Sample Transition Mapping Cert IV Communty Services Work to CHC42015 Cert IV in Community Services

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CHC42015 Certificate IV in Community Services CHC40708 Certificate IV in Community Services Work

Transition Mapping

RPL Kit Assessor Instructions



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Transition from CHC40708 Certificate IV in Community Services Work to CHC42015 Certificate IV in Community Services v.1 October 2015, 2015 ©


RPL Kit Assessor Instructions

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Transition Mapping

Transition from:

CHC40708 Certificate IV in Community Services Work to


CHC42015 Certificate IV in Community Services

The performance criteria, performance evidence and knowledge evidence in each unit of the new qualification has been mapped to correlating Elements, PCs, PE and KE in the old qualification.



Words that are bold/italics are partial gaps within a component of competency. The component has been only partially mapped because it contains a new requirement (in bold/italics).



Essential Knowledge


Essential Skill



Transition from CHC40708 Certificate IV in Community Services Work to CHC42015 Certificate IV in Community Services v.1 October 2015, 2015 ©


RPL Kit Assessor Instructions

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Performance Criteria, Performance Evidence and Knowledge Evidence (Words that are bold/italics are partial gaps within a component of competency)

Unit Component

Equivalent Unit (if applicable)

CHCADV001 Facilitate the interests and rights of clients Discuss the rights and responsibilities of all parties with client


Provide client with researched, relevant and timely information on their rights and responsibilities


Assist clients to identify their own interests, rights, needs, choices and responsibilities


Element 2 Advocate in accordance with client preferences and requests to optimise client outcomes


Identify when rights are infringed or not being met Provide client with information on available options for meeting their rights and needs and assist them to identify their preferred option Undertake an assessment to identify client’s ability to advocate for self


Initiate, negotiate and implement relevant strategies for addressing client rights and needs in collaboration with the client


Identify potential barriers as well as resources Identify and contact the most appropriate individuals and/or organisations and represent the client to optimise outcomes for the client Ensure information is kept in confidence unless authorisation is given to release it Support and encourage clients to exercise their rights and personal preferences without compromising their safety and that of others Consult with supervisor, other support workers and the service about interests, rights and needs of clients in a way that upholds their rights and supports their reasonable expectations


2.4 2.5 3.1 3.2 3.3

Identify situations of risk or potential risk and refer appropriately


Apply work practices to minimise potential for harm to clients, self and others


Element 3 Provide ongoing support to clients


1.1 Element 1 Facilitate the realisation of client interests, rights and needs

Element 4 Support clients making a complaint Element 4


Conduct all activities in accordance with legal, organisation and duty of care requirements


Discuss organisation and legal complaints mechanism and ensure client is aware of rights and responsibilities


Assist client in lodging a complaint


Monitor process and provide ongoing support and information to client


Discuss progress and outcomes with the client and collaborate on further action as necessary Transition from CHC40708 Certificate IV in Community Services Work to CHC42015 Certificate IV in Community Services v.1 October 2015, 2015 ©

CHCCS412E 3.4

CHCCS422B 3.1, ES CHCCS400C 1.1,1.2, 1.3, 2.1, ES CHCCS400C 4.3


RPL Kit Assessor Instructions

Performance Criteria, Performance Evidence and Knowledge Evidence (Words that are bold/italics are partial gaps within a component of competency)

Unit Component


Obtain feedback and identify opportunities for improvement to own work and action as appropriate

Worked in collaboration with 1 client to identify their interests, needs and rights

(if applicable)

CHCORG405E 4.2

Advocated on behalf of 1 client to achieve a specific outcome

Supported 1 client throughout an organisational or legal complaints process

Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Relationship between human needs and human rights

Human rights frameworks, approaches, instruments Legal and ethical considerations (international, national, state/territory, local) related to facilitation of client rights and interests and how these impact individual workers:


Duty of care

§ § § § §

Human rights


Organisation and legal complaints processes


Rights and responsibilities of clients, workers and organisations


Mandatory reporting




Privacy, confidentiality and disclosure


Informed consent


Common risks to client safety and wellbeing Relevance of child protection across all health and community services contexts, including duty of care when child is not the client, indicators of risk and adult disclosure Actions that constitute discrimination and techniques for addressing it


Knowledge Evidence (Essential Knowledge)

Ensure follow up and links to other services as required and in accordance with client preferences

