CHCPRP003 Reflect on and improve own professional practice
Assessment Kit RPL Kit
Assessment Assessor Version
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Modification History Version
This resource has been developed in consultation with industry experts.
No patent liability is assumed with respect to the use of the information contained herein. While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this work, the authors assume no responsibility for errors or omissions. Neither is any liability assumed for damages resulting from the use of information contained herein. This work has been prepared for use as part of structured vocational education and training and should only be used within that context. The information contained herein was correct at the time of preparation.
© Blueprint Project LLC. Except as provided by the Copyright Act 1968, this publication may only be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means as per the terms and conditions of purchase.
CHCPRP003 Reflect on and improve own professional practice v.1 October, 2015 ©
Assessment Assessor Version
Assessment Overview .................................................................................................................................. 4 Assessment Questions ................................................................................................................................. 6
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Workplace Tasks ........................................................................................................................................ 11
CHCPRP003 Reflect on and improve own professional practice v.1 October, 2015 ©
Assessment Assessor Version
Assessment Overview
Learning Outcomes
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This resource outlines the assessment requirements to determine competency for CHCPRP003 Reflect on and improve own professional practice from the Community Services Training Package. This unit describes the knowledge and skills required to evaluate and enhance own practice through a process of reflection and ongoing professional development. To demonstrate competency for this unit students must be able to provide evidence that they meet the required industry standards. 1. Reflect on own practice 2. Enhance own practice 3. Facilitate ongoing professional development
Marking Criteria
Use the following criteria to ensure students have the required skills and knowledge: § Legal and ethical considerations for reviewing and improving own practice, including: – Codes of practice – Duty of care – Rights and responsibilities of workers and employers – Work role boundaries – responsibilities and limitations § Models and processes of professional reflection § Professional development opportunities, including: – Industry networking – Professional associations – Training requirements and options – Informal and formal ways of learning and developing § Principles and techniques for: – Creating a personal development plan – Personal goal setting – Setting realistic timeframes – Measuring progress and performance § Types of work methods and practices which can improve performance § Learning styles and how they relate to different individuals § Undertake a structured process to reflect on and improve own practice and created 1 personal development plan that includes: – Goals – Timeframes – Ways of measuring progress CHCPRP003 Reflect on and improve own professional practice v.1 October, 2015 ©
Assessment Assessor Version
Assessment Conditions: §
Skills must have been demonstrated in the workplace or in a simulated environment that reflects workplace conditions. Where simulation is used, it must reflect real working conditions by modelling industry operating conditions and contingencies, as well as, using suitable facilities, equipment and resources. Assessors must satisfy the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015/AQTF mandatory competency requirements for assessors.
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Students must read all instructions carefully prior to starting this assessment, and discuss their requirements for reasonable adjustments with the assessor.
Assessment Questions
Workplace Tasks
§ § § §
Answer all of the questions to the best of your ability. Your assessor will tell you if more information is required. Answer the questions in the space provided or attach additional pages. Discuss the best method for submitting your work with your assessor.
Complete your organisation’s self-‐evaluation/performance appraisal and seek feedback from your supervisor and peers. Write a summary (500 word minimum) of information you collected. Create and implement a personal and professional development plan based on the self-‐evaluation and feedback. Write a 500-‐word (minimum) reflection about the self-‐evaluation, feedback and your personal and professional improvement plan. Talk with your assessor about specific arrangements for these tasks.
§ §
§ §
Workplace Observation
Your assessor will observe you at least twice fulfilling your duties within the context of your work role. One of the observations may take place during the Workplace Tasks. A list of essential skills and performance criteria that your assessor will be looking for is provided.
Students are required to submit all assessment tasks and any additional work to the assessor. Ensure students retain a copy of all documents for their records.
CHCPRP003 Reflect on and improve own professional practice v.1 October, 2015 ©
Assessment Assessor Version
Assessment Questions Students are required to answer the following questions to demonstrate their knowledge of evaluating and enhancing own practice through a process of reflection and ongoing professional development.
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Assessors must record any reasonable adjustments and modifications made to the questions.
