Sample CHCEDS003 RPL

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RPL Assessor Kit

CHCEDS003 Contribute to student education in all developmental domains

RPL Assessor Kit

Contribute to student education CHCEDS003 in all developmental domains v.1 July, 2015 ©


RPL Assessor Kit

© Blueprint Project LLC. Except as provided by the Copyright Act 1968, and as stated in the terms and conditions, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of Blueprint Project LLC.



No patent liability is assumed with respect to the use of the information contained herein. While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this work, the authors assume no responsibility for errors or omissions. Neither is any liability assumed for damages resulting from the use of information contained herein. This work has been prepared for use as part of structured vocational education and training and should only be used within that context. The information contained herein was correct at the time of preparation.

Modification History







This resource has been developed in consultation with industry experts.


Blueprint Project’s materials are designed to support the principles of assessment (validity, reliability, flexibility, fairness) and to guide assessors to apply the rules of assessment evidence (validity, sufficiency, currency, authenticity) for Recognition of Prior Learning.

CHCEDS003 Contribute to student education in all developmental domains v.1 July, 2015 ©


RPL Assessor Kit

RPL Overview For Assessors





Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is the process of evaluating and acknowledging a person’s skills and knowledge to perform a particular job role related a unit of competency or a qualification. Skills and knowledge are gained through a range of work, life, formal and informal learning experiences. This kit contains tools to help customise the recognition assessment of the candidate’s knowledge and skills for this unit of competency. Assessors are not required to use every tool. Only use the tools necessary to holistically assess the candidate. After an initial interview with a potential candidate, you will need to determine whether or not they are able to complete the RPL process. Using this RPL kit, you will be able to determine if a candidate earns recognition for this unit of competency: ! Evidence they provide ! Questions they answer via a competency conversation ! Tasks they complete in the workplace ! Your observations You are responsible for ensuring they have demonstrated the knowledge and skills required to: ! Support the physical development of students ! Support the social and emotional development of students ! Support the cognitive and language development of students ! Contribute to the inclusion of all students in the classroom and community

CHCEDS003 Contribute to student education in all developmental domains v.1 July, 2015 ©


RPL Assessor Kit

Assessor Tools

The following tools are for the Assessor to use.


An overview of the RPL process, a list of what is included in this kit and detailed instructions on how to use this kit



A detailed map indicating where each component of competency is included in this kit

Competency Mapping

A tool for recording each piece of evidence (documentation, questions, tasks, observations) to the unit of competency

Record of Evidence


Competency Questions

Questions an assessor may ask a candidate in order to gather and document evidence of a candidate’s knowledge and experience relating to the unit of competency Tasks an assessor may ask a candidate to complete in order to gather evidence of a candidate’s skills and experience relating to the unit of competency (use in conjunction with Workplace Observation)

Workplace Tasks

Record of Outcome

A document used to notify a candidate of their RPL outcome and any additional steps required to achieve recognition for the unit of competency

SA Workplace Observation

A tool used in conjunction with the Workplace Tasks to document evidence of a candidate’s skills through observation of the Workplace Tasks and other observations

CHCEDS003 Contribute to student education in all developmental domains v.1 July, 2015 ©


RPL Assessor Kit

Candidate Tools

The following tools are for you to use.


A detailed overview of the RPL process and what to expect


A basic form for gathering information



Unit Summaries

A summary of the learning outcomes for the unit of competency

A tool you use to index each piece of evidence (trainings, workshops, CV, photos, presentations, reports, certificates, awards, etc.)


Evidence Index

A Self-­‐Evaluation of experience, skills and evidence that relate to the unit of competency, including information from your Evidence Index



Third Party Report

A tool you give to your workplace supervisor to verify competency in your job role relating to workplace expectations and performance criteria

CHCEDS003 Contribute to student education in all developmental domains v.1 July, 2015 ©


RPL Assessor Kit




There are many ways to initiate the RPL process. The following instructions are an example of how assessors could use the tools included in this kit. Every candidate, assessor and organisation has different needs. The tools have been created to allow for flexibility and customisation.

Documents Needed


Candidate Tools:

Give the Candidate Kit to the candidate for completion.


Review the Competency Mapping prior to starting the RPL process with candidate.

Answer any questions the candidate may have about how to use and complete the candidate tools.

Candidate Instructions Application Unit Summaries Evidence Index Self-­‐Evaluation Third Party Report Competency Mapping

Candidate Tools

Evidence Index Self-­‐Evaluation Record of Evidence

Interview the candidate: ! Ask the candidate to elaborate on any work/life experiences they have recorded that relates to the unit of competency and their job role ! Look for information the candidate may not think is important or may have omitted ! Decide what documentary evidence you think they can further provide to support their claim of recognition

Evidence Index Self-­‐Evaluation Record of Evidence


After the candidate completes the Evidence Index and the Self-­‐Evaluation, review them and begin to use the Record of Evidence, filling in the relevant evidence provided by the candidate.

