7 minute read
7. Eleven Exercises to Grow Strong
Chapter 7
Eleven Exercises to Grow Strong
To be strong, you need to exercise! Exercising is simple. All it takes is the will to do it and to do it regularly. Yes, it’s hard work!
Here are eleven spiritual exercises you can do daily to help you grow strong in today’s world. These exercises are concepts previously discussed in the book. They provide a ready reference to help you build the spiritual muscle needed for today’s challenges:
(1) Always embrace who you are: You are from God! Each morning, look at yourself in the mirror. As you adjust your appearance to meet the new day, adjust your mind to this fact: “You are not your own. You are bought with a price.” You uniquely belong to God. He has placed in your life the fullness of Christ,who is the fullness of deity Colossians 2:9–10. Your identity and worth as a person comefrom Him who is in you. Now go out and be His light and image-bearer so that those around you can hear and see Godthrough your life. PRAY!
(2) Remember: The whole world lies in the power of the Evil
One. Daily as you engage your unbelieving world, expect challenges and conflicts—persecution! You live in a fallen world where sin abounds. The words and behavior of unbelieving people are tainted by the Evil One.So then, as you liveJesus beforethem don’t be surprised that the world hates you. In John 15:18-19, Jesus tells us that’s the way it’s going to be for His followers. Your
job is to show forgiveness and love. PRACTICE!
(3) In a world where opponents are vilified and crucified, you
are to love your persecutors—your enemies, those who act against you and may actively seekyour harm. Jesus tells us how to do this: Luke 6:27–36. If you find yourself in a death-threatening situation where your enemy is ready to lop off your head, ask for a couple of minutes to pray for them and their family. Do this to show how much God lovesthem. LOVE YOUR ENEMIES!
(4) Declutter your mind. Get rid of things in your life and mind that are filled with unimportant, useless, and negative stuff.These are things and thoughts that do not contribute to your faith-walk with Jesus. Nurture eternal things—people! Our minds can become like overstuffed garages filled with busy, useless, and forgotten stuff that takes up precious space. Intentionally make time to spend time in the quiet presence of Christ, listening to Him as He speaks to you. He will show you how to free up needed space in your mind to make more room for Him
(Revelation 3:20). BEGIN!
(5) Learn to enjoy an intimate relationship with Jesus. He waits to be wanted—by you! With passion, seek to know Jesus
through His Word and prayer. Look to see what Jesus would do in various situations of life. Be like Him. Look for Him in your reading of Scripture (Luke 24:27, 45). Stay with it! After all, you’re going to spend all eternity with Jesus. Now is as good a time as any to getto know Him better. “Turn your eyes upon Jesus, Look full in His wonderful face. And the things of earth will grow strangely dim, In the light of His glory and grace.” LEARN!
(6) Be diligent in investigating information. We are drowning in a world of educated ignorance and blindness, often called information. Be very discerning. We don’t need to know
everything—only that which helps us be more Christ-like.
Determine the character and performance of the one who speaks. Character combined with performance are God's standards for anyone who would be a teller of Truth.
(Deuteronomy 18:20–22) Don’t rely on one source of
information. A single source of information can become an echo chamber where lies can be quickly spread. Instead, “Cast your bread upon many waters” (Ecclesiastes 11:1). Make sure what you accept as being true is from credible sources (more than just one), and then allow it to incubate before the presence of God in prayer and His Word. If weask, the Spirit of Truth will come to our rescue! (James 1:5) DISCERN!
(7) Make friends with the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth living in you. Jesus says that the Spirit of Truth will guide you into all truth that He (Jesus) may be glorified (John 16:12–15). Learn to dependon your Helper,the One that Jesus left behind for such a time as this. You need the Spirit’swisdomto filter what you hear and see from the world around you. That includes your TV
and other electronic devices. Don’t compromise what belongs to God alone. Desperate days require divine discernment.
(8) Don’t politicize your faith or your relationship with
Christ. Jesus was notpartisan,nor did He engage inthe political debatesof this world. He had a singular focus—the Kingdom of God. That needs to be your focus as well. It’s great to be patriotic but do not attempt to establish God’s Kingdom as a
national or political entity. He has a different plan— His
Kingdom come. Don’t forget to what Kingdom you belong. Jealously guard your loyalty to Jesus. He tells us we can only serve one master—God—not worldly power, influence,or wealth (Luke 16:13; Luke 9:23). You belong to Him completely, and He wants you to behave like one of His own. No divided loyalties! “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind” (Matthew 22:37). STAY LOYAL
(9) Learn to stay calm. Regardless of what may happen in your world—politically, socially, or from natural or human-caused disasters—remember, “you are from God.” God, as Sovereign, is never surprised,nor does He wring His hands when things come unglued. Neither should you. Jesus has given youHis peace (His Shalom—tranquility when surrounded by calamity) (John 14:27; John 16:33). This kind of peace is your convincing witness to the people around you of what God is like. “God is our refuge and strength, always ready to help in times of trouble. So, we will not fear when earthquakes come and the mountains crumble into the sea. Let the oceans roar and foam. Let the mountains
tremble as the waters surge! . . .
” (Psalm 46:1–7 NLT)
(10) Dignify people regardless of social class or color of skin
as those who bear the created image of God. (Genesis 1:27). Learn to look beyond appearance to see the imprint of the Creator’s touch. Do not bemoanthe reality that your pagan nonChristian neighbors behavelike pagan non-Christians. Love your neighbor asGod-sent ambassadors in an ideologically foreign land living in apost-Christian society. They cannot help acting as they do. They are in hopeless darkness under the captivity of the Evil One. Every day, “Clothe yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ” (1 Samuel 16:7; 1 Peter 2:12). REMEMBER, JESUS SAVES!
(11) Finally, always be thankful to God for everything because all things do indeed work together for His purpose Romans 8:28. And, rejoice! Learn to put a song of joy and praise to the Lord in your heart and upon your lips. “Always be joyful. Never stop praying. Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus” (I Thessalonians 5:16; Psalm 63:2-5). DO GOD’S WILL—BE JOYFUL! BE THANKFUL!
No discipline is enjoyable while it is happening—it’s painful! But afterward there will be a peaceful harvest of right living for those who are trained in this way. So take a new grip with your tired hands and strengthen your weak knees. Mark out a straight path for your feet so that those who are weak and lame will not fall but become strong. (Hebrews 12:11–13 NLT)
PS: Be sure to give God credit for your newly found strength. Glorify Him!
Your Thoughts:
God delights to keep our faith in tension by trials To keep our hearts dependent by trusting Him
Let’s Talk About It
(Group Discussion for Chapter 7)
1. Which exercises are new to you—something you had never thought about doing? Describe how doing them might help youin strengthening your faith.
2. Select two or three exercises to begin your training.Why are they important to you? Explain how you will implement these exercises into your life. Describe how you will measure your progress? (1 Timothy 4:7–10)
3. If you could only choose one exercise, which one would you say is most importantto you?Why?
4. Going to a gym to exercise is sometimes helpful. There youcan find someoneto help you stay on track.Get with a partner. Describe how having an accountability partner would work for youin doing your exercises? Do you have someone in mind that might be willing to hold you accountable?
Additional Notes:
Disappointment is God’s way of dimming the glamour Of the world and deepening our ability to enjoy Him.