CHC50113 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care
Assessor Instructions
RPL Kit Assessor Instructions
Š Blueprint Project LLC. Except as provided by the Copyright Act 1968 and as stated in the terms and conditions, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of Blueprint Project LLC.
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No patent liability is assumed with respect to the use of the information contained herein. While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this work, the authors assume no responsibility for errors or omissions. Neither is any liability assumed for damages resulting from the use of information contained herein. This work has been prepared for use as part of structured vocational education and training and should only be used within that context. The information contained herein was correct at the time of preparation.
Modification History
Version Number 1
Blueprint Project’s materials are designed to support the principles of assessment (validity, reliability, flexibility, fairness) and to guide assessors to apply the rules of assessment evidence (validity, sufficiency, currency, authenticity) for Recognition of Prior Learning.
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CHC50113 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care v. 1 January, 2015
RPL Kit Assessor Instructions
RPL Overview For Assessors
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Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is the process of evaluating and acknowledging a person’s skills and knowledge to perform a particular job role related a unit of competency or a qualification. Skills and knowledge are gained through a range of work, life, formal and informal learning experiences.
This kit contains tools to help customise the recognition assessment of the candidate’s knowledge and skills for this qualification. Assessors are not required to use every tool. Only use the tools necessary to holistically assess the candidate.
After an initial interview with a potential candidate, you will need to determine whether or not they are able to complete the RPL process. Using this RPL kit, you will be able to determine if a candidate earns the qualification based on: Evidence they provide Questions they answer via a competency conversation Tasks they complete in the workplace Your observations
§§ §§ §§ §§
You are responsible for ensuring they have demonstrated the knowledge and skills required to: §§ Design and implement curriculum in early childhood education and care services §§ Implement an approved learning framework within the requirements of the Education and Care Services National Regulations and the National Quality Standard §§ Supervise volunteers or other staff
For CHC50113 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care, RPL is not recommended for the following unit of competency:
HLTAID004 Provide an emergency first aid response in an education and care setting For this reason, it has not been included in this kit.
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CHC50113 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care v. 1 January, 2015
RPL Kit Assessor Instructions
Assessor Tools The following tools are for the assessor to use.
Competency Mapping
A detailed map indicating where each component of competency is included in this kit
A tool for recording each piece of evidence (documentation, questions, tasks, observations) to each unit of competency
Record of Evidence
An overview of the RPL process, a list of what is included in this kit and detailed instructions on how to use this kit
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Question and Task Banks
Competency Questions
A summary list of the questions and tasks provided in this kit Questions an assessor may ask a candidate in order to gather and document evidence of a candidate’s knowledge and experience relating to the qualification
Workplace Observation
A tool used in conjunction with the Workplace Tasks to document evidence of a candidate’s skills through observation of the Workplace Tasks and other observations
Record of Outcome
A document used to notify a candidate of their RPL outcome and any additional steps required to achieve the qualification
Sa Workplace Tasks
Tasks an assessor may ask a candidate to complete in order to gather evidence of a candidate’s skills and experience relating to the qualification (use in conjunction with Workplace Observation)
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CHC50113 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care v. 1 January, 2015
RPL Kit Assessor Instructions
Candidate Tools
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The following tools are for the candidate to use.
A detailed overview of the RPL process and what the candidate can expect
A basic form for gathering information about the candidate
Unit Summaries
A summary of the learning outcomes for each unit of competency for the qualification A tool for the candidate to index each piece of their evidence (trainings, workshops, CV, photos, presentations, reports, certificates, awards, etc.)
A Self-Evaluation of the candidate’s experience, skills and evidence that relate to each unit of competency in the qualification
Evidence Index
Third Party Report
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A tool that verifies the candidate’s competency in their job role relating to workplace expectations and performance criteria
CHC50113 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care v. 1 January, 2015
RPL Kit Assessor Instructions
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There are many ways to initiate the RPL process. The following instructions are an example of how assessors could use the tools included in this kit. Every candidate, assessor and organisation has different needs. The tools have been created to allow for flexibility and customisation.
Documents Needed
Candidate Tools:
Give the entire candidate folder to the candidate for completion.
Candidate Instructions Application Unit Summaries Evidence Index Self-Evaluation Third Party Report
Competency Mapping
Answer any questions the candidate may have about how to use and complete the candidate tools.