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RPL Assessor Kit


Documents Needed

Continue to use the Record of Evidence as a tool to determine which questions to ask and tasks to assign. Create an RPL plan, deciding what tools (or part thereof) you plan to use to complete the RPL process: Competency Questions Workplace Tasks/Workplace Observation Third Party Report


! ! !

Record of Evidence Competency Questions Workplace Tasks Third Party Report

Competency Questions

Provide the necessary Workplace Tasks to the candidate: ! Combine relevant questions and tasks, when possible ! Combine tasks for streamlined assessment, when possible ! Contextualise tasks to the candidate’s specific area of work, population, demographic, etc.

Workplace Tasks



Conduct a competency conversation with the candidate, using the necessary questions: ! Combine relevant questions and workplace tasks, when possible ! Contextualise the questions to the candidate’s specific area of work, population, demographic, etc.


Observe the candidate performing the workplace tasks: ! Use the Workplace Observation to record the candidate’s performance ! Observe the candidate on a 2nd occasion carrying out their duties in their workplace ! Record and date your observations

Workplace Observation

Collect the Third Party Report and verify the information provided is correct and accurate.

Third Party Report

Complete the Record of Evidence.

Record of Evidence

Inform candidate of your determination. Provide any additional steps required to achieve recognition for the unit of competency, if necessary.

Record of Outcome

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RPL Assessor Kit


Competency Mapping

CHCEDS003 Contribute to student education in all developmental domains

This table is a reference tool mapping the competency questions and workplace tasks provided in this kit to all aspects of the unit of competency (performance criteria, performance evidence and knowledge evidence).

Assessment Method

Element 1 Support the physical development of students

1.1 1.2 1.3 2.1 2.2 2.3

Identify the stages of physical development required for each phase of the current curriculum framework Use appropriate strategies, materials and resources to support physical development according to the school/centre policy and procedures Report concerns about a child’s physical development to the teacher in accordance with the school/centre policy and procedures Identify the stages of social and emotional development required for each phase of development in the current curriculum Use appropriate strategies, materials and resources to support social and emotional development Report concerns about a child’s social and/or emotional development to the teacher in accordance to the school/centre policy and procedures Identify the stages of cognitive and language development required for each phase of development in the current curriculum Use appropriate strategies, materials and resources to support cognitive and language development Report concerns about a child’s cognitive and/or language development to the teacher according to school/centre procedures Encourage students to recognise and affirm differences in personal learning styles and abilities according to established guidelines


Element 2 Support the social and emotional development of students

Performance Criteria, Performance Evidence and Knowledge Evidence


Unit Component

Element 3 Support the cognitive and language development of students Element 4 Contribute to the

3.1 3.2 3.3 4.1

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Assessment Questions

Workplace Task

Workplace Observation











RPL Assessor Kit

Assessment Method

Performance Evidence (Essential Skills)

! ! !

Physical development Emotional and social development

Cognitive and language development Implemented strategies appropriate for supporting at least two students with different developmental support needs Reported any concerns about children’s development to the teacher


Assessment Questions

Workplace Task

Workplace Observation









✓ ✓ ✓ ✓



✓ ✓

Supported an inclusive environment Performed the activities outlined in the performance criteria of this unit during a period of at least 100 hours within at least one education provider. Relevant education system/school’s policies and procedures


Curriculum and curriculum framework


Cultural and linguistic background of students and families Broad developmental stages of children/young people in the physical, cognitive, language, social and emotional domains Strategies to support the stages of development in each domain




Importance of confidentiality as it relates to information about children


Language programs


Materials and resources to support the stages of development in each domain


Skills must be demonstrated in the workplace.


Knowledge Evidence (Essential Knowledge)

Liaise effectively with the teacher or other appropriate person concerning special requirements for an individual student Assist students from culturally or linguistically diverse backgrounds in orientating 4.3 themselves to formal and informal school/centre structures 4.4 Implement language programs for students from linguistically diverse backgrounds Identify various approaches to study and learning by culturally diverse students and those 4.5 with different abilities Identified the developmental stages within each phase of the current curriculum, including: 4.2


inclusion of all students in the classroom and community

Performance Criteria, Performance Evidence and Knowledge Evidence


Unit Component

CHCEDS003 Contribute to student education in all developmental domains v.1 July, 2015 ©


2 Assessors must verify this on the Third Party Report

RPL Assessor Kit

Assessment Method


Assessment Questions

In addition, simulations and scenarios must be used where the full range of contexts and situations cannot be provided in the workplace or may occur only rarely. These are situations relating to emergency or unplanned procedures where assessment in these circumstances would be unsafe or is impractical. Simulated assessment environments must simulate the real life working environment where these skills and knowledge would be performed, with all the relevant equipment and resources of that working environment. Assessment must ensure use of the relevant approved learning framework.