1. List the legal and ethical considerations for reviewing and improving own practice.
Legal: § Uphold duty of care to clients, the organisation and self § Work within and maintain work role boundaries § Acknowledge and address work role limitations § Seek supervision for areas and situations outside scope of practice § Apply organisation policies and procedures for the following: – Access and equity – Workplace bullying – Client rights and responsibilities – Staff rights and responsibilities – Mandatory reporting – Client-‐centred care – Employment contracts/terms of employment – Sexual harassment – Client contact guidelines Ethical: § Take steps to maintain and develop competence throughout their professional lives § Respect the essential humanity, worth and dignity of all people and promote this value in their work § Recognise and respect diversity among people and oppose discrimination and oppressive behaviour § Respect the privacy of clients and preserve the confidentiality of information acquired § Recognise and address the effect of values, beliefs and behaviour in work with clients § Protect the rights of their clients, including the right to informed consent § Abide by the laws of the society in which they practice § Uphold codes of practice and standards: – Australian Community Workers Association – Code of Ethics – Australian Association of Social Workers – Code of Ethics – Human Services Quality Framework
CHCPRP003 Reflect on and improve own professional practice v.1 October, 2015 ©
Assessment Assessor Version
Set SMART Goals: – Be specific – Set priorities – Write goals down – Keep operational goals small – Set performance goals, not outcome goals – Be realistic
Manage time: – Identify how you spend time during the day – Keep up to date with regular tasks – Minimise distractions – Prioritise Manage personal behaviours – Stress – Compassion fatigue – Physical health – Work/life balance Seek specialist supervision and advice/further training Appraise current industry developments and apply to improve practice Evaluate current and future needs and take action to stay abreast of evolving trends Develop and maintain awareness of own needs and areas of vulnerability in counselling work and use appropriate means of self-‐protection
§ § §
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4. List the different types of learning styles and provide an example of how each one relates to an individual.
Learning styles are the different ways people approach learning. People can be a combination of styles: § Visual (spatial) -‐ you prefer using pictures, images, and spatial understanding § Auditory (musical) -‐ you prefer using sound and music § Physical (kinaesthetic) -‐ you prefer using your body, hands and sense of touch § Verbal (linguistic) -‐ you prefer using words, both in speech and writing § Logical (mathematical) -‐ you prefer using logic, reasoning and systems § Social (interpersonal) -‐ you prefer to learn in groups or with other people § Solitary (intrapersonal) -‐ you prefer to work alone and use self-‐study
CHCPRP003 Reflect on and improve own professional practice v.1 October, 2015 ©
Assessment Assessor Version
5. What types of personal development opportunities and options are available to you? Regular trainings to update your knowledge and skills Performance appraisals Regular professional supervision Off-‐site counselling services Specific professional development sessions Mentor/mentoree relationships Peer relationships Industry networking Professional associations Training and workshops Thorough evaluations and feedback Team coaching Conferences
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§ § § § § § § § § § § § §
6. Describe three models and processes for personal reflection.
'REFLECT' model (Lawrence Wilkes, 2014) 1. Remember – Look back, review, ensure intense experiences are reviewed 'cold' 2. Experience – What happened? What was important? 3. Focus – Who, what, where, etc., roles, responsibilities, etc. 4. Learn – Question: why, reasons, perspectives, feelings? 5. Evaluate – Causes, outcomes, strengths, weaknesses, feelings 6. Consider – Assess options, need/possibilities for change? Development needs? 'What if?' scenarios? 7. Trial – Integrate new ideas, experiment, take action, make change (Repeat cycle) Framework for Reflexive Practice (Rolfe, 2001) 1. What? -‐ What happened? 2. So what? -‐ What does it mean? 3. Now what? -‐ What needs to happen next? Model for Structured Reflection (Johns, 2000) § Looking in – Find a space to focus on self – Pay attention to your thoughts and emotions – Write down those thoughts and emotions that seem significant in realising desirable work. § Looking out – Write a description of the situation surrounding your thoughts and feelings. – What issues seem significant? – Aesthetics § What was I trying to achieve? § Why did I respond as I did? CHCPRP003 Reflect on and improve own professional practice v.1 October, 2015 ©
Assessment Assessor Version
Workplace Tasks Reflect on and improve professional practice
1. Complete your organisation’s self-‐evaluation/performance appraisal and seek feedback from your supervisor and peers. Write a summary (500 word minimum) of information you collected. Include the following:
Recognise and address the effect of values, beliefs and behaviour in work with clients Share two-‐way, open and evaluative feedback with co-‐workers or peers Actively seek and reflect on feedback from clients, organisations or other relevant sources Access and review information on current and emerging industry trends Assess and confirm own practice against ethical and legal requirements and opportunities
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§ § § § §
Students may adjust or add areas to the organisation’s self-‐evaluation in order to meet these requirements.
