessels to per form 5-yearly maintenance works as well as winch load-cell upgrades in-situ
“I am pleased to see the relationship with Subsea7 continue, from bespoke design and manufacture, to rental of equipment for specific projects, to more recently asset maintenance and engineering ser vices for their global fleet This latest deliver y draws a full circle, reflecting the complete integrated ser vices we can provide as a single-source par tner to our clients ” commented James Farquhar, MDL AME Key Account Manager
“As an established Original Equipment Manufacturer, our 23-plus-year exper tise of the back-deck also makes us the ideal par tner to efficiently per form annual sur veys and 5-yearly maintenance programmes on lifting and pulling equipment, including cranes and third-par ty systems, a growing track record in our trusted ser vices por tfolio ” he added
www maritimedevelopments com
Flying kit es under wat er t o generat e electricity is an innovative renewable energy concept being inst alled in the Faroe Islands, suppor t ed by SJH Diving and their new Saab Seaeye Falcon
The subsea kite turbine is a unique concept created by developer Minesto to generate electricity in tidal streams and ocean currents using the principle of flying a stunt kite in the wind.
By swooping through the water in a constant figure of eight motion on a tethered cable, the kite turbine accelerates through the water considerably faster than the actual flow speed.
The electricity generated from a kite turbine is several hundred times greater than from a stationar y turbine.
In suppor t of multiple kite installations, Faroes-based SJH Commercial Diving will deploy their Seaeye Falcon under water robot for inspecting power-cable runs along the seabed to the shore and inspecting and cleaning foundation points
Símin Jákup Højsted of SJH Diving says the Falcon was the best choice for strong currents compared to five competitive makes of vehicles
SJH Diving has been involved with the project for over two years Minesto is a marine energy technology developer founded in 2007, since when it has successfully developed its unique marine energy technology called Deep Green
The ability to also operate at low velocities makes Minesto’s Deep Green the only technology to be cost-efficient in both tidal and ocean currents
Mastering currents has helped the Falcon become the world’s top selling robot in its class, along with its being an easy to use, small, intelligent, power ful, and multi-tasking with a reliability record covering over a million hours under water
SJH’s Seaeye Falcon comes with a multi-beam sonar, single function and five function manipulators, a cathodic potential probe and a fully-kitted cleaning skid
www saabseaeye com
OceanTools Ltd, A berdeen Scotland, a n n o u n c e t h e s i g n i n g o f a Collaboration Agreement with TMIOrion Dynamics, headquar t ered in Montpellier France, for OceanTools t o sell their EMA -5 E l e c t r i c M a n i p u l a t o r A r m . F u r t h e r m o r e , OceanTools will assis t with the manufacture of the arm in their s t at e-of-the-ar t CNC mac hine shop and electronics workshops.
The EMA 5 is a high-per formance, rugged, compact, and reliable multifunction electric manipulator arm designed for under water operation on obser vation class ROVs The EMA 5 electric manipulator arm, developed by TMI Orion Dynamics is a five-function manipulator module offering slew, elevation, elbow bend, jaw rotation, and jaw open/close The compact design has an embedded electronic controller, with no additional pod required Monitoring software is available for remote operation, or a TMI Orion Sur face Control Unit can be ordered separately The EMA 5 can be controlled with a gamepad Car tesian mode is available, with set positions Applications include under water precision manipulation, scientific and environmental sample collection and subaquatic tooling and grabbing Jean-Marie Vachette, Subsea Robotics Sales Manager for TMI-Orion Dynamics commented “ We are pleased with this collaboration with OceanTools, a company known for its exper tise in the world of offshore and under water robotics, but also to have found a ver y professional par tner with whom to collaborate on topics such as manufacturing, assembly and testing Kevin Parker, Managing Director of OceanTools added, “We are absolutely thrilled and delighted to be working with TMI-Orion Dynamics The EMA-5 is a well-proven rugged and dependable manipulator for which we see tremendous potential We’re ver y well positioned to not just sell the arms but also to machine much of the arm as well as offering a great ser vice and suppor t facility We will also be adding EMA-5 arms to our equipment rental pool ”
The EMA5 Electric Manipulator, which will be marketed as the EM5 to fit in with OceanTools product naming protocol, is the latest addition to OceanTools’ extensive range of pioneering under water technology, including tools and market-leading subsea cameras, lighting, and dye detection systems
C H Horn is a 26m long, modern, compact and ef ficient self-propelled hopper whic h was formerly equipped with a fixed grab c r a n e . T h e f i xe d c r a n e h a s n ow b e e n removed t o allow room on its dec k for a s p e c i a l l y m o d i f i e d t r a c ke d H y u n d a i Excavat or.