Performance Criteria, Performance Evidence and Knowledge Evidence

Workplace Task


Unit Component

CHCEDS003 Contribute to student education in all developmental domains v.1 July, 2015 ©


Workplace Observation

Assessors must observe these requirements when undertaking the RPL assessment.


RPL Assessor Kit


Record of Evidence

CHCEDS003 Contribute to student education in all developmental domains

This is a record for you demonstrate exactly how and why you determined the candidate achieved recognition for this unit of competency.

Candidate Contact


Candidate Name


Use this tool to record each piece of evidence (documentation, questions, tasks) against the components in the unit of competency (Elements, Performance Evidence and Knowledge Evidence) to ensure you are comprehensively evaluating the evidence. Use the Competency Mapping tool for a more detailed look at the components of competency. After reviewing the documentation provided by the candidate, write down any relevant document number provided in the Evidence Index. Write down the competency question, workplace task and workplace observation number you used to assess the candidate. Include any notes necessary to explain your determination. You may also use this tool to create an RPL plan for the candidate.

CHCEDS003 Contribute to student education in all developmental domains v.1 July, 2015 ©


RPL Assessor Kit

Question #

Workplace Observation Task # #



Evidence Index #

Unit Components

CHCEDS003 Contribute to student education in all developmental domains

Support the social and emotional development of students

Support the cognitive and language development of students

Contribute to the inclusion of all students in the classroom and community

Performance Evidence


Knowledge Evidence


Support the physical development of students

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RPL Assessor Kit

Assessor Name Assessor Signature





Assessor Notes:

CHCEDS003 Contribute to student education in all developmental domains v.1 July, 2015 ©


RPL Assessor Kit

Competency Questions

Candidate Name


Student Identification Number




The competency questions are used to facilitate a conversation with the candidate in order to gather further evidence of their competency. Each question covers knowledge evidence and performance criteria from the unit of competency. After considering all of the collected evidence, ask only the questions where sufficient evidence has not yet been provided. Streamline the process by asking relevant questions while observing relevant tasks, when possible. Key points have been provided for assessors to prompt candidates, when necessary. They are not exhaustive or compulsory responses; they are provided as a guide. Look for information the candidate omits and ask them to elaborate, when necessary. Add relevant key points provided by the candidate. Note: where legislation, policies and procedures are mentioned, candidates must provide specific examples related to their state/territory and organisation. Only generic examples have been provided.

Use the box at the end of the key points to record details of the conversation and any contextualisation.

CHCEDS003 Contribute to student education in all developmental domains v.1 July, 2015 ©


RPL Assessor Kit

Competency Questions CHCEDS003 Contribute to student education in all developmental domains

1. Summarise the developmental stages of children/young people in the physical, cognitive, language, social and emotional domains. 2. What strategies can be used to support student development in each of the developmental domains?


3. List the range of materials and resources that support the stages of development in each domain. 4. What are the language programs you can use to support language development?

5. Describe the cultural and linguistic background of students and families at your school.


6. Describe the curriculum and curriculum framework currently used in your school. 7. Describe the curriculum and curriculum framework currently used in your school. 8.

Key Points -­‐ Tick the key points the candidate discusses


1. Developmental stages of children/young people includes: Early Childhood (3 to 6 years) ! Physical: ! Brain develops faster than any other part of the body ! Readiness for certain types of activities ! Stronger, more adult-­‐like proportions ! Gross motor skills [running and jumping] develop faster than fine motor skills ! Cognitive and language: ! Use of symbols ! Illogical view of the world ! Language acquisition improves dramatically ! Basic understanding of grammar ! Social and emotional: ! Increased movement and physical ability allow child to initiate new activities ! Sense of self begins to mature ! Imaginative play with other children ! Increased independence from parents/caregivers ! Attempts to control their environment Middle Childhood [7 to 12 years] ! Physical: ! Motor skill development slows, but increased control and mastery ! Increased strength ! Increased heart and lung capacity


What are the education system/school’s policies and procedures relevant to your work?

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RPL Assessor Kit


Cognitive and language: ! Development of memory, reasoning, intuition and capacity to learn ! Apply logic ! Can organise their learning into concepts and groups of information ! Preference and aptitude for particular subjects develops Social and emotional: ! Increased independence, competence and self-­‐esteem ! Ability to understand other’s feelings ! Create a school-­‐based sub-­‐culture and code of behaviour ! Understand principles of larger society (morals, values etc.) ! More selective friendships