2. Create and implement a personal and professional development plan based on the self-‐evaluation and feedback.
During development and implementation, you are expected to: § Determine improvements to professional practice § Establish realistic goals, targets and timeframes for self-‐development § Outline how you will measure your progress § Identify a range of support networks both internal and external to the organisation § Seek specialist advice or further training § Outline how you will keep abreast of industry developments to improve practice § Identify and engage with opportunities to extend and expand own expertise
3. Write a 500-‐word (minimum) reflection about the self-‐evaluation, feedback and your personal and professional improvement plan. Answers to the following questions must be included in the reflection: § What is the effect of values, beliefs and behaviour in your practice? § How do you recognise your requirements for self-‐care and identify the need for additional support? § Do you accept feedback non-‐defensively? How could you improve? § How effective is your self-‐evaluation and professional development plan? § How do you address work role boundaries and limitations? Assessors must record any reasonable adjustments and modifications made to the tasks. CHCPRP003 Reflect on and improve own professional practice v.1 October, 2015 ©
Workplace Observation CHCPRP003 Reflect on and improve own professional practice
Student Name
Student Contact
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Record specific examples of what you observe the student doing in their work role that demonstrates an acceptable standard of performance for each component of competency. Observation must take place on at least two [2] occasions.
Components of Competency
1st date & initial
Undertake a structured process to reflect on and improve own practice and created 1 personal development plan that includes: § Goals § Timeframes § Ways of measuring progress
2nd date & initial
Reflect on and recognise the effect of values, beliefs and behaviour in practice
Share two-‐way, open and evaluative feedback with co-‐workers or peers
Actively seek and reflect on feedback from clients, organisations or other relevant sources
Undertake self-‐evaluation in conjunction with supervisors and/or peers
Marking Guide CHCPRP003 Reflect on and improve own professional practice
Student Name
Student Contact
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Indicate if the student satisfactorily performed the tasks for each component of competency to acceptable industry standards. Provide comments to support your decision.
Assessment Questions
Criteria for Competence
Models and processes of professional reflection
Professional development opportunities, including: § Industry networking § Professional associations § Training requirements and options § Informal and formal ways of learning and developing
Legal and ethical considerations for reviewing and improving own practice, including: § Codes of practice § Duty of care § Rights and responsibilities of workers and employers § Work role boundaries – responsibilities and limitations
Marking Guide
Assessment Questions
Principles and techniques for: § Creating a personal development plan § Personal goal setting § Setting realistic timeframes § Measuring progress and performance Types of work methods and practices which can improve performance
Learning styles and how they relate to different individuals
Workplace Task / Workplace Observation Satisfactory
Criteria for Competence
Undertake a structured process to reflect on and improve own practice and created 1 personal development plan that includes: § Goals § Timeframes § Ways of measuring progress
Undertake self-‐evaluation in conjunction with supervisors and/or peers
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Criteria for Competence
CHCPRP003 Reflect on and improve own professional practice v.1 October, 2015 ©
Marking Guide
Workplace Task / Workplace Observation Satisfactory
Criteria for Competence
Assess and confirm own practice against ethical and legal requirements and opportunities
Identify and engage with opportunities to extend and expand own expertise
q Competent
q Not yet competent
Regularly participate in review processes as a commitment to upgrading skills and knowledge
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Access and review information on current and emerging industry developments and use these to improve practice
Feedback/Record of discussion with student
Actions for further assessment if necessary
CHCPRP003 Reflect on and improve own professional practice v.1 October, 2015 ©
Competency Mapping
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Competency Mapping CHCPRP003 Reflect on and improve own professional practice
Assessment Method
Unit Component
Element 2 Enhance own practice
Workplace Observation ✓
✓ ✓
Reflect on and recognise the effect of values, beliefs and behaviour in practice
1, 3