The excavator, a Hyundai HX 300 L, is new to Jenkins Marine and weighs 30 tons with a large 1 5m3 bucket capacity The excavator was supplied with a custom made lengthened dipper arm, with optimised geometr y for improved dredging reach
The HX300L boasts an eco-friendly, high-per formance engine which ensures both excellent fuel efficiency and high power per formance
The robust upper and lower frame structure can endure external shock and high-load work with tested high durability to cope with the demands of marine based projects In order to achieve efficient “ armin” and “arm-out” operation with the boom fixed while on a moving vessel the HX Series applies boom floating control, allowing consistently stable operating – per fect for dredging operations. CH Horn is highly manoeuvrable vessel able to dredge in more confined hard to reach areas Operating with a small crew she is an efficient choice for smaller dredge requirements with shor ter trips to sea disposal sites
www jenkinsmarine co uk
A h o p e f u l r e f l e c t i o n f r o m
L a n d & W a t e r
A s w e h e a d i n t o a n o t h e r y e a r, l e a d i n g w e t c i v i l e n g i n e e r i n g f i r m L a n d & Wa t e r h a s t a ke n t h e o p p o r t u n i t y t o r e f l e c t o n 2 0 2 2 w h i l s t t h i n k i n g a b o u t w h a t t h e c o m i n g y e a r h a s i n s t o r e f o r t h e e n g i n e e r i n g i n d u s t r y. Ke v i n K i r k l a n d , M a n a g i n g D i r e c t o r a t L a n d & Wa t e r, h a s g i v e n a b r i e f i n s i g h t b e l o w i n t o t h e key a r e a s t h a t h e b e l i e v e s t h e s e c t o r w i l l n e e d t o f o c u s o n i n 2 0 2 3 . • T h e c i v i l e n g i n e e r i n g s e c t o r w i l l c o n t i n u e t o e x p e r i e n c e t h e u n p r e c e d e n t e d i n f l a t i o n a r y p r e s s u r e s a n d s o m a n a g i n g b a s e c o s t s w i l l b e k e y • B r i t a i n ' s e n g i n e e r i n g s e c t o r n o w f a c e s a ‘ m i s s i n g m i d d l e ’ o f s k i l l e d e n t r a n t s f r o m H i g h e r Te c h n i c a l E d u c a t i o n w h i c h i s m a k i n g h i r i n g a c o m p l e x p r o c e s s 2 0 2 3 w i l l n e e d t o s e e m o r e c o r p o r a t i o n s i n v e s t i n g i n t h e y o u n g e r g e n e r a t i o n , e n c o u r a g i n g t h e m t o e x p l o r e r o l e s w i t h i n t h e i n d u s t r y t o c r e a t e a s u s t a i n a b l e w o r k f o r c e f o r t h e f u t u r e Tr a i n i n g o p p o r t u n i t i e s a n d a p p r e n t i c e s h i p s c h e m e s w i l l b e v i t a l f o r t h i s a s w e l l a s l o o k i n g a t e m p l o y e e i n c e n t i v e s s u c h a s w e l l - b e i n g s u p p o r t • 2 0 2 3 w i l l a l s o s e e o u r i n d u s t r y a i m t o w a r d a m o r e s u s t a i n a b l e f u t u r e a n d f o r L a n d & Wa t e r t h i s m e a n s t a k i n g a c t i o n t o r e a c h t h e f i r m s c a r b o n r e d u c t i o n g o a l s O n e o f t h e k e y a r e a s L a n d & Wa t e r i s l o o k i n g a t i s h o w t o r e d u c e w a s t e f r o m e v e r y a s p e c t o f t h e b u s i n e s s ( p l a n n i n g a n d c o o r d i n a t i o n , i d l i n g t i m e , t r a n s p o r t a t i o n e t c ) To b e c o m e m o r e s u s t a i n a b l e a s a n i n d u s t r y w e n e e d t o d r i v e o u t w a s t e , w h i c h c o v e r s t h e w h o l e p r o j e c t l i f e c y c l e f r o m d e s i g n t h r o u g h t o d e l i v e r y. w w w. l a n d - w a t e r. c o . u k