2. Strategies to support student development in each of the developmental domains include: Physical: ! Providing age/stage appropriate materials, resources and equipment ! Provide Physical Education ! Sports days ! Obstacle courses ! Provide opportunities for physical play/activity every day ! Vary physical activities to challenge children Cognitive: ! Scaffold children’s learning ! Provide a range of materials, resources, technologies and experiences ! Science experiments ! Excursions ! Research projects Language: ! Providing opportunities to speak about topics of interest (Show and Tell, Expert Teacher, etc.) ! Positively correcting their attempts and getting them to repeat the sentence or word correctly ! Explicitly teaching formation of individual sounds and position of tongue ! Picture prompts (using pictures as a talking point) ! Giving students opportunities to discuss and form sentences orally (whole class, small groups, partners or a combination of all three) ! Providing oral prompts and written support such as a word wall, dictionary, etc. ! Creating visual prompts with pictures ! Reading to students ! Listening activities, e.g., whispers, telephone, singing, etc. (for younger students) ! Using technology (computers, tablets, etc.) ! Using oral language programs, e.g., Cued Articulation, Support a Talker, Meta Linguistic Awareness Program, etc. Social and emotional: ! Help children take responsibility for own actions ! Providing physical and psychological space ! Creating opportunities to suit the child’s preferences CHCEDS003 Contribute to student education in all developmental domains v.1 July, 2015 ©


RPL Assessor Kit

! ! ! ! ! !

Creating opportunities to ‘let off steam’ Acknowledging and encouraging success Talking about feelings Practice social behaviours when there is an issue Be sensitive to children’s range of emotions Model care, empathy and respect




3. Range of materials and resources that support the stages of development in each domain includes: Physical: ! Witches Hats ! Playground equipment ! Hula hoops, or small hoops ! Balance beams ! Balls of different sizes Cognitive: ! Fiction and non-­‐fiction books ! Art materials ! Puzzles ! Mystery and problem-­‐solving games/activities ! Hands on centres/learning stations Language: ! Fiction and non-­‐fiction books ! Sentence makers ! Books on CD Social and emotional: ! Puppets/dolls/props ! Dress up clothes for dramatic play ! Books ! Art materials


4. Language programs to support language development include:


! ! ! ! !

NAPLAN (National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy) ! National testing for years 3, 5, 7, 9 ! No Pass/No Fail ! Students are assessed in reading, writing, language conventions and numeracy English curriculum is broken into 3 major categories -­‐ Language, Literature and Literacy Educators are expected to share quality literature with students Recommended books/novels to be studied Multi-­‐modal texts (text with pictures, sound and even animation) Students are required to respond to text – demonstrating understanding and forming relationships with characters and being creative in forming their own texts

5. Cultural and linguistic background of students and families may include:

! ! !

Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Vietnamese Japanese CHCEDS003 Contribute to student education in all developmental domains v.1 July, 2015 ©


RPL Assessor Kit

! ! ! ! ! ! !

Russian Maori Sudanese South African Eastern European South American Indonesian

! ! ! ! !

Protect their privacy Ensure their safety and security Prevent improper sharing of private information Protect family privacy Avoid prejudice and discrimination


6. Curriculum and curriculum frameworks currently used include:




7. Curriculum and curriculum frameworks currently used include: The Australian Curriculum: ! Sets consistent high standards for Australian students ! Focuses on learning area content and achievement standards that describe what students will learn and teachers will teach ! F-­‐10 Curriculum (foundation to year 10 learning areas, general capabilities and cross curriculum priorities) ! Senior Secondary Curriculum (15 subjects across English, mathematics, science, history and geography) ! Each subject has its own curriculum documents ! Each state has their own version based on the national curriculum ! Each curriculum document has a specific Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander component – key outcomes that need to be addressed each year ! Private schools use the national curriculum, and adjust the documents to meet their specific needs Frameworks: ! The Early Years Learning Framework (‘Belonging, Being and Becoming’) ! The Framework for School Age Care (‘My Time, Our Place’) ! Every Chance to Learn – Curriculum framework for ACT schools preschool to Year 10 ! The Tasmanian Curriculum ! The Victoria Early Years Learning and Development Framework ! The Curriculum Framework for Kindergarten to Year 12 Education in Western Australia ! The National Safe Schools Framework 8. Education system/school’s policies and procedures include:

! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Student protection/safety policies Code of conduct Anti-­‐discrimination Record keeping Confidentiality Critical incident policy/procedures Use of technology Risk assessment (school and excursions) Student-­‐teacher contact/interactions Infection control CHCEDS003 Contribute to student education in all developmental domains v.1 July, 2015 ©


RPL Assessor Kit

! ! !

Induction procedures Mandatory reporting Access and equity


Record details of the conversation and any contextualisation:

Assessor Signature




Assessor Name


CHCEDS003 Contribute to student education in all developmental domains v.1 July, 2015 ©


RPL Assessor Kit


Workplace Tasks



The workplace tasks are used to gather further evidence of a candidate’s competency. Each task covers performance criteria and performance evidence from the unit of competency. After considering all of the collected evidence, assessors will assign only the tasks where sufficient evidence has not yet been provided. Assessors will observe candidates completing these tasks, unless otherwise noted. Often, there are components of the task candidates must complete prior to observation. Candidates should read through all assigned tasks before beginning, as some may be completed together. Assessors can streamline the process by asking relevant questions while observing relevant tasks, when possible.