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Performance Evidence (Essential Skills)



Review progress

Equivalent Unit


Types of community resources, networks and referral options relevant to the nature of client service

Potential conflict between client needs and organisation requirements

Differences between negotiation, advocacy, mediation

Transition from CHC40708 Certificate IV in Community Services Work to CHC42015 Certificate IV in Community Services v.1 October 2015, 2015 ©


RPL Kit Assessor Instructions

Performance Criteria, Performance Evidence and Knowledge Evidence (Words that are bold/italics are partial gaps within a component of competency)

Unit Component

(if applicable)

Negotiation, advocacy, mediation techniques for the facilitation of client rights

Empowerment and disempowerment Skills must have been demonstrated in the workplace or in a simulated environment that reflects workplace conditions. Where simulation is used, it must reflect real working conditions by modelling industry operating conditions and contingencies, as well as, using suitable facilities, equipment and resources. Assessors must satisfy the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015/AQTF mandatory competency requirements for assessors.

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Assessment Conditions

Equivalent Unit

CHCCCS004 Assess co-­‐existing needs 1.2

Gather existing information about the person

Element 3 Determine appropriate services

CHCCS422B 2.2, 4.5 CHCCS422B 2.3 CHCCS422B 1.3 CHCCS412E 3.4


Seek additional information from specialists and other sources as required to determine the range of issues that may be affecting the person Organise practical aspects of assessment in consultation with the person being assessed


Provide information about the assessment process to the person and obtain consent


Work within scope of own role and seek assistance from colleagues and experts as required


Empower the person to identify and prioritise their own needs


Evaluate needs based on full range of relevant information


Identify and analyse complex, multiple and interrelated issues


Evaluate issues of urgency and eligibility


Assess potential risk factors for service delivery


Consider service delivery and referral options from strengths-­‐based perspective


Evaluate internal capability and other service networks to determine best fit for the person


Provide the person with service information and support their decision making process


Encourage the person to advocate on their own behalf to access services



Element 2 Analyse the person’s needs using a collaborative approach

Identify and prepare assessment tools and processes according to organisation policy and procedures


Element 1 Prepare for assessment


Transition from CHC40708 Certificate IV in Community Services Work to CHC42015 Certificate IV in Community Services v.1 October 2015, 2015 ©

CHCCS422B 3.4 CHCCS422B 3.6


RPL Kit Assessor Instructions

Performance Criteria, Performance Evidence and Knowledge Evidence (Words that are bold/italics are partial gaps within a component of competency)

Unit Component


Maintain and store the person’s information according to confidentiality requirements


Provide the person’s information to other services according to consent and confidentiality requirements


Seek feedback about assessment processes from the person and other networks


Monitor processes and their outcomes in terms of success in meeting the person’s needs


Routinely seek feedback and reflect on own performance


Use feedback and own evaluation as a basis for improving processes

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Element 5 Evaluate assessment and referral processes

Document the outcomes of the assessment process according to organisation procedures


Element 4 Complete reporting


Assessed and appropriately responded to the requirements of at least 3 people presenting with co-­‐existing needs

Knowledge Evidence (Essential Knowledge)

(if applicable)

CHCCS412E 2.4 CHCCS422B 5.2 CHCCS412E 2.5 CHCCS422B 5.1 CHCCS411C 7.1, 7.2, 7.3 CHCORG405E 4.1 CHCCS411C 6.1, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3

Used analytical and critical thinking skills in each case:

§ § §

Applying a strengths-­‐based approach to assessment

Analysing information about co-­‐existing issues

Making evidence-­‐based judgements about the person’s needs

Different types of assessment and their use in different contexts

Assessment process:

§ § § § §

Roles and responsibilities of different people

Impact of the setting on the process

Roles and types of assessment tools

Ways of collecting information

Validity and reliability requirements


Performance Evidence (Essential Skills)

Equivalent Unit

Transition from CHC40708 Certificate IV in Community Services Work to CHC42015 Certificate IV in Community Services v.1 October 2015, 2015 ©


RPL Kit Assessor Instructions

Equivalent Unit

Reporting requirements and formats Nature and impact of diverse and multi-­‐faceted needs and issues affecting client groups, and potential interrelationships between them, including: § Mental health


Alcohol and other drugs Imprisonment Child protection Family violence Homelessness Poverty Health Age Disability