Tel: +44(0) 2392 472710
Mob: +44(0) 7850 473713
Diver R.O.V. & Crane Operated Dredging Systems. Multipurpose & Mini dredging systems for the removal of fines, silt, mud’s, drill cuttings, sand, grit, gravel, shingle, shale & general debris. Suitable for confined space operations or locations where access is a problem. All on-shore civil applications. Shallow & deepwater offshore support operations. Renewables. Complete ready to use self operational systems available for use worldwide. Stillage packed or deepwater offshore containerised units. Long & short term rentals. Sales. Wide scope of operations. Lightweight, road & air transportable environmentally friendly units.
Major Argentinian contract or Merco
V i a l S . A . h a s o r d e r e d a D a m e n CSD650. This cutt er suction dredger will expand their current fleet shor tly. The deliver y of the CSD650 includes t h e s u p p l y o f a m a t c h i n g b o o s t e r s t ation, enhancing the flexibility of the set-up immensely.
The cutter suction dredger CSD650 is a customised stock vessel, tailored to Merco Vial’s requirements The fit-for-purpose dredger will be delivered at a shor t lead time thanks to this approach The CSD650 is a dismountable dredger with a cutter power of 700 kW and a maximum dredging depth of -18m The overall length exceeds 61 m, resulting in an impressive swing width of 63 m and ensuring an efficient operation due to the minimised time required to reposition the dredger The stationar y dredger is equipped with a pump room, separate from the engine room The in-board dredge pump has a mixture capacity of 7,000 m3/h For Merco Vial S A a number of options were added such as anchor booms, a deck crane, a navigation mast and a production measurement system “We are honoured to have been chosen by the leading contractor of Argentina, to be their new supplier of dredging equipment and related ser vices, and proud to deliver on time so shor tly after order,” Damen Sales Manager Ezequiel Najmias states “In South America, there are major developments in the infrastructure of all large por ts and harbours With the development of new por ts and terminals and the deepening of existing ones, this CSD650 with its matching booster, will be an impor tant contribution Decisive factors for opting for the CSD650 are its robustness, its dismountable design enabling practical relocation and the efficiency of the dredger with its eminent pump and cutter capacity ”
The CSD650, which has been named Felicitas, is ready for t
Netherlands It will be shipped to Argentina soon, together with a large set of spares Mr Najmias adds: “Delivering the largest dredger of our standard CSD series to
preference of major operators of
The t ec hnology group Wär tsilä will supply its biogas liquefaction t ec hnology for an impor t ant new project in Möns t erås, Sweden.