Share two-‐way, open and evaluative feedback with co-‐workers or peers
Actively seek and reflect on feedback from clients, organisations or other relevant sources
Determine improvements needed based on own evaluation and feedback from others
Identify potential support networks both internal and external to the organisation
Seek specialist advice or further training where need is identified
Recognise requirements for self-‐care and identify requirements for additional support Devise, document and implement a self development plan that sets realistic goals and targets Access and review information on current and emerging industry developments and use these to improve practice Assess and confirm own practice against ethical and legal requirements and opportunities
✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1, 2
Identify and engage with opportunities to extend and expand own expertise Regularly participate in review processes as a commitment to upgrading skills and 3.4 knowledge Undertaken a structured process to reflect on and improve own practice and created 1 personal development plan that includes: § Goals
✓ ✓
1, 2, 3
§ §
Ways of measuring progress
✓ ✓ ✓
3.1 3.2 3.3
Performance Evidence (Essential Skills)
Workplace Task 1
Undertake self-‐evaluation in conjunction with supervisors and/or peers
2.5 Element 3 Facilitate ongoing professional development
Assessment Questions
Element 1 Reflect on own practice
Performance Criteria, Performance Evidence and Knowledge Evidence
CHCPRP003 Reflect on and improve own professional practice v.1 October, 2015 ©
Competency Mapping
Assessment Method Unit Component
Performance Criteria, Performance Evidence and Knowledge Evidence
Assessment Questions 1
Workplace Task
Workplace Observation
Rights and responsibilities of workers and employers
Work role boundaries – responsibilities and limitations
Models and processes of professional reflection
Professional development opportunities, including:
§ § § §
Creating a personal development plan
Personal goal setting
Setting realistic timeframes
Measuring progress and performance
Types of work methods and practices which can improve performance
Learning styles and how they relate to different individuals Skills must have been demonstrated in the workplace or in a simulated environment that reflects workplace conditions. Where simulation is used, it must reflect real working conditions by modelling industry operating conditions and contingencies, as well as, using suitable facilities, equipment and resources. Assessors must satisfy the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015/AQTF mandatory competency requirements for assessors.
§ § § §
Knowledge Evidence (Essential Knowledge)
Codes of practice Duty of care
Industry networking Professional associations Training requirements and options
Informal and formal ways of learning and developing
Assessment Conditions
Principles and techniques for:
§ § § §
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Legal and ethical considerations for reviewing and improving own practice, including:
CHCPRP003 Reflect on and improve own professional practice v.1 October, 2015 ©
Assessors must observe these requirements when conducting the assessment. This is an RTO compliance responsibility.
RPL Assessor Kit
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CHCPRP003 Reflect on and improve own professional practice
Assessor Kit
CHCPRP003 Reflect on and improve own professional practice v.1 October, 2015 ©
RPL Assessor Kit
Assessor Tools ...................................................................................................................................... 5
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Candidate Tools .................................................................................................................................... 6 Instructions ........................................................................................................................................... 7 Competency Mapping .......................................................................................................................... 9
Record of Evidence ............................................................................................................................. 11 Competency Questions ...................................................................................................................... 14 Workplace Tasks ................................................................................................................................. 20
Workplace Observation ...................................................................................................................... 23 Record of Outcome ............................................................................................................................ 27
CHCPRP003 Reflect on and improve own professional practice v.1 October, 2015 ©
RPL Assessor Kit
Assessor Tools
The following tools are for the Assessor to use.