Candidate Tools
After the candidate completes the Evidence Index and the SelfEvaluation, review them and begin to use the Record of Evidence, filling in the relevant evidence provided by the candidate.
Evidence Index Self-Evaluation Record of Evidence
Interview the candidate: §§ Ask the candidate to elaborate on any work/life experiences they have recorded that relates to the units of competency and their job role §§ Look for information the candidate may not think is important or may have omitted §§ Decide what documentary evidence you think they can further provide to support their claim of recognition
Evidence Index Self-Evaluation Record of Evidence
Review the Competency Mapping prior to starting the RPL process with candidate.
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CHC50113 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care v. 1 January, 2015
RPL Kit Assessor Instructions
Instructions Continue to use the Record of Evidence as a tool to determine which questions to ask and tasks to assign. Create an RPL plan, deciding what tools (or part thereof) you plan to use to complete the RPL process: §§ §§ §§
Competency Questions Workplace Tasks/Workplace Observation Third Party Report
Record of Evidence Competency Questions Workplace Tasks Third Party Report
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Conduct a competency conversation with the candidate, using the necessary questions: §§ Combine relevant questions and workplace tasks, when possible §§ Contexualise the questions to the candidate’s specific area of work, population, demographic, etc.
Documents Needed
Provide the necessary Workplace Tasks to the candidate: §§ Combine relevant questions and tasks, when possible §§ Combine tasks for streamlined assessment, when possible §§ Contextualise tasks to the candidate’s specific area of work, population, demographic, etc.
Observe the candidate performing the workplace tasks: §§ Use the Workplace Observation to record the candidate’s performance §§ Observe the candidate on a 2nd occasion carrying out their duties in their workplace §§ Record and date your observations
Competency Questions
Workplace Tasks
Workplace Observation
Third Party Report
Complete the Record of Evidence.
Record of Evidence
Inform candidate of your determination. Provide any additional steps required to achieve the qualification, if necessary.
Record of Outcome
Collect the Third Party Report and verify the information provided is correct and accurate.
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CHC50113 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care v. 1 January, 2015
RPL Kit Competency Mapping
Unit Component
Performance Criteria, Performance Evidence and Knowledge Evidence
Competency Questions
Workplace Task Observation
CHCECE019 Facilitate compliance in an education and care service 8a, 8b, 12a, 12b, 12c
Seek advice from a higher authority if clarification is required on interpretation of any aspect of the Framework
8b, 12b
Confirm staff understanding of the NQF and other legislation and regulations relevant to the service
Clarify details and requirements of the assessment and rating process and share information with all staff in the service
Determine ways to collect information from staff, children, families and the community to inform self- assessment on a regular ongoing basis
Share ideas with colleagues and involve them in the collection of information to inform the selfassessment
Record the information collected during the self-assessment process against the standards and elements in the NQF
Ensure the self-assessment is available at the service to inform discussion of the assessment and rating process
Use the information gathered in the self-assessment process to inform the creation of the quality improvement plan
Collaborate with others to decide upon the strengths and the key improvements sought within the service
Work in collaboration with others to focus on how the key improvements sought will be reflected in the improvement plan
Record all of the required information in the plan
Plan to collaborate with others on a regular basis to review the quality improvement plan
Inform all stakeholders that the service has been selected for assessment and rating and that the assessment and rating process has commenced
Schedule meetings with stakeholders and staff where appropriate
Check for accuracy and completion of all documentation required for examination
Ensure all staff understand what may be required of them during the assessment visit
Element 3 Facilitate the development of a quality improvement plan
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Element 2 Facilitate an organisation selfassessment
Analyse the components of the National Quality Framework (NQF) and their relevance to the service
Element 1 Interpret the National Quality Framework
Element 4 Coordinate the service for a site visit
Foundation Skills
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Reading – in order to analyse and apply applicable legislative and regulatory requirements, including the National Quality Standards, relevant to the service.