The system has been ordered by Scandinavian Biogas Mönsterås, a joint venture company between Scandinavian Biogas Fuels (SBF), the majority owner, and local farmers supplying manure and agricultural waste to the project. The plant will produce bioLNG, a substitute for fossil LNG, and will be used as transpor t fuel for heavy vehicles, thereby contributing to a fossil-free transpor t system The order was booked in Wär tsilä’s order intake in December 2022
The system will have the capacity to produce 30 tons per day of bioLNG It will be the first project of this capacity using Wär tsilä’s amine scrubber type Puregas CA technology to pre-treat the biogas, which is then liquefied using the company ’ s mixed refrigerant (MR) process The system will produce bioLNG with a negative CO2 footprint, and will thus contribute to a net reduction of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere
“We are pleased to have once again been selected by Scandinavian Biogas Fuels to supply our industr y-leading biogas liquefaction technology for their latest project This will be a step-up in capacity from their plant in Nor way, and we look for ward to strengthening the cooperation between our companies Decarbonisation is central to all Wär tsilä products and solutions, and this project is completely in line with this ambition,” commented Magnus Folkelid, Manager Global Sales, Biogas Solutions. In addition to the biogas liquefaction system, a bioLNG storage facility and expor t station will be supplied Additionally, a three-year ser vice agreement has been signed
While this 30 tons per day capacity is an advance on earlier systems, Wär tsilä believes that plants with a capacity of as much as 50 tons per day will soon be needed This is because the biogas industr y is being industrialised, and larger plants will be required to capture positive scale effects and synergies The main challenge to up-sizing will be the availability of substrates (feedstock) from which to produce biogas
Deliver y of the Wär tsilä equipment is scheduled to commence in the first half of 2024, and the plant is expected to be fully operational later that year
Wär tsilä Gas Solutions is a market leader with innovative systems and lifecycle solutions for the gas value chain Our main focus areas are handling of gas in seaborne transpor t (storage, fuel, transfer and BOG management), gas to power, liquefaction and biogas solutions. We help our customers on the journey towards a sustainable future through focus on lifecycle, innovation and digitalisation
The Korean Regis t er (KR) has published a new ‘Guidance for Under wat er Radiat ed Noise’ whic h will h e l p p r o t e c t m a r i n e e c o s y s t e m s by reducing noise from ships.
As the size and speed of vessels around the globe increases to handle high volumes of seaborne trade so under water radiated noise is becoming a more serious issue, causing increasing disruption to the marine ecosystem
The IMO’s Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) is discussing measures to mitigate this growing challenge As a result, new regulations are expected shor tly, which will determine sensitive areas to noise, where ships calling in that area will be required to meet appropriate standards for under water radiated noise
The maritime industr y is also focused on developing core technologies to address the issue as environmental regulations are tightened, as par t of the overall paradigm shift to more eco-friendly ships In suppor t of this industr y move, the Korean Register (KR) has developed a class notation for under water radiated noise and Guidance which is based on ISO 17208 (International standard of quantities and procedures for description and measurement of under water sound from ships) The Guidance covers the noise standard for two operating conditions: normal operation (transit) and quiet operation (quiet)
The class notation is given in the form of ‘URN-T(20)’, which indicates that when a ship operates at a speed equivalent to 20 knots in still water, it meets the transit criteria for under water radiated noise URN is an abbreviation for under water radiated noise
A KR official said: “Several countries and por ts have already introduced regulations relating to under water radiated noise, and some por ts, such as the Por t of Vancouver, are offering discounts on por t user fees for vessels that meet the standards If our customers’ vessels have obtained KR’s class notation for under water radiated noise, they will also be able to benefit from these advantages while reducing their impact on the maritime environment ”
KR has fur ther plans in development to actively suppor t its customers’ compliance with regulations on under water radiated noise, including technical ser vices which will enable customers to implement low-noise ship technology
This is the fif th time that Alicant e has been c hosen as the s t ar ting point for the worldwide regatt a The Ocean Race.