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An overview of the RPL process, a list of what is included in this kit and detailed instructions on how to use this kit
A detailed map indicating where each component of competency is included in this kit
Competency Mapping
A tool for recording each piece of evidence (documentation, questions, tasks, observations) to the unit of competency
Record of Evidence
Competency Questions
Questions an assessor may ask a candidate in order to gather and document evidence of a candidate’s knowledge and experience relating to the unit of competency
Tasks an assessor may ask a candidate to complete in order to gather evidence of a candidate’s skills and experience relating to the unit of competency (use in conjunction with Workplace Observation)
Workplace Tasks
Record of Outcome
A document used to notify a candidate of their RPL outcome and any additional steps required to achieve recognition for the unit of competency
Sa Workplace Observation
A tool used in conjunction with the Workplace Tasks to document evidence of a candidate’s skills through observation of the Workplace Tasks and other observations
CHCPRP003 Reflect on and improve own professional practice v.1 October, 2015 ©
RPL Assessor Kit
Candidate Tools
The following tools are for you to use. A detailed overview of the RPL process and what to expect
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A basic form for gathering information
Unit Summaries
A summary of the learning outcomes for the unit of competency
A tool you use to index each piece of evidence (trainings, workshops, CV, photos, presentations, reports, certificates, awards, etc.)
Evidence Index
A Self-‐Evaluation of experience, skills and evidence that relate to the unit of competency, including information from your Evidence Index
A tool you give to your workplace supervisor to verify competency in your job role relating to workplace expectations and performance criteria
Third Party Report
CHCPRP003 Reflect on and improve own professional practice v.1 October, 2015 ©
RPL Assessor Kit
Instructions There are many ways to initiate the RPL process. The following instructions are an example of how assessors could use the tools included in this kit. Every candidate, assessor and organisation has different needs. The tools have been created to allow for flexibility and customisation.
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Documents Needed Candidate Tools:
Give the Candidate Kit to the candidate for completion.
Review the Competency Mapping prior to starting the RPL process with candidate.
Answer any questions the candidate may have about how to use and complete the candidate tools.
Candidate Instructions Application Unit Summaries Evidence Index Self-‐Evaluation Third Party Report Competency Mapping
Candidate Tools
Evidence Index Self-‐Evaluation Record of Evidence
Interview the candidate: § Ask the candidate to elaborate on any work/life experiences they have recorded that relates to the unit of competency and their job role § Look for information the candidate may not think is important or may have omitted § Decide what documentary evidence you think they can further provide to support their claim of recognition
Evidence Index Self-‐Evaluation Record of Evidence
After the candidate completes the Evidence Index and the Self-‐Evaluation, review them and begin to use the Record of Evidence, filling in the relevant evidence provided by the candidate.
CHCPRP003 Reflect on and improve own professional practice v.1 October, 2015 ©
RPL Assessor Kit
Instructions Continue to use the Record of Evidence as a tool to determine which questions to ask and tasks to assign. Create an RPL plan, deciding what tools (or part thereof) you plan to use to complete the RPL process: Competency Questions Workplace Tasks/Workplace Observation Third Party Report
Record of Evidence Competency Questions Workplace Tasks Third Party Report
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§ § §
Documents Needed
Competency Questions
Provide the necessary Workplace Tasks to the candidate: § Combine relevant questions and tasks, when possible § Combine tasks for streamlined assessment, when possible § Contextualise tasks to the candidate’s specific area of work, population, demographic, etc.
Workplace Tasks
Observe the candidate performing the workplace tasks: § Use the Workplace Observation to record the candidate’s performance § Observe the candidate on a 2nd occasion carrying out their duties in their workplace § Record and date your observations
Workplace Observation
Conduct a competency conversation with the candidate, using the necessary questions: § Combine relevant questions and workplace tasks, when possible § Contextualise the questions to the candidate’s specific area of work, population, demographic, etc.
Collect the Third Party Report and verify the information provided is correct and accurate.
Third Party Report
Complete the Record of Evidence.
Record of Evidence
Inform candidate of your determination. Provide any additional steps required to achieve recognition for the unit of competency, if necessary.
Record of Outcome
CHCPRP003 Reflect on and improve own professional practice v.1 October, 2015 ©
RPL Assessor Kit
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Record of Evidence
CHCPRP003 Reflect on and improve own professional practice
This is a record for you demonstrate exactly how and why you determined the candidate achieved recognition for this unit of competency.