CHC50113 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care v. 1 January, 2015
12a, 12b, 12c
RPL Kit Competency Mapping
Unit Component
Performance Criteria, Performance Evidence and Knowledge Evidence
Competency Questions
Checked and maintained compliance in an education and care service, including: Interpreting and applying the requirements outlined in the National Quality Framework in at least one education and care service
Facilitating a self-assessment process in at least one education and care service
8a, 8b, 8c 12a, 12b, 12c 12b
Developed at least one quality improvement plan, including:
Documenting and checking information for accuracy and completeness
Consulting with at least one other educator or service coordinator to review the plan
Performed the activities outlined in the performance criteria of this unit during a period of at least 120 hours of work in at least one regulated education and care service
Knowledge Evidence
12b, 12c
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Performance Evidence
Workplace Task Observation
Assessors must verify this on the Third Party Report.
How to access the National Quality Framework
8b, 12a, 12b, 12c
How to access the National Quality Standards
8b, 12a, 12b, 12c
How to access the relevant approved learning framework
8b, 12a, 12b, 12c
How to interpret the relevance of framework and standards documents in guiding work in this unit of competency
Other legislation, standards and regulations relevant to the children’s services industry
8b, 12a, 12b, 12c
1a, 12b
Processes for engaging stakeholders in the planning and consultation stages of quality assurance
Support systems, including government and non-government consultants, resources and personnel
Best-practice principles and emerging trends in service delivery area
Skills must be demonstrated in a regulated education and care service In addition, simulations and scenarios must be used where the full range of contexts and situations cannot be provided in the workplace or may occur only rarely. These are situations relating to emergency or unplanned procedures where assessment in these circumstances would be unsafe or is impractical.
Simulated assessment environments must simulate the real-life working environment where these skills and knowledge would be performed, with all the relevant equipment and resources of that working environment.
Assessment Conditions
Assessment must ensure use of: §§ National Quality Framework for Early Childhood Education and Care §§ The relevant approved learning framework under the National Quality Framework for Early Childhood Education and Care Assessors must satisfy the NVR/AQTF mandatory competency requirements for assessors.
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CHC50113 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care v. 1 January, 2015
Assessors must observe these requirements when undertaking the RPL assessment.
8a, 8b, 8c 12a, 12b, 12c This is an RTO compliance responsibility.
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Record of Evidence
CHC50113 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care
This is a record for you demonstrate exactly how and why you determined competency for this qualification.
Use this tool to record each piece of evidence (documentation, questions, tasks) against components of each unit of competency (Elements, Performance Evidence and Knowledge Evidence) to ensure you are comprehensively evaluating the evidence. Use the Competency Mapping tool for a more detailed look at the components of competency. After reviewing the documentation provided by the candidate, write down any relevant document number provided in the Evidence Index. Write down the competency question, workplace task and workplace observation number you used to assess the candidate. Include any notes necessary to explain your determination. You may also use this tool to create an RPL plan for each candidate.
Candidate Name
Candidate Contact
RPL Kit Record of Evidence
Question #
Workplace Observation Task # #
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Evidence Index #
Unit Components
CHCCS400C Work within a relevant legal and ethical framework
Follow identified policies and practices
Work ethically
Recognise and respond when client rights and interests are not being protected
Demonstrate an understanding of legislation and common law relevant to work role
Performance Evidence
Knowledge Evidence
CHC50113 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care v. 1 January, 2015
Competency Questions CHC50113 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care
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Candidate Name
Student Identification Number
The competency questions are used to facilitate a conversation with the candidate in order to gather further evidence of their competency. Each question covers knowledge evidence and performance criteria from a specific unit of competency. After considering all of the collected evidence, ask only the questions for units of competency where sufficient evidence has not yet been provided. Streamline the process by asking relevant questions while observing relevant tasks, when possible. Refer to the Question Bank to help you plan your conversation. Key points have been provided for assessors to prompt candidates, when necessary. They are not exhaustive or compulsory responses; they are provided as a guide. Look for information the candidate omits and ask them to elaborate, when necessary. Add relevant key points provided by the candidate. Note: where legislation, policies and procedures are mentioned, candidates must provide specific examples related to their state/territory and organisation. Only generic examples have been provided.
Use the box at the end of the key points to record details of the conversation and any contextualisation.