Assessors: Use the box at the end of each task to record details of adjustments and modifications.


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RPL Assessor Kit

Workplace Tasks CHCEDS003 Contribute to student education in all developmental domains

" You will need to locate and use the relevant approved learning framework for these tasks. " Prepare for your assessor’s visit by organising your materials and documentation ahead of time.



Your assessor will be observing you work with at least two children. You may need to obtain consent from the parents/teacher to be observed by the assessor. Your assessor will not record any information about the children; they will only be making observations about how you provide support to them.

1. Identify Student Needs


Identify 2 students in your classroom with 2 different developmental support needs. One student must be from a culturally or linguistically diverse background. Identify the following for each student: # Individual approaches to study and learning # Developmental stages of each child within each phase of the current curriculum framework: – Physical – Social and emotional – Cognitive and language

2. Development Support Plan


Create and implement a development support plan for each child. Include the following in each plan: # Developmental needs # Support strategies appropriate to each child # Materials and resources you will use to support the children in each developmental domain Demonstrate the following during implementation: # Supporting an inclusive environment # Encouraging students to recognise and affirm differences in personal learning styles and abilities according to established guidelines # Liaising with the teacher about special requirements for an individual student # Assisting the student from culturally or linguistically diverse background in orientating themselves to formal and informal school/centre structures # Applying language programs for the student from linguistically diverse backgrounds CHCEDS003 Contribute to student education in all developmental domains v.1 July, 2015 ©


RPL Assessor Kit

3. Report Report your concerns about the children’s development in each of the domains to the teacher according to school policy and procedures.


Record details of adjustments and modifications to the workplace tasks.




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RPL Assessor Kit

Workplace Observation Candidate Name




Use this tool in conjunction with the Workplace Tasks.


The workplace observation is used to gather current and consistent evidence of a candidate’s competency. Observe the candidate completing the relevant workplace tasks and determine if they are consistently performing their work to organisation and industry standards. Each task covers performance evidence and performance criteria from the unit of competency. One observation will occur during completion of the relevant workplace tasks. The second observation may occur during the candidate’s normal workday.

Assessors: Use the box at the end of each observation table to record details of


adjustments and modifications.

CHCEDS003 Contribute to student education in all developmental domains v.1 July, 2015 ©


RPL Assessor Kit

Workplace Observation CHCEDS003 Contribute to student education in all developmental domains

Implements strategies appropriate for supporting at least two students with different developmental support needs

2nd date & initial


Identifies the developmental stages within each phase of the current curriculum, including: # Physical development # Emotional and social development # Cognitive and language development

1st date & initial



Components of Competency

Performs the activities outlined in the performance criteria of this unit during a period of at least 100 hours within at least one education provider

Supports an inclusive environment

Identifies the stages of physical development required for each phase of the current curriculum framework



Reports any concerns about children’s development to the teacher

CHCEDS003 Contribute to student education in all developmental domains v.1 July, 2015 ©


RPL Assessor Kit

Components of Competency Uses appropriate strategies, materials and resources to support physical development according to the school/centre policy and procedures

1st date & initial


2nd date & initial

Reports concerns about a child’s physical development to the teacher in accordance with the school/centre policy and procedures

Identifies the stages of cognitive and language development required for each phase of development in the current curriculum

Uses appropriate strategies, materials and resources to support cognitive and language development

Reports concerns about a child’s cognitive and/or language development to the teacher according to school/centre procedures

Uses appropriate strategies, materials and resources to support social and emotional development



Reports concerns about a child’s social and/or emotional development to the teacher in accordance to the school/centre policy and procedures


Identifies the stages of social and emotional development required for each phase of development in the current curriculum


CHCEDS003 Contribute to student education in all developmental domains v.1 July, 2015 ©


RPL Assessor Kit

Components of Competency

1st date & initial


2nd date & initial

Liaises effectively with the teacher or other appropriate person concerning special requirements for an individual student

Assists students from culturally or linguistically diverse backgrounds in orientating themselves to formal and informal school/centre structures

Implements language programs for students from linguistically diverse backgrounds

Identifies various approaches to study and learning by culturally diverse students and those with different abilities




Encourages students to recognise and affirm differences in personal learning styles and abilities according to established guidelines


Assessors must record any reasonable adjustments or modifications to this observation.

Assessor Name

Assessor Signature


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RPL Assessor Kit

Record of Outcome CHCEDS003 Contribute to student education in all developmental domains

Candidate Workplace

Assessor Name

RTO Name

RTO Address


Candidate Name



RPL Outcome RPL achieved for this unit of competency




Results discussed with candidate

Comments and further action discussed with candidate


Preparation and next steps for gap training or assessment:

Assessor Signature


CHCEDS003 Contribute to student education in all developmental domains v.1 July, 2015 ©


RPL Kit Candidate Kit

CHCEDS003 Contribute to student education in all developmental domains

RPL Candidate Kit

Contribute to student education CHCEDS003 in all developmental domains v.1 July, 2015 ©


RPL Kit Candidate Kit

© Blueprint Project LLC. Except as provided by the Copyright Act 1968, and as stated in the terms and conditions, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of Blueprint Project LLC.