Use this tool to record each piece of evidence (documentation, questions, tasks) against the components in the unit of competency (Elements, Performance Evidence and Knowledge Evidence) to ensure you are comprehensively evaluating the evidence. Use the Competency Mapping tool for a more detailed look at the components of competency. After reviewing the documentation provided by the candidate, write down any relevant document number provided in the Evidence Index. Write down the competency question, workplace task and workplace observation number you used to assess the candidate. Include any notes necessary to explain your determination. You may also use this tool to create an RPL plan for the candidate. Candidate Name
Candidate Contact
CHCPRP003 Reflect on and improve own professional practice v.1 October, 2015 ©
RPL Assessor Kit
Evidence Index #
Unit Components
Question #
Workplace Observation Task # #
Enhance own practice
Facilitate ongoing professional development
Knowledge Evidence
Performance Evidence
Reflect on own practice
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CHCPRP003 Reflect on and improve own professional practice
CHCPRP003 Reflect on and improve own professional practice v.1 October, 2015 ©
RPL Assessor Kit
Competency Questions CHCPRP003 Reflect on and improve own professional practice 1. List the legal and ethical considerations for reviewing and improving own practice. 2. Explain the types of work methods and practices that can improve personal performance. 3. Explain the principles and techniques of establishing a personal development plan.
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4. List the different types of learning styles and provide an example of how each one relates to an individual. 5. What types of personal development opportunities and options are available to you? 6. Describe three models and processes for personal reflection.
Key Points -‐ Tick the key points the candidate discusses
1. List the legal and ethical considerations for reviewing and improving own practice. Legal:
Uphold duty of care to clients, the organisation and self
q q q q q
Work within and maintain work role boundaries Acknowledge and address work role limitations
Seek supervision for areas and situations outside scope of practice Apply organisation policies and procedures for the following: Access and equity
Workplace bullying
Client rights and responsibilities
q q q q q q q q q
Staff rights and responsibilities Mandatory reporting Client-‐centred care
Employment contracts/terms of employment Sexual harassment
Client contact guidelines
q q q q q
Take steps to maintain and develop competence throughout their professional lives Respect the essential humanity, worth and dignity of all people and promote this value in their work Recognise and respect diversity among people and oppose discrimination and oppressive behaviour Respect the privacy of clients and preserve the confidentiality of information acquired Recognise and address the effect of values, beliefs and behaviour in work with clients CHCPRP003 Reflect on and improve own professional practice v.1 October, 2015 ©
RPL Assessor Kit
5. What types of personal development opportunities and options are available to you? Regular trainings to update your knowledge and skills Performance appraisals Regular professional supervision Off-‐site counselling services Specific professional development sessions Mentor/mentoree relationships Peer relationships Industry networking Professional associations Training and workshops
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q q q q q q q q q q q q q
Thorough evaluations and feedback Team coaching Conferences
6. Describe three models and processes for personal reflection. 'REFLECT' model (Lawrence Wilkes, 2014)
q q q q q q q q
Remember – Look back, review, ensure intense experiences are reviewed 'cold' Experience – What happened? What was important?
Focus – Who, what, where, etc., roles, responsibilities, etc. Learn – Question: why, reasons, perspectives, feelings?
Evaluate – Causes, outcomes, strengths, weaknesses, feelings Consider – Assess options, need/possibilities for change? Development needs? 'What if?' scenarios? Trial – Integrate new ideas, experiment, take action, make change (Repeat cycle)
Framework for Reflexive Practice (Rolfe, 2001) 1. What? -‐ What happened?
2. So what? -‐ What does it mean?
q q q
3. Now what? -‐ What needs to happen next?
Model for Structured Reflection (Johns, 2000)
Looking in
q q q
Pay attention to your thoughts and emotions Write down those thoughts and emotions that seem significant in realising desirable work.
Looking out
q q q
Find a space to focus on self
Write a description of the situation surrounding your thoughts and feelings. What issues seem significant? Aesthetics
What was I trying to achieve? CHCPRP003 Reflect on and improve own professional practice v.1 October, 2015 ©
RPL Assessor Kit
Why did I respond as I did? What were the consequences of that for the patient/others/myself? How were others feeling? How did I know this? Why did I feel the way I did within this situation? Did I act for the best? What factors were influencing me? What knowledge did or could have informed me? Does this situation connect with previous experiences? How could I handle this situation better? What would be the consequences of alternative actions for the patient/others/myself?
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q q q q q q q q q q q q q q
How do I now feel about this experience?