RPL Kit Competency Questions
Competency Question 12 CHCECE019 Facilitate compliance in an education and care service
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12. Explain how the National Quality Framework (NQF) applies to the quality improvement process in your early education and care service. Include the following: 12a) Best practice principles of the NQF 12b) Your responsibilities in relation to facilitating compliance within the service
12c) Processes for engaging stakeholders in the planning and consultation stages of quality assurance 12d) Sources of support during the process
Question 12 Key Points -‐ Tick the key points the candidate discusses 12) How the NQF applies to the quality improvement process:
Helps shape curriculum and learning programs by driving an understanding of the importance of play, relationships, collaborative decision making and diversity Sets the benchmark for quality education and care in children’s education and care services The service is assessed against the National Quality Standard and the National Regulations Areas that require improvement are identified Services are given a rating based on how they meet the elements and standards of each quality area
The Education and Care Services National Regulations provide detail on a range of operational requirements including: " Application processes for provider approval, service approval and supervisor certificates " Setting out the rating scale " The process for the rating assessment of services against the National Quality Standard " Minimum requirements relating to the operation of education and care services organised around each of the seven quality areas " Arrangements to move existing services into the new system
" " " "
12a) Best practice principles of the NQF:
" " " " " "
The rights and best interests of the child are paramount Children are successful, competent and capable learners Equity, inclusion and diversity underpin the framework Australia’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures are supported The role of parents and families is respected and supported Best practice is expected in the provision of education and care services
CHC50113 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care v. 1 January, 2015
RPL Kit Competency Questions
12b) Responsibilities in relation to facilitating compliance include:
" " "
Facilitating the development of a quality improvement plan: " Use the information gathered in the self-‐assessment process to inform the creation of the quality improvement plan " Collaborate with others to decide upon the strengths and the key improvements sought within the service " Work in collaboration with others to focus on how the key improvements sought will be reflected in the improvement plan " Record all of the required information in the plan " Plan to collaborate with others on a regular basis to review the quality improvement plan Coordinate the service for a site visit: " Inform all stakeholders that the service has been selected for assessment and rating and that the assessment and rating process has commenced " Schedule meetings with stakeholders and staff where appropriate " Check for accuracy and completion of all documentation required for examination " Ensure all staff understand what may be required of them during the assessment visit
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" " "
Upholding legislation, standards and regulations relevant to the children’s services industry (in each state) Research emerging trends in service delivery area Analysing the components of the National Quality Framework (NQF) and their relevance to the service Seeking advice from a higher authority if clarification is required on interpretation of any aspect of the Framework Confirming staff understanding of the NQF and other legislation and regulations relevant to the service Clarifying details and requirements of the assessment and rating process and sharing information with all staff in the service Facilitating an organisation self-‐assessment: " Determine ways to collect information from staff, children, families and the community to inform self-‐assessment on a regular ongoing basis " Share ideas with colleagues and involve them in the collection of information to inform the self-‐ assessment " Record the information collected during the self-‐assessment process against the standards and elements in the NQF " Ensure the self-‐assessment is available at the service to inform discussion of the assessment and rating process
12c) Processes for engaging stakeholders in the planning and consultation stages of quality assurance:
" " " "
Provide staff with information: " National Quality Framework " National Quality Standards " National Regulators (in each state) " ACECQA Keep communication open and share updates as soon as possible Document every part of the process Make communications from ACECQA available to staff Talk about the NQF at staff meetings CHC50113 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care v. 1 January, 2015
RPL Kit Competency Questions
" " " " " "
Ask for feedback, questions, concerns about the process, etc. Communicate appropriately according to social and cultural differences Address concerns in a timely and respectful manner Invite stakeholder to participate in a committee of people to focus on the Quality Improvement Plan Give staff ownership over their part of the process, and make sure they understand the expectations Hold community meetings/forums
12d) Sources of support during the process include: Government and non-‐government consultants, resources and personnel Australian Children’s Education and Care Authority (ACECQA) Regulatory Authority (in each state) Educators Families Community Other staff Network members (other services)
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" " " " " " " "
Record details of the conversation and any contextualisation:
Assessor Signature
Assessor Name
CHC50113 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care v. 1 January, 2015
Workplace Tasks CHC50113 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care
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The workplace tasks are used to gather further evidence of a candidate’s competency. Each task covers performance criteria and performance evidence from a specific unit of competency. After considering all of the collected evidence, assessors will assign only the tasks for units of competency where sufficient evidence has not yet been provided. Assessors will observe candidates completing these tasks, unless otherwise noted. Often, there are components of the task candidates must complete prior to observation. Candidates should read through all assigned tasks before beginning, as some may be completed together. Assessors can streamline the process by asking relevant questions while observing relevant tasks, when possible.