No patent liability is assumed with respect to the use of the information contained herein. While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this work, the authors assume no responsibility for errors or omissions. Neither is any liability assumed for damages resulting from the use of information contained herein. This work has been prepared for use as part of structured vocational education and training and should only be used within that context. The information contained herein was correct at the time of preparation.

Modification History







This resource has been developed in consultation with industry experts.


Blueprint Project’s materials are designed to support the principles of assessment (validity, reliability, flexibility, fairness) and to guide assessors to apply the rules of assessment evidence (validity, sufficiency, currency, authenticity) for Recognition of Prior Learning.

CHCEDS003 Contribute to student education in all developmental domains v.1 July, 2015 ©


RPL Kit Candidate Kit

RPL Overview For Candidates




Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is the process of evaluating and acknowledging a person’s skills and knowledge to perform a particular job role related a unit of competency or a qualification. Experiences from your current or previous job, volunteer work and any relevant life experience can all be used to demonstrate to your assessor that you have the necessary skills and knowledge to be awarded recognition for a qualification. You are beginning the process of demonstrating to your assessor why and how you should be awarded this qualification. You will be asked to: ! Complete a Self-­‐Evaluation ! Provide detailed documentation of your competency ! Answer competency questions ! Complete specific workplace tasks ! Participate in workplace observations Things to keep in mind:

This process will be different for each candidate, depending on previous experience Your assessor will work with you to come up with a comprehensive RPL plan The evidence you provide must be current, valid, authentic and sufficient Detailed instruction for each part of the process is included in each document


! ! ! !

If you have any questions about the RPL process, speak with your assessor.

CHCEDS003 Contribute to student education in all developmental domains v.1 July, 2015 ©


RPL Kit Candidate Kit

Candidate Tools

The following tools are for you to use.


A detailed overview of the RPL process and what to expect


A basic form for gathering information



Unit Summaries

A summary of the learning outcomes for the unit of competency.

A tool you use to index each piece of evidence (trainings, workshops, CV, photos, presentations, reports, certificates, awards, etc.)


Evidence Index

A Self-­‐Evaluation of experience, skills and evidence that relate to the unit of competency, including information from your Evidence Index

Third Party Report

A tool you give to your workplace supervisor to verify competency in your job role relating to workplace expectations and performance criteria



CHCEDS003 Contribute to student education in all developmental domains v.1 July, 2015 ©


RPL Kit Candidate Kit


Please note: the order provided is subject to change based on your specific needs. Complete the Application and submit it to your assessor.


Carefully read through the Unit Summary. For more information about the components of competency you will be assessed against for each unit – go to: and download the unit of competency.


Consult with your assessor and collect any documentation/evidence that supports your attempt to attain the qualification through RPL. Evidence may include: ! Resume or CV ! Position description ! Recent performance appraisal ! Training records/certificates/workshops ! Work journals ! Photos ! Task/job sheets/log books ! Examples of work documents, projects, programs, etc.


Carefully number each piece of evidence and complete the Evidence Index. Make copies of all evidence you index.


Complete the Self-­‐Evaluation using the Unit Summary and the Evidence Index


Submit the Self-­‐Evaluation, Evidence Index and the original evidence documents to your assessor.


Discuss your Self-­‐Evaluation with your assessor. Together, you will review your options to provide further evidence (questions and tasks) and design an RPL plan that ensures you have every opportunity to demonstrate your competence.


Participate in a conversation to answer specific questions designed to determine your knowledge of specific work areas where sufficient evidence has not been provided.


Complete workplace tasks to determine your skills in specific work areas where sufficient evidence has not been provided. Your assessor will provide you with the tasks and set up a time to observe you completing them.


Your assessor will discuss the outcome of your RPL with you.






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RPL Kit Candidate Kit

RPL Application CHCEDS003 Contribute to student education in all developmental domains


First Name/s

Any other name used


Personal Details

Mailing Address

Email Address


Street City


Post Code





Telephone Numbers


Date of Birth

/ /



Are you a permanent resident of Australia?


Are you currently employed?


" NO

Current Occupation

Current Employer

Employer Contact




Attach your CV/Resume or work history and job description. CHCEDS003 Contribute to student education in all developmental domains v.1 July, 2015 ©


RPL Kit Candidate Kit

Unit Summary CHCEDS003 Contribute to student education in all developmental domains


This document briefly summarises the unit of competency included in this RPL kit. This summary has been provided to help you accurately complete your Self-­‐Evaluation and organise your Evidence Index. Elements:

Support the physical development of students Support the social and emotional development of students Support the cognitive and language development of students Contribute to the inclusion of all students in the classroom and community


1. 2. 3. 4.

