9 minute read
6. What God Says About This World–And You
Chapter 6
What God Says About This World and You
od has a lot to say in His Word about this worldand you.The Bible leaves very little to the imagination about what has G happened throughout human history. The same is happening today and will occurin the future. He’squite specific!
What God Says About This World
The first two chapters of Genesis tell how God spoke the heavens and the earth into existencealong with created beings— eventually, you and me. After ashort introduction to what God did perfectly, what followed was catastrophic, profoundly undoing God’s perfect creation. Chapter 3 revealsthe core of what was to be a perpetual human problem—sin. Sin defaced the perfect natureand character of humanityas those created in the image of God. However, the effect of sin went beyond the one who bore His image to affect and hopelessly marred the entire created order. (Romans 8:20–23; 2 Peter 3:11–13).
The result of sin infectedour fallen race with lying, deception, suffering, pain, miseries, violence, murder, and eventually death.
Sin also broughtcorruption, wickedness, and idolatry.The early chapters of Genesis reveal the beginnings of sin’s lethal toll on humanity. What continues throughout the Bible and throughout human history only amplifies what began when the fruit of the tree became more desirable than God. Sin still plagues our world todayand will continue to do so until Jesus returns.
In our world today, nations war against nations. Countless numbers of people suffer violence, being held captive by social and political bondage and, at times, even exterminated by nefarious and narcissistic leaders. Sinful behavior of pride, anger, and jealousy began with Cain,the son of Adam and Eve,when he killed his brother, Abel. This senseless murder was the first recorded human death.Since this first act of violence,the world hasconcluded that killing one another is the final solution to any annoying problem. Daily, the news media chronicles this continuing and seemingly increasing sinful behavior (Genesis
In addition to sin’s direct assault on humanity, the collateral damage of sin persistently produces sickness, social injustice, poverty, and homelessness. As we have noted previously, these conditions are pervasive throughout the world. Universal human misery exists because the world is hopelessly immersed and motivated by greed, pride, and corruption. What is the root cause? Sin! This universal conditionis Satan’s perfect storm as he seeks to destroy and defame God’s character bycountless accusations of what a poor job He is doing as Creator.
Even “good” nations sometimes do bad things—including ours. Forexample, weenslavedblack peopleeven before we were a Nation. We took land from native Americans through broken treaties, destroyingtheir culture and decimatingtheir population. Furthermore, we continue to victimizeAsiansand other people of color—the list of social injustices goes on. But God is a God of justice and righteousness. He remembers!
Your Thoughts:
What’s Up Ahead?
God’s Word has a lotto say about what is ahead for this world. One day Jesus gathered His disciples on the Mount of Olives. There He told them what to expect inthe future.
“First,” He said, “ expect to see people being captivated by false ‘truth-bearers’ who will attract many to their message of deception, all packaged as truth. They will promote themselves as those who can be trustedleadersand saviors.These false truthbearerswill promise tosatisfy thepeople’sneeds and give them a quality of life with everything they want.”To make His point, Jesus issues thiswarning, “Be careful! Don’t be misled!”
Furthermore, Jesus says, “You will see wars and hear of rumors of wars, allincreasing with greater intensity. As it is today, you will see nations going to war against nations and kingdom against kingdom. Peoplewill be unsettled. But don’t panic! All this is part of God’splan. There will be increased famines, pestilence, and natural disasterswith more to come. These are all indicators that the end of all things is coming soon. Get ready!
“Yes, you,as God’speople,will be caught up in the swirl of evil that will abound during these final days. Sin will be rampant everywhere. Because you are my followers, you will not fit the culture of this world. You will be hated, arrested, persecuted, and killed. Furthermore, during these final days, the love of God by many will grow cold,and many will turn away from Me. They will betray and hate each other. Deception will be everywhere. Be faithful to the end!” (Matthew 24:3–14; the free verse is mine)
The end times described in graphic and cataclysmic terms assure that a final judgment is certain. No one can escape the severity of God’s wrath against rebellious and unrepentant sinners (Matthew 24:1–31; 2 Peter 3:10–13; Read Revelation 16).
Your Thoughts:
By Grace You Are Saved
From the beginning, in the Gardenof Eden, God’s grace and mercy overflowedtoward mankind. Godsteppedforward in grace by killing an animal to make garmentsof skin for Adam and Eve. And God clothed them, symbolically covering their sin (Genesis 3:21). Throughout Old Testament Scripture, God provided forgiveness for sin by daily animal sacrifices. Finally, Jesus, as the Lamb of God, steps forward to sacrifice Himself totake away the sin of the world, once and for all (Romans 6:10; Revelation 5:8–10).
But as people sinned more and more, God’s wonderful grace became more abundant. So just as sin ruled over all people and brought them to death, now God’s wonderful grace rules instead, giving us right standing with God and resulting in eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. (Romans 5:20–21 NLT)
One of the greatest experiencesof life is to know the joy and peace that comes when you step across the line—the line from where you are in your sin to where God wants you to be—His child,forever free from sin.