The public entity Generalitat Valenciana, through its company Sociedad de Proyectos para la Transfor mación Digital, has contracted Almarin for the installation and subsequent removal of the floating and mooring infrastructure to host the regatta and suppor t boats during the presence in Alicante until the regatta’s star t A total of 360 linear metres of Lindley floating pontoons and several anchorages and swing moorings to moor the boats in case of emergency have been installed for the suppor t vessels of the par ticipating boats From Alicante the regatta sailed to Mindelo on the island of São Vicente (Cape Verde) At this stopover Lindley Marinas built and installed the floating infrastructure to receive the regatta and suppor t boats Local por t authority Enapor has awarded a contract for the supply, installation and removal of 140 linear metres of pontoons with bow moorings for the event Access by two gangways from the fixed jetty through bridgeheads designed and installed by Lindley, including water and electricity ser vices ensure that the fleet will have proper conditions for their stopover in Cape Verde After the South Africa (Cape Town) stage, the fleet disembarks at Itajaí (Brazil), where Lindley Marinas and its local par tner built and installed the floating infrastructure for the boat ber thing and mooring. The pontoons were built locally using reinforced concrete pontoons with polystyrene core. After the event they will be reused for the neighbouring Marina de Itajaí, built by Lindley in two stages in 2015 and 2018. "From Almarin and Lindley, we ’ re honoured to contribute to this fantastic project where the best regatta teams compete, and also to able to join the event’s motto based on sustainability, recycling and reusage for protection of the oceans," said Luis Vasconcelos Dias, CEO of Lindley Marinas. Lindley Marinas will be exhibiting in the Icomia 2023 - World Marinas Conference, which will take place from October 9th to 11th at the Tivoli Vilamoura conference center, in Vilamoura (Por tugal). The Por tuguese company specialized in floating pontoons for marinas and por ts is the sponsor for the Visit Tour which comprises visits to Marina Vilamoura, Marina Albufeira and Marina Lagos, three of the largest marinas in the Por tuguese southern coast
Incat Group Chairman and Founder Rober t Clif ford said “the cus t omer wants this t o happen, Incat wants this t o happen, and whils t there are matt ers t o be finalised, I am extremely confident that Incat can deliver this groundbreaking ship. In my experience unless we see something come in from lef t field, this is a ‘done deal’.
“Obviously, there needs to be sufficient energy supply in the por ts that the ship would visit but we understand that this is progressing positively The batteries and electric motors are being worked through with our suppliers, to ensure they can deliver the technology required in the timeframe we need them.
“Zero emissions shipping is the future and Incat based in Tasmania, one of the few places on the planet which has already delivered net zero, is now poised to revolutionise the world’s shipping fleet by delivering the world’s first zero emissions, lightweight ship,” he says Incat Managing Director Craig Clifford says this is a unique oppor tunity for Incat. Whilst there are always challenges if you change any aspect of the design of a ship par t way through build, in simple terms, this is just swapping one method of propulsion for another: it will however have significant environmental benefits, and open up a whole new market for these types of vessels
Former Tasmanian Premier and Incat’s Strategic Adviser Peter Gutwein said “delivering the world’s first large batter y electric ferr y for Buquebus would lead to exponential growth in the international market for large lightweight electric ships “The world wants large, lightweight zero emission ships and we are already scaling up our workforce and production facility in readiness for what will be a significant expansion.
“It will be a win- win for both the environment and for investment in long-term skilled jobs in Tasmania,” he said www incat com au
Hundes t ed Propeller A/S has become a par t o f t h e c r i t i c a l i n f ra s t r u c t u re o n s eve ra l i n t e r n a t i o n a l o f f s h o r e w i n d f a r m s . T h e propeller specialis t keeps downtime minimal when the blades s t op moving.
Not much can be done when a lack of wind causes the blades attached to the enormous wind turbines at the offshore wind farms Hornsea 1 and Hywind in the Nor th Sea to stand still On the contrar y, if the standstill is caused by a mechanical error, it’s critical that the ser vice boats from the Scottish Maritime Craft Ser vices can react rapidly despite wind and weather conditions to restar t the windmills.