Performance Evidence (Essential Skills):



! ! !

Identified the developmental stages within each phase of the current curriculum, including: – Physical development – Emotional and social development – Cognitive and language development Implemented strategies appropriate for supporting at least two students with different developmental support needs Reported any concerns about children’s development to the teacher Supported an inclusive environment Performed the activities outlined in the performance criteria of this unit during a period of at least 100 hours within at least one education provider



Knowledge Evidence (Essential Knowledge): ! ! ! !

! ! ! !

Relevant education system/school’s policies and procedures Curriculum and curriculum framework Cultural and linguistic background of students and families Broad developmental stages of children/young people in the physical, cognitive, language, social and emotional domains Strategies to support the stages of development in each domain Importance of confidentiality as it relates to information about children Language programs Materials and resources to support the stages of development in each domain

CHCEDS003 Contribute to student education in all developmental domains v.1 July, 2015 ©


RPL Kit Candidate Kit


Evidence Index

CHCEDS003 Contribute to student education in all developmental domains

Carefully and clearly number each piece of documentation/evidence you have and add it to its respective number on this index. Include a short description of each document for your assessor.

Documents may include, but are not limited to:

Resume or CV Position descriptions Recent performance appraisal Training/workshop records or certificates Work journals Photos


! ! ! ! ! !


! ! ! ! !

Task sheets/job sheets/log books Presentations Industry awards Examples of work documents/completed projects/programs Any other documentation that may demonstrate industry experience

CHCEDS003 Contribute to student education in all developmental domains v.1 July, 2015 ©


RPL Kit Candidate Kit

Document Number


Candidate Name

Name/Description of Document









Assessor Notes

CHCEDS003 Contribute to student education in all developmental domains v.1 July, 2015 ©


RPL Kit Candidate Kit

Document Number










Assessor Notes


Name/Description of Document

CHCEDS003 Contribute to student education in all developmental domains v.1 July, 2015 ©


RPL Kit Candidate Kit

Document Number



Assessor Notes


Name/Description of Document

Candidates must sign the declaration below and have it witnessed by their workplace supervisor.

Witness Signature


Candidate Signature


Candidate declaration: The information contained in this application is accurate and correct, and all documents are genuine.

CHCEDS003 Contribute to student education in all developmental domains v.1 July, 2015 ©




RPL Kit Candidate Kit



CHCEDS003 Contribute to student education in all developmental domains

List the experience, skills and evidence you have that relate to the unit of competency. Your assessor will discuss this document with you in order to create your RPL plan.

Carefully read the Unit Summary included in this kit before completing the Self-­‐Evaluation.



List the daily tasks and duties you perform in your current work role that relate to each unit of competency

Work Experience

List the activities, projects, etc., you’ve participated in as part of your current or previous work that relate to each unit of competency

Evidence Index #

Put the corresponding number from the Evidence Index into the unit of competency you think the evidence relates to


Current Work Role


Based on your experiences and current work role, tick the box that most reflects your confidence level in each unit of competency

CHCEDS003 Contribute to student education in all developmental domains v.1 July, 2015 ©


RPL Kit Candidate Kit

Candidate Name

Current Occupation

Current Work Role

Identify the stages of physical development required for each phase of the current curriculum framework Use appropriate strategies, materials and resources to support physical development according to the school/centre policy and procedures


Report concerns about a child’s physical development to the teacher in accordance with the school/centre policy and procedures


Component of Competency


Work Experience

Evidence I feel ___ in this Index # area.

" Unsure " Confident

" Unsure " Confident

" Unsure " Confident

CHCEDS003 Contribute to student education in all developmental domains v.1 July, 2015 ©


RPL Kit Candidate Kit

Identify the stages of social and emotional development required for each phase of development in the current curriculum Use appropriate strategies, materials and resources to support social and emotional development

Report concerns about a child’s social and/or emotional development to the teacher in accordance to the school/centre policy and procedures


Identify the stages of cognitive and language development required for each phase of development in the current curriculum

Work Experience

Evidence I feel ___ in this Index # area.


Current Work Role


Component of Competency

" Unsure " Confident

" Unsure " Confident

" Unsure " Confident

" Unsure " Confident

CHCEDS003 Contribute to student education in all developmental domains v.1 July, 2015 ©


RPL Kit Candidate Kit

Use appropriate strategies, materials and resources to support cognitive and language development Report concerns about a child’s cognitive and/or language development to the teacher according to school/centre procedures Encourage students to recognise and affirm differences in personal learning styles and abilities according to established guidelines


Liaise effectively with the teacher or other appropriate person concerning special requirements for an individual student

Work Experience

Evidence I feel ___ in this Index # area.