Can I support myself and others better as a consequence?
How available am I to work with clients/families and staff to help them meet their needs?
Reflective Cycle Model (Gibbs, 1988)
The process is essentially a cycle or loop, containing the following elements:
q q q q q q
1. Description -‐ What happened?
2. Feelings -‐ What were you thinking and feeling?
3. Evaluation -‐ What was good and bad about the experience? 4. Analysis -‐ What sense can you make of the situation?
q q
5. Conclusion -‐ What else could you have done?
6. Action Plan -‐ If it arose again what would you do? (back to 1 ‘Description’)
Record details of the conversation and any contextualisation:
Assessor Name
Assessor Signature
CHCPRP003 Reflect on and improve own professional practice v.1 October, 2015 ©
RPL Assessor Kit
Workplace Tasks CHCPRP003 Reflect on and improve own professional practice v Prepare for your assessor’s visit by organising your materials and documentation ahead of time.
Include the following: § § § § §
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1. Complete your organisation’s self-‐evaluation/performance appraisal and seek feedback from your supervisor and peers. Write a summary (500 word minimum) of information you collected.
Recognise and address the effect of values, beliefs and behaviour in work with clients Share two-‐way, open and evaluative feedback with co-‐workers or peers Actively seek and reflect on feedback from clients, organisations or other relevant sources Access and review information on current and emerging industry trends Assess and confirm own practice against ethical and legal requirements and opportunities
Students may adjust or add areas to the organisation’s self-‐evaluation in order to meet these requirements.
2. Create and implement a personal and professional development plan based on the self-‐evaluation and feedback.
During development and implementation, you are expected to: § Determine improvements to professional practice § Establish realistic goals, targets and timeframes for self-‐development § Outline how you will measure your progress § Identify a range of support networks both internal and external to the organisation § Seek specialist advice or further training § Outline how you will keep abreast of industry developments to improve practice § Identify and engage with opportunities to extend and expand own expertise
3. Write a 500-‐word (minimum) reflection about the self-‐evaluation, feedback and your personal and professional improvement plan. Answers to the following questions must be included in the reflection: § What is the effect of values, beliefs and behaviour in your practice? § How do you recognise your requirements for self-‐care and identify the need for additional support? § Do you accept feedback non-‐defensively? How could you improve? § How effective is your self-‐evaluation and professional development plan? § How do you address work role boundaries and limitations? CHCPRP003 Reflect on and improve own professional practice v.1 October, 2015 ©
RPL Assessor Kit
Workplace Observation CHCPRP003 Reflect on and improve own professional practice 1st date & initial
Undertake a structured process to reflect on and improve own practice and created 1 personal development plan that includes: § Goals § Timeframes § Ways of measuring progress
2nd date & initial
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Components of Competency
Reflect on and recognise the effect of values, beliefs and behaviour in practice
Share two-‐way, open and evaluative feedback with co-‐workers or peers
Actively seek and reflect on feedback from clients, organisations or other relevant sources
Determine improvements needed based on own evaluation and feedback from others
Identify potential support networks both internal and external to the organisation
Undertake self-‐evaluation in conjunction with supervisors and/or peers
CHCPRP003 Reflect on and improve own professional practice v.1 October, 2015 ©
RPL Candidate Kit
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CHCPRP003 Reflect on and improve own professional practice
Candidate Kit
CHCPRP003 Reflect on and improve own professional practice v.1 October, 2015 ©
RPL Candidate Kit
Candidate Tools .................................................................................................................................... 5
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Instructions ........................................................................................................................................... 6 RPL Application ..................................................................................................................................... 7
Unit Summary ....................................................................................................................................... 8
Evidence Index ...................................................................................................................................... 9 Self-‐Evaluation .................................................................................................................................... 13 Third Party Report .............................................................................................................................. 18
CHCPRP003 Reflect on and improve own professional practice v.1 October, 2015 ©
RPL Candidate Kit
RPL Overview For Candidates
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Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is the process of evaluating and acknowledging a person’s skills and knowledge to perform a particular job role related a unit of competency or a qualification. Experiences from your current or previous job, volunteer work and any relevant life experience can all be used to demonstrate to your assessor that you have the necessary skills and knowledge to be awarded recognition for a qualification. You are beginning the process of demonstrating to your assessor why and how you should be awarded this qualification. You will be asked to: § Complete a Self-‐Evaluation § Provide detailed documentation of your competency § Answer competency questions § Complete specific workplace tasks § Participate in workplace observations Things to keep in mind:
This process will be different for each candidate, depending on previous experience Your assessor will work with you to come up with a comprehensive RPL plan The evidence you provide must be current, valid, authentic and sufficient Detailed instruction for each part of the process is included in each document
§ § § §
If you have any questions about the RPL process, speak with your assessor.