Assessors: Use the box at the end of each task to record details of adjustments and modifications.
RPL Kit Workplace Tasks
Workplace Task 12 CHCECE019 Facilitate compliance in an education and care service ! You may be asked to perform this task more than once. ! Prepare for your assessor’s visit by organising your materials and documentation ahead of time. ! Review the components of the National Quality Framework prior to commencing this task.
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Develop a quality improvement plan for your centre. You are required to: " Inform and educate staff about the National Quality Framework and self-‐assessment process " Facilitate a self-‐assessment of your organisation " Facilitate the development of a quality improvement plan " Coordinate the service for a site visit
Part A – Lead a Staff Meeting
Confirm that all staff understands the National Quality Framework, legislation and regulations relevant to the service. Clarify the details and requirements of the assessment and rating process.
Part B – Facilitate a Self-‐assessment "
Determine ways to collect information from staff, children, families and the community to inform self-‐assessment on a regular ongoing basis. Collect the information, making sure you share ideas with colleagues and involve them in the collection of information to inform the self-‐assessment. Record the information collected during the self-‐assessment process against the standards and elements in the NQF. Make the self-‐assessment available at the service to inform discussion of the assessment and rating process. Seek advice from a higher authority if clarification is required on interpretation of any aspect of the Framework
CHC50113 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care v. 1 January, 2015
RPL Kit Workplace Tasks
Part C – Quality Improvement Plan
Part D – Prepare for a Site Visit " " " "
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Using the information gathered in the self-‐assessment process, create a quality improvement plan to prepare the organisation for the assessment and rating process. " Collaborate with others to decide upon the centre’s strengths and identify key improvements to be reflected in the improvement plan. " Record all of the required information in the plan. " Plan to collaborate with others on a regular basis to review the quality improvement plan. " Document and check all of your information for accuracy and completeness. " Consult with at least one other educator or service coordinator to review the plan.
Inform all stakeholders that the service has been selected for assessment and rating and that the process has commenced. Schedule meetings with stakeholders and staff where appropriate. Check for accuracy and completion of all documentation required for examination. Ensure all staff understands what may be required of them during the assessment visit.
Record details of adjustments and modifications to workplace task.
CHC50113 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care v. 1 January, 2015
Workplace Observation CHC50113 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care
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Candidate Name
Use this tool in conjunction with the Workplace Tasks.
The workplace observation is used to gather current and consistent evidence of a candidate’s competency. Observe the candidate completing the relevant workplace tasks and determine if they are consistently performing their work to organisation and industry standards. Each task covers performance evidence and performance criteria from a specific unit of competency. One observation will occur during completion of the relevant workplace tasks. The second observation may occur during the candidate’s normal workday.
Assessors: Use the box at the end of each observation table to record details of adjustments and modifications.