Current Work Role


Component of Competency

" Unsure " Confident

" Unsure " Confident

" Unsure " Confident

" Unsure " Confident

CHCEDS003 Contribute to student education in all developmental domains v.1 July, 2015 ©


RPL Kit Candidate Kit

Assist students from culturally or linguistically diverse backgrounds in orientating themselves to formal and informal school/centre structures

Implement language programs for students from linguistically diverse backgrounds

Identify various approaches to study and learning by culturally diverse students and those with different abilities


Identify the developmental stages within each phase of the current curriculum, including: ! Physical development ! Emotional and social development ! Cognitive and language development

Work Experience

Evidence I feel ___ in this Index # area.


Current Work Role


Component of Competency

" Unsure " Confident

" Unsure " Confident

" Unsure " Confident

" Unsure " Confident

CHCEDS003 Contribute to student education in all developmental domains v.1 July, 2015 ©


RPL Kit Candidate Kit

Report any concerns about children’s development to the teacher

Support an inclusive environment

Performed the activities outlined above during a period of at least 100 hours within at least one education provider

Work Experience

Evidence I feel ___ in this Index # area.


Implement strategies appropriate for supporting at least two students with different developmental support needs


Current Work Role


Component of Competency

" Unsure " Confident

" Unsure " Confident

" Unsure " Confident

" Unsure " Confident

CHCEDS003 Contribute to student education in all developmental domains v.1 July, 2015 ©


RPL Kit Candidate Kit




List the life experiences (volunteer work, running your own business, community involvement, etc.) that may have provided you with skills and knowledge that are required for this unit of competency. Your assessor will discuss these experiences with you as part of the application process.

CHCEDS003 Contribute to student education in all developmental domains v.1 July, 2015 ©


RPL Kit Candidate Kit

Third Party Report CHCEDS003 Contribute to student education in all developmental domains

Candidate Name

Organisation Name


For Workplace Supervisors


As part of the RPL process, the candidate is required to submit a report from their workplace supervisor. Please answer the following questions about the candidate’s ability to perform their work to a standard that is acceptable to your organisation.

Only tick the box if the candidate performs the work tasks to your organisation’s standards.

Does the candidate consistently meet your organisation’s performance standards for:


Supporting the physical development of students by: ! Identifying the stages of physical development required for each phase of the current curriculum framework ! Using appropriate strategies, materials and resources to support physical development according to the school/centre policy and procedures ! Reporting concerns about a child’s physical development to the teacher in accordance with the school/centre policy and procedures


Supporting the social and emotional development of students by: ! Identifying the stages of social and emotional development required for each phase of development in the current curriculum ! Using appropriate strategies, materials and resources to support social and emotional development ! Reporting concerns about a child’s social and/or emotional development to the teacher in accordance to the school/centre policy and procedures Supporting the cognitive and language development of students by: ! Identifying the stages of cognitive and language development required for each phase of development in the current curriculum ! Using appropriate strategies, materials and resources to support cognitive and language development ! Reporting concerns about a child’s cognitive and/or language development to the teacher according to school/centre procedures

CHCEDS003 Contribute to student education in all developmental domains v.1 July, 2015 ©


RPL Kit Candidate Kit

Only tick the box if the candidate performs the work tasks to your organisation’s standards.

Does the candidate consistently meet your organisation’s performance standards for:

! ! !



Identifying the developmental stages within each phase of the current curriculum, including: ! Physical development ! Emotional and social development ! Cognitive and language development Implementing strategies appropriate for supporting at least two students with different developmental support needs Reporting any concerns about children’s development to the teacher Supporting an inclusive environment The candidate performed the activities above during a period of at least 100 within at least one education provider.




Contributing to the inclusion of all students in the classroom and community by: ! Encouraging students to recognise and affirm differences in personal learning styles and abilities according to established guidelines ! Liaising effectively with the teacher or other appropriate person concerning special requirements for an individual student ! Assisting students from culturally or linguistically diverse backgrounds in orientating themselves to formal and informal school/centre structures ! Implementing language programs for students from linguistically diverse backgrounds ! Identifying various approaches to study and learning by culturally diverse students and those with different abilities

Note: Assessors may request documentation of these hours.

Describe your direct working relationship with the candidate:


The candidate:

! ! ! ! ! !

Performs job tasks to an appropriate level Manages job tasks effectively Implements safe working practices Problem-­‐solves according to job requirements Works well with others Copes with non-­‐routine situations CHCEDS003 Contribute to student education in all developmental domains v.1 July, 2015 ©


RPL Kit Candidate Kit

Supervisor Signature


Comments to support your responses:

Supervisor Name

Supervisor Title

Supervisor Phone

Supervisor Email








Assessor comments:


Are you willing to be contacted if the assessor has further questions?


Assessor Signature

Assessor Name

Third Party Report verified as authentic by assessor (initial):

CHCEDS003 Contribute to student education in all developmental domains v.1 July, 2015 ©


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