Sample CHCCSL504A Assessment

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CHCCSL504A Apply personality and development theories

Assessment Assessor Version CHCCSL501A Work within a structured counselling framework v.1 January, 2015 ©

Assessment Assessor Version

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CHCCSL504A Apply personality and development theories v.1 January, 2015 ©


Assessment Assessor Version


Assessment Overview .................................................................................................................................. 4 Assessment Questions ................................................................................................................................. 6


Workplace Task .......................................................................................................................................... 10




CHCCSL504A Apply personality and development theories v.1 January, 2015 ©


Assessment Assessor Version

Assessment Overview

Learning Outcomes



This resource outlines the assessment requirements to determine competency for CHCCSL504A Apply personality and development theories from the CHC08 (Release 4.2) Community Services Training Package. This unit describes the knowledge and skills required to apply the key concepts and constructs underlying theories of personality and human development. To demonstrate competency for this unit students must be able to provide evidence that they meet the required industry standards. 1. Apply theories of personality and human development in the counselling process 2. Use concepts from theories of personality and human development to analyse and understand human behaviour


Marking Criteria

Use the following criteria to ensure students have the required skills and knowledge: ! !



Explore the development of theories of behaviour Compare theories to evaluate the impact and contributions of each theorist to the understanding of personality, cognitive and human development Apply concepts of personality and human development theories to the counselling process: – Nature and nurture – Freudian concepts – Piaget's stages of cognitive development – Maslow's hierarchy of needs – Erikson's psychosocial stages Use concepts from theories of personality and human development to analyse and understand human behaviour: – Lifespan development theories – Genetic inheritance Apply theoretical concepts to case study



CHCCSL504A Apply personality and development theories v.1 January, 2015 ©


Assessment Assessor Version

Critical Aspects of Assessment: The individual being assessed must provide evidence of specified essential knowledge as well as skills. This unit of competency will be assessed in the workplace or in a simulated workplace and under the normal range of workplace conditions. Consistency in performance should consider the range of clients and situations encountered in the workplace

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Students must read all instructions carefully prior to starting this assessment, and discuss their requirements for reasonable adjustments with the assessor.

Answer all of the questions to the best of your ability. Your assessor will tell you if more information is required. Answer the questions in the space provided or attach additional pages. Discuss the best method for submitting your work with your assessor.

Workplace Task

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Analyse the case scenario and write a case report. Conduct the role play, and write a critique of your performance. Discuss the role play and critique with your assessor. Talk with your assessor about specific arrangements for this task.


Your assessor will observe you at least twice fulfilling your duties within the context of your work role. One of the observations may take place during the Workplace Task. A list of essential skills and performance criteria that your assessor will be looking for is provided.

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Workplace Observation


Assessment Questions

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Students are required to submit all assessment tasks and any additional work to the assessor. Ensure students retain a copy of all documents for their records.

It is recommended that this unit is assessed in conjunction with the following related units:


CHCCSL505A Apply learning theories in counselling

CHCCSL504A Apply personality and development theories v.1 January, 2015 ©


Assessment Assessor Version

Assessment Questions Students are required to answer the following questions to demonstrate their knowledge of the key concepts and constructs underlying theories of personality and human development.


Assessors must record any reasonable adjustments and modifications made to the questions.


1. Describe the main concepts of Freudian theory and explain how you would use them in counselling.



Freudian concepts: ! Conscious – what we are aware of at any given time ! Preconscious – thoughts we are not immediately aware of but can be brought to our awareness ! Unconscious – content that is not available for conscious recall ! Id – primitive, pleasure seeking principle [present at birth, driving force of infants] ! Ego – rational self, reality principle [develops in the first six months] ! Superego – internalised values of society, determines right from wrong ! Defense mechanisms ! Dream interpretation ! Free association ! Resistance ! Psycho-­‐sexual stages Psycho-­‐sexual stages: ! Oral – Birth to 1 year old – Focus of sexual fixation – sucking (mouth, tongue, gums) ! Anal – 2 to 3 yeas old – Focus of sexual fixation – Anus (expelling and retaining bowel movements) ! Phallic – 4 to 5 years old – Focus of sexual fixation – Penis (boys proud of penis; girls want one) ! Latency – 6 to 13 years old – Focus of sexual fixation – sexual needs are quiet (focus on cognitive development) ! Genital – 13 into adulthood – Focus of sexual fixation – genital (sexual relationships)

