IG224+spectral - 2018 - Acrylics, fabric, mixed media on canvas
Daniil Alikov Vancouver, Canada ‘We can’t predict the future, but we can create it’. But isn’t attempting to create the art of the future a naïve way to deal with the unbearable feelings of uncertainty? What is the role or art in the future world, and which world are we talking about? Different cultural values
and views about beauty are an intuitive and immanent concept native to the human mind. In the ‘Spectral’ series, Daniil Alikov attempts to explore and test how the perceiving of something as beautiful may change in the future and how an actual piece of art might look to
the post-human eye or maybe even to a non-human analytic apparatus. How will art look in the future? Will there be any art at all and who will appreciate it? Humans? Machines?
bluebee •M a g a z i n e •