RPL Kit Workplace Observation
Workplace Observation 12 CHCECE019 Facilitate compliance in an education and care service
Competency Components
Record what you observed
Date/ Date/ initial initial
Sought advice from a higher authority if clarification is required on interpretation of any aspect of the Framework
Confirmed staff understanding of the NQF and other legislation and regulations relevant to the service
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Analysed the components of the National Quality Framework (NQF) and their relevance to the service
Determined ways to collect information from staff, children, families and the community to inform self-‐ assessment on a regular ongoing basis
Shared ideas with colleagues and involved them in the collection of information to inform the self-‐assessment
Recorded the information collected during the self-‐assessment process against the standards and elements in the NQF
Ensured the self-‐assessment is available at the service to inform discussion of the assessment and rating process
Clarified details and requirements of the assessment and rating process and shared information with all staff in the service
CHC50113 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care v. 1 January, 2015
RPL Kit Workplace Observation
Competency Components Used the information gathered in the self-‐ assessment process to inform the creation of the quality improvement plan
Record what you observed
Date/ Date/ initial initial
Collaborated with others to decide upon the strengths and the key improvements sought within the service
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Recorded all of the required information in the plan
Planned to collaborate with others on a regular basis to review the quality improvement plan
Informed all stakeholders that the service has been selected for assessment and rating and that the assessment and rating process has commenced
Scheduled meetings with stakeholders and staff where appropriate
Checked for accuracy and completion of all documentation required for examination
Ensured all staff understand what may be required of them during the assessment visit
Worked in collaboration with others to focus on how the key improvements sought will be reflected in the improvement plan
CHC50113 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care v. 1 January, 2015
RPL Kit Workplace Observation
Competency Components
Record what you observed
Date/ Date/ initial initial
Checked and maintained compliance in an education and care service
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Read, analysed and applied applicable legislative and regulatory requirements, including the National Quality Standards, relevant to the service
Facilitated a self-‐assessment process in at least one education and care service
Developed at least one quality improvement plan, including: ! Documenting and checking information for accuracy and completeness ! Consulting with at least one other educator or service coordinator to review the plan
Interpreted and applied the requirements outlined in the National Quality Framework in at least one education and care service
Record how you contextualised this task:
Assessor Name
Assessor Signature
CHC50113 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care v. 1 January, 2015
CHC50113 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care
Candidate Instructions
RPL Kit Candidate Instructions
Š Blueprint Project LLC. Except as provided by the Copyright Act 1968 and as stated in the terms and conditions, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of Blueprint Project LLC.
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No patent liability is assumed with respect to the use of the information contained herein. While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this work, the authors assume no responsibility for errors or omissions. Neither is any liability assumed for damages resulting from the use of information contained herein. This work has been prepared for use as part of structured vocational education and training and should only be used within that context. The information contained herein was correct at the time of preparation.
Modification History
Version Number 1
Blueprint Project’s materials are designed to support the principles of assessment (validity, reliability, flexibility, fairness) and to guide assessors to apply the rules of assessment evidence (validity, sufficiency, currency, authenticity) for Recognition of Prior Learning.
blueprint project llc
CHC50113 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care v. 1 January, 2015
RPL Kit Candidate Instructions
RPL Overview For Candidates
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Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is the process of evaluating and acknowledging a person’s skills and knowledge to perform a particular job role related a unit of competency or a qualification. Experiences from your current or previous job, volunteer work and any relevant life experience can all be used to demonstrate to your assessor that you have the necessary skills and knowledge to be awarded recognition for a qualification.
You are beginning the process of demonstrating to your assessor why and how you should be awarded this qualification. You will be asked to: Complete a Self-Evaluation Provide detailed documentation of your competency Answer competency questions Complete specific workplace tasks Participate in workplace observations
§§ §§ §§ §§ §§
Things to keep in mind:
This process will be different for each candidate, depending on previous experience Your assessor will work with you to come up with a comprehensive RPL plan The evidence you provide must be current, valid, authentic and sufficient Detailed instruction for each part of the process is included in each document
§§ §§ §§ §§
If you have any questions about the RPL process, speak with your assessor.
For CHC50113 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care, RPL is not recommended for the following unit of competency:
HLTAID004 Provide an emergency first aid response in an education and care setting For this reason, it has not been included in this kit.
blueprint project llc
CHC50113 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care v. 1 January, 2015
RPL Kit Candidate Instructions
Candidate Tools
A detailed overview of the RPL process and what to expect
A basic form for gathering information
A summary of the learning outcomes for each unit of competency for the qualification
Unit Summaries
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The following tools are for you to use.
A Self-Evaluation of experience, skills and evidence that relate to each unit of competency in the qualification, including information from your Evidence Index
Evidence Index
A tool you use to index each piece of evidence (trainings, workshops, CV, photos, presentations, reports, certificates, awards, etc.)
Third Party Report
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A tool you give to your workplace supervisor to verify competency in your job role relating to workplace expectations and performance criteria
CHC50113 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care v. 1 January, 2015
RPL Kit Candidate Instructions
Instructions Please note: the order provided is subject to change based on your specific needs. Complete the Application and submit it to your assessor.
Carefully read through the Unit Summary. For more information about the components of competency you will be assessed against for each unit – go to: and download each unit of competency for this qualification.