§ § § § § § § § § § § §

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Performance Criteria, Performance Evidence and Knowledge Evidence (Words that are bold/italics are partial gaps within a component of competency)

Unit Component

Behaviours of concern Employment

Culture and religion

(if applicable)


§ § § § § § §



Physical and mental health





Common service requirements and basic features of those services including:

Community support

Social inclusion

Education and training

Financial support

Networks and specialist services available

Legal and ethical considerations relating to assessment processes, including:

Transition from CHC40708 Certificate IV in Community Services Work to CHC42015 Certificate IV in Community Services v.1 October 2015, 2015 ©


RPL Kit Assessor Instructions

Performance Criteria, Performance Evidence and Knowledge Evidence (Words that are bold/italics are partial gaps within a component of competency)

Unit Component

(if applicable)

Privacy, confidentiality and disclosure

Duty of care

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§ § §

Equivalent Unit

Informed consent Skills must have been demonstrated in the workplace or in a simulated environment that reflects workplace conditions. The following conditions must be met for this unit, including:

§ § § Assessment Conditions §

Organisation policies and procedures Use of peoples information on which to base assessment Individualised plans and any relevant equipment outlined in the plan Assessment tools and processes Modelling typical workplace conditions and contingencies, including:

§ §


Interactions with people with a range of needs Typical workplace reporting processes Assessors must satisfy the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015/AQTF mandatory competency requirements for assessors.

CHCCOM002 Use communication to build relationships

Identify and use appropriate communication techniques to communicate with clients and colleagues


Communicate in a manner that demonstrates respect, accepts individual differences and upholds rights


Represent the organisation appropriately and in accordance with communication policies and protocols


Element 1 Communicate with clients and co-­‐workers


Element 2 Address communication needs


Provide information to clients and service providers in accordance with communication policies and protocols


Recognise and support communication needs of clients, colleagues and external networks


Facilitate access to interpreter and translation services as required


Identify and address problems and communication barriers

Transition from CHC40708 Certificate IV in Community Services Work to CHC42015 Certificate IV in Community Services v.1 October 2015, 2015 ©

CHCCOM403A 1.1 CHCCOM403A 1.4 CHCCOM403A 1.8 CHCCOM403A 2.2 CHCCOM403A 3.2, 5.1


RPL Kit Assessor Instructions

Performance Criteria, Performance Evidence and Knowledge Evidence (Words that are bold/italics are partial gaps within a component of competency)

Unit Component

Defuse conflict or potentially difficult situations with clients and colleagues and refer in accordance with organisational requirements


Seek and respond to feedback on the effectiveness of communication with clients, colleagues and external networks


Develop an agenda and list of invited participants in consultation with appropriate people Communicate details of the meeting to the participants and other stakeholders in accordance with organisation communication protocols

3.2 3.3

Contribute to and follow objectives and agendas for meeting


Provide opportunities to fully explore all relevant issues and provide relevant information

CHCCOM403A 4.3 CHCCOM403A 4.1 CHCCOM403A 4.2 CHCCOM403A 3.6


Minute or record meeting in accordance with organisation requirements


Evaluate meeting processes and identify lessons learned or opportunities for improvement

Obtained feedback from 3 clients or colleagues on effectiveness of communication and responded appropriately

Prepared 3 types of written correspondence in accordance with organisation communication protocols

Facilitated resolution of 1 difficult situation with a client, colleague or service provider

Facilitated 1 meeting around a workplace issue


Organisation communication policies and protocols

Knowledge Evidence (Essential Knowledge)

CHCCOM403A 1.5, 3.5 CHCCOM403A 2.1, ES



Performance Evidence (Essential Skills)

(if applicable)

Use strategies that encourage all members to participate equally, including seeking and acknowledging contributions from all members Implement strategies to ensure the specific communication needs of individuals within the meeting are identified and addressed Facilitate the resolution of conflict between participants



Element 3 Facilitate meetings

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Equivalent Unit

Different communication styles and techniques, and how they impact on interpersonal communication, including:


§ § § § §


Strategies for effective interpersonal communication Person centred and rights based approaches

Cross-­‐cultural communication protocols

Non-­‐verbal communication cues


Group processes and dynamics


Transition from CHC40708 Certificate IV in Community Services Work to CHC42015 Certificate IV in Community Services v.1 October 2015, 2015 ©


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