Mechanical errors and other damages to the windmills should be fixed as soon as possible Downtime means a great loss for all par ties, from the owners of the windfarm to the consumers who use the power For that reason, it’s crucial that we can trust our equipment and that the boats can get back in action as soon as possible, if they break down, says Ewan Manson, Operations Superintendent at Maritime Craft Ser vices, which has operated on multiple offshore wind farms in Great Britain and Nor thern Europe since 2002
The Scottish maritime ser vice company has 11 Crew Transfer Vessels in operation, two of which are driven by two controllable pitch propellers and tailshaft-solutions that are custom-made in the production facilities at Hundested Propeller in Denmark’s Nor thern Zealand region. The boat at Hornsea 1 is likewise equipped with two gearboxes also delivered by the Danish exper ts The choice of Hundested Propeller as supplier is not coincidental
– Our vessels make up a par t of the offshore farms’ critical infrastructure, and they must be operational 12 or 24 hours a day despite the weather conditions We demand extremely durable and operationally secure solutions for exactly that reason, and we know that the Danes can deliver, says Ewan Manson
Hundested Propeller is pleased with the show of trust, as durability and safety are two of the most impor tant qualities to the company with a 100-year histor y of manufacturing marine equipment
Our solutions are built on a roster of core products that we have developed based on many years of experience and exper tise. When we design and produce custom solutions for a client, the goal is that it must be able to outlive the boat itself, says Henrik Damsgaard, Chief Technology Director at Hundested Propeller
The SWATH ser vice vessels from Maritime Craft Ser vices have been operational since 2016 and 2019 respectively, and since deliver y of the first vessel, the Scots have had Hundested Propeller on speed dial in case of a sudden accident They have needed assistance twice, where the two vessels have required dr y dock repairs Both times the Danes’ swift response and deliver y times have been crucial
–Our vessels are off-hired if they aren’t operational or available for the wind farms So, when we have par ts that need ser viced or replaced, speed and ser vice level is crucial for deciding on a par tner for the job, says Ewan Manson He elaborates:
Our experiences with Hundested Propeller have been exceptional. They understood the necessity of getting the vessel back on duty as soon as possible, and they managed to deliver on the solution in less than a week – half the time we would usually expect We have also worked with them on improving the systems and as a result, we have experienced fewer issues than we did with the vessels before www hundestedpropeller com
The Int ernational Marine Contract ors Association’s 12th Lif ting and Rigging Seminar held in Amst erdam in Oct ober attract ed over 120 from Europe, South Africa, and Nor th and South America It focused on the t echnical and operational challenges posed by increasingly heavier lif ts in the of fshore wind sect or and provided the lif ting sect or with a new mantra - ‘Adopt, Adapt and Improve’.
The mantra’s histor y and detailed information on the seminar content is now available to all It includes concise summaries of all sessions and presentations along with relevant graphs, char ts and, most impor tantly, some of the findings that emerged The repor t was sent automatically to all who attended, now its impor tant findings are available to all in the lifting and rigging and offshore wind sectors to enable them to fully grasp the challenges and oppor tunities
As Conference Chair, and Chair of IMCA’s Lifting and Rigging Management Committee (LRMC), Laura Lombardi, Managing Director of Usha Mar tin Italia explained: “The challenges created in the renewable energy market are stretching the vessels' and equipment capabilities with components that are continuously getting bigger and more complex ” The conference repor t spells out the size of these challenges Siemens Gamesa spoke of 19,747 lifts in 2022 (for 223 turbines) with 110,000 lifts expected by 2030 (for 1,500 turbines)
“It was cer tainly a thought provoking event,” said Mark Ford, IMCA’s Marine & Quality Manager "Seaway 7 emphasised the size and weight of the near-future XXL monopiles, soon requiring a 2,500-3,000+ tonne lift of a roughly 125-m-long object with a 10-11-m diameter, lifting at heights in excess of 120m Another challenge is complacency due to the repetitive nature of offshore lifts ”
He added: “Equipment fatigue is another challenge In the oil and gas sector, for which many of the crane vessels were designed, a 3,500-tonne lift would not be done ever y day; but in the offshore wind sector it is not unusual to do it twice in a single day ”
The repor t is available from www imca-int com/output-from-lifting-technology-in-offshore-renewables/