CHCCSL504A Apply personality and development theories v.1 January, 2015 ©


Assessment Assessor Version

2. What are Erikson’s psychosocial stages and how do you apply them in counselling practice?



Erikson’s Pyschosocial stages: ! Infancy (Birth to 18 months) -­‐ Trust vs. Mistrust ! Younger Years (18 months to 3 years) -­‐ Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt ! Early Childhood (3 to 6) – Initiative vs. Guilt ! Middle Childhood (6 to 12) – Industry vs. Inferiority ! Early Adolescence (12 to 18) – Group Identity vs. Alienation ! Later Adolescence (18 to 22) – Individual Identity vs. Identity Confusion ! Early Adulthood (22 to 34) – Intimacy vs. Isolation ! Middle Adulthood (34 to 60) – Generativity vs. Stagnation ! Later Adulthood (60 to 75) – Integrity vs. Despair ! Old Age (75 to Death) – Immortality vs. Death According to Erikson, within each stage, an individual encounters a conflict or crisis. Sufficiently addressing and coming to terms with the conflict is essential to progress to the next stage. Failure to adequately complete a stage can cause a person to stop moving through the stages.


3. List the stages of lifespan development. How does this information affect your counselling practice?


Stages of the human lifespan: ! Pre-­‐natal development and birth (zygote to newborn) ! Infancy and Toddlerhood (newborn to 2) ! Early Childhood (3 to 6) ! Middle Childhood (7 to 12) ! Adolescence (13 to 19) ! Early Adulthood (20 to 40) ! Middle Adulthood (41 to 60) ! Late Adulthood (61 and beyond) A sound understanding of the stages of human development is necessary for effective counselling. It is important to have a general understanding of the stages of human development in order to help people navigate through the multitude of crisis situations as well as everyday struggles they encounter.

CHCCSL504A Apply personality and development theories v.1 January, 2015 ©


Assessment Assessor Version

4. What are Piaget’s stages of cognitive development? Include the ages within each stage. Sensorimotor (Birth to 2): – Infants use senses and motor skills to understand the world – Differentiate themselves from objects


Preoperational (2 to 6): – Children use symbolic thinking, including language, to understand the world, usually from their own perspective – Children can only think of themselves


Concrete Operational (7 to 11): – Children use logic to interpret the world around them – Interpret experiences objectively and rationally


Formal Operational (12+): – Adolescents can think logically about abstract propositions and test hypotheses – Can speculate and conceptualise





5. Summarise the elements of nature-­‐nurture theory of development. How does this theory apply to counselling work?


Nature: ! Genetically inherited traits and characteristics (e.g., temperament, intelligence and memory) ! Genetic inheritance determines abilities and limitations ! Genetically predisposed to think and act a certain way Nurture: ! External environment (family, friends, peers, culture, etc.) influence characteristics ! People learn to think and act a certain way from the people and world around them ! Experiences determine personality and behaviour It is clear that both nature and nurture play an important role in determining our personality. It is the interaction between the two that is the main influence on any particular aspect of development.

CHCCSL504A Apply personality and development theories v.1 January, 2015 ©


Assessment Assessor Version

6. Outline Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and how it applies to your work as a counsellor.



Hierarchy of Needs: 1. Physiological – food, water, sleep, air, sex, warmth, shelter 2. Safety – security, protection, order, law, limits, stability, routine, predictability 3. Belongingness and love – experiences of friendship, love, and affection 4. Self Esteem – feelings of adequacy, competency, status, responsibility, reputation, respect 5. Self-­‐Actualisation – personal growth and fulfilment, vitality, creativity, authenticity, meaningfulness and self-­‐sufficiency According to Maslow, the ‘Hierarchy of Needs’ must be fulfilled in order for a person to feel they have achieved their full potential. The theory proposes that each of the five needs must to be met before a person can reach the next level. For example, a person cannot hope to achieve higher-­‐level needs such as education, recognition and self-­‐respect without satisfying basic human needs such as food and a safe, comfortable place to live. Making sure a client’s basic needs are met (food, shelter, safety) is essential before addressing other problems in their lives.


7. Compare and evaluate two personality and development theories as they relate to your work as a counsellor.


Student responses will include: ! Detailed exploration of the selected theories and how they apply to their counselling practice ! Evaluation of the theories’ strengths and weaknesses ! Potential applications of the theories ! Evaluation of the impact and contributions of the theories to understanding personality, cognitive and human development.

CHCCSL504A Apply personality and development theories v.1 January, 2015 ©


Assessment Assessor Version

Workplace Task Case Report and Role Play Students must use the case scenario below to write a case report and conduct a role play.