Consult with your assessor and collect any documentation/evidence that supports your attempt to attain the qualification through RPL. Evidence may include: §§ Resume or CV §§ Position description §§ Recent performance appraisal §§ Training records/certificates/workshops §§ Work journals §§ Photos §§ Task/job sheets/log books §§ Examples of work documents, projects, programs, etc.
Carefully number each piece of evidence and complete the Evidence Index. Make copies of all evidence you index.
Complete the Self-Evaluation using the Unit Summary and the Evidence Index
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Submit the Self-Evaluation, Evidence Index and the original evidence documents to your assessor.
Discuss your Self-Evaluation with your assessor. Together, you will review your options to provide further evidence (questions and tasks) and design an RPL plan that ensures you have every opportunity to demonstrate your competence.
Participate in a conversation to answer specific questions designed to determine your knowledge of specific work areas where sufficient evidence has not been provided.
Complete workplace tasks to determine your skills in specific work areas where sufficient evidence has not been provided. Your assessor will provide you with the tasks and set up a time to observe you completing them.
Your assessor will discuss the outcome of your RPL with you.
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CHC50113 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care v. 1 January, 2015
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Evidence Index
CHC50113 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care
Carefully and clearly number each piece of documentation/evidence you have and add it to its respective number on this index. Include a short description of each document for your assessor.
Documents may include, but are not limited to:
Resume or CV Position descriptions Recent performance appraisal Training/workshop records or certificates Work journals Photos
! ! ! ! ! !
! ! ! ! !
Task sheets/job sheets/log books Presentations Industry awards Examples of work documents/completed projects/programs Any other documentation that may demonstrate industry experience
RPL Kit Evidence Index
Document Number
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Candidate Name
Name/Description of Document
Assessor Notes
CHC50113 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care v. 1 January, 2015
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CHC50113 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care
List the experience, skills and evidence you have that relate to each unit of competency in the qualification. Your assessor will discuss this document with you in order to create your RPL plan.
Carefully read the Unit Summary included in this kit before completing the Self-‐Evaluation.
List the daily tasks and duties you perform in your current work role that relate to each unit of competency
Work Experience
List the activities, projects, etc., you’ve participated in as part of your current or previous work that relate to each unit of competency
Evidence Index #
Put the corresponding number from the Evidence Index into the unit of competency you think the evidence relates to
Current Work Role
Based on your experiences and current work role, tick the box that most reflects your confidence level in each unit of competency
Candidate Name
Current Occupation
Current Work Role
CHCCS400C Work within a relevant legal and ethical framework
CHCECE002 Ensure the health and safety of children
I feel ___ in this area.
! Unsure ! Confident
! Unsure ! Confident
! Unsure ! Confident
CHCECE001 Develop cultural competence
Evidence Index #
Work Experience
Unit of Competency
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RPL Kit Self-‐Evaluation
CHC50113 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care v. 1 January, 2015
RPL Kit Third Party Report
Third Party Report CHC50113 Diploma of Childhood Education and Care
Candidate Name
Organisation Name
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For Workplace Supervisors
As part of the RPL process, the candidate is required to submit a report from their workplace supervisor. Please answer the following questions about the candidate’s ability to perform their work to a standard that is acceptable to your organisation.
Only tick the box if the candidate performs the work tasks to your organisation’s standards.
Does the candidate consistently meet your organisation’s performance standards for:
CHCCS400C Work within a legal and ethical framework: ! Demonstrates an understanding of legislation and common law relevant to work role ! Follows identified policies and practices ! Works ethically ! Recognises and responds when client rights and interests are not being protected
CHCECE001 Develop cultural competence: ! Reflects on own cultural identity and biases ! Identifies and develops cultural competency ! Researches Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander communities ! Supports individual cultural identities ! Creates environments to support children’s cross-‐cultural understanding and relationships ! Supports the implementation of inclusive learning experiences ! Supports children in developing confidence and strength in personal and cultural identity CHCECE002 Ensure the health and safety of children: ! Supports each child’s health needs ! Provides opportunities to meet each child’s need for sleep, rest and relaxation ! Implements effective hygiene and health practices ! Supervises children to ensure safety ! Minimises risks ! Contributes to the ongoing management of allergies ! Contributes to the ongoing management of asthma
CHC50113 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care v. 1 January, 2015