CHCPRP003 Reflect on and improve own professional practice v.1 October, 2015 ©
RPL Candidate Kit
Candidate Tools
The following tools are for you to use. A detailed overview of the RPL process and what to expect
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A basic form for gathering information
Unit Summaries
A summary of the learning outcomes for the unit of competency.
A tool you use to index each piece of evidence (trainings, workshops, CV, photos, presentations, reports, certificates, awards, etc.)
Evidence Index
A Self-‐Evaluation of experience, skills and evidence that relate to the unit of competency, including information from your Evidence Index
Third Party Report
A tool you give to your workplace supervisor to verify competency in your job role relating to workplace expectations and performance criteria
CHCPRP003 Reflect on and improve own professional practice v.1 October, 2015 ©
RPL Candidate Kit
Please note: the order provided is subject to change based on your specific needs. Complete the Application and submit it to your assessor.
Carefully read through the Unit Summary. For more information about the components of competency you will be assessed against for each unit – go to: and download the unit of competency.
Consult with your assessor and collect any documentation/evidence that supports your attempt to attain the qualification through RPL. Evidence may include: § Resume or CV § Position description § Recent performance appraisal § Training records/certificates/workshops § Work journals § Photos § Task/job sheets/log books § Examples of work documents, projects, programs, etc.
Carefully number each piece of evidence and complete the Evidence Index. Make copies of all evidence you index.
Complete the Self-‐Evaluation using the Unit Summary and the Evidence Index
Submit the Self-‐Evaluation, Evidence Index and the original evidence documents to your assessor.
Discuss your Self-‐Evaluation with your assessor. Together, you will review your options to provide further evidence (questions and tasks) and design an RPL plan that ensures you have every opportunity to demonstrate your competence.
Participate in a conversation to answer specific questions designed to determine your knowledge of specific work areas where sufficient evidence has not been provided.
Complete workplace tasks to determine your skills in specific work areas where sufficient evidence has not been provided. Your assessor will provide you with the tasks and set up a time to observe you completing them.
Your assessor will discuss the outcome of your RPL with you.
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CHCPRP003 Reflect on and improve own professional practice v.1 October, 2015 ©
RPL Candidate Kit
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CHCPRP003 Reflect on and improve own professional practice
List the experience, skills and evidence you have that relate to the unit of competency. Your assessor will discuss this document with you in order to create your RPL plan.
Carefully read the Unit Summary included in this kit before completing the Self-‐Evaluation.
List the daily tasks and duties you perform in your current work role that relate to each unit of competency
Work Experience
List the activities, projects, etc., you’ve participated in as part of your current or previous work that relate to each unit of competency
Evidence Index #
Put the corresponding number from the Evidence Index into the unit of competency you think the evidence relates to
Current Work Role
Based on your experiences and current work role, tick the box that most reflects your confidence level in each unit of competency
CHCPRP003 Reflect on and improve own professional practice v.1 October, 2015 ©
RPL Candidate Kit
Candidate Name
Current Occupation
Component of Competency
Current Work Role
Undertake self-‐evaluation in conjunction with supervisors and/or peers
Reflect on and recognise the effect of values, beliefs and behaviour in practice
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Work Experience
Evidence I feel ___ in this Index # area.
q Unsure q Confident
q Unsure q Confident
Share two-‐way, open and evaluative feedback with co-‐workers or peers
q Unsure q Confident
q Unsure q Confident
Actively seek and reflect on feedback from clients, organisations or other relevant sources
CHCPRP003 Reflect on and improve own professional practice v.1 October, 2015 ©