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Author's Page
Donald Zoller
The following is a list of published and unpublished works written by the author. You may order published books and articles from the information listed below. Unpublished works are available in electronic form by contacting the author at dhzoller@outlook.com.
Published Books and Articles
Learning to Suffer God's Way – Discovering Purpose in Suffering. Easton, MD: SAT–7, 2012. 34 pages. ISBN: 9781500354831 (Order: amazon.com)
The Last Shofar!: What the Fall Feasts of the Lord Are Telling the Church. USA: Xulon Press, 2014. 319 pages. ISBN: 815 9781628711080 (Co-Authored by Joseph Lenard) (Order: amazon.com)
Alzheimer's and Dementia – This Ugly Disease – A Caregiver's Journey into Pain, Anguish and Hope. USA: CreateSpace, 2016, 819 2019(Rev.). 48 pages. ISBN: 9781533176738 (Order: amzon.com)
Living Life in the 4th Quarter – Leaving a Godly Legacy. USA: CreateSpace, 2016. 75 pages. ISBN: 9781539087342 (Order: amazon.com)
The Master Weaver – God's Story of Donald & Beverley Zoller USA: BookBaby, 2021. 244 pages. ISBN 9781098384173 (Order: bookbaby.com)
Walking With Jesus – Devotional Stories to Help Us Walk with Jesus. "I wonder what it was like to have been one of the Twelve who for three years walked the dusty roads of ancient Israel with
Jesus . . ." Combined in eight two-page stories (parables) using divine imagination, each disciple tells their story of what it was like to walk with Jesus. (Available online at https://tlcms.org/walking-with-jesus/)
The Author's Corner (2020) – Eleven one-page simple tutorials to encourage you to write your own life story for your family. (Available online at https://tlcms.org/don-zollers-authors-cornerwriting-series/)
Celebrating Easter (2021) – A two-part essay on celebrating Easter, but not without the Passover. Jesus, our Passover Lamb, fulfilled perfectly every predictive detail we know as Holy Week. (Available online at tlcms.org, March 11 & 18 Newsletter)
Selected Unpublished Works
Available by contacting the author at: dhzoller@outlook.com
Advent of Hope 2020 (Article)– Four weekly devotionals as seen in the Four Candles of Advent, plus the Christ Candle. Each devotional brings to light some aspect of Joseph and Mary's journey to Bethlehem to fulfill the meaning of Advent.
A Collection of Sayings, Meditations, and Poems (2020) –Things that for years occupied the flyleaf of my Bible, now have a home in an electronic booklet format, organized by theme and suitable to share.
In Defense of Our Republic (2020) – An essay that expresses the author's concern for the future of our Republic, the United States of America, and the call upon the Church to be the Church, the Body of Christ, in a changing society.
Now to him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you blameless before the presence of h is glory with great joy, to the only God, our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion, and authority, before all time and now and forever. Amen. Jude 24–25