Take this opportunity right here to stop reading and acknowledge that, like Adam and Eve, you are a sinner before God and that you need forgiveness. God wants to give you this opportunity to show His grace and mercy to you.
Adam and Eve tried to hide from God. They couldn’t, and neither can you. In 1 John 3:20, God assures you that He knows everything about you. He knowsyour heart is not what itshould
be—andeven what it could be. The Spirit of Truth speaks to you withno uncertain wordsin 1 John 1:9, “If you confess your sins, God is faithful and just to forgive your sins and to cleanse you from all that isn’t right about your life.” Steppingacross that line, believe what God says,and receiveJesus Christ as your newlife. Healone can take away your sins. He aloneassures you of a quality of life called eternal life. Thus, a new home with the Father is guaranteed.Being on God’sside of the line, your sins are forgiven, forgotten, forever. Amen!
But no one can take that stepfor you. Peoplecan show you where to look, but you alone must take that step across the line and say, “Lord, here I am. A sinner! I give myself to You. Thank you for saving me and making me a child of the King.”
Now it’s your turn to pray, confess, and believe—yes, and be thankful and rejoice in your new life. It is indeed a wonderful life!
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him. (John 3:16–17)
Your Thoughts:
What God Says About You
Asa follower of Jesus, you are not an afterthought of God’s grace.On the contrary, insovereignlove and kindness,He had you in His heart from the very beginning—“before the foundation of the world” (Ephesians 1:3–10).
Yet, while youwere still a sinner,apart from God and without hope, Christ died for you. The mystery of God’s infinite love and mercy is profound—truly beyond your ability to grasp.One may wonder if eternity is long enough to plumb its depth. Yet, if you have received God’s grace of salvation, God Himself tells you, “Your sins and iniquities I will remember no more.” “There is now no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus.” Your sins are forgiven, forgotten, forever. Amen! (Hebrews 10:17; Romans 8:1)
Lingeringin the despair of past or present sin is to deny what God has done for you in Christ. It is to deny who you are! What you were without Christ is not what you are in Christ. You are a new creation, an adopted child of the King of kings and Lord of lords. Seen by God as clothed in the robe of Christ’srighteousness,you hold in your heart a special invitation to be at the wedding feast of the Lamb—as His Bride.Yes, your name is forever written in the Lamb’s Book of Life. (Isaiah 61:10–11; Revelation 19:6–9)
Remind yourself daily of who you are in Christ. Dare to see yourself as Christ sees youwithout blemish or sin,radiant in the splendor of His righteousnessand glory. He sees you as the one He created you to be, the one you will be when you arrive on
heaven'sshores and see Him face to face. What a future is in store for you!In the words of Bart Miller’s song, “I can only imagine!”
At this very moment, even as you are reading, know you are accepted in the Beloved One. Civilla Martin, in the lyrics of her hymn, “Accepted in the Beloved, ” captures where you arenow and foreverin Christ:
In The Beloved
“In the Beloved" accepted am I, Risen, ascended, and seated on high; Saved from all sin thro’ His infinite grace, With the redeemed ones accorded a place.
In the Beloved—how safe my retreat, In the Beloved accounted complete; Who can condemn me? In Him I am free, Savior and Keeper forever is He.
In the Beloved,I went to the tree, There, in His Person, by faith I may see Infinite wrath rolling over His head, Infinite grace, for He died in my stead.
Refrain In the Beloved, God’s marvelous grace Calls me to dwell in this wonderful place; God sees my Savior, and then He sees me, In the Beloved, accepted and free.
Civilla Durfee Martin © 1930, Ren.1958 Hope Publishing Company, www.hopepublishing.com All rights reserved. Used by Permission.
Do not let the world around you take away who you truly are before God in Christ, nor convince yourself otherwise. ThisTruth is your strength as you go forwardinto the worldtoday.
Your Thoughts:
Some of life’s greatest conversations happen When you are alone with God.
Let’s Talk About It
(Group Discussion for Chapter 6)
1. What God Says About This World. (Pages 113-115)
How do the effectsof sin impact today’sworld?What good things do you see in this world that demonstrates
God’s mercy? If your feel comfortable sharing, discuss how yourpast sins have affected your life.
2. What’s Up Ahead? (Pages 115-116) What are the two most important things to remember in Jesus’ telling of future events? Why are they important? If you are still on earth when these end-time events begin, what are some things you would do in view of Christ’s soon-coming?
3. By Grace You Are Saved. (Pages 117-118) Describe your salvation experience. Howand when did you realize
God’s grace savedyou? (Compare Acts 22:6–9 and 2
Timothy 1:5) What words would you use to share Christ with someonewho has yet to step across the line?
4. What God Says About You. (Pages 119-121) Howdoes beingtotallyacceptedby God change your behavior?
Have you ever doubted God’s totalacceptance ofyou?
Explain why?