Case Scenario





Selena is 21-­‐years-­‐old, unemployed and has a very poor self-­‐image; in fact, she hates the way she looks. She has struggled with her weight all her life and as a result, she has very low self-­‐esteem. She constantly talks about her weight and berates herself for being “fat and gross.” Selena’s mother is concerned about her daughter and has encouraged her to attend counselling. Selena remembers back in primary school how the kids used to call her “fatty” and would not want to play with her. The taunting continued throughout high school, however, it was more subtle. Selena found it difficult to make friends and often found herself excluded from social events. The put-­‐downs continue at home. Selena’s father says things like “why don’t you go on a diet?” or, “what are you eating that for? It’s only going to make you fatter.” Selena’s mother is a slim woman, but she cooks and bakes constantly as a way to nurture her family, but she rarely eats herself. Her older brother is very athletic and is embarrassed to be seen with her. A few months ago, things were starting to turn around for Selena. She began a relationship with a man, Jon, started exercising and lost 5 kilograms. Slowly she started feeling better about herself, however the relationship didn’t last and consequently Selena’s self-­‐esteem is now at its lowest. She blames herself for the break-­‐up and believes that her boyfriend ended the relationship because she’s fat. However, when questioned further about this Selena could not recall a time when Jon had ever criticised her appearance. In fact, he seemed to be very supportive. At the moment, Selena has such low self-­‐esteem that she doesn’t even want to try to find a job. She thinks, “Who is ever going to hire me?” Selena also describes how her friends have stopped calling her because they are tired of listening to her berate herself. Selena stays at home all day and every time she looks in the mirror she thinks how disgusting she is. It is important to note that Selena is currently within the healthy weight range for her age and height.

1. Students must analyse the case scenario and write a 700 word (minimum) case report: a) Describe how the following personality and human development theories apply to the client: ! Nature-­‐nurture theory ! Freudian concepts ! Maslow’s hierarchy of needs ! Piaget’s stages of cognitive development ! Erikson’s psychosocial stages CHCCSL504A Apply personality and development theories v.1 January, 2015 ©


Assessment Assessor Version

b) Compare and evaluate the impact and contributions of each theorist to the understanding of personality, cognitive and human development.



2. With a co-­‐worker, students role-­‐play how they would apply the above theories to assist Selena’s understanding of her personal history. Students may perform the role play in front of the assessor or submit a video recording. Students must talk with the assessor about specific arrangements for this task. 3. Students must submit a personal critique of their performance in the role play and discuss this with the assessor. Assessors must record any reasonable adjustments and modifications made to this task.



Report will include: ! Analysis of personality and development theories of behaviour ! Detailed explanation of how they would use a range of theories to understand the client’s personal history ! Use of concepts from personality and lifespan development theories to describe and analyse aspects of the client’s development ! Evaluation of the theories’ strengths and weaknesses ! Potential applications of the theories ! Evaluation of the impact and contributions of the theories to understanding personality, cognitive and human development. Role play critique will include an evaluation of the student’s ability to: ! Identify their strengths and weaknesses in a counselling session ! Follow the sequence of a counselling session ! Apply concepts of personality and development theories to understand human development and individual behaviour ! Analyse individual behaviour using theoretical concepts

CHCCSL504A Apply personality and development theories v.1 January, 2015 ©


Workplace Observation CHCCSL504A Apply personality and development theories

Student Name

Student Contact



Components of Competency


Record specific examples of what you observe the student doing in their work role that demonstrates an acceptable standard of performance for each component of competency. Observation must take place on at least two [2] occasions. 1st date & initial


Applies concepts of personality and development theories to counselling practice



Explores the development of theories of behaviour

2nd date & initial

Applies theoretical concepts to case study

Compares theories to evaluate the impact and contributions of each theorist to the understanding of personality, cognitive and human development

Undertakes case study/analysis drawing on a range of personality and human development theories, including: ! Nature-­‐nurture theory

Workplace Observation

Components of Competency

Assists client to understand their personal history drawing on a range of theories, including: ! Nature-­‐nurture theory ! Freudian concepts ! Maslow's hierarchy of needs ! Piaget's stages of cognitive development ! Erikson's psychosocial stages Uses concepts from personality and lifespan development theories to describe and analyse aspects of individual development


Analyses individual behaviour using theoretical concepts from a range of approaches to personality and lifespan development



2nd date & initial

Freudian concepts Maslow's hierarchy of needs Piaget's stages of cognitive development Erikson's psychosocial stages


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1st date & initial



Identifies potential applications of personality and lifespan development theories in the counselling process

Identifies strengths and weakness of each theory in relation to understanding human development and individual behaviour

Assessor Name

Assessor Signature


CHCCSL504A Apply personality and development theories v.1 January, 2015 ©


Workplace Observation


Assessors must record any reasonable adjustments or modifications to this observation.




CHCCSL504A Apply personality and development theories v.1 January, 2015 ©


Marking Guide CHCCSL504A Apply personality and development theories

Student Name

Student Contact



Indicate if the student satisfactorily performed the tasks for each component of competency to acceptable industry standards. Provide comments to support your decision.

Assessment Questions

Criteria for Competence




Understands nature and nurture


Has knowledge of lifespan development theories

Understands Freudian concepts

Understands Piaget's stages of cognitive development


Understands genetic inheritance

Marking Guide

Assessment Questions Satisfactory

Criteria for Competence

Understands Maslow's hierarchy of needs

Identifies potential applications of personality and lifespan development theories in the counselling process




Understands Erikson's psychosocial stages

Identifies strengths and weakness of each theory in relation to understanding human development and individual behaviour

Workplace Task / Workplace Observation Satisfactory


Criteria for Competence




Explores the development of theories of behaviour




Applies concepts of personality and development theories to counselling practice

CHCCSL504A Apply personality and development theories v.1 January, 2015 ©


Marking Guide

Workplace Task / Workplace Observation Satisfactory

Y/N Task

Applies theoretical concepts to case study



Compares theories to evaluate the impact and contributions of each theorist to the understanding of personality, cognitive and human development

Undertakes case study/analysis drawing on a range of personality and human development theories, including: ! Nature-­‐nurture theory ! Freudian concepts ! Maslow's hierarchy of needs ! Piaget's stages of cognitive development ! Erikson's psychosocial stages

Assists client to understand their personal history drawing on a range of theories, including: ! Nature-­‐nurture theory ! Freudian concepts ! Maslow's hierarchy of needs ! Piaget's stages of cognitive development ! Erikson's psychosocial stages

Uses concepts from personality and lifespan development theories to describe and analyse aspects of individual development

Analyses individual behaviour using theoretical concepts from a range of approaches to personality and lifespan development



Criteria for Competence



CHCCSL504A Apply personality and development theories v.1 January, 2015 ©


Marking Guide

Workplace Task / Workplace Observation Satisfactory

Y/N Task



Identifies strengths and weakness of each theory in relation to understanding human development and individual behaviour


Identifies potential applications of personality and lifespan development theories in the counselling process


Criteria for Competence

" Competent


" Not yet competent


Feedback/Record of discussion with student


Actions for further assessment if necessary

Assessor Name

Assessor Signature


CHCCSL504A Apply personality and development theories v.1 January, 2015 ©



Competency Mapping

Performance Criteria, Performance Evidence and Knowledge Evidence

1.1 Element 1 Apply theories of personality and human development in the counselling process 1.2



Element 2 Use concepts from theories of personality and human development to analyse and understand human behaviour

Undertake case study/analysis drawing on a range of personality and human development theories, including: ! Nature-­‐nurture theory ! Freudian concepts ! Maslow's hierarchy of needs ! Piaget's stages of cognitive development ! Erikson's psychosocial stages Assist client to understand their personal history drawing on a range of theories, including: ! Nature-­‐nurture theory ! Freudian concepts ! Maslow's hierarchy of needs ! Piaget's stages of cognitive development ! Erikson's psychosocial stages Use concepts from personality and lifespan development theories to describe and analyse aspects of individual development Analyse individual behaviour using theoretical concepts from a range of approaches to personality and lifespan development Identify potential applications of personality and lifespan development theories in the counselling process Identify strengths and weakness of each theory in relation to understanding human development and individual behaviour


Unit Component


CHCCSL504A Apply personality and development theories

2.2 2.3 2.4

CHCCSL504A Apply personality and development theories v.1 January, 2015 ©

Assessment Method

Assessment Questions

Workplace Task

Workplace Observation



1, 2

1, 2

1, 2, 3, 5, 6





Competency Mapping

Assessment Method Performance Criteria, Performance Evidence and Knowledge Evidence

Assessment Questions

Workplace Task 1, 2

Workplace Observation

Apply concepts of personality and development theories to counselling practice


Apply theoretical concepts to case study Compare theories to evaluate the impact and contributions of each theorist to the understanding of personality, cognitive and human development Nature and nurture

1, 2



Genetic inheritance







Performance Evidence (Essential Skills)

Knowledge Evidence (Essential Knowledge)

Lifespan development theories Freudian concepts Piaget's stages of cognitive development Erikson's psychosocial stages


Maslow's hierarchy of needs The individual being assessed must provide evidence of specified essential knowledge as well as skills This unit is most appropriately assessed in the workplace or in a simulated work context under the normal range of workplace conditions Consistency in performance should consider the range of clients and situations encountered in the workplace


Assessment Conditions


Explore the development of theories of behaviour


Unit Component

CHCCSL504A Apply personality and development theories v.1 January, 2015 ©


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